Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Our Origin Chapter Text Chapter 2: What It Takes To Be A Hero Chapter Text Chapter 3: Roaring Muscles Chapter Text Chapter 4: Start Line Chapter Text Chapter 5: What I Can Do For Now Chapter Text Chapter 6: Rage, You Damned Nerd Chapter Text Chapter 7: Izukun vs. Kacchan Chapter Text Chapter 8: Kacchan’s Start Line Chapter Text Chapter 9: Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Iida! Chapter Text Chapter 10: Encounter with the Unknown Chapter Text Chapter 11: Game Over Chapter Text Chapter 12: All Might Chapter Text Chapter 13: In Each of Our Hearts Chapter Text Chapter 14: That’s the Idea, Uraraka Chapter Text Chapter 15: Roaring Sports Festival Chapter Text Chapter 16: In Their Own Quirky Ways Chapter Text Chapter 17: Strategy, Strategy, Strategy Chapter Text Chapter 18: Cavalry Battle Finale Chapter Text Chapter 19: The Boy Born with Everything Chapter Text Chapter 20: Victory or Defeat Chapter Text Chapter 21: Battle on, Challengers Chapter Text Chapter 22: Bakugo vs. Uraraka Chapter Text Chapter 23: Shoto Todoroki: Origin Chapter Text Chapter 24: Bakugo vs. Takahashi Chapter Text Chapter 25: Todoroki vs Bakugo Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: Time to Pick Some Names! Chapter Text Chapter 27: Back to the Beginning Chapter Text Chapter 28: Hero Killer: Stain vs U.A. Students Chapter Text Chapter 29: Climax Chapter Text Chapter 30: The Aftermath of the Hero Killer: Stain Chapter Text Chapter 31: A Race to the Rescue Chapter Text Chapter 32: Save! Rescue Training! Chapter Text Chapter 33: Gear Up For Final Exams Chapter Text Chapter 34: Yaoyorozu:Rising Chapter Text Chapter 35: Stripping the Varnish Chapter Text Chapter 36: Katsuki Bakugo: Origin Chapter Text Chapter 37: Training of the Dead Chapter Text Chapter 38: Encounter Chapter Text Chapter 39: Two Heroes, Part 1 Chapter Text Chapter 40: Two Heroes, Part 2 Chapter Text Chapter 41 Chapter Text Chapter 42: Wild, Wild puss*cats Chapter Text Chapter 43: The Truth Comes Out Chapter Text Chapter 44: The Night Everything Went Wrong Chapter Text Chapter 45: Roaring Upheaval Chapter Text Chapter 46: What a Twist! Chapter Text Chapter 47: From Iida to Midoriya Chapter Text Chapter 48: All For One Chapter Text Chapter 49: Symbol Of Peace Chapter Text Chapter 50: End of the Beginning, End of the Beginning Chapter Text Chapter 51: Moving Into Dorms Chapter Text Chapter 52: Create Those Ultimate Moves Chapter Text Chapter 53: Do-or-Die Survival Training Chapter Text

Chapter 1: Our Origin

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (1)

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2)

Izukun cried as he stood over another child. "Why are you being so mean? You're making him cry, Kacchan! If you keep on hurting him, uh...I'll...uh...I'll stop you myself!" With his fluffy green hair and tears of fear in his eyes, he lifted his tiny fists in the air ready to fight off Kacchan.

I looked over toward Kacchan and his two other friends from the jungle gym wondering in slight fear of what was going to happen.

"Hmph. You wanna pretend to be a hero? You don't stand a chance without a Quirk, Deku." As one friend spreads out his large red wings threateningly and the other stretches his fingers outwardly toward Izukun, Kacchan punches his own hand causing a small explosion to occur. The three of them run at Izukun ready to attack.

"Kacchan, stop!" I yelled. "Don't hurt him!" I began to run to get in between them to stop the fight.

"Get out of the way, Akari!" Kacchan yelled.

"No! I can't allow you to hurt someone just because they're weaker than you!"

"Kacchan, get your girlfriend out of the way!" one of his friends said in annoyance.

"I'm not his girlfriend!" "She's not my girlfriend!" we said at the same time.

"Whatever, this isn't about you! Move!" the other friend said.

"No!" I yelled standing my ground though my heart was fluttering with fear. Before I could do anything else, Kacchan exploded the ground underneath me causing me to be thrown out of the way. They began to beat Izukun up and soon left the playground satisfied, leaving him on the ground dirty and bruised, though the other kid remained untouched. I, also completely dirtied and slightly injured, ran over to check on Izukun's injuries.

Here's the sad truth: all men are not created equal. We were four years old when it became obvious that some are more powerful than others. But that never held Izuku Midoriya back. He wanted to be just as good, maybe even better than everyone around him. I never understood that about him. That day when we were kids and he tried to protect that kid from Katsuki Bakugo, I couldn't understand why a Quirkless kid would try to fight someone like him. I was the new kid in class when I met them. I hung out with them though I was standoffish at first as they had such different personalities. Now in our last year in junior high, I keep more to myself than anything else as not many people really want to be associated with me. It was a normal walk to school when I walk upon the road ahead to see it's closed and a huge supervillain running rampid in town. Great, not this again.I roll my eyes in boredom and annoyance.

Heroes and villains were not always a thing. The first incident was in Qingqing City. An extraordinary child was born who radiated light. After that, reports of people with superpowers popped up across the globe. No one knew what was causing these Quirks. Before long, the supernatural became totally normal. Dreams a reality. The world became a superhuman society, with about 80% of the population possessing some uncanny ability. Our streets looked like scenes from comic books. As cities swirled with chaos and confusion, a new profession dominated our collective consciousness. It was an age of heroes.

The huge monstrous villain slings his arms around reckless knocking down power lines. Death Arms runs unto the scene with his massive muscular body and catches the falling powerline before it can cause more destruction.

"Oh, nice! Way to go, Death Arms!" someone yells from the street.

"The Punching Hero!"

"I wish I had a Quirk that made me super strong!"

Other heroes begin making their way to the scene to help protect the citizens and stop the villain. I look around at the mass of people to find a way through this chaotic show when I see Izukun intensely watching the scene unfold. He lives for this kind of action. He keeps a journal of all the heroes on what they can do and whatnot. I see him push himself further into the group to get a better view as another hero flies above us to the scene.

Loud squealing from a group of girls can be heard nearby screaming, "It's Kamui! We're your biggest fans!"

I roll my eyes. Oh goodie—fan girls. Kamui Woods, who appears to be completely made of wood, fights the villain, but before he can do his finishing move, Mt. Lady, quirk: gigantification, swoops in with a kick to the villain's head taking all the credit. They soon begin to tie the criminal up and reporters spring up everywhere to scrounge for content. Thinking back, the government had such a huge time coming up with new laws on the use of Quirks and criminal acts began to rise. Now, under the government's supervision, heroes make a living on stopping criminals and the more they do, the more fame and glory they get. Their career practically depends on being able to stay in the spotlight, which is so difficult in today's media.

As the road begins to clear up, I continue my walk to my school when I finally catch up to Izukun. As usual, he is writing in his journal and muttering things to himself. A random person nearby asks him, "You takin' notes over there? Wanna be a hero, too, huh?"

A smile appears on his face. "Ah! Yes! More than anything!"

I shake my head and walk up to him. "Come on, Izukun, we're going to be late," I say to him before walking past him.

"Akari-chan!" he says, surprised by my appearance. "Uh, right!" he begins to run after me until he's right beside me. We make it just in time for class and sit in our assigned seats before the teacher arrives.

"So, as third-year students, it's time to start thinking seriously about your futures and what you want to do in your lives. I could pass out some career aptitude tests, but, why bother? I know you all want to go the hero track!" the teacher exclaims throwing the tests in the air. Everyone but Izukun, Kacchan, and I start cheering and showing off a little bit of their flashy Quirks. I sink further in my seat while keeping my head down.

"Yes, yes, you've got some very impressive Quirks. But no power usage allowed in school! Get a hold of yourselves!" he says trying to control the class.

"Hey, teach," Kacchan says as he leans back in his chair with his feet on his desk and his blonde hair as spiky and wild as ever. "Don't lump me in with these buncha losers. I'm the real deal, but these guys'll be lucky to end up as sidekicks to some busted D-Lister. Heh."

The class becomes infuriated by his statement. "You think you're better than us, Katsuki?!" one of them says.

"Let's go, I'll take you all on!" he yells back.

I groan. I don't know why he can't control his pride and pick a fight with the whole class!

"Huh. You've got impressive test results. Maybe you will get into UA High," the teacher says slightly surprised. I can't say that I am, though. Kacchan has always talked about being the best hero the world has ever seen.

One of the girls in our class mutters, "He's gonna try for the National School?"

"That school has a 0.2% acceptance rate!" another student says.

"It's impossible to get into!"

Why would he pick anything less? I think to myself.

"That's exactly why it's the only place worthy of me," Kacchan responds to everyone. Out of nowhere, he jumps onto his desk and says proudly, "I aced all of the mock tests. I'm the only one at this school who stands a chance at getting in. I'll end up more popular than All Might himself and be the richest hero of all time! People all across the world will know who I am. And it all starts with UA High!" His red eyes beam with ambition as he finishes.

"Oh yeah, Midoriya, don't you wanna go to UA, too?" the teacher asks, looking through our forms.

Izukun hides his head in his arms as Kacchan begins to boil. Why would the teacher say that? Putting Izukun on the spot like that just makes him more of a target for Kacchan's bullying! The whole class turns to face Izukun before dying in laughter.

"Midoriya, you're kidding, right? There's no way you're getting into the hero course without a Quirk!" the kid behind him says.

"Well, actually, they got rid of that rule. I could be the first one," he says, defending himself.

Before I could silence them from messing with him, Kacchan comes at him—exploding his desk in half and making Izukun fall to the ground.

"Listen up, Deku! You're even worse than the rest of these damn rejects, you Quirkless wannabe. You really think they'd let someone like you in when they could have me?" Kacchan yells.

"Huh, wait! You've got it all wrong! Really! I'm not trying to compete against you. You gotta believe me! It's just that I've wanted to be a hero since I was little. I may not have a Quirk, but I can still try my hardest, can't I?" Izukun says scooting away from Kacchan until his back hits the classroom wall.

"You'd never be able to hang with the best of the best. You'd die in the exams! Defenseless Izuku. This school's already crappy. You really wanna embarrass it more by failing so hard?"

"That's enough, Kacchan! Leave him alone!" I shout pushing him away from Izukun.

The other students begin to whisper amongst themselves. I'm typically very quiet in class and everyone but Kacchan and Izukun fear me because of my parents. Ever since it was let out who I was in relation to them, no one has ever wanted to be near me again.

"You're always trying to protect him! It just proves that he has no chance if someone constantly has to save him!"

"And what does a bully like you deserve to consider yourself to be the next hero?" I shout back.

"Uh oh, the couple is fighting again," someone mutters.

"We're not a couple!" we shout at the same time in the same fiery nature.

Right on cue, the bell rings. Why does everyone think we're a couple? I think in annoyance as I pack my things up and leave in a hurry.

As I walk through the hallways to get to my next class, many of the students back away from me leaving an invisible bubble around me as I move. There are murmurs as I pass by and even some of their thoughts manage to come through via my Quirk accidentally. The thoughts are the same as always: Is that her? Can she really read minds? She must be scary dangerous. Apparently after all these years, people still talk about the same things as they did before, and treat me as though I'm somehow contagious with my parents' decisions. I can't wait to be out of here, I think to myself before putting my ears buds in so I can listen to music instead of their thoughts. Hopefully I can get through another day.


It's the end of the class day and everyone was leaving the school when Izukun and I were still packing up our things when he stops to look through his phone.

"Man, that fight from this morning is all over the news. Better write some notes down before I forget anything," he says, putting his phone back in his pocket.

"You and your notes," I say amusingly as I begin to stand up from my desk beside him.

"Yeah, it helps me learn how to be a better hero," he responds. Before Izukun can put his journal back in his backpack, Kacchan appears seemingly out of nowhere and yanks it out of his hand.

"I dunno what you think you're doin', Deku, but we're not done," he says.

His other friends walk behind him and ask, "Whatchu got there? His diary?" Kacchan lifts it up for them to see.

"Huh, Don't tell me you're taking notes on how to be a hero? That's so pathetic." They begin laughing at him.

"He's delusional!"

"Yeah, real funny, guys. Just give it back," he says. Before I can use my Quirk to get it back for him, Kacchan uses his to burn it.

I gasp and Izukun screams. "That's so mean!" he says.

Without regret, Kacchan throws it out the window and it lands in the water fountain down below. "Most first-string heroes show potential early on. People look at them and just know they're destined for greatness. When I'm the only student from this garbage junior high to get into UA, people'll start talkin' about me like that. They'll realize I'm legit—the next big thing. That's not ego talking, I just know I'm good."

"Yeah, right!" I yell at him.

He ignores me and places his hand hard on Izukun's shoulder while slightly burning it with his Quirk. "Here's a little word of advice, nerd. Don't even think of applying, or else."

Izukun tries to speak but nothing comes out.

As they begin to leave the classroom, one of his friends says, "That's just sad. I thought you at least had some fight in you."

The other says, "He finally gets it. He'll never be a hero. Better to find out now than later, I guess."

Kacchan stops at the door and slightly turns to say, "Y'know if you really wanna be a hero that badly, there actually might be another way. Just pray you'll be born with a Quirk in your next life, then take a swan dive off the roof of the building." Anger fuels inside both me and Izukun, but as Izukun begins to say something back, Kacchan raises his hand ready to use his explosion Quirk, and asks, "Something wrong?" and Izukun cowers down.

"Don't worry about him, Izukun. I'll take care of him," I say angrily as he leaves the classroom.

"You don't have to, really. I'm okay," he says, grabbing his bag.

"No, he shouldn't talk to you like that!" I say before finding where he went. I finally see him walking with those same friends outside of the school and yell, "Kacchan, stop right now!"

He does so but doesn't turn his body to my direction. "What? You trying to pretend to be a hero, too?"

"You know I don't care about that being a hero like you and Izukun! But what you said was wrong! You can't just tell someone to kill themselves! What's the matter with you? What if he actually did? Don't you realize the amount of guilt that would be resting on your shoulders?" I scold.

He looks at his friends and says, "Go on without me."

"Okay, bye," they say, not wanting to stay any longer anyway.

"What does it matter to you, anyway, Akari? It's not like you believe he can be a hero either. All you're doing is supporting his failure. Which is worse?" he says with his intense red eyes piercing through mine.

"He might not have as much of a chance as you do, but that doesn't mean he can't have a goal! I just don't know why it bothers you so much if you supposedly don't think of him as a threat. What are you actually thinking in that egotistical head of yours?"

He turns his head away from me and says, "Don't even try to use that Quirk of yours on me. I just don't see why the nerd believes he can do what I do even though I'm far superior!"

"If you think he stands no chance, then just leave him alone. All he's ever done is looked up to you," I say thinking of the things Izukun told me before in conversation once about how he found out he may never have a Quirk. Research showed that people with Quirks have only one joint in their pinky toe, and when he was told he had two joints in his pinky toe, his world came crashing down. He only wanted to be as cool as Kacchan, I mean, we all did. But that only fueled Kacchan's ego into what it is today.

"Hmph, whatever. All you two have ever done is follow me around like lost puppies. The fact that he thinks he can do the same things I can just pisses me off." He begins to walk away from me.

"Kacchan, wait, where are you going?" I yell chasing after him.

"Away from you. I'm on to bigger and better things and that means I won't need you trying to scold me like I'm a child." He continues to walk away from me, and I let him, not wanting to be around him anymore either.

God, he's such a jerk, I think to myself, but I still can't seem to stop my heart from racing. When we were very little, I had such a huge crush on him, but when his power came in, the older he got, the more big-headed he became that it's so hard to get through to him anymore. I've practically lost hope in him, but the feelings I had still seem to linger slightly. I know deep down that he doesn't mean the horrible things he says, not completely anyway, but he makes it so hard to be his friend. I begin to walk back to my grandparents' home that me and my younger brother have lived in since we were so much younger.

"Well, hello, Akari, how was your day today?" my grandfather asks.

"Very eventful," I answer as I take my shoes off at the door.

"How so?"

"Well, our teacher is wanting us to begin thinking where we want to be in our future and to choose a high school that we want to go to, and Kacchan caused such a big scene by talking about how UA is the only place worthy of him," I respond.

"Oh, please tell me you're going to try to get into UA, too!" my grandmother says bursting in from the kitchen.

"Uh, yeah, I don't think so," I say.

"Oh, come on, you used to talk about how bad you wanted to go when you were a kid!" she says.

"Yeah, well, that was when I was young and impressionable, but I don't really care about that kind of stuff anymore," I answer, trying to leave this conversation and escape to my room.

"You cared before you realized what happened to your parents," my grandfather says gently though it feels like he is rubbing salt in an open wound.

"Yeah, I wanted to be a hero just like them. I wanted to go to UA because they went to UA. But that's all changed now. I rather know I'm safe than be on alert for villains all of the time," I respond bluntly.

"So, you rather be comfortable and throw away your potential and dreams than to face your fears?" He says, this time without being so gentle in his words.

I flinch from his statement, though I can't be too angry at him as I never told anyone what really happened to me back then. If they really knew what happened...Instead I give the excuse, "Yeah, well, how can anyone accept me as a hero after what happened with them? No one would ever take me seriously and probably deny me the moment I stepped foot near that school!"

"They won't deny you just because of your parents! You just have to show them that you're not like them. I have to admit that I'm devastated by how my daughter turned out, but we have taught you to be so much better than that!"

"Yes, please, try to get in!" my grandmother begs. "We just want that best for you, and I know you'll be so happy being a hero!"

I sigh in defeat. The thought of going after that long, forgotten dream I had when I was a kid has such a bitter taste, but thinking of disappointing my grandparents kills me even more so. "Fine. But I'm doing this for the both of you and to bring back honor for our family name."

Chapter 2: What It Takes To Be A Hero

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (3)

"Tatooin Shopping District"

Down an alleyway was a sludge villain stuck in a soda bottle that the number one hero, All Might, had captured him in.

Waking up, he says, "Where am I? What happened? Oh, yeah. That bastard. If it wasn't for him, I'd be out of town already."

"That was rough," a voice says in the background. Bakugo had managed to make it back with his friends and was walking directly in front of them drinking a canned soda. "Weren't you, Midoriya and Takahashi good friends back when you were kids?"

"Yeah, you were a little harsh with them today. Especially with Midoriya."

"It's Deku's own fault for gettin' in my way. Akari is right there with him supporting the nerd," Bakugo responds unknowingly kicking the soda bottle with the sludge villain inside causing it to hit a light pole and open up.

"You shouldn't waste your time on the guy."

Flashing back to what Midoriya had said in class, Bakugo groans. "Someone's gotta teach that worthless nerd how the world really works since she won't." He explodes the can from his hand right out of existence. "I hate it when he talks heroes. I hate it more when she tries to defend him."

His friends chuckle and one of them says, "Hey, I got an idea, we should go to the arcade. Get your mind off it, ya know?"

"Fine," Bakugo says.

"Or we can sneak into the bar at the station. Pick up some ladies?"

"Now that's a good idea."

"Idiots! If we get caught, there's no way UA would let me in," Bakugo shouts.

His friends ignore Bakugo and begin to shake in fear as they look behind him. "Hey, what's that?" they ask pointing their fingers in that direction.

Bakugo turns around to see the sludge villain moving back into his original shape.

"Perfect. I like a skin suit with some fire," he says.

Bakugo stares at the villain with a slight hint of fear in his eyes.


After my exhausting talk with my grandparents about me changing my original decision to go to my once dream school, UA, my grandmother asked me to go pick up some ingredients for dinner to celebrate. I had given up being a hero a long time ago—I was fine with being a nobody if it meant I never had to face what my parents became. But the look on my grandparents' face when they begged me to follow my forgotten was too much. So, for them I'll pursue it again even if it means facing my fears. I mean, if I hadn't been kidnapped, it would probably still been my current dream. My kidnapping had been hushed by the heroes who saved me due to the fear of anyone from the government who'd want to keep me detained for questioning or something much worse. So if that being said, I couldn't really discuss what really happened that night. It has made me feel so lonely ever since in that I wasn't supposed to and simply couldn't put in words what happened even if I wanted to. I shake the memories out of my conscious mind and focus on the music blaring through my earbuds as I'm walking up to the shopping district.

The shopping district is as lively as ever when I arrive, and I begin to search for the items on the list. "Thank you," I say to the man who hands me the bag of the items I bought from him.All the sudden, there's a loud explosion nearby and many other shoppers begin screaming.

People begin running from the flames screaming, "It's a monster!"

Not again, I think to myself as some heroes that already made it to the scene run pass me. I turn in the direction they're running to see a disgusting green sludgish monster amongst the flames. What the hell it that thing?

"It's taken someone hostage!" Death Arms screams.

I peer closer to see what he was talking about and see a blonde boy in the middle of the monster who I notice immediately.

"Kacchan!" I scream and try to run toward it, but Death Arms stops me.

"Stand back, we'll take care of this!" He begins running at it screaming, "How dare you prey on a child!" He attempts to punch the monster, but his hand just gets sucked into the sludge. "What the hell is this? Some kind of goo?" As he stands there confused, he quickly gets thrown back by the monster and the other heroes run after him.

"You okay, Death Arms?" One hero asks.

"Heads up!" the other hero says right before the sludge monster takes another hit at them.

"Ha! Stay back, or I'll snap his neck!" the monster sneers.

"Kacchan! Fight back!" I scream in fear just loud enough for him to hear.

As soon as I say that, I see his face that was once covered in sludge is now out enough for him to scream, "You picked the wrong guy to mess with! I'm gonna send you back to whatever sewer you crawled out of! Let me go!" He begins to use his Quirk to try to explode himself out from the monster.

The blast is so intense that it knocks me down to the ground and the bag of groceries were thrown all around me. "That's it, Kacchan" I whisper to myself, but as the smoke clears, I see he is still stuck in the monster.

"You've got so much power. I really hit the jackpot! With a Quirk like yours under my control, I can take All Might down with one punch!" the villain says as he begins to make himself even bigger.

"Woah, is that some kind of special move? This dude is a legit supervillain." I hear some guy say nearby.

"It's her! That new hero, Mt. Lady will stop him!" a woman says pointing across to the hero.

"My weakness," Mt. Lady exclaims as she is wedged between the buildings. "I need at least a two-lane highway in order to make my way through here!"

Kamui Woods also arrives at the scene to save those trapped in the fire, including Kacchan's friends, but that's as much as he can do as he's completely made of wood—he can't fight the villain directly with the fire surrounding it from Kacchan's Quirk. My fear continues to rise as none of the heroes can save him and stop the villain. The sludge monster has almost completely enveloped Kacchan's body when he goes for another attack on the clueless heroes.

"It's no good! None of us have the right Quirks to stop a villain like this" Death Arms shouts.

"We'll do damage control until someone with the right powers shows up!" another hero says.

"There are still plenty of people to save," Backdraft, a rescue hero with a fire hydrant Quirk, says.

"Don't worry, I bet every hero in the city's coming!" Kamui Woods says as he continues to save people from the fire.

But are they going to get here in enough time? The monster has completely covered Kacchan's nose and mouth and I'm sure he's suffocating right now! Think, think think! My Quirk isn't great for this villain either, not if he's fluid and with him having Kacchan in him, I can't risk hurting him. Before I can come up with a plan, a green haired boy runs right past me.

"Izukun, wait! What are you doing?" I scream as I try to grab him but barely miss his arm.

"No, you idiot! Stop! You're gonna get yourself killed!" Death Arms shouts.

"Not this brat again," the villain says making me confused. I use my Quirk on the monster and realize that Izukun had also been trapped by him, but All Might showed up and saved him, though I can't see through the villain's memories on how he escaped the number one hero. Okay, if I'm to try to help both of them, I've got to act now! With the other part of my Quirk, I begin lifting items away from Izukun to help clear a safe pathway to the villain and without being burned by the flames.

"You're toast, kid!" the villain says.

"Not on my watch!" I say mostly to myself as I wait to see what his next move might be when Izukun grabs his bag and does a spin to gain momentum to throw it at the villain. One of the items in his bag hits the villain right in his eye making him loosen his grip on Kacchan for only a moment.

"Kacchan!" I scream and begin running toward the monster as well.

"Kacchan!" I hear Izukun scream as well as he begins to try to rip the sludge off from his body.

"What the hell? Why are you two here?" Kacchan says to us as I desperately try to rip the sludge off of him, too.

"I dunno. My legs...they just started...moving!" Izukun answers. "I couldn't just stand there and watch you die!"

"Yeah, you would have done the same for us!" I add with tears blurring my eyes. "Now please, fight him off! I know you can!"

"Get the hell off me!" Kacchan yells at the monster.

"Just a little bit longer, kid." The monster says toward Kacchan. Then looking at us, he says, "And I'm done playing with you two!" He lifts a long appendage as if to hit us with it.

"Save the kids! This thing'll kill 'em!" I hear Death Arms yell from behind us. Before I could find anything the use to block the villain's hit, the hand comes flying down at us. I grab Izukun and shield him with my body, but I never feel anything.

"I really am pathetic." I hear a voice say. We look at the direction of the voice and see All Might had blocked the hit.

"All Might," Izukun gasps, "But—"

"I told you the traits that make a great champion, but I see now I wasn't living up to my own ideal!" All Might says to Izukun while grunting in effort to fight off the villain. I notice some blood spilling from his mouth. Did he get hurt from blocking that hit? I ask myself. "Pros are always risking their lives! That's the true test of a hero!"

"Damn you, All Might!" the villain shouts as he tries to go for another hit.

All Might sees it and counterattacks. "Detroit...Smash!" His punch creates the air around to blow the villain back enough for All Might to grab Kacchan without the villain being able to fight back. The wind from the punch is so strong that he had to hold on to all of us so we aren't blown back. I try to look up through my long, flying blonde hair to see that he has created a small tornado that soon disperses, but the sky darkens, and rain begins to fall.

"Did he...change the weather?" I ask aloud in astonishment. I look down at Kacchan and Izukun who are both laid out on the ground in exhaustion. "Kacchan," I say as I begin to shake him. "Are you okay? Please answer me!"

"Yes, I'm fine, now quit shaking me! You're going to make me sick!" he answers as he slowly sits up.

"Oh, thank goodness you're okay," I say as I wrap my arms around in relief. His body stiffens at first, but soon relaxes and wraps an arm around me.

"Don't do something so reckless like that again, okay?" He says in a more tender tone.

"Don't get yourself kidnapped again, and I won't have to!" I respond back.

"Tch, idiot," he mutters but says nothing else.

"You morons. Do you two have a death wish?" Kamui Woods asks Izukun and me with his arms crossed.

"There was absolutely no reason for you two to put yourselves in danger like that!" Death Arms adds.

Izukun and I get scolded further for running blindly in danger while Kacchan is praised for his bravery.

"Man, you're tough, kid!" I overhear one of the heroes say to him. "And that Quirk is somethin' else! When you wanna go pro, head over to my agency first! I'd love for you to be my sidekick while you're training!" Though I would have thought that would make him satisfied, Kacchan looks away from the hero with a scowl across his face. I guess being captured by a villain did a number on his pride, I think to myself.

Kacchan stands up to leave the hero and walks back over to me. Izukun had just left after our lecture, so it is just me when he approaches. "Are you hurt?" he asks me in a bored tone.

I look down to examine my body. "I have a few cuts and scrapes, but nothing to be worried about," I answer.

"I didn't need your help, you know," he says as he stretches out his hand to help me up off the ground.

I take it and am quickly on my feet. "Well, it definitely didn't look like you had much of a plan of escaping."

"Hmph," he huffs while taking his eyes off of me. "Come on, I'll walk you home."

"Oh, uh, okay. Are you sure? Maybe you should go get checked out by a doctor," I respond.

"I'm fine. Now let's go," he says grabbing my hand forcefully in his and walking me away from the scene. He continues to hold my hand causing my cheeks to start to flush.

"You don't have to walk me home, you know, I'll be fine," I say flustered.

"No, I'm going to make sure you don't do anything else stupid," he answers gripping my hand tighter. His face is almost as unreadable and angry looking as it usually does, but I can see that he is slightly troubled, though I can't tell from what exactly, and I don't want to invade his privacy by using my Quirk just because of my curiosity. "What are you looking at?" He asks in his normal angry tone, though his eyes appear softer.

I immediately look down in embarrassment and say, "Nothing, I'm sorry."

"Is that Deku?" Kacchan asks, stopping in place.

I look down the other road that runs perpendicular to the one we're on. "Uh, I think so." I answer.

"Deku!" Kacchan yells letting go of my hand and running after Izukun.

"Wait up, Kacchan!" I shout chasing after him.

"Kacchan?" Izukun turns around and answers confused. "Akari-chan?"

Panting, Kacchan says, "Listen, I would never ask a weakling like you to help me. Don't think you can look down on me. Huh? Got that? I was fine by myself! You're just a Quirkless failure who won't even cut it as a rent-a-cop. You didn't help me. You did nothing. Don't forget it. I don't owe you anything!" Making his peace, he turns around and walks back from where we came.

In shock, I look back at Izukun and say, "I don't think he means all of that. I do think he really does appreciate you trying to save him even though you have no Quirk to help aid you."

"No, it's okay, he's not wrong," Izukun says, "I didn't do anything."

"You did," I argue, "It might not have been enough to stop the villain, but you did do something. I was frozen with indecision until you showed up. You helped me out of that and showed him that you have his back."

He lets out a faint smile. "Yeah..."

"Akari, come on!" Kacchan yells in annoyance.

"Hold on," I shout back.

"Don't make me drag you back to your house!"

I look back at Izukun. "I gotta go, see you later?"

"Yeah, see ya," he answers.

I give him a smile before running back to Kacchan. "You happy?" I ask him.

"Hmph, let's go." We once again walk back to my house, but not without him grabbing a hold of my hand once more. My face reddens and my heart flutters in confusion. This is the same person who spoke so harshly to me and Izukun, who told me that he was done being around me, but now has a strong hold on my hand and making sure I get home safe. I can't figure out if I should still be mad at him, worried about him after what just happened, or cater to this strange feeling I have nesting in me. "We're here," he says plainly, letting go of my hand and disrupting my thoughts.

"Ah—yeah—well thanks for walking me home," I say clumsily.

"Tch, whatever," he answers looking away. Before I could say goodbye and go inside, the door flies open and my grandmother appears.

"Oh, thank goodness, you're okay! And you too, sweet Katsuki! It was all live on TV! Oh come, come! Let's get inside!" She exclaims while hugging me a little too tightly.

"I, uh, should be getting home," Kacchan says uncomfortably.

"Oh, nonsense, I'll let your mother know where you are! Come in, please!" She says dragging him inside.

"Sobo!" I say to my grandmother after dragging him in our home and placing him on the couch. He sits there awkwardly with a red glow across his cheeks as he keeps his head down.

"What? He was attacked by a villain, but still made sure he brought our only granddaughter home to us! I just want to show him some gratitude! Let me go some tea!" She runs into the kitchen. Before I could try to help Kacchan escape, my grandfather and brother come into the living room from where I assume the backyard.

"Kacchan! Kacchan! Kacchan is here!" My little brother exclaims as he runs over to him. "Can you do that thing with your Quirk again? Please?"

"Xaio, leave Katsuki alone. He's been through a lot today," my grandfather scolds.

"Okay," he says lowering his head.

"It's fine, Takahashi-san," Kacchan says. He turns his hands face up and curls his fingers. Xaio-Chan looks up at Kacchan, and his eyes lighten up in excitement.

"Sissy, come sit and watch with me!" He says to me.

"Okay, okay," I say as I go sit on the couch by Kacchan. I catch him take a quick side glance at me before looking back down at his hands, and he starts making controlled mini blasts in his hands. My brother gleams in excitement, and the familiar smell of melted caramel enters my nares.

"Wow! You're so cool, Kacchan!" He says.

"Okay, now it's time to get ready for bed," my grandfather tells him.

"Okay," he says sadly, then turns to Kacchan, "Good night!" He gives him a hug out of nowhere. Kacchan has a look of shock at first, and then gives him an awkward pat on his head before he leaves to go to bed.

"Tea is done!" My grandmother says coming back. This is going to be a long night, I think to myself.

After what seems like forever, Kacchan's mom comes to pick him up, and I can finally make a run to my room. I take a big sigh of relief before getting ready for bed and turning the lights off. I toss and turn in bed unable to calm the thoughts in my head. Against my better judgement, I grab my phone.



Hey sorry my family held u hostage 😥


I wait for a little bit to see if he would respond, but soon think that he would probably not answer as he is typically asleep by this time normally if my grandparents hadn't have forced him to stay longer than he wanted. I roll away from my phone and try to go to asleep again when I hear it ding. I open my eyes to see my room has been lit up by the notification. I roll back and unlock my phone to see the new text message.



Hey sorry my family held u hostage 😥



It's fine



How are u feeling?



I already told you that I'm fine


I don't need your concern



I know u dont but...



But what? Spit it out







I was scared seeing u captured like that



I told you I could handle it

Besides, it won't happen again

I'll be going to UA and they'll get what's coming for them



U weren't even a little scared?



No, why would I be?

I'm going to be the number 1 hero someday

That villain picked the wrong person



If you say so..






Nothing! goodnight



Whatever. Good night


I wasn't scared..


Chapter 3: Roaring Muscles

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (4)

Fear has slowly stricken me knowing that the UA's exam is in 10 months. I had changed my plans on what school I wanted to go to with my teacher, letting him know I was also going to try to apply for UA. He was surprised, of course, but didn't say anything more about it. Even though I had already told Izukun that news, I haven't yet told Kacchan about me applying too as I know it would probably upset him. With the knowledge of Izukun applying burning him at his core, I'm afraid telling him that I'm applying as well may push him over the edge. Though even through the fear of him unloading hell down upon me, I feel like it is something I should tell him as he is someone, unfortunately at times, I consider one of my closest friends and keeping this away from him will continue to weigh my conscious down.

Izukun's muttering during the class period brings me out of my own thoughts and unto whatever he's talking about, though I can't understand what he is saying in the slightest. Soon, the rest of the class turns to look at him and the teacher stops lecturing. The teacher uses his Quirk to stretch out his hand and tap Izukun on the head.

"Hey! Midoriya! I know you had a run-in with a villain, but pull yourself together, kid. If you really wanna get into UA, you might actually have to know something," the teacher says, interrupting his muttering.

"You hear him? Nuts!" one of the girl students says.

"Idiot!" another student responds.

I look at Kacchan to see if he would say anything, but he seems to be ignoring them and instead looks out the window. Ever since the incident, he's eased up on Izukun and not bullied him as much. I think he may have gained some respect for him actually. The rest of the class day flies by and soon it's time to leave to go home. I begin to leave the school when I see Kacchan a few yards ahead of me walking alone.

"Kacchan!" I shout to get his attention as I run over to him.

Keeping his hands in his pockets, he turns his head just enough to see me running after him. He stops walking for me to catch up. "What is it?" he asks me in his usual bored and irritated tone.

"I, uh, wanted to talk to you about something," I say nervously.

"If it's about me walking you home after the sludge monster, I don't wanna hear it."

Remembering how he held my hand on the way home and my family harassing him into staying, I blush slightly and answer quickly, "No, it's not about that. I wanted to let you know that I my school choices."

He side-eye glances at me and says, "Okay? And?"

"Well, um, I'll actually be applying at UA as well. It's something my grandparents really wanted me to do and I—"

"Great, not you, too," he interrupts me angrily. "I thought you said you didn't care about heroes like me and Deku."

"I know you're mad, but I'm really not trying to compete with you, and I haven't lied to you about that, I'm just trying to make my grandparents happy. They wanted me to at least try since it used to be my dream as a kid, and it means a little bit more now than it did before," I say as I fidget with my hair.

"Whatever. It's not like you'll make it through anyway," he mutters trying to walk away from me.

I walk faster to try to catch up and ask, "What does that mean?'

"You try not to use your Quirk as much as possible and you have little to no combat skills. What makes you think you'll be able to get into a national hero school?"

"I know more than you think! And, sure, I'm not as trained in one part of Quirk than I would like to be, but I have 10 months to practice, so I can brush up my skills until then," I say though I don't sound too confident.

"Whatever. Don't expect help from me," he says and storms off.

"Well, that went better than I thought it would," I mutter to myself and walk home alone.


Within those 10 months, I practiced my combat skills and got myself in better shape for the practical exam. I also worked with my Quirk more than I ever had before and am as ready as I'm gonna get. I have also noticed that Izukun had gotten really muscular during this time proving that he has been working just as hard as well to get in, though I don't know if strength will be enough to pass for him...

It's about 8:40 in the morning of the exam and I am standing in front of the large UA High School entrance. Right behind me I hear someone running and panting.

"Made it just in time," a familiar voice says, still panting.

I turn around to look at them. "Hey, Izukun! You made it!" I say cheerfully.

He simply nods his head and begins walking beside me. His face shows concern and determination, but then he suddenly stops and bends over slightly, covering his mouth.

"Are you feeling okay? Do you feel sick?" I ask him with concern.

With his mouth still covered, he answers, but I can't hear anything he's saying.

"What did you—" I begin to ask but am interrupted.

"Stupid Deku," Kacchan says from behind us. We both turn around to look at him. He stares hard at me and says, "Akari."

"Kacchan!" we both say nervously at the same time.

"Get out of my way now, before I set you two on fire," he responds walking past both of us.

Izukun begins to freak out while saying, "Um, let's just both do our best out there, okay? Good luck!"

Kacchan says nothing to him and continues walking. People nearby begin looking in his direction and muttering about him and the sludge villain incident a few months back.

"Kacchan, wait!" I yell as I stop in front of him.

"Didn't you hear me? I don't want to speak with you."

"I just wanted to wish you luck. I know you're going to do great," I say shyly.

"If you know that, then why waste your time applying? You'll just be an embarrassment to our school," Kacchan answers.

"You act like I have no chance! You know more than one student from a school could make it to UA, right?! Why do you choose to treat me this harshly? I thought we were friends!"

Kacchan huffs but doesn't respond and I don't push it any further. If he wants to act like that, then so be it. Izukun and I enter a big orientation room in silence and find our seats. Due to our examinee numbers, I ended up sitting on the right side of Kacchan and Izukun on his left making it extremely awkward between the three of us. Thankfully, though, the orientation presentation starts without hesitation and takes our attention away from the heavy air around us.

"What's up, UA candidates? Thanks for tunin' in to me, your school DJ. C'mon and lemme hear ya!" Present Mic says from the stage using his voice Quirk. He waits to listen for cheering, but the whole auditorium remains silent. "Keeping it mellow, huh? That's fine, I'll skip straight to the main show. Let's talk about how this practical exam is gonna go down, okay? Are you ready? Yeah!"

[More silence]

"Oh, my goodness, it's the Voice Hero, Present Mic! So cool! I listen to his radio show every day of the week. It's so crazy nuts that all the UA teachers are pro heroes." Izukun says fanboying.

"Will you shut up?" Kacchan says to him.

"Like your application says, today you rockin' boys and girls will be out there conducting ten-minute mock battles in super hip urban settings. Gird your loins, my friends. After I drop the mic here, you'll head to your specified battle center, sound good?"

[More silence]


"I see, they're splitting up so we can't be with any of our friends," Kacchan says looking at his exam ticket making me look down at mine.

"Yeah, you're right. Our examinee numbers are one after the other, but we're assigned to different battle centers," Izukun adds as we look at each other's test location. Kacchan is in Battle Center A, Izukun in Battle Center B, and mine in Battle Center C.

"Get your eyes off my card," Kacchan says to Izukun. "Damn, I was really looking forward to crushing you two."

He is really hasn't gotten over that the fact we are applying. Ridiculous, I think to myself as I roll my eyes.

"Okay, okay, let's check out your targets. There are three types of faux villains in every battle center. You'll earn points based on their level of difficulty, so better choose wisely. Your goal in this trial is to use your Quirk to raise your score by shredding these faux villains like a mid-song guitar solo. But check it! Make sure you're keep'n things heroic. Attacking other examinees is a UA no-no, ya dig?"

"Excuse me, sir, but I have a question." a tall black haired proper boy a few rows in front of us says standing from his seat.

"Hit me!" Present Mic responds.

A spotlight shines on the boy as he says, pointing at his paper, "On the printout, you've listed four types of villains. Not three. With all respect, if this is an error on official UA materials, it is shameful. We are exemplary students. We expect the best from Japan's most notable school. A mistake such as this won't do." All the sudden, he turns around and points at Izukun. "Additionally, you with the unkempt hair."

"Huh?" Izukun says in confusion pointing at himself.

"You've been muttering this entire time. Stop that. If you can't bother to take this seriously, leave. You're distracting the rest of us."

"Sorry," Izukun says in embarrassment as he covers his mouth while the others around us laugh.

"All right, all right. Examinee number 7-1-1-1. Thanks for calling in with your request! The fourth villain type is worth zero points. That guy's just an obstacle we'll be throwing in your way. There's one in every battle center. Think of it as a hurdle you should try to avoid. It's not that it can't be beaten, but there's ...kinda no point. I recommend my listeners try to ignore it and focus on the ones toppin' the charts."

The boy bows and says, "Thank you very much. Please continue."

"That's all I got for you today. I'll sign off with a little present. A sample of our school motto! As General Napoleon Bonaparte once laid down, "A true hero is one who overcomes life's misfortunes." Mm-hm! Now that's a tasty soundbite. You ready to go beyond? Let's hear a Plus Ultra! Good Luck! Hope you practiced hitting more than just books."

Soon we are escorted to our designated battle center after changing into more comfortable clothing to fight in. Here goes nothing, I think to myself as I walk up to the group of other examinees—ready to get this practical exam over with.

Chapter 4: Start Line

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (5)

The hallowed grounds of UA—the school with the best hero training course in the world, the place every kid wants to go. Sure, there are similar programs out there, but they don't hold a candle to UA's, which is why it's almost impossible to get in. The school's alumni list is a "who's who" of idols. All Might, the most famous pro there is. The legendary peacekeeper, with the most wins under his belt, the Fiery Hero: Endeavor. Not to mention the denim-clad, award-winning marvel, Best Jeanist. Graduating from UA is basically a requirement if you wanna be a great hero.


I walk up to my assigned battle center where many other examinees were already huddled up and standing in a large crowd as they talk in amazement of the seen before us. There are many who are staring in awe at the center in front of us, including me. I look up at the huge gate in front of me and saw the true-to-scale city behind it.This is center is huge! It's almost as big as a real city! And how many of these battle centers do they have? They must have cameras all over the place to be able to monitor everything we're doing. This is crazy! My nerves begin to twist knots in my stomach tightly as I recall what Present Mic said during the presentation.

"Like your application said, today you rock'n boys and girls will be out there conducting ten-minute battles in super-hip settings. Okay, okay. Let's check your targets. There are three types of faux villains in every battle center. You'll earn points based on their level of difficulty, so better choose wisely. You goal in this trial is to use your Quirk to raise your score by shredding these faux villains like a mid-guitar solo."

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. This is it—what I have been training for. I have to focus and keep my composure. I try to push the nerves out and a level head. The words of my father come flooding through my consciousness. "Fear is inevitable, but a clear head makes a clear path. Don't let it control you." I let my breath out slowly right before I hear the huge gate of the battle center open.

"Get moving! There are no countdowns in real battles. Run, run, run, listeners! You're wasting airtime here!" Present Mic says, and I begin running with the crowd into the mock city.

"Target acquired," a two-pointer and three-pointer big robot enemies say simultaneously as they make their way in my direction. I stop in my tracks raise both of my hands in front of me. As I do, the robots start floating in the air, then when I move my hands together quickly, they hit each other so hard they destroyed each other. After they fall to the ground, I run further in the city to find more villains.


"Clearly, the examines have no idea how many villains are present or their locations. They have limited time, must cover a vast area, and hunt down every last target. Some use information-gathering abilities to plan out strategies. While other rely on speed to pull ahead of their peers. Of course, remaining calm under pressure can be a huge advantage. As can pure power and combat ability. The most successful students use a combination of all these tactics. They're the ones who rack up the highest scores," says aloud the principal while staring at the monitors in a dark, enclosed room.

"Hm, I'd say this year's group looks promising!" One of the teacher says.

"Well, there's still plenty of time before it's over. The real test has yet to come. Let's see how they react." Another of the many teachers watching says as he reaches forward to push a big red button.


20 points so far, I think to myself. My training is proving to be successful as I have been able to read minds in a 100-meter radius to determine the location of all the other examinees in order to know the highly populated areas of villains, since the robots themselves have no minds to be able to read. I begin reading more minds until I read one that sounds to be in danger. I'm surrounded! I don't know if my Quirk can last any longer to fight all of them! I begin running in the direction that I believe they are to see a boy with black medium length hair and a muscular build in the middle of multiple robots of varying points.

"Hey, I'm here to help!" I shout as I begin picking up robots and smashing them into each other in the air. The boy also begins to fight the other robots and we eventually pick them off one by one. I sigh in relief when all the robots are out of commission.

"Wow, we make a great team!" the boy says walking up closer to me. He puts his hand out toward me direction. "Eijiro Kirishima. What's your name?"

I wipe the sweat of my forehead before reaching out with my other hand for his to shake. "Akari Takahashi."

"Pretty name," he says, smiling. "How did you find me though?"

Before I can answer, a loud noise erupts nearby. I look in the direction of the noise to see a huge robot towering over the buildings of the mock cities, knocking down power lines, street lights, and anything else in its way.

"Is that the zero-point robot?!" Kirishima exclaims.

"That's a bit excessive! How are we supposed to ignore that?" I shout.

"Come on let's get out of here!" he says, grabbing my hand. I go to run behind him until I hear someone's thoughts.

I can't run fast enough away from this! Come on, think!


Now things get interesting. A person's true character is revealed when they're faced with danger, All Might thinks to himself as he watches the screens of people reacting to the huge villain.


I pivot my foot and run back toward to huge robot making Kirishima have to let go of my hand.

"Where are you going?" he shouts.

"Less than two minutes remaining!" Present Mic yells for all to hear.


There are no combat points rewarded for taking on the humongous villain. But there is...opportunity. A chance to shine. To show what you're really made of.


"Someone's in trouble!" I answer as I continue to sprint. When I get to the location of the person, I see a girl with black grown-out pixie cut hair slowly stop running down the street as she's too out of breath to continue. "I've got you!" I shout before reaching out my hand toward her and lift it up. Suddenly she begins floating which throws her off guard, but before she can do anything, I pull my hand inward to me making her come to my direction. "Let's go!" I tell her.

She nods and regains some energy to run with me away from the zero-pointer.

"Time's up!" Present Mic yells as an alarm sounds. With that, I stop running and put my hands on knees panting.

"Hey...thanks," the girl says to me.

" problem..." I say in between my panting.

"Okay! Anyone injured, please stay behind, everyone else, you're free to go! Ooohh yeah!"

And with that, it's over. Between the written and practical exam, I might stand a chance, but I won't know until my results come in. What I do know, however, is that I need to get home as soon as possible. With me using my Quirk as much as I did for this exam, I'm starting to lose control of the thoughts that are entering my mind. I rush out of the mock city, ignoring all of the whispers and thoughts flooding in about why I'm acting so weird. I make back to the locker room where I was told to leave my personal belongings and grab my earbuds and phone to immediately play music to blare out all of the thoughts. Without speaking to anyone else, I make it home just in time to try to regain control of my Quirk once more.


It's been a week since the entrance exam when my letter comes in. We had just finished supper and cleaned up the dishes.

"Race you to the TV!" my little brother shouts already running to the living room.

"Hey! Wait up!" I say chasing behind him.

"I beat you!" he says sticking his tongue out.

"Only because you cheated!" I respond as I go to tickle his ribs.

"Hey! Quit it!" he says in between his giggles.

At that moment, my grandfather comes through the front door with an envelope in his hand.

Before he can say anything, I ask, "Is that...?"

He nods.

"It's your letter! It's your letter!" my brother says jumping up and down. I get up to grab it from my grandfather. "I wanna see! I wanna see!"

"Now Xiao-chan, let your sister look at it alone. This is a very important moment," my grandfather says to him.

He lowers his head and says, "Okay..."

Without saying another word, I take the letter to my room shutting my door behind me. Taking a few moments to prepare myself, I open it. What comes out is a circular electronic device. "What is this?" I say aloud to myself as I fiddle with it. I manage to push a button on it and suddenly a projection shows on my wall.

"Why hello there!" All Might says from the recorded video. All Might? Why is he on here? "I believe we met briefly some time ago, but I didn't come to this city just to fight villains. You're looking at the newest UA faculty member! Now, enough with introductions, onto what you have been waiting for. You did quite well on both your written and practical exams, though I wouldn't say I'm surprised. You also demonstrated heroic acts that did not go unnoticed by the judges. Because of this, you have received 25 rescue points!"

The video turns off All Might and unto the screen showing the top ten highest scores where it shows that I tied for 6th! I also see Kacchan got 1st and Izukun got 7th. Does this mean...?

"You passed the exam! You're now a part of the hero academia," he says answering my question.

I jump from my seat in happiness. Not only did I make in, but both Izukun and Kacchan made it in as well! The fact we all made it together fills me with so much joy—nobody ended up making the other not get accepted! I walk out my bedroom to see everyone just outside my door. I give them a big smile and my grandmother's eyes welp up in tears, "Oh, honey, I'm so proud of you!"

"You did good," my grandfather says, surprisingly getting emotional as well.

"Yay! My sister is going to be a hero!" my brother exclaims.

Everyone comes in close to me to give me a group hug. "Okay, okay, you're squeezing me to death!" I say. After speaking a while longer, everyone finally retires to their rooms. When I go back inside my room and shut the door, I walk to my phone that's sitting on my bed. After hesitating for a moment, I pick it up to send a message to the guys.

Izukun 🥦


Did u get ur letter?!



Yes! I can't believe we're all going to UA!

I thought for sure I failed!

It feels like a dream! 🥺



I know! I can't we all three made it in together!

I wonder if we'll all be in the same class...

Have u talked to Kacchan yet?


izukun haven't. Idk how he'll react to knowing i made it in



Well, he's just gonna have to get over it

Its not like u getting in hurt him!

Did u see he got the highest score?



Yeah...he got a lot of points, but i can't say i'm surprised



Me either but still, that's impressive!

I'm gonna message him & see if he's up



Okay, goodnight





I switch from Izukun to Kacchan and my text message conversation, though I become very hesitant on sending the message. Thinking back to what Izukun said, I almost don't message him, but before I get out of our conversation, my hand slips hitting the send button.

"Dammit!" I say aloud, annoyed at myself for being so clumsy. There's nothing I can now about it though, might as well follow through with what I said was going to do.



Hey u up?


I can see when u read the msg!

Don't ignore me!



I don't want to talk to you right now. Leave me alone



I just wanted to see if u got ur letter



Of course i did

Now quit messaging me



I just wanted to congratulate u!


Don't make me call u!



I won't answer



We'll see about that


I push the phone button to call Kacchan like I threatened to. It rings for such a long time that just when I thought he really wasn't going to answer, he does.

"What?" He answers annoyingly.

"I knew you would answer!" I say.

"I knew if I didn't you would blow my phone up."

"I would not!" I argue.

"Quit being such an idiot! What do you want?" He shouts through the phone

"I just wanted to talk to you about the results from the exams! I saw that you passed with the highest score!"

"Of course I did. No one is better than me!" he says irritated.

I roll my eyes at his co*ckiness. "Did you see that I passed tying for the 6th highest score? I didn't realize that was possible!"

"Hmph. Yeah."

I know I shouldn't expect much of a congratulations from him, but I thought he would at least say something more, whether it was mean or not. "Kacchan?"

"What?" he asks annoyed.

"Were you seriously hoping that I would fail? That you wouldn't have to see me again? Is that why you're mad? Why you don't want to talk to me?" I ask remembering what he said earlier that the day he was kidnapped by that villain.

"What? This has nothing to do with you, Idiot! I was just supposed to be the first from our crappy junior high to go to UA, and you and the nerd ruined that," he yells.

"So, you feel like we stole your spotlight?" I ask him.

"Kch, whatever. And it's not like I was hoping you'd fail, I just underestimated you. That's all."

"Gee, I don't know if that makes me feel any better," I say.

"I don't know what you want me to say!" he yells through the phone.

"Definitely not that!" I respond.

"Fine. I'm sorry, you may not be as bad as I thought," he mutters quietly.

Though I'm slightly took back from his apology, I don't let him know it and say, "See? That's better!"

"Whatever. I'm going to bed," he says.

"Okay, goodnight," I answer.

"Goodnight, Akari."

After hearing the sound of the phone call ending, I put my phone back down on my bed and get into comfortable position before dozing off.


Dammit, I'm such an idiot!He thinks to himself after hanging up the phone. He thinks back when he told her that he didn't her around him anymore. He didn't necessarily meant the things he said, but he gets so angry that sometimes he can't stop himself. As much as he doesn't like to admit it, he hates hurting her feelings and gets mad at himself when he does it. She just...pushes his buttons in a way nobody else does. He turns his phone back on causing it's light to shine on his face. He opens it up, and it takes him back to their messages. He goes to send a text to her, but abruptly changes his mind before heading to bed himself.



I just wanted to congratulate u!


Don't make me call u!



I won't answer



We'll see about that



I'm glad you got accepted.

Not Sent

Chapter 5: What I Can Do For Now

Chapter Text

Examination Results

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (6)

"Check out the results from the ex

"Check out the results from the exam!" a teacher says.

"Wow, the first-place student didn't even have rescue points," another responds.

"He took down those faux villains like an ace. Where most of the other examinees were running from the big obstacle, he stayed focused on letting the smaller targets get in close and then counterattacking. That kid is tough."

"On the opposite end, the seventh-place student had zero villain points."

"He's not the first UA hopeful to take out that giant robot. Though it's been a while since I saw someone blow it away with one attack."

"But at what cost? Did you see how badly he injured himself? If you ask me, it's like his body isn't used to his Quirk."

"And what about that tie? Does this mean there is going to an extra student in the hero course?"

"The real question is if it's a good idea to have a student with the family name Takahashi in the hero program? What if there is a relation?"

"Hm..." A teacher standing in the back of the viewing room mutters, furrowing his eyebrows as he stares at the scoreboard and listens to the other teachers talk.


Today is the first day of school at UA and my nerves are through the roof. I finish packing my backpack and look in the mirror to see my reflection in the UA uniform. I have my long blonde hair down plainly not wanting to draw too much attention. I fix my red tie and lay it down straight on my white collared shirt that's tucked into my navy-blue skirt that's shorter than the one I had at junior high making me feel a little self-conscious. I sigh and grab my gray tailored jacket and button it up. I slide on my black thigh high socks before leaving my room with my brown shoes in hand.

"Are you ready? Do you have everything?" my grandmother asks.

"Yes," I answer.

"Are you sure you're not missing anything?"

"Yes, I'm sure!"

"Okay, okay, let her go on her way!" my grandfather says chuckling.

"Oh, I'm just so nervous for her, I can't help it!"

I smile. "Don't worry, I'm nervous enough for the both of us, no need for you to be," I say.

"Oh, don't worry Akari, you'll do great!"

"Thanks," I answer. "I've got to go now, I want to leave early in case I get lost."

"Okay! Have a great day!"

During the walk to the school, I think about everyone who must have made it in. The acceptance rate this year is just as small at it always had been. One in 300. Four people got in because of recommendations, and 37 through the regular exams. We were split in two classes of 20 and 21 each. I enter the ginormous school and begin walking down the hallways to find my class. Where would class 1-A be at? I think to myself until I find a huge door entrance reading 1-A. This must be it. A little excessive, though. I walk in to see some students already seating their chosen seats. I pick a desk that closet to the back that's in a row longer than the others. They must have had to add an extra desk since I had tied during the physical exam. I pull out my ear buds and begin listening to my music while staring out the window as more students begin piling in. I didn't even notice when Kacchan had walked in until I hear yelling over the song playing. I pull my ear buds out to hear what's going on better.

"Take your feet off of that desk now!" the guy I remember at the entrance exam as the one who spoke up during the presentation yells at Kacchan.

"Huh?" Kacchan says in confusion.

"It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property, you cretin!"

"You're kidding me, right? Your old school put a stick up your ass? Or are you born with it?" Kacchan asks him. I suppress a laugh that threatened to emerge.

"Uh...Let's start over. I'm Tenya Iida from the Somei Private Academy," Iida says seemingly realizing his rude behavior.

"Somei, huh? So, you must think you're better than me. I'm gonna have fun tearin' you a new one," Kacchan says not seeming to care Iida's change in behavior.

I roll my eyes in annoyance. He just knows how to make friends so well. Granted the guy came and yelled at him first but still.

Iida gasps. "You would threaten me? Your own classmate? Are you sure you're in the right place?"

"Ha." Kacchan mutters but soon turning his attention to the open door. Both me and Iida look over to see Izukun hesitating to enter the classroom

"Huh? It's him." Iida says causing everyone in the classroom to turn to face the door. Why is everyone staring at Izukun? "Good morning!" Iida says walking over to him. "My name is Tenya Iida and—"

"Yeah, I-I know," Izukun says nervously. "I'm Izuku Midoriya. It's super nice to meet you."

"Midoriya. You realized that there was something more to the practical exam, didn't you?"

"Huh?" He asks confused.

"You must be very preceptive, and I completely misjudged you, I admit. As a student, you're far superior to me."

What in the world is that guy talking about? I know he got a lot of rescue points, but Izukun didn't mention much about the exam, so I didn't think anything too important happened.I think to myself.

"Hey, I remember that messed up hair! Falling boy!" a girl with light brown hair just above her shoulders says coming from behind Izukun, who is still standing in the middle of the doorway. I can hardly hear everything she is saying but did hear her say that his punch was amazing. Were these two both in the practical exam together? What happened?

"Oh, hey, hi! Oh my gosh! So, uh, I should probably be thanking you for going in and talking to him," Izukun says to her completely flustered and his face beat red. Someone's already got him a crush. I think to myself letting out a quiet chuckle.

"Huh? How'd you know about that?" she asks.

I quit eavesdropping in their conversation to look toward Kacchan's direction. I couldn't completely see his face, but from what I could, he seems to be glaring in Izukun's direction. I still remember when we were all told to stay after class by our teacher when we had heard our results.


"I can't believe we have not one, but three students from our school heading off to UA! And to think you're one of them, Midoriya. It's a miracle. I'd say I'm surprised about you as well, Takahashi," he had said.

I was walking home when I heard rustling in a hidden part of the school's building.

"What'd you do to pass the exam? You must've cheated somehow, right? I'm supposed to be the first and only student from this crappy school to get into UA, but you and Akari had to go and screw that all up! I warned you not to apply!" I heard a familiar voice say.

I went to run to stop Kacchan from hurting Izukun when I saw that he had grabbed Kacchan's wrist and said, "Kacchan, someone I look up to told me that I can become a hero. That's why I applied. That's why I'm going. Like it or not, you can't stop me! And don't you dare put your hands on Akari like this, you hear me?" Kacchan let go of his shirt and huffed. Did that really happen? Did Izukun just stand up for himself for the first time? Not only that, but for me as well?

Kacchan turned around to leave, and when he saw me, he immediately looked away and huffed once more. After that encounter, I wasn't able to get a hold of either one of them.


He still hasn't seemed to have gotten over the news as he had apparently ignored me the moment he walked in and now glaring at Izukun with a look that could kill.

"I wonder what we're doing today besides orientation! I wonder what our teachers are like. I can't wait to meet everybody," the girl near Izukun says still standing at the entrance of the class.

"If you're just here to make friends, then you can pack up your stuff now," I faintly hear a male voice say outside of the classroom.

"Ah!" Izukun shrieks as he looks past the girl and to the ground.

"Welcome to UA's hero course. It took eight seconds before you all shut up. That's not gonna work. Time is precious. Rational students would understand that," a man says seeming to get off the ground and out of a yellow sleeping bag. Who is this guy? I ask myself, as if on cue, he says, "Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa. Your teacher."

Everyone gasps in surprise. The color washes from my face the moment I get a better look at him. This can't be happening.

"Right, let's get to it," he says as he starts digging around in his sleeping bag. "Put these on and head outside." I try to keep a low profile as I grab my gym uniform from him and follow the girls to the locker room. We all hurry to get dressed in our gym outfits and run outside.

"Today we'll be doing a Quirk assessment test," Mr. Aizawa says when we all make it outside.

"What? A Quirk assessment test?" everyone asks at the same time.

"But orientation! We're gonna miss it!" the same girl from earlier says.

"If you really wanna make the big leagues, you can't waste time on pointless ceremonies. Here at UA, we're not tethered to traditions. That means that I get to run my class however I see fit," Mr. Aizawa answers.

Everyone gasps in shock while I just try to keep my composure. I can't believe this is happening right now, I think to myself.

"You've been taking standardized tests most of your lives. But you never got to use your Quirks in physical exams before. The country's still trying to pretend we're all created equal by not letting those with the most power excel. It's not rational. One day, the Ministry of Education will learn," he finishes and stares at Kacchan, who happens to be right beside me. "Bakugo, you managed to get the most points on the entrance exam. What was your farthest distance throw with a softball when you were in junior high?"

"Sixty-seven meters, I think," he answers.

"Right. Try doing it with your Quirk," Mr. Aizawa says handing him the softball and directing him to an area in which he stands in a big circle and throws it towards the lines that are made to measure the distance. "Anything goes, just stay in the circle. Go on. You're wasting our time," he says to him.

While stretching his arm, Kacchan says, "All right, man, you asked for it." He prepares to throw the ball in perfect form before growling, "Die!" He throws the ball and fire circles appear where the ball once was.

"Oh, wow." I mutter to myself in shock.

"All of you need to know your maximum capabilities. It's the most rational way of figuring out your potential as a pro hero," Mr. Aizawa says as he shows us what the device in his hand says how far Kacchan threw the ball. 705.2 meters.

Everyone gasps in amazement.

"Woah, 705 meters, are you kidding me?" a guy with orange hair says.

"I wanna go! That looks like fun!" a pink alien-looking girl says.

"This is what I'm talkin' about, usin' our Quirks as much as we want!" another guy with straight black hair hanging down to his neck says.

"So, this looks fun, huh?" Mr. Aizawa says lowly. "You have three years here to become a hero. You think it's all gonna be games and play time? Idiots. Today you'll compete in eight physical tests to gauge your potential. Whoever comes in last has none and will be expelled immediately."

"Huh?" We all shout in shock. The first day of class, and he's trying to expel one of us already? I wonder if he remembers me. What if he's trying to expel me? If that's the case, though, wouldn't he have just expelled me the moment he saw me? I'm just over thinking, everything will be fine, I think to myself.

"Like I said, I get to decide how this class runs. Understand? If that's a problem, you can head home right now."

What have I gotten myself into? I ask myself. I just need to act like I don't know him unless he says something to me.

"You can't send one of us home! I mean, we just got here! Even if it wasn't the first day, that isn't fair" the short haired girl argues. Man, that girl has spunk.

"Oh, and you think natural disaster are? Or power-hungry villains? Hm? Or catastrophic accidents that wipe out whole cities? No, the world is full of unfairness. It's a hero job to try to combat that unfairness. If you wanna be a pro, you're gonna have to push yourself to the brink. For the next three years, UA will throw one terrible hardship after another at you. So, go beyond. Plus Ultra-style. Show me it's no mistake that you're here. Now then, we're just wasting time by talking. Let the games begin."

Test 1: 50-meter dash

"Runners, on your marks. Ready—" the robot calculating our times says right before making a gunshot sound. Iida and another girl with frog-like characteristics were first with him finishing at 3.04 seconds. Wow, I almost couldn't keep my eyes on him while he ran, I think to myself. The girl he ran with got 5.58 seconds which isn't too bad either.

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (7)

"I'll lighten up my clothes. Oh, and my shoes, too!" the short haired girl from earlier, in which I've gathered is Ochaco Uraraka, says. She is up next with a guy with a really long tail. He gets 5.49 seconds while she comes in with 7.15 seconds. Up next is a blonde French boy and the pink alien girl.

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (8)

"Nice attempts, mon amis. But you're just not showing enough panache!" the French boy says as he turns his back to the direction he's supposed to run toward. "Let you powers shine!" He shines a bright light blue laser from his stomach, but before he crosses the finish line, he falls straight to ground and has to get back up to try to use his Quirk once more. The girl ends up running faster than him, and he ends up getting 5.01 seconds. "Shooting my beautiful beam for more than a second hurts my tummy," he says.

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (9)

"What a tool," some of the guys mutter.

I end up going after them with Izukun and Kacchan for the next run.

"Runners, on your marks. Ready—" *gunshot* I begin to use my telekinetic power to lift my body up and toward the finish line as fast as I can.

"Burst speed!" Kacchan shouts as he begins making small explosions from his hands to propel himself forward. He zooms past me and Izukun with such speed. I begin to race forward as well but couldn't quite catch up to him.

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (10)

"4.13 seconds." The robot says as he passes it.

"5.53 seconds," it says as I pass it.

"7.02 seconds," the robot says as Izukun finally runs past the finish line.

"My power has more uses that anyone else's in this school," Kacchan says.

"We're extra egotistical today, aren't we?" I say to him annoyed.

"Hmph, it's not egotistical if it's true," he responds. He looks over at Izukun panting and mutters, "Pathetic."

"Leave him alone, he's trying!" I scold.

"Well, he shouldn't even be here, and soon, he won't be." Kacchan says walking off.

Test 2: Grip Strength

"What'd you get?" I ask Izukun after he used the grip strength machine. "56 kilograms? Not bad look at mine! You did so much better than me!" I show him that mine is only 35 kg. My Quirk doesn't really help in this kind of test as mine isn't based on strength.

"Wow! You hit 540 kilograms? You're such a beast!" we hear one of our other classmates say to a tall boy with grayish hair covering most his face and arms that have extra appendages on them.

"Yeah, like a muscle-y octopus," a shorter boy with purple balls as hair says.

"Ah," Izukun slips out as he stares at his machine.

"Hey, don't beat yourself up," I say trying to make him feel better, though I'm concerned that he'll be the one that Mr. Aizawa will expel.

Test 3: Standing Long Jump

Everyone uses their Quirks to get as far as they can, but Izukun falls short again.

"I told you he won't be here for long," Kacchan says to me as he walks past.

Test 4: Repeated Side Steps

Just like the last tests, everyone succeeds very well leaving Izukun in the dirt.

Test 5: Ball Throw

Uraraka throws the ball, and it begins floating up into the air until it is no longer visible. Mr. Aizawa looks at his measuring device before showing us what it says.

"Infinity?" we all shout in shock.

"That's insane! How's that possible?" the yellow haired boy asks.

Almost everyone else has gone when it is Izukun's turn. Izukun takes his place in the circle with ball in hand.

"If Midoriya doesn't shape up soon, he's the one going home," Iida says aloud.

"Huh? Of course he is. He's a Quirkless loser," Kacchan says to him.

"Kacchan!" I scold.

Iida looks at him confused and says, "He has a Quirk. Did you not hear about what he did in the entrance exam?"

"Huh?" both Kacchan and I say at the same time. I watch as Izukun looks as if he's strongly concentrating on something, but when he goes to throw, Mr. Aizawa begins to walk past us with his black hair and scarf floating in the air revealing his Quirk is in use. The ball only goes 46 meters and Izukun looks baffled. What's going on? I think to myself. He never had a Quirk, right?

"I erased your Quirk," Mr. Aizawa says. "The judges for this exam were not rational enough. Someone like you should never be allowed to enroll at this school."

"What you did what to my—" he starts off and then stares at something on Mr. Aizawa. "Ah! Those goggles. I know you! You can look at someone and cancel out their powers. The Erasure Hero: Eraser Head!"

"Eraser? Who's that?" the guy with the black hair that goes down to his neck, who I now know as Sero, asks.

"Oh, I heard of him," the frog girl, Asui, says. "I think he works on the down-low."

I watch the two as they continue to talk to where we can't hear. I wonder what they're talking about. There's definitely something going on here, I think to myself. It seems as though he doesn't recognize me which helps me, but why is he on Izukun's case?

"I wonder if our teacher gave him some advice," Iida says observing the same scene I am.

"Probably told him to start packing," Kacchan responds.

I shake my head. I don't have anything I could say to him for Izukun's sake. We're almost done with the tests and he's still at the bottom of the chart. I watch nervously as he goes for another try. After taking a few moments, he swings his arm, and to my surprise the ball starts flying through the air at a ridiculous speed causing the air nearby to create smoke circles. Everyone, including me, gasps at the scene, and I look down at the arm he threw with to see a single finger appear broken.

"705.3 meters," the machine in Mr. Aizawa's hand says.

What? I think to myself. How?

Chapter 6: Rage, You Damned Nerd

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (11)

What? I think to myself. How? He never had a Quirk before, did he? Did it just come in late? How long has he had it and kept it hidden? Where did that Quirk even come from? I thought he said his mom has telekinesis, though not as good as me, and his dad could breathe fire. There's no way a Quirk from his parents could manifest into something like this!

"He threw it over 700 meters!" the yellow haired boy says.

"Nice, he's finally showing us his true power!" Uraraka shouts excitedly.

"But his finger appears to be broken now. Just like in the exam. This Quirk is very odd," Iida says deep in thought.

"It wasn't a very pretty throw," Aoyama comments.

Kacchan seems to be in as much shock as I am, though it appears to turn into anger very quick. Though I know better, I read his mind to see what he's thinking about.

What the hell was that? If he had a Quirk, he would've gotten it when we were kids! This is impossible! He's up to something.

"Kacchan, wait!" I say as I see him take a step forward, but he doesn't listen.

"Hey!" Kacchan shouts running after him. I go to run after him when Mr. Aizawa puts his arm in front of me to stop me. "Deku, you bastard! Tell me how you did that, or you're dead!"

Izukun screams, but before Kacchan can get to him, Mr. Aizawa uses his scarf to wrap it around him immobilizing him.

"What? Why the hell is your damn scarf so strong?" Kacchan asks.

"Because it's a capture weapon made out of carbon fiber and a special metal alloy. Stand down. It'd be wise to avoid making me use my Quirk so much. It gives me serious dry eye," Mr. Aizawa says.

"Too bad. That power is amazing!" the class says in unison.

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (12)

"You're wasting my time now. Whoever's next can step up," Mr. Aizawa says letting go of Kacchan and walking away. Izukun walks past us and over to where Uraraka is.

"Ouch, is your finger okay?" she asks him.

"Sure. Fine!" he responds.

Kacchan growls. To try to calm him down, I say, "Kacchan, I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation of what we just saw, okay? If we just ask him to explain himself, I'm sure he can explain it."

"Until the exam, he was nothing," he says to me in response. "A little bug I could crush if I wanted to. Just an annoying bug that I can smash into the ground."

I sigh. "I understand you're frustrated, and I have to say, I'm a bit confused myself, but please, calm yourself, okay?"

"Hmph. Whatever," he says to me while storming off. After that, we still had more test to complete. I, along with everyone else, are completely exhausted. Izukun even falls to the ground and is panting.

"All right, time to give you your results. I've ranked you all from best to worst. You should probably have a good idea of your standing already. I'll just pull up the whole list. It's not worth going over each individual's score," Mr. Aizawa says pulling up a hologram of our rankings.

1. Momo Yaoyorozu

2. Shoto Todoroki

3. Kastuki Bakugo

4. Tenya Iida

5. Fumikage Tokoyami

6. Mezo Shoji

7. Mashirao Ojiro

8. Eijiro Kirishima

9. Mina Ashido

10. Ochaco Uraraka

11. Koji Koda

12. Rikido Sato

13. Tsuyu Asui

14. Akari Takahashi

15. Yuga Aoyama

16. Hanta Sero

17. Denki Kaminari

18. Kyoka Jiro

19. Toru Hagakure

20. Minoru Mineta

21. Izuku Midoriya

Oh, no, Izukun, I think to myself as I look over to see his head down.

"And I was lying, no one's going home. That was just a rational deception to make sure you gave it your all in the tests," Mr. Aizawa says in amusem*nt as he turns off the hologram. We all yelp in shock.

"I'm surprised the rest of you didn't figure that out. I'm sorry. I guess I probably should have said something," a girl who has her dark black hair in a high ponytail says. That would have been nice, I think to myself.

"That was pretty nerve‐wracking, huh?" Sero says.

"Nah, I'm always down for a challenge," a familiar boy with red spiked up hair says.

"Kirishima? Is that you?" I ask.

He looks at me and smiles. "Yeah! Takahashi, right?"

I nod. "Please, call me Akari."

"Uh...okay," he says hesitantly.

"You, uh, look different," I tell him motioning to his hair.

He lets out an uncomfortable laugh. "Yeah, decided to change it up a bit."

I smile. "I like it. It really fits you."

His cheeks redden. "T-thank you," he stutters.

"That's it. We're done for the day. Pick up a syllabus in the classroom. Read it over before tomorrow morning," Mr. Aizawa says walking away.

"Come on, Akari," Kacchan says grabbing my arm and dragging me away from Kirishima.

"Hey, I was talking to someone, you know! You can't just drag me away when I'm in the middle of a conversation with someone!"

"I just did, didn't I?" he says not letting go of me.

"You're so frustrating!" I groan.

"Who is he, anyway?" he asks me.

"What, are you jealous?"

"No! Why would I be jealous?" He shouts defensively. "You just shouldn't be talking to people you don't know very well."

"Well, how will I know anybody if I don't talk to anyone? Anyway, that's Eijiro Kirishima. We were in the same battle center during the practical exam. He has some hardening Quirk. You should talk to him, I'm sure you two would be great friends," I say.

"We'll see about that," he says. We grab the syllabus from the classroom and finish what was left of the school before walking home together from such a very long and tiring first day.


It's the next day in class, and we're listening to Present Mic's lecture. The UA's Hero Course curriculum still have normal core classes, like English, which meets in the mornings.

"Now," Present Mic says after writing four sentences on the board. "Which of these four sentences contains a mistake?"

I glance around the class to see that everyone else is just as bored as I am.

"Hey, everybody, look alive! Grammar rules!" Yaoyorozu raises her hand. "Yaoyorozu, lay it on us!"

The rest of the morning goes on uneventful, and we are released to eat lunch in the main cafeteria where the food is so good. I sit with Kacchan, Kirishima and some of the other guys from our class. And then, in the afternoon, it's finally time for Hero Basic Training. We all make it to our class when the teacher for the class arrives practically running through the entrance.

"I am here. Coming through the door like a hero!" All Might says loud and proud in his hero costume. Everyone in the room gasps at his appearance.

"I can't believe it's really All Might!" Kaminari says.

"So he is a teacher! This year is gonna be totally awesome!" Kirishima says.

"Hey, look. Is he wearing his Silver Age costume?" Asui asks aloud.

"I'm getting goose‐bumps. It's so retro!" Ojiro says.

"Welcome to the most important class at UA High. Think of it as "Hero‐ing 101." Here, you will learn the basics of being a pro. And what it means to fight in the name of good! Let's get into it. Today's lesson will pull no punches!" All Might says in an exaggerated manner.

"Fight training!" Kacchan says enthusiastically.

"Real combat?" Izukun mumbles less so enthusiastic than Kacchan.

"But one of the keys of being a hero is......looking good! These were designed for you based on your Quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in before school started," All Might continues as he pushes a button on his remote causing the side wall to extended outward showing hidden shelving units with briefcases of our hero costumes. Everyone begins to gasp and cheer at the sight. "Get yourselves suited up, and then meet me at Training Ground Beta!"

"Yes, sir!" we all say in unison. We all get suited up together and make it to Ground Beta. When we arrive, All Might is already there waiting for our arrival in our new hero costumes.

"They say that clothes make the pros, young ladies and gentlemen, and behold, you are the proof! Take this to heart. From now on you are all...... heroes in training! This is getting me all revved up. You look so cool! Now. Shall we get started, you buncha newbies?"

The school has a clothing allowance for our costumes. Before we enrolled at UA High, we submitted our Quirk registration forms, which included physical measurements and any desired costume designs to an exclusive clothing company designated by the school. With all that info, they created state‐of‐the‐art costumes for us. Mine is a black bodysuit—nothing too crazy though it's a bit more fitting then I would like.

"Ah! Hey, Deku!" Uraraka says making turn around to see Izukun running out last in a green one-piece track suit with a mask the looks like...a smiling rabbit?

"Uraraka!" he says happily.

"Love your costume! Not too flashy, ya know?"

Izukun appears to be flustered and can't let any more than mutters out.

"I should've been more specific about what I wanted. This bodysuit is skintight. Not really my style," she says.

"Yeah, same, mine is tight as well," I say to her.

"I love this school," I hear Mineta mutter.

Pervert, I think to myself. I look over to Kacchan nearby, and I start to check out his costume. It looks really good as it incorporates explosions throughout—the headpiece comes out on both sides emulating a blasts, he has gauntlets on his arms that look like grenades, and his black outfit has a green outlining and an orange X going across the shirt.

"Wow, your costume is amazing!" I say to him when I walk closer to him.

"Tch, of course it is," he says as he looks my direction. His eyes widen as he looks at my costume then quickly averts his eyes. "Yours is..."

"Plain? Yeah, I know. It so tight, too. It kinda makes me feel self-conscious," I say looking down at myself.

"What are you talking about? It looks great on you!" Kirishima says, entering our conversation.

I look at him and smile shyly. "Thanks, Kirishima. Yours looks good too." I try not to stare too long as he has no shirt but has red parts wrapped around his shoulders that look resemble cogs to me. He has black pants and a red tattered-looking cloth wrapped around his hips.

"Tch," Kacchan says before walking off from us. What's wrong with him? I ask myself.

"Now that you're ready, it's time for combat training," All Might says gaining our attention.

"Sir!" says Iida under a robot looking costume. "This is the fake city from our entrance exam. Does that mean that we'll be conducting urban battles again?"

"Not quite." All Might answers, "I'm going to move you two steps ahead. Most of the villain fights you see on the news take place outside. However, statistically speaking, run‐ins with the most dastardly evildoers take place indoors. Think about it. Backroom deals, home invasions, secret underground lairs. Truly intelligent criminals stay hidden in the shadows. For this training exercise, you'll be split into teams of good guys and bad guys and fight two‐on‐two, one group two-on-three of course, indoor battles."

"Isn't this a little advanced?" Asui asks.

"The best training is what you get on the battlefield! But remember, you can't justpunch a robot this time. You're dealing with actual people now," he says.

"Sir, will you be the one deciding who wins?" Yaoyorozu asks.

"How much can we hurt the other team?" Kacchan asks right after.

"Do we need to worry about the losers getting expelled like earlier?" Uraraka asks as well.

"Will you be splitting us up based on chance or comparative skill?" Iida asks.

"Isn't this cape pretty chic?" Aoyama asks randomly.

All Might growls from all the questions. "I wasn't finished talking! Listen up. The situation is this. The villains have hidden a nuclear missile somewhere in their hideout. The heroes must try to foil their plans. To do that, the good guys either have to catch the evildoers or recover the weapon. Likewise, the bad guys succeed if they protect their payload or capture the heroes. Time's limited, and we'll choose teams by drawing lots!"

"Isn't there a better way?" Iida asks.

"Think about it!" Izukun begins. "Pros often have to team up with heroes from other agencies on the spot, so maybe that's the reason we're seeing that here."

"Yes, I see. Life is a random series of events. Excuse my rudeness," Iida says and bows in All Might's direction.

"No sweat. Let's draw!"

We all line up to draw what team. I'm last in line, so everyone pretty much got to see who they're grouped up with. Team A: Midoriya and Uraraka, Team B: Todoroki and Shoji, Team C: Yaoyorozu and Mineta, Team D: Bakugo and Iida, Team E: Ashido and Aoyama, Team F: Koda and Sato, Team G: Kaminari and Jiro, Team H; Asui and Tokoyami, Team I: Ojiro and Hagakure, and Team J: Kirishima and Sero. I go to draw when All Might pulls the box away from me.

"There are no more lots. I will group you in the first villain team to go up first," he explains.

Great, just my luck, I think to myself. I simply nod and walk back to the rest of the class.

"I declare that the first teams to fight will be...these guys!" All Might shouts pulling out balls with letters painted on them from their boxes. "Team A will be the heroes, Team D will be the villains. Takahashi will be joining Team D! Everyone else can head to the monitoring room to watch!

"Yes, sir!" everyone says.

Izukun and I gasp as we realize what this means. Uraraka and Izukun to play the role as heroes while Kaccahn, Iida, and I as the villains. Kacchan growls at the situation.

"Bad guys, you can go on in and get set up. In five minutes, the good guys will be let loose, and the battle will start!"

"Yes, sir!" all of us except for Kacchan says.

"Young Iida, young Bakugo, and young Takahashi. The key to being successful in this challenge is to embody villainy. Think from the perspective of an evildoer," says All Might.

"Got it!" Iida says as I nod.

"If things go too far, I'll step in."

"Understood!" Iida answers as Kacchan growls in Izukun's direction. This is going to go poorly, I think to myself as we walk into the building.

"Even though this is training, it pains me to be aligned with criminal behavior," Iida says as he walks to the rocket in the big open room. "So, this is the weapon we must protect." He knocks on it revealing it's hallow. "Fake, of course."

"Hey!" Kacchan says walking over in Iida's direction.


"Do you really think Deku has a Quirk?" he asks him.

"You saw how he threw that ball. Though I think his power hurts his body," he answers honestly.

"Tch," is all Kacchan says.

"Why is it that you seem to be especially angry when it comes to Midoriya?" Iida asks.

"Was he seriously just tricking me all these years?" Kacchan mutters to himself, but I hear him.

"Kacchan, maybe he didn't know he had one! Like Iida said, the power is hurting his body, so he might not have hidden it from us all these years!" I tell him.

"How could he have not known he had a Quirk?" he responds as if I'm stupid.

"It could have come later for him, which is way it hurts him!" I explain further trying to defend myself. "It doesn't make complete sense, but it's the only thing that comes close!"

"You give him too much credit. I know that damn nerd must have been hiding it to make me look like the fool," he says avoiding eye contact.

"Hey, guys, we should come up with a strategy to protect the weapon," Iida says.

"Right!" I answer. "Kacchan, come on, we need to come up with a plan together."

"You two do whatever you want, I'm going to destroy that nerd," he growls.

"We need a plan! You can't just run in guns blazing!" I argue.

He doesn't respond and walks off.

I groan. "Okay, I guess we can come up with something together to defend the weapon since he won't participate," I say to Iida.

He nods. "Very well." We soon begin strategizing a plan together.

"All right! Let's begin the indoor combat training! Team A and Team D, your time starts now!" we hear All Might's voice beam through nearby speakers.

"Okay, let's do this!" I say to Iida. We agreed that he would stay with the weapon, and I'll be outside the room from a far-off distance to defend it from there. I also need to make sure Kacchan doesn't ruin our plan by going too much off the rails than we expect. I soon hear an explosion from a few floors down. He's already on the attack. Let the games begin.


Midoriya gasps as Bakugo flies out from one of the many corners and attacks with an explosion.

"Uraraka, you okay?" Midoriya asks after pushing her out of the way of the attack.

"I'm fine. Thanks!" she says. She looks at Midoriya to see his mask is ripped in half. "Oh! Deku!"

"It's just my mask," he reassures her.

Shooing some of the smoke out of the way, Bakugo appears. "What's the matter, Deku? Afraid to stand up and fight me?"

"I knew you'd come at me first. And figured you'd try to catch me by surprise," Midoriya responds as he gets back up to his feet.


"He almost got the jump on them," Mineta says in the viewing room.

"Sneak attack, Bakugo? What kinda man pulls cheap crap like that?" Kirishima says.

"It's a viable strategy. He's playing the part. Acting like a true villain would," All Might responds.

"It didn't work. Midoriya dodged him!" Ashido says.

"Look, there he goes!" Kaminari says.


"I won't hurt you so bad they'll have to stop the fight. Just close!" Bakugo says running after them again. He goes to make a punch, Midoriya blocks grabbing his arm and using his back as an aid to throw Bakugo over him and unto the ground. Bakugo lands straight on his back knocking the air out of him.

"Wow! Look at those moves!" Uraraka says.

Impossible. How'd he know? He's not that good! Bakugo thinks to himself.

"Kacchan. You always use a big right hook to start a fight. I know because I've watched you for years," Midoriya says to him.

"Huh?" Bakugo says in confusion.

"I analyzed every amazing hero, even you. I wanted to learn everything I could about them. It was all in the notebook you burned and threw away. You can call me Deku, but I'm not the same helpless, defenseless kid anymore! You hear me? I've changed. From now on, Deku is the name of a hero!"

Uraraka gasps at Midoriya's outburst.

Bakugo stands back up and faces Midoriya, whose ready to continue the fight. "Deku," Bakugo growls, "You're shaking in your boots, you're so scared. But you wanna fight me anyway. That's why I hate you!"

Chapter 7: Izukun vs. Kacchan

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (13)

Kacchan, Izukun, and I grew up in the same neighborhood, so we've known each other since we were little kids. Since my parents were always busy with hero work, I ended up staying with my grandparents a lot even before my parents' death, which means they ended up putting me along in the same schools as well.[Flashback to childhood]


"Uh..." Izukun and I said as we stared at the huge fence that said, 'No Trespassing'.

"Come on! Let's fight bad guys!" Kacchan shouted as he walked through the part of the fence that had fallen.

"Yeah" the other kids shouted as they followed him.

"Oh...yeah!" Izukun and I shouted nervously.

All the other neighborhood kids followed him around. It seemed like he could do anything. And no matter what he decided to do, he was always so confident. We thought he was the coolest person we'd ever met. But after his Quirk manifested, he started to change.


"Bakugo! Takahashi! Come in! Give me a status report. Where are you?" Iida says bringing me back to the present.

"I'm a floor down from you! No sign of the heroes yet!" I respond through the communication device in my ear that All Might gave us to use during the training. He also gave us a map of the building and capture tape to simulate that we apprehended someone in which they're out for the rest of the scenario.

"Just shut up and defend the weapon, you two. I've got more important things to worry about," Kaachan responds.

"Are you forgetting what our mission is? Hello? He hung up on us! This isn't the timefor radio silence. We're supposed to be partners. Argh!" Iida shouts in annoyance.

"We already planned on him to not be a team player. We just have to keep the heroes away from the weapon for the 15-minute time limit given, and we'll win! We still have the advantage!" I say. I hear more explosions from down below, and then, silence. Disregarding what I had just said, I try to reach Kacchan again. "Kacchan! What's their status?" I ask through the device. No answer. "Kacchan, do you read me?"

"Didn't I tell you to shut up? They're hiding, but I'll find Deku, and take him out myself!" he responds before cutting out again. Great, I think to myself. Izukun has probably already figured out that Kacchan has gone rogue and has split up with Uraraka to distract Kacchan from stopping her. Which means I need to keep an eye out for her, but I can't stop myself from thinking about what Kacchan might do to Izukun. If he has a Quirk or not, Kacchan has such a powerful Quirk that I'm not sure if Izukun can compete against that or not.[Flashback to childhood]


"Wow, you're so awesome!" Izukun said as he watched Kacchan bounce the ball around with his legs like a soccer ball.

"You're so good at that!" I agreed watching the ball as it never hit the ground.

"Whatever, this is nothin'," Kacchan responded.

Izukun tried to do the same thing but tripped and fell to ground with the ball hitting him in the head. "Ow!"

"Jeez, Izukun. You really can't do anything right, can you?" Kacchan said. He picked up Izukun's sand bucket that was sitting on the ground a little bit away from us and pointed at the part that had his name on it. "Look! You can read the last part of Izukun's name as 'Deku.'"

"Whoa, so you can read that?" one of the other neighborhood kids asked.

"Well, obviously. Deku. That must be what you call a helpless loser who's completely useless," Kacchan said making the other kids laugh.

"Why are you being so mean, Kacchan?" Izukun asked.

"Yeah, that's not very nice!" I agreed.

"Why don't you understand?"


One time we were at the beach skipping rocks. Kacchan tossed his and it went further than everyone else's.

"Whoa!" we all had said.

"Dude, that has to be a new record," one of the boys said.

"I bet it is," Kacchan answered.

"Wow!" I spoke.

"Heh, cool!"

"Where's yours?" Kacchan asked Izukun.

"Well, uh, it sank," Izukun answered sadly.

The other kids laughed.

"Why can't you do anything right?" Kacchan asked him.

"Kacchan! Quit being so mean!" I yelled.


"Whoa!" many kids said as Kacchan showed the first time his Quirk started to kick in. There were tiny explosions coming from his hands.


"You're so lucky!" Izukun said in amazement.

"Yeah!" I agreed.

"Impressive," one the teacher said.

"I bet you that's gonna grow into an amazing Quirk!" the other teacher said to the other.

"Definitely. A flashy Quirk for a future hero."

"It's perfect!"

"Yeah, you're right! I am amazing!" Kacchan responded.

It was later after that day when it was just us three playing in the woods.

"Wow, you're so lucky! Your Quirk is amazing, Kacchan! When I get mine, I hope it's just as cool!" Izukun had said.

"Whatever, Deku. No matter what power you end up with, you'll never be able to beat me," he responded.

At that time, I never knew that things would have ended like they did. After years of people telling Kacchan was amazing, he began to think that he is better than everyone. But he always picked on Izukun who, we thought anyway, had no Quirk. I never understood why Izukun bothered him so much, but I always felt like I needed to step in to stop their fighting. I guess a little bit of me wanted us to always be friends, but people change when they grow up and start to drift apart.


"Hey, did you hear? Deku doesn't have a Quirk. Like, none," one of the kids whispered to the others.

"What? Really?" another kid asked.

"Yeah, it's called being 'Quirkless.'" Another chimed in.

"That's dumb."

"What a loser."

"He's so lame."

"Don't worry about it, okay, Izukun?" the teacher told him.

"You're a total failure, Deku," Kacchan said.

"Don't say that!" I yelled at him.

"Or what? You gonna tell your parents on me?" he asked with a sneer.

The same time it was found out that Izukun was Quirkless, my parents left for a long time, which I know now was because of an uncover hero mission gone horribly wrong, and me and my brother began living with my grandparents, though at that time, it wasn't supposed to be permanently. That's when I really felt for Izukun. He was different because he had no Quirk, and I was being avoided and whispered about my parents and the rumors surrounding them. Though we weren't like the other kids, we both still tried so hard to hang out with Kacchan and his friends.


"Forward march and here we go, members of the Agency Bakugo. Sound o‐‐" Kacchan was chanting and walking over a tree trunk that was bridging over a stream of water when he tripped and fell in the water below.

"Kacchan!" I screamed.

"Hey. You okay down there?" one of his friends asked.

"Oh, don't worry. Kacchan is super tough! See?" said one of the other kids as Kacchan comes back into sight with his head above the water.

"Hurry and get back up here!" one of the kids said.

"Sure! Just gimme one second," Kacchan said calmly.

Still worried, I had gone down the side of the stream, but before I could walk in, Izukun stopped me and said, "Don't worry, I'll go in to check on him. No sense for all of us to be wet!"

I nodded and allowed him to go in without me.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt? I was worried you might'a hit your head or something."


I hear footsteps going up the stairs which bring me back to what I should have been focusing on in the first place. Oh no! I let myself get distracted!

"Iida, Uraraka made it past me! She'll be up there any minute! I'll follow her from behind and help you defend the weapon!" I tell him.

"Understood!" he responds back. I quietly sneak behind her as she makes to the room.

"Hm? Uraraka, is that you?" Iida asks aloud.

She gasps and comes out of hiding. "Uh..."

"We knew you would come here alone the instant that Bakugo ran off by himself and engaged with Izukun," Iida says in a villain voice.

"We?" Uraraka questions.

I lower myself back to the ground and tap her shoulder. She jumps by my touch and turns to face me. I give a smirk and wave my fingers villainously.

"My dastardly tricks have rendered you helpless! You've blundered, hero!" he says with an evil laugh.

"He really is...playing the part," Uraraka mutters. I don't say anything, but completely agree while he goes on and on.

"Um, Deku?" she says her communication device.

"Oh, no you don't'!" I say as I begin to pick her up with my Quirk.

She lets out a surprised yelp, but tells him, "They know that I'm here. Sorry."

I sling her to the other side of the room, but it doesn't stop her from giving away our location.

"Near the middle of the fifth floor."

"Izukun knows our location!" I shout to Iida. "We can't trust Bakugo to follow through with the mission. Do you think you can handle her while I make sure he has been captured?"

"Yes, I can handle her!" he answers.

"Okay, I'll be back shortly," I tell him as I use my Quirk on myself to fly wherever Izukun is. I find out that he is just a floor below and that I'm not the only to have found him.

"Why aren't you using your fancy Quirk? Don't tell me you're underestimating me, Deku. Get over here and show me what you're really made of," Kacchan shouts.

"Kacchan, we need to capture him, not fight!" I yell at him.

"This is between me and him, Akari. You need to learn when to step back!"

"We're a team, Kacchan! This isn't the time for personal feelings!"

"Kacchan," Izukun says bringing the attention back onto him again, "I'm not scared of you anymore!"

Kacchan lets out a growl. "Heh. Since you're such a stalker, by now you probablyknow how my Quirk, Explosion, works. I secrete nitroglycerin‐like sweat from my hands andmake it blow up. Imagine what I could do if I had a lot of it. That's right, these gauntlets aren't just for show. They've been storing up my sweat inside for one monster blast."

"Kacchan! Stop" I scream.

"Young Bakugo!" I hear All might's voice say through the earpiece. "Don't do it! You'll kill him!"

"He'll be fine as long as he dodges!" Kacchan's responds pulling the pin back on his right gauntlet.

"Kacchan!" I scream as I run at him to push him hoping the blast won't directly hit Izukun. The explosion blows up shaking the entire building and leaving a massive hole in the side of it.

"Come in! Come in, Midoriya!" I hear All Might's voice once more in the earpiece.

"Dammit, Akari! Didn't I tell you to stay out of this! Don't you ever listen!" Kacchan barks at me.

"You took that way too far, Kacchan! The goal is to capture not kill!"

"I don't need you to tell me what I can and can't do! I know what the mission is!" he shouts.

"Oh, really? It doesn't seem like it as you have been running rogue this entire time!" I scold.

"If you would have just stayed with the weapon, I would have finished Deku by now! Now go!" he says pushing me so hard that I fall to the ground and hit my head on the side of the wall. He pushes through the smoke, and I hear him say, "These are awesome. The more nitro sweat that's stored in these gauntlets, the stronger the explosion is. Go ahead. Use your stupid Quirk on me, Deku. Even if you give me everything you've got, you'll never beat me."

"Bakugo. Answer me! What is going on down there? Did you cause that blast?" Iida asks.

"Akari, here. That was him. He's gone completely bezerk!" I respond.

"What's the matter? You look scared. You dodged the attack, so you can still fight, can't you? Come and get me," Kacchan says trying to provoke Izukun.

"Come in, what's the situation?" I hear Izukun say. I assume he is trying to communicate with Uraraka.

"Are you ignoring me again? I'll get your attention," Kacchan shouts. I try to get up, but the pain from the fall has me compromised at the moment. Dammit, I think to myself.

"Bakugo. Use that stored‐up power again and I'll stop this fight. Your team will lose," All Might says through the earpieces again.


"To employ such a strong attack indoors is inviting the destruction of the stronghold you should be protecting. That's a poor strategy, whether you're a hero or a villain. The penalty would be a massive loss of points."

"The pillar by the window. Get there now!" Izukun says.

"We'll fight hand‐to‐hand!" Kacchan yells.

"Stop, Kacchan! It's a trap!" I yell trying to get up. But with no prevail, Kacchan goes for the attack, but changes his attack in midair shooting an explosion at Izukun's back. Kacchan has come up with a great strategy to keep Izukun from guessing his moves, but even through all the calculating and control he has over his Quirk, he's still not thinking clearly—anger is blinding his vision.

"Here it comes, nerd! The famous right hook you were whining about!" Kacchan screams hitting him in the side making Izukun scream in pain. "Deku! Don't you ever forget what you are! You're a weakling!"

I begin to stumble over in their direction. I have to stop Kacchan, he's going too far, team member, or not, I think to myself. I can't stand to see him hurt Izukun like this. Even though it's painful to breathe right now and my head is killing me, I can't let this continue if All Might won't stop it. Izukun gets up and runs to the other side of the floor and stands in front of a window. I fall back to the ground in pain.

"Why won't you use your damn Quirk against me? Still think you can stop me without it?" Kacchan asks while walking toward him.

"That's not it," Izukun answers.

"You've been hiding your true power for years. What's the deal, Deku? Did you think you were better than me this entire time?"

"That's what you think? You idiot. You've always been stronger, Kacchan. I know that you're better than me. Can't you see? That's why I wanna beat you. Because you're amazing!"

"You're even more of an idiot than I realized. Come at me!" he yells, and they both lunge forward to each other.

"Detroit..." Izukun yells.

"No stop!" I scream through the pain.

"Both of you, stop‐‐!" All Might begins to say but is interrupted.

"Uraraka, now!" Izukun shouts. "Smash!" At that moment, Kacchan uses an explosive at Izukun, but Izukun uses it with his Quirk to punch upward. His whole body is engulfed in the flames, but the power of his punch creates a massive hole leading all the way to the top of the building. I hear Kacchan gasp as the sight, and I'm able to hear the others above us as well.

"What's happening?" Iida asks.

"This is it! Sorry, Iida! Improvised special move: the Comet Home Run!" Uraraka shouts.

"In the name of villainy, I demand that you stop this!" Iida yells.

"I got it!"

"No! The weapon!"

Kacchan growls in anger. "This was your big plan...from the very beginning, wasn't it? You were playing me this entire time, you bastard."

"I wasn't... going to use it," Izukun explains as the smoke clears and reveals how injured he really is. "Because I can't control it. My body just can't handle...the backlash of my power yet. Mr. Aizawa said I'd be useless. But this was all...that I... could think of."

Kacchan gasps as he sees the appearance of Izukun.

"This is the only way...I had any chance at winning."

Kacchan lets out a grunt but the surprise of it all prevents him from saying anything else.

"The hero team... wins!" All Might voice beams.

Chapter 8: Kacchan’s Start Line

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (14)

"Your indoor combat training is over. The hero team wins!" All Might beams. All the other students gasp as they watch the screens of the teams that just finished.

"What a weird way for this to end. The losers are practically untouched besides Takahashi and the winners are both on the ground," Kaminari says.

"How does the old saying go? They may've lost the battle, but they won the war," Tokoyami responds.

"This class is intense," Asui says.

All Might makes it to the building the training was done with the transpo-bots. Though injured myself, I help put Izukun, who is unconscious, on the stretcher.

"To the nurse's office," one transpo-bot says.

"I know," the other says as they carry him off. I look over to see Kacchan having what appears to be an anxiety attack. All Might walks up to him and puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Young Bakugo. Cool your jets. Let's go review your work. Whether you win or lose, you can always take something away from an experience like this. As long as you're open to learning. Young Takahashi," he says looking back in my direction, "you should go to the nurse's office as well."

"I'll be fine," I manage to say. "I want to finish class if that's all right."

"Mm," he says with a head nod before walking off.

"Akari, you got hurt?" Kacchan asks me as if finally realizing I am still here.

"Uh, yes I got hurt, you're the one who did it!" I yell at him in annoyance but wince in pain from it.


"Seriously? When you pushed me away! Your gauntlet went straight into my ribs—you didn't even hold back! Thanks to you, when I fell, I hit my head as well," I answer angrily.

"I didn't real—"

"Of course, you didn't, Idiot. You were too busy trying to prove you are the strongest person again. Why would you ever worry about those around you, especially me," I interrupt.

"What the hell do you mean by that?" he shouts.

"I think you know exactly what I mean," I respond walking off from him and the conversation. I follow All Might into a room that my other classmates are in while trying to hide the intensity of my pain.

"Well, despite the results. The MVP of this exercise is Young Iida!" All Might announces. Everyone in the class gasps.

"Huh?!" Iida lets out shocked.

"Shouldn't it be one of the heroes instead, since they're the winners?" Asui asks.

"Mm! Valid question. Why didn't I choose one of those two? Who has a guess?" All Might asks the class.

"Sir! I can tell you why!" Yaoyorozu says with her hand up. "Iida embraced this challenge. He was the only one who truly adapted to his assigned role. I'll explain. Bakugo's judgment was clouded by a personal grudge against Midoriya. As you pointed out earlier, launching a large‐scale attack indoors was a foolish move. It could have been disastrous. Similarly, Midoriya's plan was also poorly thought out, considering the amount of damage that he received. He rendered himself helpless. Not smart. Takahashi lost focus on the mission mid-battle when she began to argue with Bakugo and even helped the hero evade from her teammates blast, though the attack was irrational. As for Uraraka... She let her guard down mid‐battle, and her final attack was far too reckless given the hypothetical stakes. If she'd treated the fake weapon as though it were real, she never would've risked using such an imprecise move. Iida was fully prepared for his opponent's arrival. He had a strategy, and never lost sight of his mission to protect the dummy weapon, even if he was foiled in the end. Technically, the hero team won, yes, but they took advantage of the fact that this was training. They didn't respect the spirit of the trial."

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (15)

Iida basks in her remarks of him as I lower my head. She's right—if I could have handled the situation a bit differently instead of trying to make sense to Kacchan, then it probably could have stopped a lot of injuries and damages.

All Might grunts in shock by her receptiveness. "Yes... Well, you overlooked a few things. Young Iida could have relaxed a little bit in the exercise, but... otherwise, you nailed it!"

"One should always start with the basics and devote themselves wholeheartedly to learning. That's the only real way to become a top hero," she says.

"Now then. Time to blow this joint. Let's move on to the next match! Think about everything we saw and discussed as you tackle this training for yourself," All Might says as he begins to randomly draw the next teams.

"Yes, sir!" the class says.

"Match two! Team B will be our heroes! And Team I will be the villains!"

Team I, Ojiro and Hagakure, have already gotten in position the defend the weapon, and appear to be going over a plan, though there is no sound from screens to prove so.

"Look alive, kids! Show us you're the embodiment of good. Or evil! Let's go!" All Might shouts and blares the buzzer. Team B, Todoroki and Shoji, are outside the building when the buzzer goes off and waste no hesitation as Shoji walks in first to use his Quirk. They talk for a little while and then Todoroki puts his hand on wall. Shoji walks out the building and the wall building is soon covered in ice. Todoroki simply walks right up to the floor the weapon is on with Ojiro whose feet are encapsulated in ice and unable to move. Todoroki walks over to the weapon and simply lays his hand on it.

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (16)

"He incapacitated them without compromising the weapon or his teammate. Take close note of his technique, students," All Might says shivering as the coolness of the ice has even chilled the room we're in.

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (17)

"Whoa, he's so strong!" Kirishima says amazed.

"I know! That was insane!" I say agreeing.

Kacchan stares at the screen in disbelief. I guess this is a wake-up call that he's not the only one with a powerful Quirk.

"The hero team wins!" All Might shouts. With the win under his belt, he evaporates the ice with an immense amount of heat.

Sato gasps. "Holy crap!"

"That guy's kind of intimidating," Kaminari says.

"He got in on a recommendation, so he must be good," Asui explains.

"Moving on! Time to gather 'round for a review of the second match. After that, we'll jet on over to our next battle!"

"Yes, sir!" we all say. I look over at Kacchan to see his head lowered and biting his lip. It serves him right after what he did, but I, for some unseemly reason, can't help but to feel bad for him.

Up next is Team J, Kirishima and Sero, as villains, and Team H, Tokoyami and Asui, as heroes. Then Team C, Yaoyorozu and Mineta, as villains, and Team G, Kaminari and Jiro, as heroes. Lastly Team F, Koda and Sato, were up as villains, and Team E, Ashido and Aoyama, as heroes. After everyone had gone through the exercise, All Might made us all meet up at the exit. He blows his whistle to get all our attention.

"That's a wrap! Super work. You really stepped up to the plate. And, we didn't have any major injuries, except for Midoriya. You should be proud. Excellent first day of training, all around!"

"It's nice to hear some encouraging words after our homeroom class. Mr. Aizawa was kind of a buzzkill," Asui says aloud, and we all nod in agreement.

"I'm happy to bring such staggering positivity to my alma mater! That's all for now, folks. I should go and check on Young Midoriya's progress! Now, watch how a pro exits. Like he's got somewhere to be!" he finishes and runs off in super speed making all of us gasp.

"Okay, you guys, that is a hero!" Kaminari says.

"Aw, I'll never be able to run that fast," Ojiro complains.

"Super awesome!" Mineta shutters in excitement.

I go to speak but begin to start coughing.

"Akari, are you okay? You haven't looked so well since you finished the exercise," Kirishima says coming to my side.

"I'm fine, it's just my hurts to breathe sometimes, and my head hurts," I answer.

"You should really go to the nurse's office, I can take you there," he says.

"No, I will," Kacchan says coming to my other side quickly.

"No, I think you've done enough," I say to him and look back at Kirishima. "Thank you, I'd appreciate that."

He nods with an awkward smile from the situation. Kacchan growls but says nothing else. We begin walking back to the school alone. "Are you sure you can walk that far? It's a long way to the nurse's office," he asks me.

"I should be fine, I'll let you know if I need a break," I tell him with a faint smile. We walk in silence for a little bit before speaking again.

"Hey, I have a question for you," he says hesitantly.


"So, what's up with you three?"

"Izukun, Kacchan, and I? We've all known each other since we were kids. We lived in the same neighborhood and went to the same schools. Izukun and Kacchan have a, well, complicated relationship. Kacchan thinks everything must be a competition and Izukun only wants to be as good as him. I usually have to pull them apart in their fights. I've had to since we were little," I answer.

"Ah," he says. "So, you and Kacchan aren't together?"

"What? No!" I shout hurting myself. I whimper out in pain.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you hurt yourself! He just seems particular about you, that's all!" he says.

"It's okay. Kacchan has always been like that. I don't know why. One minute he's throwing out insults, the next he's right there by your side. I don't think he knows how to handle a normal relationship," I explain.

"Oh, okay," he replies and says no more. We walk the rest of the way to the nurse's office discussing the battles that just occurred when we finally make it the door.

"I should be good now if you want to go back to class," I tell him.

"I want to make sure you're okay before I leave," he answers as he opens the door for me. "Come on, let's go in."

I feel myself blush slightly and walk inside.

"Another one from All Might's class? What is he doing in his class?" Recovery Girl exclaims when she sees me after mending to Izukun who is asleep in a hospital bed.

"Is he going to be okay?" I ask.

"He suffered some pretty bad injuries, but he'll be back to normal in a day or two. Let's focus on you, though," She answers and begins to do an examination on me. "Well, it appears that you have some broken ribs and a concussion. Nothing I can't fix there," she says as she begins to stretch her lips out to kiss me on the forehead. I would be more alarmed if it wasn't for Izukun's fascination on learning every single hero and their Quirks. Recovery Girl's Quirk is that she can heal others injures with a kiss. "Now, remember, my Quirk helps speed the body's ability to heal which uses a lot of energy, so you may feel a little tired."

I nod understanding. "Okay."

"Okay, you kids go back to class, I've got more work to do," she says shooing us away.

"You didn't have to stay, Kirishima, but thank you," I say with a yawn.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just can't believe Bakugo broke your ribs though! That's insane!"

I shrug. "The price I pay of being a mediator."


"Hey, it's Midoriya! Good to see ya back, super!" Kirishima says as Izukun appears through the now opened door. I look up from my book to see some of my other classmates that were already standing up conversating go to walk over there with Kirishima. Izukun gasps as they surround him. His right arm is in a sling while the other arm is wrapped up in bandages. "Ha! Man, I don't know what you were saying during that match. But you were all fired up, huh?"

"I can't believe you held your own against Bakugo—He's super strong!" Sero says.

"You did a great job dodging!" Ashido exclaims.

"You guys really turned up in the first match, so none of us held back in our rounds, either!" Sato tells him.

"You were far from elegant, but I suppose—" Aoyama begins but gets interrupted.

"And the dodging was like, whoa!" Ashido shouts.

"Hey, I'm Eijiro Kirishima. We've been goin' over training results while you were in recovery," Kirishima explains.

"Hi. I'm Hanta Sero."

"More importantly, I'm Yuga Ao—"

"I'm Mina Ashido! And I just gotta say, your dodging was awesome!" Why is that the only thing she has to talk about?

"Tsuyu Asui. But please, call me 'Tsu.'"

"Hey, Sato."

"Um. Hey, guys," Izukun says overwhelmed by everyone introducing themselves.

"And my name's Mineta!" the purple headed midget says jumping through the air.

"Where the heck did you pop out of?" Kirishima asks.

"UA's shiniest star here—" Aoyama begins again.

"You might sparkle, but you sucked it up in training," Sato retorts.

"So noisy," Tokoyami complains sitting on a desk close to me with Ojiro and Jiro, who I recognize from the battle center, standing beside him.

"Tokoyami! Stop using that desk as a chair! Get off of it this instant!" Iida shouts running from the other side of the classroom to get to him.

"Dude, you need to chill," Jiro tells him.

"Uh‐‐" Iida stammers.

"You're carrying a lot of tension," Ojiro says.

"No one understands. I cannot condone actions that disrespect these desks. Not when great men and women, our upperclassmen, once used them!" Iida yells.

"Also noisy," Tokoyami complains again. The other entrance door opens catching my attention.

"So, anyway, wanna grab a bite sometime? Kinda stuff you like?" Kaminari asks Uraraka as they enter the room carrying a bunch of books each.

"Anything sweet... Hey, Deku! Why didn't she heal your injuries?" Uraraka says running to him and leaving Kaminari behind. Poor guy, a shoot, and a miss, I think to myself.

"Oh. Uh... Well, it has to do with how much stamina I'm using." Izukun explains.


"Um, Uraraka. Where's Kacchan?"

"We tried to stop him from leaving. But he wouldn't listen. You just missed him," she answers. Without another word, he runs out of the room. Oh great, I think to myself as I grab my things and begin to chase after him. Before I make it to the door, I feel a hand grab my arm.

"Akari, where are you going?" Kirishima asks me.

"I have to go after him! He's already hurt enough, he shouldn't be picking another fight," I respond as I try to tug my arm back.

"You were hurt, too, Akari. You should be letting your body relax! You don't always have to be a mediator," he tells me before reluctantly letting go of me. I pause for a moment but continue my chase. I catch up with Izukun, but I stop before I am by his side. You don't always have to be a mediator. Kirishima's word echo through my head once more. I decide to let him handle it, but if it turns into a fight, then I'll intervene.

"Kacchan! Wait up!" Izukun shouts.

"What?" I barely hear Kacchan growl.

Izukun begins talking to him, but I can't hear a word he says—all I know is that every word seems to be pissing Kacchan off more and more. After Izukun seems to have finish saying his peace, Kacchan answers angrily and his voice begins to raise in octaves.

"...When I was watching that ice guy, I realized I couldn't beat him in a head‐to‐head fight. Crap! I even agreed with what that girl said. My attack was so stupid! Damn it! Damn it, damn it, damn it! Enjoy that win, Deku. You won't get another! I'm just getting started! Got that?! I'm gonna end up the number‐one hero, no matter what! You'll never beat me again, you bastard. Don't even try," he finishes with tears beaming from his eyes and begins to walk away. I'm shocked by what i just witnessed that I'm temporarily frozen in place. Did he start...crying?

"There you are!" All Might shouts out of nowhere scaring the crap out of me. He runs lightning fast in the guys' direction until he reaches Kacchan and lays his hands on the back of his shoulders. As there is no longer a risk for a fight, I recover from my shock and begin to walk past them to leave the school grounds and onto my home. "Bakugo! I found you! Just so you know, pride is an important attribute to have. But while you certainly have the abilities to become a pro hero, there's still plenty you have to learn!"

"Let go of me, All Might. Right now," Kacchan demands.

"Hm?" All Might says confused.

"Save your speeches. I'll be more famous than you, and I'll do it without your help."


I guess Kacchan finally got humbled, even if it wasn't by much, I think to myself. Must be tough to realize that there are other people with impressive Quirks than your own when you have an ego as big as his. In all reality, he does have so much to learn if he really wants to be the number-one hero—it takes more than have a good Quirk and knowing how to use it.

"Akari!" I hear Kacchan shout from behind me. I ignore him and keep walking. "Damn it, Akari, I know you can hear me!" he shouts annoyed. Without me realizing it, he runs after me and forcefully turns me around to face him. I stumble over my feet, but he holds me up so I don't fall. His face is so close to me that I can feel his breath hit me as he pants. "Why do you insist on getting on my nerves?" He shouts.

"Why do you insist on having everything your way, no matter how is hurts others?" I retort.

He turns his head away from me where I can't see his face and mumbles something.

"What'd you say?" I ask.

"I'm sorry!" he shouts in annoyance as he turns his head back around with his red eyes piercing through mine. "Are you okay?" he asks in a gentler tone.

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine. I went to see Recovery Girl for my injuries. She was able to help me heal, but I'm pretty tired now," I answer quietly.

He nods. "Good. Then let's get you home."

"O-okay," I stammer. Hearing him speak with such a calm demeanor throws me in for a loop. Where was the Kacchan from earlier who didn't seem to care for my wellbeing? There seems to a change arising from him already from today's events—hopefully the start of what it takes to be a hero.

Chapter 9: Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Iida!

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (18)

"So, uh, how are you feeling today?" Kacchan asks me as we walk to school together.

"I'm doing much better, not a scratch or bruise left on my body," I answer.

"Good," he says. We walk the rest of the way in an uncomfortable silence. Since we had the heroes vs. villains training, he has been considerably nicer to me. It's good but has taken some adjusting. When we arrive at the school grounds, there are reporters gathered everywhere clamoring.

"What's going on?" I ask aloud.

"They're still trying to get a story on All Might," Kacchan mutters.

"Still? Such vultures," I groan.

"Hey, you! Can you tell us what it's like to work so closely with All Might?" I hear a woman ask Izukun, who seem to have arrived a little bit before us, shoving a microphone in his face.

"U‐Um, sorry, I have to go to the, uh, the nurse's office! Yeah, right away!" he says as he backs away.

She moves on to the next nearest person—Uraraka. "Are you one of All Might's students? Tell us‐‐ what's the Symbol of Peace like in person?"

"Um... What's he like? Well... Uh‐‐He's super muscle‐y. Yeah!" she responds.

"Come on, Akari, let's get us out of here," Kacchan says grabbing my hand.


"How is he faring as a teacher; what are you learning?" She asks moving onto Iida while we try to slip away.

"His leadership and wisdom remind me on a daily basis that I attend the world's most prestigious educational institution. Of course, he's the personification of honor and integrity that one would expect, but he's also not afraid to show his students a more humorous side. It's truly a uniqueopportunity to be under the direct tutelage of the pro we all admire," he answers elegantly.

"Excuse me, kids! Are you two in All Might's class? Oh, hold on. Aren't you that Sludge Villain kid?" the reporter asks chasing after Kacchan and I as if Iida's monologue wasn't good enough for her.

"Walk away," he grumbles as I give a glare to her. She backs away slowly from us, and Kacchan urges me forward.

"Please, sir. Can you get All Might for us? Also, you look like a mess, what's your deal?" she asks running up to Mr. Aizawa, who was a little way in front of us.

"All Might's not on campus today. Now get outta here, you've disturbed my students enough already," he tells her.

"But my viewers wanna know how he's adjusting to life as a teacher!" she yells. Soon after that, I hear the alarm sound and the sound of the barriers coming up. She must have tried to get in. UA's barriers are designed to stop anyone who doesn't have a student ID or special pass from entering the campus. It's nice to know that they work. The news that All Might had been hired as a faculty member at UA took the entire nation by surprise. Naturally, the media swarmed the school in search of a story. Everyone wanted to get their hands on All Might it seemed. We finally get away from the media and make it to our class where we wait for the day to begin.

"Decent work on yesterday's combat training, you guys. I saw the video feeds and went over each of your team's results. Bakugo. You're talented. So don't sulk like a child about your loss, okay? Takahashi. I expected much more from you. Do better," Mr. Aizawa says after class has officially started.

"Yeah, whatever," Kacchan says.

"Y-yes, sir," I say stumbling over my words. There's a chance he does remember me after all...

"And Midoriya. I see the only way you won the match was by messing up your arm again. Work harder. And don't give me the excuse that you don't have control over your Quirk. That line's already getting old. You can't keep breaking your body while training here. But your Quirk will be really useful if you can get a handle on it. So show a little urgency, huh?"

"Right," he responds.

"Let's get down to business," he says after reviewing the training with the rest of the class. "Our first task will decide your future. You all need to pick a class representative."

"Pick me, guys! I wanna be class rep!" Kirishima shouts.

"I'll take it!" Kaminari says raising his hand.

"Yeah, you're gonna need me." Jiro says.

"Someone with style would be best," Aoyama responds.

"I'm, like, totally the right pick!" Ashido shouts completely talking over Aoyama. In a normal classroom, a representative's duties would just be a bunch of extra work. But here in the hero course, there's more to it. It's a way to get noticed by agencies and prove you can lead a team like a real pro, though I don't think I want to stand out that much.

"Silence, everyone, please!" Iida shouts. "The class representative's duty is to lead others. That's not something just anyone can do. You must first have the trust of every student in the classroom. Therefore, the most logical way to fill this position is democratically. We will hold an election to choose our leader!"

"It's pretty obvious you want us to vote for you," everyone mumbles.

"Is this really the best idea?" Kaminari asks.

"We've only known each other a few days, how do we know who we can trust?" Tsu states.

"Besides, everyone'll just vote for themselves," Kirishima says.

"Most people will. But that means whoever does receive multiple votes must truly be the most suitable person for the job," Iida explains before turning to Mr. Aizawa. "It's the best way, right, sir?"

"Do what you want, just decide before my nap's over," he answers getting into his sleeping bag.

"Thank you for your trust!" Iida says. Some time passes by as everyone puts in their votes, and soon, Iida puts the Election results on the blackboard.

"How did I get three votes?" Izukun shouts in surprise.

"Okay, you idiots, who voted for him?" Kacchan asks angrily.

"What, did you honestly think anyone was gonna vote for you?" Sero asks mockingly.

"What did you just say?!" he shouts making me giggle.

"Only one vote...I feared this might happen, but I can't argue with the system I chose!" Iida mutters sadly.

"Well, as we stated before, most would vote for themselves, just as you did." Tsu says.

"That one vote...wasn't me..." Iida responds.

"So you voted for someone else, huh?" Yaoyorozu says.

"But you knew it was best to vote for yourself, right? What were you tryin' to prove here, Iida?" Sato asks.

"All right, the class rep is Midoriya, and our deputy is Yaoyorozu," Mr. Aizawa says after calling the two up to the front.

"Really? Uh. It's not a mistake?" Izukun asks shaking nervously.

Yaoyorozu sighs before muttering, "How'd this happen?"

"This might not be so bad," Tsu says.

"Yeah, I can get behind Midoriya I guess," Kirishima agrees.

"Yaoyorozu was totally on top of it when it came to our training results!" Kaminari says.

Not too long after picking a class rep, it's time for lunch. I go through the busy lunch line and soon find my seat beside Kacchan.

"Hey," I say after getting situated.

"Hey," he answers in between bites.

"Are these seats available?" Kirishima asks coming up with Kaminari and Sero.

With a smile, I nod and answer, "Yeah!"

"Cool!" they say and sit down—Kirishima to my left, and the other two in front of Kacchan and I.

"So, what you do think of new class rep?" Kaminari asks.

"I don't know who would vote for that nerd!" Kacchan grumbles.

"What's so bad about it? He seems like he's pretty good at strategizing," Kirishima says.

"Yeah, but he's not really great at the whole leading a group quite yet," I answer.

"Let me guess, you voted for Bakugo," Kaminari mocks.

"What? Kacchan is the last person I would consider to be a leader!" I answer.

"What did you say?" Kacchan says raising his voice.

"Face it, Kacchan, you don't work well in groups, better yet, lead one," I say to him.

He looks away from me and says, "Whatever."

"Besides, he only had one vote which probably means he voted for himself," I tell them while taking a bit of my food.

"You had zero votes, Akari. Who did you end up voting for?" Kirishima asks me.

"Oh, I voted for Iida," I answer.

"What? Why?" Kacchan asks annoyed.

"I mean, he already acts like a class rep, so it just seems right." All the sudden, an alarm starts ringing loudly throughout the campus. What is that?

"Warning. Level Three security breach," a woman on the intercom says. "All students please evacuate the building in an orderly fashion."

"What's a 'Level Three security breach'?"

"It means that someone's managed to get past the school's barriers!" one of our upperclassmen explains jumping up from his seat. Everyone around us started screaming and running to the hallway to exit the cafeteria.

"Akari, stay with me!" Kacchan shouts as he grabs a hold of my hand.

"Stop shovin' so hard!" a student shouts.

"Wait, I'm getting trampled!" shouts another.

"I said, stop pushin' me!"

"Everyone! Stop freakin' out!" Kirishima shouts as he grabs my other arm to try to stay together, but no one seems to listen to him.

"Kacchan! I'm getting squished!" I yell.

"Back off!" Kacchan shouts pushing people back.

"Kirishima! Kaminari!" I hear Iida yell out and look to his direction.


"The current's too strong!" Kaminari says.

"Ow!" I yell when I get an elbow to the stomach.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" Kacchan shouts putting me behind him. Looking over his shoulder, I see Iida floating in the air, flipping around clumsily until he uses his quirk to fly to the wall of the exit.

"Listen up, everything is okay! It's just the media outside. There's absolutely nothing to worry about. Everything's fine! We're UA students. We need to remain calm and prove that we're the best of the best," he shouts. Many of the students sigh and look outside.

"Look, the police are here!"

"Thank goodness."

I sigh in relief. The chaos is finally over, but unfortunately, lunchtime is now over, and we have to head back to class. "I guess it's back to class we go," I say backing off from Kacchan's back.


"That was insane!" Kirishima says.

"Yeah, and now we can't finish our lunch!" Kaminari complains.

"Oh, get over it!" Kacchan shouts.

Kaminari goes to say something but changes he's mind after seeing Kacchan's threatening expression. He gets closer to me whispers, "Is he always this scary?"

I look at Kacchan then back at Kaminari, giving him a nod.We continue on to our classroom and wait for class to begin. After the bell rings, Izukun and Yaoyorozu are called to the front of the class by Mr. Aizawa.

"It's time, class rep. Let's begin," Yaoyorozu says to Izukun as they stand in the front of the class.

"Um. Okay, so we need to figure out who the other class officers will be. But first, there's something that I wanna say. I've thought a lot about this. And I think that Tenya Iida should be our class rep!" he says making Iida gasp. "He was able to capture everyone's attention and get us in line. So, I believe that he should be the one leading our class from now on!"

"Yeah, you know what? If Midoriya vouches for him, I'm good. Plus, he was a big help. He totally manned up and took charge, right?" Kirishima says.

"Yup! Oh!" Kaminari agrees. "Did you notice he looked like the dude on the emergency exit signs when he was on the wall earlier?"

"This is a waste of time. I don't care who the rep is, just hurry up," Mr. Aizawa moans in his sleeping bag.

"If Midoriya is nominating me for this job..." Iida says standing up, "...then I humbly accept. I pledge to carry out the duties of class rep to the best of my abilities!"

"Sounds good, Emergency Exit!" Kirishima answers.

"Emergency Exit Iida! Don't let us down, man!" Kaminari says.


It was a few days later since Iida became our class rep when we are sitting class waiting for Mr. Aizawa to tell us what we're doing today.

"Today's training will be a little different. You'll have three instructors. Me, All Might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you," Mr. Aizawa tells us making many of my classmates gasp.

"Sir! What kinda training is this?" Sero asks.

"Rescue. You'll be dealing with natural disasters, shipwrecks, stuff like that," he answers.

"Disasters, huh? Sounds like we're in for a big workout," Kaminari says.

"Totally!" Ashido responds.

"Real hero stuff. This is what separates the men from the boys. I'm shakin' with excitement," Kirishima says.

"Finally, I'll get to show off how good I am in water. Ribbit," Tsu says.

"Guys, I'm not finished yet," Mr. Aizawa says annoyed. "What you wear in this exercise is up to you. I know you're excited about costumes..." he pauses to use the remote to pull our costumes out from their place in wall, "...but keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them yet, and they might limit your abilities. This special training's at an off‐campus facility, so we'll be taking a bus to get there. That's all. Start getting ready." We hurry to get our costumes on and meet up where the bus is.

"Deku? Why are you wearing your PE clothes? Where's your costume at?" I overhear Uraraka asks Izukun. I turn around to look at him.

"You saw it after the combat training. It was kinda trashed. I'm still waiting on the support company to fix it up," he answers.

A whistle blows directing my attention to Iida. "Gather around, Class 1‐A! Using your student numbers, form two neat lines so we can load the bus efficiently." He's really taking class rep seriously, I think to myself as we all get in the bus, though the layout of the bus wasn't what Iida was expecting. The front through the middle of the bus has seats facing the inside of the bus while the back of the bus is the tradition style of seating. I follow Kacchan to the back and sit beside him in the first row of the traditional seats.

"The bus's open layout ruined my boarding strategy," Iida complains.

"Iida, you really need to chill," Ashido tells him.

"If we're pointing out the obvious, then there's something I wanna say... about you, actually," Tsu says to Izukun.

"About me? What is it, Asui?"

"I told you to call me 'Tsu'."

"Oh, yeah, right."

"That power of yours. Isn't it a lot like All Might's?"

"What? Really? You think so, huh? I never really thought about that. I guess it's kinda similar..." he says.

"Wait, hold on, Tsu," Kirishima says, "You're forgetting All Might doesn't hurt himself. That makes a huge difference. Still, I bet it's cool to have a simple augmenting‐type a' Quirk. You can do lots of flashy stuff with it. My Hardening's super strong and can destroy bad guys in a fight, but it doesn't look all that impressive," Kirishima says as he hardens his arm to show what he's talking about.

"Oh, no way, I think it's really awesome looking. You're definitely pro material with a Quirk like that," Izukun says.

"You really think so? Seems like it'd be easier to be a popular hero if I had somethin' flashier."

"My Navel Laser's got the perfect combination of panache and strength," Aoyama says.

"But it's way lame if it gives you a stomachache, sweetie," Ashido says to him.

"Well, if any of our classmates have pro Quirks, it's Todoroki and Bakugo," Kirishima says looking at Kacchan. He hears him but keeps looking out the window.

"Sure, but Bakugo's always angry, so he'll never be that popular," Tsu states.

"Uh‐‐ What'd you say? I'll kick your ass!" Kacchan yells while standing from his seat while getting in my space. I let out a giggle.

"Ya see?"

"Y'know, we basically just met you. So it's kinda telling that we all know your personality is flaming crap mixed with garbage," Kaminari teases.

"You're gonna regret the day you applied to this school, you loser...!" Kacchan yells. They been arguing which is pretty amusing to me. It's funny how everyone seems to be picking on him—though he makes it so easy for them when he loses his temper all the time.

"Hey, hey, we're here. Stop messing around," Mr. Aizawa tells us.

"Yes, sir," we all say.

"Whatever," Kacchan says instead. We all get out of the bus and are greeted in a woman in a costume similar to an astronaut suit.

"Hello, everyone, I've been waiting for you!" she says. Everyone around me gasps.

"It's the Space Hero, Thirteen! The chivalrous pro who's rescued a ton of people from disasters across the world!" Izukun says.

"Woo‐hoo! Thirteen is one of my favorite heroes!" Uraraka says in excitement.

"I can't wait to show you what's inside!" Thirteen says and leads us inside the huge building.

"This is gonna be awesome!" everyone says. After walking in, she leads us to main training ground and we all gasp.

"Holy crap! It looks like some kind of amusem*nt park!" Kirishima says.

"It's so huge!" I say.

"A shipwreck. A landslide. A fire. A windstorm. Et cetera‐‐I created this training facility to prepare you to deal with different types of disasters. I call it the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. But, you can call it, USJ!" she tells us.

"Hey, shouldn't All Might be here already? Lemme guess, he booked an interview instead," Mr. Aizawa mutters to Thirteen in annoyance.

"Actually, it's something else," she says.


Thirteen whispers something to him and a moment later, he turns around to face us.

"The clock's ticking. We should get started," he says.

"Excellent," Thirteen says, "Before we begin, let me just say one thing. Well, maybe two things. Possibly three, four, or five."

"We get it!" we all say.

"Listen carefully. I'm sure you're aware that I have a powerful Quirk. It's called Black Hole. I can use it to suck up anything and turn it into dust."

"Yeah, you've used Black Hole to save people from all kinds of disasters before, haven't you?" Izukun says.

"That's true, but my Quirk could also very easily be used to kill," she answers making a few people gasp. "Some of you also have powers that can be dangerous. In our superhuman society, all Quirks are certified and stringently regulated, so we often overlook how unsafe they can actually be. Please don't forget that if you lose focus or make the wrong move, your powers can be deadly. Even if you're trying to do something virtuous like rescue someone.

"Thanks to Aizawa's fitness tests, you have a solid idea of your Quirk's potential. And because of All Might's combat training, you likely experienced how dangerous your powers can be when used against other people. Carry those lessons over to this class. Today, you're going to learn how to use your Quirks to save people's lives. You won't be using your powers to attack enemies or each other, only to help. After all, that's what being a hero is all about. Ensuring the safety of others."

"Thirteen is so cool!" Izukun says quietly.

"That's all I have to say. Thank you so much for listening." After her lecture, everyone begins cheering—excited to begin the training.

"Right. Now that that's over..." Mr. Aizawa begins to say, but the water fountain in the middle of the USJ begins to on and off stop its flow of water. We gasp as a portal appears and people start emerging out of it.

"Stay together and don't move! Thirteen. Protect the students!" Mr. Aizawa shouts.

"Whoa, what is that thing?" Kirishima asks. "Wait, has the training started already? I thought we were rescuing people."

"Stay back!" Mr. Aizawa scolds us as we had tried to look closer at what is going on. "This is real. Those are villains." We all gasp in fear. We were supposed to be training on how to save others, but it turned into all of us being in danger and in need of saving instead.

Chapter 10: Encounter with the Unknown

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (19)

"Whoa, what is that thing?" Kirishima asks. "Wait, has the training started already? I thought we were rescuing people."

"Stay back!" Mr. Aizawa scolds us as we had tried to look closer at what is going on. "This is real. Those are villains." We all gasp in fear.

"The only real heroes I see are Thirteen and Eraser Head. Perplexing. According to the schedule we retrieved from UA, All Might should be here as well," a voice beams out.

"So, you scumbags used the press as a cover and sneaked onto campus," Mr. Aizawa says lowly.

"Where is he? I went through the trouble of bringing so many friends who're eager to meet him. They want All Might. The great Symbol of Peace. I can't believe he's not here. Maybe if I kill a few kids, he'll come out to play."

Today we soon learned what the pro heroes are really up against. The darkness they face to keep us safe. We look at these villains, and pure evil stare back at us. For me, however, this isn't the first time, but it doesn't make it any less terrifying. [Flashback]


"Take the blindfold off, now," the villain demanded of me after ripping the restraints of my wrists.

I complied with the demand to see that I'm in a room full of people tied to chairs with black bags over their heads. I could only imagine they were gagged underneath by how silent they were.

"I don't understand why we had to kidnapped a stupid child just to find the rat in the gang," one of the villains complained.

"I assume Master has his reasons. Besides, her Quirk is very useful. I'm sure he's pretty interested in that," another villain responds while staring at me with such an evil glare. I was so scared that I couldn't even cry in fear. Where's Mommy and Daddy?

"Well, I hope we get more information on what to do with it. I didn't joining just to babysit some heroes' kid."


"What? Real villains? No way. How could so many of 'em get into a UA facility this secure?" Kirishima asks, bringing me back to the present quickly.

"Yeah, Thirteen. Why aren't the alarms going off?" Yaoyorozu asks her.

"Good question. I'm not sure," she answers.

"Is the entire campus under attack? Or is this their only target? Either way, if the alarm sensors aren't being triggered, then one of these villains must have a Quirk that's masking their presence here. They carefully chose this isolated facility as an entry point at a time when a class was being taught. They're fools for trespassing here, but they've thought this out. Whatever their plan, they must have a concrete objective in mind. But what is it?" Todoroki says aloud.

"Thirteen, get them outta here. And alert the main campus. Actually, if they've got the ability to block our sensors, then they might be jamming our regular communications, too. Kaminari, try using your Quirk to contact the school," Mr. Aizawa commands.

"Yes, sir," Kaminari answers as he tries to initiate contact with the outside.

"What're you gonna do? You can't fight them on your own! There's too many of 'em. Even if you can nullify their Quirks, your fighting style's not suited for this. Your power works best in stealth and one‐on‐one fights. That's not gonna help with a group," Izukun says to him in concern.

"You can't be a pro if you only have one trick. I'll leave it to you, Thirteen," he says before flying to fight off the herd of villains.

"Shooting squad. Take your aim!"

"Didn't our intel say it was just gonna be Thirteen and All Might out here? Who's that?"

"Don't recognize him, but if he thinks he can take us down easy, he's dead."

"Let's gun him down!"

"Uh! My Quirk. Where're my bullets?" Mr. Aizawa uses his scarf to wrap around the villains, lift them up, and hit each other with their bodies.

"Idiots. That's Eraser Head! A pro! He can cancel your Quirks just by looking at you."

"Cancellation? Bet you can't erase the Quirk of a heteromorphic‐type like me, can you?"

"Yeah. You're right," Mr. Aizawa says dodging the villain's punches with ease and then landing one straight in his face. "But a villain like you is only dangerous if you can reach me. Good thing I've taken measures to make sure that never happens. Now, which one of you gutter punks is next?"

Wasting no more time, we follow Thirteen in a sprint to the exit. I almost trip, but Kacchan manages to catch me by grabbing a hold on my arm. I manage to collect myself and continue on.

"This is no time to be analyzing. We have to go!" I hear Iida say behind me. I turn my head to see that Izukun was far behind us. When I see him begin to run toward us, I turn back around to see the black portal guy come out of nowhere in front of us, blocking the exit. Thirteen gasps and stops in her tracks. Kacchan steps in front of me to guard.

"There is no escape for you," he says. "It's a pleasure to meet you. We are the League of Villains. I know it's impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves into this haven of justice to say hello. And besides, isn't this a fitting place for All Might, the Symbol of Peace, to take his last breath? I believe he was supposed to be here today, and yet I see no sign of him. There must've been some sort of change in plans we could not have foreseen. Ah, well, in the end, I suppose it doesn't matter. I still have a role to play."

Before we can stop them, Kacchan and Kirishima run full force without hesitation to fight the villain. Kacchan uses it Quirk to launch an explosion causing a huge cloud of smoke to block any sort of vision of what's going on.

"Kacchan! Kirishima!" I shout in fear.

"Did ya think we were just gonna stand around and let you tear this place to shreds?" Kirishima says as the smoke begins to clear.

"You live up to your school's reputation. But you should be more careful, children. Otherwise, someone might get hurt," the villain says getting back to a more formed shape.

"You two, get out of the way, right now!" Thirteen shouts showing she was trying to use her Quirk.

"I'll scatter you across this facility to meet my comrades, and your deaths!" the villain says as his form begins to reach all around us making it hard to see.

"Crap. What is this?!" I hear Kirishima shout. I begin running to his voice as everything becomes pitch black. I manage to make it to him and Kacchan and cling to each of their arms.

"What's happening?" I shout.

"I-I don't know!" Kirishima answers.

Soon, the blackness clears, but we're no longer near the exit but in a damaged building. We get placed in the air and fall to ground with a hard thud on top of each other.

"Where the hell are we?" Kacchan shouts in anger.

Kirishima walks to a near window and looks outside. "It looks like we've been warped to the Collapse Zone," he answers.

"That must mean that some of the other classmates got thrown throughout the building's zones!" I say looking around to get a view of the simulated office building we were placed in.

"No more time for chit-chat. We're under attack!" Kacchan shouts. I look to see villains from all angles coming toward our direction.

"Let's show them what we're made of!" Kirishima shouts.

"Yeah, let's do this!" I add getting in a fighting stance. We create a circle with our backs toward each other so no villains can sneak up on either one of us. A villain comes my direction to land a punch, but I dodge it and land a kick to his stomach. "Kacchan!" I shout.


"Remember when we were kids, and I would make rocks fly in the air to you hit them with your Quirk?'

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Wanna try it on villains?"

"Hell yeah!" he yells enthusiastically.

"Okay!" I begin picking up villains left and right for him to hit. Kacchan hits every one of them knocking them unconscious.

"Bad ass!" Kirishima shouts.

"I see your aim is still as good as ever!" I say to him as more start flooding in.

"Less talking, more fighting!" Kacchan scolds.


"Die!" he shouts as he blasts more villains.

"How many more can there be?" Kirishima asks.

"I don't know, but hopefully help comes soon," I answer.


"Shoji. Got them? Anything? Where is everyone?" Iida asks.

Shoji uses his Quirk to grow more eyes and ears. "They've been scattered across the facility. But our classmates are still here," he answers. Everyone sighs in relief.

"What do we do? The guy's not affected by physical attacks and can apparently teleport stuff," Sero says.

"Class rep," Thirteen says.


"I have a job for you. Run to the school and tell the faculty what's going on here. The alarms aren't sounding, and our phones and radios are useless right now. One of these villains must be to blame. Even though Eraser Head is canceling people's Quirks left and right, we're still completely sealed off from the outside world. Likely, whoever is causing this interference hid as soon as they warped into the USJ. They could be anywhere. Impossible to hunt down. It'll be faster for you to run and get help than for us to find whoever's jamming everything."

"Yes, but‐‐ It would be disgraceful for me to leave you all behind."

"Go, Emergency Exit. There are lots of alarms outside. That's why they're keeping all of us trapped inside the USJ, right?" Sato says.

"As long as you can get outside, they won't follow. Blow this bastard mist away with those Engine Legs!" Sero says urging him on.

"Use your Quirk to save others. Be a real hero!" Thirteen tells him.

"I can help you out! Just like I did when I floated you in the cafeteria! Okay? No prob! Please, class rep. Do it!" Uraraka begs.

"Even if this is your only option, are you really foolish enough to strategize in front of your enemy?" the villain asks.

"It won't matter if you know what we're planning or not when I'm done with you. Black Hole!" Thirteen shouts.

"Everyone, let's hold our own until Iida gets back with help! We'll be okay!" Uraraka says.

Chapter 11: Game Over

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (20)

"So, the plan was to scatter us, and then kill us. You were woefully unprepared. In fact, it looks to me as though you've had no training. You haven't the slightest idea how to use your Quirks," Todoroki says.

"This power..."

"He froze us the instant we warped here."

"He's not a kid, he's a monster!"

"So cold..."

How do they plan to kill All Might? At first, I thought they'd gathered a force of elite criminals who could simply overpower him. But that can't possibly be their master plan. Most these villains are low‐level thugs. Just pawns. From what I can tell, there are only four or five truly dangerous people here. If that's the case, then what we need right now is more information.

"Listen well. If you stay frozen, your cells will slowly die as your body succumbs to frostbite and hypothermia. Luckily for you, I wanna be a hero. So I'd like to avoid any unnecessary cruelty. But I can only do that if you tell me how you plan to kill All Might. That's the only way you'll survive," Todoroki says as he uses his ice powers on one of the villain's face causing the villain to scream.


"These dudes are terrifying! My whole life just flashed before my eyes, I think I saw the grim reaper! What's going on?" Kaminari whimpers.

"Could you maybe take it down a few notches?" Jiro tells him.

"Right now, we need to focus on getting away from these enemies," Yaoyorozu says.

"Then pull out a weapon for me, too!" Kaminari shouts.

"You're the one with electrical powers. Just zap 'em so we can run," Jiro demands.

"Were you not paying attention during combat training? Some partner you were. I can cover my body with electricity. But if I try to shoot it out, it'll go everywhere! I'd take you guys down along with them! Or did you want shock treatment today? I can't even call for help because there's still interference jamming the signal! I'm counting on you two. I'm no help in this situation. You've gotta get us outta here. Please!" Kaminari says.

"You're a real damsel in distress, aren't you?" Jiro says annoyed. She grabs him and kicks him into a villain.

"Uh‐‐ Ah!"

"New idea. You're my human stun gun," she says.

"Seriously? Come o‐‐" Kaminari says but covers himself with electricity which ends up wrapping around the villain too. "Whoa. Hey, this is working! I'm super strong! Sit back, you two. You can count on me!" he shouts.

"You are exhausting," Jiro groans. She turns around to see a villain try to throw a huge boulder in her direction.

"Try electrocuting solid rock, kid!" he says, but before he can hit her, Jiro uses her Quirk to break the boulder in little pieces causing the villain to accidentally punch Kaminari and get hit with Kaminari's electricity. Another comes to attack, but Yaoyorozu creates a capture net, and he falls in the growing electric wave coming from Kaminari.

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (21)

"You're lucky that worked out so well," Yaoyorozu belittles.

"I'm sorry. Next time I'll ask before saving our butts," Jiro says sarcastically. "Damn it, Kaminari. You couldn't have asked for some kind of aiming gear when you put in your costume request form? I mean, come on!"

"It's ready!" Yaoyorozu grunts as a huge hump begins to rise from her back. Jiro gasps at the sight. "It takes me a little create an object this big!"

"A blanket?" one of the villain questions as a larger material falls over both the girls.

"Is it supposed to be a shield?" another mocks.

"You're looking at a sheet of insulation 100 millimeters thick. Go, Kaminari," she says.

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (22)

"Heh. Badass. Now I don't have to worry about hurting my friends. You guys are fried!" he shouts as he shoots his electricity in all directions causing of the villains it touches to scream in pain.

"Now then. I'm worried about the rest of our class. We should find them right away," Yaoyorozu says coming out from under the insulation.

"You're looking a little overexposed right now!" Jiro says blushing as Yaoyorozu's top half is exposed.

"Huh?" she says before looking down. "I can make some new clothes."

Yaoyorozu is so punk rock,Jiro thinks to herself and averts her attention to Kaminari walking around. "Huh? Kaminari, don't you dare look!"

"Uh..." Yaoyorozu mutters as Kaminari is walking around with a dopey look on his face giggling and spouting off nonsense.

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (23)


"Remember, Midoriya, we're just here to see how things are going, right?" Mineta whispers.

"Ribbit," Tsu whispers.

"Yeah, I know. We'll get outta here the second it seems dangerous," Izukun whispers back.

Mr. Aizawa is kicking ass when the leader comes running after him. "First it was 23 seconds," the blue haired villain with hands shaped all around his head and body says.

"Final boss," Mr. Aizawa says.

"Then it was 24 seconds. And then 20. Then 17." Mr. Aizawa grabs him with his scarf and elbows the villain in the stomach. He recovers, though, and has Mr. Aizawa in submission, holding his elbow with his hand in an uncomfortable position. "It was hard to see when you were jumping around, but I've found your tell. It's your hair. When it drops, it means you've stopped using your Quirk. You're having to blink more often. Don't push yourself too hard, now. You might just fall apart. Wouldn't that be a shame?" the villain says as he uses his Quirk to disintegrate Mr. Aizawa's elbow. Mr. Aizawa manages to get out of the submission and flies away from him.

He destroyed my elbow, Mr. Aizawa thinks to himself. He begins to fight other villains that come after him even with his right arm useless.

"That annoying Quirk of yours isn't suited for drawn‐out fights against big groups, is it? Don't you think you're a little out of your element here, Eraser Head? You're much better at working stealthily. You're known for surprise attacks, not fighting head‐to‐head. But despite knowing that, you didn't hesitate to jump into the middle of this fight. To put your students at ease. And look at you, you're still standing! You really are so cool! Oh, by the way, hero. I am not the final boss."

Mr. Aizawa gasps as he turns around to a huge, blue, muscular villain towering over him with a bird like head and his brain exposed. He turns to Mr. Aizawa's direction and grabs him by his head. Blood starts flying everywhere.


"Ah, Black Hole, the Quirk that sucks up matter and turns it to dust. Such an astounding power. However, you're a rescue hero, Thirteen, skilled at saving people from disasters. Consequently, that means you have little fighting experience or battlefield awareness," the warping villain says.

"He opened a warp gate!" Thirteen gasps while the other students yelp in fear. Her own Quirk begins to be used against her.

The villain chuckles. "How unfortunate. You've turned yourself into dust," he says.

"I'm sorry. He got me," Thirteen says falling to the ground.

"Thirteen!" Ashido screams.

"Iida, get outta here! Go! Now!" Sato shouts.

"U‐Uh‐‐Engine!" Iida shouts using his Quirk to make a break to the exit.

"A sheep trying to escape from the wolves. I simply can't allow that. If other heroes arrive, it'll be harder for us to put an end to All Might," says the villain as he directs his attention to Iida. He blocks his way, but Shoji manages to jump in front and grab the villain temporarily.

"Run!" he shouts. "I've got him!"

"I'll be back in a flash!" Iida says continuing to run.

"You impertinent child. You won't set foot outside those doors!" the villain shouts.

I'm close! But what if it's locked? Will I be able to pry it open in time? Iida thinks to himself.

"I have no time for this. Be gone!" the villain shouts and begins encapsulating him in his black form.


"Say goodbye!" Kacchan yells as he fights off the remaining villains. The boys have fought off the rest of the them while I tried to locate everyone's location using my Quirk. Both of them were panting after it all.

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (24)

"Think that's the last of these guys. Buncha weaklings," Kacchan says.

"All right. Let's hurry and find the rest of our class. If we're both still in the USJ, then everyone else probably is, too. And not all of them have the offensive skills we do. We gotta make sure they're safe. Especially since we screwed things up when we got in the way earlier. If Thirteen had been ableto suck up that villain, then we never would've been separated like that. We have to make it up to the others!" Kirishima says.

"From my Quirk, I gathered that our classmates are uninjured, but the pros are badly hurt, but I agree with Kirishima, we should find our classmates," I say.

"You wanna track everyone down, have fun. But I'm gonna go destroy that warpy bastard," Kacchan says.

"Huh?" both Kirishima and I say in confusion.

"Our physical attacks didn't hurt that guy. C'mon. Don't be an idiot, man," Kirishima says trying to talk sense into him.

"Yeah! We should really help the others since the pros are down!" I add.

"Shut up! I'm gonna take him down because he's their way in and out. If I cut off their escape route, they'll be stuck here and have to pay for what they've done. We'll just have to figure it out," Kacchan explains.

"Kacchan watch out!" I say to him as I hear the mind of someone else near him. On cue, a camouflaging villain flies out at him.

"Hope you had fun chit‐chatting. Too bad you let your guard down‐‐" before the villain can finish, Kacchan has already grabbed his head and used his explosion Quirk to knock him out.

"Anyway. If all these villains are small fries like these guys were, then our classmates can handle 'em," he says.

"That reaction time was insane. Also... Since when do you act so calm and rational? Usually, you're all like... Die! Die! Die!!" Kirishima says mocking him.

"I'm always calm and rational, you red‐haired loser!" Kacchan yells.

"Yeah! There you are," Kirishima says amused.

I giggle. "Yeah, always so calm and rational," I mock.

He glares at me but turns his gaze off quickly. "Go find the others if you want to," Kacchan says beginning to walk away.

"Wait, hold up!" Kirishima says making him stop. "I think what you're really saying is that you believe in our classmates. And that's thinkin' like a man, Bakugo."

I sigh. "If you really believe our classmates will be safe, then I'll come with you, too."

"Hmph. Whatever, just don't get in my way, got it?" he says to me.

I nod. Even though, Kacchan is a hothead, he's got good instincts, so if this is what he thinks is best, then so be it. We run out of the Collapse Zone together when the ground starts shaking. I barely manage to stay on my feet.

"What was that? That shook the whole facility!" I say.

"I don't know, but I think it came from that direction!" Kirishima says pointing.

"Let's go then!" Kacchan shouts as he continues running. Along the way, villains try to attack us, but before they can get close, I use my telekinesis to lift them up and Kacchan blasts them until two villains surprise attacks us. One uses his Quirk to stretch out his arm and grab me while the other uses his to create a sharp blade from his skin to put near my throat.

"Akari!" Kacchan and Kirishima shout as I was taken to quickly that they couldn't stop it.

"Ah, Akari, I thought I recognized you! You were a tiny little thing that last time we met! Do you remember us?" The villain sneers.

"Let go of me!" I shout and try to jerk away but the other villain presses the blade closer to my skin, drawing blood.

"I wouldn't move if I were you. You too, guys, if you want her to stay alive that is," the other villain says while directing his attention on Kacchan and Kirishima who were trying to attack my capturers.

"Oh, Master would love seeing you again."

"The one who got away," the other says.

"I'm not going anywhere," I answer.

"I'm afraid that's not your decision to make now, now is it? You're the onewho caused us so much trouble back then. Now you're gonna pay."

"Don't forget about what she did to her parents!"

"You may be in the hero course playing pretend, but your hands are tied. There's no escape."

"I've grown up now. I wouldn't underestimate me. And don't ever talk about my parents!" I shout. Before they can say or do anything else, I drop two boulders that I am barely able to lift with my Quirk unto their heads, knocking them out. "Come on, let's go!" I say to the guys.

"Oh, hell yeah!" Kirishima shouts at what he just saw me do before he and Kacchan begin to run with me toward the center of the facility.We're almost where we believed the main villains are when a loud crash makes us turn to look up where the stairs are leading to the exit in the distance. Is that...?

"Have no fear, students. I am here!" All Might yells for all to hear. "Don't worry, class. I am here!"

Chapter 12: All Might

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (25)

"Hello, dear Akari," a male voice said through the monitor in the room full of people strapped to chairs and black bags wrapped over their heads. "I apologize for having you taken from your grandparents' home. You must be scared, so let me explain. You see I work with your parents, and we were needing your help."

"You're a hero, too? Where are my mom and dad?" I asked.

Ignoring my questions, he said, "We are having problems with someone in the room with you who is against what we stand for. We were needing you to use your Quirk to read this group of people's minds to determine who wants to stop us from creating a better world."

"But my daddy has the same Quirk, and he is way better than me!" I exclaimed in confusion.

"Yes, but we need someone who isn't biased, who doesn't know anyone, that way it's fair and no feelings are mixed up in determining the person, or persons, who are against us."

"Okay, I guess," I answered with a slight nod. I begin to read the minds in the room.

Akari, honey, don't listen to him! He's a bad guy and this is a trap!

Daddy? Is that you?


"Have no fear, students...Because I am here!"

"All Might is here!" I say relieved. He rips his tie from off his neck and throws his blazer to the ground. He jumps to rescue Mr. Aizawa, Izukun, Tsu, and Mineta from the villains all around them, though the smile missing from his face is the most disturbing feature.

"Come on!" Kacchan says running in the direction of All Might and the main villains. As we run closer to where All Might is fighting, I see a huge blue monster of a villain with a bird face and an exposed brain. So, this is what they were thinking about, I think to myself remembering the thoughts I read earlier. No matter how many punches All Might lands, the Bird-Brain monster still isn't fazed. Then, it grabs All Might and picks him up above its head while suddenly being warped through the ground and back out all at the same time. I gasp at the sight as All Might is completely trapped. Before anyone else can do anything, Izukun runs to try to save All Might when the warping villain gets in his way to stop him.

"How foolish," he says as Izukun flies straight at him with no way to stop him from getting warped.

"Get the hell outta my way, Deku!" Kacchan shouts as he runs to explode the villain and save Izukun. Kacchan yells and grabs the villain by his sliver neck armor and throws him to the ground. Todoroki comes to help as well and freezes the bird villain in place.

"One of your poorly trained thugs told me you're here because you think you can kill All Might," Todoroki says.

All Might manages to get out of its grip and jumps away, landing right beside Todoroki and grunts in pain. Blood stains the side of his white shirt.

Izukun gasps and asks him, "Are you okay?"

Kirishima also goes to fight and tries to attack the villain with the hands shaping his body when he swiftly moves away from the attack. "Damn! That was gonna be cool!" Kirishima moans. I run to stand alongside my classmates to try to be more of service.

"Guess I found your body that time, ya smoky bastard!" Kacchan yells.

"The Symbol of Peace will not be defeated by delinquents like you," Todoroki says confidently.

"Kacchan! Everyone!" Izukun says with tears filling his eyes as if relieved to see that we came to help fight.

"Kurogiri. How could you let this brat get the best of you? You've gotten us into a real jam here," the villain leader says to the warping villain.

"Heh. You got careless, you dumb villain. It wasn't hard to figure you out. Only certain parts of you turn into that smoking warp gate. You used that mist to hide your actual body, as a kind of distraction. Thinking that made you safe! That's why we missed. But if you didn't have a body, you wouldn't be wearing this neck armor, right? You're not immune to physical attacks if they're well aimed," Kacchan says pinning Kurogiri down.

Kurogiri grunts and tries to escape Kacchan's grasp, but Kacchan uses an explosion to keep him from getting up.

"Don't move! You try anything funny, and I'll blow your ass up right now, you got it? They'll be cleanin' you up for weeks," he threatens.

"Oh, that doesn't sound very heroic," Kirishima mocks.

"Yeah, calm down, we're not trying to kill him!" I tell him.

"Nomu," the lead villain says. On cue, the bird villain screeches and wiggles it body out of the warping portal. The parts of him that Todoroki froze over breaks apart.

"How is that thing still moving? He's all messed up," Izukun asks. Even Todoroki, who usually has a calm composure, is in shock.

"Stay back, everybody!" All Might shouts. I step back behind Kirishima and watch it closely. Nomu begins creating a new arm and leg right in front of our eyes causing me to gasp. "What is this? I thought you said his power was shock absorption," All Might says.

"I didn't say that was his only Quirk. He also has super‐regeneration. Nomu has been modified to take you on even at 100% of your power. He's basically a highly efficient punching bag that hits back. First, we need to free our method of escape."

"Kacchan!" I scream, knowing what he is thinking.

"Get him, Nomu."

"No!" I cry out. He's too fast! I can't possibly try to use my Quirk at that speed! Nomu goes for a punch straight at him and soon dirt rises causing a cloud all around. It dissipates and there's no sign of him.

"Kacchan!" Izukun and I both scream. We hear him grunt and see he's right beside us on the ground. I kneel down to sit right beside him and check him for injuries.

"Kacchan? Whoa, that's awesome, you dodged him!" Izukun says.

"Shut up, no I didn't, you damn nerd," he mutters in irritation. "And quit checking me, dammit! I fine!" he yells at me but, yet, doesn't push me away.

"Then how'd you get over here?" Kirishima asks.

Todoroki gasps and looks off in the distance. "Isn't it obvious?" We all look in the same direction to see All Might panting and a concrete barrier behind him completely split in half.

"All Might!" Izukun shouts.

"These are kids, and you didn't hold back?" All Might asks the lead villain angrily.

"I didn't have much choice. He was threatening my companion. Besides, these kids are no angels. The plain‐looking one? He tried to kill me with a maxed‐out punch. What kind of "hero" does something like that? You think you can get away with being as violent as you want if you say it's for the sake of others. Well, you know what, All Might? That pisses me off. Why do people get to decide that some violent acts are heroic and others are villainous? Casting judgment as to what's "good" and what's "evil." You think you're the Symbol of Peace? Ha. You're just another government‐sponsored instrument of violence. And violence always breeds more violence. I'll make sure the world understands that once you're dead," the lead villain says.

"You're nothing but a lunatic. Criminals like you; you always try and make your actions sound noble. But admit it; you're only doing this because you like it. Isn't that right?" All Might responds.

"We've got them outnumbered," Todoroki notes aloud.

"And Kacchan found the mist guy's weakness," Izukun adds.

"These dudes may act really tough, but we can take 'em down now with All Might's help. Let's do this," Kirishima says preparing to fight.

"Don't attack," All Might commands, overhearing our conversation. "Get out of here."

"You would've been in trouble earlier if it weren't for me, remember? You need our help," Todoroki argues.

"I thank you for your assistance, but this is different. It's gonna be all right. Just sit back and watch a pro at work."

"But you're too hurt. You're bleeding. And you're almost out of ti‐‐" Izukun says but doesn't finish.

"Nomu. Kurogiri. Kill him. I'll deal with the children," the lead villain says. "Let's clear this level and go home."

"Heads up, we're fightin' after all," Kacchan warns us as the lead villain runs after us. He stands up, helping me up as well, and we prepare for the attack. Before he can get to us, All Might runs to make a punch at the Nomu and their combined strength and agility creates a wind force so strong that it pushes all of us far away.

"He's gonna fight that brain guy head on?" Izukun asks in shock.

"Whoa, they're... so fast!" Kirishima says fighting off the wind trying to blow him back.

"Hold...on...Akari!" Kacchan says as he tries to keep us and Izukun from getting swept up from the wind.

He's giving it his all even though he's injured! Those aren't just random punches, either. They're targeted, and every single one of more than 100% of his power. I catch the thoughts of Izukun accidentally and look to see what he's talking about. He's right—All Might is punching in precise locations trying to push its limit in order to defeat it! All Might manages with all of his punches to push the Nomu around until finally, with his finishing move, he punches the villain straight up in the air causing him to break through the enclosed roof and out to the outside world.

"That was like the finishing move in a video game," Kirishima says in awe. "He beat the shock absorption right out of him. I've never seen that kind of brute strength!"

"Imagine having power like that. He must've been punching that monster so fast, he couldn't regenerate," Kacchan adds.

"That kind of power and the knowledge on how to use it is such a dangerous combo for a villain to try to fight," I say in as much awe as Kirishima.

"I really have gotten weaker. Back in my heyday, five hits woulda been enough to knock that guy out. But today, it took more than 300 mighty blows," All Might says. "You've been bested, villains. Surrender. We all want to get this over with quickly."

Chapter 13: In Each of Our Hearts

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (26)

"A real hero will always find a way for justice to be served! Now for a lesson. You may have heard these words before, but perhaps it's time someone taught you...what it means... to go beyond! Plus... Ultra! I really have gotten weaker. Back in my heyday, five hits woulda been enough to knock that guy out. But today, it took more than 300 mighty blows. You've been bested, villains. Surrender. We all want to get this over with quickly."


"Get your hands up," the masked villain says. "And no Quirks, got it? Use your powers, and I'll kill your friend here." He lifts up Kaminari by his shirt with his left hand. Kaminari is still fried from his attack on the other villains.

"Kaminari's helpless," Yaoyorozu says.

"Damn villain," Jiro growls. "He totally caught us with our pants down. I thought that electric blast would've fried them all. We're so stupid. How did we not see this coming?"

"I feel a little brotherhood with other electric types, so I don't want to kill him. But I will if you make me," the villain says making them gasp and lift their hands in the air.

"An electric type. He's probably the one Todoroki said was jamming our communications," Yaoyorozu mutters.

"Don't move a muscle," the villain says walking closer to them. "Let's take this nice and slow."

"Y'know, you two dudes are so lucky. People with electric type Quirks are destined for mainstream success," Jiro says loud enough for the villain to hear.

"Huh?" the villain asks confused and stopping in his tracks.

"What're you doing?" Yaoyorozu whispers to her.

"I mean, even if you didn't wanna be a hero, there are tons of jobs you could do in the city, right? Your kinda Quirk is in high demand. So, I'm wondering—Why would you become avillain in the first place?" Jiro continues on as she moves her ear jack behind her body.

I see. Jiro can attack without moving if she can manage to get her earphone jack plugged in, Yaoyorozu thinks to herself.

"You don't have to answer. I just thought it might be interesting to know," she says as she almost has it plugged up.

"Ha." The villain says as he threateningly raises his other hand with electrical currents flying around closer to Kaminari's face. The girls yelp and Jiro aborts her mission. "Nice try. Think you can distract me that easily? Big mistake, sweetheart. I'm not some dumb thug who can be outsmarted by a couple'a kids. You need to learn to take hostage situations seriously. So here's the new deal. Either this idiot's going to die, or you are. How about that? You can save either his life...or your own." He lets out a laugh. "Now. What's it gonna be, girlies?"


"What's wrong? Not attacking me? Didn't you say you were going to clear this level earlier? Well, come and get me, if you dare." All Might taunts.

"Man, this is... intense," Kacchan says.

"As I expected. There's no reason for us to fight now. He'll handle this," Todoroki says.

"Come on, Midoriya," Kirishima says. "We should regroup with the other guys. The last thing we wanna do is get taken hostage or get in his way."

"We need to get to the Mountain Zone! Kaminari has been taken hostage and Yaoyorozu and Jiro are defenseless!" I tell them after reading their minds on their situation.

"Okay, let's go!" Kirishima answers while punching his fists together with his hardening Quirk.

"What? Are you scared?" I hear All Might ask the villains. As All Might is with the main villains, the other thugs seem to be recovering and are slowly getting up one by one.

"The other villains are getting back up!" I say alerting the others and backing up to be side by side with Kacchan. They all look around to see them surrounding us.

"Tch. These bastards really think they can keep fighting us?" Kacchan growls.

"I think All Might can hold his own against those two main guys. Let's make sure these dudes don't hurt anybody else," Kirishima says. "Then off to the Mountain Zone!"

"Will you be joining us?" Todoroki asks Izukun who is still staring at All Might.

"Come on, Izukun!" I say. "Let's go!"

"Whoa, Midoriya!" Kirishima shouts. I watch in shock as Izukun has very quickly jumped to stop the villains that were running after All Might before any of us could do anything.

"Izukun!" I scream. I go to run after him, but Kirishima holds me back. I try to fight him off, but he keeps a strong hold on me.

"Akari! Stop! If you try to stop him, you could get the both of you hurt!" Kirishima tells me.

"Don't you touch All Might. You stupid villain!" Izukun shouts. As he goes to punch the warping villain, the other villain reaches his hand through the warping one in which his hand teleports right in front of his face. We all gasp in fear when, all of the sudden, a gunshot goes off and shoots the villain's hand away from Izukun.

"They're here!" All Might says.

I turn to look to see the other teachers arriving to fight off the villains.

"Sorry, everyone! I know we're a bit late. But I got the teachers over here as fast as I could," I hear the principal say.

"Your class rep has returned. I've fulfilled my duty. And I've brought reinforcements!" Iida shouts.

The villains waste no time to attack but are quicky fought off by Present Mic's voice Quirk booming at them in such a force that they can barely stand. Another teacher begins to use his Quirk to attack them while they're still recovering from Present Mic's attack.

"Our priority is to protect all of our students!" Nezu, the principal, says.

"Yes, sir!" they answer.

As the teachers begin fighting the villains, the two that were fighting All Might seem to be trying to retreat when gunshots from one of the teachers penetrates the one with the hands all over him. Though the shots took him down, the warping one shields him from any more damages. He begins warping them out when Thirteen tries to use Black Hole, though they still manage to escape.

I stand frozen as I watch the scenes before me unfold. Today, we have learned what pros could do. And what they fight keep us all safe. It's a revelation we weren't prepared for. But somehow, we survived. The fear I had pushed down in order to fight these villains washes over and I think of what could have been.

"Hey, Akari, are you okay?"

I come back from my thoughts to see Kacchan staring at me. I nod and answer, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"If all the pro teachers are gathered here, it must mean the rest of the school's safe. The villains attacked this facility, but not the rest of the campus," Todoroki says.

"Which probably means that their only goal was to kill All Might, but why?" I ask aloud.

"Midoriya, hey!" Kirishima says running away from us and to Izukun.

"Sorry, I can't get up," Izukun shouts.

"What? Are you okay?" he asks running up to him.

"Izukun, you idiot!" I go to follow after Kirishima, but before we can get there, a barrier comes in between us straight from the ground.

"For your safety, please stay back. Join your classmates at the front gate. Leave the injured to us, we can take care of them," Cementoss says.

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (27)

"Oh, gotcha. I'm on it!" Kirishima says grabbing my hand to make me run with him. "Hey! He said for all of us to head to the entrance!"

Kacchan stares down at our hands still connected making me worm myself out of Kirishima's grasp from discomfort. "Whatever," he says walking off alone to the entrance.

Soon, there were police cars outside all blaring their sirens. We were all escorted out of the USJ and grouped up together once more.

"Sixteen, 17, 18, 19, 20. Everyone seems to be unharmed except for that boy whose legs were all messed up," the detective says.

"Ojiro," Hagakure says directing me to where they are.


"I heard you were a really good fighter. I had no idea you were so strong!" she says.

"I didn't know I was the only one on my own. I survived using hit‐and‐run tactics. So where did you end up fighting, Hagakure?" he asks her.

"The landslide zone! You wouldn't believe how strong Todoroki was. He's amazing!" she answers.

"You don't say! Well, I'm just glad you didn't get hurt," he tells her.

"Aren't you wondering about moi? Where was my sparkling light?" Aoyama asks the group, but no one responds. I suppress a laugh and walk over to where Kirishima is.

"Interesting. So the people you fought were also low‐level thugs," Tokoyami says to Kirishima, Kaminari, and Koda as I walk up.

"Yeah, they messed with the wrong kids, huh?" Kirishima responds.

"How are you feeling, Kaminari?" I ask.

"Uh, I'm fine?" he says confused.

"I used my Quirk and heard you had short circuited and were taken hostage. I couldn't even read your thoughts because...there weren't any," I explain, trying to keep a straight face.

"Oh, yeah, haha, not my greatest moment," he responds with an awkward smile and his hand running through his hair.

"You guys should have seen the teamwork we had! We took out those thugs like it was nothing!" Kirishima tells the guys, adrenaline obviously still flowing.

"Yeah, we made a pretty good team," I agree.

"And the way you would pick them up and Bakugo would explode them was so amazing! You really showed them!"

I let out a slight laugh. "It was nothing."

"Let's go ahead and get these students back to the main campus. They've been through a lot. We don't need to question them right away," the detective says to a nearby officer.

"Detective. What about Mr. Aizawa?" Tsu asks hopping over to him.

He calls to get report on Mr. Aizawa's status, and he puts the rescue squad member on speaker for all of us hear.

"The bones in his arms are splintered and he's got facial fracturing. Fortunately, there doesn't seem to be any serious brain damage. But his orbital floor has been almost completely destroyed. We have no way of knowing if his eyesight will be impaired once he's healed up.

"Well, you heard the man," the detective responds solemnly.


"Not his eyes!" Mineta cries with tears flooding his eyes.

"Um, sir, what about Thirteen?" Ashido asks.

"There's no need to worry there. Despite some pretty bad lacerations to the back, Thirteen is gonna pull through, good as new," he answers.

The girls sigh in relief.

"And All Might is also without any serious injuries. He's in the nurse's office right now. Recovery Girl's power should be all the treatment he needs," he continues.

"What about Deku?!" Uraraka shouts.

"How's Midoriya?!" Iida asks right after.

"Midori‐‐ Ah, Recovery Girl is taking care of him, too. He's fine."

"Oh, thank goodness," she says sighing in relief.

"Now, let's get you back to class," he says.

"Okay," we answer in unison. We begin to head back to our bus when I notice someone missing.

"Where's Kacchan?" I ask Kirishima. We look around to see him to staring that the entrance of the USJ."Kacchan!" I yell.

"C'mon, man, we're goin' back to class now," Kirishima shouts.

"Yeah, yeah, I heard him, ya idiots," he answers walking to our direction.

We are taking back to the main campus where we walk to our classroom to get our belongings. It seems as though the whole class's rush of adrenaline has subsided simultaneously and the gravity of what happened started to rest heavily on our shoulders. No one spoke and worry has casted over everyone's face. We were told to grab our things and we were allowed to leave the school early.

"Are you coming?" I hear a voice says above me.

I had sat down in my seat with my head in my hands when we made it to the classroom. I look up to see everyone is gone and Kacchan in front of my desk. I shake my head and say, "I was going to wait until Izukun was done getting treatment from Recovery Girl."

"Is your head hurting?" he questions.

"Yeah, a little, but I'll be fine," I answer.

"You shouldn't have pushed yourself like that!" he scolds. "You and I both know that if you don't take care of it now, it'll only get worse."

"I know that, but I need to make sure Izukun is okay," I argue. When I use my Quirk too much, particularly the mind reading part, it gives me a horrible headache and makes it hard to control my Quirk, causing it much worse. I'll begin mind reading without trying to and will get overwhelmed by multiple thoughts at once.

"They already told us Deku will be fine, ya idiot. Besides, I think he'll understand. Now, come on, let's go," he says not giving me a choice as pulls me out of my chair and out of the classroom. We walk in silence out of school grounds before I try to make conversation.

"So, we made a pretty good team back there—You, me, and Kirishima."

"Yeah, I guess," he answers. "I would've been fine on my own, though."

"Maybe so, but there's nothing wrong with working in team," I say.


"And the way I would lift them up, and you would attack was so cool! Even Kirishima said so. It was like what we imagined when we were kids when we would practice with rocks. I can't believe we actually did that with real villains."

"I guess we made a pretty good team," he mutters while looking away from me. "I was wondering, when those two villains grabbed you, what were they talking about?"

The smile that once sat on my face disappears from the reminder of my past. Before I could say anything to avoid the question, I feel a sharp pain rush through my head. "Ahh" I whimper as I hold my head.

"Are you okay?" he asks me.

"It's getting worse," I answer.

"We need to hurry and get you home," he says picking me up and carrying me over his shoulder.

"Kacchan, you don't need to do this!" I say in shock.

"Shut up, you idiot," he says. Let someone else help you for once, dammit! I hear his thoughts accidentally.

"It's starting!" I tell him though the pangs in my head.

"We're almost there!" he shouts as he begins running to get to my house. When we get there, he knocks on my door violently until finally my grandfather opens it.

"Bakugo! What's going on?" he questions. Without answering, he takes me directly to my room and lays me down on my bed. My grandfather runs in shortly after asking him once more what's happening.

"She overused her powers," he answers shortly and then turns to me. "Where's your earphones?"

"There," I say weakly as I point to my desk. The thoughts of everyone nearby are flooding through my head causing it to hurt so much worse. He grabs them and puts them on my ears. I connect them to my phone and blare my music as loud as I can, and slowly, the voices started to subside. Kacchan watches me for a little while longer before turning my grandfather to speak to him about what I assume would be of what happen at school. I see my grandfather's face drop and get very serious as Kacchan begins speaking. Soon, my grandfather bows toward Kacchan, gives me a solemn smile, and leaves my room. Kacchan walks over to my bed and sits by me. I give him a faint smile, and he returns the same. Though we had gone through something so scary, we were just happy to be alive. To have shown that we had the potential to be real heroes. But the worst was yet to come. I slowly begin to close my eyes and drift off.


"AH!" I shout jolting myself up from my bed. My earbuds are remarkably still in and the music is still blaring. I pop them out of my ear and grab my phone to turn the music off. As I do, I see the time across the screen: 12:08 AM. I had been asleep for longer than I thought, I think to myself before pulling my text messages.

Unread Messages

Izukun 🥦

Hey Kacchan told me u were worried about me so just wanted to let u know I'm fine!


Text me when you wake up

After texting Izukun back, I open up Kacchan's message to text him, though I doubt he'd be up at this time.



Text me when you wake up



I'm up



God, finally



What do u mean by that??

And why are u still up? 🧐




You've been asleep for a long time, you're going to mess up your sleep schedule doing that

Also...I couldn't fall asleep



Look who's talking! And it's not like I wanted to though..



How are you feeling?



Better, I mean my head is still recovering from the headache but definitely better than before






How are u feeling? Today was pretty crazy



I'm fine, of course. Those thugs were no match for me



Of course 🙄



You still need to tell me what those villains were talking about





I'm sorry..those were some guys that my parents knew..

I don't really want to talk about it right now



Fine. I won't push it right now, but you better tell me at some point






Now get some sleep. You're gonna need it



Okay, u too


He throws his phone across his bed in irritation. He hasn't been able to sleep after what happened today with her. There were villains that knew her by her first name and were willing to kidnap her, and she has the need to make sure that dumb nerd is fine when she obviously has something going on that she hasn't told him. What's that about? It pissing him off knowing that she won't talk to him, and he's itching to know what those low-life thugs did to her. Why hasn't she told him? Why won't she tell him? Has she told Deku and not him? The only solace he can find in all of this is that she is fine now, and that's going to have to cut it for now—not matter how infuriating that is to him. With a yawn, he tries to sleep off the stressful day.

Chapter 14: That’s the Idea, Uraraka

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (28)

It's the next day after the villains' attack when I walk into the living room to see my grandparents sitting on the couch. The news is playing on the television about the incident at the school. I sit down and watch it alongside them.

"This is a follow-up report on yesterday's incident at the U.A. Rescue Training Facility, where hero course students were attacked by villains. According to police investigation, the criminals call themselves "The League of Villains" and have been plotting to kill All Might, who has been a teacher at U.A. since spring of this year. Police have arrested 72 villains, but they still do not know the whereabouts of their ringleader."

"I still can't believe what happened! Why would they attack at a high school just to try to get to All Might?" my grandmother asks aloud.

"They're villains, darling, they don't have the same morals," my grandfather answers.

"Really, it wasn't a bad idea," I say.

"What?" they both say in confusion.

"They had a solid plan with the ability to carry it out, so they thought anyway, a way to kill All Might, and what hero would expect a swarm of villains to attack a bunch of high school students? I mean, they didn't expect our class to be so hard to fight and the change in plans of All Might being late to the rescue simulations."

"And that's why you're in the hero course," my grandfather says as he lays his hand on the top of my head. "How are you feeling today?"

"I'm better, now. I think I'm going to take a walk, though. I feel like a breath of fresh air might do me some good."

They nod in unison. "That's sounds like a good idea. Be careful, though. You know how you get after overusing your power," my grandmother tells me.

I nod and make my way outside. I'm met by the bright sun burning my eyes. I start my walk with the thoughts of yesterday flooding my mind. I plug up my earphones to my phone and listen to my music a little too loud then I should just in case my Quirk tries to act up. School was closed today after the League of Villains attacked the USJ. I think they wanted us to have a little break after what happened, but it was pretty tough to relax. It was a huge wake up call for us all—villains can appear anywhere, and we have to be ready for them. Even though we're only students, villains see no difference as we're there to be the next heroes. With this in mind, it makes me realize that I really need to train more with my Quirk. I can't let what happened yesterday occur again—it can put me in a comprised situation in the field. I also don't need to let people know of the negative effects of my Quirk or else it can be used against me. Besides my immediate family, Kacchan is the only one who knows what happen when I overuse my Quirk.

When I try to my mind reading too much and too frequently, I lose control over it and begin to read minds unwillingly. So much information coming through at once causes a horrible migraine. Typically, I can counteract it by listening to music to stop the thoughts from entering my mind. It's one of the many reasons why I care so much about my music. At the same time, though, it is my crutch. Because I depend on it so, I still struggle to control my Quirk. Every thought I have seems to circle back to the same thing—I need to train more, no matter on my hesitancy.


"You guys! Did you watch the news last night?" Hagakure asks everyone. I look away from the window I was staring out and toward my classmates.

"Yeah," Ojiro responds.

"It was so cool we got a few seconds of screen time! Though I bet nobody noticed me hanging out in the background," she says.

"Probably not," Shoji answers bluntly.

"It is difficult to stand out when you're just gloves," Ojiro says shocked by Shoji's bluntness.

"We're totally big deals," Kaminari says, leaning back in his seat. "Those news channels love us—we're basically celebrities."

"Yeah, it's kinda crazy, right?" Kirishima answers.

"Get over yourselves. The hero course that pumps out pros was attacked, and that's what they care about," Jiro tells them.

"Who knows what woulda happened to us if the teachers hadn't shown up," Sero says laying down on his desk.

"Why would say that? I'm gonna pee myself just thinking about it," Mineta says freaking out.

"Oh, shut up! Grow a pair, loser!" Kacchan yells.

"Did you guys see All Might fighting the bird guy?" Sato asks. "That dude was super strong, and he still destroyed him!"

"Yes. His strength is truly a thing of wonder," Tokoyami agrees.

"Attention! Homeroom class is about to begin! Everyone stop talking and take your seats," Iida yells entering the classroom.

"Uh, we're all sitting," Kirishima tells him.

"Yeah, you're the only one standing," Sero adds.

"Dang it," Iida says as he sits down in his seat.

"Don't sweat it!" Uraraka says.

"Hey, Tsu," I overhear Ashido say. "So...who do ya think's gonna teach class today?"

"No idea. Mr. Aizawa's still in the hospital recovering from his injuries," she answers. Soon after she said that, the door opens revealing a completely bandaged up Mr. Aizawa.

"Morning, students," he says.

"Mr. Aizawa, what are you doing here?" we all ask at the same time.

"Whoa, what a pro," Kaminari mutters.

"Mr. Aizawa. I'm glad you're okay," Iida says.

"You call that okay?" Uraraka says as Mr. Aizawa limps over to the podium.

"My well being is irrelevant. What's more important is that your fight isn't over yet," Mr. Aizawa says.

"Our fight?" Kacchan questions.

"Don't tell me..." Izukun mutters.

"Not more bad guys!" Mineta screams.

"The UA Sports Festival is about to start," he says.

"Yes!" I hear Kirishima whisper excitedly.

"Ugh! Why would you scare us like that?" the rest of the class screams.

"Let's go kick some ass!" Kirishima shouts.

"Wait a second," Kaminari says pushing his hand into Kirishima's face to make him stop talking.

"Is it really such a good idea to hold the sport festival so soon after the villains snuck inside?" Jiro asks.

"They could attack once we're all in the same place," Ojiro adds.

"Apparently, the administration thinks this is a good way to show that the threat has been handled and our school is safer than ever. Plus, they're beefing up security compared to past years. This event is a huge opportunity for all students at UA. It's not something we can cancel because of a few villains," Mr. Aizawa answers.

"Uh, I'm sorry, but why not?" Mineta asks nervously. "It's just a sports festival!"

"Huh?" Izukun says turning to face him. "Mineta, don't you know how important this competition is?"

"Of course I do! I just don't wanna get murdered," he says.

"Our sports festival is one of the most watched events in the entire world. In the past, everyone obsessed over the Olympic games. But then Quirks started appearing. Now, the Olympics have been drastically reduced in terms of scale and viewership. For anyone who cares about competition, there's only one tournament that matters. The UA Sports Festival," Mr. Aizawa says.

"That's right," Yaoyorozu responds. "And top heroes everywhere will be watching. This is where you get scouted."

"Sure, unless you're dead," Mineta answers.

"She's right. After graduating, a lot of people join pro agencies as a sidekick," Kaminari adds.

"Yeah, but that's as far as some people go. They miss their chance to go indie and stay eternal sidekicks," Jiro says and turns to face Kaminari. "Actually, that's probably where you're headed. You're kinda dumb."

Kaminari's face drops by her statement.

"It's true that joining a famous hero agency can garner you greater experience and popularity. That's why the festival matters. If you wanna go pro one day, then this event could open the path for you. One chance a year. Three chances in a lifetime. No aspiring hero can afford to miss this festival. That means you better not slack off on your training."

"Yes, sir!" we all say in unison.

"Class is dismissed." Before leaving, Mr. Aizawa stares through his bandages right at me. "Takahashi, come with me. I need to speak with you."

I nervously gulp. "Uh, yes, sir," I answer as I stand up from my seat. Kacchan turns to look at me with a quizzical look on his face. I look away quickly and make my way to Mr. Aizawa. I follow him outside the classroom where he shuts the door. The quietness and stillness of the empty hallway makes being alone with him much more intimidating.

"I haven't spoke of my knowledge due to obvious circ*mstances, but with the Sports Festival coming up, I feel like this must be said," he pauses for a moment, "As you must know, I personally knew your parents."

I nod slowly and wonder where this is going.

"I also know that you inherited both of their Quirks which created a very powerful Quirk. Mindfulness. You have the ability to be a very powerful hero with such a Quirk, but yet, you are still holding back your potential. If things had happened differently with your parents, you would have been here based on recommendations and not by the normal exams. I expect much more from you and you have not impressed me. Because of this, if you don't place in the top 3 in the Sports Festival, I will expel you."

I feel my blood begin to boil. "I'm sorry, but what makes you think you can say that to me? You know exactly what happened to me, and you expect no repercussions from it? I have hated my Quirk ever since then! How am I supposed to willingly accept this Quirk when my parents haven't been here to help me harness it?" I angrily say to him.

Though his face is unreadable through all the bandages, his voice remains calm, "I know what you went through was traumatic, but you can't let your past define you. You have been skating by using your Quirk minimally as well as keeping yourself unnoticeable to not bring attention to yourself. Though, I'm afraid you can't do that forever. This tournament is going to be broadcasted live, and the media will be all over it, especially you. You need to get over this fear you have of others fearing or judging you in order to improve your Quirk. I wouldn't ask this much out of you if I didn't think you were capable of it."

I lower my head and answer, "Yes, sir. I understand."

"That's all. If you'll excuse me, I am going to rest," he says before limping off. So much for thinking he forgot who I was, I think to myself. I walk back into the classroom where the rest of my classmates still were. Since he dismissed class early, there is a lot of time before it's time to go to lunch.

"That villain stuff sucked, sure, but I'm pumped for these games!" Kirishima shouts right as I come back in.

"We put on a good show, and we're basically on the road to bein' pros!" Sero says.

"Yeah, this is why I'm even here in the first place," Sato says punching into his own hand.

"We get so few chances. We have to make the most of this," Tokoyami says.

"Oh, man, Ojiro, I'm getting kind of nervous about the festival. I have to come up with a way to get noticed!" Hagakure whines in front of his desk as I walk by to get to my seat.

"Uh, sure," he says.

"Maybe with a cheer!"

"Maybe you should be looking at a shinier costume or something? Otherwise, you're gonna have to try really hard."

"My, what's a boy to do? I stand out even when I'm standing still. That means the scouts won't be able to take their eyes off me!" Aoyama says doing a twirl and looking over at Koda who tries to walk away. "Don't you agree?" he asks him. Koda nervously nods.

"You're so lucky, Shoji. People are bound to notice your unique Quirk," Kaminari says.

"Sure, but what matters is that I show them how useful I can be," he answers.

"No doubt you'll make a scene, too," Jiro mocks Kaminari as she fails to hold in her laugh as she is talking about him short circuiting himself. Kaminari growls at her.

"This is gonna be nuts! Everyone's so excited," Izukun says.

"Well, yeah, of course they are. We enrolled at this school with the sole aim to become heroes. So naturally, we're all getting fired up," Iida says, jumping from his seat and dancing weirdly like a robot.

"Wow, Iida. Those are some interesting moves. Ribbit," Tsu says.

"You have to be excited, too, right, Midoriya?" Iida asks.

"Well, yeah, of course I am! And also nervous," he answers.

"Deku! Iida! Let's do our best in the sports festival," Uraraka says lowly with her eyebrows turned inward.

"Uraraka, what happened to your face?" Izukun asks nervously.

"Seriously, what's up? You're normally, like, the most laid-back girl ever," Ashido says.

Uraraka gets in a fighting stance and throw her fist in the air. "Everyone! I'm gonna do my best!"

"Yeah!" a few of my classmates say and follow suit with their fist in the air.

Uraraka turns to face the rest of us and yells, "I said I'm gonna do my best!"

"Got it..." Kirishima says slowly and the rest of us hesitantly raise our fist in the air. "You okay?" he asks her. "You kinda look like you're losin' it."

I begin grabbing my things to get ready to head to the cafeteria for lunch without saying anything to anyone. Having Mr. Aizawa speak to me personally about my Quirk and putting that kind of pressure has me on edge now. I already knew I needed to train harder, but now having the pressure of him down my back makes it more nerve-wracking. Would he really expel me if I don't make it in the top 3?

"Akari!" I hear Kacchan yell behind me. I stop and wait for him to catch up to me. "What was that all about?"

"What was what all about?" I ask as I begin walking off again.

"Don't play stupid with me. What did Mr. Aizawa want?" he yells in irritation.

"It was nothing," I answer not wanting to talk about it.

"First, Deku, now you? What are you hiding?"

"I'm not hiding anything!" I yell.

"It doesn't seem like it!" he yells back getting in my face.

"He knows about my parents! There! Are you happy?" I shout in frustration.

"What? How?" he asks in a lower tone.

"Because he was there that night when they died," I answer. Kacchan stands there speechless for the first time. "He told me to get my act together and to stop minimally using my Quirk."

"What? What do you mean?" He asks in confusion.

"Whoa, what's going on here?" Kirishima asks looking back and forth from me to Kacchan with the other guys, Sero, Sato, and Kaminari, with him.

"Nothing," I bluntly say. "Ready to go to lunch?"

"Oh, yeah I'm starving!" Kaminari responds. All of the guys being to walk together in front of me to the cafeteria when Kirishima breaks off to walk with me.

"Hey, I've been wondering," he starts off, "what was those villains that captured you talking about? How did they know you?"

I sigh and look away. "I don't feel comfortable going through the whole story, but let's just say, I was kidnapped by villains when I was in primary school. I was rescued by some heroes, of course, but that's the jest of it."

"Was that what Mr. Aizawa wanted to talk to you about? About the villains that knew you?" He asks.

I shake my head. "Not quite."

"Oh...well I'm sorry that happened to you. I bet the attack and seeing those people again really brought those memories back."

I shrug. "Yeah, it did make some bad memories resurface, but I can't let the past effect my future. I knew what I was getting into when I applied to the hero course, though didn't think we would be faced with villains so soon."

"Yeah, but you were amazing—you never hesitated. You're going to be a great hero," he says with a smile across his face.

I smile in return. "Thanks."

"Oh...and I wanted to give you this," he says shyly handing me a piece of paper. "It's my number, just in case, you know, you need to talk."

"I appreciate that, thank you," I say taking the paper and putting the number in my phone. We make it to the cafeteria and get our food before sitting together at the same table. The guys are talking about the Sports Festival and when they were training when I hear my name taking me out of my own thoughts.

"So, Takahashi—"

"Akari," I interrupt Kaminari to make him not use my last name.

"Uh, ok...Akari, you're always so quiet at school, I was curious about your Quirk, but you said a couple days ago you can read minds? That's kinda scary," Kaminari says.

I suppress the want to roll my eyes at the commonly said statement regarding my Quirk and answer, "My Quirk is called Mindfulness. It's a duel Quirk, so I can use telekinesis and mind read."

"How much can you lift with you Quirk, if you don't mind me asking?" Sato asks.

"I've gotten pretty good using my telekinesis so I can lift heavy boulders, though it does take quite a bit of mind strength and concentration. I can also lift people, but it can be more difficult as people jerk around quite a bit so it takes more concentration than any inanimate object."

"Yeah, you should have seen her in action! It was so manly! She was lifting villains left and right to disorient them so that Bakugo could use his Quirk to knock them unconscious!" Kirishima adds.

"What about the whole mind reading things?" Sero asks. "Are you constantly reading minds or can you turn it off?"

"I can choose when to mind read, so yes, in a sense I can turn it off when I need to. I can read minds from a 200-yard radius, but it is only the thoughts they are actively thinking in that moment. I am able to read minds deeper only when I make direct eye contact with someone, so as long as the person isn't actively thinking of their deepest secret, I can't read it without them directly in front of me. I used that part of my Quirk to survey the USJ to determine where everyone was. That's how I knew you were taken hostage," I say directing the last part to Kaminari.

"Huh, that's pretty cool. Reading minds can be quite useful as a hero, that way you know what villains are planning," Sero responds.

"That's also going to be quite useful in the Sports Festival as well, you're going to be a tough person to compete with," Sato says.

Kacchan huffs at that statement.

I give him a look and ask, "What? You don't think so?"

He rolls his eyes. "You can mind read, sure, but if anyone should be worried about competition, it should be about me."

"There goes that ego of yours talking again. You keep thinking like that and someone is bound to pull the rug underneath your feet," I say.

"Whatever." Is all that he says.

"What? No angry rant about how he's going to destroy everyone? Is Bakugo okay?" Kaminari asks.

"What did you say, Sparky? Do you want to say that again? I'll make you regret ever getting into the hero course after I'm done with you!" He screams while standing up from his seat.

"False alarm, I think he's just fine," Kirishima says with a laugh. Kacchan continues to shout making the rest of the guys laugh at his reaction.


After such an interesting day, I decide to take a nice walk to the beach to decompress. I telekinetically skip rocks across the water for a while before I finally decide to sit down I scroll through my phone. I remember Kirishima giving my his number but realize I never gave him mine.

Kirishima 🪨


Hey, it's Akari

I realized I forgot to give you my number



Hey! It's cool!


I don't know what else to say to him as it feels weird to text someone other than Izukun and Kacchan. I put my phone down to watch the sunset when I hear a ding. I look back at it to see he sent another text.

Kirishima 🪨


Do u need someone to train with? I think we could help each other with our Quirks



How so?



Well I can work on strengthening my hardening Quirk with u using ur telekinesis

I could also help u with ur mind reading by playing a lil hide and seek from some recon



Okay, im down ☺️



Cool! We can talk about it more in class





The sun has almost set during our talk, so I hurry home with this strange feeling inside my stomach. It feels so strange that someone wants to hang out with me. My heart sinks though when I think about what Mr. Aizawa said about the media. He's right, of course, I won't be able to hide who I am after the Sports Festival. If people didn't want to be around me before, how will a class full of aspiring heroes react to the knowledge? I don't even want to think about that right now. At least for the moment, I can see how it feels to be around those I consider friends, even if it's just that—a fleeting moment.

Chapter 15: Roaring Sports Festival

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (29)

"The UA Sports Festival is about to start. It's true that joining a famous hero agency can garner you greater experience and popularity. Once chance a year, three chance in a lifetime. No aspiring hero can afford to miss this festival. That means you better not slack off on your training," Mr. Aizawa had said.

There were things he had to me alone. "I also know that you inherited both of their Quirks which created a very powerful Quirk. Mindfulness. You have the ability to be a very powerful hero with such a Quirk, but yet, you are still holding back your potential. If things had happened differently with your parents, you would have been here based on recommendations and not by the normal exams. I expect much more from you and you have not impressed me. Because of this, if you don't place in the top 3 in the Sports Festival, I will expel you...I know what you went through was traumatic, but you can't let your past define you. You have been skating by using your Quirk minimally as well as keeping yourself unnoticeable to not bring attention to yourself. Though, I'm afraid you can't do that forever. This tournament is going to be broadcasted live, and the media will be all over it, especially you. You need to get over this fear you have of others fearing or judging you in order to improve your Quirk. I wouldn't ask this much out of you if I didn't think you were capable of it."

I gulp. The UA Sports Festival is just as big as he said, and though the media is going to be all over it, I need to come out of hiding. As much as I fear the hate, in order to prove myself, I have to show the world that sometimes bad things happen to good people—that I'm not the next supervillain. I change my thoughts to begin to think on how the festival is going to be set up.Student are separated by class year, and then the support, business, general studies, and hero courses all fight against each other in a bunch of preliminary trials. Whoever makes it through the initial games face off in the finals. It's basically a big round-robin tournament. One thing is for sure, I have to step up. I can't hide in the shadow my parents created no longer.

Something catches my eye and make me look up to see my classmates staring out at the open doorway. I pull my earphones out to hear what's going on and gather my things as well to walk over there where I see a huge crowd of other students at the door.

"U-uh, why the heck are you all here?" Uraraka asks them.

"Do you students have some sort of business with our class?" Iida asks as well.

"Why are you blocking our doorway? I won't let you hold us hostage!" Mineta shouts.

"They're scouting out the competition, idiots," Kacchan tells them. "We're the class that survived a real villain attack. They want to see with their own eyes."

"Let's just hope he doesn't explode anybody," Izukun says nervously.

"At least now you know what a future pro looks like. Now move it, extras," Kacchan shouts at them.

"You can't walk around calling people 'extras' just because you don't know who they are!" Iida scolds him.

"So this is Class 1-A. I heard you guys were impressive, but you just sound like an ass. Is everyone in the hero course delusional, or just you?" A voice says through the crowd. Soon, a boy with purple fluffy hair makes it through the front. Kacchan growls at his comment. "How sad to come here and find a bunch of ego maniacs. I wanted to be in the hero course, but like many others here, I was forced to choose a different track. Such is life," the guy says with bags under his eyes as he casually puts his hand through his hair.

"Tch," Kacchan says as he stands face to face with him.

"I didn't cut it the first time around, but I have another chance. If any of us do well in the sports festival, the teachers can decide to transfer use to the hero course, and they'll have to transfer people out to make room. Scouting the competition? Maybe some of my peers are, but I'm here to let you know that, if you don't bring your very best, I'll steal your spot right from under you. Consider this a declaration of war," he says.

I walk right up to him and look him up and down. "You must think you have a lot of balls coming here with your 'declaration of war.' If you think you can scare us with such a useless threat, you have another thing coming."

"Akari! You're making it worse!" I hear Kirishima say from behind me.

He tilts his head in amusem*nt. "We'll see about that."

"Hey, you! I'm from Class 1-B next door to you! We heard you fought some villains, and I came to see if that was true. But you're just a bunch a brats who think you're better than us! Talk all you want! It'll just be more embarrassing when you're KO'd," another guy from the crowd shouts obnoxiously. Kacchan walks away as if bored from him. "Don't you ignore me!"

"Dude! Where are you going? You gotta say something. It's your fault they're all hating on us, Bakugo," Kirishima says to Kacchan.

"These people don't matter," Kacchan answers.

"Huh?" Kirishima says confused.

"The only thing that's important is that I beat them," he finishes before pushing his way through the crowd.

"Hey! I'm comin' for you!" the second guy shouts.

Kirishima growls. "I hate that, that was such a manly exit."

"Huh?" Kaminari says to Kirishima's statement.

"You said it," Sato agrees.

"Huh?" Kaminari says once more, not following the conversation at all.

"We have to beat them, he wasn't wrong," Tokoyami says.

"Yeah, sure, but this sucks! He made us everyone's enemies," Kaminari shouts. "And she didn't make it any better!" Kaminari points in my direction.

"Yeah, that's right!" Mineta agrees. "All of these dumb students will be gunning for us in the festival now!"

I shrug. "What can I say, I'm feeling a little competitive and that dude pissed me off."

"What's wrong with you? Has Bakugo rubbed off you?" Kirishima asks me.

"I wouldn't necessarily say that, I'm just ready to do my very best at the festival, and that comes with a new mindset," I answer as I give him a devilish smile before heading off through the crowd of people as well.

With the UA Sports Festival in two weeks, I have a lot of training that I need to do. The whole thing'll be live on TV. There's no doubt that whoever impresses the audience will have a much better chance of becoming a pro hero one day. We won't know what the games will be until the first day. They could basically throw any sort of trail at us. And so, we have to prepare for all possibilities. Many of us practiced in the beta training city, which helped me as I could practice the mind reading part of my Quirk better. I work on enhancing my ability to mind read and the strength of my telekinesis with Kirishima like we had discussed. I also work on my endurance with him by running long distances. I need to be prepared for whatever they through in our way.

Days past. All the training made time go by quickly. Before we all know it, it's the morning of the festival. The day has come for when I'll prove myself to be a good future hero. That I was meant to be in the hero course.

"Are you ready?" my grandmother asks me.

I nod. "As ready as I'm going to be."

"We'll be watching it on the TV cheering you on," my grandfather tells me with a smile.

"Okay," I answer as I return the smile.

"Now, go do your best," he says.

"Yes, show them what you're capable of," my grandmother adds.

"I will!"


"Ah, man! I was totally hoping I could wear my costume," Ashido complains as we all sit together in big locker room within the arena.

"At least everyone'll be in uniform," Ojiro says to cheer her up. "That'll keep things fair, right?"

"I wonder what they have in store for us in the first round," Sato says nervously.

"No matter what they've prepared, we must persevere," Tokoyami says.

"Right," Shoji agrees. I walk away from the lockers and sit with Kacchan, Kirishima, and Kaminari.

Opening the door of the waiting room, Iida surfaces and shouts, "Everyone, get your game face on! We're entering the arena soon!"

I take a few deep breaths before seeing Todoroki walk past our table.

"Midoriya," Todoroki says walking up to Izukun.

"Hey, Todoroki. What's up?" Izukun asks. Everyone turns to see what is going on as Todoroki isn't one who speaks to really anyone.

"From an objective standpoint, I think it's fairly clear that I'm stronger than you," Todoroki says emotionless.

Shocked, Izukun stammers, "Uh-um, yeah."

"However, you've got All Might in your corner, helping you out."

Izukun gasps in surprise by his blunt response. Now thinking about it, All Might has seem to have taken a liking to Izukun.

"I'm not here to pry about what's going on between you two. But know that I will beat you."

"Woah, what's with all these declarations of war lately?" Kaminari asks.

Kirishima gets up from his seat and walks over to the both of them. "Yeah, what's the big deal? Why are you pickin' a fight all of the sudden?" he asks putting a hand on Todoroki's shoulder. "And right before we get started..."

Todoroki elbows Kirishima to get his hand off him and says, "We're not here to be each other's friends. Don't forget, this isn't a team effort." He begins walking off when Izukun begins to speak.

"What a second, Todoroki. I don't know what's going through your head or why you think you'd need to tell me that you'll beat me. And, yeah, of course you're better than me. In fact, you probably have way more potential than anyone in the hero course. That's why you got in so easily."

"Midoriya, maybe you're being a little hard on yourself, and us," Kirishima says trying to diffuse the situation.

"No, he's right, you guys. All the other courses—they're coming for us with everything they've got. We're all gonna have to fight to stand out. And I'll be aiming for the top, too," Izukun says making direct eye contact with Todoroki.

"Fine," Todoroki says. The silence left after that is deafening as no one knows how to respond to what just happened. Kirishima walks back to his chair and sits back down.

"And you wanted to tell me about not being a mediator," I say to Kirishima.

"Hey, I had to step in before you tried to get involved," he says.

"I wasn't going to," I tell him.


"Yeah, I'm focusing on me today. I'm going to be giving it my all, too. On my own," I say.

"Tch, whatever," Kacchan says.

"Now, what does that mean?" I ask turning my head toward him.

"You won't make it past the first round without depending on someone," he says.

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask angrily.

"You don't like having to use your Quirk too much because of the possible aftermath. I don't even see why you're even going to try."

"I know you're probably on edge right now, so I'm going to let that slide. But," I pause getting up from my seat and slam my hands down in front of him to where my face is inches from, "don't underestimate me." I get back up and leave the waiting room to prepare for the festival to start.

"Hey! Make some noise, all you rabid sports fans! Get those cameras prepped, media hordes! This year we're bringing you some of the hottest performances in sports history, guaranteed! I've only got one question before we start this show: Are you ready? Let me hear ya scream as our students make their way to the main stage!" Present Mic shouts starting the Sports Festival off, and we being to make our way out to the arena entrance. "Welcome back to the UA Sports Festival! Where up-and-coming heroes leave everything on the field as they fight for the chance to achieve worldwide fame and celebrity! This first group are no stranger to the spotlight! You know them for withstanding a villain attack—the dazzling student lighting up your TVs with solid-gold skills. The hero course students of Class 1-A!" We walk as a class to the mainstage with full stands of fans cheering us on.

"Uh...I didn't know there'd be so many people," Izukun mutters nervously.

"I hope we're still able to give our best performances, even though all these eyes are watching us. I suppose it's just another aspect of being a hero we all have to learn to get used to," Iida says.

"Present Mic sure did talk us up a lot. Kinda makes me nervous, how you feelin', man?" Kirishima says turning his attention to Kacchan.

"I'm not worried," Kacchan answers. "Makes me wanna win this thing even more."

I roll my eyes. "Your arrogance is leaking out again."

"They haven't been given as much screen, but this next group is still chock full of talent! Welcome hero course Class 1-B! Next up, general studies classes C, D, and E! Support classes F, G, and H! And finally, business classes I, J and K! Give it up for all of UA's first-year contestants!" Present Mic says as each of the classes met us at the main stage. Midnight walks on the stage after Present Mic's introduction of the classes participating.

"Now, the introductory speech!" Midnight shouts on top of her stage in front of us.

"Uh, someone should talk to Ms. Midnight about what she's wearing," Kirishima says with a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Yeah. That costume should come with a warning," Kaminari agrees with the same blush over his cheeks.

"You guy have got to be kidding me! Calm yourselves!" I say looking at both of them looking so flustered.

"It that really the appropriate apparel for a high school game?" Tokoyami asks with not the slightest amusem*nt in his voice.

"Silence everyone! And for the student pledge, we have Katsuki Bakugo!" she says. We all stare in shock as the Kacchan begins walking to the platform.

"He's the first-year rep?" Izukun asks.

"I guess that hot-head did finish first in the entrance exams," Sero mutters.

"Only for the hero entrance exams," a girl in the general studies course mutters in annoyance.

"Oh, right," Izukun says.

"That girl obviously hates us," Sero whispers.

"Yeah, and we've got Bakugo and Takahashi to thank for them not liking our class," Kaminari answers in displeasure.

"Call me Akari!" I angrily whisper. Kacchan makes his way to the microphone, and we all stand in silence as we wait for him to speak.

"I just wanna say..." he begins with his voice echoing through the dead silent arena. "I'm gonna win." We all freak out as we were afraid he was gonna say something like that. The other classes being booing and shouting at Kacchan.

"Why would you be disrespectful?" Iida scolds him. "You're representing us all!"

"Not my fault the rest of you are just stepping stones to my victory," he answers giving all of us a big thumbs down.

"I'm gonna crush this overconfident jerk! I can't wait to knock 'im down a size!" the guy from Class 1-B who got into it before with him shouts. The only problem is that this time it isn't overconfidence—Kacchan would have laughed if it was. This is him actually pushing himself to overcome everyone, but in doing so, he has made all of us into targets of the rest of the first-years' anger.

"Without further ado, it's time for us to get started!" Midnight says bringing everyone's attention to the start of the festival.

"UA really doesn't believe in letting us catch a breath, huh?" Uraraka says as Midnight carries on.

"This is where you begin feeling the pain! The first fateful game of the festival! What could it be?" she says as the screens around the arena shows that the computer is spinning through random games until slowing down to one. "Tada!"

"So, it's gonna be an obstacle course," Izukun says.

"All 11 classes will participate in this treacherous contest. The track is four kilometers around the outside of the stadium. I don't wanna restrain anyone at least in this game," Midnight pauses insinuating something less PG, "As long as you don't leave the course, you're free to do whatever your heart desires." The crowd begins to cheer. "Now then, take your places, contestants." We all congregate to the opening that leads to the course. Remembering what Mr. Aizawa told me, I begin mentally preparing for what is ahead of me. The three green lights on top light up and we wait for them to turn off one by one. As the last light turns off, Midnight shouts, "Begin!" and we all start running through the opening all at once.

"And we're off to a racing start!" Present Mic shouts. "How about some common commentary, Mummy man?"

"How did you talk me into this?" Mr. Aizawa mutters through the speakers.

"What should we be paying attention to in the early stages of the race?"

"The doorway?" Mr. Aizawa answers sarcastically. I stop listening to them to concentrate on making my way through the cramped entrance. Everyone is trampling over themselves trying to get past one another. This seem to be the first obstacle. They're seeing how we get through this. I use my Quirk to lift myself above everyone else in order to get past all of them. Suddenly, the whole cramped walkway is iced over. I fly myself out of there as fast as can to see Todoroki running past everyone as each step of his causes more ice to appear.

"Apologizes," he says before leaving everyone behind. Most of our class is able to get past his stunt, however, and fly out of the walkway behind me.

"Nice trick, Todoroki!" Yaoyorozu shouts sarcastically.

"I won't let you get away so easily You icy-hot bastard!!" Kacchan yells using his explosion Quirk to fly.

"You froze me in place once before—it won't happen again," Ojiro says using his tail to evade the ice. Those of us who are able to fly in some sort of way are able to get past his ice while everyone below struggle to run on the ice. I watch below to see Mineta throwing the balls from his head unto the ground to get past the ice.

"You think you're so cool, but I've outsmarted you! Ha! How pathetic, Todoroki! Eat this! My special attack! Gra—" Mineta says, but before he can finish, he gets hit by a huge robot. I gasp and stop flying forward momentarily.

"Targets acquired. Terminate them!" one says as others begin to appear, blocking our path. It's the robots from the entrance exams!

"Are those the zero-point villains from the practical test?" Kaminari asks nervously. Before anyone can do anything, Todoroki temporarily freezes them and gets another head start from the rest of us. Other robots from the practical exams begin appearing causing us to get further behind. It's time to show everyone what I've got.

Chapter 16: In Their Own Quirky Ways

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (30)

"Hey! There's someone trapped under that robot!" a student says.

"Do you think we should try and help 'em?" says another.

"Are people seriously gonna die here?" another one asks panicking.

All of the sudden, there is loud banging and soon Kirishima breaks through the top of the robot and screams, "I'm alive!"

"Kirishima from Class 1-A! What a hardcore debut for this rookie!" Present Mic shouts. I fly myself up to make sure he's okay.

"Todoroki, I can't believe you pulled something like that. Jeez. Anyone but me woulda been killed!"

"Kirishima, are you okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he says giving me a smile as he punches his hands with hardening Quirk.

"Eijiro Kirishima! Quirk: Hardening! This power makes his entire body hard as a rock! That means he can be the ultimate shield, or a devastating weapon!" Present Mic commentaries for the crowd.

"Class 1-A really is full a' jerks!" says someone else beating through the robot nearby. "I'll smash that ice guy when I get my hands on him."

"Tetsutestsu from Class 1-B was also stuck underneath! What are the odds?"

"Ya know, anyone other than me woulda been killed!" he says.

"Tetsutestsu Tetsutestsu! Quirk: Steel! This makes his entire body hard as steel! So, he can be the ultimate shield, or a devastating weapon!"

"Oh no, not two of you!" I say.

"Our Quirks are basically the same! How am I supposed to stand out now?" Kirishima whines as he begins running. I follow as well still using my telekinesis.

"You damn copycat!" Tetsutestsu whines right back running alongside us.

"Class 1-A's Bakugo is rocketing over the obstacles! Clever!" Present Mic shouts soon after I hear a loud a explosion from behind me.

"I figured you'd just try to blast your way through these things with you Quirk. I'm impressed!" I hear Sero say.

"I'll hitch a ride on my shadow," Tokoyami says.

"Hanta Sero! His Quirk, Tape! He can shoot tape-like material from his elbows, stick it to objects or wrap things up. You should see the traps he makes when he rips it off!"

"Let's land!" Tokoyami says.

"Aya aye!" his shadow answers.

"Fumikage Tokoyami. His Quirk: Dark Shadow! He's got a shadow-like monster inside him that can materialize and morph into any creation he wants." I continue on my way past the robots without having to even take any down—I simply fly myself away from their attacks. I take a break from using my Quirk and begin running to the next obstacle.

"For those of you who thought the first obstacle was easy, let's see how ya feel about the second one!" Present Mic shouts. "If they take a spill, they're out! If they wanna pass this test, they'll have to get creative. It's 'The Fall'!" The next obstacle course is canyon like with parts of the ground still level scattered throughout with only rope connecting all the lone bits of ground.

"Is there anything in this obstacle course that's difficult?" I ask aloud as I simply lift myself back up to fly over the canyon.

"Akari Takahashi! Quirk: Mindfulness! This two-sided Quirk gives her the ability to read the minds of anyone nearby as well as being able to move things in her vicinity, including herself! Nice!"

"You suck!" Kacchan shouts at Todoroki, who is still in the lead, as he blasts above the canyon. I shake my head as I bring myself back to the ground to run to the next obstacle. I can see in a distance that Todoroki has made it there with Kacchan close behind. I need to hurry, I think to myself as I try to push myself to run faster.

"And now, we're finally approaching the last obstacle. Everyone had better tread carefully. You're stepping onto a minefield! If you look carefully, you can see where those little bombs are buried, so keep your eyes on the ground, folks. By the way, those land mines were designed for the games, so they might be loud and flashy, but they're not all that powerful. Just enough to make you wet your pants!" Present Mic says.

"Ha! It's over! Bastard! Your declaration of war was to the wrong person!" I hear Kacchan shout at Todoroki as he aims a close blast right at him. Todoroki manages to miss it without stepping on a land mine. I get ready to use my Quirk again to simply fly over the minefield.

"Just like that, a new student takes the lead!" Present Mic shouts. "The media here is going crazy! There's nothing they love more than an upset! Hey, hey, hey! The rest of the competitors are catching up, too! And what's this? Can our two leaders fight each other and stay in front of the competition?"

Suddenly, there is a huge blast coming from behind me. "What the—" The impact of it blows me all around keeping it nearly impossible for me to steady myself with my Quirk.

"What's with that huge explosion in the back?! That was way more powerful than it should be!" Coming from the clouds, Izukun appears flying on a piece of a robot shard. "Incredible! What just happened? Whatever the case, Class 1-A Izuku Midoriya is suddenly in hot pursuit of first place! Strike that, the lead is his! Look at that plot twist! Those two aren't fighting anymore. They're chasing Midoriya! That's what having a common enemy will do in this competition! This fight is still far from over, though!"

I try to catch back to see the three of them almost at the end. Izukun is losing speed from his plan of gathering multiple landmines to use them to blast himself so far and begins falling in between Todoroki and Kacchan. Without hesitation, he moves quickly landing one foot on each of their shoulders and swinging the robot shard down on the ground, causing another blast. He uses it to fly further out in front of them.

"In a stunning move, Midoriya has blasted past his classmates from 1-A! I don't believe it—he cleared that minefield in an instant! Eraser Head, your students are amazing! What the heck are you teaching them?" Present Mic says sounding shocked.

"This has nothing to do with me. Each of them is powered by their own drive to succeed," Mr. Aizawa answers.

"There ya have it, Eraser Head is a terrible teacher."

"I'm what?" Mr. Aizawa asks in irritation. I try to refocus myself after seeing such a crazy move from Izukun and continue to pass through the minefield, now seeing a girl with green vines in her hair has made it past me. Dammit!

"Who would have imagined at the beginning of this race that the climax would be a non-stop mega-mix of surprises? The first one to make it back to the stadium is the first-place winner!" Present Mic continues as I pass the minefield and begin running back to the entrance to the arena as fast as I can. I got behind because of Izukun's move and need to try to back to where I was, though it fails when I hear Present Mic shout, "Izuku Midoriya is our champion!" When I make it through the entrance, I see a tearful Izukun and a pissed Kacchan.

" way. Not again," Kacchan mutters to himself.

"The contestants are pouring in one after the other! Let's hear some applause for all our competitors as we prepare the results." With Present Mic's words, I turn to watch everyone make it back to the arena.

"Hey, Kirishima! You made it!" I say running to him and giving him a high five.

"Hey, Akari! You were amazing! I didn't realize you could use your Quirk on yourself like that! That was amazing!" he shouts.

I let out an awkward laugh. "Thanks, I've been training a bit extra to be able to use it like that."

"The first game for the first-years is finally over, and what a game it was! Now, let's take a quick look at the standings, shall we?" Midnight says.

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (31)

1. Class 1-A: Izuku Midoriya

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (32)

2. Class 1-A: Shoto Todoroki

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (33)

3. Class 1-A: Katsuki Bakugo

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (34)

4. Class 1-B: Ibara Shiozaki

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (35)

5. Class 1-A: Akari Takahashi

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (36)

6. Class 1-A: Tenya Iida

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (37)

7. Class 1-A: Fumikage Tokoyami

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (38)

8. Class 1-A: Hanta Sero

9. Class 1-A: Eijiro Kirishima

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (39)

10. Class 1-B: Tetsutestsu Tetsutestsu

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (40)

11. Class 1-A: Masahiro Ojiro

12. Class 1-B: Yosetsu Awase

13. Class 1-A: Tsuyu Asui

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (41)

14. Class 1-A: Mezo Shoji

15. Class 1-A: Rikido Sato

16. Class 1-A: Ochaco Uraraka

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (42)

17. Class 1-A: Momo Yaoyorozu

18. Class 1-A: Minoru Mineta

19. Class 1-A: Mina Ashido

20. Class 1-A: Koji Koda

21. Class 1-A: Kyoka Jiro

22. Class 1-B: Sen Kaibara

23. Class 1-B: Kosei Tsuburaba

24. Class 1-A: Denki Kaminari

25. Class 1-B: Kojiro Bondo

26. Class 1-B: Reiko Yanagi

27. Class 1-C: Hitoshi Shinso

28. Class 1-B: Itsuka Kendo

29. Class 1-B: Jurota Shishida

30. Class 1-B: Shihai Kuroiro

31. Class 1-B: Yui Kodai

32. Class 1-B: Hiryu Rin

33. Class 1-B: Nirengeki Shoda

34. Class 1-B: Kinoko Komori

35. Class 1-B: Togaru Kamakiri

36. Class 1-B: Neito Monoma

37. Class 1-B: Pony Tsunotori

38. Class 1-A: Toru Hagakure

39. Class 1-B: Setsuna Tokage

40. Class 1-B: Manga f*ckidashi

41. Class 1-H: Mei Hatsume

42. Class 1-A: Yuga Aoyama

"Only the top 42 will advance to the next round. But don't be too let down if you didn't make the cut! We've prepared other opportunities for you to shine. Now the real fun is about to begin. The chance to fully move yourselves into the limelight! Give it your best! Let's see what we have in store for you next. Will your wildest fantasies come to life? What could it be? The waiting is torture. Prepare yourselves...for this!"

"Cavalry battle? I'm terrible at those," Kaminari mutters.

"That's not an individual event. I wonder how they'll split us up," Tsu says.

"Allow me to explain. The participants will form teams of two-to-four people as they see fit. In theory, it's basically the same as a regular playground game. But there is one difference. Each player has been assigned a point value based on the results from the obstacle course," Midnight explains.

"I get it, a point-based system like the entrance exam. That seems pretty simple," Sato says.

"So that means each team will have a different point value based on which students are on it," Uraraka says.

"Uh-huh," Ashido voices.

"Maybe you should shut up and let me explain things to you," Midnight shouts at them. "Now, then. The point assignments go up by increments of five, starting from the bottom. For example, 42nd place is worth five points, and 41st is worth ten. And the point value assigned to the first-place contestant is...ten million! That's right. It's survival of the fittest, with a chance for those at the bottom to overthrow the top!" much?

Chapter 17: Strategy, Strategy, Strategy

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (43)

"Gird your loins and prepare for your next test. A cavalry battle! Those of you at the top will suffer the most. Of course, that's something you'll hear over and over again at UA. Show us what 'Plus Ultra' means! Izuku Midoriya placed first in the qualifier. He'll be worth ten million! First years! These are the rules you'll abide by! The game itself will last 15 minutes. Individual point values will be added together to reach your team total. Everyone will know how much you're worth thanks to your headbands. Swipe as many headbands as you can to raise your team's score. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up. So, the more you steal, the harder it'll be to manage them. And another thing—even if your headband gets stolen or your team falls down, you can keep playing until time's up," Midnight says explaining the game.

"It's anyone's game, then, "Yaoyorozu says.

"And since there are 42 contestants, there'll be ten or 12 teams fighting on the field the entire time," Sato says.

"Sounds hard," Aoyama says nervously.

"So, if you lose your headband at the beginning, you have more time to make up a plan," Ashido says.

"I dunno, Mina. Maybe we should wait and see how the teams turn out before we start strategizing," Tsu tells her.

"This is going to be rough. You may use your Quirks as much as you like. But there are still rules! Make a team fall on purpose and I'll slap you with a red card. You'll be disqualified! Now you've got 15 minutes to build your teams. I recommend you get started," she says as a timer is put on the screens.

"Tch," I hear Kacchan let out due to his annoyance. Of course he would try to knock a team down on purpose, I think to myself.

"Now, you've got 15 minutes to build your teams. I recommend you get started," Midnight says.

I begin wandering around to find those to team with. With my mind reading Quirk, I try to determine who I would benefit teaming up with. But before I can find anyone of interest, I see my classmates surrounding Kacchan, so I eavesdrop some to see what they are talking about.

"You should team up with me," Sato says to him.

"No, you definitely want me by your side," Ashido argues.

"I don't wanna beg, but please," Aoyama pleads and looking as if he needs to take a trip to the bathroom.

"Wait, remind me what your Quirks are again. And you names," Kacchan says awkwardly.

"You're kidding! We're your classmates!" Ashido exclaims.

"Can you really be that self-centered?" Sato asks.

"Yes, yes he can be," I respond as I fixate my eyes on him.

Before he can respond to me, Kirishima comes through the pack shouting his name. "Bakugo! I was gonna try Todoroki, but he already picked a group. So, hey! We should team up."

"Hey, dumb hair," Kacchan says in a bored tone.

"My name is Kirishima!" Kirishima shouts at him. "And my hair's not that different from yours. Come on, you wanna be the rider, right? So you're gonna need a strong front horse who won't be hurt by your blasts. That'd be me," he says, hardening his arm.

"Hm.." he mutters. "I need someone with guts."

"My Quirk was made for this! I got you covered, man! Let's go charging into battle together," Kirishima says making Kacchan speechless. "10 million. Bring it."

"Yeah, I'm gonna leave now," I mutter as I found someone of interest through my Quirk. I make my way to a certain purple haired boy that I have met only once before, and put my hand on his shoulder. He turns around to face me, but before he can say anything, I cover his mouth and begin speaking. "We should team up. I know what your strategy is, and it's a good plan, but I think you would benefit more with me your team." I release my hand from his mouth after letting out my spiel on him.

"I remember you. What is your name? And how do you know my strategy?" He asks me with his head tilted sideways in interest.

"My name is Akari Takahashi, but please, call me Akari. My Quirk allows me to read minds so I think you know where that is going with a Quirk like yours. Our Quirks mesh pretty well. Mind Control, right? And what's your name?"

"Hitoshi Shinso. You know, maybe teaming up with you won't be so bad after all. At least I won't have mind control my whole team."

"Awesome. So we just need to get two other people, though I don't think it matters much on who, right? Since you'll be controlling them, you know," I say.

"No, not really. Just whoever talks back to me first I can mind control and we'll have a full team," he answers.

"Okay. Well, in that case, which one of us should be the rider? Personally, I think I should as I'll be able to concentrate better to use my telekinesis and snatch the headbands efficiently," I tell him.

"Well I intended on be the rider at first, but with your telekinesis, we won't even have to get near other teams. You see, my Quirk can wear off if someone or something hits them hard enough, so with you as the rider, that won't be something we'll have to worry about. Plus, with your mind reading ability, we can target those who are distracted."

I nod in agreement. "Yes, sounds like a good plan to me!"

"Okay, I'll be right back then with our teammates," he says before walking off.

I lose track of him in the crowd but soon he returns with Ojiro and some other boy from Class-1B. They are were completely brainwashed to the point I couldn't get any thoughts from them. "It's kinda strange how still and thoughtless they are," I say awkwardly.

"You don't have a problem with me using one of your classmates?" He asks.

I shake my head. "I mean sure, it feels a little strange, but we're all here to try win, and really he doesn't have to do much and still goes on to the next round when we succeed."

"And what makes you so sure we're going to succeed?"

"Well, I know you're dying to prove your ability to be in the hero course, and I have to do my best for my own personal reasons, so we have no choice but to excel. Also, our strategy should be full proof. Like I said, our Quirks mesh together very well, so there's no doubt we'll make it to the next round.

He nods in approval. "Can't bet that logic."We wait for the last remaining time to go by until, finally, the buzzer goes off.

"Oh goody, It's time to get this party started," Midnight says stretching out her arms.

"Hey, hey! Look alive!" We hear Present Mic's voice boom as he wakes Mr. Aizawa up. "After 15 minutes to pick teammates and talk strategy, 12 cavalry teams are preparing to go head-to-head! Come on, everyone get your hands in the air! It's time for an arena-thumping UA battle royale! Let me hear ya scream!" The crowd begins cheering louder at Present Mic's request.

I get into position as the rider with Shinso in the front and Ojiro and the other one in the back. He tells them step by step on what to do while I begin to put my headband that read: 480. "Well, here goes nothing. Are you ready, Shinso?"

He makes a firm nod. "Yes, let's get this over with." The screens across the arenas flash "On your marks. Ready?" Causing the crowd to cheer in excitement.

"Okay, all you first years! I hope you're happy with your chosen teams! Let's get this party started! One final countdown before the game starts! Three!...Two!...One!" Present Mic booms.

"Begin!" Midnight shouts after the countdown.

"Just like I suspected, everyone is going after Izukun. We should pick off those who are after his group who aren't paying attention instead of the big 10,000,000," I tell Shinso.

"Sure, it's a sure fire way to rack up points, but with so many people going after one target, it's too much of a risk of the two getting bumped into, so I agree with you. Come on! This way!" He says as we divert our attention to other groups, who I would consider weaker groups, to gather as many headbands as we can without my mine being took off. I begin using my telekinesis to the best of my ability to stealthily undo the headbands off other riders' head and wrap them around my neck.

"Wow! Barely two minutes have passed since we started, and it's already a total free for all! Yeah! Watch those headbands! You can even ignore the ten million points and go after the other chart toppers!" Present Mic commentates.

I watch as another group runs after Izukun's group. At first it looks like it's only Shoji, but on further inspection, he is using his tentacles to hide the fact that Tsu and Mineta are hiding within. Mineta is throwing his sticky balls at them and Tsu is sticking her tongue to grab headbands.

"We need to stay away from them!" I say to Shinso.

He gives a nod, and leads us away from them. As I'm one of top winners from the obstacle course, I need to be weary of those who may come after me, and I do not want to get caught up in Mineta's balls trying to evade those coming for our points.

"Team Mineta's coming in like a tank, making clever use of how compact their members are!" Present Mic says.

An explosion can be heard making look in its direction where I see Izukun's team is flying in the air, and Kacchan had flown his way up there to make an attack.

"Whoa! Bakugo has been separated from his horses! Is that even allowed?" Present Mic asks.

"He never touched the ground, so technically it's okay," Midnight answers.

"Akari, watch out!" I turn around to see one of the teams from Class 1-B coming after my headband.

"Shinso! Don't fight back!" I shout quickly. Before he can respond, I quickly, and with a lot of concentration and strength, flip my whole team over the other team attacking us. Because of their shock, they don't react, making them an easy target to grab their riders headband. I carefully set my team down, and begin huffing uncontrollably.

"What the hell was that? How did you do that?" Shinso asks in complete shock.

"Wow! Did you see that? The excitement never ends! Team Takahashi almost had their headband snatched, and without hesitation, she lifted the whole team up and grabbing their components' headband instead! What a show!"

"So much for being in the shadows," I say after Present Mic's commentary on my move.

"I don't think many of the other teams are paying attention still, so we should be fine," Shinso responds.

I look around to see that many are still after Izukun while attacking each other in the process to get to the big points. "You're right. Let's keep going shall we?"

"As expected, everyone's after the first place team, giving them no time to catch their breath. What a show this is!"

"Not everyone!" I mumble to myself as I scout for more victims of our tactics.

"Now who wants to take a look at each team's points so far? It's been seven minutes, so let's get those rankings thrown up on the screen." The crowds cheer subside and the whole arena goes momentarily quiet. What happened? I can't take much of a moment to look at the screen."Hold on here. This is an unexpected turn. Other than Midoriya and Takahashi, Class 1-A's not doin' so hot. Even Bakugo is losing!" I look at the chart for a second to see what he is talking about. What is going on? I look to see another team from Class 1-B had snatched Kacchan's headband without him even noticing.

"Shinso, get close enough to hear, but not to where he will attack. We need to know what they're planning. And keep an eye out for any others who may come after us!"

"Got it!" He says and commands the other two to do the same.

The blonde rider speaks to Kacchan some after taking his headband, "Midnight said the obstacle course was just the first game, and we figured they wouldn't cut that many of us right off the bat. Would they?"

"Huh?" Kacchan lets out, not understanding what he's getting at.

"Assuming they'd keep at least 40 contestants for the next event, all we had to do was make sure we stayed within that group as we ran. From our spots in the middle ranks, we could fully observe the Quirks our rivals had and judge their capabilities. Only a fool would obsess over winning the preliminary rounds, wouldn't you agree?" He mocks.

"You planned this as a class?" Kacchan asks lowly.

"It wasn't totally unanimous, but I'd say it's playing out well. It's better than chasing after a temporary front runner like a horse with a carrot waving in his face. Oh, while I have your attention. You're kinda famous, aren't you? For being attacked by that sludge villain. You'll have to tell me about it sometime. It must be strange to always find yourself in the role of the victim."

"Kirishima, we have a change of plans," I hear Kacchan growl.

"Okay, we need to got of here now! Class 1-B is almost surrounding us, and Kacchan is fixing to reek havoc!" I tell Shinso as I realize what kind of can of worms the guy just opened up.

"You don't have to me twice!" Shinso answers as he swiftly directs us out of danger. "How did you not know of their plan?"

"I don't keep my mind reading Quirk on at all times as it can be too distracting hearing so many thoughts to even concentrate for the other part of the Quirk, so I use it in spurts. Besides, in the obstacle course, it was more logical to use my telekinesis than my mind reading as those activities were physical and inanimate," I explain.

"I guess that makes sense, but now knowing their strategy, we need to be on higher alert because the only headbands that are left from Class 1-A are yours and Midoriya's."

"Yes, but you've seen what I can do. As long as evade and wait out the time, we should be fine!" I answer.

"And now, we've reached the halfway point of the game! As the cavalry battle enters its second half, it's anyone's game! Class 1-B has made an unexpected showing, but who will wear the ten million point in the end? That's the real question, sports fans!"

Chapter 18: Cavalry Battle Finale

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (44)

"And now, we've reached the halfway point of the game! As the cavalry battle enters its second half, it's anyone's game! Class 1-B has made an unexpected showing, but who will wear the ten million points in the end? That's the real question, sport fans!" Present Mic shouts, entertaining the fans.

"Keep an eye out for any teams who want to try to steal our headband!" I demand of Shinso as I tug on the headbands that are all uncomfortably wrapped around my neck and are limiting its movement. "With the amount of points we've built up, we should be able to make it to the next round, but we can't afford lose any of them!"

"Got it!" Shinso says as he does just that.

I look over to see that Izukun's team is face to face with Todoroki's team and are fixing to battle when I hear a shout coming from Mineta.

"Shoji! Full‐on attack mode!We'll use all ourpowers to steal the pointsfrom those two teams!" Mineta shouts as Shoji opens up the cocoon he made for Mineta and Tsu and runs full force toward Izukun's and Todoroki's teams. Though I soon notice that it isn't just Team Mineta chasing after them, but Team Hagakure and least two teams from Class-1B are as well.

"Okay, it appears that many of the stronger teams are after Izukun while Kacchan's team and the blondie's team from Class 1-B are after each other, so we may be running through the next few minutes without another fight," I say.

"Don't put your guard down just yet, Akari," Shinso tells me.

"Oh, I'm not," I respond as I continue to watch and begin to use my mind reading. Oh no... "Shinso, I'm going to have to use telekinesis on us again! So don't move!" I shout.

"Ah ok—whoa!" He gasps

"Indiscriminate Shock.1.3 million volts!" I hear Kaminari shout. I continue to keep us off the ground and far off away from his electricity so we don't get shocked like the others.

"Come on, bastard, quit using your Quirk now!" I mumble under my breath as I struggle to keep all of us in our positions as still as possible. "Finally!" I exclaim and bring us back down. I look back up just enough see the insulated blanket that I assume Yaoyorozu made come off and Todoroki use his ice Quirk on the teams nearby.

"Will you look at that!He's stopped all thoseteams cold in their tracks!" Present Mic shouts.

"But only afterKaminari had immobilizedthe students usinghis electricity.In the obstacle course,he was surprisedby how many peopleavoided his attack.He's adapting his strategy," Mr. Aizawa adds.

"Nice commentary!" Present Mic responds.

"I might as well take these," I hear Todoroki shout, and I see he had grabbed a couple headbands.

"Come back!" A orange-haired girl from Class 1-B shouts.

As I continue to catch my breath, I begin to use my mind reading Quirk to assess to situation as I watch Team Todoroki continue to make his way to Izukun's team. Oh, I get it, I think to myself as I read their minds, Tokoyami's weakness is light, so Kaminari's electricity is their true problem as it causes too much light. All they can do right now it bluff.

"Team Midoriyahas nowhere left to run!" Present Mic says after Todoroki uses his ice to block all directions to inhibit Izukun's team the ability to escape.

"Die!" I hear a familiar voice shouts and look over in that direction.

"Shinso! Run!" I shout when I see that we're right in the the trajectory of Kacchan's blast.

"Got it!" He says before telling the other two on what to do. Fortunately, the blast he used wasn't a fully powered one, but the other blonde evades his attack and somehow sends off a blast right back at Kacchan.

"Huh. Wow. I see whyyou like this Quirk!" He says.

My power... I hear Kacchan say in his head.

"Whoa, weird! That guyhas your Quirk!" Kirishima exclaims.

"Damn it!" Kacchan growls as he goes to make a swing at him while using his explosion Quirk. The wind from the momentum makes my hair fly behind me.

"You both have impressive powers.But I think you'llagree mine's better," he says, revealing the same hardening Quirk as Kirishima.

"Huh? What? Mine, too?"

"Bastard," Kacchan says angrily.His Quirk.He can copy other powers."

"Very good," he responds.

"Neito Monoma. His Quirk: Copy.He can use the Quirksof whomever he touches,but only for five minutes.Plus, he can onlyborrow one at a time," Present Mic says, narrating the current situation. I have to make sure that guy never touches me, I think to myself as I make note him.

"Watch out!" Shinso warns me as another team from Class 1-B comes to the same area, though, it seems they're not worried about us as they completely ignore us.

"So even an idiotcould figure it out," Monoma says to Kacchan. Kacchan growls and goes for an attack, but the team that ignored us goes to save Monoma from the attack by squirting this white goo between them.

"Nice one. Thanks forthe backup, Bondo," Monoma says before running away from Kacchan's team.

"Stop 'em!" Kacchan shouts.

"It's too sticky! Crap!I can't move," Kirishima responds as the goo is all over his leg and pinning him to the ground.

"No prob!I'll melt through thisgunk with my Quirk!" Ashido shouts as she touches it with her foot and uses her acid Quirk on it.

"Well hurry! We're sittingat zero points now!" Sero yells.

"Oh, no hard feelings, right?After all, you provoked us.What was it you said in yourlittle speech before the games?Uh...Oh, right. Oof."

This isn't over. I'mstill gonna come out on top.And I won't just make itto first place—I'll be the undeniable champion, I hear Kacchan growl in his mind.

I look up to see where we still stand on the scoreboard. "We're in fourth place, so it's really a surprise that not many people have actively come after us. Mostly everyone has been focused on the ten million headband and on their own vendettas for someone else that we have managed to slip around snatching headbands without being noticed. Our strategy is kinda similar to Class-1B when I think about it."

"Well, don't speak so soon," Shinso says. "I think a few have taken notice now that we're reaching the end of the match."

I look to see what he is referencing to and see some teams appearing to come at us. "Well, then, why don't we end this match with bang, shall we? I will use my Quirk to tell you exactly what you need to do, got it?"

"Got it." I use my Quirk to be able to read all of their next moves as we advance forward. I give commands to dodge left or right, or even using my telekinesis to move physical attacks as I grab headbands in the process. I don't know how much each is worth as I'm simply snatching what I can, but points are points, right? We end back where Team Todoroki and Izukun's team is fighting and attempt to snatch those who were still stuck in ice.

"Only one minute left!Todoroki has corneredthe ten‐million‐point teamand is poised to seizethe ultimate prize!At least, that's whatI would have predictedfive minutes ago!Unbelievably,Team Midoriya's been ableto keep away from the ice masterfor the last half of the game!" Present Mic says.

Midoriya is keeping his distanceand staying on my left side.That's his strategy.From this position if I tryto freeze them, I'll hit Iida.If he keeps moving like this...There's no way I can geta clear shot at his team.Plus, Tokoyamican defend againstKaminari's electricity.There's not much time left.The bastard! I hearTodoroki think in his head making me look over to watch the match.

"Torque Over—" I hear Iida shout, but moves so fast, I can't even Team Todoroki anymore—just a blur.

"Watch the—" Izukun says but stops suddenly.

"Reciproburst!" Iida shouts after charging toward Izukun's team.

"Wha‐ho‐ho! What just happened?That was one big blur!Holy smokes, folks!Why didn't he show off that super speedin the preliminaries?" Present Mic questions.

I gasp as I see the ten million point headband in Todoroki's hand.

"Insanity!This entire game was justturned completely on its head!Todoroki's team hasthe ten million points,and Midoriya's team is suddenlyleft with nothing at all!" Present Mic shouts.

"Don't let them go!" Izukun shouts. His team runs right toward Todoroki to attack head to head.

"With time almost up,Team Todoroki is in firstplace with four headbands.Despite their best efforts,Team Midoriya hasfallen to the bottom!Will these be the top four teamsthat move on to the next round?" Present Mic says, making note of the top 4 teams on the screen. I begin to hear more shouting from another part of the field.

"Losers! Get back here," Kacchan shouts at Team Monoma.

Monoma groans. "Doesn't he ever give up?Knowing you've been bestedis an important partof being a hero." He turns around to see Kacchan flying off his "horses" to go after Monoma.

"Hey, don't justfly off on your own!" Kirishima scolds.

"Tsuburaba! Stop him!" Monoma shouts. On cue, his teammates blows air out and somehow incapsulating Kacchan in it.

"A'right!" Tsuburaba says, confident in his work.

"Kosei Tsuburaba.His Quirk: Solid Air.He can harden the airto form walls or steps.The bigger the breath,the stronger the shield!" Present Mic commentates.

"You look pretty stupidfighting with air," Tsuburaba mocks.They turn their back to Kacchan right before he punches his way out of the solid air shield and grabs a hold of their headbands and gets a couple of them as he retreats from them swiftly and Sero grabs him with his tape Quirk.

"Crap, he snatched some of 'em!" Monoma shouts

"Team Bakugo nabs two headbandsand moves into third place!The final moments of the gamehave been full of shakeups!Oh, to be young again!"

"Now, look at this.Class 1‐B's strategywas a reasonable one,but there's one thingthey forgot to consider.Class 1‐B didn'ttake into account Bakugo'soverwhelming tenacity," Mr. Aizawa says, though can barely be heard through the speakers.

With that statement, his team works together to get their headband back from Team Monoma and succeeds in taking the last headband from them in a swift manner.

"Bakugo is a merciless force!What a point hog!That was a shield breakheard 'round the arena,and I can't waitto watch the replay!" Present Mic says.

"We've just got to wait it out," Shinso says to me.

I nod in agreement. "We have stealthily took headbands without even Present Mic noticing because of Izukun's, Kacchan's, and Todoroki's team staying consistently in the spotlight. Let's move a little closer to watch the remaining action," I tell Shinso.

"With just 11 seconds left,Team Midoriya'sback in the game!Oh, no!Team Midoriya didn't get theten million points after all!The game is almost over!Time for a countdown!" He says as 10 seconds are read across the screens.

"Tokoyami!" Izukun shouts. Tokoyami goes to make another attack with Dark Shadow Todoroki's team to gain back points.

"Kaminari!" Todoroki shouts, and Kaminari springs into action by using his electricity against them, but makes himself short-circuit.

"Deku!" Kacchan shouts as his team comes out of nowhere.

"Bakugo!" Kirishima shouts as Kacchan flies off once again without letting his teammates know beforehand.

"Uraraka!" Izukun shouts.

"Let's go!" She shouts back in return as she makes them advance forward.

"Yaoyorozu!" Todoroki says. Knowing exactly what they need, she begins creating something.

"Who's got the points?" Kacchan questions. "Dammit, Icy hot!" I let out a chuckle as I watch them fight each other for some last second points.

"Time's up!And with that, the second roundis officially over!" Present Mic shouts. Everybody stops fighting unanimously and Kacchan falls face first into the ground.

"Bakugo!" Sero shouts.

"Are you okay, man?" Kirishima asks him.

Kacchan begins slamming his fist into the ground.

"Damn it," Todoroki says under his breath.

"Okay, you can put me down, now," I say to Shinso. He commands the others to help put me down before turning his Quirk off of them.

"Now, let's take a look at whoour top four teams are!In first place, Team Todoroki!In second place, Team Bakugo!In third placeis Testute‐‐ Wait, what?It's Team Takahashi? When didthey advance up?And in fourthplace is Team Midoriya!These fourvaliant teams will advance onto the final round!Now, let'stake an hour lunch breakbefore we start the
afternoon festivities!See ya soon!Hey, Eraser Head.Let's grab some food," Present Mic says.

"I'm taking a nap," Mr. Aizawa answers.

"Alright," I say to Shinso. "It was nice working with ya!"

"Yeah, you weren't bad yourself. You are actually quite powerful," he responds.

I let out a smile. "Well, I'm gonna get a light lunch before the final round. See ya." I walk off and begin my way to the cafeteria.

"Whoa, Akari! I didn't really see you during the Calvary Battle, how did your team get third place without being noticed?" Kirishima asks, running up to me.

I laugh. "It's not hard when many people has their own personal vendettas and others were after the ten million. Also, my mind reading Quirk came in handy."

"Wow, now that's thinking!" He responds.

"Yeah, with everyone after the top dogs, we went for smaller and worked our way up. It was hard with all the headbands, sure but it worked out in the end. How was it working with Kacchan?" I ask with a giggle.

He lets out a laugh while putting his hand through his hair. "He definitely went off on his own a lot, but he still knew what he was doing, so I guess it wasn't all bad," he answers. "But enough of that, you wanna join us for lunch?"

I nod with a smile on face. "Sure! I'm starving!" I follow him until we meet up with Kaminari, Sato, and Sero, and together we all go get lunch. Though the cavalry battle is over, the final round is going to be the main event—the one everyone has been waiting for, and the one I have to make sure I come on the top of.

Chapter 19: The Boy Born with Everything

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (45)

Tokoyami and Mineta joins us at the table with Kirishima, Kaminari, Sato, Sero, and I and begin discussing the next part of the Sports Festival. I listen to them and laugh at their jokes—allowing myself to loosen up some before getting back into the competitive state again.

Mineta whispers something to Kaminari making him shout aloud, "Hell yeah! Let's do it" They get from the table and begin to leave.

"Where are you two going?" I ask suspiciously.

"Uh, nowhere, we'll be back," Kaminari says unconvincingly.

I roll my eyes. "Whatever." They run off together while giggling to each other mischievously.

"Did you read their minds?" Kirishima asks.

"Yeah, what are they scheming?" Sero asks.

"I don't know, I didn't use my Quirk," I answer. "I'm trying to keep my stamina and Quirk ready for the final round, so whatever they're scheming isn't that important enough to use my Quirk on."

"Aw, man, I was dying to know," Sero complains.

"Well, you can to go after them and find out if you want," I say.

"They are probably planning something perverted," Tokoyami says.

I nod in agreement. "Yeah, probably so."

"We'll find out soon, anyway," Sato says.

"You're probably right," I respond before seeingIzukun and Todorokienter the cafeteria one after the other, then Kacchan at little bit after. That's suspicious, I think to myself. Kacchan makes eye contact with me and gestures his head to tell me to meet with him.

"Okay, guys, I'm gonna head off a little early. I'll see ya soon!" I say to them before picking up my food tray and getting up from the table.

"Uh, ok, see ya!" Kirishima says with a smile. The other guys follow suit in saying bye, and soon I'm putting up my food tray and face to face with Kacchan.

"Follow me," he says, and we go to an isolated area outside so that we are alone.

"What's up?" I ask him.

"You know how we know something is up with Deku?" He says.


"Well, something weird happened with Icy Hot and him. I want you to read my mind and tell me what you think."

"Read your mind? Are you sure?" I ask him in shock.

"Yeah, just do it already!" He shouts at me.

"Okay, okay!" I say and begin to look directly in his eyes to search for whatever he wants me to find.

"So, you brought me here.Now what?We should probably eat soon.The cafeteria's gonna be busy.Don't you think?" Izukun said.

"I was overwhelmed.And it made me breakthe promise I madeto myself a long time ago.Iida and Kaminari...Yaoyorozu and Tokoyami...Uraraka...None of them felt it.In that moment,I was the only one whocould sense your true power.It reminded me of something...Experiencing All Might's Quirk," Todoroki finally responded after a moment of pause.

"Oh, yeah? Okay...Is that all?" Izukun asks nervously.

"I'm saying...The power coming from youfelt the same as All Might's.Midoriya, tell me.Are you really All Might'ssecret love childor something?" Todoroki asks.

"Am I... What?!"

"I've seen it.You've got All Might inyour corner, helping you out.Well, are you?"

"No, no way‐‐that's not it at all.But I guess even if I was,I'd totally say I wasn't,so you probably won't believeme no matter what, I bet.Anyway, I promise,you've got the wrong idea.And... Why would youeven think that about me?" Izukun says rambling nervously.

"'That's not it at all' is interesting wording.It suggests there issomething between you twothat you're notsupposed to talk about."


"My father is the hero Endeavor.You must've heard of him.Which means you're awarethat he's the number‐two hero.So if you're connected tothe number‐one hero,All Might, in some way...That would mean...that I have even morereason to beat you.My old man is ambitious.He aims for the top.He used his power to makea name for himself as a hero.But he was never ableto best All Might,so the Symbol of Peace isliving proof of his failure.He's still at it, though,trying to take down All Might.One way or another."

"I'm not really surewhat you're getting at.What are you tryingto tell me, Todoroki?"

"Have you ever heard of...Quirk marriages?" Todoroki asks.


"They became a problemin the first few generationsafter superpowersbecame widespread.There were those who sought outpotential mates solelywith the intentionof creating powerful children.Many people were forcedinto relationships.They were simply viewed asold‐fashionedarranged marriages.But, clearly, it was unethical.My father has not only a richhistory of accomplishments,but plenty of moneyto throw at his problems.He bought my mother's relativesto get his hands on her Quirk.And now he's raising meto usurp All Might.It's so annoying.I refuse to be a toolfor that scumbag.In every memory of my mother...I only see her crying.I remember she calledmy left side unbearable,before she pouredboiling water on my face.The reasonI picked a fight with youwas to show my old manwhat I was capable of doing.Without having to relyon his damned fire Quirk.You see,I'm going to show himthat I reject his power,and I can take first placewithout using it.You're obviouslyconnected to All Might.Even if you won'ttell me about it.But no matter how fiercelyyou come at me in the future,I will defeat you usingonly my right side.I can assure you of that," he says, his voice seemingly getting further away.

"Hey, wait!I'm only here becauseothers have supported me.I've been really lucky.In fact, I've had even morehelp since I've come to UA.All Might isconstantly saving peoplewith a fearless smile.He's the greatest hero.And I wanna be just like him.In order to do that,I have to be strong enoughto become number one.I know my motivationmight seem stupidcompared to yours.But, still‐‐I can'tlose this, either.I owe it to everyone who'ssupported me to try my best.You declared war on me earlier.Well, right back at you.I am going to beat you."

"Whoa," I say as I sit down, leaning my back against the tree behind me.

"Still think that Deku isn't hiding something and making a fool out of us?" He asks.

"I mean he is definitely is hiding something, but he's only been around All Might recently, so whatever this is, it's something that happened within the year," I answer. "But I'm stumped. If his Quirk is really so similar to All Might's, but he's not his son, what's could that mean? Like how can they be connected in terms of Quirks?"

"I see you were as worthless on this as I thought you would be," Kacchan mutters.

"Hey! You don't know anything either if you came to me to hear what I think!" I shout.

"Whatever. We should get back for the final round," he says.

I nod. "Yeah, we can talk about this later. Good luck!"

"I don't need luck," he answers.

I roll my eyes. "Of course you don't." He walks away without me, and I'm left to think on what he let me mind read. The fact that he even let me mind read told me that it was something important, but I wasn't expecting that encounter and hearing of Todoroki's tragic story. No wonder he's quieter than I am in class. Even though my parents are gone, I couldn't imagine having a dad who forces his desires on you because of his own selfish reasons. And the connection he made with Izukun and All Might makes me realize that he is on the right track as their relationship does raise questions. That not is at all. I sigh as I get up from my spot. Enough of that—I need to get ready for the next part with no more distractions. Like I said to Kacchan, I can dive more into this later, but right now, I need to focus on making it to the top 3 of the Sports Festival. I get back onto the field where we await for the final round.

"Get thosefoam fingers in the air!It's almost timefor the last round!But before that:Good news for everyonewho didn't make the finals.Since this is a sports festival,we've prepared somesuper‐fun side gameseveryone can participate in!We even brought in cheerleadersfrom America to getyour blood pumping!" Present Mic shouts to the fans. "Hold up."

"What are they doing?" Mr. Aizawa asks looking at another group of cheerleaders.

"Looks like Class 1‐A is goin'full‐on fanservice!" Present Mic says. Kaminari and Mineta giggle at each other as their plan was a success, well mostly. I turn to see that all of the other girls are in cheer uniforms.

"What?! You tricked us?You're gonna regret this!" Yaoyorozu shouts at them. She then falls to the ground and sighs heavily. "Why is it thatI always end up fallingfor that little pervert'sstupid schemes?I even used my Quirkto make these outfits."

"Ugh, I hate those guys!" Jiro groans.

I walk over there and ask, "Whoa, what's going on?"

"Mineta and Kaminari tricked us by saying that all the girls were supposed to wear cheer uniforms for the Sports Festival," Jiro explains with a bitter tone in her voices.

"Yeah, we were trying to find you to tell you, but we couldn't find you, but I guessed you lucked out," Uraraka says.

"I would say so," I answer.

"Well, we do havea little time beforethe finals start, and I kindalike these uniforms, so...How 'bout we just roll with it!" Hagakure says while making cheer moves.

"Are you crazy?" Jiro asks her angrily.

"Wow, Toru. You've got skills," Tsu says.

"Have fun competing in theselittle side games, everyone!After they'reover, the 16 studentsfrom the top four teamswill be duking it outone‐on‐one in a tournament‐stylefighting competition!I promise you're not gonna wannamiss these epic match ups!" Present Mic tells the crowd making me turn my attention back to the main objective.

"Aw, yeah.Finally gettin' the chanceto show what we're made of.I watch these finals every year,and now I'm actually in them!" Kirishima says excitedly.

"So wait. Is italways a tournament?" Ashido asks.

"The final's always aone‐on‐one competition,but they switchit up every time.Last year it was a foamsword‐fighting match," Sero answers.

Thank god, I think to myself as I imagine us fighting each other with foam swords.

"Come closer and draw lots to seewho you're up against.Then enjoy the pleasureof the recreational gamesbefore we start.The 16 finalists have the optionof participating in thoseactivities or sitting outto prepare for battle.I'm sure you all wantto conserve your stamina.I'll start with thefirst place team."

"Um. Excuse me," Ojiro interrupts with his hand raised. "Sorry.But I'm withdrawing." We all turn to him and gasp.

"Ojiro. No way!" Izukun says in shock.

"But this is a rare chancefor you to get scouted," Iida says.

"It just wouldn't be right.I barely remember anythingfrom the cavalry battleuntil the very end of it." Everyone gasps but me as I know exactly what happened, though I am surprised that he would withdraw because of it, making me feel guilty as I was apart of it. "I... think itwas that guy's Quirk," he says directing toward Shinso. "I know this isa great opportunity.I wish I couldtake advantage of it,but my conscience won't let me."

"Just think about this," Izukun says.

"I have, okay?Everyone gave theirall in round two,but I was justsomeone's puppet. No way.I don't wanna advance if Idon't even know how I got here.It wouldn't be fair."

"You're makingway too much of this!Just kill it in the finalsand prove you should be here," Hakagure begs.

"Yeah, what she said," Ashido adds. "I didn't do muchin the battle, either."

"That's not it.I'm talking about my pride here.I refuse to give that up," he explains with his face in his hands. "Also, why are almost all the girlsdressed like cheerleaders?"

The girls groan simultaneously in reminder of them being tricked.

"Nirengeki Shoda from Class 1‐B.I think I should withdrawfor the exact same reason.Regardless of how strong I am,this isn't howI wanted to get here.It would go againstthe values of the festivalto advance withoutearning my spot," the other guy from our team says walking closer to the stage for Midnight to hear him. Great, I feel even worse now, I think to myself.

"Listen to these guys!They're so manly!" Kirishima says with tear appearing in his eyes.

"This sort of talk isincredibly naive, my boys.That turns me on! Shoda! Ojiro!You're withdrawn!" Midnight says.

"Did she say it turns her on?" Everyone asks all at once.

"Akari-chan, do you know what they're talking about? You were on their team, right?" Izukun asks me.

I nod slowly. "I do, it was his Quirk—Mind Control," I answer. He looks over at Shinso, who gives him a smirk before walking out of our sight.

"Now, let's see...We'll have tomove up two studentsfrom the fifth‐placecavalry teamso we have enough contestants," Midnight says in thought.

"We were frozen most of the time.Honestly, we barely did anythingin the cavalry battle," the orange-haired girl says. "Isn't that right?" She asks her calvary group.

"Uh‐huh," one responds.

"Girls?" She says getting their nods of approval. "You should choose from the groupthat kept fightingthe whole time.Team Tetsutetsu."

"Kendo!" Tetsutetsu exclaims.

"I'm not doing this asa favor. It's just fair," Kendo says.

"Seriously, you guys!Thank you!" Tetsutetsu says. The group begins discussing which two should step up before the chosen two walk away from their group and up to the rest of us competing in the tournament.

"And so, Tetsutetsu and Shiozakihave advanced to the final!" We finally begin drawing lots to determine who we will fight and when. When we finished, she throws her whip toward the screen. "Take a look at thebracket, my dears.These are your opponents!" We all begin to check where we are within the bracket.

"Seriously?How does this keep happening?" Kirishima and Tetsutetsu says to each other at the same time when they see they're up against each other in the first bracket.

"I'll give it my all," Tokoyami says to Yaoyorozu.

"Good. That's allthat I ask of you," she answers.

I look to see that my first match is with Ashido. I turn to her and ask, "You think you can keep up with me, girlie?"

"Oh, I'm sure I can! Bring it on!" She responds.

"That is you, right?Izuku Midoriya?" I overhear Shinso ask him. "A pleasure. So you excited?"

"Uh... Ye—" he begins to say but Ojiro covers his mouth with his tail.

"Not so fast," he says.

Shinso lets out a chuckle and walks away.

"Ojiro. What's the deal?" Izukun asks.

"You can't say a word to him," he says.


I walk away from that conversation and to Kacchan.

When I get there he asks me, "Uraraka? Who the hell's that?"

Ironically, she is right behind us and let's out a gasp of shock and anger.

"Are you being serious right now, Kacchan? She's in our class, and right behind you."

He turns to look at her angry expression still on her face. "Hm, whatever," he says shrugging her off.

"Okay.Let's press pause fora momentary interlude!Before the battles begin,it's time for somepulse‐pounding side games!" Present Mic shouts.

"Woohoo!" Hakagure shouts and jumps in the air in excitement.

"First,how about a scavenger hunt?"

I take this moment to leave the field and find a quiet place outside. I settle on a cheery blossom tree and telekinetically place myself on one of its branches. Even thoughwe were told to have fun,those who are in thetournament couldn't possibly relax.Some try to come upwith a strategy.Some try to rest their bodies.There were those whoprep for the fight.Or try to hype themselves up.And others who just focus ontrying to calm their nerves.We all want to beready for anything. I begin to meditate in order to calm the usage of my Quirk before getting into the brutal one-on-one tournament battle. As my next battle is going to be with either Tokoyami or Yaoyorozu, I need to also think of my strategy to fight against a shadow or someone who can literally create anything, though I do at least know the weakness for Tokoyami from the last round, so I might be be at an advantage if I'm up against him. It seems as though time passed by so soon as it is time for the finals to begin.

"That's it. I'm prettymuch done here," Cementoss says after creating a concrete battle area.

"Thank you, Cementoss!" Present Mic says. "Hey, sports fans. Are ya ready?After all theaction you've already witnessed,it's time for thereal battles to begin!Can ya feel the excitement?Our competitors areon their own now!Sometimes, heroes have onlythemselves to rely on!Heart. Skill. Strength.Wisdom. Courage.They'll have to use all of thesethings to rise to the top!"

I take my seat with my class next to the girls and wait for the first battle to begin. I'm sure Ojiro has warned Izukun on Shinso's Quirk, so as long as he doesn't say anything, Izukun has this in the bag, because Shinso has little combat skills from what I noticed in the Calvary battle.

"All right, audience!Let's cut to thegood stuff and not delaythese finals any longer.Welcome our first fighters.Whoa, he looks kind scaredin that picture, doesn't he?It's Izuku Midoriya fromthe hero course versus...Hitoshi Shinso fromgeneral studies,who really hasn't doneanything to stand out yet.The rules are simple.Immobilize your opponentor force them outta the ring.You can also win by gettingthe other person to cry uncle!Bring on the injuries,'cause we've gotour very own Recovery Girlwaiting on standby!So put your morals aside anddon't be afraid to play dirty!But of course, nolife‐threatening crap, folks.It's not allowed!Real heroes use their powerto throw villains in jail,not kill them," Present Mic says.

"I'll stop anyone whotries to get too rough," Cementoss says after creating a concrete chair and sitting in it.

Here goes the beginning of the final round, I think to myself.


I watch as the two seem to be talking from a distance before Izukun advances toward him, but just as soon as he does, he immediately stops running and stands completely still.

"I warned himnot to say anything!" Ojiro groans standing from his seat. Iida and Uraraka begin to stand up from their seats as well in shock. I shake my head—all he had to do was not say anything, and he would've won!

"Huh?!Hey, hey, what's the dealio?This is the first match!It should start out with a bang!The fight has justbegun and Izuku Midoriya is...completely frozen?" Present Mic says completely confused.

Chapter 20: Victory or Defeat

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (46)

"Come on, Deku!" Uraraka says standing from her seat.

"Why in the worldisn't he moving?" Iida asks standing from his seat as well.

"It shouldstart out with a bang!The fight has just begunand Izuku Midoriya is...completely frozen?He's not moving a muscle!And what's with thatlook on his face?Could this be a Quirk at work?Hitoshi Shinso seemsto have Izuku Midoriyacompletely stunned!He didn't standout in the first rounds at all,but it's possibleShinso's crazy powerful!Who could've imaginedthis turn of events?That's the Festivalfor ya!" Present Mic commentates.

"This is a perfect example of whythe entrance examisn't rational," Mr. Aizawa says

"Huh? Why's that?" Present Mic asks.

"Since we're onto the individual matches,I had some information compiledabout our final competitors.Shinso failed the practical examto get into the hero course.Since he also applied
for general studies,he probably figuredthat would happen.His Quirk is incredibly strong,but that entrance test consistedof fighting faux villains.Robots.It gave a hugeadvantage to thosewho had physical superpowersthey could show off.Despite hisabilities, Shinso neverstood a chance at passing," Mr. Aizawa explains.

I continue to watch the two to see that Shinso is saying something to Izukun, and then, Izukun turns around and begins walking away from him.

"Uh—What?!Ah! Midoriya's obeying him!" Present Mic shouts in shock.

"Oh, no, Deku,what are you doing?" Uraraka asks to herself.

"He can't walk out of the ring!He'll lose the match if he does!" Iida says freaking out.

"He can't help it," I respond.

"What do you mean?" Uraraka asks.

"It's Shinso's Quirk at work—Mind Control. It is activated when someone responds back to him. After that, he can make you do whatever he wishes unless they're physically hit hard enough. With just them out there, there's really nothing that he can awaken him," I explain.

"Oh, no, that's horrible!" she says.

"If only he didn't fall for it," I say quietly before catching Kacchan eyeing me as if he listened in on our conversation before averting back to the match.

We all watch in horror as Izukun walks to the very edge of the battle area. Suddenly, there is some sort of...explosion around him causing smoke to emerge and a strong wind pushes itself away from the culprit. The smoke clears, revealing Izukun standing right in front of the white line.

"What's this?Midoriya stopped just in time!" Present Mic says, making the crowd begin cheering loudly.

"How did he—" I mutter to myself in confusion.

"That's the way to do it!" Iida shouts in relief.

"Whoa. I was about to freak out!" Uraraka says.

"Whew, that justabout killed me," Ojiro says with a sigh and sits back in his seat.

Izukun begins running toward Shinso ready to fight. I can tell Shinso is trying to get him to talk again, but Izukun isn't falling for it again. He runs straight at Shinso and begins to push him out. Shinso punches his face, but it doesn't stop Izukun in the slightest. Shinso then goes after the broken fingers that Izukun obtained trying to break his Quirk's hold on he's mind and is successful in getting Izukun to release him, making him stumble. Shinso goes to push him out of the ring, but Izukun manages to grab his arm and the front of his shirt and flips Shinso over him. Shinso hits the ground hard causing everyone in the arena to all be frozen in shock—the quietness is deafening.

"Shinso is out of bounds!Midoriya advancesto the next match!" Midnight says, breaking the silence, and the crowd begins cheering.

"And with thatexpertly performed throw,we have our firstvictor of the finals!Class 1‐A's Izuku Midoriya!" Present Mic shouts.

Uraraka sighs. "Ugh, that wasso nerve‐wracking!

"Turning the tablesat the last moment—a classic Midoriya maneuver!" Iida says proudly.

"He's pulled that shoulderthrow on you before, huh?" Kaminari asks Kacchan.

"Shut your damn face, Sparky," Kacchan tells him in a calmer tone than usual as his eyes stay glued on Izukun.

"Oh, yeah!That was actually kind ofa boring first match, kids.But both of you fought bravely.Let's show themsome love, everyone!" Present Mic says and the crowd follows his request.

I watch the two as they talk, then Shinso walks away, going down the stairs. He stops to talk to some of his peers that are in the stands close to the ground. It must be hard to have a Quirk like that and still want to be a villain. It doesn't really help when it comes to combat skills, and is dependent on the other person answering him. Still though, he is very dedicated in becoming a hero, and I can't help but admire that about him. They begin to get the battle site ready once more for the next match.

"So, Akari—" Kirishima begins to say, getting my attention.

"Yeah?" I say, turning my head in his direction.

"What do you think of that guy? You were the only one not under his Quirk, right?" He asks.

I nod my head guiltily. "Yeah, I read minds to find a good team, and he stood out to me with the plan that he had. I figured with our Quirks together, we would mesh well. I think he's a little misunderstood, but he does have potential. I just feel bad about the outcome," I answer directing my glance onto Ojiro.

"Oh, don't feel bad! This is the Sports Festival after all! We're all competing against each other one way or another," he says to me.

"Thanks," I respond.

"Ah! There you are, Deku!" Uraraka says, making me turn around to see him come into the private booth room we are all in. "You did good!"

"Come on down here—we saved a seat for you!" Iida say pointing at the seat.

"Ha! Thanks, guys!" He responds. I would love to ask him about what happened down there—about how he managed to escape Shinso's Quirk, but before I can even ask, the next battle begins.

"Enough standing around.Now welcome to the ring,our next players.He's got skills!But at the expense of somereally creepy‐looking elbows.From the hero course,it's Hanta Sero!" Present Mic shouts. "Versus, an early frontrunnerin the competitionwho's way too strongfor his own good!Someone who rightfullygot into the hero coursebased on recommendations!It's Shoto Todoroki!And now, for the second matchof the finals.Ready?Begin!"

I watch in shock as Sero doesn't hesitate and wraps Todoroki up in his tape, swinging him toward the white line.

"That attackcould throw his opponentout of bounds!A brilliant, surpriseopening from the underdog!Way to start off strong, Sero!" Present Mic commentates. Though it was a quick and aggressive strategy, it doesn't work as Todoroki uses his Quirk to stop him in his tracks. A huge boulder of ice surfaces in an instant, covering a portion of the arena and shards of its ice almost hits us. We all gasp in fear of almost being impaled.

"Tell the truth, Sero," Midnight says as half of her body is covered in ice. "Can you move at all?" After Sero has apparently answered, she says, "Sero has been immobilized!Todoroki advancesto the second round!"

Everyone sits in silence until a woman's voice can be heard shouting, "Nice try!"

"Nice try!" The crowd repeats over and over as Todoroki walks over to Sero and melts the ice prison he created. As I watch the solemnness his face is presented with, I am immediately reminded on what Kacchan let me in on. The reason I picked a fight with you was to show my old man what I was capable of doing. Without having to rely on his damned fire Quirk. You see, I'm going to show him that I reject his power, and I can take first place without using it. Todoroki's feelings are definitely playing apart in how he fights—as over dramatic as it may seem. With everyone's emotions seeming to be running wild, I must keep my composure and my mind focused in order to continue on further in the festival.

Chapter 21: Battle on, Challengers

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (47)

The cleanup from the match is excruciating time consuming. Even though, Todoroki stayed in the arena to help melt his ice down, there is so much ice that it takes everyone who is working for the festival to help. It is so freezing in the stadium that I am uncontrollably shivering, as is everyone else, and the ice dripping its cold water down is not helping. Finally, the ice is cleared in the next match is in motion.

The crowd cheers as Present Mic shouts, "Welcome backto the finals, everyone!Sorry for that long wait.The insane amount of icefrom the second matchhas finally beencleared, though,so it's time towelcome new competitors!Even beautiful flowershave thorns.It's the assassinfrom Class 1‐B.Ibara Shiozaki fromthe hero course!Versus the boy withthe electric personality!Another hero in themaking, Denki Kaminari!Keep those eyes peeled.I wanna see a superflashy battle this time!"

"Excuse me!" Shiozaki interrupts. "Please pardon the interruption.I'm not sure why youcalled me an assassin.I've come to the festivalin search of victory,not to take my opponent's life.That wouldn't be in linewith the values ofa hero at all, sir."

"Right. I'm sorry," Present Mic answers awkwardly.

"Gentlemen, I didn'tenter UA for wickedor selfish reasons, but todeliver salvation to others!It is my humble quest to spreadtrue good across this world."

I roll my eyes in response to her interjection. Just get on with it already!

"Listen, I said I was sorry!That was my bad, okay?" Present Mic says to her.

"I thank you for yourkind understanding," she responds and heads beck up to the fighting arena.

I focus on the two in the arena, and accidentally read the thoughts from the airhead blonde.I thought everyone inClass 1‐B was a jerk.Look at thosebig beautiful eyes.And it looks like shemight be strong, too.Come on, you idiot—remember,this is a competition.But, oh, man,she's so cute, though.This is terrible. I'm gonna haveto ask this girl out sometime.Once I win this! Kaminari thinks.

I can't help groan in disgust.

"Rabbit. What's wrong?" Tsu asks.

"Kaminari is going to lose this match so hard," I answer.

"Why do you say that?" Jiro asks.

"So, anyway. Begin!" Present Mic shouts.

"Indiscriminate Shock: one point three million volts!" Kaminari shouts before his electricity begins streaming out of him and toward Shiozaki. She simply turns her back to him, and while in what looks to be a praying pose, she grows her viney green hair covered in thorns into a shield and then detaches it from herself. It protects her from the electricity, and with that, she grows her hair longer, reaching all the way to Kaminari and wrapping him up in it. After securing him in her hair, she lifts him up in the air with no ability from him to escape.

"He's immobilized!That's all, folks!It was over in an instant!" Present Mic announces.

"The winner is Shiozaki!She advances on!" Midnight says, and the crowd cheers.

"He's too distracted on hitting on her to actually fight effectively," I respond after another quick fight.

"Ibara Shiozaki.Her Quirk, Vines!The vines on her head canextend to great lengths.Plus, they're detachable!As long as she gets plentyof water and sunlight,they can grow instantly!It's one killer head a' hair," Present Mic explains.

"Man, she's good," Jiro says, scratching her head.

I nod.

"Guess he was right," Monoma says over the edge of stadium wall that is separating us from Class 1-B. "That match really wasover in just two seconds.I wonder if his realQuirk is the abilityto tell the future.Hey! Wasn't Class 1‐A supposedto be so much better than us?" he mocks as he laughs like a maniac. He suddenly seems to fall to the ground, and then Kendo appears.

"Sorry 'bout him," she says.

We all stare at her in shock and annoyance on what we just witness, and I catch all of the girls thinking the same thing: I hate that guy. Iida takes this time to step out of our sitting area in the stands and get ready for his match.

"I've seen Kaminariin action‐‐he's super strong.But Shiozaki placed fourthin the entrance exam.And those vines.I wonder if she's studiedKamui Woods' moves.Binding attacks canbe really powerful.I hardly ever see anyonebreak out when they're used.It would be impossibleto get close to herwhile avoiding allthose thorns and vines.You'd have to find some way to tear them offor just hack your waythrough using brute force.Oh, but in order to keepyou from doing that,she'd probably go afteryour hands first,so then what do you do?" Izukun is muttering while ferociously scribbling in his journal. Everyone is staring at him with a mix of confusion and terror in their face. Well, besides Kacchan, who is getting so irritated, but is trying to keep his cool. I sit in amusem*nt as I'm used to his ramblings.

"Maybe you shouldtake a sec to relaxbefore planning toomany matches ahead," Uraraka says to him.

Izukun yelps before explaining, "Oh, sorry!Sometimes I don't realizeI'm talking out loudwhen I'm taking notes. It's not every day I getto see incredible Quirksfrom people outside our class!"

She chuckles at his response.

"Uh, actually..." he says flipping through his notes, "I've been taking notes oneverybody in our class, too!Here's what I've goton your Zero Gravity!"

Uraraka's face is in absolute shock when she sees that she's in his notes, too. "Uh—Y'know, Deku,I've always knowthat you're amazing.You've got so much driveand focus in you.And the sports festival'sreminding me of that," she answers with solemness in her voice.

"Let's keep pumpin'out these hits and move on!Time for the fourth match!Get ready to watch twonew players duke it out!" Present Mic shouts getting the crowd excited. "He's the kidwith engines in his legs.Tenya Iida from thehero course! Versus...a fully‐equippedgadget dynamo.The support course'sMei Hatsume!"

"So it's hero classversus support," Jiro comments.

"I have no idea what thisfight will look like," Tsu responds.

"Uh, what's up with Iida?Where the heck did heget all that weird gear from?" Sato asks. I look to see what he's referring to and see a weird gadget on him What the hell?

"Hero course studentscan't use support gearunless they have to.And you didn't fill out any ofthe proper paperwork for that," Midnight tells him.

Iida gasps and bow toward her. "I didn't knowthat was the rule!Aoyama got to wear his belt,so I thought it was fine," he responds.

"He turned in the proper forms," she answers.

"I apologize, ma'am.It's just that my heart was movedby my opponent's sportsmanship.Even though she's fromthe support course,she wanted this to be aseven a match as possiblesince she made it this far.To have a fair fight!So, she offered togive me this equipment.I respect her integrity.That's why, to honor her,I would like to wear this gear!" He tells her.

With giddy laughter she responds, "Such youthful vigor!I'll allow it."

"Really?" Present Mic asks in disbelief.

"I guess if everyone'sin agreement, then it's okay.Right?" Mr. Aizawa questions.

"Well, ifeveryone's on the same page,let's begin the fourth match!" Present Mic says, beginning the match. Iida wastes no time to run right at her.

"Bet you love how fastthat gear makes you!Huh, Iida?" She says loud enough for the whole stadium to hear

She's got a mic? Why? I think to myself.

"Hey, now," Present Mic says, just as confused.

"Don't your legsfeel lighter than usual?That's to be expected.I designed those leg partsspecifically to increasethe wearer's speed and mobility.But, of course..." she says right before Iida can get to her. She ends up flying through the air by a medal rod of some sort, and Iida ends up tripping over it. "I can easily evade youwith my hydraulic attachments!"

"What's going on?" Ashido questions.

"Hang on, let me see," I say as I use my Quirk.

Those are boxesfor support companies.They love my babies!I've got this in the bag! She thinks to herself.

"Mei Hatsume. Her Quirk: Zoom!If she gets serious, she cansee up to five kilometers away!" Present Mic says, explaining her true Quirk amongst her gadgets.

"She's using this as a chance to show off to the support companies, not to actual participate in the festival!" I say in annoyance. I mean, it's not a bad strategy for her, but the festival is supposed to show your abilities, not to exploit those around you!

"Since I've got sensorsin every direction,it's impossible for anopponent to sneak up on me!" She says after being lifted up in the air again when Iida tried to come up behind her, then tripping on the rod once more. He almost falls, but the gear he is wearing is seeming to keep him on his feet as he makes his way back to Hatsume.

"Look at how adeptly Iidajust changed his course!It's all thanks to the ingeniousauto‐balancer I created."

"She's turning the festivalinto one big commercial!" Jiro complains.

"There's absolutely no lag time!The auto‐balancer is equippedwith a custom32‐axis gyro sensor!As you can see, it cankeep the user from fallingunless they actually want to," she says as she evades Iida's attack once more. He goes after her again after almost passing the white line when she begins flying in the air.Hatsume cackles. "That's right, I'm practicallyflying through the air!These electro shoes useelectromagnetic inductionon both feet. They're perfectfor evasive maneuversor just keeping things light!" Iida runs after her again as he seems to have waited for her to be back on the ground when she turns around and shoots a gun at him, which lets out a net and traps him on the ground.

"What is this?" I hear Iida shout in desperation.

"A capture gunto use against villains!The nets are loadedinto small cartridges.You can fire up to fivebefore having to reload!And all of theseitems were developedby yours truly—Mei Hatsume,support course prodigy!So, to any supportcompanies out therelooking for strong new recruits,the choice is clear.You want me!Again, I'm Mei Hatsume,that's H‐A‐T‐S‐U‐M‐E.And now, let me introduce youto a few more of my babies."

"Wait, there's more?" I groan as I hoped that this commercial we are watching had come to a close. Unfortunately, it was about another 10 minutes making me bored out of my mind.

"Whew! That was fun,but I think now I've shown offeverything I wanted to.I suppose it's time for meto wrap this show up," she says, leaving the arena.

"Uh, Hatsume steppedout of bounds,so Iida advancesto the next round," Midnight announces in confusion.

"Finally! Oh, my gosh!" I say in relief.

"Yeah, I thought it would never end!" Ashido responds.

"I can't believeI let you trick me!" Iida shouts loud enough for us to hear. Wow, never heard him so angry before, I think to myself.

"Sorry about that.I needed to use you tomake a name for myself," she responds.

"I looked like a fool!"

"Iida's so sincere,he trusted her motives.She probably made it sound likeshe was doing him a favor.She's so driven.Straightforward about her goals.And from what I can tell,she'll pretty much dowhatever it takes to reach them.Amazing," Izukun says as he mutters while writing in his journal. He didn't even realized that Uraraka has got up from her seat beside him and is walking out of our place in the stands. Though, I don't really have the time to tell him or figure out what is wrong with her as it's my match next. Ashido and I both get up and go in separate directions based on where we were told to go. Getting all the way down to where the match is, I take a deep breath and wait in the long corridor until I hear my cue.

"We're gonnacharge right on alongto the fifth match.Let's see what that mind can do in a head to head match! It's Akari Takahashi from the hero course!" I walk out onto the arena and stand awkwardly on one side of the long rectangular area as I try not to focus too much on the crowd and keep my eyes on my target. "Versus...Is there some kindapurpose for those thingssticking out of her head?From the same class,Mina Ashido!" He shouts as she finishes stretching out her arms.

"I hope you're ready to lose this match," Ashido says to me in a good-mannered, competitive nature.

I smirk. "Don't underestimate me, now."

"Come on, Mina, you can do it!" I hear Tsu cheer.

"Show her what you've trained for, Akari!" I hear Kirishima shout right after.


"A match betweenAkari-chan and Ashido.Let's see. Consideringwhat their powers are,Akari-chan will probablykeep her distance totry to avoid Ashido's acid and attack from afar using her telekinesis.So it'll all depend onwhether or not Ashidocan break her train of thought in order to stop her from being able to use her Quirk.Problem is, there's nothingmuch for Ashido to useas cover in this ring nor is there anything for Akari-chan to use to attack with.So both are at aslight disadvantage," Midoriya mutters.

"I have to disagree with you on that one," Kirishima says to Midoriya.

"Huh? What do you mean?" He asks.

"Akari may not have many things in her environment to use her Quirk with, but after training with her for this, I wouldn't say that that she is any sort of disadvantage, if anything Ashido is the one in trouble here, despite her quick thinking and strength," Kirishima answers.

Bakugo listens into there conversation and lets out a scoff.


"Now let's get started!Fifth match... Begin!" Present Mic shouts, beginning the match.

As I suspected, Ashido runs into action first by throwing her acid toward me at an incredible speed in order to throw me off my game and lose my ability to concentrate on my Quirk. Unfortunately for her, however, it won't work as I use my telekinesis on myself to fly away from the harmful acid swiftly.

"Is that all you've got?" I taunt.

"Not quite!" She says as she releases acid from her feet to use as a way to move just as quickly as me in order to keep up with my movements to try to at least hit me with it to an opening for her to get close enough for combat. Or at least that's what I read from her. It wasn't going to happen like that, though. Even though I'm using a lot of concentration on keeping myself in air, I have already improved my ability to lift other heavy objects simultaneously. While keeping a calm and level head, I begin lifting her up from the ground. She begins jerking around, which makes it a bit harder to manage but not impossible. "Hey, what gives?" She shouts.

"What's wrong? Lose your footing?" I ask. Without any hesitation, I sling her out of the ring before she can do anything to make me lose my concentration. She hits the ground a little bit harder than what I intended, and after setting myself back down to the ground, I go over to check on her.

"Ashido is out of the ring! The winner of thismatch is Takahashi!" Midnight says.

"That's an indisputable victoryif I've ever seenone, sports fans!" Present Mic shouts.

"Are you okay?" I ask her as I give her my hand.

She looks up and me with a shocked but smiling face. "I'm fine, I'm sure Recovery Girl can fix me right up!"

"Okay, good," I respond as she takes my hand to stand back up.

"I really did underestimate you there! You are pretty strong!" She says to me.

With an awkward laugh, I say, "Yeah, truthfully, I try not to use my Quirk that much. It can be a lot sometimes."


"Wow, Akari is amazing," Tsu says in shock.

"Yeah, I didn't think she was that powerful," Jiro responds.

"I told you she wasn't under any sort of disadvantage," Kirishima says, gleaming.

"You're right. It appears the Akari-chan has improved her ability to lift multiple heavy objects at once. In that case, she could hypothetically manage multiple villains at once with her Quirk.I, also, definitelyunderestimated Ashido.Although, now that I thinkabout it, she did place ninthoutta the class in thatQuirk assessment test.She has greatpower and strategic plans, but she lostbecause of underestimating Akari-chan's ability as well, which became her downfall," Midoriya mutter to himself.


After walking Ashido—I mean Mina—to Recovery Girl's domain to care for her minor wounds from our match, I walk back up to our spot in the stands. But as I go back to my sit, I feel someone grab my arm. I turn to see that it's Kacchan.

"Sit," he says plainly.

"Uh, okay?" I answer in confusion but comply.

"Now, let's notlet this hot streak cool.Time to move onto the sixth match!" Present Mic shouts. "The dark samurai andhis darker shadow!From the hero course,Fumikage Tokoyami!Versus...The great creator!She was admittedbecause of recommendationsand I think we can all see why.Also from Class 1‐A,Momo Yaoyorozu!"

"How do you think thisone will end? Any clue?" Ojiro asks Izukun.

"Timing is going to bethe key thing here," he responds.

"Oh? How so?"

"Sixth match... Begin!" Present Mic says.

"Go, Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami shouts. On cue, Dark Shadow goes for the attack. Yaoyorozu creates a shield using her Quirk making Dark Shadow hit it. He bounces off, but quickly makes an attack one after another without any breaks. It's pretty clear that the idea is to keep attacking Yaoyorozu so she doesn't have time to create anything to attack with. Without her realizing it, Tokoyami has pushed her back so much that one foot has past the white line.

"Yaoyorozu!You're out!" Midnight says, making her acknowledge where she is. The shock on her face says everything. "This match goes to Tokoyami!" Tokoyami bows toward Yaoyorozu before leaving the arena.

"Yikes! Anotherfast, overwhelming victory!Is it possible thatTokoyami's Dark Shadowis the greatest Quirkever? I think so!" Present Mic commentates.

"Wish me luck!" Kirishima says as he punches his hands together.

"Good luck!" I respond to him, giving him a genuine smile.

He smiles back and leaves to prepare for his match.

"Are you overdoing your Quirk?" Kacchan asks me discreetly after that, though it seems more like a statement than an actual question.

"Tokoyami is way too powerful," Izukun says in shock and admiration. "I can't believe heforced her out of boundsby focusing hisattacks on her shield.He obviously had astrategy worked out."

"No, I'm not. I've have been practicing my usage and have figured out how much I can use it without going over," I answer back quietly.

"Yeah, I guess so.Maybe he didn't wanna hurt her.I bet she's really upsetabout how that went down.I feel bad for her," Ojiro says. I turn toward the other conversation ahead of to see Izukun finally notice that Uraraka is gone, and her drink is left abandoned in her seat.

"Okay, let's seewho we've got for ya next.The seventh matchup includestwo completely redundant Quirks!One of them's a passionate,manly fighter made of steel.The hero course'sTetsutetsu Tetsutetsu!" Present Mic introduces.

"You better have. I'm not going to continue taking care of you," he says.

"Bring it!" Tetsutetsu shouts.

"Versus...a passionate, manlyfighter made of rock!The hero course'sEijiro Kirishima!"

"I appreciate your help in the past, but I don't want to be dependent on you anymore either," I tell him. "I will get better control of my Quirk."

"Make us proud, Tetsutetsu!Win just like Ibara did!" I hear Kendo shout.

"Show them who the manliest is, Kirishima!" I shout, cheering him on.

"Good, because if we manage to fight today, I don't want it to end so soon because you can't control it," he says bluntly.

I smirk at his co*cky comment. "Oh it won't, I can promise you that for sure."

"Can't wait tosee how this one ends!Begin!" Present Mic says.Both begin running at each other with both of their Quirks activated and make their first impact punching each others' fists. This is going to take a long time, I think to myself. Even Izukun and Iida leave during the match, probably to go find Uraraka.

Suddenly Kacchan gets up and without saying a word, begins to leave.

"Hey, wait! Where are you going?" I ask him as I follow behind.

"This match is going to take a long time, so I'm going to prepare for my match instead of wasting time," he answers in a bored tone.

"Oh, okay. That makes sense," I say as I continue to walk with him.

"Why are you still following me?" he asks irritated.

"Well, like you said, the match is going to take a while, so I thought I would do some meditation to relax my mind."

He scoffs. "Whatever. Just don't get in my way." When we make it to the room in which Kacchan was told to be in before his match, we set up in separate corners and begin doing what we intended to do: Kacchan stretching and doing warm ups to increase his ability to use his Quirk and me meditating to clear my mind in order to use my Quirk better. Though I'm curious on his strategy on his match with Uraraka, I don't ask him any questions as I know it will only irritate him which wouldn't help either of us.

"Wow, that'shurt me and all I'm doin'is watchin' these guys!Is it over?The hardheads looklike they're KO'd!But who is the winner?" Present Mic commentates.

"Looks like it's finally over," I say aloud, opening my eyes.

"They're both down! It's a draw!" Midnight says. "When the contestantsrecover from this battle,the winner will be determinedby a simple contest.Perhaps arm wrestling."

"f*cking finally," he responds.

"While we waitfor Tetsutetsu and Kirishimato recover, we'll move onto the next battle," Present Mic says making the crowd cheer.

"Well, I'm going to go back to the stands. Good luck," I tell as I begin to leave.

"I don't need luck," he answers.

I roll my eyes but don't say anything I make it back to my original seat by Tsu and Jiro.

"Ribbit. This might be themost disturbing matchup," Tsu says.

"I know. I almostdon't wanna watch it," Jiro responds.

"I'm sure Uraraka is tougher than what you think," I muse.

They both look at me funny.

"What? I'm just saying!"

"I think you're forgetting how merciless Bakugo is," Jiro says.

"The eighth and final battleof the first round of matches.He was kind of a hot shotin middle school,and just look atthat determined face!From the hero course,Katsuki Bakugo.Versus...The one I'm personallyrooting for,also from Class 1‐A,Ochaco Uraraka!Let the eighth match... begin!"

Chapter 22: Bakugo vs. Uraraka

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (48)

"You're wonderful, Deku.I keep seeing thatover and over again.During the cavalrybattle, I told youit was good toteam up with friends.But now that I think about it,I might've been tryingto rely on you to get by.That's why,when Iida said that he wastrying his best to beat you,I actually feltembarrassed for myself," Uraraka says.

"Uraraka..." Midoriya lets out, but can't find the words to say anything else.

"Everyone's facing their futureand giving this their best.That means we're all rivals.Even you and me, Deku. So...guess I'll see youin the finals."


"The eighth and final battlein the first round of matches.He was kind of a hot shotin middle school.And just look atthat determined face!From the hero course,Katsuki Bakugo.Versus, the one I'mpersonally rooting for,also from Class 1‐A,Ochaco Uraraka!" Present Mic shouts, making the crowd cheer in excitement.

"You're the one who screwsaround with gravity.Right, Pink Cheeks?" Bakugo asks.

"Pink Cheeks?" Uraraka shouts angrily.

"Well if you're gonnagive up, do it now.'Cause I'm not gonnahold anything back."


"Midoriya," Iida says.

"Huh?" Izukun responds.

"I'm curious. What was thatstrategy you came up withthat would give Urarakaan advantage against Bakugo?"

I perk up to listen in on their conversation.

"Honestly, it wasn'treally much of a plan.Kacchan's so strong.When it comes to close combat,he almost neverhas any openings.And the more he moves,the more he sweats,which just makes hisQuirk more powerful.He's gotten really goodat using his explosionsto move around in the air.But, if Uraraka isable to touch him,she can use her Quirkto make him float.She could sendhim out of bounds.That's why, it's obviouswhat Uraraka needs to doto get the upper hand," he answers.

"Though that's nearly impossible," I respond.

Izukun looks over at me with an agreeing nod.

"Let the eighth match begin!" Present Mic yells, starting the match.

"Strike first!"


Uraraka runs straight at Bakugo with her body low to the ground. "Giving up isn'tan option for me!"


"Wow, look at her go!That's a good start,and all she has to dois touch him one time!" Izukun exclaims.

"But it won't be easy.You know Bakugo's not gonnalet her get too close to him," Iida says.

"Which is why he won't dodge.He'll focus his energyon counterattacking," Izukun responds.

"Right," I say as I focus in on the fight.


"And now you die," Bakugo says, getting ready for his next move. As she prepares to dodge for his classic right hook, he changes it last minute and uses his Quirk to make an explosion that throws her back.


"Uraraka!" Iida and Izukun shout simultaneously as Jiro gasps.

"He blasted her!" Mineta exclaims.

"Ugh, looks like Bakugo'snot planning onshowing her any mercy," Tsu notices.

"It's a one on one match, why would he?" I question.


"Stupid.Saw it coming and I stillcouldn't get out of the way," Uraraka scolds herself.

Bakugo looks through the cloud of smoke he created and says, "You shoulda dropped
outta the match.There's no way you can beat me!" He sees her jacket and makes another move to immobilize her with his Quirk only to realize that she was no longer within the jacket as she comes from behind to attempt another attack.

"Whoa! She flew herjacket over as a decoy!What incredibly quick thinking!" Present Mic commentates.

Before she's able to touch him, however, he sees where she is and uses his Quirk once more to keep her as far away as possible.


"Look at that reaction time!" Sero says in amazement.

"Seriously, the dude's insane.You can't get the drop on him.And since Urarakacan't use her Quirkunless she touches him,his lightning‐fast reflexesput her at a huge disadvantage!" Kaminari states, showing a bit of fear in his face.


"Too slow!" Bakugo shouts as he goes for another attack toward while inadvertently destroying the concrete arena ground.

"I've got you!" Uraraka shouts in determination as she is another time by the explosion and flying debris.


"Is she okay?" Tsu questions.

"I can't watch this," Jiro says, covering her face.

"Like I always suspected,Bakugo's a total sad*st," Mineta says as he stares down at scene in anger.

"Seriously guys? Kacchan wouldn't be going full out if he didn't respect her ability!" I shout at them as I watch her plan unfold right in front of us.


"This isn't over yet!" Uraraka shouts as she is getting hit over and over again no matter how stealthily she is.


"Looks like she's notresting between attacksdespite being exploded.The poor girl," Present Mic says.

"Hey, shouldn't oneof the teachers step in?" A hero shouts.

"Yeah, this is too rough," another says agreeing.

"This is shameful.Listen kid, you reallywanna be a hero?Then stop acting like a bully.If you're so good,just send her out of bounds.Stop toying with the girland end this match!" Another hero shouts

"Yeah, you heard the guy!" The crowd begins booing at Kacchan without realizing the full situation.

"The crowd is now booing Bakugo!And honestly, I kinda agreewith what they're sayin—" Present Mic says but gets interrupted by Mr. Aizawa punching him in the face. "Hey, whoa—What the crap?"

Mr. Aizawa grabs the microphone that he hasn't really been using and says, "Where is the manwho started this uproar?Are you a pro?Because if you'rebeing serious, you can go homeand hang up your cape.I'd suggest lookinginto another career."

"You know whathe's talking about?" Izukun asks.

"Bakugo's fiercenessis an acknowledgementof his opponent's strength.He knows she deservesto have made it this far,so he's making sure he doeswhatever it takes to keep herat bay and come out on top."


"I think it's about time," Uraraka says. "Thank you, Bakugo...for keeping youreyes focused on me!"

"What?" He asks in confusion.


"I don't blame Kacchanfor not noticing,but it's honestly embarrassing fora pro to boo and for all of you underestimate Uraraka while making Kacchan out to be the bad guy and not realizewhat's going on from the stands.She kept low to theground as she moved,which meant Kacchan's blaststore up the floor of the ring,creating weapons for her.And then she kepthim focused on herby attacking relentlessly,without rest. Making him not oblivious to what was above them. I mean, come on, jus look above us!" I shout at all of them as I point in the air.

Uraraka yells as she brings her hands together, making sure her fingertips touch. Pieces of concrete from the arena beginning falling quickly right above Kacchan's head.

"A meteor shower!" Present Mic shouts in shock.

"Now you notice," Mr. Aizawa says in annoyance.

"Hey, she had a plan all along!" Izukun says, standing from his seat.


Uraraka runs at him and thinks, With this much debris,whether he's evadingor counterattacking, there willdefinitely be an opening!In that moment, I'llfinally get close to him!This is it! My shot.I'll win and be just like Deku! Though there is an opening for her touch him with her Quirk, she didn't expect the intense explosion he creates as he destroys all of the debris in one go, making a huge cloud of smoke and a wind force strong enough to blow the hair back of the crowd members who stood the furthest away. She is flown across the arena and rolls to the ground; defeated. She grunts in pain as she tries to get up.

"I figured you'd havesome sorta stupid planto beat me. You are friendswith that damn nerd, after all," he says.

"It took him one shot," she mutters to herself in shock.

Present Mic gasps. "Bakugo bangs outa huge demonstration of power!He blasted apartUraraka's finishing moveand remains untouched!"

Bakugo exhales in relief. That was close, he thinks to himself.

Uraraka lowers her head in shame. I put everythingI could into that,but I wasn't good enough.I can still stand, though,she thinks to herself as she faces Bakugo.

"All right, then.Time for us to get serious.Uraraka!" Bakugo shouts as he runs after her.

If Deku were in thering, he wouldn't give up yet! She says to herself, but her body has been through so much stress that without her permission, she falls to the ground.

"Uraraka is down!" Present Mic announces.

No.Come on. Get up.I want to keep going.


"It's too much," Iida says.

"Yeah. She's way past her limit," Izukun agrees.


She begins to army crawl toward Bakugo.I can do this.I can still fight.I can!I'll become a hero!

After a moment of her not moving, Midnight walks over to Uraraka to check her condition. "Uraraka is KO'd.Bakugo advancesto the second round!" The crowd cheers as Bakugo stares at the unconscious girl blankly. The medic robots come out and he helps Midnight and them put her on the gurney. "Take her to Recovery Girl," she tells them. He stares at her for a moment longer before walking away in the opposite direction.

"And, that's itfor the first round," Present Mic says with a sigh. "I was reallypullin' for her.Oh, yeah, I guessBakugo's moving on."

"You're supposedto be unbiased, you know," Mr. Aizawa scolds.

"Let's try toforget that depressing outcome," Present Mic tells the crowd.

"Or not."

"With that,the first round is complete!We're taking a quick breakand then we're backwith more matches!" Present Mic says and the crowd cheers.


I decide to go see how both parties are after such an intense match—starting with Kacchan judging that he is the conscious one right now. Izukun had walked out before me, so when I step out of our area in the stands, I could see him in front of me a little ways. I decide, though, to not shout his name as he is walking with his head down and seems upset about what happened with Uraraka. I have to admit that it was quite a rough match, but I'm so proud of both parties as they fought their hardest to come out on top. As Izukun walks past a staircase, I see familiar blonde-haired, angry Pomeranian grunt in frustration when seeing Izukun in front of him.

Izukun yelps. "Hey, Kacchan!"

"What the hell areyou doing here?" He asks angrily.

"Oh, well. I'm up next,so, you know.I was gonna hangin the waiting room.Um, also congratson winning your match.See you 'round," he answers anxiously trying to get away. At this point, I am right near the staircase that Kacchan is coming off of.

"It was your idea, wasn't it?That stupid,desperate plan of hers.You would come up with somethingthat annoying. If we end up—"

"You're wrong," Izukun interrupts him with a calm and serious tone that shocks the both of us. "That plan.Uraraka came up with itall on her own,I didn't know anything about it.If that battle was harderthan you thought it would be,then it's because ofher strategy, not mine." After he takes notice of me, he walks off to continue on to his destination.

"What are you doing here? Here to scold me?" he asks me in irritation.

"Uh, no? I came to congratulate you, why would I scold you?" I ask him.

"You heard the crowd just as well as I did. They were calling me a villain," he mutters.

"Kacchan, you and I know that you are no where close to being a villain. I mean, I wouldn't be lying that you are pretty violent with your words, but what you did—giving your all against Uraraka showed that you believed she was worth the ability to fight at you. You didn't go easy on her because you knew she was good enough to be standing where she was. Honestly, f*ck the crowd for booing you," I tell him.

"Whatever," he mutters as he walks off. "Thanks," he adds, though a bit quieter.

"You don't have to thank me for telling the truth," I tell him. "I'm going to see how Uraraka is."

"She's probably still unconscious and seeking treatment. I would wait a little bit so that she can recover," he says.

"I guess you're right," I answer as I begin walking with him back to the stands. "I'll go back and check on her after they fix the arena. That should give her enough time to get treatment from Recovery Girl."

"Yeah," Kacchan says, but remains quiet until we make it back to the stands.

"Hey, Bakugo!Playin' the villain, huh?Musta been tough," Sero says in a mocking tone when we enter our private area.

"Even if it was just because ofwho you were up against,you did make a prettyconvincing bad guy," Tsu says bluntly.

"Shut up, you idiots. Or else!" Kacchan shouts.

"For real, dude.I don't know how you wereable to aim a powerful blastat a frail girl like that.I couldn't help but holdback against Shiozaki," Kaminari says.

"She completelyoverpowered you, Kaminari," Tsu reminds him.

"Can't you just let me have this?" Kaminari complains.

Kacchan sits back down in his seat. "Hmph. I definitely wouldn't call that girl "frail"," he mutters.

"Seriously guys? Even after Uraraka's power move, you still think that the match was unfair?" I scold them after Kacchan's comment.

"Did you not see that Uraraka was knocked out while Bakugo doesn't even have a scratch on him?" Mineta says.

"Did you not see that she purposely put herself in that situation in order to distract him from what was going on around him? She made that sacrifice in order to reach a bigger goal. She did that not him. You should really be giving her more credit in that fight," I argue before deciding to go ahead and see her regardless of the fact that she may still be seeking treatment instead of being around them right now.


Midoriya walks in the sitting room for his fight when he sees Uraraka already sitting in there.

"Man, I lost. Too bad," she says.

"Uh—Huh?" He says, shocked to see her recovered so quick.

"Guess I got a littlecarried away at the endthinking I had itin the bag. Dang it!"

"You seem fine.But weren't you injured?" He asks.

"Yeah! Recovery Girltook care of me.She was reallycareful not to drainmy stamina too much, though.So, I've still got a fewscrapes and scratches.Jeez, I didn't realize howpowerful that Bakugo was!He wiped the ring with me.Now I realize how muchmore training I have to do!" She says, answering his question while still seeming feel the energy from the adrenaline that was once coursing through her veins.

"Eh?You sure you're good?" He asks still concerned based on the way she is acting.

"Oh, yeah, totally.I'm better than I expected!" She says as looks down to her dad calling her. "Even if you've lost,you always keeplooking ahead towhat's next, Deku.This just means that Ihave to work harder now."

"That's true..." he says as he hears the commentator of the sports festival ring through the room.


"Wa‐hoo!We're finally about to learnwho the true winner isfrom the seventh match! Kirishima or Tetsutetsu!Whoever prevails in thisarm wrestling matchwill advance to the
second round! Let's go!"

The two begin the most intense arm wrestling battle anyone has ever seen, but in the end, Testsutesu's metal begins to crack, and Kirishima is able to bring his arm down.

"Kirishima is the winner!Add him to the bracket," Midnight announces

"Yeah!" Kirishima shouts in excitement.

"Kirishima earnsa spot in the second round!" Present Mic says.

"Ah, damn my metal deficiency!Shoulda eaten moreiron this morning!" Tetsutetsu moans.

"Hey, man. You putup a good fight," Kirishima says to him as he extends an arm out to him.

"Ha!" Tetsutetsu responds as he accepts his hand.

"Oh! So chivalrous!" Midnight gushes.

"Now we've gota full roster for the next roundof the tournament. Let's getthe party started now, ya dig?" Present Mic tells the crowd.


He sighs. "Already?Later."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Deku!You weren't able toprepare since I was here!"

"Nah. This was perfect," he tells her, giving her one last glimpse.

"I'll be watching.Good luck out there," she says.

"Thanks," he responds before shutting the door.

I stand far enough away from the room that Izukun didn't see me but close enough to the end part of their conversation. I walk out to door, but before I open it, I can hearUraraka's phone begins to ring again, and against better judgement, I listen in.

"Sorry for not picking up earlier, Daddy."


"It wasn't that close. And I wasn't very good. I rushed it too much at the end. I didn't have a backup plan for what I'd do if that big move didn't work out. I failed."


"I know, but I wish I coulda gone further in the festival so I would have had more chances to show what I'm made of. The scouts barely saw me do anything this time around."


"It's just... I want to help you guys out as soon as I can," she answers sniffling. Before she finishes her phone call, I go ahead and open the door to see her eyes puffy. "I have to go Daddy. Ok I love you." She hangs up the phone and looks back at me. "Oh, hi, Akari, what are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to come check in on you after the fight," I answer.

"Oh, you didn't have to do that!" She says as she wipes her tears.

"I know, but I wanted to make sure you were okay," I tell her as I walk over to her to give her a hug. "You did great out there. There is no reason why you feel bad on how things went down. You thought of plan, and no matter the consequences, you see it to the end."

She lowers her head. "But it wasn't enough."

"You may not have realized it, but you don't realize how close you were to winning. Kacchan almost couldn't break all the debris in time. You really did a number on him. You should be proud of that," I tell her.

She looks back at me in shock. "Really?"

I nod. "Yes. Like I said, you should be proud."

She lets out a smile and says. "Okay."

I give her a smile in return and change the topic. "We should hurry. Izukun is up next."

"Right! Let's hurry!" She says, and we rush to get back to the stands."So the match hasn't started yet?" She asks as we enter our area.

Iida and Tokoyami turn toward us and Iida shouts in shock, "Ura—!"

"Oh, good!" She says when she notices the match hasn't started yet. I take a seat next to Kacchan in the back.

"Something horrible'shappened to your eyes!You need to gosee Recovery Girl!" Iida tells her.

"I already did.This is from...something else," she responds, not wanting to really say the reason out loud as she sits in between the two guys.

I sigh in relief when Iida catches the memo. "Ah, of course!If I were you,I'd be frustrated, too."

"It's no time to wallow.Use this next fight asa source of encouragement," Tokoyami says to her.

"Will do," she answers.

"You're so wise," Iida says quietly.

"I can feel theanticipation in the stadium!And that's because thesecond round's first matchis gonna be epic!It's the guy whowon his last fightby a landslide and literallyleft half the audience frozen.The hero course's,Shoto Todoroki!And this kid almost walked outof his first matchup,but made a stunning comebackby showing off some impressive moves!Also from the hero course,Izuku Midoriya!" Present Mic shouts getting the crowd amped up.

"Tokoyami. How do you thinkthis match will go?" Iida asks.

"It depends on whetheror not Midoriyais able to get in close to him," he answers.

"Yeah. That's the problem.How will Deku avoid the ice?" Uraraka ponders.

Present Mic's voice interrupts our conversation. "Both of theheroes‐in‐training have beenfrontrunners inthe Sports Festival!But which one of these rivalswill advance to the next round? Begin!"

Chapter 23: Shoto Todoroki: Origin

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (49)

"My father is the hero Endeavor.He's the number two hero.You must know him.So if you are somehowconnected to All Might,the number‐one hero,then that would mean...I have even morereason to beat you.In every memory of my mother,I only see her crying.I remember she calledmy left side unbearablebefore she pouredboiling water on my face.I'm going to show my old manthat I don't have to relyon his damned fire Quirk.I'm going to show himthat I reject his powerand I can take first placewithout using it.I suppose yourrelationship with All Mightdoesn't actually matter.I will defeat you usingonly my right side."

The crowd cheers incessantly as Present Mic says, "Both of the heroes‐in‐training have been frontrunners in the Sports Festival! Midoriya—"

He'll start with an ice attack, Midoriya thinks to himself.

"Versus, Todoroki!"

I can't allow him touse that power of his too much,Todoroki thinks to himself.

"But which one of these rivals will advance to the next round?"

So, as soon as we start—


Now... Todoroki thinks as huge ice boulders come from his foot and make the advancement toward Midoriya.

"Smash!" Midoriya shouts as he seems to flick the ice away in such an intensity that the ice boulder breaks in little pieces and gives a cold front into the stands. Todoroki has to make an ice wall behind just to make sure he doesn't flew off as well.


"Whoa! So cold!" Mineta says, shivering.

"Feels like thiswind is gonna freeze me solid!" Sero adds.


Hpmh. Just as I expected.He's prepared to injurehimself to counter me,Todoroki thinks.

"Wow! Midoriyamanaged to break Todoroki'sinsane opening move!" Present Mic shouts.

Todoroki creates another one of his ice barrages in which Izukun shouts, "Smash!" and breaks it once more.

"He countered again!" Present Mic commentates.

I don't know much aboutTodoroki's fighting style.His attacks are sofast that it's hardto collect data on him.So, during this fight,I need to focuson finding an opening somewhere.The ice behind him isprobably how he plansto keep from being blownout of bounds by my smashes.Which means...I was right to break my fingers.If I'd spent my whole armon a full‐powered smashand the ice held up,I'd be doomed.I can figure this out.Come on. Find a weak spot.I've only got six more chances,Izukun thinks to himself. Another smash on the ice barrage.Five more chances.


"Oh, no, crap!I'm missing it!" Kirishima says running into our area in the stands.

"Hey, nice job making itto the second round, Kirishima," Kaminari says.

"Yeah, good job," I say as well, giving him a smile.

"Thanks, guys.Looks like I takedown Bakugo next," he responds with good nature.

"I'll kill you," Kacchan states.

"Heh. Yeah, sure. In your dreams.No, but, seriously.It's crazy how you andTodoroki both have movesthat blast the whole stadium!Must be pretty nice," Kirishima tells him.

"Plus, you don't have topause between attacks," Sero adds.

"It's not as easy asyou think, ya morons," Kacchan mutters.

"Hm?" Kirishima lets out in confusion.

"If you overuse your muscles,you risk tearing them apart.If you sprint too much,you run out of breath," Kacchan explains.We all havea limit to how much powerwe can produce.That's why I designedmy costume the way I did—so I'd be able tofire off bigger blaststhan my body usuallyallows me to,I accidentally hear him thinking, telling me my mind reading portion may be reaching its limit. "Quirks are physicalabilities, too.They can get worn out.You can't just use them nonstop."

"It makes sense whenyou put it that way.I wonder if that's how Midoriyathinks he's gonna beat Todoroki," Kirishima says.


"Smash!" Midoriya shouts, breaking another ice boulder.That's all thefingers on my right hand!

"Todorokiwithstood Midoriya's powerand is now rushinghis classmate!" Present Mic commentates.

Midoriya tries to use his Quirk to back Todoroki away, but he manages to dodge the attack. Todoroki goes straight down above Midoriya's head, but he manages to dodge his attack as well and Todoroki ends up punching the ground with icicles coming up. Todoroki seems to direct the ice toward Midoriya, who jumped out of the way, and manages to encapsulate his foot.Oh, no. Not good! Midoriya throws a punch so hard at the ice that it causes a huge cloud of shredded ice across the arena. Once the cloud clears, I see Todoroki had protect himself in a barrier of ice as he stands back up with obvious signs of over usage of his ice Quirk.It's not justthat his Quirk is powerful.His judgment,mobility, reasoning...all of his abilities...are incredible.He's shaking. Is hereaching some kind of limit?I've got to keep fighting!


Look at him. He's furiousI'm not using his power.I don't have torely on his damn fire Quirk.You see,I'm going to show that bastardthat I reject his power, and take first placewithout using it, Todoroki's thoughts fill my mind. After saying something aloud to Izukun, he releases more of his ice toward him in lightening speed.

"Whoa! Todoroki continueshis overwhelming attacks!Could this be hisfinishing move?" Present Mic shouts.

"I am not done yet!" Izukun shouts as he lifts his unbroken arm up to the ice. We all gasp in shock as the momentum of his attack almost knocks Todoroki out of bounds, but he manages to save himself by adding more ice behind him.

Dammit.With your broken finger?Why are you going this far? I I hear Todoroki think.

"You're trembling, Todoroki.It's easy to forget thatQuirks are physical abilities,and that means there'sa limit to the coldyour body can take, right?I get it.Usually you'd make up forthe drop in temperatureby using the heatfrom your left side.But you refuse to do that now.Listen. We're allgiving it our try and win.To make our dreamsinto a reality.To become number one!You think you can winwith half your strength?Look at me, Todoroki.You haven't managed to puta single scratch on me yet.So come at mewith all you've got!" Izukun shouts.

"Midoriya...What are you trying to do here?You want my fire?What, did my monster of a dadbribe you or something?Now I'm mad," Todoroki shouts back.

Izukun thinks, His movements are...

But somehow Kacchan's thoughts enter my mind and finish what Izukun was saying, ...slower.Is it because he's gotso much frost on his body?Maybe his Quirk is like amagic meter in a video game.If that's true, he couldbe running on empty.Did he waste all his energyfighting against Tape Arms?

In close quarters,there's no way he'llbe able to dodge me.The instantI lifted my right foot...He's coming! Todoroki thinks with obvious concern.

Imagine the eggin the microwave.It won't explode. I've got this.Come on, I've got this! Izukun thinks before using his Quirk to punch Todoroki in the stomach. Todoroki grabs his arm and wraps ice around, but it doesn't stop the punch.

"A solid punch!That's thekind of action I like to see!" Present Mic shouts.

Why? Todoroki thinks as he attacks with more ice.

The ice attacksaren't moving as fast now, Izukun thinks as he jumps out of the way.

This is getting serious, I think to myself. Izukun knowsthat Recovery Girlwill heal his woundsafter the match,so he's being recklessand hurting himself. And since he's full of adrenaline, he probably doesn't evenrealize how much pain he's in. I look closer to see the severity of his injuries to see bad they are. "Those injures probably can'tbe healed in one go.Even if he wins,he might not be ableto fight in his next match! He's sacrificing himself. But why? At this rate, he might end upwith permanent damage!" I exclaim in concern.

"It seems that his power has lessened,but he's gained some control.It's not that he'sfighting recklessly.He's just doing everythinghe can to win the matchwithin his current skill level," Kacchan says, surprising me.

"But, man.Even if it can be healed,to go through such intense painand still be putting up a fightrequires an absurdamount of resolve.What's driving him?Why's he so intent?" Kirishima asks.


He's the greatest hero,and I wanna be just like him.In order to do that,I have to be strong enoughto become number one.I know my motivation mightseem stupid compared to yours.I can't make a fist, but...Smash! He thinks as he puts his thumb in his mouth and uses his cheek to activate his Quirk to attack Todoroki once more.

"Why are you puttingyourself through this?" Todoroki asks.

"I wanna live upto people's expectations.I wanna be able tosmile while doing something
good for them. I wanna be a pro!Whatever it takes to be a hero," Midoriya answers with passion in his voice. "That's why I'll give itmy all just like you should be!There's no way I can knowwhat you've gone through,or why you're even here.Your life has been somuch different than mine,but right now...Stop screwing around!If you wanna rejectyour father, fine,but you don't have theright to be number oneif you aren't goingto use your full power.That's why I'mgoing to win this!I'll surpass you!" Midoriya shouts, punching Todoroki again.

"I refuse to use my left side," Todoroki says struggling to get up from the last hit.

"It's yours! Your Quirk, not his!" Izukun shouts in anger. From his words, steam appears to come off him, and in an instant, a fire seems to taken over half of the arena.


"Is that...?" Present Mic asks in shock.

"He's using his fire!" Uraraka shouts as the heat waves hits us directly.

"Incredible," Iida says.

"Yeah," I agree as I stare in awe.

"You fool.Even though you wannawin this battle.Now which one of usis screwing around?I want it, too. I'll be a hero!" Todoroki says.

"Yes, Shoto!Have you finallyaccepted your purpose?That's it. Very good.This is the dawnof a new era for us.With my blood in your veins,you'll surpass me.You will live up to thereason I created you!" Endeavor shouts.

"Endeavor suddenly shoutswords of...encouragement?What a doting father," Present Mic says.


"Amazing," Midoriya says.

"Why are you smiling?With those this hopeless must be crazy," Todoroki tells him. "Don't blame mefor what happens next." With that Todoroki, now finally warmed up, uses his ice and encases the entire arena as well as attacking with a ridiculous amount of large, deadly icicles.

"That's it, Midnight.One of them could be killed," Cementoss says as he begins to use his Quirk to create a concrete barrier of some sort.

"His body won't hold up!" Midnight agrees as she rips her costume in order to use her Quirk.

"Gotta try and getclose and give it everything!Come at me with yourfull power, Todoroki!" Midoriya says as he uses his Quirk to jump and evade the icicles coming his way.

"I see now, Midoriya.Thank you," Todoroki says, mostly to himself. As both attack each other, Cementoss creates multiple walls in which all of them break from the boys' powers, but was enough to slow down the momentum of their Quirks.


The wind from the combined forces is so harsh that Midnight flies off her post and Shoji is having to hold onto Mineta.

"Holy crap balls!" Mineta shouts.

"What the hell?" I shout.

"This is crazy!" Kaminari shouts.

"What's happening down there?" Yaoyorozu questions.

"What happened just now?What the heck is upwith your students?" Present Mic asks Mr. Aizawa in shock.

"The air around thering had been thoroughlycooled down, and then rapidlyexpanded when heated up," Mr. Aizawa explains.

"Wait, that's whatcaused the explosion?How hot did that fire get?Jeez, I can't see a thing!Is the match stillgoing on, or what, huh?" Present Mic says. As the smoke begins to clear, we all gasp as we see Izukun still standing, though it's only momentarily as he soon falls to the ground.

Midnight grunts as she gets back on her feet and sees the scene in front of her. "There.Midoriya is...out of bounds.Todoroki wins!He advances to the third round!"

Chapter 24: Bakugo vs. Takahashi

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (50)

"So Midoriya was eliminatedin the quarterfinals."

"Well, that's what he getsfor provoking that guy."

"Do you thinkthat was part of some plan?Otherwise, why egghim on so much?"

"He was there to beat Todoroki,but it almost seemed likehe was happy to lose."

"Either way,they were both crazy strong."

"Sure, but youcan't be a good proif you get injured everytime you use your Quirk."

"He attackedeven though it hurt 'im.The kid's got spirit."

"Where was all that powerduring the cavalrybattle, I wonder."

The crowd has a lot to say about the match making Kacchan growl.

"I hope he's okay," Uraraka says.

"Yeah, his injures looked serious. Ribbit," Tsu agrees.

"We should go see if he's okay," Iida says.

"I agree, let's go," I respond.

"Wait, I want to go, too!" Mineta shouts as he chases after us. We make it to the nurses' station and walk through the doors together.




"You scared the crap outta me," a man that is standing over Izukun's bed says.

"Are you okay?Oh. It's nice to meet you, sir," Uraraka says.

"Uh, yeah," the man says as he give an awkward wave.

"He's in no state for visitors," Recovery Girl scolds.

"Hey, you guys.Shouldn't you bewatching the matches?" Izukun asks us.

"The stage was far too damaged.They're taking a quickbreak to repair it now," Iida explains.

"How are you feeling?" I ask him.

"I'm okay, Akari-Chan," he answers, though winces in pain.

"That match wasthe scariest thingI've ever seen inmy life, Midoriya.What pro's gonna want asidekick that hurts himself?" Mineta says.

"Now you're just rubbingsalt in his wounds.Probably not a good time," Tsu says, interrupting him by hitting him in the face with her tongue.

"Hey, I'm justspeakin' the truth!" Mineta argues.

"You're much too noisy.I know you're worried, but I'vegot to focus on surgery now," Recovery Girl says pushing us out.

"Surgery?" We all shout in shock.

"Go on. Get out of here."

"But—" Uraraka begins.

"Surgery's a big deal, isn't it?" Mineta asks.

"Will his wounds be healed?" Iida asks.

"Don't worry,just leave me to it," she answers.

"Ribbit..." Tsu says sadly before the door is shut in our face.

"I can't believe he has to have surgery!" Mineta exclaims.

"Yeah, why would he allow himself to get that hurt? What was the end goal?" Iida questions.

I shake my head. "He sacrificed himself to help Todoroki."

"To help Todoroki? Help him with what?" Uraraka asks.

"Let's just say Todoroki hates his fire Quirk," I answer.

"Did anyone recognize that guy that was in there?" Tsu asks us.

We all shake our heads and I answer, "I don't know. I guess it must be someone Recovery Girl knows that is helping her or something."

"Yeah maybe," Uraraka says.

"Well, I'm going to prepare for my match now, so please go on without me," Iida says as he begins to part ways.

"Bye, Iida," we all say.

"Good luck," I add.

"Thank you," he says with a bow and goes back on his way.

"So, Akari, how do you feel about being in the second round?" Uraraka asks.

"Yeah, you're up against Tokoyami. How do you plan on fighting him? Ribbit." Tsu asks as well.

"I'm still coming up with a plan, but from what I've seen, I need to make sure Black Shadow doesn't grab me or it's over," I answer.

"Tokoyami is so strong! How are you going to manage that?" Mineta asks me.

I shrug. "Dark Shadow has great mobility that I can't compete with even when I use my telekinesis on myself. Also, I don't know if my telekinesis will even work on it as its just a shadow manifesting from Tokoyami, so I'll have to mess with him directly, though that's easier said than done."

"Why do you say that?" Uraraka asks.

"Tokoyami is good at finding someone's weakness, so he'll know that if he can keep me distracted with Dark Shadow, I won't be able to attack him directly," I answer.

"Ribbit," Tsu gulps.

"So, he's impossible to beat," Mineta says.

I let out a chuckle. "I didn't say that. I just mean that he's a strong opponent. That's all. I've got this. Now let's hurry up so we don't miss Iida!"

"Right!" Uraraka says, and we all hurry back to the stands.

The crowd cheers as the next match between Shiozaki and Iida begins. Shiozaki immediately begins growing out her hair to play the offensive.

"Here we go," Iida says as he gets in a running position. "Recipro...Burst!" He begins running with her Quirk and manages to get behind her, put his hands on her shoulders and run her out of bounds before she can do anything against him.

After a moment of shock by how fast it happened, Midnight shouts, "Shiozaki is out.Iida wins the match!" The crowdcheers from the announcement.

"Whoa! He wonthat battle super fast!" Mineta says in amazement.

“Well, I guess I better be going then,” I say as I stand up from my seat.

“Good luck!” Tsu says.

I smile and say, “Thanks.” With no time to really prepare for this match, I make my way onto the arena floor and stare at Tokoyami from the opposite corner. Fighting against him will be tough, but if I can play him at his own game, I should be able to win.

“…and begin!” Present Mic shouts.

Tokoyami immediately brings out Dark Shadow to play the offense, just as expected. I use my telekinesis on myself while I focus my mind on his as he tells Dark Shadow to make fast and abrasive movements toward me. I dodge every attack as I bring myself higher and higher in the air. I begin to notice its movement becoming slower the higher I go up. Hmm, maybe since its a shadow, the light of the sun may make it weaker, I think to myself as I reach higher.

“What is Takahashi doing?” I hear Present Mic ask the crowd, though I pay no attention to the eyes and questions spiraling around. I focus on Dark Shadow’s slowing movements and holding back from reaching where I am. I finally find an opening—a very slight opening, but an opening at the very least—and dodge Dark Shadow’s feeble attack one last time as I dive through the air at an intense speed with the my Quirk and gravity aiding me. Tokoyami’s face is covered in shock as his attempt to dodge fails and I manage to push him past the line. I make a control roll to slow my speed and end on one knee right in front of the line. I look up to see Tokoyami on the ground outside of the drawn on rectangle.

“Tokoyami is out of bounds! Takahashi advances!” Midnight shouts and the crowd begins cheering. I stand back up and walk over to Tokoyami, giving him my hand.

“Great match,” I say to him.

He nods and accepts my hand to aid him back to his feet. “You were a great opponent.”

“You are as well,” I say as I give him a smile. After, that, I make my way back to my seat with my class.

“You were amazing!” Mina exclaims as I am reunited with me class. Kacchan gets up and leaves as soon as my arrival back without any acknowledgement.

“Thanks! I wasn’t sure if my plan would work or not, because he’s so strong,” I say as I sit down.

“What plan? Ribbit.” Tsu asks.

“Well, I notice that the higher I went, the slower Dark Shadow was, so I tested out the theory by flying up higher. When I figured out that light was its weakness, I used that to make my attack,” I answer before glancing over at Uraraka off in her own world. “Uraraka?”

Tsu looks down at the seat below her and asks Uraraka, "What's wrong? You stillworried about Midoriya?"

"She said she hadto perform surgery," she responds.

"Recovery Girl's the best—you've got nothin'to worry about!" Mineta reassures.

"He's right," Tsu agrees.

“Besides, it’s Izukun. He’ll pull through,” I tell her.

"Sure," she says, feeling better, but still worried.

Before anything else can be said, the next match is underway. Present Mic reintroduces Kacchan and Kirishima into the arena.

The crowd cheers as Kirishima uses his hardening Quirk to punch Kacchan, leaving a scratch across his face, but Kacchan doesn't let him get away as he uses his explosion Quirk against Kirishima to make him back away.

"He countered!" Present Mic shouts.

"Hah!Nice try, but that's not gonnawork on me, Explosion Boy," Kirishima shouts.

He's still going strong.But how long can hekeep his Hardening up? I question.

"Kirishima! Go straightfor his chin!" I hear Tetsutetsu cheer on.

"Bakugo's having a heck of a timedodging Kirishima'sfierce attacks!" Present Mic commentates.

"Bakugo is countering again!But what's this?It seems to beworking this time!" Present Mic shouts.

"You've been strainingto keep your bodyrock‐hard thiswhole fight, right?But that means you'reoverusing your Quirk.And sooner or later,you'll fall apart," Kacchan shouts as he creates another big explosion toward Kirishima. Kirishima deflects it, but Kacchan is relentless with his explosions and doesn't give Kirishima the ability to take a break from using his Quirk.

"Too much!" Kirishima shouts.

"The finishing blow," Kacchan shouts as he hits him with one last blow. "Die!There.Now I understand whyyou were trying to avoida drawn‐out match with me."

"Kirishima has been knocked out.Bakugo is the winner!" Midnight exclaims, and the crowd goes wild.

"With thatvicious carpet bombing,Bakugo advancesto the third round!Ladies and Gentlemen,our final four!" Present Mic says as Iida’s, Todoroki’s, Kacchan’s, and my picture are blasted on every screen.

"Deku!" Uraraka says, making me turn toward the archway.

"Hi, Midoriya.It looks like yoursurgery went okay," Tsu says.

"Yeah.Recovery Girl healedme up enough to walk," Izukun answers.

"Sure, but shouldn'tyou be taking it easy?" Uraraka asks.

"I wanna watch thesematches in person.This is where everyone's effortsare finally gonna pay off," he responds.

I stand up from seat and give him a pat on his head. “I’m glad you’re better. I’ve got to go to prepare though.”

He smiles. “Thank you Akari-chan! I’ll be watching!” With that, I make it to the waiting room and begin meditating to prepare for the toughest match of all. After a little bit, I hear Present Mic’s voice boom through the entire building, and I keep tabs on the progress of the match.

"The firstmatch of the semifinals!Both come from hero families,making this a battle of elites!From the hero course,Tenya Iida! Versus...his classmate, Shoto Todoroki!Start!…Iida's been surrounded!…Todoroki's goingin for the win already!Look at that speed!"

"Iida has been immobilized.Todoroki advances!" Midnight shouts.

"Todoroki moves on to the finalswithout even usinghis flames again!" Present Mic says.

I get up from my spot on the floor. “I guess it’s time.”


"Fame... Money...That's what all of youwho call yourselvesheroes are really after.But you bastards are not heroes.Except him.The only one withpermission to kill me. All Might is worthy," The Hero Killer says as the blood of Ingenium drips from his blade.


"And now, Bakugo versus Takahashi!Bakugo's vicious rushesare unstoppable!" Present Mic announces.

I flying all around Kacchan as I try to dodge all of his direct explosions. “Come on! Give up already! You don’t stand a chance against me!” He shouts at me.

"Takahashi has advanced this farwithout a single hit from her opponents! But will she be able to dodge Bakugo's explosions?" Present Mic questions.

“How are you so sure of that?” I taunt him.

“Quit running and fight me!” He yells.

“Make me!” I respond as I try to irritate him so he will act irrationally. Even though I’m using my Quirk to read his next moves, he has still manage to surprise me with other moves that come from muscle memory, making me rely on my knowledge of his fighting strategy as well.

“Die!” He shouts as he throws another explosion.

“Is that really what you want?” I question.

“Quit trying to read my mind!” With another explosion, I manage to flip over it and him. I try to kick him in the back, but he moves so fast that I have to abort the move so I didn’t face a fire ball.

“Too late,” I say to him.

“I told you not to use that on me!” He says angrily.

“I didn’t think that counted on a one-one-one match. Did you really want me to only use half my Quirk? To go easy on you?” I mock.


“Then you have to deal with how my Quirk works!” I shout as I move all around him, making it difficult for him to aim a blast.

“This would just be easier if you gave up!” Kacchan growls.

“Why? Is there something in that angry Pomeranian head that you don’t want me to find out?” I ask.

He keeps his eyes lowered so I can’t dive deeper. “Just fight me, dammit!”

“No, I’m curious, why are you mean to me one minute, and kind the next? Huh? What’s that about? Are we friends or am I just another extra to you?” Come on, break, I just need an opening.

He glares at me, and within a split second, I got more than I bargained for—I went too deep. All words were lost and I am frozen in place. It’s always been Deku, never me. Now Kirishima? Why does she show feelings for them?

“Kacchan? Have you thought all this time that I liked Izukun?” I ask in shock.

“I told you stay out of my head!” He shouts as he throws another blast that I barely miss.

“He’s like a brother to me! Someone I wanted to protect, not be with!” I explain to him.

“Shut up!” He relentlessly throws more blasts making it more impossible to do anything against him.

“And Kirishima is kind, but Kacchan, it always been yo—”

“DIE! Just like your villain parents!” He screams in anger as he throws another blast, though this one is much more powerful than all the other ones.

And just like that, the world becomes dark. My body feels too heavy to carry anymore, and the voices in my head all go silent. Every second that passes feel like hours as I stare at Kacchan in disbelief of his words. “You promised…” I mutter out as I feel my heart shattering.

“Akari—” I hear him say, fear encompassing his voice.

I come back to and try to dodge the blast, but fail as the outer part of the explosion impacts my stomach. I fall to my knees from the power of it knocking the air out of my lungs.

"How'm I supposed to commentatewhen I can't see?What's happening?" Present Mic complains.

“Akari, I didn’t mean tha—what the hell!” I hear Kacchan say. I force myself back to my feet while clutching my stomach. I keep my eyes to the ground as I struggle to walk forward. I stop directly in front of him when I finally look up. There he is floating above the ground and stuck in place. I keep his hands closed into fists so he can’t use his Quirk. I begin to move him close to the line as I follow him, keeping direct eye contact. His face reveals the struggle he’s in trying to get out of my clutch. I stop as soon as we are both beside the line.

“Before I give you what you wanted from the beginning, I just want you know that I could have stop this match whenever I wanted. But I wanted a fair fight. Crazy that somevillains’ daughter would want that, huh?”

“Akari, no!” He begs but I ignore him.

"Takahashi stepped out of bounds!Bakugo's the winnerof this match!" Midnight says.

“I guess you always get what you want in the end—to be on top. Enjoy your win, Bakugo,” I say as I finally drop him. He face appears shocked before becoming unreadable, and I turn around so I don’t have to see it anymore.

"That meansour final fight will bebetween Todoroki and Bakugo!" Present Mic tells the crowd.

I limp down the long hallway as I begin to feel faint and my eyesight narrows. I just gotta get to Recovery Girl, I tell myself, but the pain floods through my consciousness. I scream out in pain and fall to my knees.

“Akari!” I hear a voice say.

“Go away, Bakugo,” I mutter out.

“You were supposed to dodge!”

“Well, that doesn’t help me much now does it?” I snap.

“Oh there you are!” I hear say Recovery Girl. “I was told you may need my services.” I look up to see her with two med bots carrying a gurney. “Bakugo, can you help her onto the gurney?”

“No I’ve got it,” I say as I struggle to stand up. When I’m up on my feet, my eyesight immediately goes black, and I am caught in a pair of arms before falling unconscious.


Iida steps out to answer his phone. "Hello, Mom? I hateto tell you this, but I lost."

"No, son,I'm not calling about that.I mean, I'm sorry.But, Tenya, pleaselisten carefully.It's your brother.A villain got Tensei!"


"You haven't evennoticed it, have you?This warped society miredby hypocrisy and vanity.That's fine, I'll openyour eyes, ‘heroes’. You will see the worldthat you've created," The Hero Killer says to himself before sensing someone behind him. He swings his sword in the direction, but doesn't hit a physical body.

"Please remain calm.We are of the same mind.I have been searching for you,Hero Killer: Stain.I heard of your exploits andwanted to meet you in person.I think you'll be interestedin what I have to offer," Kurogiri says.

Chapter 25: Todoroki vs Bakugo


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (51)

Meanwhile Akari is in recovery...

Bakugo slams the waiting door open to see Todoroki sitting inside with a confused look on his face. "Hey, what the hellare you doing in here?This is my space to—Crap, this is waitingroom number two?" He says as he looks to see what the wall plaque says on the outside of the room. "All right, fine,so I may have walkedinto the wrong room.But don't think thatmeans I'm not gonna beon top a' my game, you got that?You better bring all yougot to this, Icy Hot!"Come on, get it together!He thinks to himself as he begins to leave.


"Huh?" Bakugo lets out as he turns back to Todoroki.

"He said the same thing.That fool.Instead of trying to winthe match himself,he focused on breaking my walls.You guys were childhoodfriends, right?Was he like thatwhen you were kidsSo helpful?" Todoroki asks.

Thinking back to the memories that encompass Midoriya, and unfortunately Takahashi as well, he grunts in annoyance and kicks the table that Todoroki is sitting at across the room. "What does he haveto do with any of this?It's all between you and me now.Focus on the match.That's the only thingI give a damn about.Whatever your family problemare, whatever you're feeling—none of that crapmatters, just make sureyou don't hold back.Use your flames on me.I want everyone to knowI beat you at your best," he says as he stomps out of the room and prepares for the fight as best as he can.

"Welcome to the final battleof the UA High SchoolSports Festival!In just a moment here, we'll seewhich first yearscome out on top!Yes, it allcomes down to this, folks!From the hero course,Shoto Todoroki.Versus hisclassmate, Katsuki Bakugo!Now begin!" Present Mic shouts.

Todoroki creates a huge ice blast similar to the one he made with Sero, but this time, it is more calculated as it surrounds his component inside and encapsulates him.

"Damn it!" Bakugo shouts as he throws multiple explosions to try to break the ice as fast as possible.

"Todoroki startswith a crazy ice blast!Bakugo seems to havebeen completely buried!Is it possible we've alreadygot a winner down there?" Present Mic asks.

"This isn't like whenhe attacked Sero.The ice just nowwas more controlled.He's being cautious," Midoriya states. As everyone watches in silence, muffled explosions can be heard underneath the ice.

"What's that terrifying sound?" Mineta asks nervously.

"It's gotta be Bakugo's doing," Tsu says. After saying this, Bakugo surfaces from the ice, leaving a huge gaping hole.

"He used his explosionsto tunnel through the icelike some kinda mole man!" Sero says.

"These two are insane," Kaminari exclaims.

"You've got somepretty powerful attacks," Bakugo says to Todoroki as he heats up the ice from under his hands. "But you're a bad aim." He shouts as he uses his explosions to fly through the air toward Todoroki. Todoroki tries to make an attack but Bakugo dodges it in mid air. "Try harder!" He says as he grabs Todoroki by his hair and left shoulder.

"He dodged his rightside with a blast!" Midoriya says.

"Awesome," Uraraka adds.

"Are youunderestimating me? Idiot!" Bakugo says as he throws Todoroki so far that he is almost out of bounds when he quickly activates his ice to stop himself and actually uses it to move around.

"Todoroki surfsan ice wave to avoidgoing out of bounds.Looks like fun," Present Mic says. Todoroki makes the advancement toward Bakugo who attempts to launch an explosion, but Todoroki grabs his arms and moves it away from his direction.

"Use your left side.Do it, Shoto!" Endeavor says as he watches intensely. Instead of activating it, however, he uses his left arm to throw Bakugo away from him.

"Stop screwing around.What, do you think I'mnot worthy of your fire?" Bakugo snarls.

"Bakugo timed hisexplosions and grabbedTodoroki's left side on purpose.He's done his research.His aptitude for thisbecomes more apparentwith every fight," Mr. Aizawa commentates.

"Interesting!" Present Mic says in awe that he's spoken.

"Todoroki's doing well so far,but his attacks are too simple.It almost seems likehe lost his sparkafter the match with Midoriya."

"You bastard!I'll tell you what'll happenif you make a fool outta me.I'll kill you!I don't want thereto be any doubtthat I'm the beststudent at the festival.That's only possible if youcome at me as hard as you can!There's no pointif you don't fight mewith the same poweryou used against Deku.If you don't wanna win this,why are you even here?Show everyone you'retrying to destroy me!" Bakugo screams as he runs after Todoroki once more.

I'm sorry, Bakugo.Since I fought Midoriya,I'm unsure of so much.Whether or not Idid the right thing.What my left side means to me, Todoroki thinks as he prepares for the attack.

"C'mon, Todoroki!" Midoriya shouts loud enough for him to hear. "Don't give up! Do your best!"


"That stupid nerd," Bakugo mutters as he launches himself at Todoroki. Todoroki begins to warm himself back up, knocking the ice off his body before fire emerges from the left side of his face. "Hell yeah. That's it!If you're gonnaface me, you can't half‐ass it!Try everything youcan to defeat me."Don't you dare hold back!Bakugo begins to spiral around midair as he gets closer to Todoroki. "Howitzer Impact!" He shouts as a huge explosion begins to break the huge ice boulders left by Todoroki. However, Todoroki inactivates his fire Quirk before the blast and stands frozen in place.

"Who‐ho‐ho‐hoa!Bakugo combinedspeed and rotationwith a huge blast likehe used against Uraraka!He turned himselfinto a human missile!Todoroki didn't fireoff the flame attackthat wowed us in hismatch with Midoriya!So what has become ofour two top competitors?" Present Mic questions as everyone waits for the smoke to clear.

Bakugo lays on the ground, hurt from his own attack, and looks in front of him to see what happened to his opponent. As the smoke clears, he sees Todoroki unconscious and out of bounds. "Huh?You decidednot to use your fire?No," he says as he weakly gets up and walks over to him. "Hey...Hey!You stop messing around!This isn't a real win for meunless you try harder!It can't end thisway. Now get up!" Bakugo begs as he grabs Todoroki by his shirt. Midnight uses her Quirk to put Bakugo asleep before he could do anything else. "Don't—" Bakugo lets out before falling to the ground.

"Todoroki is out of bounds.That means...Bakugo is the winner!" She announces and the crowd goes wild.

"And, with that,the final matchis officially over!The first‐year champion ofthe UA Sports Festival is...Katsuki Bakugo from Class 1‐A!" Present Mic shouts as the crowd still cheers wildly.


The blinding lights make it nearly impossible to completely open my eyes. I attempt to try to move to get in a better position when a sharp pain from my stomach causes me to moan aloud.

"Ah, you're awake now," I hear Recovery Girl say.

"What happened?" I ask as I carefully sit myself up in the bed and rub my eyes.

"You fainted due to internal bleeding. I did as much as I could do without overexerting you, but that fight did a number on you," she answers as she checks the bandages wrapped around my stomach. "You are in stable condition now, but you will need to come back in a few days for another treatment. I recommend you go easy until then."

I nod. "Okay, thank you. Am I allowed to leave now?"

"Yes, as long as you feel good enough to walk around," she says.

"I do, and I'll go easy. You don't have to worry about that," I tell her as I carefully get out of bed.

"Here is a change of new clothes," she says as she hands them to me, "as your original gym uniform was destroyed from the explosion."

"Don't remind me," I moan before grabbing the clothes. "Thank you, though."

"My pleasure. Now hurry along before you miss the awards ceremony."

I nod as I leave the nurse station and go to a locker room to get changed out of the hospital gown and into the new gym uniform. Thinking back to the match, I dread returning back to classmates as I know they will have questions on what Bakugo was talking about. I have had so much fun hanging out with people who don't know my past that going back to being the outsider that everyone is scared of isn't the most ideal situation. I let out a sigh as I step out of the locker room and face my fears.I already knew this was going to happen. Maybe not in this way, but I knew I couldn't hide it forever, I think to myself. I walk down the hallway leading to the arena floor in hopes of meeting up with my class so I knew where I need to be. Luckily, I see my class grouped up together having a good time.

"Hey, hold up guys!" I say, trying to get their attention as I can't exactly run to them.

They all turn around, and I see relief and happiness in their face. "How you feelin', Akari?" Kirishima asks.

"Yeah, that hit looked pretty bad. Ribbit," Tsu says.

"I had some internal bleeding, but Recovery Girl fixed me up the best she could," I answer.

"We were so worried, but Recovery Girl wouldn't let us come see you. I was hoping you wouldn't need surgery as well."

I smile. "I'm fine, Izukun. You know me, too stubborn to let even an explosion get me down."

He returns the smile. "Yeah, I suppose you're right."

"So, where are we supposed to be? I kinda missed that information," I ask.

"Oh, that right! You need to be with Kacchan and Todoroki! Hurry let's go!" Izukun says before leading me to a room where the two guys are one of which is restrained like a prisoner.

I raise an eyebrow before shaking my head and saying, "I don't even want to know. Where's Iida though? Didn't we both get third place or did I miss something while I was unconscious?"

"He is, but his older brother was attacked by a villain earlier today, so he left to be with him."

"Oh, wow, I hope everything is okay."

"Yeah, I hope so, too. I have to go, though—the ceremony is starting any minute now!" He says as he begins to leave the room.

"Okay, see you later Izukun!" I shout as I go to my designated area. Like he said, it isn't long until the awards ceremony begins.

Fireworks are shot while Midnight says, "The first‐yearstudents have completedall of the events forthe UA Sports Festival.Now it's time to relax andenjoy the awards ceremony." The crowd cheers on while more fireworks are being shot in the air and victory music is being blasted throughout the arena. Smoke bombs go off as we are lifted up the main floor on platforms of different heights to show the first, second, and third place contestants. Bakugo is fighting the restraints that were put on him because of what I assume to be because of his reckless behavior.

"Whoa..." I hear Mineta says.

"What the heck?" Yaoyorozu says.

"He's been goin'nuts ever since he woke up.Man, Bakugo.Pull yourself together," Kirishima explains with embarrassment.

"He's acting like a feral animal," Tokoyami complains, and I couldn't agree more.

"Tenya Iida actually sharesthe third‐placeaward with Takahashi.But, unfortunately, he hadto leave for family reasons.Gotta love those familial bonds," Midnight explains to the crowd, but mostly for the media. Thinking back to what Izukun told me about Iida's older brother, I being to empathize with how he must be feeling right now, and I just hope everything is alright... "Now, let's breakout the hardware.Of course, there'sonly one personworthy of distributingthe awards," Midnight announces as she shows off the medals. On cue, All Might's laugh can be heard from the top of the arena making the crowd goes wild.

"Citizens!" He shouts as he jumps to the ground.

All Might—"I am here with the medals!"

Midnight—"All Might isthe number one hero!"

The whole arena goes silent at the awkwardness."Ruined that, didn't I?" Midnight says embarrassed. "So, now that you'rehere, All Might,why don't you startthe presentation?" She says, handing him the medals. After grabbing them, he makes his way over to me.

"Young Takahashi. Congratulations.You showed greatstrength out there," All Might says as I bow to allow him to put the medal on me.

"Thank you, sir," I respond.

"However," he says as he hugs me gently. "You've more training to doif you're going to be ableto fight against differentkinds of villains.You're not going to be ableto rely on your Quirkin every battle you face. And also, don't let those before you determine your future."

I lower my head. "Yes, sir."

He walks over to second place next. "Young Todoroki. Congratulations!I'm assuming there's a reasonyou didn't use your left side.Though it cost you the final," he says to him.

"Midoriya opened my eyesduring our match,but then I startedto doubt myself.I think I now understanda little aboutwhy you're so interested in him.I want to bethe kind of hero you are,but my path isn't as clearas I thought it was.I have a lot to think about.And I still need tosettle things with someone.Very soon," Todoroki explains.

"I've never seenthis sort of lookon your face before.I won't ask for details,but trust yourself.I'm sure you'll work things out," he says as he gives him a hug as well.


And then he walks over to the restrained first place holder. "And now, Young Bakugo.This is a little much.Well, you did whatyou said you'd doin the pledge. You'retrue to your word," he says as takes of the muzzle on Bakugo's mouth.

"All Might," Bakugo growls. "Winning first placethis way doesn't provethat I'm the best one here!Even if the worldconsiders me the winner,I refuse to accept it like this!"

All Might clears his throat, obviously regretting removing the muzzle, says, "In a worldwhere we're constantlybeing compared to one another.There are very fewwho can keep their eyesfocused on the top spot.You're one of them."

Bakugo growls in response.

"Please accept this medal.Even if you have tothink of it as a scar.Something you'll never forget."

"I don't want thatpiece of garbage!" He shouts.

"C'mon, now," All Mights says as he tries to put the medal around his neck.

"Get that trashoffa me, you idiot!" Bakugo yells.

"Just let him put the damn thing on already!" I yell, accidentally letting my thoughts slip out.

"There," All Might says as Bakugo pauses for a moment at the sound of my voice, giving him the chance to slip the medal on. "Here they are!The winners of thisyear's sports festival!But listen closely.Any of you firstyears could have ended upstanding on these podiums.Think about whatyou've done today.You've challengedeach other, learned,and climbed even closer towardyour goals of being pros.I think the next generationof heroes is proving to beour most promising one yet!So I have one more thing to say.I want to hear everyoneyell it with me.You know what it is."

All Might—"Thanks, everyone,

Audience—"Plus Ultra!"

All Might—for your hard work!"

"That was the perfect time tosay "Plus Ultra," All Might!" Everyone shouts.

"Well, yeah,I guess, but everyonedid such a good job!" All Might whines.

And just like that, the Sports Festival is over—I mean not how I thought it would go, but I still managed to get third place like I planned on and now don't have to worry about Mr. Aizawa expelling me. We are directed to meet up in our classroom after changing back into our school uniform. At this point, the sun is beginning to set when Mr. Aizawa walks in to his podium.

"Nice work.You have the next two daysof school off to recuperate.I'm sure the proswho watched the festivalwill wanna recruit some of you.We'll look over the draftforms and update youwhen you return.Get some rest.You still havea lot of training," Mr. Aizawa says.

"Yes, sir!" We all answer.

"Mr. Aizawa, can I say something before we are dismissed?" I ask with my hand raised.

"Sure, go ahead," he says, his face unreadable from the bandages.

I stand up from my desk and look around at all of my confused classmates. I clear my throat before I finally speak, "I know after the match between Bakugo and I, you guys are probably wondering what he meant about my parents. And with the spotlight we will are be under after the Sports Festival, I feel like I should be the one to tell you before it's plastered everywhere. I am the daughter of Akira and Seiko Takahashi, better known as Psychokinetical and Mind Mistress: The Mind Heroes—the two heroes that were involved with high ranking villains. The media will probably say many things about me that aren't favorable, but I plan on being an honorable hero despite what many will believe. I hope this doesn't change your thoughts about me."

Everyone but Bakugo and Izukun gasp at the knowledge, but becomes quiet as though they are digesting the news. Finally, Mina speaks up, "Of course this doesn't change how we see you! You're still the same Akari we all know no matter what!"

"Yeah!" Everyone all says in unison.

I sigh in relief. "Thank you, everyone. That means a lot to me."

"Okay, now. Class dismissed," Mr. Aizawa says. With that, we all pack up to leave the school for a much needed break. I grab my things and leave the school with a smile stuck on my face. It feels so nice to be surrounded by people who don't judge me based on my parents. Though I know that won't be for anyone. Now that I have made a public appearance, it won't take long until everyone will know who I am, and I will have to fight so much more than others to prove myself. Only if they knew the truth of my parents...

The next day I decide to go to the cemetery my parents are buried in. I haven't been there since the funeral because it was always to hard to come to terms that I will never see them again. As long as I never went there, I could just pretend that they were on some long hero mission. Though, I think it is time accept the past so that I can properly move on with my life; a life they would be proud of.

As walk down the sidewalk, I hear people muttering as they stare at me. Then I hear a little girl say, "Mama, look! It's the girl from the sports festival! She was super strong!"

"Shh, now. Stay away from her," her mother says.

"But why, Mama?" she asks in confusion.

"Because I said so! Come now!" she says as she shoots off a distrustful glance to me.

And so it begins, I think to myself as I put in my earbuds.


Thank you for all your comments! I love to hear what you guys have to say about the story! Also I like to create pictures with my oc in them, but I'm not very good at photo editing so please excuse the obvious changes. :)

Chapter 26: Time to Pick Some Names!

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (52)

In the days after the sports festival ended, we recover from our injuries and then our normal classes started right back up again. Well, some things were different…

“Hey, you, excuse me. You’re Midoriya from Class 1-A! Great job in the sports festival. I rooted for you!” A passenger on the train whispers to Izukun. Others gasp as the look in our direction.

“You were in the top eight, right? That’s so impressive!”

“And you’re Takahashi, right? You tied in third! Though you are terribly similar to those two heroes…”

Izukun is frozen in shock of being recognized while I try to dismiss the comments being thrown on me, but the screens everywhere in city showing the results with my name on it doesn’t really help my situation.

“Keep trying for it, hero!” All the passengers say to Izukun.

“I will! Thanks!” He says overwhelmed by all the praise.

“This is something you’ll have to get used to,” I whisper to him.

“I know, but it’s so strange to be recognized by so many people already,” he answers as we step off the train. There were dark clouds in the sky as it poured making us open our umbrellas above us while walking the rest of the way to school. After a little while, he lets out a sigh. “I feel like I’m barely awake.”

“Same. Two days doesn’t seem like enough,” I answer.

“Good morning Midoriya! Takahashi!” We hear a familiar voice shout from behind us.

We turn around and Izukun says, “Woah,Iida? You really went all out with the rain gear!”

“Yeah, wearing a poncho and rain boots?” I say agreeing with Izukun.

“Why on earth are you two walking so slowly? You're going to be late!” he tells us as he runs past us.

“Late?” Izukun questions.

“There are still five minutes until the first bell!” I say as we run after him.

“U. A. students should always arrive ten minutes early, don’t you think?” He answers before running off.

When we finally make it inside and to the lockers, we see him taking off his rain gear, and Izukun begins to speak, “So, um Iida—”

“If it's about my brother, don’t be concerned. I’m sorry if I made you worry. Everything’s fine,” he interrupts before walking away.

That sounded really convincing, I think to myself as I put my umbrella in the stand.

“It's so weird that people recognize us from TV! Everyone wanted to talk to me on my way here!” Mina says after we were in our seats.

“Yeah, me too!” Kirishima exclaims.

“People on the streets were staring at me! It was kind of embarrassing!” Hagakure says.

“Sure, but isn't that normal for you, Hagakure?” Ojiro asks her.

“You won’t believe what a bunch of elementary school brats yelled at me,” Sero mutters.

“‘Nice try’?” Tsu says making Sero groan and the rest laugh.

“All it took was one sports festival and suddenly we’re like celebrities!” Kaminari exclaims.

“This school really is amazing,” Mineta says.

If only I could relate to their excitement, I think to myself as I prepare for class.

“Morning,” Mr. Aizawa mutters, coming into the classroom.

“Good morning, Mr. Aizawa!” We all say.

“Ribbit? Mr. Aizawa, you don’t have bandages anymore. That’s good news,” Tsu acknowledges.

“The old lady went a little overboard with her treatment. Anyway. We have a big class today on Hero Informatics.” The whole classroom’s demeanor changes as they fear for the worst, but instead, Mr. Aizawa says, “You need codes names. Time to pick your hero identities.”

“This is gonna be totally awesome!” Everyone in class shouts as they all get super excited.

Mr. Aizawa activates his Quirk making everyone calm down. “This is related to the pro hero draft picks I mentioned the last time we were in class together. Normally students don’t have to worry about the drafts yet. Not until their second and third year actually, but your class is different. In fact, by extending offers to first-years like you, pros are essentially investing in your potential. Any offers can be rescinded if their interest in you dies down by graduation, though.”

“Stupid, selfish adults!” Mineta mutters as he hits his desk immaturely.

“So, what you’re saying is we still have to prove ourselves after we’ve gotten recruited,” Hakagure says.

“Correct. Now, here are the totals for those of you who got offers,” he says as he pushes a button on his remote to show us the offers.

Class A No. of Offers

Todoroki: 4123

Bakugo: 3556

Takahashi: 360

Iida: 301

Tokoyami: 290

Kaminari: 272

Yaoyorozu: 108

Kirishima: 68

Uraraka: 20

Sero: 14

“In past years, it's been more spread out, but there’s a pretty big gap this time,” Mr. Aizawa explains as I stare in shock. I got offers?!

“Gah, that’s no fair!” Kaminari yells over-dramatically.

“What about the real star? Moi?” Aoyami complains.

“Todoroki got the most, ahead of Bakugo?” Jiro questions.

“Yeah, it's the opposite of how they were placed in the festival,” Kirishima adds.

“They probably weren’t excited about working with the guy who had to be chained up at the end,” Sero says.

“If I scared a pro, they’re just weak!” Bakugo shouts making me roll my eyes.

Yaoyorozu sighs and looks over at Todoroki. “That's amazing. You must be proud.”

“These offers are probably because of my father,” he groans.

Uraraka grabs Iida by his shoulders and starts shaking him back and forth. “People want us!”

“Midoriya, you got none! I bet everyone was really grossed out by the crazy way you were fighting,” Mineta says to him.

“What’s really gross is you pulling balls off your head. Do you really think you have room to talk?” I say to him.

His face completely drops and my classmates begin snickering at my comment. “Hey! I’m just saying the truth! You don’t have to be rude!”

“I was telling the truth, too,” I retort.

“Despite these results, you’ll all be interning with pros. Got it? Even those of you who didn’t get any offers,” Mr. Aizawa says, bringing the attention back onto him.

“Oh, so, we’re all interning?” Izukun asks.

“Yes. You already got to experience combat with real villains during the attack on the USJ facility, but it’ll still be helpful to see pros at work. Up close and personal, in the field. Firsthand.”

“And for that, we need hero names!” Sato says.

“Things are suddenly getting a lot more fun!” Uraraka adds.

“These hero names will likely be temporary, but take them seriously or—”

“—you'll have hell to pay later!” Midnight interrupts as she walks into our classroom. “What you pick today could be your code name for life. You better be careful, or you’ll be stuck with something utterly indecent.”

“It’s Midnight!” Some of my classmates exclaim.

“Yeah. She’s got a good point. Midnight is going to have final approval over your names. It’s not my forte,” he explains as he pulls out his sleeping bag from the podium. "The name you give yourself it important. It helps reinforce your image and shows what kind of hero you want to be like in the future. A code name tells people exactly what you represent. Take ‘All Might’ for example.”

I remember when I was younger, I was always coming up with my hero name with my parents. They were the heroes I looked up to more than anyone else. After their death, thinking about anything related to heroes never felt right. It’s funny how I still ended up here doing what my younger self would have died for. White boards and expo markers are past back to all of us, and we are given some time to come with a name.

“Now, students, who among you is ready to share?” Midnight asks after a while.

We're presenting these?! I think to myself as I suddenly get nervous.

Aoyama walks up to the podium with his whiteboard and says, “Hold your breath. The Shining Hero. My name is I can not stop twinkling! Mon amis, you can't deny my sparkle!”


Midnight grabs his whiteboard and makes some changes. “It'll be better this way. Take out the ‘I’ and shorten the ‘can not’ to ‘can't.’"

“It’s stunning, mademoiselle,” he says, liking the changes made.

“She likes it?” Many of my classmates whisper.

“Also, you’re not really French, are you? That’s just an act!” Sato questions.

“Okie dokie, lemme go next!” Mina says as she runs to the podium and revealing her whiteboard. "My code name: Alien Queen!”

“Hold on! Like that horrible monster with acidic blood? I don’t think so!” Midnight says.

“Dang it,” she whines as she mopes back to her desk.

“Ribbit. I think I’ve got one. Okay if I go next?” Tsu asks after raising her hand.

“Come on up!”

She walks up to the front and explains, “I've had this name in mind ever since grade school. Rainy Season Hero: Froppy.”

“That’s delightful! It makes you sound approachable. What a great example of a name that everyone will love!”

“Froppy! Froppy! Froppy! Froppy!” My class starts chanting.

“Thanks, Froppy! Finally, a normal one!” Izukun says quietly.

Kirishima is the next one to go up. “I’ve got mine, too! The Sturdy Hero. My name is Red Riot!”

“‘Red Riot’? Interesting. You're paying homage to the Chivalrous Hero: Crimson Riot, yes?” Midnight asks him.

“That’s right. He may be kind of old school, but someday, I wanna be just like he was. Crimson is my idol,” Kirishima explains.

“Hm. If you're bearing the name of someone you admire, you have that much more to live up to.”

“I accept the challenge,” he responds.

I try to think back to all the names that I came up with back then, but nothing really seems to fit who I am anymore. Except maybe…

“Man, I still haven't been able to think of anything that’s cool enough,” Kaminari mutters bringing me out of my thoughts.

Jiro taps him on the shoulder and says, “Hey, I’ve got one. How does ‘Jamming-yay’ sound to you?”

"Ha! Oh, it like Hemingway, who wrote ‘A Farewell to Arms’, right? Real clever. I like it.”

Jiro is barely controlling her laughter when she explains, “No. It's because even though you're powerful, you always jam your brain.”

“Oh, come on, Jiro! Quit messing with me!” He yells in irritation making let out a giggle.

She runs up to the front after messing with him to show off her code name. “The Hearing Hero. I’m Earphone Jack.”

"Now that's a good one! Next!”

"The Tentacle Hero, Tentacole," Shoji says.

“Oh, I like what you’re doing with that. A nice portmanteau.”

"The taping Hero, Cellophane!" Sero announces.

“That’s one the nose. Good work!”

"Martial Arts Hero, Tailman," Ojiro says next.

"No surprise with that one, I guess!”

"I’m the Sweets Hero, Sugarman!" Sato says.


“Pinky!” Mina shouts.

“Make those looks work for you, girl!”

“Stun Gun Hero. I am Chargebolt. Electric, doncha think?" Kaminari says proudly.

“Make me all tingly!”

"The Stealth Hero, Invisible Girl!” Hakagure says.

“That really suits you! Now come on, who’s gonna step up next?”

"I hope that I can live up to this name. The Everything Hero, I’m Creati!” Yaoyorozu says.


"Shoto," Todoroki says.

"Your name? Is that it?” Midnight questions.

“Uh huh,” he mutters before walking back to his seat.

"Jet-Black Hero: Tsukuyomi," Tokoyami reveals.

"Ah, God of the night!”

"Fresh-Picked Hero, Grape Juice!" Mineta shouts as he raises his whiteboard above the podium as he’s too short to see the top of it.

"Very kitschy!”

"Petting Hero: Anima," is what Koda’s whiteboard says as he’s too shy to speak.

“Yep, all about it!”

"King Explosion Murder," Bakugo says.

"I’m gonna say that one’s a little too violent,” Midnight tells him.

“Huh? Whaddaya mean?!” Bakugo yells.

“What don’t you be Explosion Boy?” Kirishima says.

“You shut up, Weird Hair!” He shouts at him which makes everyone laugh while I simply roll my eyes.

“This is the name I thought of: Uravity!" Uraraka says after Bakugo goes back to his seat.

“I just love that! To be honest, choosing names is going faster than I thought it would! All that's left is Bakugo, who needs to rethink his, Iida, Midoriya, and Takahashi, right?”

Iida walks up first and reveals his whiteboard without saying anything. “Tenya”

“You're using your real name, too?”

Here goes nothing, I think to myself as I walk up to the front and show off my board. “Coming up with a code name wasn’t so easy for me, but this is what I came up with. The Mindful Hero. I’m Starlight. This was a nickname my father used to call me.”

“That’s beautiful!” She says.

“Thank you,” I say as I take a breath of relief from getting the approval.

“Well, Midoriya, are you ready?” Midnight asks him after I am seated.

“Oh, yes!” He says before walking up to the podium and hesitatingly shows his board.

“Really, Midoriya?” Mineta questions.

“You sure about that?” Kamanari asks.

“Yeah, man, remember, that could be your name forever,” Kirishima adds.

“Right. I used to hate it, but then, something changed. I guess..someone taught me that it could have a different meaning, and that had a huge impact on how I felt. So, now I really like it. Deku. That has to be my code name,” Izukun explains.

"Lord Explosion Murder!" Bakugo shouts as he goes up for a second time.

“That’s basically the same thing,” Midnight tells him in annoyance.

“Now that everyone's decided on their hero names, we can go back to talking about your upcoming internships. They’ll last for one week. As for who you'll be working with, those of you who were on the board will choose from among your offers, everyone else will have a different list. You have a lot to think about. There are around forty agencies around the country who’ve agreed to take on interns your class. Each agency has a different specialty that its heroes focus on. Keep that in mind,” Mr. Aizawa says after all but one of our code names were approved.

“Imagine that you were Thirteen. You’d want to choose a place that focuses on rescuing people, not fighting villains. Understand?” Midnight explains.

“Think carefully before you decide,” Mr. Aizawa tells us.

“Yes, sir!” We all say before the bell rings and are handed our lists.

“I want to fight crime and bad guys in a big city!” Kirishima says excitedly.

“I just hope I can intern someplace where there’s a lot flooding. Or maybe a lake,” Tsu says.

“Turn in your choices before the weekend,” Mr. Aizawa says.

“We've only got two days?!” Sero asks.

“Yeah, so you should start now,” he answers. “You’re dismissed.”

“So guys, have you decided what pro agency you wanna go for?” Mina asks after a while as we all stayed behind to look over our lists.

“Mt. Lady’s my top choice!” Mineta says.

“Mineta, are you thinking something perverted?” Tsu asks him.

“Possibly…” Mineta mutters.

“Ashido, you made it pretty far in the tournament. It's weird that you didn't get any offers,” Ojiro says to her.

“I know!” She exclaims.

“Hey, Deku, who’s on your list?” Uraraka asks Izukun.

“There are only forty heroes who'll take us, so after looking up their specialties and splitting them into groups, I can start narrowing…Oh, sorry! What’s you guys say?” He says making me laugh.

“You're really thinking hard about this, aren’t you?” Tsu says to him.

“It’ll all work out. I've already settled on my pick!” Uraraka says.

“Already?” Mina says in shock.

“What agency?” Ojiro asks.

“The one that Battle Hero, Gunhead, runs,” she answers.

“Huh? Gunhead’s a big brawler, though. Are you sure that’s where you wanna intern, Uraraka?” Izukun asks her with concern.

“Yup! He sent me an offer,” she responds.

“Whoa, really? But, I thought you were trying to be a hero kinda like Thirteen, more into rescuing than fighting.”

“Ultimately, that’s the plan. But I’ve been thinking ever since the festival—well, at least since I faced off against Bakugo—the stronger I am, the more possibilities I'll have! Plus, learning from a battle hero will give me a different perspective, right?” She says, pausing to see Izukun’s reaction.

“Yeah, totally.”

“More importantly, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you all day. Why are you trembling?”

“Oh, this? It's exercise,” he explains.

“Exercise?! Were you doing that during the whole class?” Uraraka asks in shock.

“There's no way!” Mina says in shock as well.

“That's such an old-fashioned way to train,” Mineta says.

“A smart one, though. The isometric muscle contraction that’s needed to hold your body above your seat makes it an easy way to work out without moving!” Ojiro explains.

“Idiots,” Bakugo mutters.

“‘Tis skill not strength that governs a ship,” Tokoyami says quietly.

I’m still looking over all of my offers when one catches my eye and my stomach drops. The Takahashi Duo Agency. I never thought about what happened to their agency—I just assumed it went out of business after their death. Without saying anything to anyone, I leave the classroom and try to distract myself with my phone, but I’m meet with failure. Iida’s brother, Ingenium, was everywhere. ‘The escaping culprit had already killed 17 heroes in the past and hurt 23 heroes beyond recovery—The elusive hero killer. Villain name: Stain.’ My parents’ agency is a city over from Hosu. If I do decide to go there, I have to worry about that kind of danger…


“Everyone has their costumes, right? Remember, you don't have permission to wear them in public yet, and don't lose them or anything,” Mr. Aizawa lectures as we all stand in the train station.

“Gotcha!” Mina squeals excitedly.

“Speak properly! It's "yes, sir," Ashido,” he scolds.

“Yes, sir,” she says with a pout.

“Make sure you mind your manners with the other heroes during your internships. Now get to it,” he tells us.

“Yes, sir!” We all say as we all go in different directions. Despite my own unwillingness to go back to a place with bittersweet memories, I decided to go to my parents’ agencies. It only made sense for me as it would better fit the kind of hero I want to be as it was made for Quirks like mine. And as for the hero killer, I would imagine the all the heroes would be on high alert, so I doubt he would make another attack so early…right?

Chapter 27: Back to the Beginning

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (53)

Well this is it, I think to myself as I walk up to my parents' old agency. I walk into the huge and bustling building to see that there have been some slight changes since the last time I was here. I walk past all the busy sidekicks to try to find the hero I will be interning with, but he finds me first.

"Akari! I haven't seen you were little kid! My, you have grown so much!" A familiar voice from the past says coming out of a room. Everyone immediately stops running around to stare at me in shock. Whispers and murmurs can be heard of talk about who I am.

"Haha, yeah," I say uncomfortably. The Dreaming Hero: Dreamer was a very close family friend and was the one who took over the agency after my parents died, and from the looks of it, he done a pretty good job managing it.

Noticing my discomfort, he says, "Here, let's go to my office, and I tell you more about what we'll be doing this week."

"Okay," I respond in relief as I follow him to his extravagant office. I wonder how everyone else's internship is going so far, because my stomach in churning from the anxiety, I think to myself.


"To be perfectly frank, I don't like you very much," Best Jeanist, the number 4 hero, says.

"Huh?" Bakugo mutters in confusion.

"I know full well why you chose my agency. Because I'm one of the top five most popular heroes."

"Hey, look, you're the one who made an offer for me," he argues.

"Yes. Recently, all my recruits have been perfect little angels, so you certainly stood out. I watched the way you fought at the sports festival. You have a good handle on your powerful Quirk, and a decent grasp of its application as well. You're an outstanding talent. I'd say you're already good enough to take on as a sidekick. However, you do have a fatal flaw. You believe you're the best, and you display that belief without regard how it reflects on you or your image. You have a ferocious nature," Best Jeanist explains.

"Don't tell me you brought me here just to give me a lecture," Bakugo complains as he takes a slight step forward only to be completely tied up.

"I have to correct people like you. It's part of my duty to society. Heroes and villains are cut from the same cloth. So your job here is to watch me," Best Jeanist says as the cloth that has Bakugo restrained shows its original destination to be from his costume. "I'll show you what makes someone a hero."

"What in the hell are you doing?" Bakugo asks.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm educations you on becoming an exemplary pro. That includes being aware of the way you speak, your appearance, controlling your emotions, your morals. There are countless things you need to learn, but in the brief period of one week, I will stitch these things into the fabric of your being."


"Please, make yourself comfortable," Dreamer says as he sits down in his chair behind his office desk.

"Okay," I say as I find a seat and lay my briefcase containing my hero costume down beside me.

"So let's start off with the basics. As you know, being a hero isn't easy, and you can't rely on brute force alone. At this agency, we focus more on those who have more mental Quirks. Your parents knew that many pros are mostly acknowledged for their physical Quirks and wanted to make a place that focuses more on the mental Quirks to hopefully change that," Dreamer begins to explain.

"Unfortunately, that hasn't really been accomplished," I say quietly.

He nods slowly. "The situation of their death has put a damper on the idea, but we're still trying to move past that. Now onto the actual profession," he says, changing the subject, "Pros receive wages from the government, so we're civil servants. But, there's more to it than that. With the Quirks we offer, our responsibilities are different from regular workers. Regarding our actual duties, the basic hero goal is to control crime, right? When a crime occurs, the police will contact us. These request come all at once, filtered by district. We file reports on the services we provided. Assisting with arrests, rescuing people, et cetera. Then a special agency looks at our work and decides how much we should be paid."

"I didn't realize to amount of steps there were," I say.

With a another nod, he continues, "Additionally, heroes are allowed to have side jobs. There were a lot of arguments about this when the world of pros was first being established, but the heroes ended up being so popular that the public demanded it. That why you see so many heroes in commercials and et cetera."

I nod. "It also helps with their popularity status as the profession has become so competitive, right?"

"That's right! Now, let's go on patrol. It's a simple task, but it helps to be out on the streets when crime occurs so that we can act accordingly. It also puts people's minds at ease when they see a hero out and about. So, go ahead and put your hero costume."

"Okay!" I say and quickly go to get ready.


The past few days are super crazy, and I'm so tired from the constant pace of being in a hero's shoes, but it has been worth it for all the experience I have gained. Dreamer has shown me the overall role of a hero as well as training me on more hand to hand combat. He said that even though our Quirks can bring down villains easily, there may be times where we may have to fight in close proximity where our Quirks may not be the best tool to use.

"Good job, Starlight! Your form is getting better!" Dreamer says after I flip one of his sidekicks over my shoulder and down to the ground. "Combining hand to hand combat with your Quirk will help so much more when taking down a villain."

I don't answer because of all the panting I am doing from the exercise. I begin to put my hands on my knees when I read the mind of a sidekick who was trying to sneak from behind me. I let him come close enough before using my telekinesis to throw him over me and unto the ground.

"Okay, why don't we take a break?" Dreamer says as he puts his hand behind his head after acknowledging all his sidekicks were all on the ground.


"To be a good pro, your presence must calm those in danger and give them peace of mind. You must be capable, of course, but there are other things to consider. Your physical appearance, speech, and actions must all be elegant. You must give off the aura of a hero. Do you understand?" Best Jeanist says after finishing brushing Bakugo's hair down.

"Another perfect style, Best Jeanist!" His sidekicks say in approval.

Dammit I came to the wrong hero agency, Bakugo thinks to himself.


We go back to his office after getting water to rehydrate from the exercise. I take a seat in a chair and try to catch my breath.

"Well, it appears that you have a good grasp of your Quirk, though I'm not too surprised judging who your parents are," Dreamer says after a moment.

"Actually," I begin, "I have gotten pretty good with my telekinesis and been able to start lifting more heavy inanimate objects as well as people, but when it comes to my mind reading, not so much. I mean, I have improved some since I've been at UA, but it still goes on a rampage if I use it too much."

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Well, if I use that part of my Quirk too much, it begins to go out of control and reads everyone's thoughts within the vicinity causing an incapacitating headache, leaving me vulnerable. It also..." I hesitate as I begin thinking back to what happened with Bakugo's the sports festival.

"Yes?" Dreamer questions.

"It also will sometimes read too deep into someone's mind when I make direct eye contact. It's like I can't control what it finds in someone's mind..." I say quietly as I look down.

"It seems that this has caused some issues recently," Dreamer says reading my behavior. "Mental Quirks can be difficult to refine, but you have to think of it like exercising your mind like you do your body. You shouldn't feel guilty as you are still exercising your ability. Also, Quirks aren't innately good or evil but are dependent on how the owner uses it. Take my Quirk: Mind Manipulation, for example. I can create hallucinations and alter one's reality. This took a long time for me to do as in order for the hallucination to work, it has to be as close to reality as possible or else someone can break out of it. Through trial and error, I was able to use it to the best of its ability. That being said, it could also be used for evil very easily and would very dangerous. Same goes for Mindfulness. You are working on enhancing your Quirk, so there are going to be times where you will fail, but it doesn't mean you have done something bad. If your intention is pure and good, then you shouldn't fear your Quirk."

I let all of what he says sink in. I have spent my whole life fearing that part of my Quirk, so learning to trust it and exercise it, as he said, has been difficult. Though I'm so angry at Bakugo for the things he said to me, I can't help but feel that if I had better control of my Quirk, I wouldn't have read what I did and things wouldn't have happened the way they did.

"How about this. How about we go to Hosu City and work on that Quirk of yours?"

"What? Why?" I ask in shock.

He laughs at my reaction and answers, "You have to learn how to control your Quirk at some point, and this way, you don't have to worry about being in danger because I'll be there to get you out of any situation. Also, Hosu City is a bit bigger, so it will be more likely for us to run into more criminals.That's why there are so many hero agencies in urban areas—there's a lot more crime there. The higher the population density, the more trouble you'll find."

I gulp. "Okay, let's do it."

"Alright! Let's get ready and hurry to the train station!" He says, and with that, we were on our way to fight villains. Even though I'm nervous, I know this isn't my first time, and I at least have a hero there to protect me from any type of serious danger.

The sun is setting when we get on the train, and we begin the quick trip to Hosu City. As we ride, Dreamer speaks, "Now, as you should already know, we heroes don't have the authority to arrest people or punish them. They only reason we're allowed to use our Quirks is because of the regulations put on them. That's why no matter how noble the reason may be, a hero must not use their Quirk for themselves. If a pro used their power for their own selfish desires, it would be a very serious crime."

I look at him in confusion for the sudden lecture, and he explains, "I wanted to say this, because I know the circ*mstances your parents were under, so I don't want any anger from their deaths to influence you in any way. The fact that the Hero Killer is near can pose a danger to any hero he deems as unfit to be a hero, so I want you stay close to me as well."

This is the first time in a long time that anyone has spoke of what really happened that day with my parents, and though it is nice for someone to know the truth, my heart still aches. "I understand, but you don't have to worry. I don't have any vengeance that would influence me to act out."

He nods in satisfaction of my response and we ride in silence until we are almost at the Hosu City station when I see something that catches my eye.

"Look! That building over there is on fire!" I tell him, and he immediately looks out the window.

"Passengers, please hold on to your seats—" Before the person on the intercom could finish, there was a rough shake of the train, and I could barely see that the train got hit a little ways in front of where we are.

"What's going on?" I ask before seeing someone push something out of the train.

"Come, follow me lead!" He says as he gets up from his seat.

"Got it!" I respond as we begin making our a way quickly and carefully to the damaged train car.We make it to the train car to see a gaping hole on the side of it, and I notice a familiar messy green-haired boy. "Izukun?"

Chapter 28: Hero Killer: Stain vs U.A. Students

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (54)

“Everyone, please! Remain Calm! Return to your seats! The villain is no longer here! More heroes will arrive soon, I’m sure!” The train conductor yells. Dreamer has already left to go assist and told me to stay here with everyone else.

“I’m going after him!” Izukun says before jumping out of the hole in the train.

“Izu—Deku, wait!” I shout as I run after him.

“Are you guys nuts? It’s way too dangerous out there!” I hear the train conductor shout.

“Did you get a good look at the villain so we at least know what were after?” I ask him.

“He looked different, but there can’t be that many people with wild eyes and brains spilling out,” he mutters aloud, sort of answering my question.

My eyes widen. “What are you saying? There’s another Nomu?”

He nods. “Maybe Nomu’s brother? Question is: what is he doing in the city?”

“That’s a question for another time. We need to find where he is and warn the heroes about him!”

He gives an approving nod and his body begins to show green lightening incasing his body. “You’re right. No time for detours or stairs.”

Seeing him activating his Quirk, I begin to use my telekinesis on myself in order to keep up with him as he starts to parkour from building to building.


“A villain! Run!” A man shouts to his significant other as a greenish villain with an exposed brain screams and chases after them. “Where are all the pros?” Before the villain could attack, Gran Torino—Quirk: Jet—flys to the rescue and kicks the villain away.

“I haven’t fought this earnestly in years. Picked a fine time to patrol,” he says. “That’s right! Bring it on, ugly!” The villain tries to land a punch, but Gran Torino jumps quickly out of the way. He’s fast, but not faster than me, he thinks to himself.

“No, stay away,” the man screams as the villain goes back to attack them.

Gran Torino rushes back over there thinking, He’s attacking at random! “Stop it, you stupid beast!” He shouts, but before he can make another attack on him, the villain is suddenly up in flames, making him back off from him.

“I was looking for the elusive Hero Killer, but this thing will have to do. Thanks, old timer. I’m afraid I don’t know you, but I can handle this from here on out,” Endeavor says.

“It’s you,” Gran Torino says.

“Oh, look,” the man from earlier says lowly.

“Why’s he in Hosu?” the woman asks.

“Isn’t is obvious? I came because I’m a hero,” he says smugly.


People are screaming and running away as we run upstream to the action. “They’re probably at the center of this craziness. I don’t get it. Why did that guy look like Nomu?”

“I don’t know, but if he’s got insane power like the one All Might fought at the USJ, this could be really bad,” I answer.

“It won’t just be Gran Torino in trouble, but the entire city! That includes Iida. He’s interning here!” He adds.

“That’s right! I wonder where he is now,” I say, as if on cue, we hear someone shouting.

“Tenya! Where are you, Tenya!” Someone shouts desperately. We follow the voice to see an eighteen-wheeler being thrown and explodes right in front of us, but that wasn’t the most frightening scene. There are multiple heroes in this area fighting off two odd looking villains.

“Oh, no. What are these things?” Izukun asks.

One of the heroes break a fire hydrant making water shoot up in the air. “Manual! Stop the fire!” He shouts.

“Yeah. Got it!” Manual answers.

“That’s Manual. The Normal Hero! Iida’s at his agency!” Izukun says.

“Why’d you run off by yourself. Where the hell are you, Tenya? Dammit,” Manual shouts as he manipulates the water to put out the fire.

“Wait, he went off alone?” He questions.

“Yeah, despite what’s happening? That doesn’t sound like something he’d do!” I exclaim.

“You’re in the way, kids. Get out of here!” One of the heroes demands and she puts her body in front of us, keeping her eyes glued on the villains.

“Right. I’m so sorry!” Izukun says.

“We can hold these things back on our own. Evacuate with everyone else,” she says.

We go back to the alley way and watch for a moment longer when Manual complains, “I could’ve used the extra hands!”

“I can’t believe Tenya would run off with such a huge disaster right in front of him,” Izukun says before gasping with his eyes widened.

“What? What is it?” I ask him.

“Hosu City…Guys who look like Nomu…Iida…Hosu…Where the Hero Killer attacked…Don’t tell me…” Izukun mutters.

My eyes widen in realization. “You think he’s after the Hero Killer?!” Izukun doesn’t respond but begins running off. “Wait, Deku!” I shout as I run behind him.


“The Nomu make such great play things,” Shigaraki says as he watches from a distance.

“Are you not going to participate in the fight?” Kurogiri asks.

“Don’t be stupid. I’m still injured. That’s why I brought those pets with us,” he answers before letting out a maniac laugh. “Once this night is over, the world will have forgotten you ever existed, Hero Killer.


“A child wearing a suit. Who are you?” the Hero Killer asks as he points his sword to the person kneeling on the ground.

“I am the brother of an incredible hero who you attacked. He’s the best older brother that anyone could hope for. I have come to stop you, because he can’t anymore. You’re going to remember my name for as long as you live. I am Ingenium, and I will defeat you. That I promise!” Iida shouts standing back on his feet.

“Then so be it. Die,” the Hero Killer says lowly.

“For Tensei!” Iida shouts as he begins an attack on him, but the Hero Killer evades it by jumping over him.

“Ingenium. So you’re brothers. I let him live so he could spread the good word. Word of me,” he says as he kicks Iida in the shoulder with the spike of his shoe and then with his other foot, he stomps Iida’s head, forcing him to fall back down into the asphalt. “You’re a weakling. Just like he was,” he says as he stabs Iida in his other shoulder. “You aren’t heroes. You have no right to be called that. Both of you are nothing but fakes.”

“Shut up, villain,” Iida manages to let out. “You damaged his spine and paralyzed him from the waist down. He’s never gonna be able to work as a pro hero again. My brother was incredible. A caring person who saved many lives. Someone people looked up to. You had no right to take that all away from him! He’s my hero. My older brother inspired my dream that one day I could be a pro, too! I won’t forgive you! I’ll kill you!”

“Shouldn’t you be worried about saving that guy?” The Hero Killer asks as he points to the wounded pro hero: Native. “So busy with your grudge you forgot about him. You plan on using your Quirk only for yourself. You’re completely blinded by a selfish desire for revenge. You’re about as far away from being a hero as I can imagine,” he says, lifting the sword out of Iida’s shoulder and up to his face. “And that’s why you’ll die tonight,” he finishes, licking Iida’s blood off his blade.

My body…won’t move! Iida thinks to himself.


“Goodbye, child,” the Hero Killer says as he lifts his sword above Iida’s torso. “May your death bring about a better world.”

Tears fill his eyes as Iida says, “No, please, not like this! Say whatever you want to about me! You’re still just a criminal who hurt my brother!”

Before I could stop him, Izukun uses his Quirk to bounce between the buildings and lands a punch on the villain’s face.

“Who’s there? Midoriya? How?” Iida asks.

“We were in town and thought we’d stop by,” I answer as I run over and stand by Izukun while putting myself in front of Iida.


“Don’t you worry, Iida. We’re gonna save you,” Izukun tells him.

It’s him. The one from Shigaraki’s picture, I hear the Hero Killer think. I guess Izukun was right—The Hero Killer and The League of Villains are connected somehow.

“You found him, too? How?” Iida asks.

“I saw it on TV. They had some stats about the Hero Killer. Most his victims were found where there weren’t many people. So in order to find you, I needed to search far away from the panic. In the back alleys of Hosu City,” he answers. “Let’s go. Back toward the street. We have to get help from the pros.”

“Ugh. I can’t move my body,” Iida says.

“Huh?” I say.

“It must be his Quirk. Since he cut me, I’ve been paralyzed,” he answers.

“That’s the kind of Quirk people on TV said the Hero Killer might have,” Izukun says.

“So cutting somehow activates his power?” I ask.

“Look, there’s someone else!” Izukun exclaims making me look over to see a hero wounded as well.

“You get Iida, and I’ll get the hero!” I tell him.

“Midoriya, Takahashi, please! Don’t get involved. This doesn’t have anything to do with you!” Iida says.

“Iida, what are you saying?” Izukun asks.

“You two showed up to save your friend’s life,” the Hero Killer saying after standing back up from being punched across the alleyway. “You even made a big entrance, but I have a duty to kill him and this so-called pro. When your friend chose to fight me, it guaranteed that the weaker of us would be culled. So, what will you two do?”

I listen in to Izukun’s thought in order to make sure we are both on the same page. He’s different from the villains who attacked us before. Those are the eyes of a fanatic. I see him glance behind him and look quickly to see that his sent our location on a hero phone app.Even though it was just a guess, and I didn’t have any proof, I should’ve made sure that a pro came with me to find him. Akari-Chan, if you can hear me, we just have to protect these two who can’t move and stall for time…all by ourselves. Maybe we can even force the Hero Killer to run. He glances at me, and I give him a nod. We both get in position to fight.

“Listen to me! Stand down. Run away. I told you, this has nothing to do with either of you,” Iida begs.

“If you really believe that, then why are you trying to become a hero in the first place?!” Izukun scolds him. “Meddling when you don’t need to is the essence of being hero!”

Acknowledging that we weren’t backing down, the Hero Killer’s eyes lighten up and a chuckle escapes. Izukun makes the first advancement towards him.

“No! If you get cut—” Iida shouts but Izukun evades the blade by going in between his legs and bouncing away before he can turn around.

“5%…Detroit…Smash!” Izukun flys above him and lands a punch on him. The way he’s moving around…it’s almost like Bakugo! Ok, my time, I think to myself, but before I can make my move, I see lick blood off his blade.

“Deku!” I shout and try to listen to his thoughts.

My body! Did he cut me and I didn’t even notice? One graze is all it took? No… it’s the blood!

“You’re not powerful enough. It’s not that you predicted my movements, you just left my field of vision and maneuvered so that you’d be able to get in a clean shot. But I saw through your plan,” he says as he walks toward me. “There are countless false heroes around here who are all talk, but I think you’re worthy of staying alive. You’re different from these two.”

“No! I won’t I allow you to kill them,” I say as I begin to use my Quirk to fly them away from him.

He smirks at me and says, “Do you really think you can keep them away from me and take me head on?”

“I’ll do what I need to do in order to save them!” I yell in determination as I try to look around the alleyway for things I can use to hit and distract him, but there aren’t even any garbage bags nearby. I’m going to have fight him head on, but I can’t risk getting cut…maybe I can use my Quirk on him, but he’ll be a struggle to keep under control—I must take him by surprise. I let him get close to me until the tip of his sword’s blade was in my face.

“Get away!” Izukun shouts.

Don’t worry, Izukun, I got this, I think to myself, but before I can pull out my ace, I can feel a heat wave from behind making me quickly move out to the side. A huge gush of fire comes out of nowhere and straight toward the Hero Killer, but he manages to jump out of the way. I turn to see what that was to find a familiar figure.

“Midoriya, you need to give more details in times like this. I was almost too late to stop this guy,” Todoroki says with his flames burning on his left side.

“You, too, Todoroki? How’s you get here?” Izukun asks. “Hold on, you’re using your left side?”

“How’d I get here? Good question. Your message took me a while to figure out. Next time, try to send more than just your specific location. But you’re not really one to send cryptic messages without a reason, are you? So I figured you were in trouble and asking for help,” he says as he uses his ice to stick the Hero Killer down, but he jumps up. He then raises the ice to put Izukun up in the air and away from the villain, so I decide to place Native and Iida up there with him. “Everything’s okay. The pro heroes will be here any minute!” He says as he uses his flames again on the Hero Killer, but misses and melts the ice where everyone is.

“Hey, watch out where you’re throwing your flames!” I scold as I pick up all three of them away from danger and fly them away from the area entirely.

“Just keep them safe, and I’ll deal with him,” Todoroki says to me before directing his attention to the Hero Killer. “You’re just what they said you were. But you won’t be taking any more lives, Hero Killer.”

“I’ll keep them safe, but you can’t let that guy get your blood!” I tell him.

“I-I think he controls his enemy’s actions by swallowing it,” Izukun adds.“That’s how he got us!”

“He ingests blood to keep people from moving. That explains the blades. All I’ve gotta do is keep my distance,” he says but before he can react, a small knife flys by and cuts his face.

“Ya have good friends, Ingenium. Or you did!” He says as he goes for an attack, but Todoroki blocks it with his ice. He had thrown his sword in the air as a distraction to try to lick Todoroki’s bleeding face, but he manages to make him back away with his flames. I telekinetically grab both the small knife and sword so that the Hero Killer can’t retrieve them, especially since one has Todoroki’s blood on it. Todoroki uses his ice to keep the Hero Killer away from him and us.

“Just stop it. Why are you doing this? His fight is with me! I inherited my brother’s name. I’m the one who should stop him. The Hero Killer is mine!” Iida shouts.

“You’re Ingenium now? Strange. The Ingenium I knew before never had a look like that on his face. You’ve got a dark side. Guess my family isn’t the only one,” Todoroki says.

“You’re not the only one that has had villains go after family. I should know this more than anyone. Going after revenge is not the way to avenge those you love! Only through honor and nobility can you do that!” I shout as I continue to guard the three.

“Careful, Todoroki and Akari-Chan!” Izukun mutters.

The Hero Killer cuts through the ice with his other sword and says, “You blocked your own field of vision against an opponent who’s faster than you. Rookie mistake.”

“Come get me then!” Todoroki says lighting up his flames again, but just like an invitation, the Hero Killer throws two pocket knives into his left arm.

“You’re good, kid. Unlike him,” he says. Though I thought he was making the attack on Todoroki, he changes last minute to try to drive the sword into Native.

“Watch out,” Todoroki shouts, but before I am able to do anything, green lights blur my line of sight. I soon make out that Izukun has grabbed the Hero Killer and is driving him through the side of a building. “Midoriya!”

“I’m not sure why, but I’m able to move now!” He answers.

“So there’s a time limit!” Todoroki says.

“No,” Native mutters. “That kid shoulda been the last one to be freed. I still can’t move a muscle.”

In confusion I turn toward the Hero Killer. He must be type O. “It’s based on blood type, not a set time limit,” I say aloud after reading his mind.

“Midoriya! Dodge!” Todoroki shouts before making a trail of ice toward the villain.

Izukun jumps back to us with a cough. “He swallows a person’s blood to freeze them, but I was the one freed first. I’ve got three different guesses why. His Quirk could be less effective the more he uses it on, the amount ingested could play into how long it works, or there could even be a difference based on a person’s blood type,” Izukun says.

“Based on what I read in his mind, I would say it’s the last one,” I reiterate.

“If so, my blood type is B,” Native says.

“I’m type A,” Iida adds.

“So you figured it out,” the Hero Killer says. “Bravo. Very impressive.”

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (55)

“It doesn’t really help us to know how his Quirk works, though,” Izukun says.

“I thought we could hurry and carry those two out of here, but it’s no good. He’s too fast. He can dodge ice and fire. I’d have to leave myself unguarded. Our best option is to hold until the pros arrive and avoid close close combat,” Todoroki whispers.

“I haven’t been hurt from him yet, why don’t you guys grab them two, and I keep him distracted,” I tell them.

Izukun shakes his head. “I don’t think would be a great idea. There’s not much here for you to use your Quirk on, and you can’t risk getting too close to him. As for you, Todoroki, you know you’ve already lost way too much blood. I’ll distract him while you two support me from behind. Sound like a plan?”

“You want us to take a pretty big risk. Okay,” Todoroki says.

“Okay? Come on, guys! Izukun, you’ve already been cut by him before, please,” I beg.

“Akari-Chan, I need you to trust me, okay? My Quirk is better suited for fighting him head on than yours is.”

I sigh in defeat. “Okay. Let’s do this.”

“We can protect them!” Todoroki says.

“Three against one, huh? This fight won’t be easy,” the Hero Killer says. Izukun begins bouncing back and forth around the villain as Todoroki uses his ice and I attempt my telekinesis on him to make him unbalanced. Izukun goes for attacks and dodges his counterattacks while the villain watches out for the ice and fire coming at him and fighting super hard against me to keep his balance. Suddenly, the Hero Killer manages to cut Izukun’s leg. No good. His fighting style has completely changed! Izukun thinks.

“Todoroki!” I shout, but he notices before I even need to tell him.

“Midoriya!” He shouts as he uses his flames to keep the Hero Killer back.

“You have to run. I can’t watch this,” Iida says with tears flooding his eyes.

“You wanna make your brother proud?!” Todoroki shouts. “Then stand up and be Ingenium!”

“He’s frozen! Izukun!” I shout before the Hero Killer breaks his way through the ice.

We both prepare for an unfortunate head on attack as Todoroki continues, “Become the hero he wanted you to be!”

Chapter 29: Climax

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (56)

"Stand up and be Ingenium," Todoroki shouts as we continue to fight off the Hero Killer. "Become the hero he wanted you to be!”

"Watch your right!" Izukun shouts, and we follow cue in keeping him back.

"Ice and fire," Hero Killer mocks as he dodges both attacks. "Hasn't anyone ever told you that you rely on your Quirk too much? Makes you a careless fighter." He continues advancing forward despite my best efforts to knock him unbalanced. Then, he goes straight toward Todoroki—placing his sword perfectly in line to slice his left arm off.

"No!" I scream as I use as much mental strength I can to telekinetically move Todoroki backward and succeed, though the swing of the blade directed its way to me. I look the Hero Killer in the eyes and dodge his attacks with the moves I have only just learned recently, but am slow—too slow for someone like Stain.

"At least one of you knows how to fight without being too dependent, but you're still too slow," he says. He seems to manage to read my moves ever so swiftly and slices my outer arm before pushing me to the ground. Holding my arm, I try to scoot away from him as I try to get back on my feet, but before I can do so, he goes to swing his sword to where it appears to be going for my neck.I close my eyes out of instinct to sudden demise when I hear screaming from behind.

"Recipro Burst!" When I open my eyes, I see that Iida has kicked the sword and it breaks on his shin before flipping and kicking the Hero Killer away from us.

"Iida!" Izukun shouts in relief.

"You're free, too?" Todoroki questions. "Guess his Quirk isn't as great as I thought it was."

"Todoroki...Takahashi...Midoriya...This has nothing to do with you. I apologize," he says.

"Come on," Izukun says.

"Not this again!" I mutter.

"I'm okay. And I won't let the three of you shed any more blood for me!" He says.

"It's no use trying to pretend you're a hero now," Stain scowls. "A person's true nature doesn't change in just a few minutes. You'll never be anything but a fraud who prioritizes his own desires. You're the sickness that's infected society and ruined the name 'Hero'. Someone must teach you a lesson."

"You're a fundamentalist lunatic," Todoroki speaks up. "Iida, don't listen to this murder's nonsense."

"No. He's completely correct. I have no right to call myself a all. Even so," he says as a profuse amount of blood floods down his arm making me gasp. "There's no way I can back down. If I give up now, then the name 'Ingenium' will die!"

"Pathetic," Stain growls and makes another attack, but Todoroki pushes us behind him to use his fire on him.

"Idiots!" Native shouts. "The Hero Killer is only after me and that kid in the white armor. Stop fighting back—just get out of here!"

"I don't think he'd let me leave even if I wanted to!" Todoroki responds.

"And what does that say about us if we leave helpless victims to face their demise? We're not going anywhere!" I answer as well.

"Something clearly changed in him just now," Todoroki observes.

"Yeah, he seems rattled. We might be able to catch him slip up," I say as I watch him jump away and begin using my telekinesis on him once more.

He nods. "His Quirk alone isn't especially powerful. The issue of blood type makes it unpredictable and it doesn't last long. Plus, he has to get in close if he wants to use it. It must be difficult for him to take on multiple opponents at once."

We continue to work together when I answer, "He's desperate to try to kill Iida and Native before the pros show up."

"Such tenacity," he mutters.

"Hey, Todoroki! Can you regulate your temperatures?" Iida asks him.

"Not well with my left, but yes, I can," he answers.

"You gotta freeze my leg for me, without plugging the exhaust!"

"You're in the way!" Stain growls as a pocket knife goes straight for me, but Iida blocks it by putting his arm in the way and taking the hit.

"No! Iida!" Izukun shouts as he tries to move.

"Why won't you stay down?" Stain complains as he throw another knife, this time at Todoroki's right foot, but Iida blocks the hit again and gets stabbed once more.

"Iida—" Todoroki starts.

"Just do it, hurry!" Iida shouts.

"Don't worry, I'll take over!" I shout as I enhance my Quirk up a little and manage to finally fly him back.

"I can move. My leg is no good, but that's okay," I hear Izukun say.

"Please don't hurt yourself any further!" I tell him as I keep my eyes on Stain.

"It's done!" Todoroki says as he comes back to fight, but Iida and Izukun have other plans to follow the Hero Killer up the building where I had thrown him."Go guys," Todoroki mutters as he watches both of them go after Stain together. Looking back up, I see they both manage to make their hits on him at the same time—Iida kicks him on the right side of the stomach and Izukun punches him on the left side of his face. "They manage to land two attacks. Our turn," Todoroki says to me.

I nod my head. "Let's do this." Before we make our move, Stain manages to grab his sword and tries to use it on Iida, but Iida manages to dodge.

"I will defeat you, Stain!" Iida shouts. "Because you are a criminal."

"Don't let him get away!" Todoroki yells as he uses his fire.

"I'm on it!" I shout back as I try to use as much of my Quirk as I can to keep him from moving which gives Iida the ability to kick him once more.

"And I am a hero!" Iida shouts before Todoroki manages to aim his fire unto the Hero Killer to try to knock him unconscious.

"Don't worry, I've got you," I say as I stop Iida and Izukun from falling down the building, and lead them safely to the ground.

"Stand up, keep fighting," Todoroki says, but when we look back at Stain, he appears to be unconscious and hanging on one of Todoroki's ice blocks from earlier. We all stare in hopes that this is the case.

"He's gotta be knocked out after all that...Right?" Izukun says as he stands back up on his feet.

"Then, let's restrain him and get him to the street," Todoroki responds. "Maybe we can find some rope."

"We should probably take all his weapons, too," I add.

"Good idea," Todoroki says.

"You good, Iida?" I ask him as he stares dumbfounded.

He clears his throat and stands up. "Yes, I'm fine."

"Okay, will you watch Stain and make sure he doesn't wake up?" I ask.

He nods. "On it." After we finished retrieving the rest of Stain's weapons from his person and are restraining him, Izukun goes check on Native.

"Native, can you move?" Izukun asks him.

"Yeah, I think I'm good as new now," he answers.

"You sure?" Izukun asks as Native puts him on his back.

"I saw you hurt your leg back there. At least let me do this for you," he says.

"Thank you very much," he says not fighting against the help, and I'm glad. He really put himself in harms way to make sure everyone was safe, so he really needs to rest.

"I should be thanking you," Native responds as he walks him back to the street.

"We're lucky someone threw this in the dumpster," Todoroki says making me focus back to what's in front of me.

"Todoroki, I can drag him from here," Iida says.

"Are you forgetting your arms are messed up?" Todoroki asks him.

"Yeah, Iida, let us handle this part," I say. Thankfully, he doesn't argue, and we drag him behind Native.

"I have to apologize. I'm supposed to be a pro, but I was completely useless back there," Native says.

“No, I don't think any one person could take the Hero Killer on. Not with that weird Quirk of his. He's too strong," Izukun tells him—his voice weak.

"The four of us barely won against him, and even then, it was because of his own mistakes. He was getting riled up and desperate and forgot all about Midoriya's quick recovery time," Todoroki explains.

"Then he wasn't able to block Iida's last Reciproburst or Midoriya's assault along with my telekinesis," I add. "So, it took multiple attacks all at once just to subdue him."

At this point, we make it back to the street. "Right, let's get him to the police as fast as we can," Native says.

"What are you doing here, boy?" An old man in a hero costume scolds.

"Gran Torino!" Izukun says in shock.

"I could ask the same about you, Akari!"

"Dreamer!" I say when I see him coming down our direction.

"I was only—" Izukun begins when Gran Torino kicks him in the face.

"I thought I told you to stay on the bullet train!" Both Gran Torino and Dreamer say at the same time.

"Who are they?" Native asks.

"Gran Torino, the hero I'm interning with," Izukun answers.

"And this is Dreamer, the hero I'm interning with," I answer with my head down.

"I don't get. How did you find us?" Izukun asks him.

"I was told to come here by somewhere else. I have no idea what's going on, but I'm glad you're not dead, at least," Gran Torino answers.

"Me, too. And, I'm sorry," Izukun says, lowering his head.

"Yeah, what were you thinking Akari?" Dreamer scolds.

"I'm sorry, but Izukun ran off and I didn't want him to get hurt going off on his own, so I went with him!" I explain.

Before he could say anything more, we all hear a woman shout, "Around the corner!"

"Who's that?" Dreamer asks.

"Endeavor told us there was a request for help here, but..." an odd looking hero explains but stops suddenly.

"Children?" Another hero wearing a red, full-face mask questions.

"Those injuries look bad. I'll call an ambulance right way," another hero says, his face full of concern and slight anger.

One of the other hero's gasps and says, "Hey, look."

The hero we encountered earlier looks over and gasps before she says, "Is that...the Hero Killer?"

Gran Torino, who must have not notice him before because he was focused on Izukun, gasps. "What?"

"I'll get the police on the line."

"Can you walk?" A hero asks Izukun.

"If you prop me up, then I think so," he answers.

"And you?" He asks Todoroki and me.

"Only minor injuries," Todoroki responds.

Remembering the gash in my arm, the pain seems to return back to the forefront of my mind making me wince. "I got a pretty deep gash on the outside of my arm, but that's pretty much it. But Iida—" I begin to say but another hero interrupts.

"You're bleeding badly," he says to Iida, "The ambulance will be here soon, but until then..."

"You guys," Iida says as he seems to ignore the hero and walks toward us. He bow before us and says through tears, "You were all hurt because of me. I'm truly sorry. I was just so angry. I couldn't see anything else."

"I'm sorry too, Iida," Izukun says.

I walk up to Iida and hug him without hurting either of us in the process. "You were going through so much by yourself," I say to him as he hesitantly accepts the hug and cries on my shoulder.

"Though despite all of it, I couldn't tell anything was wrong," Izukun says sadly. "Even though I'm your friend."

"We are all here for you, Iida. I'm sorry as well that I didn't pick up anything either. I was just so focused on what was going on with my life that I didn't even pay attention that you were going through something similar to what I did. I know exactly how you felt, and I should've done more to help you get through that. I know we aren’t extremely close like you and Izukun, but I never would have wished such horrible things to happen to you," I say to him.

Iida whimpers, and I can feel the tears becoming more abundant on my shoulder.

"Hey, pull yourself together," Todoroki says gently. "You're the class rep."

He lifts up from my shoulder and attempts to wipe his face with his injured arm. "Right." As we wait on help to arrive, I think back on the recent events. All things considered, our fight against the Hero Killer probably only took about ten minutes, but for all of us, it felt like we were in that alley forever. I wasn't sure then if we would ever actually leave that alley alive.

"Get down!" Gran Torino shouts suddenly, forcing me out of my thoughts. We all look around to see what Gran Torino is wanting us to get down from.

"Oh no!" One of the heroes shout as she stares up in disbelief in the sky. I look up to see an odd humanoid creature with its brain exposed and an eye missing flying right at us.

"Not that thing again!" Dreamer shouts. Before anyone could react, it grabs Izukun up by its bird-like feet and takes him away.


—"Izukun!" We all shout.

"It's bleeding! It must be trying to escape!" The hero says as blood lands on her face. Crap, why, is it so damn fast? It's hard to use my Quirk if I can't keep long enough concentration him! I think to myself. Then in the corner of my eye, I see a tongue lick the blood of the heroes face. Oh no, he's awake!

The creature begins falling and Stain is up and breaking out of his restraints as he runs toward it. "The word 'hero' has lost all meaning in this society. The world is overrun by fakes and criminals like you who chase pretty dreams." He jumps high up in the air and manages to stab the creature in the head. I thought we unarmed him. Where did that weapon come from? The creature falls hard as the Hero Killer sits on top of him and holding on to Izukun. "You must all be purged." We all stand in fear as the vigilante that was once in our custody is now freed. "Everything that I do..." he says as he twists the blade in the creature's skull to ensure death, " to create a stronger society."


“Hey, hey, hey, what the hell?” Shigaraki exclaims as he looks through binoculars. “This is no fair! Why’d he have to go and kill that Nomu? And why is that brat here? I’m so mad, I don’t even know what to say. This is a mess! Why do things never go the way I want them to go?”


“Did he just save that kid?” A hero asks in disbelief.

“He took him hostage, Idiot,” another says.

“He killed that guy with no hesitation,” the hero mutters.

“Everyone be on your guard, we’ve got a fight on our hands,” another shouts.

“Why are you all standing like fools?” The voice of no other than Endeavor says. “The villain must have flown this way, right?”

“You took care of the rest?” One asks.

“Mostly, things got a little rough at the end,” he answers before peering in front of us. “Hold on. Don’t tell me that man is…”

“Let go!” Izukun manages to mutter as he fights under the Hero Killer’s hand.

Stain pants as he looks behind him. “Endeavor,” he growls.

“Hero Killer!” Endeavor shouts as he advances toward him.

“Wait, Todoroki!” Gran Torino shouts.


Stain stands up and glares at Endeavor as his mask that was once around his eyes falls to the ground beside Izukun. “False hero. I’ll make this right. These streets must run with the blood of hypocrites. Hero! I will reclaim that word! Come on! Just try and stop me, you fakes! There is only one man I’ll let kill me. He is a true hero. All Might is worthy!” We all watch the Hero Killer as we awaited his next move, but it never happened.

“I think…he’s out cold,” Endeavor says.

I assume that the injures he endured has finally made him unable to continue on which makes me sigh in relief. He hadn’t managed to lick anyone’s blood, but still, in that moment, none of us could bring ourselves to stand against him. Only the Hero Killer himself had any fight left.

Chapter 30: The Aftermath of the Hero Killer: Stain

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (57)

"Okay. Can you hear me in the studio? I'm reporting to you live from the skies over Hosu City. It's unclear what's happening below, but take a look! Large clouds of smoke and fire are rising from different locations in the area. Is this due to a series of accidents? Or have villains taken the streets? Currently, we have no info on the situation here, but our station will continue reporting as this breaking story unfolds."

"And cut!" The cameraman in the helicopter with the reporter says.

"Don't you dare stop filming. Wait...what in the world? Look," she demands.

"At what?"

"Right there. Check out the building with the water tower on top. Zoom in."

"There's people, two of them!"

"Bystanders? How'd they get up there?" She wonders.


Shigaraki stares through his binoculars at the scenes of all his dead Nomus and places all of his fingers on the binoculars, making it decay with his Quirk. "We're leaving," he says.

"And are you satisfied with the results, Tomura Shigaraki?" Kurogiri asks.

"Depends on tomorrow's headlines, moron," he answers as he steps into the portal.


It is the morning after the fight with the Hero Killer, and we were all resting in a shared hospital room at Hosu General Hospital. I stare out the window to see the clear blue sky when Todoroki speaks.

"Did you sleep, Midoriya?" He asks.

"No, not really," he answers.

"Takahashi?" he asks me.

I look over at Todoroki and say, "No." I quickly look back out the window.

"I figured. Me neither," Todoroki says.

"Thinking about that fight now, we did something pretty amazing," Izukun ponders.

"Yeah, I agree."

I scoff, but none of them seem to notice. My thoughts have been eating me alive since we were brought to the hospital and the adrenaline finally dropped.

"After everything that happened back there, it kinda feels like a miracle we're even alive. With my leg messed up, I was an easy target. He probably could've killed me if he really wanted to," Izukun says.

"Yeah. Seems to me he let us live on purpose. I'm impress by you though, Iida," Todoroki says looking over at him. "He was actually trying to murder you, but you stood tall."

"That's not true. I was—" Iida begins, but the door slides open revealing Gran Torino, Manual, and Dreamer.

"Oh, so the injured youngins are awake," Gran Torino says as he walks inside.

"Gran Torino!" Izukun exclaims.

"Dreamer..." I say not as excitedly.

"And Manual, too," Iida adds in shock.

I look at Dreamer and awaited for him to scold me, but it never came—his eyes remain steady on me and unreadable. Though my Quirk could tell me exactly what he is thinking, the remainder of the raging headache that started last night prevents me from doing so, but I don't think I would want to know what he's thinking anyway.

"Idiot," Gran Tornio says directly to Izukun. "I could yell at you for hours right now."

"Yeah, I'm sorry," Izukun says in fear.

"But before I do, you've got a visitor." We all turn to the door to see a tall...person? He has the look of a dog, but the body anatomy of a human and is wearing a nice suit with a black and white spotted tie. "This is Hosu's chief of police. Kenji Tsuragamae." Iida and Todoroki stand immediately, but when Izukun tries to stand, Tsuragamae speaks.

"No, please, stay seated, woof. So, you're the U.A. students who brought down the Hero Killer, huh?"

"We are," Todoroki answers.

Why did the police chief come all the way? What's this about? I ask myself.

"Stain has some serious injures. Severe burns and several broken bones. Right now he's in the hospital under strict guard, woof. Here's a lesson you should have already learned. When Quirks became the norm, the police force sought to maintain the status quo. They decided we wouldn't use Quirks as weapons. That's when heroes came in. They could do what we couldn't, if they were licensed of course, woof. It would be impossible for the police to condone the use of deadly Quirks. After all, we're here to stop such harm from being done. The only reason pros can use their powers now is because of the strict code of ethics that the early heroes chose to abide by. That's why it's against the law for uncertified people to use their Quirks to cause injury. Whether you were up against the Hero Killer or not, none of you had the authority to harm the villain. That means the four of you, and your supervisors—Endeavor, Manual, Dreamer, and Gran Torino—should receive harsh punishments for this gross abuse of you powers."

Are you kidding me?

"Now wait a minute!" Todoroki interrupts angrily. "If Iida had not stepped in, Native would've been murdered. And not for Midoriya and Takahashi, both of them would be dead. No one else even realized that the Hero Killer was in Hosu. Are you saying we should've just stood by and watched people die?"

"Calm down!" Izukun says to him as he tries to keep the peace.

"So it's okay to break the law as long as it goes your way?" Tsuragamae questions.

"But, sir, isn't it a hero's job to save people?" Todoroki shouts.

"This is why you're not a full-fledged pro yet. It's obvious U.A. and Endeavor haven't been teaching you near enough. What a shame."

"You damned mutt," he says as he walks toward the chief in anger.

"Todoroki, listen, he's right," Iida tells him.

"Stop right there, kid," Gran Torino says as steps in front of him. "You'll wanna hear him out till the end."

"What I've said is the official stance of the police department. But any punishment would only be necessary if this went public. If it did, you'd probably be applauded by citizens everywhere, but there's no way you could escape from being reprimanded. On the other hand, we could say Endeavor saved the day. Stain's burns would support this story completely, and we could pretend you weren't involved, woof. Thankfully there were very few witnesses. This could be the last you heard of any punishments. It would mean no one would know about you, though. You'd receive no acclaim at all. The choice is yours. Personally, I know where I stand. I don't wanna damage any promising young careers. Not for a mistake like this," Tsuragamae says.

"Either way, we'll need to take responsibility for being negligent as supervisors." Manual says with his head down.

Iida walks over to him and bows slightly. "I'm sorry. I should've listened."

Manual taps the back of his head and says, "Yeah! You caused us a lot of trouble. Remember that, and don't do it again."

Izukun sighs and says, "And...I apologize as well."

"Me too," Todoroki says.

"We'll leave it to you then, sir," I say plainly to the chief.

"I know it's not fair. You won't enjoy any of the fame and praise you probably would've received otherwise. But at least, allow me, as the chief of police, to thank you," he says as bows toward us.

"You know, you could've started with that," Todoroki complains.

"Todoroki," Izukun says to him as he looks at him in relief. I lay back in my bed and roll over away from everyone. None of us knew we'd end up fighting in that back alley, and in the end, no one else would find out. Just another secret of another battle to eat me up inside.

"Akari, can we talk in private?" I hear Dreamer ask.

"Do we have to right now?" I ask him.

"I know you might think that I'm going to lecture you, but I just want to make you're okay," he answers.

I roll over and look him in the eyes. "I'm just great."

Noticing that he isn't going to get much more from me, he nods in his head and says, "Okay. Just let me know when they're ready to discharge you."

"Okay," I say as he leaves.

There is an awkward silence for a while before Izukun asks me, "Are you really okay? You have been acting strange all morning."

“I said I’m fi—” I begin to shout, but when I turn to look at Izukun’s pitiful face, I stop and let out a defeated sigh. “After fighting the Hero Killer, I realized that I’m nowhere near ready to be a hero. I spent all this time trying to avoid using my Quirk because I hated its origin and the way people feared me, and then, at a time of life-and-death, I couldn’t even use it at its full potential. I was simply a liability.”

“That’s not true, Akari-Chan! You’re one of the strongest people I know!” Izukun says.

“If I was the strongest, then bringing him down would’ve been so easy,” I say as I stand up from my bed and face the window. “I should have been able to concentrate enough to keep him from moving, and I could have read his mind directly to know what he was planning next. But because I couldn’t, you all suffered injuries that I could’ve prevented. Everyone in our class has known that being a hero is what they wanted since they were young, and I only recently made that decision, so I never bettered my Quirk.” People get hurt whether I better my Quirk or not, I think to myself.

“I know, better than anyone, what it’s like to have a Quirk you despise, but as Midoriya told me before, its your Quirk and no one else’s. You shouldn’t fear something that you have the ability to control,” Todoroki says.

“And the injuries from the fight are because of me, not you. You and Midoriya came to save Native and me when I couldn’t see past my rage. Really, if it wasn’t for the three of you, we would’ve died in that alleyway,” Iida adds.

“Besides, Akari-Chan, the Hero Killer moved too fast for any of us to have a chance one-on-one. With how your Quirk works, it would require a lot of concentration to be able to keep up with his speed, which would have made you vulnerable to any attacks he might have been able to slip by you,” Izukun says.

Giving my best reassured face, I turn around and smile. “Thanks guys, I guess I shouldn’t be so hard on myself.”

“I understand how you feel. Having Endeavor as a father has made me abandon part of my Quirk for the longest time, so I struggle trying to better my left side.”

I nod understandably. “Yeah, I mean that’s why we’re at U.A.—to master our Quirks to be great heroes. I’m going to go for a walk, though, to help raise my spirits up more,” I say as I begin to walk out of the room.

“Okay,” they all respond before I shut the door and quickly walk off. There are many people sitting out in a waiting room area, so I try not to cause too much attention as I look for the elevators. Luckily, they aren’t hard to find, and I pushed the button to the top floor. I wait as the elevator beeps at each floor we reach until finally, we’re at the top. The door opens, and I see doctors and nurses hurriedly running around to wherever they need to be without noticing me walking unto the floor. I find the stairs that aren’t too far away from the elevator and walk up them to reach the roof. As I open the door, my eyes have to readjust to the brightness of the sun, but the warmth of it is exactly what my cool, pale skin needed after being inside of the hospital for so long. Its warmth travels through my body as I make my way to a good sitting place where I could watch the bustling life down below as well as the clouds that float by ever so slowly.

I lose how long I have been sitting on the roof when I notice the sun setting. There are strips of blues, pinks, and oranges that appear around the setting sun in the most beautiful nature. I watch the magnificent sight for a little while longer before I say aloud, “I thought you already left.”

Soon, the vision of the beautiful sunset diminishes and the sun is back high in the sky as I once remember it to be. “You know, you and your parents are the only ones who have ever been able to see through my hallucinations so easily and so quickly. Just goes to show how powerful you really are,” Dreamer answers as he comes to take a seat right next to me.

I scoff at the comment and look back down at the people rushing around to do their normal, everyday tasks.

“What? You don’t believe your powerful?” He asks.

“Not as much as I could be,” I answer.

“Well, you’re just a child, Akari. You still have a long way to go,” he says.

“I should have been beyond this point at my age, and you know it,” I respond in irritation as I stand up and begin to pace.

“What do you mean?” He asks me with his eyebrows furrowed.

I sigh angrily. “I should have been able to take down the Hero Killer with ease and I know it! Izukun went on about how he was so fast that thinking that I could concentrate on my Quirk to stop him while defending off attacks would be nearly impossible, but I know it’s not true! But I can’t just explain to them why I know I could without explaining about what really happened with my parents! It’s just one secret after another that keeps me from ever being able to be my true self. I’m tired of having to pretend that my parents turned into villains just because their mission went wrong! And the fact that I have to hide the fact that I was kidnapped by these same villains that got my parents killed to even my own grandparents? After what happened, I didn’t want to be hero and most definitely didn’t want anything to do with my Quirk, but now look where I am—in the hero course with a Quirk that I don’t have full control of and don’t have the mental strength it takes to use it at its max potential. That’s why everyone got more hurt than what they should of—because I don’t trust my ability to use my Quirk effectively in the most detrimental situations. The only reason I’m here is for the sake of my grandparents, but I don’t want to fail on being a hero—I want them to be proud of me,” I spout off in the heat of the moment.

Dreamer remains silent for a moment, as if trying to digest everything I said, before responding, “You are more than your past, Starlight. You can’t rewrite history, but you can shape what you want your future to look like. You say that you are not where you should be in handling your Quirk, and though that may be true, the only thing you can do now is to keep moving forward. You are the one in charge of your life, so when you say you are only choosing this career track because of your grandparents, you are lying to yourself. If you didn’t want to be a hero, then you wouldn’t be, but I know that little girl many years ago would be so excited to know where you are now.”

I lower my head after listening to his blunt honesty.

“And I know it’s tough to have to keep so many secrets that it feels like it weighs you down every step of the way. It makes it tough to make close friends, but you do have Midoriya and Bakugo still, right? I don’t see why you can’t tell them everything that happened. I’m sure you can trust them with the knowledge and it will help you heal from what happened to you if you are able to talk to people you care about and who care about you, too,” he says.

“Yeah, except…” I hesitantly say as I being to fidget.

“Except what?” He asks, pushing me to finish.

“Well, um…Bakugo and I aren’t really on speaking terms,” I answer.

“Ah, because of the fight in the Sports Festival?”

I nod. “Yeah, we had a promise that we made when we were younger, and he broke it. I mean, technically we both broke it, but I tried to tell him that I didn’t mean to, but that didn’t apparently didn’t mean anything to him.”

“What exactly was this promise?”

“Well, when my parents were killed and their names were slandered, no one ever looked at me the same. No one wanted anything to do with me—including those who I thought were my friends. Only Izukun and Kac—Bakugo stayed by my side. I thought for sure they would leave too, but they didn’t no matter how much I tried to push them away. So me and Bakugo, specifically, made a promise that he wouldn’t compare me to my parents and he accepted but said that I needed to promise him that I wouldn’t use my mind-reading Quirk on him.”

“So, in that fight, I assumed you used that part of your Quirk?”

I nod. “I told him that in order to fight him fairly, I needed to, but I was trying to not make eye contact with him so I wouldn’t dive in too deep—just enough to be able to predict his next moves. But then…at that moment when we looked at each other…I couldn’t control it and learned the thing that I assume he wanted to keep away from me, and he got mad despite me trying to reassure him and broke his side of the promise.”

“And what did you find out? The thing he didn’t want you to know about?”

I feel my entire face get warm as I try to answer, “It doesn’t matter anymore.” Going back to how I felt then, angry soon takes over. “I just don’t know what he expected of me. He wants to have a fair fight knowing what that entails and then he gets mad when I use my Quirk. Bringing up my parents like that…that was such a low blow!”

Dreamer goes to say something, but pauses as if trying to find the right words. “Now, I’m not saying he was in the right whatsoever, but let’s step into his shoes for a moment. He didn’t want you using your Quirk on him because of whatever this ‘secret’ is, and now, whether is was intentional or not, you found out whatever it was he keeping from you. Now he feels exposed, and because it’s, well, Bakugo, he resorts to anger and uses the first thing that comes to his mind that would make you feel just as bad as he does. It wasn’t the best move on his part, and I think he would know his mistake, but I think if you would explain why a statement like that is so much worse than what he thinks, then it would put both of you in a better place in your friendship.”

I nod. “I understand where you’re coming from and how he must’ve felt now, but it’s just…I thought he was different from everyone else. But the moment something goes wrong, just like everyone else, he immediately used my parents being ‘villains’ to explain it. That’s what hurts—that it didn’t matter how close we were, the first thing that came to mind for him was that I was just like the parents everyone thinks were like.”

Dreamer sighs. “Oh, Starlight, I couldn’t imagine how much pain this has cost you, but if it makes you feel better, as someone how truly knew your parents for who they really were, let me tell you that your heart is just as pure as your father’s and the strength and determination as your mother. I wish the whole world knew how they actually were, but they made the decision to potentially have their name tarnished for the sake to save citizens and especially you. I can tell you they never wanted you to get as involved as you were or to go through the struggles you have, but this was their dream for you to become a hero. They were always so excited by the thought of their little girl following their footsteps. With that being said, they would be so proud of how far you’ve come, so just keep doing what you think it the right decision for you.”

A solemn smile creeps across my face as my heart throbs from the thoughts of them. “Thanks, Dreamer.”

He lets out a smile before saying, “I’m always here for you, Akari. But you should go back to your room, though. Your friends might start getting worried where you ran off to.”

I nod in agreement. “Okay, I see you later.” We make our departure, and I make my way back down to my room, but not without hearing all of the TVs and radio stations that were playing along the way in the waiting areas.

"Now, our continuing coverage. Three villains were captured in the Hosu riots. Their identities and motives are yet unknown. Based on their distinctive appearance, however, and the presence of two people our reporters filmed nearby, many are speculating they're connected to the League of Villains that attacked U.A. High last month."

"The Hero Killer Stain claimed many lives. In fact, he has more victims than any other criminal since All Might bursted into the scene. With his arrest, everyone in the country can rest a little easier tonight."

"This seriously injured Hero Killer is currently receiving treatment at a hospital under heavy police guard. Officials are awaiting the recovery of several of his victims before further investigating the villain's motives."

I get unto the elevator, and for those few moments, I am in blissful silence, but that is ruined the second the elevator door opens where everyone in our waiting area are listening to the same thing.

"We're back talking about the criminal who has surely left his mark on Japan, if not the world. The Hero Killer Stain! Why did he do it? What did he hope to gain? Don't be shy, we're taking calls and wanna her your thoughts."

"I'm coming to you live from Ekou Street in Hosu City. Last night, just after 8 p.m., the Hero Killer Stain was arrested by Endeavor on this very blo—"

With all of this circulating around us, I wonder if this has affected anyone else in their internships…


"Let's take a moment to talk about the incident last night in Hosu. The Hero Killer Stain was arrested," Best Jeanist says to everyone. "There were also incidents with villains who resembled Nomu from the U.A. attack. You're likely worried how this all stitches together. Well, I, too, am concerned. People tend to come apart at the seams in times like this. That's why heroes must remain calm despite our fears. Don't let chaos tempt you into thoughtless overreaction. Remember, we're here to protect others, not seek out vengeance. It'll be business as usual today. Standard material. May your minds and bodies be as sharp as your jeans."

"Thank you, Best Jeanist!" The sidekicks shout.

Dammit. I'm so ready to get out of this place, Bakugo thinks to himself.


We all sit in our beds in an uncomfortable silence when Izukun comes back into our room after getting off the phone and says, "Oh, hey, Iida. I just talked to Uraraka." We stay silent for a moment until Todoroki speaks up.

"Midoriya…Iida just got his test results back," Todoroki tells him. Izukun’s eyes widen and he looks over at Iida expectantly.

"My left hand...might have damage that's permanent," Iida says solemnly.

Izukun gasps. "What? Permanent?"

"Both my arms were pretty torn up, but the injury to my left arm was especially severe,” Iida explains. “There was damage to my brachial plexus. Which just means...I'll have trouble moving my fingers, and my hand might have some numbness. Apparently, there's a chance it could be healed with nerve transplant surgery," he pauses and puts his head down," When I came across the Hero Killer, I stopped thinking rationally. The first thing I should've done was call Manual, but I got lost in my own anger. I hate him so much, but I can't deny he spoke the truth. That's why, until I'm able to call myself a real hero, I'll leave my left hand as it is."

"Are you sure?" Todoroki asks gently.

"Iida, I feel the same way. Let's get stronger together," Izukun says with his hand raised to show the scars left behind on it, and they both nod in agreement.

"I feel kind of bad," Todoroki says.

"About what?" Izukun asks.

"Whenever I'm involved, someone's hand gets all messed up. Is something wrong with me? Am I cursed?" He asks. We all look at each other and back at him and laugh.

"Todoroki, I didn't know you had a sense of humor!" Izukun says.

"This isn't a joke! I'm like 'The Hand Crusher' or something," he says making all of us laugh even more.

"'The Hand Crusher'!" Izukun exclaims between laughs. Even if there are things are yet to come, at least at this moment, we are at peace.

Chapter 31: A Race to the Rescue

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (58)

It’s been two days since what happened in Hosu and five days into our internships. Everyone on the news has been obsessed with the Hero Killer. The story being reported is that seven pro heroes and four high school students stumbled upon him, then Endeavor rushed in and took care of the situation all by himself. Of course, that’s just the official cover from the police department. The chief was true to his word—me, Izukun, Iida, and Todoroki were never named in connection to the Hero Killer. Our injuries were explained as being caused by accidents that happened during our internships. Because Izukun’s injuries still aren’t healed yet, he’s stuck in the hospital. The day Iida got his exam results and realized one of his arms was seriously damaged, he ended up going back home to his parents’ house so his mom could take care of him. Todoroki’s and my injuries weren’t all that bad, so we ended up leaving at the same time. I think back to that day…

We were packing up when Todoroki said, “I’m returning to my internship.”

“Back to your dad’s agency?” Izukun questioned.

“I still wanna learn everything I can from him. Besides, they’re saying he defeated the Hero Killer, even though it was actually his son who helped out. I wanna see if there’s any shame on his face.”

Just when I think you couldn’t get anymore intense, your dad comes up,I heard Midoriya think, and I couldn’t have agreed more.

“And you?” Izukun asked me.

“I’ll be going back to my internship as well. There are still things that I would like to learn from Dreamer,” I told him. “But keep me in touch on how you’re doing, okay?”

He gave me a smile and said, “Okay!”

Flashing back to the scene in front of me, I await for orders from Dreamer on the robbery call we are working on. “I can hear his thoughts—he’s getting despite,” I tell him.

“Okay, get ready for anything then. I’m going in!” Dreamer says as he manages to kick the door in to reveal the inside of the jewelry store. He begins to use his Quirk on the villain to subdue him, and I use mine to get the gun out of his hand. “Good job! Help the sidekicks get the hostages out!”

“On it!” I say as I run over to the hostages in the corner to help them get up and out to safety.

“Thank you so much!” One of them says to me.

A smile slips out across my face and say, “No need to thank me, that’s what I’m here for.” As the threat is resolved, my mind unintentionally thinks about Bakugo, and I couldn’t help but wonder how his internship is going.


“It’s possible some villains were inspired by what happened in Hosu. That means they could be feeling bolder. This may just be a patrol, but keep your guard up,” Best Jeanist tells Bakugo.

“Yeah, yeah,” he answers in a bored tone.

“Here’s a question for you. Patrols are mainly meant to deter villains from committing any crimes. But they also have a secondary purpose. What is it?”

“If we see some bad guys, we can beat ‘em up on the spot,” Bakugo answers confidently.

“Incorrect,” Best Jeanist tells him.

“Hey, it’s Best Jeanist!” A young girl in a group with her friends says when they pass them.

“Thank you so much for keeping us safe!” One of her friends says to him. Best Jeanist waves at them in thanks, and they squeal in excitement.

“The answer is: to remind people who we are. Our presence gives the public a peace of mind,” Best Jeanist explains, making Bakugo growl. “This helps weave a tapestry of trust between the protectors and the protected.”

“I think you just like getting recognized,” Bakugo retorts.

“Hey!” A little boy shouts to his friends. “I’ve seen that blonde guy on TV before!”

Another fan from the sports festival, Bakugo thinks to himself.

“Yeah, an ooze villain caught him and he almost cried like a baby!”

“What did you say?!” Bakugo shouts at the three boys, frightening them.

“Have you really forgotten everything I’ve taught you? Talk with them like a pro,” Best Jeanist scolds.

“Yeah. Fine,” Bakugo says as he tries again. “Listen up! I wasn’t helpless. I was just coming up with ways to fight him. Sometimes a hero has to pretend he’s been caught. You really think I would lose? You’ll eat those words when I’m the new number one hero! You dumb kids’ll never laugh at me again if you know what’s good for you!” The boys scream in absolute fear.

Best Jeanist sighs and put his hand along the bridge of his nose. “He has too much pride. It would be one thing if he channeled all that passion toward becoming a hero, but at this rate, he could turn out quite poorly. So, then, what do I do with him?”


It seems like the week flown by in seconds, and soon I am saying my goodbyes to Dreamer. He gives me a hug and says, “You have done so well this week. If you keep going on like this, you’ll be a great hero. Don’t let anyone tell you different.”

“Thanks, Dreamer,” I say to him as I return the hug.

“And don’t be a stranger, Starlight. You can give me a call whenever you need to talk.”

I nod. “Okay, I will. I’ll tell my grandparents you said hi as well.”

“Oh, yes, please! They were like another set of parents for me! Let me tell you, you’re in good hands,” he says me.

“Yeah, I know,” I say with a smile and begin making my way to the train station. Though I’ll miss being here, I’m ready to be back at U.A. with everyone else.


It is the first day back to class after the internships, and we are all talking about the past week when Kirishima and Sero burst into tears laughing so hard grabbing my attention to the door. Bakugo

“Holy crap! What the heck, Bakugo?” They both ask at the same time. I hesitantly look at his appearance to see his hair smoothed down and very tidy—very unlike his normal messy hair look.

“Stop laughing! My hair’s gotten used to this and I can’t get it back the right way. Did you not hear me? I’ll kill you both,” he says to them as his body shakes in anger and embarrassment.

“I’d like to see ya try, pretty boy!” Sero mocks him.

“What’d you call me?!” Bakugo shouts at him as he raises his fists up at him. Surprisingly, his hair flies back up in its normal placement, which causes the two to both laugh even harder.

“Hey, there it goes!” They say at the same time.

“Awesome! You go to face actual villains? I’m super jealous!” Mina exclaims, which makes me come back to the conversation I am in.

“Well, I didn’t fight. All I did was help people evacuate and provide logistical support,” Jiro—Kyoka—says as she fidgets with her ear jack.

“But it still sounds like so much fun,” Mina says.

“I spent basically the whole time training and cleaning the ship deck. Though, there was this one day we caught a bunch of drug smugglers,” Tsu says about her internship.

“Okay, that’s cool,” Kyoka and Mina say at the same time.

“What about you, Ochaco? How was your week?” Tsu asks.

We all look in her direction in shock as we see her acting very strangely and say in terrifying voice, “I’d say that it was very enlightening.”

“I think she found her fighting spirit,” Tsu observes.

“Yeah, the battle hero must’ve been something else,” Kyoka adds.

“Yeah, for real,” I agree.

“After one week she’s like a totally different person,” Kaminari says, coming into our conversation as he notices her strange behavior, too.

“Different? Don’t be fooled, Kaminari. All women are demons at heart. They just hide their true personalities behind a pretty face,” Mineta says as if he has been scarred.

“What the heck do Mt. Lady do to you?” Kaminari asks him.

“Yeah, I need to know in order in keep it going,” I say, making Mineta stare at me in fear.

“Everyone at my internship loved me—it was actually kinda great,” Kaminari says, changing the subject. “Now if you wanna talk about the one who really changed, it was those four,” he says as he points to me and Izukun, Todoroki, and Iida who are hanging out together.

“Oh, yeah! The Hero Killer!” Sero says as Bakugo holds onto him from the back of his collar.

“Glad you guys made it back alive, seriously,” Kirishima says as he is also being grabbed by Bakugo and making direct eye contact with me. I look away quickly to hide my redden cheeks.

“I worried about you, too” Yaoyorozu says to the guys…well mostly to Todoroki. Everyone seems to gather around them and me as Sato says, “You were lucky Endeavor showed up and saved you guys.”

“So cool!” Hagakure says in excitement. “Just what I’d expect from the number two hero!”

We all seem to flashback to what the chief of police said when Todoroki answers, “Yeah, that’s right. He saved us.”

That sounded sooo convincing, Todoroki,I scold him in my mind.

“Did you guys hear the news about the Hero Killer? Everyone’s been saying that he was somehow connected to the League of Villains. Can you imagine how frightening it would’ve been if the creep had been there when they attacked the USJ?” Ojiro says to all of us.

“He’s scary, yeah. But did you see him in that weird video?” Kaminari asks. “It’s all over the internet.”

“I didn’t even know there was a video of him,” Ojiro answers.

“Yeah. Stain’s a pretty evil villain, but, like, super tenacious. He’s almost kinda cool, don’t have guys think?” Kaminari says.

“Kaminari!” Izukun says as Iida glares at him.

“Yeah, that was super insensitive, Kaminari,” I scold him.

“Uh—Oh! Dude!” Kaminari says as he covers his mouth when he realized what he just said aloud.

“No, it’s okay. You’re fine,” Iida says. “It is true that he’s quite a tenacious villain. I understand why people think he was cool. But instead of helping the world, he beliefs led him to cold-blooded murder. No matter his motives, killing cannot be condoned. To keep anyone else from suffering like me, well I promise: I will strive to be the perfect hero.”

“Yeah, let’s do it!” Izukun cheers him on.

“It’s time for class to begin! Everyone, please take your seats,” Iida begins shouting from the back of the classroom.

“He’s back,” Tokoyami groans.

“This is your fault for talking about weird stuff,” Kyoka scolds Kaminari.

“Sorry, I’m gonna keep my mouth shut,” Kaminari says with his head down. Iida continues on with his tangent, and though it’s excessive, I’m glad he’s back to being himself.


“I am here!” All Might shouts after we all have got into our costumes, except for Iida who has to wear his gym outfit while his is being fixed, and meet him in front of one of the fake cities. “Hope you’re ready to return to our lessons. Today it’s Hero Basic Training. Feels like I haven’t seen you in a while. Welcome back. Now then, listen carefully for what’s in store. We’re going to be conducting a little race. Take everything you’ve learned from your internships and apply it to this rescue training.”

Iida raises his arm and asks, “If it’s rescue training, then shouldn’t we be at the USJ instead?”

“Ah, that facility specializes in disasters. As I said earlier, this is a race, so prepare,” he answers. “You’re about to step into Field Gamma! Inside is an area full of factories that form an intricate labyrinth, so good luck finding your way around. You’ll be competing in three groups of five and one group of six. Each person starts from a different location on the outskirts of the model city. I’ll send a distress signal, and you do what you must to rescue me. Whoever finds me first wins! But try to keep the property damage to a bare minimum, please,” he finishes as he points directly at Bakugo.

“Why’re you pointing at me?” He mutters.

After being put in our groups, All Might says, “All right. First group, get to your places.” As I am put in the first group, I leave and get ready for this race.


“Iida hasn’t completely recovered yet, right?” Kaminari asks. “He should sit this one out!”

“Man, everyone in this group has really good mobility,” Kirishima says.

“Huh. I’d say Midoriya is at a heavy disadvantage against those five,” Yaoyorozu says.

“That’s what I think,” Jiro agrees. “Moving around quickly isn’t really one of his strong suits, that’s for sure.”

“And whenever he uses his powers, he always gets badly injured,” Yaoyorozu adds.

“Who’s your pick? I’m voting on Akari. Her ability to fly herself above the city gives her a great advantage,” Kirishima says.

“Oh, yeah? Hm…I got odds on Ojiro,” Kaminari says after thinking for a moment.

“I choose Ashido,” Mineta says. “‘Cause she’s got a super athletic body.”

“I know Deku will be last,” Bakugo chimes in.

“Even if he’s still recovering, I think Iida’s got this one,” Uraraka says and Tsu agrees with her.


“Is everyone ready? Begin!” All Might shouts as a loud horn is blown. Everyone begins races their way to the destination. I raise myself above the maze, and have my sights on All Might along with hearing the thoughts of those around me to determine their location.


As the camera flashes to Sero, Kirishima exclaims, “Look at ‘im go! In a maze like this, it makes sense to be above everything else.”

“So that means Sero’s at an advantage because he can take to the sky,” Shoji says.

“But so can Akari,” Kirishima adds as she appears on screen as well above the town.

Everybody begins to gasps as Midoriya passes Sero at a speed no one has ever seen him do before.

“Whoa, Midoriya?” Kirishima and Mineta say at the same time.

“Since when can he do that?” Kaminari questions.

The way he’s propelling himself through the air…Todoroki thinks to himself.

“Crazy. Those jumps!” Uraraka manages to get out. “He looks just like…”

Those are my moves! Bakugo thinks to himself angrily. While I spent my time getting groomed at that useless internship, he—look at him! Dammit!


I watch as Izukun runs past Sero, but slips off a pipe and losing the lead. Sorry, Izukun, it’s my turn, I think to myself as I force myself to fly myself faster and pass them in ease.

“And it’s over!” All Might says handing over a sash that says “Thanks for saving me” on it. “Thanks, hero! And congratulations!”

“Thank you,” I say as I take the sash awkwardly.

“Darn it!” Ashido whines.

“I was so close!” Sero exclaims.

“Midoryia,” Iida says as he checks on him as he is face down on the platform. “Uh, you’re okay, right?”

“Yeah, I’m okay,” he mutters with his face still laying on the ground.

“Young Takahashi may have come in first, but compared to the start of the year, you all showed some incredible improvements. Keep working and preparing for your upcoming final exams!”

“Sir!” We all shout.

“Group One, leave the field. You’re up, Group Two!” All Might says.


“Hey, Midoriya! You won’t believe what I just found. The jackpot! Someone shawshanked a hole in this wall! A previous generation has given us a gift. You know what’s next door, right? This looks into the girls’ locker room!” Mineta exclaims.

“Don’t even think about it! Peeping on them like that would be criminal,” Iida yells at him.

“Then you’ll have to throw me in solitary confinement, ‘cause you can’t stop me! I wanna see Yaoyorozu’s curves. Ashido’s slender waist. Hagakure’s floating underwear. Uraraka’s super-fine body. Asui’s unexpectedly soft boobies. Takahashi’s firm butt!”

Kyoka overhears Mineta talking about the hole in the locker room wall with her earphone jack and uses the other one to stab him in the eye though the hole.

“Ugh. Thanks, Kyoka,” Hakagure says as we were getting dressed in our school uniform prior to him trying to peep in.

“Despicable,” Yaoyorozu exclaims. “We’ll close up this hole immediately.”

Why am I the only one he didn’t say anything about? I hear Kyoka think.

“Don’t beat yourself up, Kyoka. I honestly wish he didn’t say anything about me. I need scrub my ears with soap now,” I whisper to her.

She lets out a snort. “Yeah, that was pretty disturbing,” she says.

“I’ll see everyone tomorrow! I’m gonna go ahead and get home!” I say before I make my departure. I take the walk back home alone with my earbuds playing my music a little too loud as to avoid the thoughts of passerby's to flood into my head. When I get home, I greet my family and changed in more comfortable clothing so I can train on more control in our backyard. Before I can begin my mediation/training session, I get a text message.


Hey, are you home? We need to talk


I put my phone in the pocket of my sweatpants and get ready in the backyard. I don’t respond to him as I don’t want to talk—there is nothing to talk about. I need to focus on my Quirk and how to gain better control of it. I take my earbuds and put them back in their case and ready myself to allow my Quirk to activate. I sit cross-legged on the ground and take deep breaths as I use my telekinesis to levitate above the soft grass and simultaneously try to use to my mind reading. Another problem with my ability is trying to use both parts at the same time. Typically when I try, one or the other goes a little haywire—mostly the mind reading part, so in order to better it, I must practice. No matter the headache that I might get afterwards. Multiple thoughts flood in all at once and make it hard to understand any of them, so I begin to try to focus on the ones that are closer to me which actually quiets all lot of them.

Who could be at the door at this time of the day?

Company for Akari?

God, I hope I don’t make a fool of myself.

I begin to differentiate the thoughts enough to make sense of them when I hear these. Is someone at our house? I quickly learn the answer when the back door is opened.

“Akari, Bakugo is here to see you!” My grandmother tells me in a chipper tone.I internally eye roll as I get out of my meditative state and set my bare feet back down to the ground. “Okay, I’ll leave you too alone. Dinner will be ready soon!”

Bakugo stands in front of the now closed door and stares at the ground before looking up at the bandage wrapped around my arm. “Your arm…is it still injured?”

“What does it matter to you?” I ask him.

“Well, I know you well enough to know that you don’t just get injured very easily. An injury on you would have had to come from someone pretty strong. Didn’t Endeavor take down the Hero Killer by himself?”

“You know,” I say, trying to ignore that question entirely, “when someone doesn’t respond back, that typically means they don’t want to talk.”

“Well, I don’t care if you don’t want to talk ‘cause I do!” Bakugo shouts but then seems to regret it immediately.

“Duly noted. Though I don’t think you ever really cared about what I wanted anyway,” I say as I turn my back to him and sit back down in my original spot.

“That’s not true!” Bakugo argues. “Look, I came here because I…I feel bad about what I said to you at the sports festival.”

“As you should,” I respond.

“Hey, I’m trying to apologize here!” He shouts.

“Well, that’s strange because I haven’t heard one yet,” I say to him.

“Because you won’t let me finish!” he yells before also spouting, “I’m not the only one who broke a promise either, you know!”

“What? You wanted me to fight you with only half my Quirk?” I shout back.

“No, but—”

“If you can’t get it through that thick skull of yours—in order to give a fair fight, I had to use my whole Quirk. And what I was trying to say before, was that I was attempting to not my eye contact with you so I wouldn’t accidentally go too deep but screwed up. But no, you were too insecure in yourself to even allow me to explain my mistake and immediately went straight for my parents!” I interrupt him. “And the really sad part of it all is that I was dumb enough to have feelings for someone who thought no differently of me than anyone else. So with that being said, Bakugo, I do not need an apology nor do I want to hear one from someone who will only ever see me as a villain.”

His eyes widen and I can almost hear his own heart dropped when he weakly lets out, “Akari…”

“No, I don’t want to hear it. You hurt me more than physically that day,” I say as I lift my shirt to show the scar of the impact he made on my stomach, and his eyes are glued on it with remorse before I break his gaze by pulling it back down. “So an empty apology won’t just fix what you broke. It will take a lot more than that for me to even consider being friends with you again. Now leave before I make you leave,” I demand.

Without another word, he leaves out the backyard fence in just enough time for him to not see the tears streaming down my face. Why does standing my ground have to be so f*cking painful?

Chapter 32: Save! Rescue Training!

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (59)

This is the report of the USJ attack, committed by the villain alliance. The Hero course class 1-A was participating in a rescue practice and became involved in the incident. Just as the training began, the alliance struck and the alliance used a Quirk to separate the students. The class' teacher and Thirteen fought against the villains, however, Thirteen was gravely injured in their battle with Kurogiri as well as Aizawa and were both left out of the fight. Afterwards, the teacher All Might joined the fray and reversed the situation. The class president, Iida, contacted the remaining professional Heroes and the incident was resolved. As a result, two teachers were injured, but the first year students that managed to overcome the incident were left with a great experience of the realistic nature of fighting villains. However, UA must regain the trust of the people as we are an entity that trains the future defenders of their security. Maybe three years is a short time, but we keep our view on the present. We apologize for having worried the families of the first year students, but we hope to continue counting on your trust and support.

Sincerely, Hero class 1-A homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa.

Four weeks have passed since the attack, and we, Class 1-A, are about to train once more at the USJ.

"I know what happened here was just last month, but rescue is a valuable lesson for all heroes to learn. So let's begin the rescue training," Thirteen says.

"Can you really move, Thirteen?" Uraraka asks with concern.

"My back hurts a bit still, but it's nothing compared to Mr. Aizawa," they respond.

"Class time has already begun, let's start already. We are wasting time," he says as he walks down the stairs impatiently.

"Mr. Aizawa! All Might is supposed to meet us as well. Where is he?" Izukun asks.

"I don't know. Forget about him," he answers dismissively.

That was strange, I think to myself. Did they get into it about something?

We follow them to one of the many training grounds in the facility. "Okay, let's start with the training rescue! There'll be three students at the bottom of the chasm. One of them will be unconscious, the other will have an injured leg, and the last will be very worried," Thirteen explains the training. Kirishima and Kaminari look over the edge and scream by how deep the break in the ground is.

"That's so far down!" Kirishima exclaims.

"How are we supposed to get down there?" Kaminari asks.

"What are you saying?" Iida shouts as he runs over to where they are. He bends over the edge and begins shouting down below, "Are you okay?! Do not worry, we will save you!"

"You're too fast," Kirishima says.

"Even though you're the only one pretending..." Kaminari mutters.

"Let's save them! Let's do our best, Deku!" Uraraka exclaims.

"Well, the injured will be..." Thirteen begins, "Midoriya, Uraraka, and Iida!"

I laugh and say, "I guess you won't be doing much saving!"

"Alright, you four are the ones who will rescue them," Mr. Aizawa says to Todoroki, Tokoyami, Yaoyorozu, and Bakugo. "You may use these objects in order to do so," he explains as he gestures to the rope and a gurney.

"Wait. Why do I have to save Deku?" Bakugo shouts in irritation, but no one cares to bother with a response.

"Help us! Please!" Iida shouts, playing the role of a victim.

"Let's begin," Todoroki says to the group. "Who is going down?"

"That bastard is trying to lead. I will have to teach him," Bakugo mutters. "Just blow up the mountain and that's it!"

"Are you crazy?" Yaoyorozu scolds.

"He doesn't think. He acts by instinct," Tsu says.

"Midoriya and the rest are in trouble," Kaminari says in fear of Bakugo's potential rash actions.

Todoroki ignores Bakugo's idea and speaks to the others. "Yaoyorozu, create a pulley. We'll make a way to pull them up. Let's start with the ones that are unconscious. Tokoyami will go down. Bakugo, Yaoyorozu, and I will pull."

"Bastard! Stop deciding on your own!" Bakugo yells at him as he places his gauntlet right under his chin.

"It's the best way," Todoroki explains.

"Huh?" Bakugo growls.

"If you only going to think of it as a game, then don't even bother participating," Todoroki says as he slaps his arm off him. "But I'm not going to waste my time in this training."

"W-who is the one playing?!" Bakugo angrily asks.

"Stop!" Yaoyorozu yells at him. "You are being pathetic! Besides, there is one thing we must do before anything else!" She tells both on of them before running over to the edge to talk to the fallen. "Please keep calm! We will get you out right away!"

"Please, hurry!" Iida shouts.

"You're finally here! We're saved!" Izukun says, playing along.

"The first thing we should do is reassure the victims. There will occasions where you cannot save people because they are too desperate and panicking, so reassuring them can increase the chance in being able to save them," she explains.

"Tch," Bakugo says as he looks away.

"If you won't do this properly, then what use is this training class to you?" She scolds him.

"Impressive," Kirishima says. "She's very good."

"Yes, very good," Mineta says as he stares at her butt.

"You're garbage!" Kirishima yells at him, and I telekinetically make him fall face first into the ground. Kirishima gives me a high five as I continue to push him into the dirt for a little while longer.

I go back to watching the training to see the four of them work together to create a pulley system together and begin lowering Tokoyami. "Tokoyami, descend slowly using the rope!" Yaoyorozu tells him.

"Got it!" He responds back. He makes it to the ground and uses Dark Shadow to carry the "unconscious" Uraraka up in the gurney to safety. Dark Shadow pushes up the gurney until it reaches where the sunlight hits the rocks and backs away to allow the other three to pull her up the remainder of the way.

"Thank you, Heroes!" Iida shouts.

"Uraraka, what are you laughing about?" Yaoyorozu asks her.

"It's just that Iida is being super serious. It's funny!" She lets out between giggles.

"I thinks it's wonderful, it's not a laughing manner," Yaoyorozu says in confusion.

"I'm sorry, but even so..." she says as she laughs more.

"Let's pull the next one up," Todoroki says as he prepares the pulley again.

"Shut up, just do it," Bakugo says as he helps.

"Rescuing people without your Quirk is quite a taxing job. That's how modern heroes must shine!" Thirteen says.

"But he's only pulling," Sero says interrupting.

"Shut up, bastards!" Bakugo yells.

"He judged he could not use his Quirk, and has been acting the right way. Both of these actions are correct," Thirteen explains.

"Huh?" Sero lets out.

"He is acting in a normal way. There's a lot of professional who are incapable of doing it. They always think of themselves and when they encounter a challenging situation, they would rather not face it. When you manage to understand and remember this, you will pass. I'm sure he will become a beautiful hero!" Thirteen says.

"No, he'll never be beautiful," Sero retorts which makes me let out a snort.

"What did you say, bastard?" He shouts, but he continues to focus on the rescue.

After a couple rotations, Mr. Aizawa says, "The next training is the last one."

"Alright," Uraraka says after splinting Tsu's leg and trying her to the rope when she makes her way down. "Tsu, it may be a little scary, but try not to move."

"Ribbit," Tsu says, and Uraraka touches her shoulder to use her Quirk.

"Let's pull her up, Midoriya," Ojiro says.

"I'll take care of it," he says but is a little shocked to see her floating up.

"Uraraka, you can do it now!" Ojiro tells her.

"Release!" She says.

"Safe!" Izukun says after catching Tsu bridal style when she was no longer weightless.

"Midoriya, put me down. It's embarrassing," Tsu says, and they both begin to blush. "Even though my legs are bandaged, this is wrong." Freaking some more, he finally puts her down.

"We've rescued everyone!" Ojiro says to Thirteen.

"Okay, we're done," she exclaims.

"It seems we were not included because we are not as efficient for the job," Sato says.

"It's unfair," Aoyama whines.

"It is," Sato agrees.

"That's not true!" I say, trying to reassure them. "There's just only so much time to go through the training, so they're probably just cutting down so we can finish on time!"

"Yeah, but I still wanted to have a go at it," Sato says before we all joined the huddle.

"That was a great job for your first time," Thirteen says after we all group up around them. "But we still have more battle scenarios prepared, so there's still more to go."

I nudge Sato's side and whisper, "See?"

"There's even more?" Kaminari mutters in annoyance.

"Everyone focus! Class is still in session," Mr. Aizawa lectures before we follow them to a new location.

"Now we continue in this setting. Unlike the first training, there will be different situations. The purpose of this scenario is to give a more genuine experience. The injured can be anywhere and we don't know in what state they may be. You'll have 8 minutes to spread out and 5 of you will be the rescuers. The other 16 must hide in whichever place they wish. 8 of the hidden may not speak. I will select them," Thirteen explains.

"We are playing hide and seek!" Mina exclaims.

"It's almost like hide and seek. Okay, the 5 that will search, are them," she says as she points to Bakugo, Mineta, Uraraka, Izukun, and me.

"Why do I have to do it with Deku?!" Bakugo shouts.

"I should be asking the same about you," I retort back at him which silences him.

"When you carry the victims, you may have touch their chest or their ass! Is that considered an evil deed?" Mineta asks.

"You're forbidden from carrying them, Mineta," Izukun tells him in a stern voice. Man, even Izukun can't stand him, I think to myself.

"You have 2 minutes to hide. Let the training begin!" Thirteen yells to those who are already running to hiding spots. "Don't forget that no situation is strange in this case," she says. "Start!"

"Alright! Let's look nearby!" Izukun says.

"Got it!" I respond.

"There's no need!" Bakugo argues. "Follow me, garbage!" He uses his explosions to blast himself fast into the air.

"What's with that guy?! He's too rash!" Mineta shouts angrily.

"It can't be helped. Let's search first for the ones that can speak," Izukun says.

"Yes!" Uraraka agrees.

"Actually, can you find the ones who can't speak, Takahashi?" Mineta asks.

"Akari,” I correct, “And technically in this training I could, but in a real life situation, if they are unconscious, then I can't because they wouldn't have any conscious thoughts for me to hear, so using it wouldn’t be realistic," I answer.

“Oh, okay,” Mineta says.

"Okay, a lot of time has passed since the fight, let's go!" Izukun says, bringing us back on topic.

"Okay!" Mineta answers.

"Let's go!" Uraraka says and we all split up in different directions.


Todoroki hides in a destroyed building with a treadmill tilted in the rubble. He stares at it, making a childhood memory resurface.

Young Todoroki pants on his hands and knees in front of a treadmill when his father walks into the room. "Shoto," his father's deep voice booms into the quiets room. Todoroki turns his head in fear. "You can't give up now. Since you are my successor."

"I will not be as you want," he says aloud to himself while staring down at his left arm.

"What a face," a voice says.

"Who are you?" Todoroki shouts as he stands to his feet. Rubble falls more and creates a huge amount of smoke.

"I don't think that's the face of a hero," the voice says. The smoke begins to clear, revealing a tall muscular man with a gas mask on.

"Who the hell is he?" Todoroki asks himself.

"It's a simple façade," he says as he approaches him.

Wearing a mask and here at the USJ...Can it be? He was hidden for this long? Todoroki thinks to himself. He uses his ice on the villain, but he dodges.

"Too slow!" He says as he comes in from behind him. Todoroki gasps as the villain raises his arm to make an attack.


Looking through all the rubble, I find a certain redhead in a deep hole that was once a building. "Hold on! I'll get you out!" I shout as I look around the environment to ensure the place is safe.

"Aw, man! How did you find me?" Kirishima asks.

I ignore the question and say, "Okay, Kirishima, I need you to remain as still as possible. I'm going to use my Quirk to get you out, so I don't want you to freak out."

"You got it, Akari," he says to me with a sweet smile. Staying focus on the "mission", I use telekinesis to lift him out of the rubble and to the safety of the street.

"You're getting a lot better with your Quirk," he compliments.

"Thanks,” I answer shyly. Kirishima opens his mouth to say something else, but before he could, we hear someone screaming.

"Run away!" I hear Iida shout in the far distance.

"Wasn't he one of the injured? What's going on?" Kirishima asks aloud.

"I don't know, let's find out," I say as I sneak around a building and peek around to see what the commotion is all way out. Then, coming out of a wave of smoke, a large man comes out of nowhere.

"It's a villain!" Iida says.

"What is he doing here?!" Uraraka asks in shock.

"Was he hiding?" Jiro asks right after.

"Oh, no," I mutter.

"What is is?" Kirishima asks as his body is pressed into mine and is looking at the scene from above me.

Trying to keep focus, I tell him, "Todoroki! The villain has taken him hostage!"

"This can't be...he has Todoroki—the strongest one in our class!" Jiro exclaims.

"That's why you should hurry to Mr. Aizawa," Iida says to them. Everyone else soon come out of their hiding spots and see the massive villain in the street.

Ojiro runs past us to the teachers and I hear him tell them, "Mr. Aizawa, there's a villain!"

"What a situation...we're too injured to fight," he responds as he looks over the scene.

"Run! Quickly, head to the exit," Thirteen says to all of us.

"You won't escape—I will finish you all!" The villain growls before stomping the ground in super strength. The ground shakes heavily, making us lose our balance as the buildings around us begin to fall. When the smoke clears, I look around to see that he cleared everything around him and making it impossible for any sneak attacks to occur.

"What is going on?" Mineta shouts in shock.

"So strong!" Kaminari says in fear.

"How was such a guy was hidden?" Kirishima asks flabbergasted.

"Alright," the villain says. "Now the terrain is clear. No one will escape!"

"Hurry! Run away!" Thirteen shouts, revealing they were pushed further away from us, but soon after, Bakugo appears and goes head first into the fight with the villain. He makes an attack, but the villain blocks it, and he jumps back.

"You run, I will defeat him!" He shouts to everyone.

"You have guts to decide something like that in such a moment!" The villain smarts off to him.

"What an idiot! Why doesn't he think?! It's obvious he's much stronger!" Mineta says.

"You're wrong. Kacchan is not the kind of person who doesn't think. He is doing what he must in order to save the rest of us!" Izukun explains.

"As much as this pains me to say, he's right. He's giving us the ability to escape," I say.

"It's over!" the villain shouts as he gets restless of fighting with him.

"Be careful!" Iida shouts as the villain makes another attack, but Bakugo evades it by jumping over the villain and getting behind him to make an explosion directly to his back.

"Hey! Don't worry about the others! Don't just stand there! Make those weaklings run away!" Bakugo demands the villain, and then to us.

"Why do you have to insult others?" Iida asks in irritation.

"Hey, Bakugo!" Kirishima says as he steps forward as I do the same. "Who do you mean by 'those weaklings'?"

"We are the 21 students of class A," Yaoyorozu says as she steps forward, too.

"How brave," the villain mocks. "However..." he pauses as he moves his arm and rubble begins flying from his momentum.

"I'll take care of this!" Aoyama yells as he uses his laser to breaks most of the rubble into almost sand. One giant piece of rubble that didn't get obliterated, comes straight for me when Kirishima uses his hardening Quirk to stop it while breaking it the process. Everyone begins to all use their Quirks against the villain all the while looking out for each other to make sure no one gets hurt.

Yaoyorozu makes a cannon that shoots out a net, and Sero uses his tape to wrapped him up in order restrain him. "Now!" She shouts, and many of my classmates advance toward him in different directions, but he manages to break through sooner than what we thought and with the momentum of his movements, he pushes everyone away.

"I didn't think you would all come to attack me. It's unexpected, but with something so simple, I—" the villain begins to say, but is interrupted by Bakugo making more surprise attacks on him, but all are failing.

"Kacchan..." Izukun mutters before his facial expression changes. "Iida, Mineta, Uraraka, Asui, Akari-Chan! I have an idea!"

Bakugo continues to fight, but after the villain throws him once more, he sits on one knee and pants. "It seems you are tired. Time to end this," the villain says.

"Don't make me laugh!" Bakugo says as he stands back unto his feet. "I'm barely getting started!"

I use my Quirk to read the immediate thoughts and quickly shout, “Izukun!”

"Now!" Izukun shouts in response.

"Here I go!" Uraraka says as she touches Izukun's hand to make him weightless.

"Asui!" He shouts and she grabs a hold of him by her tongue to keep him from floating up too high.

"Call me Tsu!" She scolds him as she swings herself in order to make him fly forward even faster.

Bakugo makes another hit on the villain, but it does nothing to put him down. "No matter how much you try..."

Before he can finish, Izukun yells Uraraka's name. "Release!" She shouts and Izukun uses one of Mineta's balls, that is stuck on his glove, to attached it to Todoroki's bag and pulls him out of the villain's grasp. I keep him from losing momentum and direct him to safety.

"He got him out at the same time as the explosion?!" The villain says in shock.

"He did it!" Uraraka exclaims. Izukun takes Todoroki out of harms way and removes his glove so he is no longer stuck to him and makes his attack on the villain. Even with all that power and precision, it doesn't seem to faze the villain.

"Weaklings should step aside!" Bakugo shouts as he takes this opportunity to make another attack as the villain is still fighting Izukun's. "I will kill him! Die!" He shouts as he powers up two strong explosions in his hands and manage to get directly in front of the villain before exploding them right into his abdomen. The momentum of the explosion throws him right to a rubble pile covered in Mineta's sticky balls.

"He did it! The plan worked perfectly!" Mineta exclaims.

"Yes! He flew straight towards the spheres!" Iida says. "Just as you planned, Midoriya!"

"That's good," he says in relief.

"We did it!" Uraraka says as she runs toward him.

"Impressive," Tsu says following behind her.

"Thank you, it was thanks to you!" He answers. "And also..." he says as he stares into Bakugo's direction....the one that understood my plan and followed it until the end, sending the villain flying with an explosion. You're impressive, I hear Midoriya think to himself. I have to agree, though. Even though Bakugo is always after Izukun, us knowing each other for as long as we have has helped us make plans with each other without even having to say a word.

"I-I can't move," the villain says.

Bakugo walks over to him and shouts, "Now it's time for the final touch!"

"W-wait! I, I!" The villain says as he squirms, and I begin reading his current thought.

In shock I run after Bakugo and shout, "No, stop, Kacchan!"

"Huh?" He says as he turns back to look at me in confusion.

"It's not a real villain! Look!" I say as I point at the man right before he manages to get out of the mask that's stuck on one of the balls. All Might.

"I am here!" he shouts.

"All Might?!" Both Bakugo and Izukun shout simultaneously.

He laughs. "I wanted to make a surprise in which a villain appeared in the end! Kinda like when you were here that it happened. But you did a great job. I wouldn't expect any less from the Hero Course..." he stops talking when he notices that everyone is standing around him and glaring. "That...I'm sorry."

"You went overboard, moron!" Bakugo, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Sero yell at him at the same time. Everyone joins in and begins yelling at him as well, and I step away from all of the commotion as too many thoughts were coming through.

"Todoroki!" Izukun says as he begins to walk up behind him. I go over to them to check on him.

Bakugo follows along as well and shouts, "You were in on the surprise?!"

He lowers his head. "Sorry."

"How cruel, All Might!" I can hear Mina say.

"I'm sorry, it wasn't serious," All Might says remorseful.

"Midoriya harmed his finger! Don't you think that's a bad image for the school?!" Iida scolds.

"Don't do it again!" Uraraka yells as Izukun walks back over to where they are. "Right, Deku?"

Izukun sits down on the ground and says, "Well, I'm glad it was just a surprise."

"Young Midoriya..." All Might says.

"Don't go 'Young Midoriya'!" Iida scolds.

"Deku, let's go see Recovery Girl!" Uraraka says and they being to leave together.

“Wait, we’reabout 15 minutes away by car from the school, we should all just get to the school together!” I remind them.

“Takahashi is right. Class is dismissed now, so everyone please make your back to bus. We will debrief once we are back in our classroom,” Mr. Aizawa says.


It is the end of class, and I’m almost off school grounds when I hear my name being called.“Akari! Stop!”

I take a deep breath and turn around. “What do you want, Bakugo?”

“About the rescue training…” he mutters out but doesn’t finish.

“I slipped up on your name. I’m sorry, it won’t happen again,” I answer and begin to turn back to walk off.

“Hey, Akari!” I hear another voice call.

Knowing the voice well, I say as direct myself in its direction,“Yes, Kirishima?”

“I was gonna see if you wanted to hang out tonight. Possibly train some more?” He asks me.

I smile. “I’m sorry, not tonight. I’m sure Bakugo would love to train with you, though.”

Before he could object, Kirishima looks over to him and says, “What’d you think, man? Think you can beat me?”

“What kind of question is that? Of course I can!” He shouts.

“Okay, you guys have fun! Next time, Kirishima!” I say as I wave at them.

“See ya, Akari!” Kirishima says as Bakugo stares at me with an unreadable expression across his face.

Chapter 33: Gear Up For Final Exams

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (60)

"Welcome back to our live show. For our next topic—is it really necessary for heroes to dress sexily? Let's ask our very special studio guests what they think. She's the rookie hero who debuted just this year. It's Mt. Lady! And she's a pro who's currently teaching at U.A. High School; the incomparable Midnight! Thank you so much for joining us! Please, have a seat. Let's start with you, Midnight. When you first debuted, your revealing outfit caused quite a stir. In fact, it eventually led to the 'Regulations for Exposed Skin in Costumes' bill being taken before the legislature. You're a hero whose sexiness changed the very laws of the country," the talk show hosts says.

"Her costume's still pretty racy," Mt. Lady inputs.

Giving her a side eye, she says, "Now I rely on ultra-thin fabrics. Because of the nature of some people's Quirks, clothing can restrict their abilities Sexiness isn't just an aesthetic, it's sometimes needed so we can do our jobs well. Besides, what's more attractive than a hero who can get the job done quickly?"

"I think you just like the attention," Mt. Lady argues.

"What's with you, Lady? Are you trying to start a fight?" Midnight snaps.

"Of course not! I look up to you! I think you're amazing! For someone of you age," she smarts off.

"You can act like the blushing ingénue all you want, but you're not that young yourself, you know," Midnight says angrily.

"All I'm saying is if the older pros try too hard, then the rest of us have to go even harder!" Mt. Lady yells. They begin shouting back and forth making me turn the TV off quickly to try to concentrate on my studies. So much for having background noise, I think to myself. I'll just play some music instead.


"All right. That's it for class today. There's only one week left before you final exams begin. I'm sure you're all studying constantly, right?" Mr. Aizawa asks us. "Don't forget to keep training. The written exam is only one element. There's also the practical portion to worry about. Good luck." He leaves the room and shuts the door behind him.

—"I've barely even taken notes this semester!" Both Kaminari (ranking: 21/21) and Mina (ranking: 20/21) exclaim though Kaminari is more concerned than Mina who is laughing.

"And with the sports festival and internship, I didn't have time to read the textbook," Kaminari whines.

"It's true that we haven't had very much free time lately," Tokoyami (ranking: 15/21) agrees.

"We'd barely learned anything when we took our midterms, so they didn't seem all that hard, but I'm kinda worried about these. We've been through a lot, and they probably won't pull any punches when it comes to testing us," Sato (ranking: 13/21) says to Koda (ranking: 12/21).

"As someone ranked in the top ten, I'm not that concerned," Mineta (ranking: 10/21) says overly confident.

—"What? You were tenth in the midterms?!" Mina and Kaminari exclaims in shock at him.

"Aw, man, and here I thought you were one of us!" Mina says seething.

"Don't you know weirdo little creeps like you are only likable if they're kind of stupid?!" Kaminari says to him. "Who's going to love you now?!"

"Everyone. Trust me," he responds.

"Highly...unlikely..." I (ranking: 6/21) say to him in disgust.

"Ashido, Kaminari! We've still got time to study! That way, we'll all get to go to the training camp together," Izukun (ranking: 4/21) says to them with a determined look on his face. "Right?"

"Yes!" Iida (ranking: 2/21) "As class rep, I have high hopes that a we'll make U.A. proud."

"It's pretty hard to fail if you just pay attention in class, isn't it?" Todoroki (ranking: 5/21) says bluntly.

"Why you gotta cut me down like that?" Kaminari whines.

"Hey, don't worry about it, you two, I can catch you up to speed on the important topics, it you want," Momo (ranking: 1/21) says to them.

—"You're the best, Yao-Momo!" Kaminari and Mina say simultaneously.

"I'm afraid I won't be any help when it comes to the practical, though," she answers sulking.

"I've been studying, but...could you help me out, too?" Kyoka (ranking: 8/21) asks her. "I'm having some trouble understanding quadratic functions."

"Really?" Momo looks up in shock of someone else wanting help from her.

"Tutor me, please! Classical Japanese is killing me!" Sero (ranking 18/21) begs her.

"Is there room for one more?" Ojiro (ranking 9/21) asks awkwardly. "I'm afraid I'm falling behind a little.

—"Pretty please?" They ask altogether.

Momo gasps in happiness. "This is wonderful! Yes, let's do it!" She exclaims, jumping out of her seat.

—"All right!"

"Okay, then. We can hold a study session at my residence over the weekend," she says.

"Seriously?! I can't wait to see your fancy digs!" Mina exclaims.

"Oh! I must call Mother and have her prepare the great hall for us to set up; it'll be the perfect spot! What kind of tea does everyone like? I'll make sure we're stocked. In my family, we always drink Harrods or Wedgwood, so if you have any other preference, let me know! When we're finished, you'll all be model students! I'll make it my personal duty to push you forward," Momo rambles on, but I still can't get over how rich she is. I know she's not trying to act like it, but she really is showing that she's a much higher class than the rest of us...but it's still adorable regardless.

"About that tea—I'm not so sure about the hairy one," Kaminari says.

"No—it's from Harrods," she explains.

"Sounds like I should be studying with her," Kirishima (ranking: 16/21) jokes with Bakugo and winks at me to show that he's messing with him since we, unfortunately, sit just a seat away from each other.

"You think I don't know enough?! Maybe I should beat the lessons into your skull!" Bakugo (ranking: 3/21) says, obviously jealous.

"Ha. I'm counting on it," he says to him.

“If you like, Kirishima, we could train if you want since I skipped out the last time,” I say to him.

He gives me a genuine smile and says, “That would be great!”

“Great, just text me when you’re free. I’m pretty much available whenever,” I tell him.

“You got it!” He says, giving me a thumbs up.

“Tch,” Bakugo mutters out in annoyance, but I ignore him.

"Ha. Everyone's panicking right now, but it won't do them any good to cram this late in the game," Aoyama (ranking:19/21) says.

"Shouldn't you be more concerned?" Shoji (ranking: 11/21) asks him. "You didn't do very well in the midterms."

"Are you talking about moi? I did just fine, thank you," he says, but his face say otherwise. We all collectively go to the cafeteria for lunch. I decide to sit at Izukun’s table and take a seat next to Todoroki.

"I'm kinda scared about the practical," Izukun says. "I have no idea what it's gonna be."

"Hard to believe they'd give us anything too crazy," Iida says.

"The written exam questions will all be stuff from class so..." Izukun pauses to take a bite of food "...I should at least be able to do those."

"Do you really think it's going to be that simple?" Urara—Ochaco (ranking: 14/21) says anxiously.

"It's driving me nuts. I just wanna know that they'll have us doing," Izukun says, not noticing Ochaco's anxiety.

"It's a comprehensive test of everything we learned this year," Hagakure (ranking: 17/21) says.

"Yup, and that's about all we could get Mr. Aizawa to tell us," Tsu (ranking: 7/21) adds as she tears apart her roll.

"Okay, so then it'll cover combat training and rescue training," Ochaco thinks aloud. "Oh, and basic training."

"We can't just study—we have to stay in great physical shape—" Izukun says, but gets cut off by an elbow to the head.

"Oh, sorry. Your head's so big that it's hard to miss," Monoma from class 1B mocks.

I stand up from my seat and go into defensive mode. “Do you want to say that again? I don’t think I heard you correctly,” I say, raising my voice.

"You're from Class 1B. Um, Monoma, right? That really hur—" Izukun says, trying to diffuse the situation, but gets interrupted.

"I heard you guys stumbled across the Hero Killer. Just like in the sports festival, Class 1A isn't happy unless they're the center of attention. But you do realize you're not in the spotlight because people think you're good heroes, right? It's just that you keep getting into so much trouble. Here's food for thought: someday, the rest of us might get caught up in your mess, and then we'll all become unwilling victims as well. What kind of horrible villains will you bring down upon us? What demon—" before he can finish, Kendo comes over and slaps him across the face. He falls to the ground, and she grabs his food tray so it doesn't fall with him.

"That's not funny, Monoma," Kendo scolds. "You heard what happened to Iida! Chill out!"

"Kendo!" Iida says.

"I apologize for him," she says as she looks in our direction. "I'm pretty sure there's a hole where his heart should be. Mm. So I was listening...I know you're all worried about what's going to be on the big final practical. I heard it's gonna be combat against robots, like the entrance exams."

Everyone gasps and Izukun asks, "What? Really? How do you know that?"

"One of my friends who's a few grades up filled me in," she explains. "I know—cheating—but oh well."

"No, I don't think so," Izukun says and he begins muttering. "I'm sure gathering information ahead of time is also a part of the test. I definitely should've found an upperclassman to ask. Darn it, why didn't I think about that before?"

"What kind of idiot are you, Kendo?" Monoma says, coming back to. "You just gave away our whole strategic advantage! This was our chance to finally pull ahead if that class full of idiots."

She hits a pressure point in the back of his neck and says while dragging him away from us, "They're not the idiots!"

"She's like their class' big sister, huh?" Izukun acknowledges.

“I’ve lost my appetite,” I say as I gesture to my food tray allowing them to take whatever they desire. “I’m going to get some air.”

“Oh, uh, okay,” Izukun says. I walk out of the cafeteria and out to an outdoor sitting area and gaze off. I’m used to people talking to me like that, but to people I consider my friends…it makes me pissed. Though if I react with anger, people will assume that I’m bad and that I don’t deserve to be her. I hate the predicaments that I’m always put in. I sit here for the rest of time when the bell rings for us to return to class. I take my time back to class when I hear them talking about the practical exam.

—"Alright!" Mina and Kaminari shouts.

"This'll be super easy if it's just robots!" Kaminari exclaims.

"Such awesome news!" Mina adds.

"Why do you sound so happy? You both have a hard time controlling your Quirks," Shoji tells them.

"Yeah, but I can let loose with robots!" Kaminari shouts.

"And melting them'll be a cinch for me!" Mina says.

"Now you just need Yaoyorozu to help you study and you'll be all set for the finals," Sero says to them.

—"We'll definitely be able to go to the training camp now!" They say together as I make my way back to my seat.

"It shouldn't matter if it's robots or actual people," Bakugo speaks up. "Why are you morons so excited?"

"Hey, who are you calling a moron?!" Kaminari shouts.

"Shut up! You need to learn how to control your Quirk! Ya got it?" Bakugo scolds them. "Hey! Deku! I don't know what's goin' on with your power, but I saw the way you're using it now, and I want you to know—it's seriously pissing me off."

"Uh-oh. He must mean how Deku was flying around like him the other day," Ochaco whispers.

"Oh, yeah, totally," Mina whispers back.

"I won't have another half-assed win like the festival. We'll be getting individual scores in the upcoming final—new rankings. So we'll all know exactly where we're standing! I'll show you how much better I am. And Todoroki? I'll kill you, too," he says angrily. He glimpses at me, and he looks like he wants to say something smart to me as well but ends up walking out of the classroom and slamming the door shut instead. Where is he even going? It’s like him make a scene and walk away,I think to myself.

"It's been a while since I've seen him that worked up," Kirishima says as he awkwardly scratches the back of his head.

"Think it's impatience? Or hatred?" Tokoyami asks.

“Either way, it’s immature,” I say.


Mr. Aizawa stands behind a wall holding on to a clipboard and pen—invisible to anyone in the hall, but close enough to hear what just happened.'re getting worse than I thought, he thinks to himself.


With not much time left until finals, I spend most of my time studying and training my Quirk every waking moment. I’m in the zone when my phone dings. I look at it to see a message from a certain someone.


Hey, u busy?


Just studying. What’s up?


U want to study together b4 training later?


Yeah, sounds good. Just send me your location




After he sends me his location, I put all my textbooks and notes in my backpack and get dressed in some comfortable work out clothes for after. I take at myself in the mirror for approval before heading to meet him at one of the diners nearby. “Hey!” I say to him when I find him sitting alone at table.

He looks up at me and his eyes light up. “Hey, Akari!”

“Why is she here?” I hear an annoyed voice say behind me.

“I should be asking the same thing,” I ask, annoyed as hell.

“I just thought it would be nice to have my two favorite people together!” Kirishima say, happily. Is he doing this on purpose, or does he really have no idea?

“Forget it,” Bakugo says, beginning to leave.

“Just stay, Bakugo. I promise I’ll play nice,” I tell him.

“Tch, whatever,” he says as he takes his seat in the booth while leaving space for me, but I don’t take it and instead make Kirishima scoot over. Play nice my ass, I hear Bakugo think as he rolls his eyes.

We begin studying with each other, and I let myself relax around Bakugo as if nothing has happened between us. I even laugh so hard that tears fall down my face when Bakugo starts shouting at Kirishima and hitting him in the head with a notebook because he’s frustrated that Kirishima is just not getting it.

“How about another perspective?” I say through laughs, and begin to show him another way to look at it.

“Ooooh, okay, that makes so much more sense! Thanks for dumbing it down for me, Akari!” he says with an shy smile.

I laugh. “I wouldn’t say I ‘dumbed it down’, it just different from Kac-Bakugo’s explanations. He tends to forgets that not everyone thinks like him. Isn’t that right?” I say as I playfully joke with Bakugo.

He looks at me with an unreadable expression before reverting back to his normal, angst one and says, “Tch. Whatever.”

“Well, are we ready to ditch studying and get to the fun stuff?” Kirishima asks.

“What do you think, Bakugo? Should we give him a break and go train?” I ask him.

He shrugs. “Sure.”


It wasn’t long until the finals are upon us and we are tested on every subject imaginable it feels.

"All right, put your pencils down. The last person in each row, bring the answer sheets to me," Mr. Aiwaza says.

"Thanks so much for all your help!" Mina shouts at Momo, who is grabbing the answer sheets from my row.

"I didn't leave anything blank at least!" Kaminari exclaims.

I sigh in relief. Our third day of written exams are finally over, and now my brain can have some ounce of a break as the practical portion is the remaining thing left for the exams. When it is finally time for the practical exam, we all are lead to the Center Plaza after getting into our costumes. A group of pro hero teacher stood together when we arrive.

"Now then...Let's begin the last test," Mr. Aizawa says. "Remember, it's possible to fail this final. If you wanna go to camp, then don't make any stupid mistakes."

"Uh, why are all the teachers here?" Kyoka asks the burning question we all are dying to know.

"I expect many of you have gathered information and believe you have some idea of what you'll be faced with today," he answers.

"We're fighting those big ol' metal robots!" Kaminari shouts.

"Fireworks! S'mores! Here we come, camp!" Mina shouts right after.

Movement occurs in Mr. Aizawa's scarf and a familiar voice surfaces. "Actually, this year's tests..." the voice pauses as Principal Nezu appears from the scarf, "...will be completely different, for various reasons."

—"Principal Nezu!" Kyoka, Ojiro, and Sero exclaim simultaneously.

"You're changing things?" Momo asks with worry in her voice.

"The tests now have a new focus. There will be Hero work, of course. But also teamwork and combat between actual people. So what does that mean for you? You students will be working together in groups and your opponents will be one of our esteemed U.A. teachers! Isn't that fabulous?!"

Everyone, including me, gasps in fear. "We're...fighting the teachers?" Ochaco clarifies.

"Additionally, your partners and your opponents have already been chosen. They were determined at my discretion based on various factors, including fighting style, grades, and interpersonal relationships," Mr. Aizawa explains in detail. "First, Yaoyorozu and Todoroki are a team...against me. Then we have Midoriya grouped with Bakugo and Takahashi." We all gasp and look at each other in shock. "And their opponent is..." before he can say, someone jumps down from some unforeseen height.

"I am here to fight!" All Might shouts.

—"We're up against All Might?!" We all say at the same.

"You're going to have to work together if you want to win," he says with a competitive tone.


~A few days ago~

"With the connection between the Hero Killer Stain and the League of Villains, it's possible criminal everywhere will become much bolder," Nezu says as many of the Pro Hero teacher sit at the U-shaped table in the meeting room.

"It'd be best if we could start preparing for that before it happens," Snipe says. "As a school, we should be taking every precaution. If fights against villains are gonna continue to intensify in the future, then having the kids train against robots ain't practical. Originally, we used 'em to avoid complaints about people getting injured in the entrance exams, but they're just not challenging enough."

"We can ignore the complaints," Eraserhead interjects, "Let people say whatever they want."

"This sounds like it could be problematic," Midnight says.

"I understand why you want to change the exam, but having students fight us? Even if they're in teams of two, is that a good idea?" Cementoss asks.

"Yeah, I think it's a bit unfair," Thirteen adds.

"If we win too easily, we won't be able to give them actual grades, yo," Present Mic says.

"Of course, we would take that into consideration and give the students an advantage," Snipe explains.

"Principal, what are you thinking?" Eraserhead asks.

"I believe I agree," he answers. "We need to change the practical exam to reflect the current times. How do we ensure the students aren't put in life-threatening situations? The answer is simple. We must push them. We make sure that they're as strong as possible."

"That makes sense," Midnight says.

"I agree," Thirteen responds.

"Right, then let's talk about the teams," Eraserhead begins. "First, Todoroki. He's doing quite well generally speaking, but relies too much on brute force. And Yaoyorozu is an all-a rounder, but lacks the ability to make spur-of-the-moment decisions and apply them. Therefore, I'll erase their Quirks and take advantage of their weaknesses."

"Sounds good," the group of teachers say altogether.

"Next, for Midoriya, Bakugo, and Takahashi, I'm leaving them to you, All Might. In this case, I didn't group the three of them up based on ability or class work. I went with relationships. I know you've got a soft spot for Midoriya. Please ensure that they learn something."


"And now, let's announce the teams and the teachers they'll be fighting in order!" Principal Nezu says.

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"To complete the exam, you'll have 30 minutes," Principal Nezu explains. "In order to win, your objectives is to put these handcuff on your teacher, or you can win if one of you manages to escape from the combat stage."

"So we've either got to capture the teacher or run away. It's basically like the combat training," Kaminari says.

"Yeah, but is it really okay to just jet?" Mina asks.

Principal Nezu gives a thumbs up and answers, "Yup."

"It's going to be much different then the combat training y'all went through earlier. After all, you're up against people way better than you!" Present Mic says with confidence.

"Better? Really? Wait, aren't you just the announcer?" Kyoka says to him while Koda tries to get her to stop talking.

"Hey, watch your mouth, girl—have some respect!" He scolds her.

"This time, your exam will be very similar to a real battle," Thirteen says. "As strange as it is, please think of us as villains."

"Assume you've come across your enemy. If you think you can win against them, then fight. However..." Snipe begins.

" instances where you're outmatched, it would be smarter to run away and find help," Mr. Aizawa finishes. "Todoroki. Iida. Midoriya. Takahashi. I'm sure the four of you understand."

"I won't make that mistake again," Iida says quietly as he looks down at the arm that was damaged in the battle. "I will pass this test and prove that I'm a hero!"

"So we fight to win...or run to win," Midoriya mutters.

"That's right!" All Might says. "It's a test of your decision-making skills. But with these rules, you're probably thinking your only real choice is to flee. That's why the support course made these super-clever accessories for us."

Present Mic lifts something up that looks like a bracelet made of metal. "Behold! Ultra-compressed weights!"

"These babies will add about half our body weight to our physiques," All Might explains as the teachers begin putting them on their wrists and ankles. "It's not much, but they will eat up our stamina and make it harder for us to move around," he continues as he put two of the bracelets on his wrists. He grunts and says while struggling, "Oh, shoot...these are heavier than I thought. We had a contest to come up with these designs, and Young Hatsume ended up winning it."

"Wow, good for Hatsume," Izukun says, impressed.

"You think we need a handicap to win against you?" Bakugo asks him. "Well think again."

“Bakugo!” I scold as I know damn well that we need all the help we can get to have a chance against him.

All Might laughs and says with spine-chilling tone, "This will be fun."

"Let's begin. The teams will take the practical exam in the order you were called. We have a stage prepared for you. Sato, Kirishima. You're up," Mr. Aizawa says.

—"Yes, sir," they say together.

"Those waiting their turn to fight can either watch the exams or try to strategize together as a team, It's your choice. That's all," he says as he walks with the rest of the teachers who are going to their designated area.

"Ojiro, I'd like to discuss how we might be able to coordinate the use of our Quirks," Iida says to him.

"Great," he responds.

"Tokoyami? Let's go come up with a plan," Tsu says.


"We've got to figure out a way to destroy Ms. Midnight's costume!" Mineta exclaims.

"You are such a little scumbag," Sero says to him.

“Hey, Bakugo—” I begin to say but as quickly as he could, he walks away from Izukun and me. Well, this is going to go soo well.

Realizing we’re not going to get him work with us as a team, we head to the monitor room where Recovery Girl is located. "Well it looks like I have my work cut out for me today," she says.

The door opens behind us to reveal Ochaco. "Oh, Deku. Akari. You're watching, too? Hi," she says as she walks in.

"Yeah. It's not like we get many chances to watch students in combat with teachers, right? And besides...I don't think Kacchan really wants to talk strategy with us."

“Yeah, I suppose will watch a few battles and strategize without him closer to when it’s our turn as we’re the last group.”

"I can see that," she says empathically. "And, uh, my partner is a little preoccupied with himself." She explains that Aoyama is too busy looking in the mirror at himself to even be concerned with the actual battle.

"You don't say," Izukun mutters out.

"That's why I thought I'd try and get inspiration from everyone else's battles."

"Smart," he responds.

"Team Sato and Kirishima," the robot announcer says. "Practical exam. Ready? Go."


"So what do ya think? We'll definitely get a higher score for capturing instead of running, you agree?" Kirishima asks as the run through the mock city.

"Yeah, that'd make sense," Sato agrees. Suddenly, the ground below them shakes and concrete flies up as tall as the buildings around them.

"Mr. Cementoss can't move around very fast," Kirishima says. "Let's break through from the front and shoot for a high score!"

"Ah yeah!" Sato exclaims as he downs some sugar to activate his Quirk. They begin running directly for Cementoss.

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"So you've decided on a direct frontal assault," Cementoss says as he begins to make multiple walls of concrete between him and the students.

"This is it, Sato!" Kirishima says.

"Let's go!" Sato shouts. They begin working together to break down the walls that consequently fall unto others like dominos.

"Not so fast, kids," Cementoss says.


"Come on, you guys! You've totally got him!" Ochaco says.

"They're not gonna win it like this," I say solemnly.


"Their Quirks are amazing, but there's a limit to how long they can use them. They won't last forever," Izukun explains. "I don't think Mr. Cementoss has that kind of limit, though. The more time that passes by, the more of a disadvantage they're at."

"That's not good," she says.

"It's no coincidence they were matched up. Mr. Aizawa's pitting students against teachers they'll have a hard time against," I say.

"To pass, we'll have to recognize our weaknesses...and overcome them," Izukun adds.

"Exactly right," Recovery Girl says. "So before it's time for your own final, you should think carefully about your compatibility with the teacher you're fighting.


Kirishima yells in frustration. "Man, this is never-ending! No matter how many walls we break, he keeps making more of 'em!"

Sato groans. "I'm sleepy..."

"Now's not the time!" Kirishima shouts.

"Just a little nap..."

"I'm running outta steam..." he says as the concrete walls begin encasing them in. When he finally notices what is happening around him, the concrete shifts all around them and they lose balance as it takes them wherever it so chooses.

"You're both weak when it comes to long-term battles. Listen well," Cementoss says. "When your life is on the line, you need to know exactly how far you can push your powers."

~buzzer sounds~

"Sato and Kirishima have been knocked out. Exam over," the robot announcer says.


"It's only the first match and I'm already needed," Recovery Girl says and she gets up to leave.

"No way...It was that one-sided?" Ochaco says in disbelief.

"Their Quirk were too ineffective against his," Izukun responds.

I gulp down my nerves as I think about how our match may go.


"I see. They're starting us out in the middle of the stage," Tokoyami says.

"In order to escape, we have to pass through the designate gate, right? Which means the teacher's probably waiting there for us," Tsu says.

~buzzer sounds~

"Team Asui and Tokoyami. Practical exam. Ready? Go."

Smoke appears everywhere immediately and soon reveals multiple copies of Ectoplasm. "Maybe you didn't understand, but teacher are trying to crush you with everything we've got. No holding back," they all say together. More appear from behind them. "Steel your nerves and show me your resolve."

Chapter 34: Yaoyorozu:Rising

Chapter Text

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"Steel your nerves and show me you resolve," Ectoplasm and his clones say before all running toward Tokoyami and Tsu.

"Get her! Dark Shadow" Tokoyami yells, making Dark Shadow appear and grab Tsu by her waist. "Asui. Your turn!" With Dark Shadow, he swings her through the air before letting go.

"Got you, Tokoyami!" She says before reaching out with her long tongue and wrapping it around him. She jumps on one of the stage's walls and pulls him up in the air and to the safety of the higher level floor. "Glad we made a plan beforehand."

"Yes," he agrees.

"Nice!" Ochaco exclaims as we all stare at the screens.

"An escape only the two of them could pull off!" Izukun says.

"That's good communication," Recovery Girl notes as she resurfaces from her temporary nurse's office. "They're talking to each other. It may not seem like much, but it's important. I don't just mean having a sidekick or teammate that you know you match well with. Real heroes need to be able to communicate with anyone."

" were talking about these finals and how each student is supposed to be facing their weakness," Izukun begins.

"That's right," Recovery Girl says.

"Okay, so, what do Tokoyami and Asui have to work on? I'm having trouble seeing how Mr. Ectoplasm's Quirk is a bad match-up against theirs."

"Oh? Well, it's not good...for Tokoyami, at least," she answers.

"Why do you say that?" I ask.

"Keep watching, you'll see," she responds, not giving us any idea of what she mean.

We all look back at the screen to see them fleeing. "So you've chosen to avoid a fight. Good Luck," Ectoplasm says.

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Ectoplasm. His Quirk: Clones! He shoots weird ectoplasm from his mouth and turns it into copies of himself. He's able to produce 30 at one time. Though, apparently after his second or third song at karaoke, that number goes up to 36!

They are forced to stop fleeing when more copies of Ectoplasm have emerged in front of them. Tokoyami releases Dark Shadow while shouting, "Now!" Dark Shadow begins making attacks on the copies, who soon disappear, but a couple surface behind him that he can't fight off quickly. Tsu comes to the rescues, though, and fight one copy off, giving Tokoyami time to fight the other off. "Thanks," he says to her. "Dark Shadow," he shouts once more when all of the other copies make an advancement toward them. Tsu grabs him with her tongue again, and they both advance up to the next level.

"There's no end to them!" Tsu exclaims.

"Let's keep moving," he encourages, but both gasp as more copies are being made right in front of them in the long, blue hallway.

"Tokoyami is quick and can attack from afar, allowing him to keep his distance. Those are all strengths," Recovery Girls says as we all intently watch the screens. We unglue our eyes from them to look at her—ready to hear more. "But, looking at that another way, it means he's weak at close range."

"Wow, I never thought about his powers like that," Ochaco says.

"And Mr. Ectoplasm's clones can appear anywhere unexpectedly," Izukun adds.

"On the other hand, there's Asui. A stellar student with no clear weaknesses. She can provide support to ally, as powerful as he may be, but she's important in another way, too. Her level-headedness and ability to provide emotional support are the key to them passing," she explains further as they continue on fighting of the clones on the screen.

"Emotional support, huh?" Izukun repeats as he thinks deeply. "Now that I think about it, having her around during the USJ attack really helped us stay focused."

"That was clone number 28," Tokoyami says after defeating the last clone.

"Tokoyami, look. It's the goal," she says as the peer over the edge to see that this blue stage has the escape gate on the bottom floor. "Which means that's probably his real body down there."

"Excellent job getting past the others," Ectoplasm says. "But tell me—what will you do against this?" He lets out more ectoplasm and creates a giant version of himself. "Just try to escape. Giant bite detention! I can't put out more clones now, but as long as I have you captured, this one is all I need."

The giant clone begins to make an attack when Tokoyami runs toward Tsu. "Asui! Look out!" The clone successfully makes the attack, but the smoke from the destruction of the stage makes it impossible to see what is going on. We all gasp as we don't take our eyes off the screens for a second. The smoke clears and reveals that both are stuff in the clone.

"Only I can get rid of this behemoth," Ectoplasm says. "So what is your plan?"

"This Quirk is way too powerful," Tokoyami mutters out.

Dark Shadow resurfaces from Tokoyami's body and says, "Hey! So am I!"

"Dark Shadow. You just have to get through that gate!" He tells him.

"I'm on it!" Dark Shadow says as he advances to the gate. He reaches where the real Ectoplasm is, and they begin to fight. "Dammit!" He shouts as he get pushed back by Ectoplasm, but he doesn't give up.

"I don't think he has a chance against a real pro," "Tokoyami says as he watches Dark Shadow fight him.

"But, if he can reach him, we have a chance," Tsu says. "Call Dark Shadow back. I have something for you to give him."

"Asui, what do you mean?" He asks.

"Please...don't watch me. Mr. Ectoplasm will notice. And besides, it's...really gross to see me do this," she says to him making his eyes widen.

"Will you keep this up until time runs out, little bird? What I want to see is a student who can do away with an adversary, no matter what!" Ectoplasm says to Dark Shadow as they continue to fight.

"Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami yells, beckoning to come back. Dark Shadow grabs what is in Tsu's hand stealthily.

"Calm down. We've got this," Tsu says. Dark Shadow goes back down to Ectoplasm in a hurry as she continues, "Because Tokoyami and Dark Shadow are heroes! I figured this was the only way we could win if he managed to capture us somehow. So I swallowed the cuffs. My Quirk lets me take things in and out of my stomach."

We look down a different screen to see Dark Shadow has managed to cuff one of his prosthetics. "How unexpected," Ectoplasm says as he realizes he has be cuffed.

"Whoa, they leg-cuffed him!" Ochaco says excitedly.

"Then they passed!" Izukun adds in the same amount of excitement. "They figured out a way to do it! Dark Shadow and Frog together—what a great team!"

"They're so smart!" She says.

"Team Asui and Tokoyami have passed the final!" The robot announcer says.

"That was wonderfully clever," Ectoplasm says to them. "I must commend you both."

"I'm truly humbled, sir," Tokoyami says, bowing his head.

"Ribbit, Ribbit," Tsu agrees.

"It was all thanks to me!" Dark Shadow says, coming out to gloat.


The third match is Iida and Ojiro vs. Power Loader in a construction zone where the pro hero thrives. "We're running out of places to stand," Iida says to Ojiro. "Mr. Power Loader can do this?"

"What now, Class Rep?" Ojiro asks him.

"The topography gives our opponent the advantage. In order to keep injuries to a minimum and defeat him, I think our best choice right now is to go and find a hero who is better suited to take him on," Iida answers.

"So in other word, we should run," Ojiro states. "One thing," he pauses to throw a big rock with his tail out in front of him. Explosion begin happening sporadically in their field of vision. "There are traps between us and the gate. Not to mention we have no idea where Mr. Power Loader will attack next."

"We can still make it. As long as we work together," Iida says.

"All right. Fusion!" Ojiro says before jumping on Iida's back—piggyback style. "I can only imagine how stupid we look right now."

"Here we go, Ojiro! Reciproburst!" He yells as he takes off at a ridiculous speed. They're outrunning the traps that he set, I think to myself as I watch the explosions happen well after Iida has stepped on them.

"Uh-uh-uh. Not so fast!" Power Loaders says after appearing out of the ground in front of them.

"Not good!" Izukun says aloud.

Power Loader causes the ground in front of the escape gates to collapse. "We're gonna fall!" Ojiro exclaims.

Iida jumps up in the air and says to Ojiro, "Quick! Wrap your tail around my leg!" He does so, and they begin spinning aggressively. "Recipro...Extend!" He manages to sling Ojiro over the hole.

"I've got you!" Power Loader says as he reaches for Ojiro's falling body. However, Ojiro uses his tail to push him out of the way and continues to advance toward the gate.

"Team Iida and Ojiro have passed the final," the robot announcer says.

"Nice one, man!" Ojiro says.

"Heh. It as kind of a risky move, but it put a quick end to the match. And you managed to get your friend out of the ring without getting yourself injured. All in all, not bad. You pass. Congrats," Power Loader says.

"Thank you very much," Iida says.

"They're both amazing!" Ochaco says happily.

"Also, I am completely stuck," he says as everything but his head is underground, making me giggle.


It isn't long until the fourth match between Todoroki and Momo vs Mr. Aizawa starts. "It's our turn now. Let's go," Todoroki tells her, but she doesn't seem to be paying attention. "Yaoyorozu. What's wrong, are you nervous?"

She gasps and then answers, "Oh, no."

"It's okay. With out opponent, I can't blame you," he says, knowing that she is lying. "Don't worry. I have a plan in mind for us."

~buzzer sounds~

"Team Todoroki and Yaoyorozu. Practical Exam. Ready? Go."

"Yaoyorozu," Todoroki says as they run in an alleyway of a mock residential area. "Listen, I want you to keep making small objects. When you stop being able to, it means Mr. Aizawa's close by."

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That's Class 1-A's homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. He can erase the Quirks of whoever he sees, but the effect ends when he blinks.

"Our success will depend on which one of us finds the other first. Once we spot him, I'll draw him to me. Then you can run to the escape gate and win this thing for us. Just stay close to me until then," Todoroki says as they reach the end of the alleyway. "C'mon! Hurry up and start making things."

Her face reads distraught, but she answers calmly, "Sure. No problem."

They begin to run more to find the escape gate when Todoroki sees what is coming out of her. "Um, I guess those work okay, but what are they?" He asks.

"Oh these? They're just Russian nesting dolls," she responds as she places some in the belt of her costume.

"Right. Let me know if you notice your Quirk is acting strangely at all," he says as he checks his ice Quirk before running off again.

"I'd expect nothing less from you, Todoroki."

"What do you mean?"

"You were able to come up with a plan to use against Mr. Aizawa so quickly. You knew exactly what was best as soon as we started."

"This is nothing."

"No. You're wrong. As students who got into UA through recommendations, we started from the same place. But in terms of the practical skills that a hero needs, I haven't really managed to do anything that stands out. During the Calvary battle, I just followed your orders. And then when it was my turn to fight, I failed before I could do anything," she explains solemnly.

He gasps before saying, "Yaoyorozu. You're not making those dolls! He's coming!"

"I'm sorry!" She says as she didn’t even realize.

"If you know I'm here, then you should be acting," Mr. Aizawa says as he hangs just above them. Todoroki makes an attack, but Mr. Aizawa evades. "I would suggest that you prioritize evasion since I've taken your power from you."

Todoroki goes to kick Mr. Aizawa while shouting, "Yaoyorozu, go!"

She begins to flee when Mr. Aizawa asks, "Is that what your plan is?" He captures Todoroki with his scarf and uses the electrical lines to hang him up in the air. "Then this will be simple. I was always going to catch you first since you're the team's offense."

"You think you've caught me? This is nothing," Todoroki tells him. "I can burn or freeze these restraints in an instant."

"Do whatever you want. Just be careful where you land," he says before throwing caltrops down on the ground below him.

"Caltrops? This is your strategy? You pretending to be some kind of ninja?" Todoroki mocks.

"This is very different from when you faced the Hero Killer. I know about your Quirks and what you can do," Mr. Aizawa says he puts eye drops in his eyes. "I'm perfectly prepared to defeat you both. Your plan places most of the burden on yourself. It's nice you tried to be considerate to the girl, but maybe you should have actually talked this over with her." He leaves Todoroki to digest what he has said and runs in the direction that Momo went.


Yaoyorozu pants intensely as she continues to run. How much farther until I'm at the gate? Is there a shorter route I should take? I-Is Todoroki okay? Is this right? Should I take the time and make something to help me go faster? Can I make it? Will I be able to pass this way? Wait. Where am I running to? Can I do this? Or am I going to fail us?

Mr. Aizawa flys directly behind her with the help of his scarf. She obviously lost her confidence after the sport festival.

Yaoyorozu looks behind her to see him. Mr. Aizawa! Does that mean Todoroki's been—?

Mr. Aizawa manages to wrap the scarf around her wrist. "No!" She screams.

"I'm gonna hit you where it hurts!" Mr. Aizawa yells. "Let's see which of us is stronger!"

I don't have a chance against my own teacher,she thinks to myself before realizing, What? My Quirk's not erased. Creation! She make a big, thick metal thing around her arm to release herself from Mr. Aizawa. I'm sorry, Todoroki!

Changing directions? She let him make all the decisions. Comparing herself to Todoroki, she decided that he was the superior student. For better or for worse, he never seems to hesitate much, and she's lost her ability to trust in her own instincts and reactions. Emotionally, she's still a child of 15. I'd like to help her regain her confidence, but that's not my job right now, Mr. Aizawa thinks to himself before chasing after her once more.

Maybe you should have talked things over with her. Mr. Aizawa's voice continues to ring through Todoroki's mind. Now that I think about it, she looked like she had something to say, he thinks.

"Todoroki! Todoroki!" Yaoyorozu screams as she makes it back to him.


"I'm sorry I came back. I couldn't—" she begins, but he interrupts her.

"Hey! Watch it! Mr. Aizawa's coming!" He tells her.

She looks behind her to see him running stealthily on a power line. Should I save Todoroki? Or run? What's the right answer? What should I do?

"Yaoyorozu, you've got a plan, don't you?" Todoroki asks her. "Sorry, I should've asked before and not told you what to do, but you have an idea, right?"

"Your plan didn't work, so there's no way mine will be any good. We're both gonna fail," she says sadly.

"Spit it out already! I'm saying that you're the one who's better at this kinda stuff, not me! When we were voting for class rep, you had two votes, remember? One of those votes was mine! Because I thought you would be the best at leading our class!" He tells her.

Yaoyorozu's face full of emotion, looks down momentarily and thinks, I'm pathetic, but maybe...

"Giving up?" Mr. Aizawa as he's right above her.

"Not yet," she says as she grabs the Russian dolls. "Todoroki, close your eyes!" She throws them above her where Mr. Aizawa is.

"What are these?" He asks aloud and even kicking one. When he does, the doll opens and reveals a flash grenade. Flash grenade? Mr. Aizawa thinks to himself as he tries to shield his eyes.

"You're right. I have a idea," she says as she pulls him back to the ground. "A plan for us to win! This final exam isn't over. We can still beat Mr. Aizawa!"

"So, you've got a strategy?"

"Yes. I've been thinking about it from the beginning. His weakness," she answers.

"All right, just tell me what to do," he says.

Mr. Aizawa jumps up to the roof of a house to gain some distance, think to himself,Due to my injures, I can't use my Quirk for as long, and I have to rest more in between erasures."If she chose her attack because she notices that, she's pretty smart," he says aloud to himself before grabbing his scarf to attack once more.

"Yaoyorozu!" Todoroki yells to warn her of his attack. Fire! Crap, he erased it!

"Todoroki, we have to hide. Together! Since he was injured, his Quirk has become unstable!" She explains as they run away.

"Because of what happened at the USJ? So, we're going to exploit that," he concludes.

"Not yet. For now, we just need to get out of his field of vision. It's all a matter of timing. We're going to pass this final."

"Timing? How is getting out of his sight gonna help us with that? He can still take our Quirks whenever he sees us," he asks.

"Just do as I tell you," she demands. "Keep checking to see if you can use your ice power, okay?"

"Not fast enough, kids," Mr. Aizawa says as he goes for another attack.

He's wrong to think he'll be able to keep our powers erased the whole time. There will definitely be a single moment—a brief interval when Mr. Aizawa blinks before he can use his Quirk again, Yaoyorozu thinks to herself.

This is it, Todoroki thinks as soon as his ice returns.

And I'll be counting on you in that moment to attack. Like you did at the sports festival. A giant ice wall! She thinks to herself. He follows through and creates a massive wall to make a barrier between them and Mr. Aizawa.

Todoroki's biggest move. They were waiting for this, Mr. Aizawa thinks. They took advantage of their opponent. Hit me where it hurts.

"I blocked him with the wall the moment my Quirk came back. We can use our powers again. So can you tell me the rest of your plan now?" Todoroki asks as he uses his fire to warm his body back up again after using so much ice. He turns around to see her back facing him as she moves her costume out of the way of her exposed breast to create something from her torso. Embarrassed, he looks away and asks, "Is that Aizawa's scarf you're making?"

"It is. I don't know the material it's made of or precisely how it's constructed, so it's not exactly the same. But I created my own version with a special material woven into it. Since this is a residential area, we must keep collateral damage to a minimum. And he move his own restraining bonds so quickly, it makes it difficult to catch him. So, you see, here is my plan."


"Huh, why isn't Mr. Aizawa going after them?" Ochaco asks.

"He might have overused his eyes," Izukun answers. I continue to watch the screen intently to see what they do next.

"What do you think, Todoroki?" She asks as they stare at the catapult with the fake scarf in it. "I believe this has the highest chance of success, or, at least, it's better than trying to run. We'll only get one chance. So is this all right with you?"

"Yeah. No complaints here," he answers.


The escape gate is behind me. It'll be better to watch the approach from here than to try and chase them, Mr. Aizawa thinks to himself as remembers Yaoyorozu claim she had a plan to win. "Let's see it," he says, ready to see what she has in store. He gasps as he sees the two running away from the ice barrier with black cloaks. "Disguises. I can't use my Quirk if I can't see them. But they're at a disadvantage, too," he says to himself as he jumps off the roof of one of the houses to chase after them. He uses his scarf to wrap it around their heads to knock them down, except what he sees underneath wasn't what he anticipated. The upper halves were just mannequins! He thinks when he sees that he didn't actually catch them—or at least not Yaoyorozu.

Now, I just have to launch it, she thinks but misses at first to launch the scarf. She manages to hit the second time, and though Mr. Aizawa backs away, it's still flying all around him.

A catapult? It's a diversion! Mr. Aizawa thinks to himself.

"Todoroki! Blast your flames now!" She shouts and he does what he's told, though he is still blinded by the cloak over him.

He's not aiming for me. Why not? Mr. Aizawa thinks to himself.

"I'm not sure we have a chance of beating you in a full battle, Mr. Aizawa, but that's okay. Tell me something: have you heard of nitinol alloy? When heated, it returns to its original shape in an instant. It's a metal with shape memory!" She explains as the heated scarf wraps itself about Mr. Aizawa and incapacitating him.

Well, isn't that impressive, Mr. Aizawa thinks to himself. They have already put the cuffs on him when Todoroki says, "It went exactly according to your plan. It was almost a little too smooth."

"Honestly, it shouldn't have worked out," she says. "When I was about to trigger the catapult, I made a big mistake. Mr. Aizawa noticed, but still jumped away. Even though he could have stopped me easily. I think he allowed himself to be captured by my plan on purpose."

"I was just trying to see what Todoroki would do," Mr. Aizawa explains. "You were in my sights, but he still had a cloth over him, remember? I thought he'd try to freeze me, so I decided it would be best for me to back off. In doing so, it looks like I ended up playing right into your hands."

Todoroki sighs, "It really was just a matter of timing, like you said, huh? Thanks, teammate."Yaoyorozu gasps and tears begin flooding her eyes when she realized that her plan actually did work, and he didn't allow himself to be caught after all. "What's wrong? Do you feel sick?" Todoroki asks her with concern.

"No, it's nothing, really!"

"If you feel nauseous, there's a pressure point you can press onto—"

"No, I told you, I'm fine!" She interrupts.

Mr. Aizawa can't do nothing but sigh at the exchange happening in front of him.


“My, my. Turns out that man's a big softie after all," Recovery Girl says, though I'm the only one who seems to have I heard her. So he did play into her plan? I ask myself, though I know it doesn’t really matter if he or not, and I smile at the thought. Momo’s got her confidence back again.

~buzzer sounds~

"Team Todoroki and Yaoyorozu have passed the final exam!"

Chapter 35: Stripping the Varnish

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (75)

The fifth match with Team Uraraka and Aoyama against Thirteen is currently in progress, though it's almost over. The two hang on to a railing for dear life as Thirteen uses their Quirk against them.

"Oh, man, but we were so close!" Ochaco screams.

"There's no way I'll let you get away that easily!" Thirteen exclaims.

"Hey!" Aoyama says to Ochaco.

"Now right now, I'm thinking!" Ochaco shouts.

He seems to whisper something to her before she lets go of the railing and toward Thirteen's black-hole. Thirteen gasps and stops their Quirk allowing Ochaco to land a kick to their chest. She swings a punch and Thirteen blocks, but this causes them to fall into Ochaco's trap as she grabs their arm and pins them to the ground.

"Weee!" Aoyama says as he uses his Navel Laser Quirk to get to their location quickly and helps pin their other arm down. "And...I've got you!" Ochaco then places the handcuffs on Thirteen.

~buzzer sounds~

"Team Uraraka and Ayoama have passed the final."

"Uraraka's judgement was great!" Izukun exclaims. "I can't believe she thought to use her opponent's power to get in close!"

Tsu, who has joined us to watch the rest of the matches, says, "Ribbit. I don't know. It looked to me like Ochaco just lost focus and let go for a second."

"Oh, really?" Izukun questions.

"Yeah, I'm with Tsu. The two of them were talking, Aoyama got quiet so the cameras couldn't catch it. I wonder what Aoyama said that shocked her so much," I say as I stare at the screen in curiosity. My Quirk doesn't work through videos—I have to be with someone in person to read their mind.

"Who knows. It's too bad we couldn't hear all of their conversation." Izukun says. Suddenly the door opens revealing Iida and Momo on the other side.

"Uraraka won. Not surprising. I'm happy for her," Iida says, looking at the screens.

"Yeah, and both of you passed, too! Congrats!" Izukun exclaims.


"Yeah, you two were amazing in your matches!" I add.

"Thank you for your enthusiasm," he responds.

"Now that this match is over, which team is taking the field next?" Tsu asks.

"Ashido and Kaminari are paired up for the next battle," Momo answers."They're going to have to fight against Principal Nezu."

"The principal of our school," Izukun mutters, "It's rare we get to see someone like him in action."

"We'll have to watch this round carefully," Iida responds to him.


—"Yeah," I say at the same time Tsu speaks.

~buzzer sounds~

"Team Ashido and Kaminari. Practical Exam. Ready? Go!"


"Okay, so, what do you wanna do?" Ashido asks as they run.

"Ah, let's just run," Kaminari answers. "Even if he does find us, he's tiny. I can take care of him with my electricity. Maybe you shouldn't even use your power. It might look bad if you melt the principal."

"I know, right?" Ashido agrees. They both stop running and gasps as they look up.


"Hey...What's that noise?" She asks.

"It couldn't be the principal...could it?" Loud banging is heard above their head, and he looks up to see a huge pipe falling from above. He runs while screaming, "Watch out!"

They run frantically as rubble falls directly behind them. "Kaminari, what the crap is going on?"

"I dunno, but it's bad for us! And I'm guessing our opponent is behind it!"

"Why, yes, I am," Nezu says as he is operating a wrecking ball and drinking tea.


"The principal looks so comfortable in that crane!" Iida says in shock.

"Yeah, is he causing all this?" Izukun asks.

"I don't know, he's too far away," Tsu observes.

"He must have predicted their moves," Momo says.

"Predicted?" Tsu questions.

"Yes. I bet he planned his attacks through sophisticated calculations."


"I can cause chain reaction depending on what I destroy," he says as he moves the wrecking ball to destroy something else. "Such calculations are as easy for me to make as a simple cup of tea. Unfortunately, those two don't realize that one-by-one, I'm sealing off every direct path to the escape gate! A genius villain can always win from afar," he says as he begins laughing manically.

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (76)

Principal Nezu. His Quirk: High Specs! He's actually an animal with a Quirk that makes him smarter than humans! A truly unique being that you won't find anywhere else in the world!


"In the past, humans conducted horrible experiments on Nezu. So in times like this, he gets his vengeance," Recovery Girl explains, making all of us feel on edge.


"Kaminari, can't you just zap him or something?" Ashido asks.

"I have no idea where he's hiding, and I don't wanna waste all my shots yet. Do you want me to end up brain dead? Let's just make for the exit," Kaminari says to her.

"Sure but where is that, even?""

"Um, this way!" The both run into the direction he points in just to find rubble blocking the way. "That's not good," he says before massive size pipes fall from above, and they barely dodge in time. "Man, he's seriously trying to kill us!"

"There's still a way out, dear students. Come on, use your heads!" Nezu says in the safety of his crane where he is manically moving the levers violently. "Think carefully! Rack those hero brains!"

"Over here! This way!" Ashido says after melting through one of the building's walls.

"Right!" He says as they enter the building the looks like a hardware store. "It'll be a bit of a detour, but we might make it to the other side of the gate!" Before they can do anything else, the wall begins to cave in.


"Incredible. He's two steps ahead!" Izukun mutters.

"And they can't attack him if they don't know where to find him. What an impressive brain," Tsu adds in amazement.

"The principal's strategy is nearly perfect," Momo says.

In the end, they couldn't make it to the escape gate before time ran out. And, so...

~buzzer sounds~

"Team Ashido and Kaminari have failed due to the time expiring."

—"Damn it!" Kaminari shouts.

—"Oh, man, that sucks!" Mina whines.

"So it's over. They lost," Izukun says quietly.

"They never even saw their opponent," Iida adds in the same disbelief. "I can't imagine how frustrating that must be."

The door opens for Ochaco who looks at the screens in shock. "What?! Mina's team lost their battle?"

"Yes. The principal's game plan was flawless; they just couldn't beat him," Momo explains.

"That's terrible. Oh, man they must be crushed!"

"But you passed. Congratulations!" Iida says, changing the subject.

"Thanks, you too, Iida," she answers.

"Ochaco, what were you talking to Aoyama about right before the end of you match against Thirteen?" Tsu questions.

"Oh, uh, well..." she mutters and I catch some of her thoughts.Is it...because you like him? "Ah, it was nothing!" She says with her face bright red. "You've go it all wrong!"

"What's the matter with you?" Iida asks.

"It was just battle stuff!"

"Your face red."

I stifle my laughter, but Ochaco notices my amused expression.

"I promise, you guys!"

"There's no reason to try to lie to me, Ochaco. I know," I answer as I tap my head with my pointer finger.

"What is it, Akari? Ribbit."

"That's not my place to say," I respond asOchaco sighs in relief.

Something happened out there, huh, Ochaco? Tsu thinks to herself.

You got that one right, I think to myself.

~buzzer sounds~

We all gasp by how quickly the next match has started and turn toward the screens.

"Team Koda and Jiro. Practical Exam. Ready? Go!"


"Let's avoid combat with Present Mic if possible and head straight for the escape gate. Sound good?" Jiro asks Koda as they hide behind trees within the woods.

Koda nods.

"Then let's hit it," she says, and they run for the escape gate.


"The practical exams match students up with teachers they're supposed to have a hard time against. That's the whole point, right?" Iida asks.

"Yes," Momo responds.

"And it's easy to see what this team's weaknesses are," Izukun adds.

"I agree," Tsu says. "What are they gonna do against Present Mic?"

"Both of them have sound-related Quirks, but their opponent will be able to drown out everything around them," Izukun says.

"So, they're going to have to find a way around that in some manner in order to defeat him," I say aloud.

"Yeah, but how?" Ochaco asks.


Present Mic sighs. "Come one, let's hurry up and finish this set. Some people have arbor ardor, but I'm much more of a city kitty, ya dig? YEAH!" He shouts at the end to activate his Quirk.

"It's so loud!" Jiro says as they both cover their ears. "Koda! You can control animals with your Quirk, can't you?"

He nods.

"Okay, get some birds to attack him or something."

"Even if I wanted to order them to do that, Present Mic's voice will make them run away!" He says using simple sign language.

"His shouts make me feel like my eardrums are gonna burst. He's not just better than I thought he'd be. He's like a super-powered death amp. A speaker of doom! There's no way we can get close to him. And even if we could, he'd probably see us coming. I bet he's just standing at the gate waiting for us!" She says as they begin running.

"Hurry up and...COME OUT!"

"My ears!" Jiro struggles to let out.


"I don't think I can take it anymore!" She whines in pain.

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (77)

Present Mic. His Quirk: Voice. He's got crazy high pitches, crazy bass, and crazy volume. His parents and the doctor in the room bled from the ears the first time he cried. Oh, by the way, the device around his neck is a directional speaker.


They hide behind a couple of boulders—Jiro with her hands over her ears and Koda crouched down in like a fetal position covering his ears as well. After he finishes yelling, Jiro looks over the boulder. "Any more of this and we might go deaf. So, what now?" She looks down when she sees movement. "An ant?" She gasps. "Hey, Koda! You control bugs and stuff, right? Look at this! An ally!" She shows him the ant on the top of her gloved hand.

Koda screams in fear and runs away from her and the ant.

"So...he doesn't like bugs."

"THERE YOU ARE!" Present Mic drags each syllable, but Jiro stands up while covering her ears and begins placing her ear jack into the speakers in her boots.

"This won't help much, but I can try to...cancel him out!"

"Sounds like someone needs better subwoofers," Present Mic comments as his sound is cancelled out.

"Do you have a plan, Koda?" Jiro asks as she struggles through the pain.

He shakes his head violently.

"What should we—"


We need a way to get past his voice. At this rate, we won't even see him before time runs out, Jiro thinks to herself.

"Koda. Just tell me if it's possible for you to control bugs or not, okay?"

"It possible," he signs.

"Good," she says as she plugs her ear jack into the boulder in front of her, and breaks it with the sound of her heart beat. Multiple bugs are visible underneath.

He screams in fear at the sight of them.

"Sorry, I know it's scary but—"


"Our opponent is way too strong! This is the only thing I can think of!" She yells over him. "If you can pull it off, we still have a chance. You can do it. You wanna be a hero, don't you? If so, then we gotta pass!"

Koda gasps as he sees the blood pooling in her ears. Jiro's ear are...bleeding! She had to fight because I ran away. It's my fault! He thinks as he forces himself to kneel near the bugs. Wait a minute, I got into U.A. didn't I? Where all the best pros are trained. My heart should be without fear. I have to be Plus Ultra! "Go on, tiny one, hear my call, now it the time for you to take out the man who's responsible for all this terrible noise..."

"You can talk?" Jiro shouts in surprise and slight irritation.

"What's the deal? Are they gonna run down the clock and hide out the whole time?" Present Mic asks aloud in annoyance when he notices the ground break beside his foot. He yelps in disgust and fear as thousands of bugs come out of the hole and encase his entire leg. They're coming from underground where sound doesn't travel well. Oh, man. This is why I hate this outdoors so much.


We are all disgusted at the sight of so many bugs.

"That's tough even for a pro," Iida says as if he's gonna puke.

"Wow, Koda. Harsh move," Izukun says in shock.

~buzzer sounds~

"He let a few bugs beat him?" Recovery Girl asks in irritation.

"Team Koda and Jiro have passed the exam!"


The next match is Hagakure and Shoji vs. Snipe, and they seem to be in quite a situation with Snipe and his bullets.

"Shoji, at this rate, we'll be trapped here forever!" Hagakure whines.

"Don't worry. He's only one man. Still, escaping this will be a Herculean task. The only advantage is that our opponent's movements are slowed by those weights."

"Now, why don't we see who's better at hide and seek?" Snipe says as he throws something out into the middle of the open area.

"A smoke bomb! He's trying to blind us. But at least it's going to affect his vision at the same time."

"I can still sense your presence here," Snipe says as he walks through the smoke and shoots at the pillar they're hiding behind. The pillar crashes down and Shoji runs to another to hide behind.

"You all right, Hagakure? Hagakure?" He looks around to see her no where until he sees her gloves and shoes on the ground."So that's what she's doing," he says as he runs straight toward Snipe.

"Don't be rash, kid," he says and shoots a straight line of bullets in front of Shoji, making him stop in place. Shoji raises his arms in a sign of defeat. "Aren't you givin' up a little too easy for a hero?"

"There, I got him!" Hagakure shouts as she puts the handcuffs on Snipe's wrist while he was distracted.

He turns his head in here direction and says, "Where did you—" he pauses when he touches...something with his elbow. "Oh, no."

"Mr. Snipe, you pervert!" Hagakure shouts.

"It was an accident! I couldn't see ya! I didn't do it on purpose! I promise! Forgive me! I would never!" He pleads.

~buzzer sounds~

"Team Hagakure and Shoji have passed the exam."

"It's just as I expected! Hagakure is the best there is at stealth ops!" Momo exclaims.

"And Shoji had the guts to face Mr. Snipe head on and be their distraction!" Izukun adds.

"Ribbit!" Tsu agrees and Ochaco nods as well.

~buzzer sounds~

"Team Mineta and Sero. Practical Exam. Ready? Go!"

"Hey Deku and Akari, isn't your match up next? Shouldn't you be waiting in the exam area?"

"Oh, probably. But I wanna make sure I see everyone else fight. It's definitely interesting to see how each team uses their Quirks. But I also feel like I'm getting stronger watching them. Our classmates are just so amazing. Even if they didn't pass, they fought until the very end. Every one of them embodies what it means to be a U.A. student!" Izukun answers.

"Well, um..." Iida lets out.

"Mostly," Momo finishes.

"Looks like one our peers is giving up," Tsu says as she points to the screen. We all look to see Mineta sobbing and running away.

"What is he doing?" Izukun asks in disbelief.

"Damn it! How am I supposed to pass this stupid final? This is crap! Totally unfair! There's no way we ever stood a chance at winning here!"

"But he was looking forward to the training camp so much. Why is he ready to give up now?" Izukun asks aloud.

"I don't know if he can bounce back from this. As far as the practical exams go, All Might, Present Mic, Cementoss, and Midnight are especially hard opponents for you kids to best. It's not hard to imagine someone feeling as thought they have no possible way to win," Recovery Girl says.

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (78)

Midnight. Her Quirk: Somnambulist. She can put people to sleep with the fragrance coming off of her body! It usually does better on guys than girls.

"On that note, Izukun, maybe we should head to the exam room and try to come up with something together," I say as I begin to leave the room.

"Uh, oh, yeah, sure," he says as he follows. "Bye everyone!"

"Bye! Good luck!" They all say to us before we leave.

"Okay, let's go to the exam room," I say after the door closes behind us.

"Okay," Izukun says as he follow me to the room. When I open the door, I see a few long tables in a room big enough to be a classroom and a blonde haired boy sitting down.


—"Kacchan?" We say at the same time.

He looks up to us and asks, "What are you two doing here?"

"We came here to prepare for our exam. Since you're here, we can come up with a plan together," I answer.

"Tch. Like I need you two to win," he says as he tries to leave past us, but I get in front of him and place my hand on his chest to stop him.

"If we don't come up with a plan, we will lose. This isn't robots or low-level villains. This is All Might: the number one hero. You may have grudges against both of us, but in order to pass, we need to team up," I tell him as he stares at me with mixed emotions floating in his eyes.

He looks away from me and pulls my hand off him surprisingly gently before saying, "You two may need me, but I don't need you either of you."

"That's a lie and you know it!" I shout but he leaves—slamming the door behind him. I sigh. "At least I tried to get him to cooperate. So, what should we do now?"

"Well, All Might's combat skills are too much for us to even go against, so we should run to the escape gate as fast as we can," Izukun answers.

"Well, we know that Bakugo won't run, so we can count on him to make the distraction, and then we can run before All Might even notices us," I say. "Okay. I know it won't be that simple, but that's the best we can do in the situation we're in."

"As much as I don't like leaving Kacchan to fight All Might alone..." Izukun begins.

"...he's not going to cooperate with us, so there's not much we can do on that," I end the statement. As much as it goes against Izukun's nature, we can't depend on Bakugo to listen. He will do the exact opposite of what we say, and realistically, that's what we have to prepare for in order to pass the exam.

~buzzer sounds~

"Team Mineta and Sero have passed the exam."

"Wow somehow he managed to make it. Impressive," I say as I hear the announcement.

"I wish I could have seen how it turned out," Izukun says.

"I'm sure he'll tell us all about. Now, let's get to our arena," I tell him. He nods, and we run to the gate to see Bakugo already standing there. As we approach, he turns his head to glare at us one by one.

"Tch," is all he lets out before turning his head away from us.

~buzzer sounds~

"Team Midoriya, Takahashi, and Bakugo. Practical Exam. Ready? Go."

Chapter 36: Katsuki Bakugo: Origin

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (79)

Reading the immediate thoughts of Bakugo, I know how frustrated he is about Izukun's progression. Obviously I'm still confused to this day on how Izukun has a Quirk, but I don't hold any sort of grudge against him, and I don't pry. If he wanted me to know, then he would tell me. Bakugo, on the other hand, has also seemed to be in competition with him on being the best, and now knowing what I learned from reading too deep in his mind, I now know why he was always so mean to me—thinking that I preferred Izukun over him all this time. Idiot.

~buzzer sounds~

"Team Midoriya, Takahashi, and Bakugo. Ready? Go!"

I look at Bakugo to see him glaring at Izukun and making him uncomfortable before walking away from us.

We begin to go after him when Izukun whispers, "We have to talk to him. We're a team. We should be discussing this. Communication is the key here."

"You know I've already tried, but if you wanna try, go right ahead," I whisper back as I gesture my hand toward Bakugo's direction.

"Kacchan listen," Izukun says as he runs right beside him. "For this exam, the teacher's the villain and we're the heroes, so we need a solid plan. Normally, I'd suggest that we analyze the villain's combat ability and choose to fight them or run away based on that. But in this case, the villain is All Might, so we don't need to think about it because combat is out of the question. It'd be impossible to beat him in a fight." Bakugo begins to walk faster to get away from Izukun, but he insists. "It's a really bad idea, Kacchan!"

"Stop following me!" He shouts.

"Uh—" Izukun pauses but then continues. "All Might is probably waiting for us on this main road. We should take another route."

"I'm not gonna run away from this fight. It'll look better if we blast that smile off his face," Bakugo argues.

"No, we should avoid fighting him no matter what it takes!"

"I'm gonna toy with him until time is almost up, and then knock him unconscious for real!"

"That's not realistic, Bakugo! We need a plan that will guarantee our pass on this final. There's no reason to try to show off!" I shout, but he ignores me.

Why do things have to be so difficult between me and Kacchan? Midoriya thinks.

"You're telling me...things aren't so smooth sailing between me and him either," I tell him.

"Huh?" He says before he realizes I read his thought. "Oh, yeah, right. The sports festival. When he spoke about your parents. Why did he even bring them up?"

I shake my head. "Long story short, I heard a thought deep in his subconscious I shouldn't have, and he got mad. So, you can say we haven't really been on speaking terms," I answer.

He nods to show he understands. "Well, we don't have time to worry about upsetting him," he says to me before running after him again, and I follow. "Think about this! You know what All Might can do! Even with those handicap weights, it's impossible for you to win in a fight against him."

He turns around and swings his gauntlet to hit Izukun in the face, and Izukun falls to the ground. "Bakugo! What the hell is wrong with you?" I shout as Izukun grunts in pain.

He glares at us and says lowly, "I don't wanna hear another word from either of you. Just because you think you're getting stronger doesn't mean you get to tell me what to do." He stares at Izukun while speaking the last sentence, and I decide to place myself in between them so he is forced to look at me.

"And what are you going to make me silent? Hit me like you hit him? Or are you going to launch another full scale explosion like you did at the sport festival? No matter how much you try to ignore us and want us to cower behind you, this doesn't make your plan any less stupid and ego driven! We're not going to follow you into failure!"

He turns around so he doesn't have to face me and says, "Then don't. I don't need either one of you to help me in order to pass."

He begins to walk away when Izukun speaks up, "Wait, Kacchan! All we're trying to do is get us to pass the final! This is for all of us!"

"I just told you, we don't need your dumb power, or Akari's for that matter, to pass! I can win it all by myself!" He turns around to shout at him.

"Will you stop yelling?! This is why we never have real conversations!"

"Ah, guys, I hate to ruin this heartfelt moment, but All Might is planning on attacking right now!" I say as thoughts begin circling around me from three different people, one of which being All Might himself. As quickly as I spoke, a massive gust of wind comes our way and destroys everything in its path. I use my telekinesis to pull all of us out of the way of the blast, but I couldn't stop it from blowing us off track from its high rate of speed. The sound of bending metal can be heard from the mock city's architecture and cars fly above us. I stand back up with Bakugo and look at what I can through the thick cloud of smoke around us.

"Who really cares if I destroy this city?"

What? When did he get...Izukun thinks.

What? How is he...Bakugo thinks.

so intimidating?

He stomps the ground underneath him, making more strong winds that we have to fight against. I hold my arms up to my face and stagger my feet to keep my balance. "If you think of this as an exam and not a real fight, you'll be sorry. I'm a villain now, heroes. Remember that. You'd better come at me with everything you've got. I won't pull my punches!"

"He's not kidding, guys!" I tell them.

"It's over if we fight him head on. Let's run!" Izukun says as he gets up to escape.

"Got it!" I say as I follow.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Bakugo says as he stays put.

Izukun stops running and shouts, "Kacchan, no!"

"Izukun, come on! We talked about this! Let's go!" I beg.

"How about a Stun Grenade?" Bakugo shouts as he makes his attack. "You want everything I've got, All Might? Like that wasn't my plan! I never—" he shouts more as he advances toward him, but All Might grabs him by the face. "—hold back, dammit!"

"Huh?" All Might lets out before Bakugo hits him with multiple small explosions in quick intervals. Normally, if you grab someone's face, they reflexively try to pull your hand of of it. Guess this kid really is concerned only with defeating me, no matter the cost.

"Come on, Izukun, let's go while he's distracted! In real life, it would make more sense to get more help to fight someone as strong as him," I try to reason with him, but Izukun can only watch the two of them. All Might slams him down into the ground and lets go of his face allowing him to get a gasp of air. f*ck it, I'm running so we can pass this thing, I think to myself as I begin to run.

"Your rapid-fire blasts were weak—hardly more than a sting. And where are you going?" I hear All Might say. Before I can read what he's planning on doing next, he darts right in front of me, and I stop in my tracks in shock. How is he so fast?

"Don't think I have forgotten about you two already, Young Takahashi and Young Midoriya." He bends over a little to look me in the eyes. "Are you really going to leave your teammate here and run away?"

"Bakugo is very capable of handling himself," I say confidently as I try to hide the fear I'm feeling inside.

Why does he remind me of the Hero Killer right now? I hear Izukun say before he jumps away with his Quirk.

"Uh-uh. Do you think that's going to work?" All Might mocks.

"Ah—move it!" I hear Bakugo shout and follow his order, but see Izukun flying right toward him.

"Kacchan!" Izukun exclaims before they run into each other mid air and fall to the ground. Izukun gets up and races to Bakugo. "Kacchan!"

"Outta the way," he sneers.

"Haven't you been listening to me? It's be insane to fight him head on!"

"Shut up, scum. I will win this. That's what it means to be a hero, Deku!"

A memory suddenly resurfaces back when we were kids. We were watching a clip of All Might fighting and Bakugo was gleaming about how awesome he is. That's it. This is why Bakugo is so insistent on fighting All Might. He looks up to him so much that being able to fight him is a privilege, and winning would prove to him he has what it takes to be a top hero. I sigh at the mixed feelings swirling inside me. As much as I think fighting him is a bad idea, he needs this—really we all need this. Izukun thinks of him like a god and thinks there's no way to take him down, and I, well, after facing the Hero Killer, I realized how much of my potential I was throwing away by letting others take the first move.

"At the very least, we should be trying to avoid him!" Izukun says to him as he grabs his arm.

"Get your hands offa me," Bakugo tells him while jerking his arm away.

"Izukun! Bakugo! We need to focus on—" I run over to them but am interrupted.

"Incoming, Heroes! I have a special gift for the ones who want to run!" All Might says as he rides in the air on what looks to be a metal fence. Bakugo pushes me out of the way in time, but Izukun gets pinned in by it onto the ground. Bakugo tries to make an attack, but All Might is too fast and punches him in the stomach—throwing him by the sheer force. Bakugo throws up from impact on his stomach, but I don't have much time to do anything to help him as All Might approaches me.

Even though my fear is coursing through my veins, I stand tall and proud as I extend my arms with my palms face up as I begin to use my telekinesis on the all the rubble he created and throw them as fast as physically possible.

“Ha! You think that would be enough to hold me down?” All Might shouts as he breaks through the mountain of rubble as if he were pulling off a blanket. He comes at me with full blown punches. I manage to dodge many of them using my Quirk and skills I’ve learned from Dreamer, but unfortunately, I can’t dodge all the attacks and he lands a punch on my abdomen, making loose my breath and be thrown back from the momentum. I hit the ground hard on my back and try to catch my breath as I cough up blood.

"Kacchan! Akari-Chan! Are you okay?" Izukun asks, but neither one of us could answer due to the pain we were put under.

You may be a jerk, but I get it. You always have one goal that you fight for in everything you do. You make sure that you're the winner. And honestly, I always admire you for that! I hear Izukun think as All Might passes me struggling with no regard and toward Bakugo who is trying to get back up.

"Ha! I know why you're so angry, Young Bakugo. Because of Young Midoriya's sudden improvement, right? But you have to remember each of your rankings when the year first began. It's much easier to level up when you're a novice. You're wasting your full potential. Do you see that? Do you understand me? You still have so much room to grow stronger, boy. And I don't just mean your Quirk," All Might lectures.

"Shut up, All Might," Bakugo mutters. "If I'm so bad that I have to get help from a weakling like him...then I'd rather lose this. Do you hear me?"

"I see. Just remember that's what you said, Hero," All Might says as he clenches his fist above him.

"No..." I manage to mutter out as I get myself back up.

"Dammit," Bakugo says as he realizes his defeat.

I begin to use my telekinesis on myself to go save him, but I suddenly stop when I see green streaks fly past me. I'm left in shock as I watch Izukun punch Bakugo himself.

"Don't you dare say that you'd rather lose! Let's win this, Kacchan," Izukun yells at him. The momentum of the punch throws him away from All Might. "Akari-Chan, follow me." I do as he says as he picks up Bakugo and we head to an alleyway to regroup.

"Drop me, you bastard."

"I got you."

"I told you to put me down, dammit!" Bakugo punches Izukun in the back, making him not only let go, but fall to the ground. I'm not really able to say much to him about being an ass due to exhaustion, but it seems like I'm not the only one who’s tired as we all sit down in the alleyway panting.

"Kacchan, I really can't think of a way for us to beat All Might. Or to make a clean getaway without him swooping in and stopping us."

"Huh?" Bakugo lets out.

"But before you give up, we can at least try using my power! You can't say you're okay with losing!"

"Yeah, that's not the Bakugo I know! The Bakugo I know would using every resource he's got to defeat a villain!" I add.

"You're you because you never give in. You're always fighting. 'The most amazing hero always wins'. You've been saying those words since we were little kids. How can you give up now?" Izukun continues as he says the words that ring memories of our younger years together.

Bakugo sits there in obvious distraught when I crawl over to him. "We're your friends, Katsuki," I say gently. "We may have our ups and downs, but we both want to see you succeed. Don't let your pride get in the way of winning. No matter what you have to do, you must always win. Because you are amazing."

He lets out a yell as he gets up as I do the same quickly. He comes rushing toward me until I hit the wall of the alleyway beside Izukun. He makes an explosion right beside my head on the wall, leaving a large, cracked indention under his fist. Izukun and I stare at him in shock while my breath becomes shallow as his body heat radiates unto me by how close he is to me.

"I won't say it again, so listen," he says to us while looking down. "All Might's speed is insane. Now matter where you try to run and hide, there's no way you'll avoid fighting him."

"Yeah, but we don't stand a chance in combat. I mean, you saw him back there!"

"Izuk-" I try to tell him to be quiet, but Bakugo does this instead.

"Shut the hell up, before I kill you!"

Izukun gasps when I ask him, "So, what's your plan?"

"He won't be stopped by anything less than a full-power attack. I learned that earlier with my mini blasts. So..."

After the plan is made, Bakugo follows me into another alleyway as I track down where All Might is at. Where did Young Midoriya and Young Takahashi run off to? Since he's hiding does that mean he's planning to make a break for the escape gate? "He's coming in hot," I whisper to him.

He nods and waits for All Might to run right past us before he jumps out using a explosion. "You're going the wrong way!"

"That supposed to be a sneak attack?" He mocks.

This is pissing me off. Can't believe I'm working with people like you. Especially someone who shouldn't even be here! Bakugo thinks as he shoots of full powered explosions, causing a large amount of smoke to gather. I don't have much time to be offended by his thoughts, because he shouts, "Deku! Akari!" It's go time.

We run out into the smoke where it's difficult for him to see us as I think about what Bakugo had said. "...We give him everything we've got at point-blank range. Our only option is to inflict damage and then put some distance between us." Izukun has one of Bakugo's gauntlets while I have the other one.

So that's their game, All Might thinks.

"Shoot now!" Bakugo yells, and we waste no time pulling the pins from the gauntlets while aiming both at him.

"This is our chance. I'm sorry, All Might," Izukun says before the massive blasts go off directly at him. The blasts blow both of us back from the sheer force of them. When I'm on the ground again and stable, I cradle my shoulder due to pain from shooting the gauntlet. Jeez, how does he use these without throwing his arm out of socket? I think to myself.

"Run, you idiots!" Bakugo shouts as he fly above us.

"Oh, right!" Izukun says and we use our Quirks to make it as fast as we can to the escape gate.

"Keep listening in on him, Akari! And give me my gauntlet so I can power it up again!" Bakugo shouts at me.

"On it," I tell him while efficiently tossing it to him as I'm already narrowing my Quirk on All Might specifically. It's a bit easier to do when there is many minds in one area, but still an accomplishment in my books since I didn't have much control on it before.

Ow, they got me. A compromise between running and fighting. That's a pretty decent for an impromptu strategy. They also limited the damage to the city by aiming toward places I'd already demolished when the exam started. I think I taught them to do that in their very first combat training. I see, now. Them three are actually pretty darn clever. The problem is that they lose all sense when it comes to each other. Envy. Hate. Competition. Awe. Rejection. Pride. From what I can tell they have so many complicated feelings about each other piled up that they don't even know how to interact anymore. It's not the kind of thing that can be resolved in a single test. But I'm sure their cooperation here will mean big things for them in the future. This is just the first step. A starting point. Now then, students. Your teacher's going to do his best to school you.

"We're almost there," Izukun pants. "We just have to make it to the gate. A little further! It's looks kinda ridiculous, but if we can get through, we pass the final exam!"

Damn, All Might's first attack was from the middle of the fake city, but it reached all the way to the gate? What the hell is that power? I think to myself.

"It doesn't look like All Might is chasing us. Don't tell me we actually knocked him out back there," Izukun says.

"Of course not! You're the one who keeps crying about how its impossible to actually beat him. There's no way that attack KO'd him. When he catches up to us, it'll be my turn to blast him to hell with a gauntlet."

"I can tell you for certain that it didn't knock him out, and you might be doing that pretty soon, so get ready!" I tell him.

On cue, All Might shouts, "Interesting. And then what will you do?" And just like that, he’s right along beside us.

Bakugo gasps and goes to use the gauntlet when All Might punches it—shattering it to a million pieces.

"Don't tell me you're surprised," he throws another punch in Izukun's direction, and I fly myself up high to be out of reach.

He's too fast for us! Izukun thinks.

Unfortunately, I've got these weights on, so I'm nowhere near my top speed, All Might thinks before letting out a laugh. "All right, heroes. It's time for you all to die." He goes after Bakugo first, and with a swift punch, Bakugo flies through the air and into a building.


—"Bakugo!" We shout at the same time. Izukun runs in the direction Bakugo went, but All Might grabs his wrist.

"That's my line!" Bakugo shouts as he comes back, but All Might uses Izukun to hit Bakugo in mid air.

"Guys!" I scream as I try to summon as much rubble I can to use against All Might, but he's too fast to even read his thoughts as jumps up in the air and punches me in the stomach once again. I immediately drop everything, including myself, and land a little ways away from the guys while in an immense amount of pain.

After landing, All Might picks Izukun up by his arm while putting his foot on Bakugo's back and says, "Ah, well, isn't that wonderful. You cooperated, however reluctantly, and faced me together. Sadly, that's not enough. Cooperation wasn't an option: it was a prerequisite for this exam."

He's got overwhelming speed with strength and stamina I can't hope to match. He's not just powerful. He is power. I realize that even more now that I've faced him myself. This man is the most unstoppable force in the world. He's the greatest hero on Earth, Bakugo thinks.

"Damn it!" Izukun shouts as he fights to be released by All Might.

"What kind of face is that to make, Young Midoriya?" He mocks before throwing him away.

"Izukun!" I manage to let out.

"You planned to get away from me using maximum firepower and then make a run for the escape gate. It wasn't a terrible strategy, all thing considered. But now that I've destroyed Young Bakugo's gauntlets, you lost your heavy attack. You're helpless. This is over."

Without him noticing, I have barely managed to pick the big pieces of rubble that I once dropped and I have them right above his head. "You're wrong, All Might," I say lowly as I manage to stand myself up even though I can feel the broken ribs rubbing on my lungs painfully with every slight movement. "I may be many things, but helpless? That's one thing I'll never be. Bakugo!" I shout.

Bakugo screams as he creates a massive blast right under All Might, and I drop everything I held above them, knowing and trusting that Bakugo would run before he could be hit by any of the rubble.

The smoke from it all makes it difficult to see, but I manage to find Bakugo walking over to Izukun and picking him up by his costume. "Get ready to fly!" He shouts.


"I don't like the idea of running, but with the crap fest we're in right now, this is the only way to pass the practical."

"Hey, wait! What are you doin—"

"Now, die!" Bakugo shouts as he throws Izukun with the momentum of an explosion, passing me by with ease.

Die? What? Are you serious?! Wait. All Might is under that massive pile of rubble. I might be able to reach it, Izukun thinks to himself, and I cheer him on inside of my own head.

"New Hampsire Smash!" All Might shouts, and I turn to see he used the momentum of his punch to throw himself right into Izukun.

"Damn it!" Bakugo says.

"Come now, you're being too naive, heroes!" He says as Izukun smashes into a bus.

Can't he stop moving for like one minute? I think to myself as I use telekinesis on myself to move quickly to the new battle area.

“Those gauntlets were only so I could use maximum firepower with no risk," Bakugo says aloud as he flies past me.

"Huh?" All Might lets out.

"But now I see that was stupid. If I don't take any risks, there's no way I can beat you. Right, All Might?" He explains, and as I see what he's planning to do, I make a detour away from the potential blast.

Another huge blast like he used at the sports festival! That's two of them! Izukun thinks.

"Deku, Akari, go! Hurry up!" Bakugo yells as he winces in pain.

I see Izukun attempt to get up and wince. My back is messed up, he thinks.

"I've got you, Izukun!" I shout, even though it's much harder to use my Quirk when I'm in so much physical pain. I begin to lift him up and fly him toward the escape gate.

"I can still move better than you. Even if you are learning to use you pathetic power. At least try to make yourself useful, you moron!"

"Bakugo, enough! We are all trying our best!" I shout back, but Bakugo does another large blast toward All Might, making the sound of my voice be completely drowned out. I continue to fly Izukun toward the gate, though it's not as fast as I can normally move objects. Unfortunately, I'm unable to lift myself up along with him, so he is our saving grace. Even if All Might redirects himself to Izukun or me, Bakugo can take advantage of that and blast him again. We've got this—we have to get this. Sure enough, All Might begins to go after me as I'm the one moving Izukun and Bakugo swoops in to blast him. All Might, however, grabs him by the face and throws his body to the ground.

I gasp as All Might says, "It's time to sleep. Good night, Young Bakugo. I'm sorry. I may be the villain, but I'm still your teacher, and it pains me to see you sacrifice you own body in a fight."

Bakugo's hand grabs All Might's wrist and begins making tiny explosions.

"What the—"

"Hurry up. Go, you two. I'll keep fighting," Bakugo says weakly. "I'll break myself. Even if there's nothing left of me, I will win the way I want to. I'll destroy myself before I accept defeat at your hands. You got that?"

"Katsuki..." I let out with tears flooding my eyes.

Kacchan! I hear Izukun think, and knowing what he’s planning, I allow him to be on his own two feet so he can use his own Quirk.

"Don't tell me—" All Might says as he gets back up to see Izukun running faster than the eye can track.

With a terrifying smile appearing on Izukun's face, he says, "Please get out of the way. Move, All Might! Smash!" He lands a punch directly onto his face while using his Quirk. That gives us time to pick up Bakugo, and though I feel like dying, I run as fast as I can with him to get to the gate.

He's unconscious. I'm sorry, Kacchan, but this is just who I am, Izukun thinks.

"There's no reason to be sorry for being noble," I tell him weakly with the best smile I can plaster on my face. "Never apologize for who you are."

He gives me a slight nod, and with that, all three of us make it through the gate together.

~buzzer sounds~

"Team Midoriya, Takahashi, and Bakugo have passed the exam. All matches for the practical portion of Class 1-A's final have now been completed."


All three of us lay in beds in the temporary nurse’s office when Recovery Girl uses her Quirk last on Izukun as he wouldn't let her help him until she had helped me and Bakugo first. Bakugo still lays unconscious in the bed next to me.

"Thank you very much, Recovery Girl, I think I feel better," he mutters out weakly.

"All Might, you really don't know how to hold back," she scolds. "If you'd hit these kids any harder, they'd have permanent damage! Midoriya's back was horrible, and Akari's ribs were practically shattered! I was barely able to heal them!" She sighs and says to us, "Bakugo probably won't wake up for a while. For now, the three of you should stay here and rest."

—"Yes, ma'am," Izukun and I say answer weakly.

"Thanks again," Izukun adds.

When All Might believes that we are asleep, specifically me, he begins to think, and though it’s difficult, I stay conscious to hear him.You're so much stronger than when we first met that sometimes I hardly recognize you, Young Midoriya. And the same goes for you two as well. Young Bakugo, do you realize that you were able to smile in the face of defeat? And Young Takahashi, the way you have risen from being scared of the Quirk you were given to embracing it and using it to your full potential? I can't wait to see how much stronger you three get.

I smile at his sincere thoughts before slipping off myself.

Chapter 37: Training of the Dead

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (80)

Flashback to the week after the internships...

As the internships under the pro heroes ended and with all of us back at school, we were ready to resume our ordinary lives...or so we thought.

"It's a little sudden, but for our next Hero exercise, the Hero-class students from Isami High School will be joining us as special guests," Mr. Aizawa says, and the rest of the class screams in excitement to welcome them.

"She's a glasses girl!" Mineta says as he sneaks around my desk to tug on Izukun's sleeve. I telekinetically make him trip and let a little giggle when he falls on his face.

"Hey, pretty lady, can I get a number?" Kaminari says to one of the girls with white hair. She uncomfortably steps away as Jiro uses her ear-jack to jab him in the ear.

He yelps and Kirishima and Sero laugh as Jiro says, "Dammit, stop showing off your stupidity."

Suddenly, Mr. Aizawa activates his Quirk making his hair fly up and his eyes glow red, and everyone returns to their seats and go back to silence. "Introduce yourselves," he tells the students.

"Of course," the girl from earlier says. "We'll be running the exercise with you today. Isami High School, Hero Class. I'm Kashiko Sekigai."

"Same class, I'm Dadan Tadan. Pleasure to meet you," says the orange-haired boy who is sweating profusely.

"I'm Fujimi," the angry looking bluish-gray haired boy says.

"We're supposed to have one more," Mr. Aizawa says as he urges the other girl to quit hiding behind Sekigai. She peeks around her to reveal her red hair and...reptile head?

"Tsuyu-Chan!" The girl says as she and Tsu runs to each other to hug.

"Habuko-Chan!" Tsu exclaims shortly after.

"Tsu's friend?" Ochaco questions to make sense of it.

"I'm getting a little nervous. This shouldn't happen in nature," Izukun says.

"Why not? I mean everyone here could still have friends from middle school. I don't think it's that strange," I say to him.

"Mongoose! Don't get all friendly with these UA guys!" Fujimi scolds her.

"What did you just say you Isami-sh*t baby?" Bakugo shouts as he stands up from his seat with his right hand in a fist.

"Stop it, Kacchan!" Izukun says to him.

"Shut up, sh*t nerd!" Bakugo says in return.

"Why don't you shut up first," Mr. Aizawa tells him, and as much as he wants to, Bakugo says nothing. Not long after, the bell begins to ring. "It's time to go. Change into your costumes and make your way to Ground Omega. Iida, guide the Isami students."

"Yes, sir!" Iida responds as I get up from my seat and notice Bakugo and Fujimi glaring at each other. I roll my eyes and make my way with the other girls to the locker room.

"Ah! I knew it! You two went to the same middle school," Ochaco says to the two reuniting by holding each other hands.

"Yes, we were very good friends!" Tsu answers.

"I-is that so?" Mina says as I notice that Ochaco, Toru, and her stare at Mongoose uncomfortably.

"I can't help but feel uneasy around her," Ochaco whispers.

"So you're the class president?" Momo asks Sekigai, taking me away from the reunion.

"Yes, but it's a stressful job because of a troublesome student," she responds.

"Well, we've got the exact same problem, too."

"Yeah, and his name is Bakugo," I say, butting into the conversation.

"They have history," Mina tells her with a wink.

"We grew up together, no more!" I say quickly.

"Yeah...ssuuuureee," Mina says to me before facing Sekigai, "They're having a little fight right now."

I sigh in irritation. "It's more than a little fight, and like I said, it's not like that! We should be going to training now instead of spreading rumors."

"She's right. If everyone is ready, then we should go," Momo says as she gets up from the bench, and with the Isami students, we go to the training grounds.

"Alright, is everyone here?" Mr. Aizawa asks as he looks around. "Today's hero exercise will be observed by me and one more person."

Suddenly, we hear screaming coming from above. "I have—like a special guest—arrived!" All Might shouts as he hits the ground hard making a dirt cloud to emerge.

"A-All Might!" Fujimi lets out.

"In the flesh!" Sekigai says after.

"Such power!" Tadan exclaims.

"I'm so jealous of UA!" Mongoose says—the first sentence I have heard from her this whole time.

"So, about our little exercise," All Might says gathering our attention. "We're going to have you all go through some survival training!"

"Survival training?" Kirishima questions quietly to Kaminari.

"Like some Battle Royale thing?" Kaminari asks him.

"Let me explain! With four to five students per team and six teams overall, you will start at the predetermine positions that we have chosen! There is but one objective—to survive! To run or to fight, anything goes! Victory will go to the last surviving team!" All Might says.

"If you run into another team and manage to bind your opponents with this capture tape, you can make them combat ineffective. This should be a familiar item," Mr. Aizawa adds.

"Now! Let us announce the teams!" All Might says as he begins sorting us.

Team A: Mina Ashido, Izuku Midoriya, Tsuyu Asui, and Ochaco Uraraka

Team B: Momo Yaoyorozu, Mezo Shoji, Eijiro Kirishima, and Katsuki Bakugo

Team C: Koji Koda, Toru Hagakure, Shoto Todoroki, Akari Takahashi, and Mashirao Ojiro

Team D: Tenya Iida, Fumikage Tokoyami, Rikido Sato, and Hanta Sero

Team E: Kyoka Jiro, Minoru Mineta, Denki Kaminari, and Yuga Aoyama

Team F:Kashiko Sekigai,Dadan Tadan,Habuko Mongoose, and Romero Fijimi

"All teams, move to you start areas. The exercise will begin without warning in five minutes," Mr. Aizawa says.

"Make sure you survive!" All Might encourages.

"Yes, sir," we all answer.

I group up with my team and together, we venture out into the woods away from everyone.

"So how are we going to survive?" Toru asks.

"The easiest route would to not to engage in combat if at all possible," I answer.

Koda nods in agreement.

"That may be harder done than said," Todoroki says.

"Yeah, we already know Bakugo will be looking for a fight, and the Isami students will want to prove themselves," Ojiro adds.

"I know it may not be possible to avoid combat completely, but if we can stay hidden as long as possible, then the other teams will begin to take each other out one by one which will preserve our energy. When it comes to survival, the best thing to do is to not waste any energy if it's not required."

Todoroki seems to think on what I said before nodding in approval. "Takahashi has a good point. If we rest as long as possible, it will be easier to fight others when the time comes. Hagakure, Takahashi, and Koda, keep a watch on the others teams that way we know if our position has been compromised. With all three of you working recon, we should be able to know where everyone is at all times. Ojiro and I will be first line if combat occurs."

"Got it," we all answer, besides Koda who responds with a thumbs up, and we get ready for the match to start.


"Five minutes have passed," Mr. Aizawa says.

"So no team has started moving. Aizawa, are you okay with such a boring exercise even though we have the Isami students as guests?" All Might asks.

"It's the time of year where energy and tensions run high in all Hero classes. Especially at this time, avoiding fights and reminding them of patience and self control is important," Mr. Aizawa explains.

"Well, you've got a point..." All Might says before multiple explosions rattle the quiet woodlands. "But not everyone's like that!"


"There he goes," I mutter to myself as the sounds of multiple explosions flood the woods around us.

"Just like we suspected. Continue to be ready for anything," Todoroki responds.

I nod, but the distance thoughts of others begin to concern me.

"What's wrong, Takahashi?" Ojiro asks me as he must have seen my concerns written on my face.

"I don't know what it means, but there's thoughts flooding in about some pink gas, and then...there's less thoughts I can hear."

"Less thoughts?" Toru asks with a mix of confusion and fear.

"Meaning that there are less people within my vicinity or...have ceased to exist."


"That gas...I read the Isami students' data sheets, and it's a troublesome Quirk. We should stop the exercise," Mr. Aizawa says.

"No. This situation can be called a survival situation. It's okay! If things get bad, I'll stop it!" All Might insists.

"I'll leave it in your hands then," Mr. Aizawa says.


"What?! Ceased to exist? What are you trying to say?!" Toru squeals in fear.

"Like I said, I don't know what it means. It could be from one of the Isami student's Quirks that causes cognitive dysfunction, but all I know for sure is don't get close to whatever this gas it," I answer.

Koda begins shaking and pointing off in the distance as Ojiro says, "Uh, guys, like that gas?"

"It would seem so," I answer.

"We need to go now! Follow me!" Todoroki shouts, and we waste no time to leave our hidden spot to find safety.

We are still running from the gas when we hear a familiar voice call out Todoroki's name. We look above us and there is Izukun's group running alongside us on the higher level of rock on the mountain we're on.

"Midoriya!" Todoroki answers. "Now isn't the time to fight!"

"Yeah!" He agrees.

"Do you know what that gas is?"

"It's probably the Quirk of one of the Isami students. I don't know what is does but—" Izukun answers but stops mid sentence as though something has caught his attention.

Everyone stops running and Ochaco asks, "What's wrong, Deku?"

They jump down to our level, and we peer from below the slight cliff when we see people emerging from the trees. "Someone's coming!" Izukun whispers.

"Did they run from the gas, too?" Tsu asks aloud.

"Heeeeey! Over here!" Ochaco begins to shouts.

"Guys, I'm not hearing any thoughts coming from them..." I say nervously.

We watch intensely as they finally step into the sunlight revealing pale and disfigured Bakugo, Momo, and Kirishima. "Z-zombies!" We all scream in fear.

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (81)

Romero Fujimi. Quirk: Zombie Virus. He spreads his virus around and infects people! Once infected, the victim cannot be damaged! All brain activity also stops! The victims also randomly use their Quirks! Is this really a heroic Quirk? This is too dangerous!

We look around to see more people have been infected when Tsu says, "Habuko-Chan..."

"Everyone, why...?" Ochaco begins.

"It's because of that gas! They've been zombified completely!" Izukun says.

"What do you think of my Quirk?! UA isn't all that much," Fujimi says, appearing not too far away from where we stand. We all point behind him, but before we can udder a word, zombie Bakugo bites him in the shoulder. "Oh my god!"

"Kacchan...he's still fighting as a zombie!" Izukun exclaims. We begin to watch as Fujimi turns into a zombie himself. "It's just like the movies! You're turned into a zombie if you get bitten!"

"If the Quirk user is down, then there's no way to reverse all this!" Todoroki says as our zombie classmates are zoning in on us. "Then I'll..." he begins as he uses his ice Quirk to use freeze them in place.

"Yes!" Mina shouts excitedly.

"It really is like the movies! They're stronger now!" Izukun says as they break from the ice with ease.

"Dammit!" Ojiro shouts as Hagakure screams making me turn around to see them both get bitten.

"Ojiro! Hagakure!" Izukun yells, but it's no use.

"Hagakure's a zombie, right?" Mina asks as we can't actually see her true form.

"I think...?" Ochaco says.

"Of course she is!" I answer. "What now? Koda has been bitten, too!"

"He's still silent as a zombie!" Izukun mutters.

"Hey! What do we do?" Mina asks.

"We should probably leave now!" I shout.

We slide down the side of the large mountainous hill, but while we were running we hear Tsu fall hard. "Tsu!" We all shout. Behind her, zombified Mongoose jumps down and focuses in on her.

"Habuko-Chan..." Tsu mutters in defeat, but surprisingly, Mongoose doesn't attack her.

"Huh?" I let out in confusion.

"You remember me, even as a zombie! Thank you, Habuko-Chan!" She says as she holds her hands. "We'll always be frien—" before she can finish, Aoyama comes out of nowhere and bites her instead.

"They're still friends as zombies!" Ochaco says as they are still in each other's embrace.

"I think there's more important things right now!" Mina reminds.

"Yeah, we need to find a place to hide!" I say as I begin to look around us to determine the best way when I hear a laugh coming from above.

"That voice..." Izukun says as his eyes light up.

A man comes flying down as he shouts, "Everything is alright! Why you ask? I have arrived!" I stare in confusion as I thought the voice sounded like All Might, but as the smoke clears, I see a thin man standing a little bit away from us.

"A stranger turned into a zombie!" Mina and Ochaco scream as they hold on to each other. They then grab Izukun and drag him as we run away until we find a cave to hide out in.

"Todoroki!" Izukun shouts.

"I know!" Todoroki says as he covers the opening with ice.

We all sigh in relief before Ochaco says, "I can finally breathe!"

"I'm so tired!" Mina adds.

"Midoriya. How long do you think that zombie Quirk lasts?" Todoroki asks him.

"The gas was clearing, so I'm sure it will go away eventually. But how long that will take..." he answers, though he begins talking to himself by the end of it.

"I'm sure that if it gets too dangerous, the teachers will save us!" Ochaco says, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah!" Mina agrees.

If only... I hear Izukun think which make me concerned, but I don't want to ask him to explain and possibly scare the others. My mind revert back to the stranger that appeared in the forest...

"Deku, how do the protagonists in zombie movies escape?" Ochaco asks.

"Well...most zombie movies end badly," he answers honestly.

They both gasp. "Wait, really?" Ochaco exclaims.

"That's bad!" Mina whines.

"But there difference here is that they're not zombies permanently. We just have to wait it out!" I tell them. Right after I say that, a large bang hits the ice causing a crack in it.

"That might be a bit harder to do," Todoroki says as we all watch the ice cap.

"They're here!" Izukun whispers as he puts himself in front of Mina, Ochaco, and me.

Hagakure's gloved hand breaks through, but Todoroki immediately makes another layer of ice between us and the zombies."We'll be overrun if this continues!" He says.

"Todoroki, get ready to use your flames!" Izukun tells him before turning to face us. "You two stay back. Akari-Chan, be prepared to use your telekinesis!"

"Got it," I say as I get in a better stance.

"A frontal breakthrough," Todoroki says quietly.

"Yeah!" Izukun confirms. "If we can't fall back, then we can only go forward! I'll make an escape route!"

"But how?" Ochaco asks.

"Those zombies can't be damaged. If I blow them away with the ice, we can escape then!" He explains and begins to activate his Quirk.

"Get ready, Midoriya," Todoroki says as he activates his fire Quirk and aims it toward the ice. He heats the ice up and after a few moments, he shouts, "Now!"

Izukun uses the wall of the cave as leverage to push himself off it and toward the ice wall with his fist. A loud crack of the ice and smoke emerges when we hear Izukun shout, "Everyone. Let's get out of—"

Before he can finish, I can hear the voices of my classmates screaming and asking what is going on. Has the Quirk wore off? I run out of the cave to see many falling from the sky due to Izukun's attack.

"They turned back to normal?" Izukun shouts in shock. "I-I'm sorry!"

"Hey, nerd!" I hear Bakugo shout at him. I look in that direction to see him flying down while holding an injured Fujimi in a headlock. "You wanna fight with me? Sounds fun!"

"No! You've got it wrong!"

"I'll crush you—" he says as he turns himself into a spinning drill of fire, "—with everything I've got!"

"Wait!" He shouts, but his pleads were unheard. I use my telekinesis to float myself away along with those around me to try to lower the amount of unnecessary injuries.


After an...interesting day, I grab my possessions and get ready to walk back home. The sun is already starting to set when I see three of the Isami students standing in front of Mom, Iida, and Bakugo.

"Everyone, we're so sorry this happened!"Sekigai apologizes.

"Don't worry about it," Momo answers.

"We too, ask for your forgiveness!" Iida adds as he bows. "Bakugo, you apologize too!"

"Fujimi, you too!"Sekigai says.


The two of them walk toward each other and head butt as they groan at each other. I roll my eyes and walk toward the scene. "That's probably the most you're gonna get from him," I say as I direct my gaze at Bakugo. "It was great training with all of you. I wish you all the best!"

"You as well!" Sekigai answers warmly.

"I must admit, I was a bit nervous to be around the daughter of Psychokinetical and Mind Mistress, but you nothing like the media has said. I apologize for making that assumption of you," Tadan says as he bows.

I bow in return. "Thank you. That means a lot. I must be on my way now, though." I turn to leave to the school quickly after his statement. I tend to forget that my presence here is now known to the world, because my classmates never bring it up, nor do they care. Outsiders, on the other hand, will always have a skewed view of me, and that's just something I have to get used to.

Chapter 38: Encounter

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (82)

"Kurogiri, get rid of these two," Shigaraki demands. "I can already tell they're exactly the kind of trash I hate. A brat and a guy with no manners."

"Now, now, Tomura Shigaraki. They came all this way, the least we can do is hear them out. Give them a chance. Besides, this broker is respected in the underworld. They're bound to be valuable assets," Kurogiri says.

"Like 'em or not, you still owe me a finder's fee. In cash," the broker says. "I suppose I can introduce the two of 'em before I go. This one looks like an adorable high school girl, right? She's actually the suspect in a series of deaths where the victims all bled out. So far, her name and face have been kept out of the media."

"Toga, here. Himiko Toga!" She introduces. "Life is too hard. I just want to make it easier to live in this dumb world. I wanna be Mr. Stainy! I wanna kill Mr. Stainy! C'mon, handy-man, please let me join your League of Villains!"

"You gotta be kidding me. Is she crazy?" Shigaraki questions.

"Well, she can hold a conversation. For the most part, at least. C'mon, she could be useful. And this guy—hasn't committed any flashy crimes, but he's taken Stain's ideology to heart."

"I don't like this. Is your group really dedicated to the Hero Killer's mission? I can't imagine you are if you're gonna let this little psycho join you," the other guy says.

"Grow up. She may be a psycho, but at least she knows how to introduce herself to people. Don't just stare. What's you name?" Shigaraki asks.

"Right now I'm goin' by Dabi," he answers.

"No, I want to know your real name."

"I'll tell you when you need to know it," Dabi argues. "In any case, my new purpose is to carry out the Hero Killer's will."

"That wasn't what I asked you, patchwork. Jeez. Why is everyone so hung up on Stain? He's all I ever hear about," Shigaraki complains as he stands up from his barstool.

"No, don't do it," Kurogiri says, but his words falls on deaf ears.

"Every damn day. It's really pissing me off. You two are done," Shigaraki says as he makes an advancement toward this both of them. The other two don't hesitate to make an attack back, but they all fail due to Kurogiri warping their hands away from each other.

"Please calm yourself, Tomura Shigaraki. If your desire is to be realized, then we must increase our numbers. Now that we're in the spotlight, our chance is at hand. I advise you to be more accepting. You must use them and the ideology Stain has left behind," Kurogiri says to him before releasing the warps the held their hands.

"I'm outta here," Shigaraki mutters.

"Where are you off to?" The broker asks.

"Shut up!' He answers before slamming the door.

"I try to make it a point no to complain about a client, but he's too young. And far too immature," the broker says.

"Really thought he was gonna kill us for a sec!" Toga adds.

"That guy makes me wanna vomit," Dabi lets out.

"Shall we get back to you about recruitment at a later date? I believe our leaders knows what he has to do.That's why he left as he did. He understands his circ*mstances. All Might, then the Hero Killer—he's been humbled twice very recently. I'm sure he will bring you an answer. One that will satisfy both of you, as well as his own desires."


"Everyone, I'm looking forward to hearing all your stories of how fun camp was," Mina cries as Kirishima, Sato, and Kaminari stand around her sad as well. Today is the day that Mr. Aizawa will go over the final exam scores and some of the class are worried what it means for them.

"Maybe they'll end up letting you go! There might be a last-minute twist of somethin'," Izukun says to them.

"Stop, Midoriya," Sero says as he puts his hand on his shoulder. "By saying that out load, you're just jinxing them."

"They said whoever failed the exams would have to skip training camp and live in summer school hell. We didn't pass the practicals, so we're doomed. Don't you get it, Midoriya?! Or did All Might knock all the brains outta you?" Kaminari shouts at him.

"Ease up, Kaminari! I'm not sure I'll get to go, either. Our team only passed thanks to Mineta. I got knock out, and since we don't know how they're scoring stuff, I might have flunked," Sero says.

"At least bring us back lots of camp souvenirs, please?" Kaminari yells.

The door opens suddenly, revealing Mr. Aizawa. "Once the bell rings, you should be in your seats," he lectures, and everyone quickly runs to the seats in silence. He walks over to his podium and begins class. "Morning. Unfortunately, there are a few of you who did not pass your final exams. So, when it comes to the training camp in the woods...Everyone is going!"

It's a last-minute twist! I hear everyone from the previous conversation think simultaneously in the same excited tone.

"We really get to go to camp?" Kirishima asks.

"Seriously?" Mina asks with tears in her eyes.

"Yeah. The good news is that no one bombed the written exam. Five failed the practical badly. Two teams, of course, and then Sero failed as well," Mr. Aizawa explains.

"Aw, crap! I knew it. Mineta made it to the gate, but I didn't do near enough to pass," Sero mutters.

"Allow me to explain. For the practical battles, the teachers made sure to leave a way for the students to win. Otherwise, you never would have stood a chance. We were interested in observing how you each worked together and approached the task at hand," Mr. Aizawa says.

"But didn't you promise that the teachers wouldn't be holding back?" Ojiro asks.

"That was just to get you on edge. Besides, the training camp will focus on building your strength, Those who failed need those lessons the most. We were never going to separate you. That was just a logical deception we used," Mr. Aizawa answers with a disturbing smile spreading across his face.

"He tricked us all! I should have expected this," Iida says as the group who failed cheer in excitement. He stands up with his hand raised and shouts, "Mr. Aizawa, this is the second time you've lied to us. Aren't you afraid we'll lose faith in you?"

"Uh, a little blunt there, Tenya," Ochaco says to him.

"That's a good point, I'll consider it. But I wasn't lying to you about everything. Failure is failure. We've prepared extra lessons for the five of you. Frankly, they'll be far tougher than what you'd face at summer school."

I can't but feel help bad for the five of them as their faces drop from the news. Camp is already going to be difficult, so having more lessons on top of it...yikes.


"This is gonna be great. I'm so glad we're all going together," Ojiro says as class is done for the day and many of us we're still hanging around while getting our things together.

"Looks like we'll be at the training camp a full week," Iida observes as he reads through the pamphlet we were given.

"I've gotta find a bigger suitcase," Izukun responds.

"Yeah, I don't even have a bathing suit. Guess I need to buy some stuff," Kaminari says.

"Like night vision goggles!" Mineta adds.

"Guys, since we're off tomorrow, and we finally finished exams, I have the best idea! Why doesn't Class 1-A go shopping together?!" Toru exclaims.

"Hey, yeah! We've never hung out as a class before!" Kaminari adds.

"Bakugo," Kirishima says as he begins to leave the classroom, "See you there, right?"

"I can't think of anything more annoying," he answers as he begins to leave the classroom.

"What about you, Akari?" Kirishima asks me.

I am taken aback for point, but quickly answer, "Sure, sounds like it could be fun!"

"That's great!" He says happily as he gives me a side hug, and I hear Bakugo scoff just before walking out the door.

"Will you come, Todoroki?" Izukun asks.

"I visit my mom on days off," he answers.

"You party poopers! Don't you ever get tired of being so serious?" Mineta whines. We begin to make the plans on when and where we're meeting before parting ways. Once I get home, I begin to go through my things so I can figure out what to put on my list when I hear my phone ding. I grab my phone to see Bakugo's name across my screen.


Are you seriously going with them extras tomorrow?


Yeah...why do u care?


I don't care! I just think it's a waste of time


Not really, I already needed to get some things anyway, so I might as well go with friends




Idk why it bothers u so much. U could've hung out with Kirishima but u want to act better than everyone else instead


After watching the dreaded three dots for what feels like forever, they disappear and another text never shows itself. I just roll my eyes and throw my phone back on my bed before continuing on making my list in anticipation for tomorrow.


"Oh, man, do I love this place!" Mina says after we met each other and begin walking the mall's entrance. "It's got a ton of different stores to shop at, and they're all super coo and hip. The Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall!"

"They carry deigns for all body types, and have a range of gear for everyone from teens to seniors. The logistics of..." Izukun mutters.

"You're going to scare the children. Stop." Tokoyami tells him.

"Whoa! Aren't those UA students?!" A stranger shouts at us.


"I saw 'em on TV!"

"That sports festival was so good!"

Ochaco laughs nervously. "I can't believe they still remember that."

"I wanna track down a new duffel bag to bring to summer training," I overhear Kyoka say to Momo.

"Oh, yeah? Maybe the two of us should browse together."

"Let's see, where can I get a lockpicking kit and a small drill," Mineta mutters to himself.

"Guess I should probably buy some outdoorsy shoes for this thing," Kaminari says.

"Oh, that's smart, me, too!" Toru responds to him.

"The guide said that the shoes should already be broken in, though," Iida shouts at them. "But, wait, perhaps it's a mistake not to factor utility into the equation," he begins muttering to himself.

"So, then why don't we split up and look around?" Kirishima says to us. "We can meet here again when we're done."

"Great idea!" Mina responds.

"Perfect! Let's say we're all back around three?"

"Sounds good!" We all answer.

"Akari, want to come with us?" Kirishima asks he gesture at himself and Mina.

I smile before saying, "Yes, I'd love to!"

He returns a grin as he runs his hand through his hair. "Great! Let's go then!"

“Yay! Okay, come on!” Mina squeals before grabbing my hand and dragging me behind her. We go from store to store laughing and having a good time, but I still find it hard to be around so many people because of all the thoughts coming in.

“Hey, guys, I’m just gonna put my earbuds in, but I’m not going to play any music so that I can still you guys,” I say to them as I pull them out of my bag.

“Are the thoughts too much?” Kirishima asks.

I nod. “Yeah. Large crowds are still a little hard for me, but I’m getting better at controlling it.”

“So covering up your ears helps the thoughts come through?” Mina questions.

“Yeah. The thoughts come through just like if someone were talking aloud, though it’s a bit more faint,” I explain.

“So, can you hear everyone’s thoughts all the time?” Kirishima asks me.

“Not exactly. For me, it’s kinda like how you can hear people talking normal in a large crowd. You can’t hear everything everyone is saying completely, but you may catch a few words. I have to actually focus in on people to really hear their thoughts, but even then, it’s their conscious thoughts at that moment. I have to stare directly in someone’s eyes to dive deeper into their mind. So no need to worry about me knowing your deepest secrets,” I say with a small laugh.

“Oh okay, that make sense,” Kirishima says with the sound of relief in his voice. It’s quite normal for people to think I hear their thoughts nonstop, but not many people actually care to ask—they just assume and stay far away.

“Is that what you did in the sports festival when you fought Bakugo?” Mina asks.

I look away from both them before answering, “Yes. I was focusing on reading his thoughts to determine his next move when, for a split second, we made eye contact. I don’t have complete control of my mind reading, so since I was already focusing so hard on his mind, it didn’t take much to go deeper by accident.”

“What did you hear that made him so mad?” she asks.

“It…doesn’t matter,” I say. “He simply got mad because he asked to never do that to him and it didn’t matter to him that it was an accident.”

“Well, you know his temper more than anybody else. I’m sure he didn’t even mean what he said to you,” Kirishima says.

“I’m sorry, can we talk about something else?” I ask them as the conversation about Bakugo is making me uncomfortable.

“Yeah, of course! Do you need a new bathing suit, Akari? ‘Cause I’m in despite need for one! Come on!” Mina says excitedly as grabs my hand and runs into a store with Kirishima shortly behind.

“Whoa, Mina!” I manage to say as I try hard not to trip. We begin to look through the different kinds of bathing suits, or rather, Mina rummages through them as Kirishima and I stand there uncomfortably. I have to admit, shopping for this with a guy is a bit awkward. I rest my eyes on a black one piece with a criss cross front and a low back.

“This one would look so good on you!” Mina exclaims as she pulls a navy blue and white striped bikini and puts it to my body. “What do you think, Kirishima? Do you think it would look on her?”

He face becomes immediately red as he stutters, “Uh-um…ye-yeah.”

I blush as well as I say, “I-it’s not really my style.”

“Oh, please! It would look great!” Mina begs. “Come on, Kirishima! Help me out here!”

His face still red, he rubs the back of his head with his hand as he averts his eyes from me. “I-I think she should get something she’d feel comfortable in.”

“Aw, you’re not helping!” Mina whines, but I have long since left the conversation. My ear bud almost fell out of my ear when she pushed the bathing suit to my body, and before I could secure it back in, someone’s thoughts come through and make me feel uneasy.

You know, it's really ironic, Hero Killer. I'm your opposite, but you let me live and now your ideals and convictions will become a stepping stone for me.

“Excuse me,” I say to them as I begin leaving the shop.

“Wait, where are you going?” Mina asks, but I don’t respond as I continue to walk away.

I zone in hard and follow where the two voices were coming from as quickly as I possibly could without causing a disturbance when I see the scene I was hoping wasn't actually happening.

—"Uh, Deku?"

—"Izukun?" Ochaco and I say at the same time as we meet up with Izukun simultaneously.

"Is that a friend?" She asks as my heart sinks further down when I realize my suspicion was right. "No, that can't be right."

"I think it would be best if you let go of him," I finally speak.

"This is nothing guys, everything's fine! Stay back! No closer!" Izukun manages to say as a hand is wrapped tightly around his throat.

He immediately removes his hands from Izukun and says lightly, "Oh, you were here with some friends? I didn't know, Sorry about that." He seems to whisper something privately to the coughing Izukun before getting up and walking off in between Ochaco and me.

"Deku!" Ochaco says and runs over to him while I continue to stand guard where I stand.

"Hold on, Shigaraki," Izukun says in a rough voice.

Ochaco gasps. "Shigaraki?"

"I have a question, too. What is All For One after?" He asks making my stomach turn into multiple knots. How does he know of him?

"Who knows, really—maybe your friend here might know," he says as looks at me that gives chills down my spine. "But here's a little word of advice from me, friend. Be careful, the next time we meet, I'll likely have to kill you." He turns to walk away again, and soon, he is unfindable amongst the crowd.

Ochaco and I reported the incident, and the shopping mall was temporarily closed. The heroes and police in the area conducted a massive sweep. But they couldn't find Shigaraki. Later that day, Izukun was taken to the police station. Surprisingly, Izukun didn't say anything to them about Shigaraki hinting I might know something (even though I don't), but I'm sure he'll ask me about it soon enough...and I dread for that day.


We are sitting in the auditorium for the U.A. High School 1st Semester Closing Ceremony when I begin thinking about everything that has happened. From the entrance exam to the fitness test, combat training, the League of Villains' attack, the sports festival, our internships and the Hosu incident, and finally our exams...A lot has happened, but my first semester at UA is over. Summer is about to begin. Though, that doesn't mean we can just ignore our training. All of us need to be prepared for the evil lurking around the corner. Because that's how we'll become true heroes. We don't have time to stand around. We have to keep running toward our goals.

After the ceremony, I begin to leave when I hear someone call my name. I turn back around and say, “Kirishima?”

He runs to me to fill in the distance, and through pants, he says, “You left the shop before you could get something.” I look down to see a bag in his hand.

I look back at him quizzically and answer, “Yeah, I heard Izukun was in trouble…why do you mention it?”

He blushes slightly and explains, “W-well, I saw you looking at something, and with the help from Mina, I got it for you in size.” He hands me the bag.

Confused, I accept the bag and look inside—it’s the black swimsuit! I look back at him in shock. “How did you know? T-thank you. I may be able to repay you—here let me check,” I say as I try to look through my things for money.

“No, it’s fine. Consider it a gift,” he responds as he lays a hand on mine to stop my hunt.

I blush intensely from the idea of a swimsuit from him as a gift. It feels…intimate.

He notices my hesitance, and his face reddens as he says, “Unless it’s too weird! I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable!”

His reaction makes me giggle slightly and I answer, “No, it’s fine. It surprised me, but I’m not really used to such thoughtful gifts. You know, being a villain’s kid and all.”

He begins to relax and says, “Okay, as long as you don’t feel uncomfortable.”

I smile. “I’m fine. Thank you.”

He returns the smile and says, “You’re welcome. See you at camp?”

I nod. “Yeah. See ya then.”

“Okay, bye!”

“Bye,” I respond and smile all the way home as I think about what camp has in store for us.

Chapter 39: Two Heroes, Part 1

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (83)

Many years ago in California, USA...

A huge explosion erupts at a casino before someone screams, "There's a villain!"


A huge multi-legged villain jumps out of the smoke with another villain riding along with many big bags. The smaller villain laugh manically and says, "10 million dollar just like that! I love this job!"

"Brother!" The big villain shouts in a deep voice. Just up ahead, the whole police force blocks the road while two heroes appear to help.

"Your crime spree ends here! Stand down!" One of the heroes says as he activates his electric Quirk and throws the villains back with the hit. "You're up, Cow Lady!"

"Y'all are finished!" She says before turning into a bull.

"I'd like to see you try and stop us!" The villain shouts as he shoots explosives at them to make a getaway by jumping off buildings to bypass the road block. The villains are about to land on a car with a family still inside. "Don't stomp just crush them!" But before they can even touch the ground, someone stops them by landing an intense punch in the massive villain's stomach causing them to fly backward about a mile away.

"Fear not, citizens! Everything is fine. You're safe, because I'm here!" A blonde, muscular hero states.

"Really? And just who the hell you think are you?!" The villain questions.

"A hero from Japan...who just so happen to be passing by!" The hero answers.

"Ha! I'll just send you back home in a coffin if they can find your remains!" He shoots more explosives, but the hero manages to divert them by simply moving his arms away from him and causing the wind to move furiously.

"I'm sorry, what was that threat ag..ain? Running away already?" The hero questions as he sees that the villains have already fled.

A flying red car comes out of nowhere toward the hero, and the driver shouts, "You're getting ahead of yourself, Toshi!"

"They're fast! Follow them, Dave!" Toshi says as he gets in the passenger after the vehicle had made it back to the ground.

"You're impossible—your body always moves ya before think," Dave responds, but regardless, complies to the order.

"Hey, some weird guy is following us!" The large villain bellows.

"Damn these heroes!" The other shouts as he shoots more explosives, but the plan fails as the vehicle shoots a missile that dissembles and releases huge bubbles that encapsulates the explosive to allow them to explode in a contained manner.

"You're kidding me! Ugh!"

"Toshi, we're going to be late for the lecture. Hurry up and finish this!" Dave scolds.

"That's the plan, obviously!" Toshi says as he is crouched at the very front of the car before jumping off to go after the villains climbing up a building.

"You just don't give up, do you?" The villain shouts as he launches more explosives.

"Detroit Smash!" Toshi shouts as renders the explosives useless with his Quirk. He continues chasing after the villains when more explosives appear right beside him and blow up—burning his normal clothes and revealing his hero suit underneath.Now for an ultimate move. Dave, I named this one after your homestead.

"Do it!" Dave says aloud as if he knows exactly what he had in mind.

"California Smash!" He shouts as he spins himself to gain more momentum to punch the villains into defeat. A crowd gathers around with the villains lie motionless in a new hole in the asphalt of the road along with the heroes from earlier.

"Who is that hero?"

"I haven't seen him before."

"That was incredible!"

"He's exchange student visiting the states from Japan! You can call him by his hero name, All Might."

—"His name's All Might?"

"Take him in. Someday that name will be known by everyone in the world. Someday, he will become our symbol of peace."

Toshi—All Might—soon gets back in the car with Dave, and they continue to drive to their original destination. "Thanks for the help, Dave! Because of this suit you made, that was a cinch and we will make it back to class in time!"

"Well, we better. If we're late again, I doubt we'll be able to pass the course," Dave says.

The police scanner in the car begins to go off. "Flight UA-857 has been hijack! I repeat, flight SFO-857 has been hijack!"

"Did you hear that, Dave!" All Might asks him.

"It's too risky, man," Dave tells him, but All Might just stares at him intensely. Dave chuckles. "You know, for a good guy, you are way too reckless."

"That mean you'll help me?"

"I guess so," Dave answers as he prepares the car into fly mode. "Who knew being a hero would be so much work!"

All Might laughs and says, "Don't worry, I'll buy you lunch!"

Present Day

Why did I decide to go?I think to myself as I sit on the private plane given to me by Dreamer from my parents' company. All of the big-shot heroes got invitations to this Expo opening, but Dreamer was too busy to attend and offered the ticket to me. I accepted it thinking I needed some time away from my problems, but now I'm a little anxious being here alone. I try to swallow my anxiety deep down as I look out the window to see my destination below.

The floating city that can move anywhere. Home to more than 10,000 scientists. I-Island. So this is how I'm starting summer vacation...on I-Island. When the plane finally lands, I'm escorted off the plane and into I-Island airport. I go through their passenger identification system before I'm allowed free unto the island.

"What is the reason this place is build? To gather all greatest scientist in the world. Then doing an ability research with equipment to help the Heroes. This island built to move because to protect the scientist and the result of research from Villains The security system is tight like Tartarus prison. And for that never be any crime happened in here," one of those info TVs say as I'm getting check in.

"Immigration inspection is complete. The island is currently holding the pre-opening of I-Expo, an event that showcases the research and development projects our teams have been working on. Only those with invitations may attend the preview."

I didn't think there would be so many people here! This place is huge and has so many technically advanced attractions. I-Island is so different from Japan. In I-Island, people freely use their abilities, even using them along the streets as attractions. After seeing this in person, it's hard to believe this island was made by humans!


"We've infiltrated the expo without a problem. So, when do the goods arrive?" The leader of the suspicious group says as soon as the other person picks up the phone.

"You'll find them a Gate 66."

"Then we'll be waiting," he answers before quickly hanging up the phone.


Tonight there's party has been held for guests from many industries--one that I am invited to because of Dreamer, though I'm not sure how much I actually want to go. I know I need to quit being fearful of the media's eye as I know I'm going to be in it no matter what I do, but I just can't help it.

"Akari?" I hear a familiar voice say while I am touring the place. I turn around to see short haired brunette.

"Ochaco? What are you doing here?" I ask surprised.

"I'm here with Momo! She had some extra tickets for some of the other girls in class," she answers.

I sigh in relief. "Nice! I was so nervous being here by myself. I'm so glad I least know a few people here to talk to."

She gives me a happy smile and asks me, "I was just meeting up with the other girls to the Showcase. Did you want to come with me?"

I nod. "Yeah, let's go!" I follow her to one of the building that are showcasing many of the new hero tech-ware that the scientists have created when we see Izukun with a blonde girl.

"Is that...Izukun?" I ask in confusion.

Ochaco looks in that direction and develops a strange look on her face as she walks over to him without responding to me. "Looks like you are having fun, huh, Deku," she says to him as I follow behind her.

"Uraraka? Araki-Chan? What are you two doing here?" He asks nervously.

"It looks like you're having fun," she repeats.

"You said that," he answers in confusion before we hear a cough in a different direction revealing that the others found us and followed. "Yaoyorozu?!" He says in more disbelief.

"You appear to be having a good time," Momo responds.

"Midoriya, I heard everything," Kyoka tells him.

"Are they your friends?" The girl in question asks him.

"Uh, yeah. These are my classmates, and I didn't tell them I'd be here. Oh, guys, this is my friend, Melissa. She was just showing me around the expo a little bit.

"Nice to meet you! My dad and uncle Might are—" she begins to say before Izukun freaks out and shouts in her face while waving his hands. He pulls her aside and whispers something to them.What's that all about?I think to myself. "How about we grab some tea at the café?" We agree and follow her to there. "Wow, you really got to work with pro heroes? Like...out in the field?"

"Just normal training and a few patrols," Ochaco tells Melissa.

"I helped out in a hostage crisis, but only the evacuated part," Kyoka says.

"That's still amazing though!" She exclaims.

"Somehow I ended up on a TV commercial for hair products," Momo complains.

"Sounds like an experience. Lucky!"

"We were thinking about going to check out the pavilion for the academy's exhibit tomorrow," Kyoka tells her.

"I'm really excited!" Ochaco exclaims, but I can't help but hear Izukun's thoughts from the other table.

I'm saved! They're not questioning anything,he thinks to himself.

I wouldn't be so sure about that...

Someone sets down a drink in front of Izukun. "Thanks for waiting," a familiar voice says taking me out of my thoughts.

"I know that voice...Kaminari?!" Izukun says aloud and gathering everybody else's attention.

"Is that...Mineta?!" Ochaco asks in shock.

"What are you two doing here?" Kyoka asks.

"They needed extra wait staff, and since it meant a free trip to the island, we applied to work. Right?" Kaminari explains before looking down at Mineta.

"We get to explore the expo on our breaks, and we make some money. Plus, there's a chance we'll have passionate encounters with some of the cute girls—oh my god!" Mineta begins to say before meeting eyes with Melissa. Both boys hurdle over to Izukun to, most likely, get the details on the new girl.

"Are these some of your classmates?" Melissa asks.

"That's right," Kaminari answers as he swing back around to face our table.

"We're basically pros," Mineta says making my eyes involuntarily roll.

"Why are you two slacking off? You wanted to make more money, but you're not willing to work hard?!"

"lida?!" Izukun says.

"You here too?" Ochaco asks as he runs super fast past to grab to two slackers.

"I come from a long line of heroes. It's to be expected we received an invitation to the expo. But my family is busy, so it's just me," he explains.

"I wondered if you'd be here. I received an invitation because my father's a shareholder in some of the expo's sponsor companies. It's so fun to be able to go to the preview," Momo says.

"Yeah, and she had a few extra plus ones, so we basically gambled for them," Kyoka explains and how they were all playing rock, paper, scissors to see who would get them. "So after a partial game of chance, two of us ended up joining the fun as her guests!"

Ochaco nods in agreement. "The other girls are here, they just can't visit the preview."

"Oh, are they really?" Izukun asks.

"Uh-huh, we're all planning to look around together once the expo is opened up to the public tomorrow," Momo answers.

"Here's a thought. Why don't I show you girls the sites?" Melissa asks.

"You sure you have time?" Ochaco asks as we all are filled with excitement.

"Mmhm," she hums out with a nod.

—"That's awesome!" We all say in unison.

—"Please take us with you!" Kaminari and Mineta beg simultaneously. Just then, a lot explosion occurs not that far behind us.

"What was that noise?" Izukun asks.

"I don't know let's go find out," I say to him, and we all rush over to this mountainous enclosure.

"A clearance time of 33 seconds! He's in eighth place!" A girl on a mic announces as I look on the screen to see Kirishima on the big screen in his hero costume and his Quirk activated. For some reason, the sight of him makes my heart race, and I try to calm myself down.

"Kirishima?!" Izukun exclaims.

"So, I'm guessing he's from U.A. as well?" Melissa asks.

"Yeah, he's in the same class as us," Izukun answers.

"Please welcome our next challenger!" The announcer says, and both Izukun and I gasp.

"Ka... Kacchan?!"

"The villain attack course has been reset! Ready... go!" Without even a second to spare, Bakugo attacks the robot villains with ease.

"Die!" He shouts.

"Look at that time! Only 15 seconds! First place!"

"Hey, isn't that Midoriya and Akari in the stands?" I hear Kirishima ask.

Bakugo flies up to where Izukun is standing and gets in his face. "Dammit, what are you doing here, Deku?!"

"Oh, hey there, Kacchan," Izukun says nervously as he backs away, "maybe calm down a little bit."

"Don't tell me what to do!" Bakugo shouts.

I stand in front of Izukun and shout, "Stop it, Bakugo!"

"I wasn't talking to you!"

"I don't care if you are talking to me or not, you need to stop this behavior at once!" I shout back.

"So, Kirishima," Momo says as she speaks over the railing beside me, "You two got asked to I-Expo as well?"

"Nah, Bakugo was invited since he won the UA sports festival, I just tagged along with him!" He responds. You guys gonna do this villain course or what?"

"Don't even try it! There is no way you'll get a better score than I did!" Bakugo smarts off.

"Yeah, you're probably right, yeah," Izukun says, trying to keep the peace.

"Huh, I'm not so sure, only one way to find out, I guess," Kirishima says.

"Yeah, you're probably right," Izukun says once more before even realizing what he said.

Bakugo jumps over the rail unto the same platform as us and walks right past me without a second glance and says to Izukun, "Tch. Just hurry and get your pathetic attempt over, you damn nerd! Then you get out of here!"

Cowering from Bakugo's screaming, Izukun answers, "Right! I'll do that!" He makes his way down to the speaker of the event to sign up.

"We've got a new challenger coming in at last minute! Will he end up on top rank or fail in front of the entire expo? The attack course is set! Ready...go!" Not a moment sooner, Izukun sets up speedily through the course. "An incredible run! He is at second place at sixteen seconds!

"Wow!" Ochaco says as Izukun makes it back into the stands.

"That was a good showing, Midoriya," Iida adds.

"I didn't think I would be able to get so close Kacchan's time—"

"What?! No way! I'll go again and blast your score to ash!" Bakugo interrupts him with his shouting.

The speaker squeals in excitement and says, "This is insane! Fourteen seconds! This gentleman has jumped to the top of the pack!"

"Todoroki? He's here, too?" Izukun lets out.

"Another one from UA?" Melissa asks.

"Yep," Momo answers.

"Your class is amazing! You're gonna be such great heroes!"

"Please, you're too kind!" Momo says.

Behind us, Bakugo lets out an explosion and jolt himself toward Todoroki. "Out of the way, Icy Hot bastard!"


"You can't just appear out of nowhere and show me up!"

"I see the others are here, too."

"Don't ignore me! What are you even doing on the island, anyway?"

"My father was invited, so I'm representing him."

"Um, the next person is waiting..." the speaker says uncomfortably.

"Shut up, I'm doing it again!"

"Everyone, please stop! You're gonna make the world think that UA is full of degenerates!" Iida shouts as he runs down to grab the two. I begin to jump down there as well when Kirishima stops me.

"Don't worry about this, we'll handle it!" He says with a smile before he and Izukun go down there as well.

Melissa laughs, but turns to see our faces on the matter, "Oh, sorry to laugh. I was just thinking it looks like you have a whole lot of fun at your school."

"Well, it's never boring. I'll say that much at least," Momo says.

"That's for sure," I respond.


The phone ring twice before the receiver picks up. "I picked up the goods as planned. What? All Might's here now? It doesn't matter. We can handle it no problem," the dialer says before hanging up. "Of course he had to show up," he mutters.


"The I-Expo preview will be closing at 6:00 p.m. Thank you for coming. Enjoy your night," someone on the intercom announces.

"Hey, Mineta, Kaminari!" Izukun says as we all walk back to the café that was now since been closed and the two sit on the ground in front of the door exhausted. "How did your shift go?"

"You should be proud of the work you've done today!" Iida says.

"What are these things?" Mineta questions Momo who has placed tickets in front of their faces.

"Invitations to the big expo reception later tonight," she answers.

"There's a party...?"

"These are for us?" Kaminari asks.

"Melissa took pity on you for some reason," Kyoka explains.

"She figured you could use a break!" Ochaco adds.

"I had a few extras. Please, I would love for you to have them," Melissa says to them.

"Kaminari..." Mineta mutters.

"Mineta..." Kaminari mutters back.

—"A beautiful angel was rewarded us for all our hard work!"

I roll my eyes in disgust.

"I heard there'll be quite a few pro heroes attending tonight's party as well," Iida changes the subjects. "It's imperative we don't tarnish UA's reputation. We'll change into our formal clothes and go as a group. Everybody meet in Lobby 7 of the central tower at 6:30 p.m. sharp. Don't you dare be late. I'll contact Todoroki and Bakugo and share this information. Thank you, you're dismissed!" He finishes off with a thumbs up before using his Quirk to run away.

"There he goes—always in full throttle!" Izukun says cheerfully.

"Meet you in a bit!" Ochaco tells Izukun as we part to get ready.

"Bye!" He responds.


"Why would I wanna go to a party?" Bakugo asks Kirishima. "It'll just be a bunch of old geezers I don't know giving speeches—sounds like a pretty lame night to me."

"But we can eat gourmet food as we want! Also, I'm sure you wouldn't want to miss a certain someone all dressed up, would you?" Kirishima asks him.

Bakugo sits up from his comfortable position in the bed. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, come on, man! Anyone can see that you have a thing going on with Taka-uhm-Akari! I'm sure she's going to be there!"

"What?! We don't have a thing! She pisses me off just as much as that damn nerd does!"

"So you're really gonna sit there and say that you weren't a little bit happy to see her here?" Kirishima questions. "I know I was."

"Hey, watch your mouth!" Bakugo shouts.

"So you do care about her!"

"Hmph, I'm not going to feed into your delusions. Besides, it's not like I brought any fancy clothes with me anyway," Bakugo mutters.

"I figured you wouldn't," Kirishima says as he walks to his briefcase.


"So I brought some stuff for you!" He lifts up two suits.

"You got to be kidding, you spikey haired idiot!"


"We've found five guards, but they're restrained now. The plan's a go."

"Keep them bound, but don't kill them. Start working in the security system."

"Yes, sir. We'll begin infiltration now."

The leader hangs up the phone with a smirk. "Now the fun can begin. Get ready to move," he tells the others behind him.


"Sorry...we're late. It took us a while to get ready." Ochaco says as we walk in together. Ochaco decided on a short, pink, frilly dress with black tights, pretty dark pink shoes, and a black bow with a white rose in her hair—completely fitting her aesthetic. I, only the hand, am wearing a long, black dress with spaghetti straps that is slim fitting at the torso and flows away from my body at the hips with red heels that are just barely visible that Dreamer made me get just for this event. I let my straight hair down as there wasn't that much time for us to get ready.

—"Best...night...ever..." Mineta and Kaminari say while simply wearing their fancy job uniforms.

"Apologies for the tardiness. Jiro's feeling shy," Momo says as they walk in behind us. Momo is wearing a long, slim fitting light dress with a gold clip keeping her hair up while Kyoka is wearing a short, purple and pink dress that poofs out that she paired with a black leather jacket, tights, and choker along with a flowery clip in her hair.

—"Jackpot! Yes!"

"This is fancier than anything I've ever worn before. It feel like a costume," Kyoka says.

"I'm just glad you're not in a T-shirt," Kaminari tells her with a thumbs up.

"Even the jacket can't ruin it," Mineta mutters before Kyoka uses her earphone jacks to stab them both in the ears.

"Shut up," she demands.

"Why'd you that? That was a compliment!" Kaminari whines.

"No it wasn't!" She says displeasingly.

I walk with Ochaco over to where Izukun is to see him in a red striped suit with an off-white buttoned up shirt underneath and a black bow tie. "This is my first time in formal wear. I just borrowed something from Yaoyorozu," she tells him.

"It looks really good! Like perfect," he says with a faint blush on his cheeks.

"Oh, Deku, stop! You don't have to flatter me so much!" She responds blushing profusely as she looks away from him. I simply giggle at each of their reaction.They are so cute with each other.

"Contain yourself!" Iida scolds her.

"Oh, good, I thought I was gonna miss you guys! Let's get downstairs to the party!" Melissa says, running in a short dress that's blue on the top and white at the skirt with a black waistband and white rose around her hips. She had her hair up in a ponytail and curled with beautiful gold earrings and choker as well as taking her glasses off and putting in contacts.

"The headliner has arrived!" Mineta says.

"Mineta, I can't take this much beauty! I think I might actually die!" Kaminari tells him and withhold my need to puke.

"These tickets were a mistake," Kyoka mutters as she watches the two in disgust and embarrassment.


"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to I-Expo's opening night reception. We at I-Island hope you enjoy yourselves. Now I wonder if we can get All Might, the number one hero, up here. He's visiting from Japan. Wouldn't you like to hear him say a few words? Come on, maybe a round of applause would help! Please, join us on the stage!"

"Really, Dave? Could've warned me," All Might mutters to Dave, a long time friend.

"This was bound to happen once they found out you were in town!" He responds.

"You owe me one," All Might tells him before walking toward the stage.


"It's no good. Neither of them is picking up their phones. Knowing those two, they're just blowing off the party," Iida says as he tries to call Kirishima and Bakugo as they are the only ones not here yet.


"Moron, you're absolutely positive we're going the right direction?" Bakugo asks in annoyance.

"Yeah, I mean I'm pretty sure we are," Kirishima answers.

"You're 'pretty sure'?!"

"Well, uh, I left my phone back in the room, so we're going on instinct here."


"Thank you for inviting me, it's truly a pleasure to be here. Although speeches aren't my thing..." All Might begins, but is soon interrupted by the screen behind him going red with an emergency sign in the middle.

"This is an announcement from the I-Island security system. We have received a report that an explosive device was discovered somewhere on the I-Expo grounds. I-Island will now be in high alert mode. Your safety is our top priority. Residents and tourists should remain at home or lodging. As long as we follow the instructions, we will be safe. Anyone remaining on the street after 10 minutes will be in violation of the law. Please clear out of all public areas. As a precautionary measure, most of the main I-Island buildings will now be sealed off. I repeat..."

Many armed men in black with masks walk in the reception area. "In case you haven't caught on, the security system is under our control now. I know we got a lot of heroes in here, but if you decide to make a scene..." the leader with a long white jacket over his black attire says as he pauses to gesture over the screen that shows civilians surrounded by robots. "...I'll make sure the security machines think that the good people they got in their sights are dangerous criminals. So, I'd play nice, 'cause everyone on this island is my hostage. Naturally, that includes all of you." He begins walking as he puts his hand to his ear. "Do it."

"The emergency restraining devices!" A resident of the island exclaims as blue electric tapes appear out of concealed places from the floor and restrains all the heroes in the room.

"Crap," All Might mutters as he fights against the restraints.

A gun shot is heard as the leader steps up on the stage with All Might. "Don't move! If you take so much of a step, I will kill everyone in this room."

"Villain!" All Might says, but the leader simply kicks him unto the floor.

"There's a good boy. You're gonna follow all I plead and do whatever I say, right?


"I'm not getting any signal. It looks like my service is completely blocked," Todoroki says.

"Are you serious?" Mineta asks worriedly.

"The elevator's not working either," Kyoka adds.

"What the heck is going on here?" Mineta shouts.

"It's strange that the system would go on high alert. That's not the protocol whenever explosives are discovered," Melissa says with confusion and concern.

"Iida, let's go to that party," Izukun says as he walks over to him.

"For what reason?"

"Because that's the place we can find All Might right now."

"Wait, All Might's in there?" Ochaco asks.

"Oh thank goodness, we don't have anything to worry about then," Mineta says.

"So, Melissa, do you know of anyway we can go down there without the elevator?" Izukun asks her.

"Yeah, sure, we can use the emergency stairs. That will at least get us close," she answers.

"We'll follow your lead then."


"Don't worry, if you stay quiet, there's no reason to hurt anyone. We plan to release you safely when the times right."

"What are you criminals after?" A hero shouts out before getting swiftly kicked under his chin.

"Do you not know how to listen? Stay down," the leader says before answering a call from his earpiece. "What's up? Yeah, I got it. Hey, tubby, you a researcher here?" He walks up to a random old man and asks.

"Yes, I am," he answers.

"Take this one out."

"No, please!"

"Stop it!" Dave shouts. "That man is my assistant. What are you planning to do to him?"

"Hmm," the leader turns around to face him. "Ah, the famous David Shield. Bring him, too."

"What if I refuse?"

"Then somewhere on this island you'll hear a pretty little blonde girl scream."

He sighs in defeat, "Alright, lead the way."


"Okay, he knows that we're here. Akari-chan, are you ready?" Izukun asks.

I nod. "Yes." I sneakily walk over the railing that looks over the reception floor so that All Might can see me as well. I point back and forth to my head and his to let him know that I'm zoned in to him.

Can you hear me?All Might thinks and I give him a nod of approval.Somevillainshave takenthe tower. They have control of the security system, and everyone on thisisland is now being held as a hostage. They must of known that the heroes were at this party. It's dangerous. Get away from here as soon as possible.I give him another nod and turn to face Izukun.

"This is bad, Izukun," I say to him gravely before we meet back with the others and tell them what we now know.

"We've received All Might's orders loud and clear," Iida speaks up after hearing the news. "He's our teacher. I suggest we follow his instructions and escape this place. Otherwise, we'd be going against his will."

"I'm afraid I have to agree with what Iida is saying. We're still only students. We can't fight these villains if we don't have our hero licenses," Momo says.

"Why don't we get out of here and tell the heroes outside?" Kaminari asks.

"It's not going to be very easy to escape. The security system here is on the same level as that of the Tartarus prison which is where they keep the most dangerous criminals in the world," Melissa explains.

"Then all we can do is sit and wait 'till everything is over, I guess..." Kaminari responds.

"Are you really okay with that, Kaminari?" Kyoka questions.

"What choice do we have?" He asks her.

"Don't you think we should at least try and stop them?"

"Hey, come on! Those villains have even got All Might trapped! There's no way we can stop them ourselves if the actual pros are stuck!" Mineta pipes up.

Looking down at his hand, Todoroki says, "Aren't we trying to be pros ourselves?"

"Well yes, but, we're not allowed to work as heroes, you know that!" Momo exclaims.

"Does that mean...that it's right for us to do nothing at all?"

"'s complicated."

There's an awkward silence between us when Izukun speaks up. "I wanna help."

"Really, Deku?" Ochaco asks.

"I want to save them."

"You want to go fight those villains? Did you learn anything from the USJ, Midoriya?" Mineta shouts angrily.

"This is totally different! We don't have to fight them! We just need to think of a way to rescue All Might and everyone else at the party without facing the bad guys," Izukun argues.

"That's easy to say, but you know it won't that simple!" Kaminari says in annoyance.

"I know, but I still wanna try! We can figure out what the best plan of action is and keep these bad guys from winning. We can save everyone!"

"Are you sure?" Ochaco asks him.

"I know where the security system is. It's on the top floor of this tower. If these criminals managed to take control of it, then the authentication locks and password have probably been disabled. We should be able to restart the system ourselves. We just have to stay off the villains' radar until we can get to the top floor, that's all. If we do that, the whole island will be safe again," Melissa says.

"Then it's possible..." Izukun mutters.

"Sure, but how do we keep on the low for that long?" Kyoka asks.

"The security system hasn't discovered us yet. That means the villains probably don't know how it works very well," Melissa says.

"So we avoid fighting anyone and try to get the place back to normal. It could work," Todoroki says.

"Not bad, what do you think?" Kaminari asks as he looks up at Kyoka.

"Let's do it!" She says.

"Many of our enemies are likely gathered there on the top floor," Momo mutters out her thoughts with a concentrated look.

"If we're fast, we won't have to fight them! When the security system goes back to normal, All Might and the others will be released. They'll immediately jump into action and stop the villains, I know it!" Izukun says.

"Let's do this, guys!" Ochaco says with determination across her face.

"Uraraka?" Izukun says her name questionably from her reaction.

"I don't want to sit around here being helpless—not if there's something we can actually try! What's important is that we're helping people, even if we're not real heroes!"

Izukun stands up and gives her an approving nod. "That's exactly the way I feel about things. We'll follow our hearts and save the island!"


"Midoriya," Todoroki says, stepping into the conversation. "I'll go with you, too."

"I'm in," Kyoka says as well.

"Todoroki!" Izukun mutters.

"Thanks, Kyoka!" Ochaco says.

"The moment I think we've gone too far, it's over. If that's something you can agree to, I'll join you as well!" Iida says sternly.

"Okay!" Izukun agrees.

"Alright, if that's the case, I'll go too!" Momo adds.

"Obviously, I'm in!" Kaminari shouts as he stands up.


—"Kaminari!" Ochaco and Izukun say simultaneously.

"Have you all lost your minds?! Alright, I'll go!" Mineta shouts with tears in his eyes as he is an unwilling participant of the event.

"Thanks, Mineta!" Izukun says, seemingly unaware of how unwilling he really is on the topic.

"The girls will think we're so cool for this!" Kaminari tells him in excitement which makes me roll my eyes.

"Be a hero, Mineta!" Ochaco encourages.

Izukun turns to look at me, waiting for my answer. "Izukun," I say, "when have I not join you, no matter how reckless? I'm in!"

He gives me a sincere smile and says, "Alright!" He then turns toward Melissa and says, "Melissa, you can wait down here for us, okay?"

"No, I'm going too," she tells him.

"But...uh...without a Quirk, you'll be in danger..." he warns her.

"I don't suppose any of you know how to change the settings on the island's security system?" She asks, but as we all remain silent, she continues, "I'm a student at the Academy. I'll be useful to you."

"Hold on—" Izukun says while raises his hands and shaking them slowly.

"I know might just get in your least until we get onto the top floor, but I want to help. People are in danger. Please!"

Izukun takes a moment to think about this before saying, "Yeah, alright then. Let's do this! We'll save everyone!"

With determination in her eyes, Melissa nods and says, "Yeah!"


All Might coughs in pain.Oh no, that look in your eyes, don't tell me...please run away!

Midoriya shakes his head.I know what you're thinking without the help of Akari-chan's help.

It's too dangerous!

But I have to do whatever I can to help!

Young Midoriya...

It'll be okay, you'll see!

He's not gonna leave. I know I should be furious that he's ignoring his teacher's wishes, but who am I kidding? If he didn't act right now, then he wouldn't be my successor! I'll just have to keep this form up and have faith that they can get us out of this situation on their own. We're counting on you, fledging heroes!


"Let's go!" Iida announces.

"Right!" We all shout.

Chapter 40: Two Heroes, Part 2

Chapter Text


"Here's the smart guy," the villain says as he enters with Dave and his assistant.

"Good. Hurry out and unlock the vault," says the white haired villain sitting down at the control system.

"You're not the boss here. Well you heard him," the previous villain says as he takes off his mask revealing his pale pink hair and uses his Quirk to turn his hand into a sharp weapon that he places close to Dave's throat. "Quickly if you want to keep your head on."

"Sure, I'll begin," Dave says.

"Take him," says the pink haired villain to the two armed villains still wearing their masks.

"This way," one says as they both direct Dave and his assistant where to go.



We all run up the stairs together--huffing and puffing from the never ending stairs. Iida and Izukun are leading the way up when they both stop.

"Level 30," Iida musters up.

"Wait, Melissa, how high does it go?" Izukun asks.

She's breathing heavily before she's able to respond, "200th floor."

"The what?!" Kaminari exclaims.

"That's way too many stairs!" Mineta shouts.

"But it's still better than running into the villains," Momo says before we begrudgingly move on.

We get to around the 50th floor when I hear Ochaco in the back shout, "Hey, Melissa, do you want me to use my Quirk on you?"

"I'll be fine, but thanks anyway. Save your power for when we need it. I'm right behind you!"

We continue to carry on until we hit the 80th floor. Iida, Izukun, and Todoroki abruptly stop, and I peer from behind them completely exhausted.

"The route's block!" Iida says.

"What should we do?" Todoroki asks. "Break through it?"

"If we did that, I'm sure the security system would alert the villains that someone's in here," Melissa says.

"Then why don't we go through this door instead?" Mineta asks as he goes to pull a door open.


--"No, don't!" Izukun and Melissa shout at the same time, but it's too late.


"Something wrong?"

"A door on a high floor just opened."

"What the hell? I thought you scanned each level and they were all clear!"

"Use the barriers to trap them on 80th floor. Don't let those kids escape," the boss says after getting the message.

"Roger." The two villains beside him say leave the party room to assist.

Be careful, everyone, All Might thinks. Villains can be cunning.


"Is there another way to go up?" Todoroki asks.

"There should be another emergency staircase down at the other end of the hallway!"

"Let's hurry!" Iida commands. All of the sudden, the gates in the hallway start closing, blocking our ability to go farther.

"The gates!" Izukun shouts.

"The ones behind us too!" Momo adds.

"Todoroki!" Iida shouts.

"I'm on it!" Todoroki says knowing exactly what he needs to do as ice comes flooding out from him and stops the last gate from closing that has a door we could exit out of. Iida runs through the gap and uses his Quirk to break the door.

"Everyone quick! We can cross through here!" he shouts.


"What is this place?" Izukun asks as we all run inside.

"It's a plant factory. They research the effects that Quirks have on biome here," Melissa explains.

"Hold on!" Kyoka says as she runs in front of us and throws her arm out. "Look! The elevator is coming up!"

"Don't tell me the villains found us!" Mineta asks, quivering in fear.

"We should hide and let them pass," Izukun says. We all quickly hid together behind the lush bushes and wait for the elevator to either pass or stop on the floor.

"I wonder if we could use the elevator to get to the top floor once their gone?" Kaminari questions.

"No, only authorized people can use the controls unfortunately. And it's built like a bomb shelter, so we can't even break it and try," Melissa whispers.

"Of course we can't go the easy way!" Mineta says before whimpering when the elevator beeps and opens its doors.

"Look at their clothes--they're definitely the villains from the party," Izukun mutters.

"He said the kids came in here," the shorter one says.

"They just had to pick a place that has so many hiding places," the taller one complains.

"They're after us!" Ochaco whimpers out through her hands.

"Stay quiet," Iida demands.

"Please...please...I don't want to die!" Mineta says, speaking through his hands as well.

Keep going...Kyoka thinks.

Don't stop! Please, don't notice us! Momo thinks.

"Hey, we see you, stupid kids!"

What should we do? Are we gonna have to face them? Izukun thinks.

"What'd you say, you bastard?" A familiar ill-tempered voice says.

Bakugo? Kirishima? I think to myself after peeking over the bush to get a better view. Both are in nice tuxes—Kirishima in an all black suit with a red tie and handkerchief and Bakugo wearing a red bottom up shirt, black tie, and a grayish vest with white floral designs on the side.

"What are you two doing here?"

"Heh, that's what I wanna know, too," Bakugo says with his hands in his pockets as he walks closer to the villains.

Kirishima gets in front of him to stop and says, "Hey, man, just leave this up to me, okay? Um, we kinda we got lost looking for this party. Can you maybe point us to the right direction?"

"How did they get all the way up on the 80th floor looking for the reception?" Mineta asks, finally asking a good question in his life.

"Don't lie to me, or you'll regret it!" the taller villain shouts as he activates his Quirk that appears to be sending out some sort of waves in the air.

"Hey watch out!" Bakugo shouts.

"Kirishima!" I shout, no longer caring about exposing my location. I begin to use my Quirk to pull him away just as Todoroki uses his ice Quirk to block the attack.

"This looks like..." Bakugo pauses to look in our direction.

"Todoroki? Akari?" Kirishima says in shock. The villains begin smashing the ice to try to knock it down.

Todoroki gets down to the ground to create more ice and says. "The three of us can keep them busy down here. Look for a way to get to the top!" He directs his ice beneath our feet.

"What are you doing?" Izukun asks before the ice below us begins to raise and lifts us up in the air. "What about you?"

"I'm fine! Go!" he says.

"Todoroki!" Momo shouts out.

"I'll be right behind you after I clean up this mess!"

"Right!" she shouts back, satisfied with his answer.

"Wait, you guys are here too?" I hear Kirishima question. "Now, what the heck is going on, Todoroki?"

"You didn't hear the broadcast alert? Never mind then, some villains have been taken over the tower!"


"That's what this about?" Bakugo asks, interrupting Kirishima.

At this point, we have reached the top walkway in the plant factory and run out of there in search for a way to the top.


The taller villain blasts through the ice in three attempts.

"What's up with this guy's Quirk?" Bakugo asks.

"Stay on your guard!" Todoroki tells him.

"Shut up! I know that!" Bakugo shouts.

"So you wanna pick a fight! Let's see how tough you really are!" the shorter villain says as he activates his Quirk and transforms into a large purple giant. Todoroki doesn't hesitate and uses his ice to immobilize him, but it fails as the villains just punches it off him.

"Die!" Bakugo shouts as he flies up in the air and lands an explosion onto the villain's back.

"Bakugo!" Kirishima shouts at him as the villains comes back from behind him. He pushes him out of the way and blocks the villain's attack by activating his hardening Quirk, though the force of it pushes him across the factory.

"Kirishima!" Bakugo shouts with concern in his voice, though he couldn't do much more to check the wellbeing of his friend.

"Dodge!" Todoroki shouts, and Bakugo uses his explosions to fly off in the air to avoid another attack at him. Todoroki makes another ice attack before facing his back to Bakugo's with one villain facing Bakugo, and one facing Todoroki.

"You boys know how to fight, don't you?"

"Hmph, where'd you come from?" The other villain asks.

"Right, like we'd tell a couple of weak ass villains!" Bakugo says.

"Why would we tell you anything?" Todoroki responds as well.


Izukun and Iida blow down the barricading door and run through the new opening. "This way's blocked as well!" Iida says.

"Great, then what are we supposed to do?" Mineta asks. "We're like helpless mice stuck in a fancy cage!"

"We need a plan!" Kaminari whines.

"Hey, Melissa, where does that little vent up at the edge of the ceiling lead to? Over there!" Izukun asks her while pointing up.

"I think it runs under the maintenance room for the sunlight system," she answers.

"Ha! There's probably an emergency ladder in the maintenance room, right?" Iida asks.

"Well, yeah there is, but it's a manual release, so someone would have to be inside to let it down for us."

"Is this really as far as we go?" Ochaco yells in irritation.

"No, there's still a possibility," Momo says. She creates something from her chest and throws it unto the vent where it lands and blows up the vent door. "Somebody climbs through the vent and to the exterior wall—they could get into the maintenance room."

"Right! There must be another vent leading inside!" Ochaco says.

"They can get in that way!" Melissa agrees.

"But who can go into such a cramped space? And then climb the inner wall without falling?" Izukun ponders.

"Is that really a tough question?" I ask as I gesture to our smallest companion. Everyone turns to look directly at Mineta.

"You can't be serious? No, I can't!" Mineta exclaims as he backs up.

"Please, you have to, Mineta!" Ochaco says.

"You're the only one of us who can do it!" Kyoka urges.

"You idiot! Do you have any idea how high up we are?" Mineta screams before Kaminari wraps his arm around him and gets real close.

"If you save everyone and become a celebrity, they'll interview you on TV, and then you'll be popular with girls everywhere!" Kaminari tells him, and for once, I don't care about this ideology being used.

—"Come on!" Ochaco, Kyoka, and I say simultaneously.

"Just imagine the Harem!" Kaminari says in his ear.

"Oh, man!" He says as he is obviously fighting his fear for girls. "Okay, fine I'll do it, whatever!"


Soon, the ladder come down, and we all rush to climb up it. "Come one, you guys! You gotta show me some love! Let's have some kisses from the ladies, please!"

"You were incredible, Mineta!" Melissa says as she's climbing up to the top with the rest of us. "As what I'd expect from a student hero!"

Mineta stares in blissful shock from getting praise before saying, "That's it, let's get fired up, everyone!"

"Yeah!" We all shout and mirror his fist up in the air. We are really going to do this—we are going to save everyone on I-Island!


"What's the deal? Did you find them?"

The white haired villain looks through all of the cameras to find the kids just to have Kyoka break the one camera with her earphone jack "Dammit!"

"Hey, 80th floor! You're letting them dumb kids get away! What's the problem?"

"We're working on it," the purple giant answers before Bakugo comes back with another attack. The villains, Todoroki, and Bakugo are going toe to toe when Todoroki realizes something.

"He's not making matter disappear! He's displacing it!" He tells Bakugo.

"Is that how his Quirk works? You don't learn, do you?" He shouts as the other villain he temporarily knocked down. "Can't keep messing around's time to put an end to this!" He launches himself in the air as fire seems to surround him. "Howitzer impact!" He shouts as he launches a full scale attack at point blank.

"Damn you!" The other villain shouts when he sees his partner knocked out, and tries to attack.

"Bakugo!" Todoroki shouts to get his attention. Bakugo sees the attack and places his arm in line perfectly with it. It rips his sleeve to shreds. The villain tries to make another attack when he notices red fabric and droplets of something on his massive, webbed hands.

"What the hell?"

"That's the sweat from my palms! It works like Nitroglycerin," Bakugo tells him smugly. Todoroki realizes what needs to be done and uses his fire directly at the villain. The villain had no time to react before the fire causes an explosion to occur—knocking him out as well. Todoroki quickly uses his ice to incapacitate him.

They quickly run over to check on their friend. "Kirishima! Are you okay?" Bakugo asks with concern in his voice.

"Um, I can't move...Can you get me out of here" Kirishima lets out.

"Are you that stupid? Just turn your damn Quirk off, idiot."

"Oh, right..." Kirishima says as he puts his body back to normal. "Guess I should have thought of that!"

"I'm just glad to see you not injured," Todoroki says to him.

"Yeah, same to you guys!" Kirishima says, getting up from all of the rumble.

"Heh." Bakugo turns his back before says, "Thank you."

"Whoa, where did that come from?" Kirishima asks. "Don't worry about it!"

"I'm not worried!" Bakugo shouts defensively.

"Right, let's catch up with the others," Todoroki says before running off.

"Don't you order me around!" Bakugo says but follows anyway.

"Todoroki, time to give us some details," Kirishima says, but before any answers could be given, they stop dead in their tracks as multiple robots came after them in some sort of defense mode.

"Looks like they've gotten serious!" Todoroki says.

"Boss, those are no ordinary kids in the tower," the villain says as he managed to get details about them from facial recognition. They're students from UA High's hero course...they're well trained."

"The brats are probably trying to restore the security system. Be on alert. You sent out the security drones on the 80th floor, right?"

"Yes, sir."

"Then raise any barriers from floors 100 to floor 130 and let them pass freely! Just do it as I say."


"Seems like we've gotten pretty lucky. The path's been clear since the 100th floor," Kaminari says as we continue to run.

"Yeah, you think we lost them maybe?" Ochaco asks.

"I doubt that's it," Kyoka answers.

"It's quite possible that they're leading us somewhere," Momo says.

"Likely," Iida agrees.

"Even if that's the case, we've almost made it to the top floor," Izukun says. "We're close to this thing being over!"


"There's so many robots!" Ochaco whispers. We make it to the 130th floor, which happens to be the laboratory, to see multiple drones on high alert.

"The robots aren't trying to block us in anymore. It looks like they're actually trying to capture us now," Iida says.

"If so, then I bet they realized that we're hero course students," Izukun adds.

Momo begins to create something. "If that's true, no reason not to show them what we can do!"

"You're right. We'll go ahead and commence with Plan A," Iida says as she finishes up making an insulation blanket. "Ready, Kaminari?"

"You got it! I won't let you down! Let's do this, Iida!" Kaminari sticks his hands out, and Iida grabs his wrist while starting up his Quirk.

"Right!" Iida uses his boost to spin Kaminari around before letting him go, making him fly up in the air.

"Indiscriminate shock...1.3 Million Volts!" He shouts as he lands in the middle of the robots.

"It's not working!" Izukun shouts as he looks out from the blanket we're under.

"Fine! How about we try 2 Million Volts!"

"Don't! If you do that,'ll turn stupid," she finishes though it's obvious that he has already short circuited himself.

"Well, at least he stopped the robots for us, right?" Izukun says.

"Spoke to soon!" I say as all of the robots come back to and capture Kaminari.

"Kaminari!" Kyoka shouts.

"They're just too strong!" Mineta says.

"Right, then, quick! Plan B!" Iida shouts.

"On it!" Momo answers while pulling out another creation from her body. She opens it up and throws it at them. Suddenly smoke appears everywhere. "We can jam their communication with these!" She says as she makes more.

"Take that!" Ochaco yells, throwing one of the cylinder sticks.

"And that!" Melissa says. Everyone begins throwing theirs while I telekinetically place them in the best places to go off.

"Now, Mineta!" Izukun shouts.

"Don't harm Kaminari! He's got a harem to get home to!" He shouts as he begins throwing the balls on his head at the robots. Many of them start to stuck the balls and can't move. "It worked!" He speaks too soon as the ones not stuck jump over the others and continue to advance toward us. "Aw man!"

"Our turn! Come on, Midoriya and Takahashi!" Iida says to him.

Izukun takes his jacket off. "Let's go!"

"On it," I shout in return, kicking my heels off.

Izukun raises his right sleeve to reveal a red device that once looked like a bracelet to something wrapping his entire arm. He soon has his green lightening surrounding him before he takes off.

Here goes nothing, I think to myself as I levitate myself to another part of the floating walkway.

"Smash!" I hear Izukun shout as I see multiple robots fly up in the air.

My turn, I think before picking up many of the robots and smashing them against the side walls as hard as I possibly can. Iida runs with his Quirk and quickly rescues Kaminari.

"Jiro, do they have back up?" Iida asks Kyoka.

With her ear jacks plugged in, she says, "Yeah, coming from the left!"

"Then we're heading the opposite way!"

"Right!" Mineta shouts, already heading that way before the rest of us.

"Deku, what's with that glove? It's amazing!" Ochaco says.

"It worked perfectly, Melissa, thanks!" Izukun turns slightly behind him while running to look at her.

"I'm so glad you brought it!"

"I didn't know how to get it off my arm," he admits and she laughs slightly.


"Boss, there's something interfering with the drone sensors...they've lost those kids."

"Lose the chatter. We don't know if those brats has a Quirk that'll let them spy on us."


"I hear a lot of those security machines on the floor below us," Kyoka says as she listens in the wall.

"Any sounds from above?" Izukun asks her.

"No, it should be clear," she answers.

"Let's go!" Iida says and we follow his cue.


We are running for what seems like ages when a huge door opens up and loads of robots come flooding out.

"A trap?" Iida questions while holding Kaminari on his back.

"Let's break it, Akari-chan," Izukun says.

"Wait a sec!" Melissa inserts. "We can't damage these servers. It could affect the island's security system." After she says that, more robots from above come flying down.

"How many of these things are there?" Mineta asks in fear.

"We can handle these machines while protecting the servers," Momo says, preparing for a fight.

"Midoriya, go! Take Melissa and see if you can find a different route," Iida says as he sets Kaminari safely on the ground.

"We'll leave it to them, come on!" Izukun tells Melissa.

"Akari, you should come with us, too," Melissa says.

"But—" I begin as I look around at my classmates.

"Do it, they may need you!" Iida demands.

"Very well," I say as I run with them. As we run through the hallways, the ground shakes and loud noises fills the air and Izukun stops momentarily to look back.

"Izukun, we can't stop now! If we get caught here, then their efforts will be for nothing!" I shout at him.

He nods and continues on running as he says aloud, "Everyone, please be safe!"


"Ha, that's what you get for thinking you could take us. What about the 3 who ran?" The pink haired villain asks after watching most of the kids go down.

"I'm looking for them now."

"These kids are so annoying."


"What is this?" Izukun asks, looking around.

"The wind power generator," Melissa answers.

"So, what are we doing here?" He asks.

"There are more robots in the tower, probably just waiting there for a chance to ambush us. But if we climb up to the top from here, we'll avoid them. There's an emergency exit we can enter."

"All the way up there?" He questions.

"But we have Akari," she says turning to me. "With your Quirk, you can help lift us all the way up, right? So this should be easy."

I pause for a moment as I feel Izukun's eyes burning into me. "Leave it to me." We get ready for the flight up when I tell her, "Melissa, hang on to Izukun and stay as still as possible. The less either of you move, the easier it is for me to lift you two up."


"Okay, here we go!"

"All right," Izukun says before I lift them up in the air. While I'm doing this, I hear a door open. "Oh, no..." I mutter as I see more robots flooding out.


"Use your Quirk on yourself!" Izukun says.

"I can't," I shout. "If I do that, then they might just come after us! I have to stay and fight in order for us to save everyone!" I look up quickly to gain a good memory of where they need to go before I direct my eyes back onto the robots. But before I can even make an attack, an explosion comes out of nowhere.

"Bakugo!" I shout with a sense of relief to see him safe. Then a mountain of ice encapsulates some of the robots, making me turn back to the door. "Todoroki and Kirishima!"

Kirishima comes to my aid and gets in front of me, "Are you okay, Akari?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm flying Izukun and Melissa to the top floor right now," I tell him.

"Okay, keep concentrating on that!" He tells me as he continues to stand guard in front of me while fighting any robot that comes close.

"And we can stop these things," Todoroki says as creates ice to trap more robots.

"Who died...and made you...boss?" Bakugo says through attacks.

"Come on, man, we are a good team," Kirishima teases while fighting as well.

"Dream on!" Bakugo shouts.

"Dammit! The propeller is blowing them away! I'm trying to fight...against it..." I shout but struggle through the words as I am fighting my hardest to bring them back to where they need to be.

"Bakugo! Aim the propeller at Midoriya! Quick!" Todoroki shouts as he takes off his jacket.

"I told you not to tell me what to do!" Bakugo shouts but still rushes to do the task hurriedly.

Todoroki uses his flames to blow hot air at the two to help me direct them into the right direction even though it burns through his buttoned-up shirt.

"Yeah!" Kirishima shouts impressed.

"Izukun, I'm not going to be able to get you exactly to the exit! You'll have to smash through the wall!" I shout as I struggle to keep them up in the air. I soon see the familiar green lightening forming around him, and just as I requested, he smashes into the wall. "They got into the tower!" I try to let them down gently, but since I can't see to the other side, I have no idea what I'm setting them down onto.


"Send Swordkill in and the others!" The boss villain says as he leaves the reception.

"Yes, sir."

"Defend the control room until I can get there."


"Deku! You okay?" Melissa asks, getting up off of Midoriya.

"I think so. I'm more worried about you."

"I'm fine. Just some scratches."

Before he could respond, a villain comes to make an attack at them and Midoriya goes into motion to protect Melissa from it.

"Ah! You shouldn't have come here!" The villain shouts as he uses his Quirk that turns his hand into a sharp objects to hit Midoriya.

Midoriya stops the attack and holds his arm with the support object up to fight off the villain. "Tell me why you criminals are doing this!"

"You chose the wrong place to play hero, kid!" The villain pushes Midoriya out from the hole of the wall where he hangs on for dear life. "Haha!"

"Stop it!" Melissa shouts as she attempts to grab the villain's arm.

"Get out of the way!" He shouts as he slings his arm to get her off—cutting her in the process. "Little girl—" he goes to say, but Midoriya comes flying up and punches him in the face so hard that he flies and smashes into the stairs.

"Melissa!" He runs over to her.

"It's okay," she says as she looks down at the cut on her forearm. "Look, it's hardly even bleeding."

"Here, let me," Midoriya says as she wraps her arm in some cloth. "I apologize I couldn't protect you."

"I think you mean 'thank you'," she says with a giggle.

He looks up at her and lets out a gentle smile. "Right!" He finishes tying a knot into the cloth. "Let's go then. We're almost at the top."


"They're here!" A voice shouts after they have been running up a few more flights of stairs. Some bullets begin flying everywhere making Midoriya activate his Quirk to zoom around to dodge them and attack the sources—knocking both villains out cold.


"Melissa, where's the control room located?" Midoriya asks while they run.

"In front of the central elevator," she answers before they reach the end of the hall and peer around the wall.

"Someone's in there."

She gasps. "Papa?"

"Oh, it is."

"Why is he up on the top floor, though?"

"Maybe the villains brought him here. They might need something from him."

"We have to help him."



"I've unlock it. Block 1147," Dave says.

"Wonderful," the assistant says as he runs to that block.

"It's opening."

"You did it, Professor."

"Look, everything is here. It's perfect."

Finally...I've gotten it back. "All my research...and they just took my device away from me. But now it's mine."

"Just we planned it. And it looks like the villains are holding things down."

"Thank you. I couldn't have done any of this without your help, Sam."



"Miss, what are you doing here?"

"What does he mean 'like we planned it'?" Melissa asks her father as she slowly walks in his direction. "Don't tell me're the one behind this? This was all you...just to steal something? No, it can't be true!"

With a struggling face, he answers, "Yes, it is."

" could you?!"

"Professor is only trying to get back what was stolen. The invention inside this briefcase can amplify someone's Quirk."

"Wait, is that even possible?" Midoriya asks.

"Yes, it is still in testing, of course, but unlike with drugs, this device can magnify a person's Quirk without doing any damage to their body or brain. And despite that, our sponsors confiscated this prototype and our research data. Then they demanded that the project be abandoned. They worried that something like this would drastically affect the structure of superhuman society. In the chaos, governments from different nations put pressure on your father to end it. That's why we did this." The assistant explains that the plan was to hire people to pretend to be villains in order to be able to sneak in to obtain the device. The actors would be told not to harm anyone. They chose to do this during the I-Expo where the tower would be closed and everyone would be in the same area. Then they would have them secure the island so that the device could be obtained without hiccup.

"I don't understand. There's something I'm missing, right? You'd never do this!" Melissa says in shock.

"I'm so sorry..."

"This doesn't make any sense...The Papa I know and love wouldn't act like a villain no matter what! So why then? Why?"

"I have to for All Might. You two are probably not aware of this, but his Quirk is disappearing. However, if he uses this device, he'll be his old self. No, his abilities would be even stronger than they were. The number one hero...The Symbol of Peace...can get his strength and light back again. He can keep saving people just like he always has."


“Akari, watch out!” Todoroki shouts.

“On it!” I shout back as I come back to the robots in front of me.

“Where’d you go?” Kirishima asks as he took notice of me not being completely present.

“Yeah, pay attention, damn it,” Bakugo yells.

“I was seeing if I could hear where Izukun and Melissa were,” I respond.

“Well, did you?” He asks roughly through explosion.

“Yeah…they made it,” I say, choosing my words carefully.

“If they made it, why do you sound like it’s a bad thing?” Kirishima asks with concern.

“It’s just…” I begin but don’t know how to even explain what I just gathered.

“Spit it out!” Bakugo barks.

“The Melissa’s dad, the professor, is behind all of this, but when reading his mind, these villains were supposed to be fake,” I say.

“They don’t seem very fake to me!” Kirishima says.

“Indeed. Keep listening, Akari. We’ll guard you,” Todoroki tells me as he and Kirishima stand in front of me while Bakugo stays in the air.

I nod, but feel bad for not telling them everything that I know currently. I do, in fact, need more information, but it’s not looking good—I just don’t want to alarm them just yet. And this thing about All Might? What does he mean by his Quirk disappearing? This is looking dimmer and dimmer…


"Please, please just let me hand this device over to All Might. There's no time to remake it. When he's better, I don't care what kind of punishment I receive," Dave says as he grabs the briefcase from his assistant.

"They risked their lives," Melissa says lowly before glaring at her father in anger as rips off the cloth from her arm to show her wound. "Deku and his classmates went through so much! Do you know how dangerous this was? How hard we were tying to save everyone on the island?"

He stares at his injured daughter in disbelief. "No, what do you mean? The villains are fake...It's all supposed to be an act." He looks over at his assistant who won't even look at him now.

"Of course it was a performance," the boss villain says as he walks through the entrance with one of his underlings. "But the real act was pretending we weren't criminals."

"You're the boss!" Midoriya shouts as he prepares for a fight that is definitely very much present as the boss manipulates some metal in the room to pin him against a wall.

"Oh, no, Deku!" Melissa screams.

"You'd be smart not to resist. Sam, hand it over."

"Right," he says as he snatches the briefcase out from Dave's hands. "Here you go."

"Sam? This was your plan? You were gonna hand it over all along?"

"You're the one who tricked me, Professor. I've been your assistant for all these years, and you let them take our work. We could've had fame and fortune, but no. I deserve more. I need to be rewarded. Otherwise my entire career was a complete waste of time," Sam says to him.

"Here's the payment I promised you," the boss says before shooting him point blank.

"Sam!" Melissa lets out.

"No! Why? This isn't part of the plan!" Sam says in pain as he holds his left shoulder.

"Is it not? That's strange. Because it was always a part of mine," the boss remarks before shooting off another bullet, though Dave blocks it from hitting Sam.

Melissa gasps in fear.

"Professor, why..."

"Get...out of here," Dave lets out in pain.

"Papa!" Melissa screams as she runs over to him.

"Stay back!" Dave shouts, but it's too late. The boss uses the butt end of the gun to hit her across the face—making her fall back a few feet away.

"Melissa!" Dave shouts.

The boss reverts his attention back unto Dave as he stomps on his back near the injury. "Trying to play the hero after all this? Too late for that. No matter what your reasons were, you've dirtied your hands now. Whether we're real villains or actors is irrelevant, you planned and committed an actual crime here. You're exactly the same as we are. You can no longer remain a respected scientist or continue your research without shame. Your life is forever tainted by the darkness of villainy," the boss laughs. "And if you want a future at all, you'll be a good scientist and mass produced this device and so I sell it." He picks him up by his shirt and knocks him out with the butt of the gun. "Hey, take him to the roof," he tells his underling.

"No...please no...Give him back!" Melissa begs.

"That's reminds me," the boss says as he points the gun at her, "This would be much easier if I get rid of the professor's attachments."

"Don't hurt her," Midoriya muffles through the metal just before he manages to rip it off of him and goes to make an attack. Before he can land a punch, the boss drops down to touch the floor causing a huge chunk of metal to fly up between them in which Midoriya hits instead.

Melissa. I've got the professor and Sam. You save everyone else... Midoriya thinks to himself as he stares directly at her—hoping she gets the message. Thankfully, she does and makes a run for it.

"Stop her. Don't let her escape," the boss demands.

"Right," the other villain says as he begins to run after her. Midoriya stays to stop the villain from chasing after her, but the boss creates multiple walls of metal in every possible place. Midoriya finds a way to fly over them—landing right in front of the villain.

"I won't let you past me," he says before the boss creates metal pillars that comes directly at him.

"Don't make promises you can't keep!" The boss shouts. Suddenly, the system seems to disarm itself. "She got control over the security system?"


"Huh? What happened?" Bakugo questions as we all stand in line with each other like so: Bakugo, me, Kirishima, and Todoroki.

I continue to watch all the robots deactivate, I tell him, "They did it. They were able to fix the security system."

"I-Island's security system is now operating in normal mode," a loud, feminine robotic speaker booms out across the island.

“That’s good, right?” Kirishima asks as he turns to look at me.

There is a huge explosion right above us, then something large falling down onto the roof of the tower causing an even bigger explosion. Then, all of the sudden a large metal "being" surfaces that is big enough to see from where we stand. We can hear the faint sounds of people screaming, though they are too far way for me to zone in at this point to determine what is going on. The being seems be getting larger and huge chunks of metal begin floating up all around us.

“It is, but we have a new problem on our hands, come on!” I run back through the door to climb up the stairs to reach the roof.

“What’s happening?” Kirishima asks.

“What are running into?” Todoroki asks as well.

“The boss villain has wounded the professor and his assistant, and has kidnapped him. They’re heading to the roof!”

“Okay, let’s take down this boss!” Kirishima says, smashing his fists together.

“It may not be that easy, he has a device that the professor made that amplifies Quirks,” I tell him.

“Heh, like that’s gonna stop me,” Bakugo says arrogantly.

As we make it up the stairs, we find the rest of our classmates that we had to leave behind. “Guys, I’m so glad you are okay!” I say.

“Yes, it seems they made it! All the robots deactivated,” Iida says.

I nod. “Yes, but I’m afraid it’s not quite over yet. We need to get to the roof to help Melissa and Izukun!”


We make it to the exit onto the roof where Todoroki ices some of the metal appendages to stop the attack on All Might.

"Go to hell!" Bakugo shouts as he begins firing off explosions at that boss giving Izukun time to jump Melissa out of the line of fire. I look back over to notice though how Bakugo whimpers in pain from the use of his Quirk. Katsuki... "How can you let yourself get beat by such a lame final boss? Hurry and take him down!"

"Thanks for the help young Bakugo!" All Might mutters out.

"We'll do what we can, we'll help you," Todoroki says with slight flames flickering off his left side that has since caused his shirt to be more burned off that side. Kirishima and I help our other classmates up onto the roof.

"Todoroki! Everyone!" Izukun says in relief to everyone safe.

"Akari, let's knock these hunks of metal out of the sky!" Kirishima says.

"Momo, Iida, take care of things down here!" I tell them.

—"Right!" Both answer.

As we all fight with such determination, All Might begins to advance toward the enemy. "It's time to be Plus Ultra!" I couldn't help but watch the spectacle as I destroyed the hunks of metal with Kirishima in awe. Watching All Might in action like this will never cease to amaze me. A blinding light comes from his attack forcing me to look away momentarily. I raise my arms up across my face as the backlash of wind from the attack is enough to knock down a person—my hair and the skirt of my dress flew wildly around in every direction. "Prepare yourself, villain!" He goes for another attack directly at the villain when metal wires restrain him at his wrists and ankles. "Nice trick, but I—" All Might begins to say, but the villain grabs a hold of his throat and prevents himself from speaking further.

"Prepare myself? Take your own advice! You've underestimated me," he says as grabs his throat tighter. He then reaches with his other hand toward the left side of his chest and squeezes him so that I can hear All Might's ribs breaking from where I stand. All Might screams in agony.

"All Might!" Izukun shouts and run towards him, but falls over short—balling it up from pain he hadn't known existed until now.

"Are you alright?" Melissa asks as she runs right to him and puts her hand on his shoulder.

"Damn it!" Bakugo shouts as he continues on fighting through his own pain. I look over at Todoroki to see that he is also tiring out his ice Quirk as his right side looks like it’s completely covered in ice.

This doesn't make any sense. The device is supposed to enhance his Quirk, but now with this super strength he's's like he has several Quirks. How can this be?

The villain looks directly at All Might, his appearance looking very much different as all his muscles grown significantly bigger and his skin possesses a reddish-purpleish hue, and says aloud, almost noticing everyone's confusion, "Oh, yes, while we were planning this little plot, I received an intriguing phone call from the man himself. He said that he wanted to work with me to help. When I ask him why he bothered, he was happy to explain his interest. 'If All Might's friend wants to have a hand in something evil, I will assist in his fall from grace in any way that I can. I regret only that I will not be able to see All Might's face twisting in pain when he discovers the truth about the professor.'"

"All for one is behind this?" All Might lets out and my stomach falls as my vision begins to tunnel. I never thought I would have to hear that name again...but yet here I stand, fear stricken in place.

"Hey, watch out!" Kirishima shouts at me as a chunk of metal comes barreling towards me. Before I could react, Bakugo explodes the metal into little pieces. He says nothing and looks at me for a moment longer as if he knows something is wrong but soon goes back to fighting.

"What's the matter? It looks like you finally stop smiling."

"No!" All Might screams as he fights against the the wires, but it's useless as they pull him far away from the villain so that the villain himself could manipulate cubes of random metal pieces to smash him in between. More of those cubes fly right where he is, and despite my best efforts, I can't counteract the pull they had on them—the villain's strength is just too much. Everyone screams out his name in devastation knowing that we were at a disadvantage.

"Farewell, Symbol of Peace!" The villain shouts as he takes one final and massive blow to now the huge chunk of metal in the sky with All Might smashed right in the middle of it.

"Uncle Might, no!" Melissa screams—her emotions lay visibly across her face.

Then we all gasp in shock as Izukun flies up to the mountainous ball of metal and punches it with the strength of his Quirk. It falls into pieces and two bodies are seen falling from the air.

"That damn brat!" The villain spouts off.

I watch as the two lay on the ground talking very briefly before All Might stands and puts his hand out to Izukun as a way of pulling him and shaking his hand.

"Let's go!" All Might shouts.

"Yes, sir!" He responds and they both go back to fight the villain head on.

"There's no way can stop me! You're insignificant pests! And you don't know when to lie down and be crushed!" The villain says as he makes more cubes of metal and throws them down directly at us.

"You're the one who doesn't know when he's beat!" Bakugo shouts, fighting through the pain to cast more explosions at the cubes and breaking them apart.

"I won't let you stop them!" Todoroki shouts as he uses his ice the stop the pillars of metal from attacking the two. I also begin to help fight off as much as I can with my telekinesis though I feel my muscle grow more and more tired. I can’t stop now—not when everyone else is doing the same.

"This is over!" The villain screams before the roof begins distorting and breaking apart. I hear the screams of everyone around me who are on the ground. We all group back together to ensure we were all okay while watching the scene before us—Izukun and All Might going after the villain who has created an even bigger humanoid metal armor around him with a huge cube of metal above him that he attempts to use to destroy the entire tower. Both of them advance toward the cube, and with both of their powerful Quirks, smash the cube in such an intensity that it essentially shatters and metal scraps begin to fall down from the sky.

"Deku!" Ochaco screams from her diaphragm.

"Stop him, All Might!" The other girls scream.

"Go, Midoriya!" Iida, Mineta, and Kirishima shouts.

"Destroy this guy!" Todoroki and Bakugo yells.

I can't muster up the ability to scream like the others as I watch intensely at the both of them—a blinding light of power seem to radiate off of them as I hear them shout faintly, "Plus Ultra!" The final blow seems to knock out the villain, and the metal used for his humanoid structure begins crumbing down. The loud noise of the punches and the metal falling is deafening, but I didn't care—I needed to know if they were okay...if the fight is truly over.

"They did it..." Iida says, breaking the silence that had occurred amongst us all as we had watch the fall of the villain.

"They stopped him! They beat up that villain and saved our lives!" Mineta shouts with his little fist in the air. Everyone cheers happily and I look over at Bakugo who is right beside me to see a genuine smile spread across his face. He notices me looking at him and turns to face me. I give him a smile in return before he turns his body away quickly—his normal angst expression resurfacing.

“Hey, relax, Akari!” Kirishima says as he wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer to him. “It’s finally over!”

I give him a smile as this closeness makes my body warm up. “Yes, yes it is,” I say, though I didn’t believe my own words. There is so much to think about now that makes me know that this fight might be over, but there is still more to come—that it’s not completely over. When All For One’s name is brought up…nothing is truly over.

"Deku! Melissa!" Ochaco shouts when she catches sight of them on top of a mountain of rubble. The others begin shouting as well to get their attention.

"How are the others? Are you two okay?" Iida shouts.

"We're fine up here! All Might and the professor are okay, too!" Izukun shouts back.

"But what about the rest of you guys?" Melissa asks us, trying to make her voice carry with her hands around her mouth.

"We're good!" I shout back.


After all the other villains are captured by the heroes, the scene was contained, and interrogation questions were answered, we are finally able to go back to our rooms.

“Akari!” Kirishima says getting my attention.

I look over in his direction to see him and Bakugo standing together. I smile at him gently and walk over. “What’s up?”

“You were great. Your Quirk has gotten so much stronger!”

I laugh awkwardly. “I mean adrenaline helps, too. But you know, I’m curious…how did you two get so lost looking for the reception?”

He returns an awkward laugh and Bakugo gives him an irritated glance from me just mentioning it. “Well, I left my phone in the room, and was trying to go based on memory.”

I laugh. “Well, your memory must not be all too great then!”

“Hey, now! No reason to be mean!” He says as he gently pushes on my shoulder.

“Ehem,” Bakugo coughs.

“So, you two dressed up nice…I mean before getting them destroyed,” I say as I examine Bakugo’s torn left sleeve and their overall dirtied and wrinkled suits.

He laughs. “I can say the same you, though I think you were able to keep your dress in much better condition.” I look down at my dress to see how filthy it really is, but he wasn’t wrong, the dress wasn’t completely destroyed.

“That’s a relief, Dreamer would be upset if I ruined it…I already lost my heels,” I say as I acknowledge my bare feet that are practically darkened from the fight.

“I’m sure he’d understand,” Kirishima responds.

“Yeah, but doesn’t mean he still wouldn’t be upset. It’s not like I have very many formal clothes,” I say as I begin to feel the tension coming from Bakugo the more Kirishima and I talk. “I think I’m going to go to my room now…get cleaned up and rest.”

“Yeah, we should be doing the same! See you later, Akari!” Kirishima says as he wraps his arm around Bakugo, completely unaware of the growing tension.

“Hey, get your hands off me, sh*tty hair!” Bakugo snaps from being suddenly jerked.

I simply laugh and say goodbye to everyone else, and though the sun is rising, I am so ready to go to bed. I have a raging headache, and my body feels as through I was hit by a truck from a whole night of fighting villains. It’s not like the premiere will be all that great now anyways.

“Akari!” I hear a voice say behind me, and I hesitate to turn to around.

“Yeah?” I say questioningly to Bakugo.

He has a frustrated look on his face as he lifts his arm—the one that lacks a sleeve—into his hair. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, perfect,” I say as I begin to walk away, trying to ignore the feelings that are creeping up.

“You’re lying,” he says bluntly.

“Okay? I’m tired. We just fought for everyone’s lives including our own.”

“It’s more than that. There’s something you’re not saying. Not much fazes you in fights, and you were distracted,” he argues.

I turn back around and say, “Look, I’ve spent hours reading the minds of so many people. You know what happens when I overuse my Quirk. Don’t want a repeat of the sports festival, right?”

He has a look of surprise on his face for a moment before reverting back to his normal, twisted up face. “Whatever. Don’t tell me now. But at some point, I won’t let you keep evading me.”

I let out a forced laugh. “You didn’t just say that when you have evaded what happened at the festival entirely.”

“That’s completely different!” He shouts back.

“Actually, no, it’s not. Maybe once you can confront whatever problems you have against me, maybe I’ll talk to you again. But you hurt me, Bakugo. That’s not something I take lightly,” I say to him before leaving him standing alone outside. This morning should feel triumphant after everything we accomplished as a team—fighting against villains and an overpowered boss and saving everyone on I-Island, but there are too many other problems overshadowing it, and I just can’t wait to just spend the rest of the break uneventfully.

Chapter 41

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (84)

The TV plays a new station with the newscaster beginning, "Welcome back to our Summer Special. 'All Might: The Journey from Number One Hero to UA High School Teacher.' Today, we'll be looking back on All Might's achievements, and his incredible rise to fa—" Kurogiri turns the TV off and looks over at Shigaraki.

I've figured it out. Why the Hero killer pisses me off so much. And why those UA brats drive me crazy. It's because of All Might. And that stupid grin, as though he doesn't have a care in the world. Smiling thoughtlessly. As if there's no one he can't save. Like he's undefeatable, Shigaraki thinks to himself before leaving the bar without a word.

Izuku Midoriya. Quirkless until middle school, when he suddenly manifested a power. After enrolling at UA High, he distinguished himself by finishing in the top eight at their world-famous sports festival. Then, during the Hosu incident, he and his friends fought the Hero killer, Stain......and won. Afterward, the Hero killer chose to spare the child's life. Izuku Midoriya was acknowledged by Stain, the man seeking out true heroes, as worthy. He judged Tomura Shigaraki quite differently, Kurogiri muses as he looks down at a picture of Midoriya from the sports festival.

Just picture it. A world without the Symbol of Peace. I'll show society just how fragile their sense of safety is, Shigaraki thinks to himself as he walks alone in the dark alley way.


Now that our intense first semester at UA High is over, me and my classmates are out for summer vacation. The start of vacation at I-Island was supposed to be relaxing but was far from it, and now there's not really time to make up for anything relaxing. We've got a training camp in the woods coming up. In order to be as prepared as possible, the rest of my time has been focused on exercising and developing my Quirk more. Today, however, is the day that us girls in class decided to meet up for some fun at the school's pool. Surprisingly, I have been excited for this little outing and grab my school assigned bathing suit quickly to meet up with them.


"Vlad," Shota Aizawa says, "We have to increase each of the students' Quirks this summer."

"Agreed. Why don't you start by giving me a rundown of all of Class A's abilities?" Vlad, teacher of class 1-B, asks.

"If I must. Let's start with Yuga Aoyama. His Quirk is Navel Laser. It's... basically, a bellybutton laser. Then we have Mina Ashido. Quirk: Acid. She secretes a corrosive substance that melts targets. Tsuyu Asui. Her Quirk is Frog. And she can do pretty much everything a frog can. Tenya Iida is the class rep. Quirk: Engine. The engines in his calves grant him super speed. There's Ochaco Uraraka. Her Quirk: Zero Gravity. She can make anything she touches weightless. Mashirao Ojiro. His Quirk is called 'Tail'. He can manipulate his tail as if it were an arm or leg. Moving on to Denki Kaminari. Quirk: Electrification. He discharges built-up electricity from his body. The spiky-haired one is Eijiro Kirishima. Quirk: Hardening. He can make his entire body stone-like. Koji Koda is the quiet type. Though, his Quirk is Anivoice. He uses it to control animals and insects, but it can't affect humans. Rikido Sato is strong. Quirk: Sugar Rush. He turns the sugar stored in his body into pure power. Then we have Mezo Shoji. His Quirk is Dupli-Arms. He can make other body parts appear on the tips of his tentacles. Kyoka Jiro. Her Quirk is called "Earphone Jack." Using the retractable plugs on her earlobes, she can distinguish between even the quietest of sounds. Plus, she can use the speakers on her legs to release incredibly devastating sonic bursts. Hanta Sero has a Quirk named "Tape." It has many uses. He can shoot sticky tape from his elbows and use it to apprehend his opponents, or simply to swing around through the air. Fumikage Tokoyami. Quirk: Dark Shadow. He commands a devastating bird-like shadow that gets wilder when there's no light. Endeavor's son, Shoto Todoroki. His Quirk is Half-Cold, Half-Hot. He can emit ice from the right side of his body, and flames from the left. The Stealth Hero, Toru Hagakure. Her Quirk: Invisibility. She's...invisible. The sports festival winner, Katsuki Bakugo. Quirk: Explosion. He sweats a nitroglycerin-like substance and makes it blow up. Of course, there's Izuku Midoriya. His Quirk is Super Power. He can increase the power and physical abilities of isolated appendages, or his entire body. Akari Takahashi. Quirk: Mindfulness. She is able to telekinetically pick up large objects including other people and the read minds of others from a 200 yard radius," Aizawa sighs in slight annoyance as he thinks about the next student, "Minoru Mineta. His Quirk: Pop Off. The balls he pulls off his head can stick to anything, though he himself bounces off them. Finally, there's Momo Yaoyorozu. Her Quirk is Creation. She can create any non-living thing from the lipids in her body. And that's it. We should also go over Class B's Quirks—"

"Excuse us," Mineta says as he, Midoriya, and Kaminari walk into the computer room the teachers are sitting in.

"Yes? What is it?" Vlad asks.

"Sorry to interrupt. We were wondering about the form we turned in a few days ago about the pool," Kaminari says.

"Oh. The school has granted you permission. You're allowed to use the pool until 5pm," Aizawa tells them.

"Thanks!" Kaminari says excitedly as he and Mineta bow, and Midoriya soon follows.

"You won't regret this, sir!" Mineta says.

"You said you wanted to use the pool for endurance training, correct? Make the time count," Aizawa tells them firmly.

—"Right!" They both say simultaneously.

The boys head to the locker room when Midoriya says, "So, we're using the pool to improve our stamina. That's a great idea, Mineta. Plus, if we're at school, we can use our Quirks! It'll be the perfect way to train!"

"Just what you'd expect from us heroes!" Kaminari says.

"You know what we're gonna do. Go beyond. Plus Ultra!" Mineta announces.

"Ultra!" Midoriya tags along.

It was a smart choice to invite Midoriya. He's a great cover, Kaminari thinks as he looks over at Mineta.

If it had just been us, we wouldn't have gotten permission to use the pool, I bet, Mineta thinks.

If this works, it could be the defining moment of our lives, Kaminari thinks.

Don't jinx us. I told you what I heard the girls say. It was right after the finals were over, Mineta almost tries to say telepathically to him.


Before summer vacation...

"Wait, so we're not supposed to take any long trips over summer vacation?" Ochaco asks.

"Yeah, apparently that's what the school said," Kyoka says.

"How unfortunate. I was supposed to spend several weeks touring Venice with my parents," Momo says sadly.

"What is your life?" Ochaco asks in disbelief.

"Aw, and I just bought, like, a bajillion new swimsuits," Mina whines.

"Well turns out, that's what happens when your class is attacked by the League of Villains," Kyoka says sarcastically.

"But I wanna do something!" Mina whines even louder. "I don't wanna spend my whole summer bored! That's so dumb!"

"I've got it! Why don't we hang out at the school pool over summer vacation, huh?" Hagakure speaks up.

"Good idea," Tsu says agreeably. "I bet we can talk the teachers into letting us use it if we ask them nicely."

"Plus it'll be free, so we'll save money," Ochaco adds.

"That's way better than being cooped up in my room," Mina says.

"Akari, would you like to join?" Ochaco asks me.

Though I wasn't in the conversation, I am close enough to over hear the discussion. I look over at all of them staring back expectantly. How could I say no to them? "Sure, sounds like fun," I answer, making their faces light up in excitement.

"Leave it to me. I'll start working on a formal proposal right away," Momo says, standing up from her chair excitedly.


"Oh, hey. Hi, Mineta," Tsu says to him as we are stretching together. It's strange that the guys are here as well on the same day we all decided to come swimming together, but it didn't really matter too much, I guess. Though it would have been nice to hang out with just the girls...

"I didn't know you guys would be here," Kyoka adds.

"Kaminari. Mineta. Nice work," I hear Iida say from across the pool. "I'm proud of you for suggesting more training. You're an asset to our class. Let me thank you. Now. Don't just sit there. It's time to come sweat with us." He picks them up, one in each arm, and take them over to where the other guys are. As the guys did whatever it is they're doing, we go ahead and jump in the pool.

"Get ready for it! Serve!" Ochaco says before serving the beach ball.

"Mine!" Mina shouts as she sets the ball. We all have a blast playing volleyball with the beach ball, and I'm really starting to relax for the first in forever. That was until I hear a familiar voice shouting off about something to Izukun. I turn my attention more so over to the guys to figure out what's going on.

"You'd better! The next time I beat you, I want you to be at your strongest, you damn nerd," Bakugo shouts off.

Izukun yelps. "Kacchan!"

"Hey, I got your message," Kirishima says as he puts his arm out to stop Bakugo from advancing toward Izukun anymore than what he already has. "Sorry I'm late. Took a while to convince Bakugo to come out." I'm surprised he got him to come out at all. Bakugo doesn't care too much about being around other people.

"So, Deku. You wanna settle who's the best between us right now? Huh?" He asks as he makes small and light explosives.

"No. That's not it," Izukun says nervously with his hands up in the air.

"Actually, you know what? We could make this training a contest," Iida ponders.

"Huh?" Izukun whimpers out.

"Hey, everyone! I propose that we see which of the boys can swim 50 meters the fastest. A friendly race," Iida shouts to the other guys.

"Yeah!" Kaminari says.

"That sounds fun," Sero agrees.

"Let's do it!" Sato says. At this point, we got out of the pool and walk over to them—knowing that the pool is fixing to be no longer safe for us to continue playing in.

"Iida! Why don't you let us help you out with this?" Momo asks him.

"Yes, please," Iida says, agreeing to the help.

"And, Quirks. Can we use them?" Ojiro asks.

"We're at school, so there shouldn't be a problem with that. However! You cannot cause damage to your classmates or the building," Iida answers.

"I'm gonna annihilate you, Deku. And you, too, Icy Hot. You bastard!" Bakugo tells both Izukun and Todoroki.

After helping getting things worked out for the race, Mineta, Tokoyami, Koda, Bakugo, and Kaminari are the first group to race. "All right, now, everyone, on your marks! Get set!" Momo announces before blowing the whistle.

Everyone starts immediately at the whistle and dives in...except for Bakugo. "Burst Speed Turbo! How was that, you sidekicks?" He shouts as he uses his Quirk to fly over the pool instead of swimming and makes it to the other end first.

"What do you think you're doing?" Sero yells angrily.

"You didn't even touch the water!" Kirishima shouts.

"It's called freestyle swimming!" Bakugo argues.

The next group to go is Sero, Aoyama, Todoroki, Sato, and Kirishima. "Everyone on your marks. Get set!"

*whistle blows*

"Bonjour!" Aoyama mocks as he and Sero take the same route as Bakugo and fly over the pool. However, Aoyama gets his infamous tummy ache and accidentally runs into Sero, knocking them both off track. Todoroki uses his ice to skim the top of the water and ends up being the first on the other side of the pool.

—"You're supposed to be swimming!" Mineta and Kaminari shout.

The next group to go is Iida, Izukun, Ojiro, and Shoji. "Last group, on your marks. Get set!"

*whistle blows*

"You, too, Iida?" Kaminari complains as Iida, too, decides to not actually swim. Though, Izukun begins coming up quick after using his Quirk while swimming. Iida tries to increase his speed, but in the end, Izukun beats him. Everyone, including myself, begins to cheer for him.

"Nice one, Midoriya!" Sero says.

"Iida, was so close!" Mina exclaims.

"You beat me. Good work," Iida congratulates as Izukun helps him out of the water.

"You were amazing out there, too, Iida!" Izukun says. I watch Izukun, Todoroki, and Iida and think about the secret we share about the Stain. It’s crazy through everything that has happened that we couldn’t even tell our classmates the truth—that it was us that fought him, not Endeavor. But that was for the best to ensure our future as we don’t even have our provisional hero license. That day, though, made a bond among the four of us, that no matter how low we got, we would help the other out and fight to the end—despite the consequences.


Before the I-Island incident

"UA High School was attacked by the League of Villains during a rescue training session. It would come to be referred to as the USJ Incident. Then there were the attacks by the Hero killer Stain and the League of Villains in Hosu City, in what became known as the Hosu Incident. And just a few days ago, Tomura Shigaraki, thought to be the leader of the League of Villains, cornered Izuku Midoriya, a student in the hero course at UA High. As far as we can tell, the League of Villains hasn't made a move since," the detective summarizes in a conference room with All Might.

"That's true. But I'm sure they're hiding in the shadows, waiting to strike again," All Might adds.

"Likely, yes. The police are currently working alongside heroes to gather as much information about the group as possible. When we do find out where they've been hiding, we'll need you, All Might."

"I won't disappoint you, Tsukauchi."


"It's time for the final race. Bakugo. Todoroki. Midoriya. As the winners of each heat, you'll fight for first place. Understand?" Iida says.

"Got it," Izukun answers.

"Yes," Todoroki says simply.

"Listen up, Scarface. Don't you dare hold back like you did at the sports festival. Bring everything you've got!" Bakugo shouts.

"I will," Todoroki says.

"You, too. Fight to win," Bakugo says to Izukun.

"Yeah! I will. I promise."

Taking this a little too serious, aren't we? I think to myself as I watch them step up on the block and wait for the race to begins. "Then the 50-meter freestyle final race will now begin!" Iida shouts.

"Blow 'em away, Bakugo!" Kirishima cheers.

"Don't kill the other swimmers!" Kaminari adds.

"You got this, Todoroki!" Sero cheers.

"You can do it, Deku!" Ochaco shouts.

"Do your best, everyone!" Momo says.

"Now, on your marks. Get set!"

*whistle blows*

The three ready up to win the race, when suddenly they let out an unanimous welp as they simply fall into the water.

"What happened?" Kaminari asks.

"Why aren't they using their Quirks?" Sero asks as well.

"It's 5 pm," A deep monotone voice says. We all look over to see Mr. Aizawa walking out the door with his Quirk activated. "Your authorized pool time is officially over. Hurry up and go home."

"Come on, just one second!" Kaminari begs.

"We were finally getting to the good part!" Sero adds.

"Are you questioning me?" Mr. Aizawa asks with a threatening look appearing across his face.

—"Not at all, Mr. Aizawa!" We all say in fear.

"Dammit! I can't believe he stopped the race like that," Bakugo says angrily as he kicks a rock out from the path after we had gotten dressed in our normal clothes. I am far enough behind him and Kirishima for them to not notice me, but close enough to hear them. I didn’t feel the need to let my presence be known as I don’t really want to be put in the awkward situation of not talking but wanting to. It just feels too complicated right now and not something I’m even close to ready to work out. I know Bakugo knows that what he said was wrong, but he also doesn’t know why I feel so strongly about it as I don’t let much get to me, and that gives him more reason to find answers that I’m not willing to give just yet. After keeping a secret for so long, it’s surprisingly hard to tell him even though Dreamer gave me permission to.

"Yeah, I know how you feel, but cool your blasters, man. Those two aren't just your opponents, you know. They're our friends," Kirishima says.

"Shut up! I don't care if they're my classmates or not. I won't let them get ahead of me. Isn't that what it means to be number one? To be the best, I'll have to be stronger than All Might. It's only a matter of time."


The teachers are still working diligently at the school even after the sun has set to prepare for camp. "So the location of the training camp has moved?" Vlad asks.

"Yes. Just in case information is getting leaked to the villains. Only the upper management of UA knows where it will be now.Please keep it to yourself. Don't even tell the students," Aizawa explains.

Vlad nods, understanding the change.


*phone ringing*

"There's something I'd like you to prepare for me. That's right. We're about to start playing a brand new game," Shigaraki says to the person on the other end of the phone.

Chapter 42: Wild, Wild puss*cats

Chapter Text

Beneath our flashy superhero society lurks a dark underworld. Every time we've driven the villains back, they've retreated to the safety of the shadows, regaining their strength. Waiting for the perfect time to strike.

"The Master is good. I tried so hard to find out where those idiots were going, and he figured it out in an instant. Guess he really showed me up," Shigaraki says.

"It was worth having a team on standby, then, wasn't it? Tomura Shigaraki," Kurogiri asks him in a 'I told you' manner.

"Hmph. I guess."

*door bell chimes*

"I heard back from the union today. You can expect a delivery tomorrow. It was thrown together quickly, so it might not look like much. But quality is guaranteed," Giran says, not even walking through the door to reveal himself—only the presence of smoke comes through from the cigar he's smoking passes the door.

"I must apologize for making such an unreasonable request," Kurogiri says.

"Tell me, Shigaraki," Giran says as he finally makes his appearance into the abandoned bar. "Do you know why the union accepted this outlandish order of yours? 'Cause everyone's got high expectations of you. If the League of Villains steps into the light, then the scum hiding on the sidelines will follow suit. And if that happens, it means brokers like me win big. We'll be rolling in new customers. Crime pays."

"Oh, yes. You're gonna be so busy, you won't be able to keep up."

Giran chuckles. "I'm looking forward to that. Anyway, thanks," he says before walking out the door just as fast as he came in.

"The board is set with my pawns and their prey. Finally. Time for the real game to begin."


"Now that you've finished up your first semester at UA High, it's time for summer vacation to officially begin. However... Don't think these will be months of rest for you heroes-in-the-making. At this camp, we'll push you to go beyond your limits. You're aiming to become 'Plus Ultra!'," Mr. Aizawa says when we all arrived to leave for training camp.

"Yes, sir!" We all say.

"I'm so psyched! I've been looking forward to this camp all semester, Deku!" I hear Ochaco say as she gets real close to Izukun.

"Oh, yeah! It's definitely close, huh?" Izukun mutters out, his face cherry red. So close! I giggle quietly at how flustered he is.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Ochaco asks, completely oblivious on what she's doing.

"I'm just a little hot!"

"Huh?" She lets out before I see the realization on her face as hers too becomes red and backs away really fast. "Uh. Let's hear it for camp!"

—"Yeah! Camp! Camp! Camp! Camp!" She, Kaminari, and Mina chant.

"I heard some of Class A is taking extra courses. Does that mean they actually failed the final exams? That must be so embarrassing. Especially since you're supposed to be so much better than my class. All of you must be wallowing in shame!" Monoma shouts, revealing that Class B have made it here as well.

"Don't mind him!" Kendo, their class president, says after hitting him in the back of the head to silence him.

"Monoma's scary," a ghostly looking girl says.

"Oh. The rest of Class B!" Izukun exclaims.

"It's nice to see you outside of the sports festival. I guess now we're not technically rivals," a green haired girl says.

"Time to get on the bus," Kendo says, interrupting the small talk amongst us.

—"Okay!" A couple of the girls say before getting on the bus.

"The girls of Class A and Class B. It's like a buffet of bombshells!" Mineta says, drooling.

"Dude, get yourself together. For real," Kirishima tells him.

"Yeah, quit being a pervert," I add, giving him a completely disgusted look.

"Attention, Class A, our bus is here. Everyone line up in seating order!" Iida shouts. We follow his orders and soon head off to our destination.

You've got to be kidding me, I think to myself when I'm directed to take the window seat right next to Bakugo.

"Excuse me," I muster out to him as I stand in the aisle awkwardly. Come to think of it, I think that's the first time I spoke to him since we were at I-Island...

"Hm," he groans in irritation as he stands up begrudgingly, making him extremely close to me. I seem to have forgotten our height difference as I am momentarily staring at his chest while the familiar melted caramel scent fills my nostrils. I back away slightly to let him out onto the aisle and try to maneuver from the aisle to my seat, but not without accidentally rubbing against him as he doesn't give me much room in the first place. I feel my body heat up from the unexpected touch, and when I go to sit down, I make sure to keep my face concealed as the last thing I want is for him to see me flustered like this. I can't even distract myself by talking to my friends as they are all at the front of the bus whereas I am sitting in the middle-back of the bus, so I am stuck in this awkward air with Bakugo.

"Here's the deal. We'll be on this bus about an hour before our first stop. Make sure you stay focused," Mr. Aizawa says to us as we begin to move, finally giving me something else to pay attention to.

"Why aren't we blastin' some music?" Kaminari asks, completely ignoring what Mr. Aizawa just said.

"No one should be standing! That is a safety hazard! Please stay seated!" Iida begins shouting, though no one is really listening—everyone is carrying out their own conversations. "Do not open that window!"

I smile as I listen in to all of the conversations that are happening even though there are also some thoughts coming through—seeing everyone so happy and excited just makes me feel so at ease that I don't even care if I am getting a slight headache from it all. I even join in to many of the conversations and am quite enjoying myself despite feeling eyes drilling into me.

"We should totally bunk together!" Kyoka twists her body to look behind at me from diagonally across the bus to talk to me.

"Yeah, that would be great!" I exclaim over Bakugo with a slight laugh of excitement. I wince just so slightly from the information overload coming through, and unfortunately, it doesn't go unnoticed.

"Sit back already!" Bakugo shouts as he pulls me back in my seat by my shoulders.

"Hey! I was talking!" I shout back in annoyance.

"Not anymore. Where's your ear buds?" He asks me.

"They're in my bag that's in the bus's storage," I answer.

"Idiot! Why didn't you keep them on you?" He berates.

"Because, I don't need them, I've gotten a better handle of my Quirk," I tell him.

"Really? So you don't have a headache right now?"

"It's nothing I can't handle," I argue.

He glares at me for a moment before reaching into his pocket. "Here," he says as he hands me a pair of earphones. "Plug them in your phone and put them on. The last thing I want to do is babysit you because you wanted to be stupid."

"I already told you, I don't need you taking care of me!" I retort but still take the earphones as I won't hear the end of it if I don't. An hour finally passes, and we pull over at a small rest area over looking a forest and the mountains.

"Finally. I needed off that bus," Kaminari says after we all walk out of the bus.

"Let me get through, I gotta pee!" Mineta shouts.

"Huh. This isn't much of a rest area," Kirishima observes.

"No. And where's Class B?" Kyoka asks aloud after agreeing with him.

"You don't really think we stopped here just so you could stretch your legs, do you?" Mr. Aizawa asks.

Oh no, I think to myself.

"Please, sir, the toilet," Mineta begs.

There is another vehicle at the rest stop who's doors open. "Heya, Eraser!" A voice says, emerging from the black vehicle.

"Long time no see," he says with a slight bow.

"Your feline fantasies are here. Say, 'meow.'," a hero with a short, brown bob in a red catlike outfit says.

"Purrfectly cute and catlike girls!" A blonde hero says in a matching blue catlike outfit.

—"You can call us the Wild, Wild puss*cats!"

We all stare in shock as Mr. Aizawa explains, "These are the pro heroes you'll be working with at the summer training camp."

"They're a four-person hero team who specialize in mountain rescues! The puss*cats were founded when we were kids, like forever ago!" Izukun nerds out in excitement. "This marks their 12th year working as a—"

The blonde haired hero grabs him by his face and says angrily, "I'm pretty sure your math must be off. I'm 18 at heart."

"Understood!" Izukun muffles though her cat glove.

"Everyone, say hello," Mr. Aizawa orders.

—"Hello! Nice to meet you!"

I notice a kid with them, but he seems more annoyed than anything to be here. "We own this whole stretch of land out here. Everything you can see. The summer camp you're staying at is there at the base of the mountain," the brown haired hero, Mandalay, explains.

—"That's far!" Everyone says.

"Uh, then why did we stop all the way up here instead?" Ochaco asks.

"I'm afraid we both know the answer to that," Tsu says.

"That can't be right," Sato disagrees nervously.

Sero laughs nervously. "Um. Back on the bus. Quick. Let's go."

"Good idea. Load up," Kaminari agrees.

"The current time is 9:30 in the morning. If you're fast about it, you might make it there by noon," Mandalay taunts.

"No way. Guys!" Kirishima says with a worried expression on his ace.

"Holy crap!" Mina whines.

"Save yourselves!" Kirishima shouts as he and many others make a run for the bus.

"Kitties who don't make it there by 12:30 won't get any lunch."

"You should have guessed, students. The training camp..." Mr. Aizawa starts off before Pixie-Bob, the blonde haired hero, jumps in between the group running and the bus making them gasp. "...has already begun." The ground beneath us begins to move and lifts us off the ground as if we were in a tsunami.

"What the heck?" Ochaco screams.

"She must be controlling the ground!" Izukun shouts. We all continue to scream as we are thrown from over the rest area's cliff and into the woods.

"Good news! Since this is private land, you can use your Quirks as much as you want to. You've got three full hours. You should be able to make it to the facility in that time. That is, if you can get through The Beast's Forest," Mandalay says.

"The Beast's Forest?!" Izukun reiterates in shock.

"That sounds like a name right out of a fantasy game," Kaminari notes nervously.

"Why do we keep falling for Aizawa's little tricks?" Kyoka asks.

"I guess there's no use complaining. Might as well get going," Kirishima states as he tries to dust off some of the dirt from his uniform. Mineta quickly dashes into the woods to presumably find a place to use the bathroom when a large beast appearing to made of earth growls at him.

—"We're all gonna die!" Kaminari and Sero shout.

The beast raises its front leg at Mineta when Koda breaks his normal silence and shouts, "Please calm yourself my giant friend! You don't wanna hurt them!" It seems to do nothing, though, and Izukun rushes to Mineta's aid to save him from the beast's attack. Koda's power lets him control animals, but it failed. Is not an animal?

Izukun gasps.

"What is it, Izukun," I ask him as I know he's figured something out.

"A dirt clod. It's Pixie-Bob's Quirk!"


Pixie-Bob hums while she continues manipulating her creations from down below.

"Don't you think you've got them on a pretty crazy schedule, Eraser?" Mandalay asks him.

"Yeah. We're hoping we get an entire second semester's worth of knowledge in them here. That's going to take an intense amount of work. But the rewards'll be worth it. They'll get permits to use their Quirks if there's ever an emergency. And provisional licenses that will allow them to work as heroes. Most importantly, with all the villainous activity we've been tracking, they need to be able to defend themselves."


As a class, we begin taking the beast on together starting with Izukun's strength and Todoroki's ice, when Iida shouts, "Recipro burst!" Todoroki had iced the beast feet in place and I hold the rest of it as still as I possibly can with my telekinesis so it can't fight back as well.

"I'll kill you!" Bakugo shouts as he and Iida knock an arm of each, and Izukun makes the last hit—completely disintegrating it.

"You guys took that beast down in seconds!" Sato exclaims.

"It was awesome," Sero agrees.

"You showed that thing who's boss," Kirishima says to us before casually looking over at me, making my heart start to race.

"We're not done," Bakugo states seriously as another beast emerges from the ground.

"Hey, come on. Don't you think this is a little unfair?" Kaminari whines.

"What now? Do we run?" Mina asks.

"Not good. If we don't make it to the camp fast enough, then we won't get anything to eat," Sato says.

"He's right. We have no choice but to cut through these woods using the shortest possible route," Momo says.

"Ribbit," Tsu says with a nod.

"All right. Let's go, Class A!" Iida shouts.

—"Yeah!" We all agree and begin working together to get to camp.

"I spot three up ahead. And two flanking each side," Shoji says as he uses his tentacles to see further ahead.

"So seven total. They're coming!" Kyoka says as she has her ear jack plugged in to a tree.

"All right. I've got this one!" Sero says as he uses his tape to tie up a beast's wings, making it fall to the ground. "Sato! Kirishima!" After Sato eats some sugar cubes, the two use their Quirks to fight up the dragon-looking beast.

"Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami shouts as he gives them aid.

"Got it!" Dark Shadow says as he helps fight the beast. As they don't need my services, I advance on where I meet up with Ojiro using his tail to fight off a troll looking beast.

"Aoyama. You're up!" He shouts.

"Bonjour!" Aoyama says as he shoots his laser from a tree top directly at the beast, finishing it off. I continue on to try and help some more of my classmates.

"Damn it! If it weren't for you monsters, my pants wouldn't be wet right now!" Mineta screams as he throws a ridiculous amount of his balls at the beast in which it actually gets stuck onto a tree.

"Mineta, Akari, get outta here. One point three million volts!" Kaminari shouts as I telekinetically move myself and Mineta swiftly out of the area to ensure we don't get electrocuted. I then run over to where I see two beasts together where many of my other classmates are.

"Lovely birds of the forest! Remove this evil beast and restore peace to this wood!" Koda says as numerous birds fly viciously around the beasts.

"Take that!" Mina says as she is able to get close enough to place acid on one of their legs.

"Oh, no! I'm completely helpless! It's gonna eat me!" Hagakure fake screams.

"Good, Hagakure. Perfect distraction," Momo says.

"And you!" Mina shouts as she places acid on the other beast's legs.

I'm standing by Momo as she unbuttons the bottom of her school uniform shirt to create something that I soon find out is a full scale cannon. "Everyone, quick. Take cover now!" She shouts before blowing up to beasts.

"That was amazing, Momo!" Mina exclaims.

"Looks like you don't need me here, I'll be on my way!" I say before I run over to where Tsu and Ochaco are with a beast. "Need help?" I ask. They give me a nod, and we prepared for action. I held the beast as still as I could while Ochaco runs up to touch it. Using her antigravity Quirk, the weight of the beast is much easier to manage and I keep it floating in place.

"Tsu. He's all yours!" She shouts.

"Leave it to me," she says as she hops at the beast to wrap her tongue around it, and I release my Quirk off it. Since the beast is weightless, it doesn't take much for Tsu to use her momentum to throw the beast high up in the air. "Ribbit!"

"And now, Release!" Ochaco says as she puts her fingers together. The beast falls extremely quick to the ground and completely crumbles. Onto the next, I think to myself as I move on.

"I've spotted more of them closing in," Shoji says. I look over in the direction he's viewing to see Todoroki and Bakugo running after one and quickly make my way over. I see Todoroki immobilize the beast with ice and Bakugo jumps over it to launch an explosion at the beast.

"You're in my way there, icy hot!" Bakugo shouts.

"Then pick another route," Todoroki tells him.

I feel the ground beneath me shake and turn to see a troll of a beast barreling toward me. With no time to waste, I begin lifting as many big rocks and fallen trees as I can and start throwing them at the beast as it continues to advance toward me. I spot a boulder from far off and wait for the beast to get a little bit closer before I run back at it as fast as I can and dive into a roll to move quickly between its legs. I quickly spring back to my feet and use my arms as sort of a support for my telekinesis as the boulder is extremely heavy and stuck in the ground by lifting them up like I would if I to pick something up. With some effort, it finally loosens out of the earth, and I toss it as hard as I can at the beast who has since turned itself around to find me again. Unfortunately for it, the boulder makes a hard impact onto the beast's body making it crumble before it could ever even make an attack.

"Wow, you took that all on your own! That was amazing!" Kirishima exclaims.

"Thanks, but we've got more incoming!" I shout as I begin to advance forward.

We continue on fighting for seems like ages. The more beasts we beat, the more would appear and slowing us down even more. The sun is setting by the time we make it to camp. We are completely filthy and panting, and not a word has escaped our lips for the longest time as we struggle to keep moving forward to meet up with the puss*cats and Mr. Aizawa.

"You said it would only be, like, three hours!" Sero whines when we get close enough to them.

"I guess we timed it based on how long it'd take us. Sorry!" Mandalay responds.

"Now you're braggin' about how much better you are? That's so mean!" Sato says.

"I'm starving. This is hell," Kirishima complains.

"Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow! I thought it would take you kids even longer. But, you did much better against my dirt monsters than I thought you would. You guys were seriously great. Especially the five of you!" Pixie-Bob points at Iida, Izukun, Todoroki, Bakugo, and me. "It seems like you've had quite a bit of experience," she says as she licks her lips. "I call dibs on these kittens. I'll groom them myself!" She runs at us before we could do anything and tries to love on us violently.

"Hey, back off!" Bakugo shouts.

"Mandalay. Has she always been like this?" I barely hear Mr. Aizawa ask past Pixie-Bob's excessive need to care for us.

"It's gotten worse lately. She's at the age to take a mate," she answers.

"Uh. Speaking of people's ages—" Izukun begins but once again, Pixie-Bob grabs him by the face.

"Choose your words carefully, boy," she warns

"I've just been wondering since we got here earlier. Who is that kid? What's he doing here?" He asks through the cat glove.

"Oh, this little guy? He's my cousin's son. He lives with us now. Don't be shy, Kota. Say hi to everyone. You're gonna be around them for the next week" Mandalay says.

"Hey there. My name's Midoriya," Izukun says after walking over to him. "I'm from the UA High School hero course. It's nice to meet you!" He reaches out his hand to shake Kota's, but is greeted by the kid kicking him in his more...sensitive area. The kid walks away afterwards—clearly not wanting to make any friends with us.

In complete shock, I ask him, "Are you okay?"

Iida runs over to Izukun, who is currently doubled over in pain, and shouts, "What a low blow! You fiend of a child! A punch to the scrotum is unforgiveable!"

Kota turns his head with hatred in his eyes and says, "The last thing I want is to hang with some wannabe heroes."

"'Wannabe'?! How old are you, kid?" Iida asks, completely in shock.

"That brat's got spunk," Bakugo says with a surprisingly gentle smile on his face.

"He's like a mini version of you," Todoroki comments.

"What are you talking about? You need to shut your mouth before I blast you all the way to hell," Bakugo shouts.

"Yeah, sure," Todoroki says.

I can't help but a laugh slip out.

"Hey, quit laughing at me!"

"Well, he's not lying!" I mock him as I continue to laugh.

"Enough playing around. Get your stuff off the bus. Once your bags are in your rooms, we'll have dinner in the cafeteria. After that, you can bathe and sleep. Tomorrow your training starts in earnest. You'd better get a move on," Mr. Aizawa says.

"It looks so good!" Izukun exclaims as we all sit down and eat after placing our bags in our room and meeting back up in the cafeteria.

"It definitely does," I agree as I begin filling up my plate.

"So, you girls got stuck in a tiny little bunk room, didn't ya?" Sero asks us.

"Why? Is the guys' room really big?" Kyoka questions.

"Oh, yeah? So, like, can I come check it out later or what?" Mina asks him.

"Sure! Whenever you want." Sero answers.

"Hey, wait, you got meat over there?" Kirishima asks Pixie-Bob who is carrying a tray of food.

"Yeah. Jeez, it's like you guys haven't eaten in a week or something. Anyway, today's the only time we'll be doing this for you. So make sure you kids enjoy it," she says.

—"Thank you!" Kirishima and Kaminari tell her.

"Hey, Kota! Can you bring me those vegetables?" Mandalay asks the kid.


"This feels amazing!" Mina says as we settle in the hot spring after such an amazing dinner.

"I'm so glad they've got a hot springs here!" Kyoka adds as well.

"Yes, it's so nice to just to soak," I say before getting distracted by some loud noises.

"Before you become a hero, you should learn how to be a good human," Kota says from the top of the wooden wall that separates us from the guys on the other side as he swats Mineta down. I presume he was trying to sneak a peak of us...he's such a pervert!

"Mineta really is the worst, isn't he?" Tsu says.

"Agreed! Disgusting," I respond.

"Thanks so much, Kota, babe! We owe you one!" Mina shouts up to him. Kota turns slightly to look in our direction without thinking and is rudely reminded that we were naked in the spring. He gasps and jerks himself away, but ends up falling off to the other side of the wall.

We all gasp, but are unable to do anything in that moment. "Look out!" I hear Izukun say.

"Did you catch him?" I shout past the wall.

"Yeah!" He answers. I wrap a towel over my wet body and rush to ensure Kota is okay; when Izukun carried him out of the men's hot spring that is.

"We should take him to Mandalay," I tell him when I see an unconscious Kota in his arms.

"The rush from the fall likely caused him to faint. Thank you. Eraser warned me one of you boys was a little girl crazy, so I stationed Kota up there to keep watch. I suppose that's the danger of teaching kids your age. Well, anyway. I'm just glad he's all right. You must've moved pretty fast to catch him," Mandalay says talking mostly to Izukun who was the one who caught him.

The last thing I want is to hang with some wannabe heroes, I remember Kota's words from earlier as I stare down at him. Izukun must have been thinking the same when he asks, " Um. He doesn't like heroes very much, does he? I admit, that's weird to me. Most everyone I know wants to be one. It's... my dream. So, it's just wild to think that a kid his age is against heroes. Hates them, even."

"How observant. Of course, he isn't alone. There are many in our society who don't approve of us. If he'd had a normal childhood, maybe he would've admired heroes like you did growing up," Mandalay says.

"What happened?" I ask.

"It was Mandalay's cousins. Kota's parents, that is," Pixie-Bob says, coming into the same room as us. "They were heroes, too. But they were murdered."

Izukun gasps and I lower my head knowing the feelings Kota is going through all too well.

"It was a villain. Two years back. Kota was still so small. They were killed while protecting citizens. Perhaps the most respectable way for any hero to die. But..." she pauses to find her words. "How do you even begin to explain to a child that his parents died honorable deaths? They were his entire world. Everything. But to him, his parents had left him behind. And all the while, they were being praised. Because... their sacrifice was such a noble one. Honestly, he doesn't seem to like us that much either. We're heroes, like they were. I'm sure he feels like he's stuck here because he has nowhere else to go. Heroes just don't make any sense to Kota. After all, if his parents hadn't been heroes, they would still be here."

We leave soon after, and I couldn't help but think about my own situation instead of sleeping like I should have been. Seeing another kid go through something similar just tears me up to my core. Of course, his parents were seen as honorable whereas my parents...not so much. But I still understand the resentment to heroes better than any of my classmates could ever in their life. How heroes have to put their life and their family's lives on the line in order to protect the public. It's one of the many reasons I had stopped wanting to be a hero for the longest time, but I would be lying to myself if I said that I wasn't meant to be on the track I'm currently on. My grandparents knew that—that's why they pressured me to push past my hesitance. It's just that I'm not so sure they still would have if they knew the danger I could be put in, especially if he's back and meddling...


The sun is just beginning to rise when we are instructed to wake to prepare for day 2 of training camp.

"Good morning, class. Today, we begin a training camp that will increase your strength. Our goal is to increase your skills exponentially, so that each of you earns a provisional license. This will allow you to face the dangers that continue to fester in the darkness. Proceed carefully. Look alive, Bakugo," Mr. Aizawa says as he throws him the baseball we used as the first day of school to test where we were. "Try throwing that for me."

Yeah, sure. Like in the fitness test," Bakugo says.

"That's right. When you first started school, your record was 705.2 meters. Let's see if you've improved," Mr. Aizawa says.

"Oh, I get it! We're checking our progress," Mina comments.

"A lot's happened to us the last three months. Maybe he can throw it a whole mile now!" Sero says.

"C'mon, get it, Bakugo!" Kirishima cheers.

"I've got this. No one blink. Go to hell!" Bakugo shouts co*ckily as he throws the ball using his Quirk.

"That was 709.6 meters," Mr. Aizawa says as he looks down at the measure device connects to the ball.

"That's it? Kinda disappointing," Sero mutters.

"You've had a single semester at UA, and due to your various experiences, all of you have definitely improved. But those improvements have mostly been limited to mental prowess and technical skill. With a slight increase in stamina thrown in along the way. Your Quirks really haven't grown that much stronger. Not on a fundamental level," Mr. Aizawa explains. "That's why we're now going to focus on improving your powers. This'll be so hard, you'll feel like you're dying. Let's hope you all survive."


"Hey, hey! Special delivery from Tomura! He wants us to bring these along when we go, so I'm guessing there's enough for everyone," Toga says.

"C'mon. I'm ready. Let's hurry up and do this," a villain says underneath his cloak.

"It's still too early. Besides, don't forget, he said we shouldn't do anything flashy," another one tells him.

"Yeah. He acted like a spoiled little brat when we first met. But suddenly, he's begun to take charge. This is gonna be nothing more than a warning shot. We'll pull those false heroes down from their shining pedestals. And in doing so, we'll create a bright new future for this world," Dabi says.

Chapter 43: The Truth Comes Out

Chapter Text

"When your muscle fibers are overused, they break and grow back tougher. Thicker. Quirks are the same way. They improve the harder you push them. Stronger after every workout. In other words, there's only one thing to do! You'll have to break yourselves!"

Here comes Class 1B,I think to myself as I hear Vlad shout off in the distance. He's not lying though—it feels as though my body is slowly crumbling apart. My class has already been training for a good bit before they have even rolled out of bed, and we still have a long way to go until we'll be done.

I hear Bakugo yell before throwing his hands out of the barrel of water and uses his Quirk causing a large explosion above him over and over again.

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (85)

Katsuki Bakugo. He's plunging his hands into boiling water to expand his sweat glands, then creating chain explosions to increase the scale of his bangin' attacks.

I begin to look around to see all of my classmates struggling as well. Todoroki is sitting in a barrel of water off in the distance causing the temperature to switch from cold and hot by using his Quirk.

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Shoto Todoroki. Alternating between ice and fire, he's regulating the temperature of the water. His body gets accustomed to the cold and he works on controlling his flames. Some day he might be able to use both at once!

Sero is screaming hysterically as produces his tape that flies off the edge of the cliff. Seeing everyone going through the same is slightly reassuring—that we are all in this together so that we all get better.

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Hanta Sero. Having him produce tape continuously will increase his capacity and improve the tape's tensile strength and shooting speed.

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Eijiro Kirishima and Mashirao Ojiro. Every time Ojiro hits Kirishima's Hardened skin with his Tail, both of their Quirks are steadily improved.

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Denki Kaminari. By running his currents through a high-capacity battery, he's learning to handle larger amounts of electricity.

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Koji Koda. In order to increase the reach of his Anivoice, he's doing vocal exercises to help him build up his range. It's also good for helping him to become less shy.

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Yuga Aoyama. He's building up his body by blasting Navel Laser. This increases the attack's range and lets him use it even with tummy issues.

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Fumikage Tokoyami. His goal is to keep control of Dark Shadow even when it goes wild.

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Ochaco Uraraka. She's getting her inner ear canals used to zero gravity in an effort to reduce nausea. All while increasing how much weight she can lift.

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Tenya Iida. Hardcore long-distance running improves his leg strength and stamina.

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Tsuyu Asui. She's working out all the muscles in her body including her tongue.

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Rikido Sato. He's lifting weights, while at the same, time scarfing down the sugar that allows him to power up his sweet Quirk.

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Momo Yaoyorozu. Also stuffing her face, she hopes to amp up her creation Quirk and shorten the amount of time needed for her to use it.

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Kyoka Jiro. Amplifying the quality of her audio by honing her headphone jacks.

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (99)

Mina Ashido. By constantly creating acid, she can increase her skin's durability.

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (100)

Minoru Mineta. Increasing the strength of his scalp will keep his head from bleeding even when he keeps poppin' off balls.

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Toru Hagakure and Mezo Shoji. They're improving their Quirks by having Shoji quickly create multiple Dupli-Arms and hunt down Hagakure, who is working on her stealth.

Akari Takahashi. While telekinetically moving a big boulder, she is simultaneously honing her mind reading ability to adequately control and decipher multiple thoughts at once.

"Operative types will be raising your limits, maxing out your power. And the rest—you'll mostly focus on strengthening body parts related to your Quirks. Now normally, these changes happen gradually as you grow," I hear Vlad tell Class B, who have just walked up to the training grounds.

"But we don't have time for that. Your class has a lot of work to do," Mr. Aizawa says, walking up to them.

"Once we team up with Class A, there'll be 41 students here. That's a whole lot of Quirks for our homeroom teachers to manage on their own," Kendo says.

"Which is why we called them," Mr. Aizawa explains.

"That's correct!" Ragdoll, the long green haired puss*cat, exclaims. "Four kittens in one litter!"

"Your feline fantasies are here. Say 'meow'," Mandalay says.

"Allow us to lend a helping paw!" Ragdoll adds.

"We're champions serving up justice. With our tails," the only man, Tiger, says.

"Purrfectly cute and catlike heroes!" Pixie-Bob shouts.

—"We're the Wild, Wild puss*cats! Full version!"

"Damn it!" Bakugo yells out in pain, completely ignoring the show being put on. Unfortunately for me, since I'm nonstop using my Quirk, it's hard to ignore when I'm already there in their minds.

"I'm Ragdoll, and my Quirk is Search. I can look at up to 100 people and know everything about them. Like their location and weakness."

"With my Earthflow, I can create the ideal training ground for every student," Pixie-Bob explains.

"And my Quirk is called Telepath. I can give advice to multiple people at once," Mandalay says.

"The name's Tiger. And I'm here to beat you guys to a pulp," Tiger says threateningly.

"I have questions about him," Rin mutters aloud nervously.

"Damn it!" Bakugo shouts.

"All you kids with strength Quirks, time for Tiger's bootcamp. Class A's already sweating, so catch up quick! C'mon, show me what you got," Tiger says as the runs over to where Izukun is training.

"Five percent Detroit Smash!" Izukun shouts as he throws a punch using his Quirk, but Tiger manages to dodge the attack and pushes him into a nearby tree.

"If you don't push yourself, you won't shred your muscle fibers, and then you won't get stronger!" Tiger scolds him.

"Right, sir."

"I can't hear you!"

"Right, sir!" Izukun shouts.

"You wanna be Plus Ultra, don't you? Then show me what that means!"

"Yes, sir!"

I continue to throw the huge boulder from one side to the other without stopping as I continue to read everyone's thoughts. It helps that I know mostly everyone here, so deciphering thoughts is a tad easier—not that it doesn't hurt any less, but the way the thoughts come through is easily distinguishable. They are also thinking pretty much the same thing: When will this end?


"Now. Remember what I said? We're not serving your food anymore! If you guys wanna eat, you'll have to make your own meals! Starting with curry!" Pixie-Bob shouts after we had met up at the outdoor eating area for dinner.

—"Yes, ma'am," we all say tiredly.

Ragdoll laughs. "Oh, man, do you guys look exhausted. But that doesn't mean you can coast by making sloppy cat food."

"Oh! I see. An important part of saving someone recovering from a disaster is providing for their physical needs as well as spiritual. Ah! This is a great opportunity! Let's make the most delicious curry in the world, everyone!" Iida says with just too much spirit for anyone to handle.

—"Yeah, okay."

Thank you, Iida. I hear Mr. Aizawa think. Yep, definitely overworked my Quirk today if they're coming in this easily.

We begin preparing the food when Mina shouts, "Hey, Todoroki! Can we get some fire over here, too?" Todoroki stands from his part of the elongated grill to help her out.

"Bakugo. Use an explosion to light that," Sero says.

"This is so beneath me!" He says.

"Just do it, please," I tell him in irritation.

He groans, but does it...a little too well.

"Too much..." Tokoyami says.

"Rely on others and you'll never learn to start a fire yourself. We should focus on acquiring new skills," Momo lectures us and she creates a lighter to start her fire.

"Here. Let me," Todoroki says quietly as he gently lights Ochaco's grill.

"Wow! Thank you so much!"

"Burn, baby, burn!" Mina says excitedly.

"But not too hot, okay?" Ochaco asks him.

—"We did it!" We say as a group before we dig in. It didn't take too long to cook the food, but with what little energy we have left, well, we're just happy to be done and get to eat finally.

"If I got this at a restaurant, I'd send this crap back. But after today, I'll eat every bite," Kirishima says as he shoves the curry in his mouth.

"Don't say that!" Sero tells while also not missing a bite.

"Whoa, you're scarfing, Momo!" Mina notices.

"Yes. My Quirk transforms lipids into brand new atoms to create inorganic materials. That means, the more I eat, the more I can make," Momo explains.

"Like how poop works," Sero says aloud making Momo completely embarrassed.

Kyoka punches him in the face and shouts, "Apologize!"

"Okay, I'm sorry!"

"Kota. It's time for dinner! Where are you?" Mandalay begins shouting as she looks for him. Though I am too tired to even produce a coherent response to anything going on around me, I am enjoying being here with everyone. To be around so many people and still feel comfortable isn't something I am accustomed to, but I have to say it feels nice to not feel like an outsider for once. I smile to myself as I continue to chow down on the food.


Toga grunts as she puts on the mask. "I do not like this. It's so not cute!"

"They were engineered for the black market, from what I hear. You should be worried that they work, not that they look pretty," Mustard tells her.

"Ugh, I'm just saying they could be a little more stylish. Is that too much to ask?"

"Hi, darlings! Sorry to keep you waiting," Magne says, walking up to them.

"Get to work. Get to work," a man completely wrapped up except for his mouth says as the others gather up too.

"That makes seven of us," Dabi says.

"I don't care. Just let me loose. I'm too pumped up to stand by," Muscular complains.

"Shut your mouth, you crazy bastard. We wait. We're still expecting three more people to join our little party. The League of Villains made a mistake going after them with a bunch of random thugs at the USJ. Better to use a small group of elites. The first thing we have to do is take away their sense of peace and show them that their lives rest in our hands."


The sun rose again for another day of training in hell as I hear Koda begin to scream once more.

"Hey, remedial group. Keep at it," Mr. Aizawa says to Sato, Kaminari, Sero, Mina, and Kirishima. He even lifts Kirishima's head up with his scarf as he seems to be falling asleep where he's standing.

"Yes, sir!" Kirishima shouts.

"Sorry. But I need more beauty rest," Mina says.

"Who knew yesterday's extra lessons..." Kaminari begins.

"...would go on until two in the morning..." Sero ends.

"...and start back up at seven," Sato adds.

"I told you it'd be tough. Remember. You're not just improving your Quirks. You're also working to overcome the many weaknesses I saw in the finals," Mr. Aizawa scolds. Yikes, I feel really bad for them—this training is already hard enough, but not getting enough sleep on top of it? I couldn't even imagine that. "Think carefully about why you're more tired than the others before you start whining. You have much to improve here."

—"Right. Yes, sir."

Mr. Aizawa turns around to face another couple of students. "Uraraka! Aoyama! The same goes for you. Your team didn't fail, but you were very close. I'd say you passed the proverbial finish line by only a hair."

Ochaco yelps. "That bad?"

"Mon dieu," Aoyama lets out.

"Don't lose focus. Each of you can move faster! And no matter what you're doing, just remember where you started from. Don't forget who you were before UA. Always keep in mind why you're sweating, and why your limits keep getting tested. That's what it means to improve."

Where I started, Bakugo thinks.

Who I am, Todoroki thinks.

How I got here, Izukun thinks.

For the love of God, quit thinking thoughts,I think to myself in irritation...not necessarily at them, but because of the splitting headache that is surfacing.

"Hey, that reminds me, Mr. Aizawa. It's already the third day of camp," Izukun says, walking up to him.

"Weren't you listening? Stay focused."

"I was just wondering if All Might—I mean, the other teachers from UA will be joining us," Izukun continues regardless of what he just said.

"Like I said before we came out here. To keep the camp a secret from the villains, hardly anyone knows where we are," he explains.

"That's why you get to work out with us four puss*cats!" Ragdoll shouts from the cliff above us.

"And think about it. We believe All Might is one of the League's targets, so we can't have him here. It's for your own safety. For better or for worse, that's what he gets for standing out so much. Hah," Mr. Aizawa says as he walks off.

Seems like it's mostly "for worse" these days. So that's it. All Might won't be here to help me,Izukun thinks.

Help you with what?I wonder.

"Meow, meow, meow, meow! More importantly, tonight's gonna be fun! We're pitting classes against each other in a test of courage. I know you've been training hard today. And later, you'll get to play hard! How's that for a reward?" Pixie-Bob exclaims.

"It just sounds like more training," Kendo responds quietly.

"And training in the dark, no less," Kyoka adds.

"How much can we do in one day?" Rin asks rhetorically.

Monoma laughs. "At least we get to beat Class A, am I right?" But even he is too exhausted to put much of a charade behind his words.

"Don't slack now! Make sure you keep on pushing yourself as you work!" Pixie-Bob shouts.

—"Yes, ma'am."


"Whoa, Bakugo, you're really good with that knife! It's weird," Ochaco says, making me look up and look over to the left of me to see him chopping up the ingredients.

"What do you mean 'it's weird'? How can you people be so damn bad at everything?" He shouts at her.

I let out a small smile. "He's actually always has been really good at cooking. A secret talent of his."

"Hey, you shut your mouth! Everyone should know how to cook!"

"Look at that. He's not blowing stuff up," Kaminari says as he walks past us.

"I'm too tired for this." I hear Kirishima mutter. I look up to see him struggling to stay awake over the food he's preparing.

"Here, let me help you," I say to him as I walk to the table in front of me to stand beside him.

"Huh? Oh, thanks!" Kirishima says as he smiles tiredly at me.

"No problem," I say as I smile back while picking up a knife to cut up some of the vegetables. "So you had class until two in the morning? That sounds really rough."

Kirishima laughs slightly as he places his hand through his hair. "Yeah, Mr. Aizawa is really pushing us hard."

"Yeah, I mean, I imagined you guys would have to have extra work, but I didn't think it would that much," I say as I hand him the vegetables I cut so that he can place them in the dish. As he goes to grab the cutting board from me, he accidentally places his hand over mine and freezes in place. We both look down at our hands touching before slowly looking up at each other as I feel myself start to blush. "Uh, Kiri—"

She's so cute.

—I'm going to kill him.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Kirishima says as he quickly removes his hand off mine—his whole face completely a dark shade of red now.

I nod and look down at the food hastily to hide my face as my emotions are most likely written all over my face. Since this camp is about pushing our limits, it means that my Quirk will act on its own accord, meaning I read thoughts unintentionally—that being Kirishima's andBakugo's at this time. It is information that I didn't necessarily want right now as it puts me in an awkward situation.Kirishima thinks I'm cute?I know that I like being around him as he is so much different from Bakugo—he is more sweet and gentle which is such a nice change. But to know that bit of information? It makes me more nervous to be around him. Then with Bakugo seething behind me as I know he watched what happened? I have so many mixed feelings that I can't seem to understand. Like I feel like I'm going against Bakugo by having these feelings for Kirishima, but at the same time, we are just friends—if you can even call us that at the moment. We aren't anything to each other, but these feelings....they're just too complicated.

"Your hands aren't moving! We'll never make the best stew if you stop now," Iida shouts as he quickly moves to get everyone to pick up the pace, which completely brings me back to the current situation—making stew.


"Perfect. We've filled our bellies and cleaned the dishes. It's time for..." Pixie-Bob begins.

"A totally awesome test of courage!" Mina exclaims.

—"We're gonna win!" Kirishima, Sato, and Sero add in excitement.

"Not so fast. It pains me to say it, but the remedial class will be having lessons with me tonight instead," Mr. Aizawa tells them.

"You've gotta be kidding me!" Mina shouts angrily.

"Sorry. Your training during the day didn't impress me, so I'll be using this time, too," Mr. Aizawa says as he wraps his scarf around all of them.

—"Oh, give me a break!" Kaminari and Sero say.

—"I just wanna prove my courage!" Kirishima and Sato whine. I give Kirishima a sympathetic look as Mr. Aizawa drags them away.

"Okay. So, class B is going to start out as our 'scarers'. When they're in place, Class A will leave in pairs every three minutes. There are tags with your names on them at the far end of the route. Your goal is to collect those," Pixie-Bob explains.

"Revelry in the dark," Tokoyami mutters.

Why's he keep saying that?Ochaco thinks. I would love to know the reason too, Ochaco.

"Now, those who are scarers aren't allowed to make physical contact. Use your Quirks to terrify the others. Got it?"

"The winners are the creative students who make the most people piss their pants," Tiger adds.

"Did we need that visual?" Kyoka asks.

"I see! They're encouraging us to stoke our imaginations as we compete with each other, all while showing us more uses for our Quirks in the process. As expected of UA!" Iida says.

"All right! Everyone draw to see who your partner will be," Pixie-Bob says.

Team 1: Tokoyami and Shoji

Team 2: Bakugo and Takahashi

Team 3: Jiro and Hagakure

Team 4: Yaoyorozu and Aoyama

Team 5: Uraraka and Asui

Team 6: Ojiro and Mineta

Team 7: Iida and Koda

Team 8: Midoriya and Todoroki

We were randomly assigned. How am I with Bakugo? What are the odds?

"Listen up, Tail," Bakugo says to Ojiro. "Trade with me."

"Seriously?" I say to him in annoyance. It's not like I wanted this pairing but that's just plain rude to try to switch teams right in front of me!

"Wait, what did you call me?"

"I'm sorry, just ignore him!" I say as I drag him away from Ojiro.

"Revelry in the dark."

*12 minutes later*

I can hear Kyoka and Hagakure scream somewhere behind us. This is actually kinda scary. Class 1B is not holding anything back it seems, and those screams aren't helping. We hadn't said much as we trek through the woods when we hear a noise.

"Huh?" Bakugo mutters as he walks toward a small circular clearing.

"Wait, Baku-" I begin to say as I stay close to him when a girl's head pokes out of the ground in front of us. Without much thought, I scream and grab a hold of Bakugo's arm tightly, pressing my body close to his. Though I could tell it freaked him out as well, he tries to stay as cool as he can as he pulls us away from the head.

As we make it back to the original trail, I realize by the heat radiating off him that am I still glued onto his arm, but when I try to pull away, he stops me by using his free hand to keep me in my place while rotating his body to face me better. At that moment, I don't hear the environment around me—I am zoned in on his eyes that stare deeply into me as I feel his deep, heavy breaths hitting my skin. "Wh-what's wrong?" I stammer as my heart is beating out of my chest.

"That's what I would like to know. Akari, I'm only going to say this once more," he says with such a serious tone—and without his normal snippy attitude no less, "I am sorry. I should have never said what I did to you. I knew you didn't mean to read deep in my mind by the look on your face, but I still broke our promise. But I know you, and there is more that you're not telling me. So what is it?"

I gulp hard. All I want more than anything in this world is to run—to not be stuck here frozen in place with his gaze on me so intensely. I try to open my mouth, but the words wouldn't come out. I mean, how could they? I have kept this to myself for so long that I never once thought about how I would even begin to explain this to anyone...especially him. As far as he has ever known, he knew everything about me and what has happened in my life. How would he even react knowing that I kept something like this from him? Would he even understand why I had to? Why I feltlike I had to? I was only doing what was ordered of me, but even then, I didn't want to potentially put anyone in the line of danger. That if something were to happen, it would only come back for me—not for the people I care about. But the way he has took me so off-guard like this...I wish he didn't know me so well to know there's more that I haven't said. If I had just pretended that him breaking his promise to me didn't hurt me as much as it did, then maybe he would never have figured out I was even hiding something from him.

"Well? Spit it out already, Akari!" He says with irritation from my hesitance.

"You don't realize what your asking from me," I respond as I try to break out of his grip.

"Then make me understand," he retorts as he keeps his strong grasp on my wrist. "Make me understand all of this avoidance. What is so bad that you have to push me away?"

"Isn't that what you want? All you ever have spoke about is for me and Izukun to stop 'following you around.' Why does it matter if I'm staying away from you? It's not like you ever enjoyedmy company."

"Tch," he lets out as he looks away momentarily in an attempt to control his growing temper. With his red glowing eyes, he says, "I know you're deflecting. Cut it out now, and tell me what the hell is going on. This is the last time I'm going to ask nicely."


Damn it, Akari. Quit calling me that! As much as I hate it what you and Deku would call me, this is so much worse,he thinks to himself, and I try to swallow every emotion I am feeling to prevent him from knowing that my Quirk is going off the rails.

"My parents weren't villains. They never were," I let out.

"What?" He asks with confusion across his face.

"They were undercover on a mission. They knew the risks, but took it on anyway," I tell him.

"Then why was it released that they helped in aiding the destruction of the festival that severely injured many citizens? That doesn't make sense."

"They had to cover it up—the villains nor the masses could know that it was an undercover job. Like I said, my parents knew the risks—they knew this was a possibility. They knew if something happened, they were on their own—none of the higher ups would be able to assist them. It was a real dangerous job that cost them their lives and reputation."

"But how do you know any of this? And why would you keep this from me?"

I go silent as I look away. This is the part that forever changed me—that took away my innocence from me. The reason I always hated my mind reading part of my Quirk.

"No, don't go quiet now. What is it?"

I feel emotions the I have kept buried down now bubbling up as I answer, "I know this, because...I was there. I was there when they were killed. I was kidnapped and brought to the festival grounds. There was a building that all the villains were in with bags over their heads, two of those people being my parents in which I had no idea were there at the time. The leader spoke through a monitor and told me that he had an important job for me to do which was to find the rat in the room. I was forced to use my Quirk to mind read the whole room to find out my parents were there...I-I'm sorry, I can't hurts too much to say aloud."

"So, that's why you hated your Quirk," he says after a moment a silence.

I nod with a single tear falling down my cheek. "Yet here I am making it stronger. The irony."

"You didn't have anything to do with your parents' death," he tells me.


"You didn't have anything to do with your parents' death," he repeats. "It's obvious that's what you think, why else would you spend the majority of you life avoiding that part of your Quirk? I'm more pissed that you didn't tell me about this sooner."

"My life was and still is at stake. Their leader wanted to keep me to exploit my Quirk; I couldn't say anything to anyone without putting them in danger as well. Besides, I had to grieve my parents' death and then cope with the lies of them sprouting. Then being treated like a plague to the rest of society? Why would I want to bring you in to all of that?"

"And why do you think you needed to suffer with this alone? God, Akari, this whole time you have been worried about everyone else, and even trying to save me from that disgusting sludge villain when you were the one who's needed help all this time? And I've been an ass this whole time thinking you were simply wasting your ability and would never be capable of advancing further!" He shouts, and I'm left shocked as I've never heard him show so much he cared before.

"I wouldn't say I needed help, I mean we were in primary school when this happened! If anything, I wanted to pretend so badly that it never happened, so having you, Izukun, and even my grandparents not know made that some what possible. I wanted this! I didn't want to be treated any different because of what happened to me," I tell him.

"But it did happen! You should have been treated differently! I should have treated you differently," he begins to shout but speaks more quiet with each sentence. I didn't know what else to say as we are obviously not getting anywhere about this. I knew he would be upset, but I thought it would be more directed toward me, however, he seems to be yelling more at himself than anything. After a while of standing here in silence, a faint smell hits my nostrils.

"Hey, can you smell that? I think there's something burning nearby."

"Huh? Yeah, it is smoky out here," he says as he looks around before coming to a realization. He pulls his shirt above his nose before making me to do the same. "This smoke. It's poisonous!"


"What's this foul smell in the air?" Pixie-Bob says as she smells the air.

"You see that?" Midoriya asks as he points up above the tree line.

"Black smoke," Mandalay states.

"Has something been set ablaze?" Iida asks.

"Maybe a fire on the mountain?" Ojiro questions.

"Now, it begins," Dabi says from a far distance from group as he sets the forest on fire with his blue flames.

"Hey, what's happening?" Pixie-Bob shrieks as she is lifted up and pulled away by a pink force field around her.

"Pixie-Bob!" Mandalay screams.

"Take them down. Those who believe they deserve the title 'hero'," Dabi orders. "We, the Vanguard Action Squad of the League of Villains, will tear them off their pedestals."

"First, let's get rid of these feral cats," Magne says.

"What? No way! I thought they made sure no one could find us. So why the heck are there villains attacking this place?" Mineta asks aloud.

"Pixie-Bob!" Midoriya shouts and tries to run after her, but Tiger stops him.

"This is bad," Mandalay says.

Midoriya gasps. "Where's Kota?"

Chapter 44: The Night Everything Went Wrong

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (102)

"No way! Why are there villains attacking the camp?"


"This is bad."

Midoriya gasps. "Oh, no. Where's Kota?"


*five minutes earlier*

"Aw...We wanted the chance to face off with all the others," Ashido whines.

"I thought Pixie-Bob said we'd be getting a reward," Kirishima adds.

"This is more like torture," Kaminari says with exaggeration. "We want our treat, Mr. Aizawa!"

"Do you want me to tighten your bindings?" He asks him as they are walking right behind with the scarf still wrapped around them, which seems to silence them as they walk into the building. "For tonight's lesson, we'll be talking about how to behave in an emergency. If you don't become more aware that you're falling behind your classmates, then the gap will keep on growing. In a broad sense, this knowledge is your reward. How's that for a treat?"

"I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up," Kirishima mutters.

"Oh, strange. Now, who do we have here? Five members of Class A bombed the exams? And look, there's only one guy from Class B!" Monoma shouts.

"You failed, too, idiot!" Kaminari reminds him.

"He tried to get under our skin the same way yesterday," Kirishima acknowledges.

"At this point, I'm kinda worried about him," Ashido says

"So, Vlad. Why don't we start with practice maneuvers?" Mr. Aizawa asks him.

"I was thinking the same thing. Perhaps we should pair them up," he answers.

Everyone!Mandalay says in everyone's mind.

"It's Mandalay's Telepath," Kirishima says.

"So weird, right?" Ashido asks. "It's giving me chills."

"It is sort of annoying that it only works in one direction, though," Kaminari says.

"Stop talking," Mr. Aizawa demands.

Two villains attacked us. It's possible there are more coming. Everyone, return to camp immediately. We're regrouping. Do not engage any enemies.

"I'll look after the other students. Protect them," Mr. Aizawa tells Vlad as he runs out of the room.

"Wasn't this a secret?" Monoma asks in confusion.

If it's a full-scale attack...We're in big trouble,Mr. Aizawa thinks before stopping to the smoke and flames above the tree line.

"Looks like your concern has you distracted, Eraser," Dabi says, standing right beside him.

"Vlad!" Mr. Aizawa says, but is too late as Dabi has already made an attack against him with his flames.

"You pros oughta lay off. We haven't come here for any of you, so just stay out of our way."


"How are you this evening, UA High School? We are part of the Vanguard Action Squad of the League of Villains," Spinner announces.

"The League of Villains? What are those guys doing here?" Ojiro asks.

"I could crush this kitty's head so easily. How about it, dears, should I?" Magne asks.

"You get away from her!" Tiger shouts.

"Now, now. Hold on, Big Sis Mag. You, too, Tiger, calm down. When deciding if someone should live or die, we must be careful that we're abiding by Stain's principles," Spinner says.

"Stain?" Midoriya mutters out, surprised to hear that name.

"So, you're the ones he ended up inspiring," Iida says.

"At your service. That's us. And you, four eyes. I believe I recognize you. You're one of the self-righteous brats who attacked Stain in Hosu City. Lemme introduce myself. Call me, Spinner. I'm here to make Stain's dreams a reality."

"I don't care who you are. You're criminals! The woman lying there is named Pixie-Bob. She's a pro hero who's saved countless lives. She's giving her all for these young heroes, pushing them to reach their full potential. She's looking for a mate, but otherwise she's content. What gives you the right to cut such a happy life short?" Tiger shouts at him.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you it's not a hero's job to be happy?!" Spinner tells him.

Tiger! I've talked to everyone. Trust the safety of the other students to Ragdoll. You and I will stay here. We'll hold them back!" Mandalay tells Tiger before directing her attention to the students. "You return to camp! Class Rep, you're in charge on the way there! Don't engage anyone!"

"Leave it to me. Let's go!" Iida says. "Midoriya!"

"Go on ahead without me," Midoriya says to him. "Mandalay!"

"What are you saying?" Iida asks in disbelief.

"Kota. I know where he is," he tells her.


Kendo coughs as she tries to keep her nose covered in her shirt while using her Quirk to increase the size of her hands to cover her friends as they run through the forest.

"Kendo!" Tetsutetsu

"Tetsutetsu! Ibara!" She says as she looks over in their direction to Tetsutetsu carrying Ibara. "Where'd you get those masks?"

"Yaoyorozu from Class A. She made them for us. Awase's taking her to the rest of our class so she can help them, too. Take some. We brought a bunch."

"Great. Thanks!" She says as she begins to put one of them on. "We need to get back to camp fast. Who knows how many villains could be roaming through the woods."

"No. I'm goin' to fight. You make sure these two get back to camp," Tetsutetsu tells her.

"What? Mandalay told us to retreat!" She argues.

"You're always getting on Monoma when he talks about the differences in our classes, but you feel it, don't you? We're not the same," he counters.

Kendo gasps at his remark.

"We all got into UA with the same exam. We study the same curriculum. So why are they better? Isn't it obvious? Class A has been through crisis after crisis, and turned each one into an opportunity. They've had so many chances to prove themselves. And come on, Kendo. A real hero doesn't turn his back and run from a bad guy. Fighting villains is what we do!"

"Yeah, but—"

"Don't try to stop me. We're in the hero course. If we don't stand up now, then when will we? I'm goin' to find these villains and show them what we're made of."


Bakugo grunts. "Damn it," he says through his hand that's covering the bottom half of his face.

I, too, am covering my face as I use my Quirk to carry one of Class B's students in the air as he must have been a victim of the gas. "There must be some sort of gas villain out here. I'm worried about the others who're still in the forest, but I don't see that there's much we can do now. Hopefully, Ragdoll can take care of everyone else," I say, remembering her finding us and further directing us to follow Mandalay's command as she tries to find the others.

"Don't tell me what to do, Aka—" he gasps as we both come to an immediate stop. "Crap. Who's that? Hey. Which group was in front of us again?"

"Tokoyami, I think, and Shoji," I answer back quietly as I stare intently at the being sitting in middle of the trail a few yards from us—a hand laid in front of them on the ground.

"So pretty. No, have to work. Can't. But's it's so delicious, beautiful flesh. Don't tempt me. I have a job to do," the villain says before standing up and facing us.

"No fighting, is that the rule?" Bakugo asks with a glint in his eye.


"You fake heroes only care about yourselves and your glory. We'll purge you from this world," Spinner says as he makes an attack at Mandalay with his weapon.

Spinner, even though you're a villain, you're still pretty cool. Totally my type, Mandalay says in his mind.

"Uh—" he lets out, shocked by the comment.

"Are you really blushing? How cute," she says as she goes for an attack.

"That was a dirty trick to pull. Don't toy with me, cat."

She gasps as she gets pulled by a magnetic force.

"Over here, my little kitten," Magne says.

"I won't let you use the same trick twice!" Tiger shouts as he stops the attack. "Kenji Hikiishi. Villain name, Magne. Wanted for nine counts of aggravated robbery, three murders, and 29 attempted murders."

"Ooh, does that mean I'm famous?"

"What the hell did you come here for, criminal?"

"Tiger. Something's wrong. I still haven't heard from Ragdoll. It isn't like her not to report!" Mandalay tells him.

"Uh-oh, I wonder what happened to her," Magne taunts.


"You really think you can save this little brat? That does sound like something a wannabe hero would say. Your kind sure likes to mouth off about justice. The name's Midoriya, right? Perfect. We were told we could take some initiative and kill you. But first, a little torment. Show me your blood," Muscular says after Midoriya saved Kota from his attack. He begins to further activate his Quirk and makes an attack at Midoriya in which he attempted to block, but ends up flying into the side of the cave.

Midoriya yells in pain.

"Whoopsie. Oh, yeah. Hey. Maybe you can help me out a little bit first. Do you know where a couple of kids named Bakugo and Takahashi might be around here?"

Kacchan and Akari-chan?Midoriya thinks to himself in confusion.

"I still have a job to do, after all," he says as he make another attack.

Wait, they're after them? Why?

"I'll take your silence to mean that you don't know. Is that right? Oh, good, then. Play time!" Muscular laughs as he hits Midoriya once more. "Yes! Blood is exactly what I wanted from you. What'd you promise? That everything would be okay? How's that workin' out for ya, huh? Don't just lay there, stupid," he mocks.

That muscle Quirk of his is too powerful. I need a plan. If I worry about Kacchan and Akari-chan right now, I'm dead. I have to focus on the enemy in front of me! Smash!He thinks as he makes an attack.

"What? Is that all you've got? You're fast, but you're not strong enough to hurt me," he says as he throws him off with ease. "My Quirk increases my speed and strength so exponentially that my muscle fibers can't even be contained by my skin. I know I'm bragging a bit. But I mean, c'mon. I guess what I'm trying to say is...You're just an inferior version of me! I can't help but laugh at you, kid. You'll really think you're a hero, don't you? How are you gonna save him, huh? Don't make promises you can't keep. Live up to your words or they don't mean anything. You're no hero—you're just a fraud, and you'll die that way!" He shouts as proceeds to throw punch after punch. Then, a small rock hits his back.

"Remember Water Hose? My mom and my dad. Did you torment the two of them, too? Before you killed them?" Kota asks with tears in his eyes.

"Huh? Seriously? Those losers were your parents? Well then, this must be fate. The Water Hose heroes—they're the reason I have an artificial eye in my left socket right now."

"This is all your fault. Nothing in the world is right anymore and it's because of crazy people like you!"

"Little kids are always so quick to say it's someone else's fault. Don't get the wrong idea. It's not like I took them out 'cause I was mad about the eye thing. I wanted to kill people-- it's as simple as that. And those two tried to stop me. What happened was the result of all of us doing our best. The real travesty is promising to do something you aren't able to do. That's why your dear old mommy and daddy died. Nice try, with the sneak attack, but I'm ready!" Muscular shouts as he evades Midoriya's attack.

"You ruined his life, and you won't take the blame? Got you now. Doesn't matter how quick you are," Midoriya shouts.

"But what's your next move? You gonna punch me with that puny Quirk of yours again?" He mocks.

"It's not a matter of whether or not I can do it. A hero's job is to risk his life, to turn his promises into a reality!"

What?Muscular thinks to himself in confusion.

One For All, 100 percent!

Wait. There's something different about him.


Midoriya lands a massive punch on Muscular causing a huge rumble of the ground underneath them. Kota screams as the rumbling of the ground sends him flying off over the edge of the cliff.

"Gotcha! Sorry about that!" Midoriya says as he manages to grab him and pull him back up.

"Thank you for—" Kota begins to say but stops when he sees how injured Midoriya is as he pants in pain.Why?

"Let's get back to camp. It's not far," he says but suddenly hears a noise from behind him. He turns to see Muscular getting up from the hole Midoriya buried him in with that punch.No way. It can't be. I was at 100 percent! The same as All Might's power!

"Heh. A bit too obvious. But, hey. Not too bad, Midoriya," he says.

"No. Stay away!" Midoriya shouts.

"Naw, attacking sounds more fun."

It's no good. What am I supposed to do now? I just need some time to think, he thinks to himself. "Tell me. Why have you come here? What does the League want from us?"

"Doesn't matter to me, I'm just glad they finally let me off the leash. Long as I get to use my Quirk all I want, I really don't care. Remember what I told you earlier. We've just been playing around. Having fun. Until now. Now, I'm serious! Recess is over. I'm coming at you for real. 'Cause truth be told, you're pretty strong. I see that now," Muscular says as he prepares to continue to fight.

"Quick. Grab on! Hurry!" Midoriya shouts at Kota.

It's like his Quirk has been supercharged. It's completely insane. He really was just playing around, toying with me before he killed me.

"Aw, damn. I got too excited," Muscular says as he missed with his attack.

If we can just get back to camp, Mr. Aizawa should be there. Then he can erase this guy's Quirk. Yeah, that's it! I need to get him to chase after me and Kota. But...I'm so tired from the training today. It won't work! If I turn my back on this guy, I'm done for. I have no choice but to fight him right here. Right now! I have to remember where I started, how far I've come. I'll stand my ground. And I'll make sure Kota is safe!

"Stay back, Kota. And then, when it's time, run as fast as you can back to camp," he tells Kota.

"You're attacking him again? You can't do that! Let's just go! Come on! Your punch didn't hurt him earlier, remember? Besides, both your arms are busted up," Kota argues.

"It's going to be fine," he says.One For All, 100 percent!

"I'm coming for you!"


They continue to fight against each other, trying to deflect the others attack when Muscular says, "Aw. What's wrong? That was even weaker than before!"

"Okay. It'll all be okay. I will not let him get past me! Kota, Run! Go now!"

"Still looking after him. Oh, man. You're somethin' else, aren't you?"

"Shut up, dammit!"

"But, why?" Kota screams in panic.

"Show me...your blood!" Muscular shouts as he pins Midoriya between him and the cave.

Please, forgive me, Mom. I tried my best. I'm sorry...All Might.

"I'm gonna crush you. What the—? Is that water?" Muscular says.

"Stop. Let him go!" Kota shouts.

"Ko...ta?" Midoriya mutters.

"Hold on, there, 'kay? I'll kill you after I'm done with—" Muscular says but cuts himself off.Crap. I was distracted.

"I won't let you hurt Kota."

"Damn it. How are you getting stronger?"

"You won't lay a hand on him!" Midoriya screams.One for All, 1,000,000 percent! Delaware...Detroit Smash!

Why? "Why did you risk your life?" Kota mutters to himself through his tears. "Even though... you don't know me at all. Why did you try to save me?"My hero.


"You're sure they'll be all right on their own?" Kurogiri asks.

"I'm a non-playable character this level. They'll make it work without me. Besides, this game has totally changed. I've been thinking of it as an RPG. We had some pretty good equips, but we challenged the big boss while still at Level One. Really, it's more of a simulation game. I'm the player. And I'll use all my little pawns to smash through the heroes' ranks. But first, I need to make cracks in the superhuman world. That's where the Vanguard Action Squad of the League of Villains comes in. Who cares if these guys win or lose? The heroes will be scared just because they showed up," Shigaraki explains.

"They're sacrificial pawns?"

"Come on. Do you really think I'm that heartless? I'd never underestimate their strength. They may have different goals than me, but they're comrades, nonetheless. In a society bound by ridiculous rules, villains aren't the only ones who are being oppressed. Let's hope they can pull this off," Shigaraki says as he looks at photos of Bakugo and Takahashi from the sports festival.


"Hey!" Kota says as he runs to Midoriya who is weak on his feet.

"Everything's okay. Gimme a second, and then there's something I have to take care of."

"But you're all beat up! What more could you have to do now?" Kota asks.

"I knew he'd be strong. That's why I had to try to defeat him here. I thought I'd be able to inflict a lot more damage in the end, though. Turns out, I seriously underestimated how powerful his Quirk was. If every villain attacking us tonight is on the same level, all our lives are at stake. On top of that, it sounds like they're after some of us students. I have to let Mr. Aizawa and the puss*cats know that's one of the reasons they're here. I may be injured, but I'm not defeated yet, there are more people I can save. We'll leave this villain here for the time being. With my arms messed up, my smash was probably weaker than it could have been, but it I still think it's taken him down for a while. He won't wake up anytime soon. And even if he did, he'd be too weak to fight. For right now, I just need to make sure you're safe. We're gonna need some help only you can give us. The forest has been set on fire. That means my friends could be trapped by the flames. But we have hope. Your water Quirk can put those fires out," Midoriya explains to him.

Kota gasps as Midoriya kneels down to face him eye to eye.

"Kota? You hear me? We need you. Now, get on my back. We need to get you to camp, fast."

"You sure you can carry me? You're all busted up."

"No need to worry. That's why I left my legs unbroken! Hang on tight. This could be rough," he tells him. He uses his Quirk to jump out of the area. He begins to think about what Muscular asked him—about Bakugo and Takahashi.I've got a bad feeling about this.


*a few minutes earlier*

"I'll look after the other students. Protect them," Mr. Aizawa had said to Vlad before running out of the building.If it's a full-scale attack...We're in big trouble.

"Looks like your concern has you distracted, Eraser."


"Nice move. Guess you really are a pro," Dabi says as he sees that Mr. Aizawa used his scarf to scale to building to avoid his flames.

"Not so fast," Mr. Aizawa says as he erases Dabi's Quirk and wraps him up in the scarf. He uses it to pull him closer to knee him in the face before placing him face down on the ground—straddling him with his hand pushing Dabi's head down. "What do you want, and where are your friends hiding?"

Dabi grunts. "My what?"

"Your right arm's next," Mr. Aizawa says before snapping his left arm out of socket. "Be logical about this. At least save your legs. It would be a real pain to have to carry you off to jail without them."

"You can take your time, Eraserhead."

Mr. Aizawa gasps as he hears noise in the nearby woods. "What's that?"

"Mr. Aizawa!" Iida shouts with Koda, Ojiro, Mineta, and Todoroki.

"Stay back," Mr. Aizawa demands before Dabi uses this as an advantage to break free from his grasp..

He's good. I won't be able to take much more of this,Dabi thinks to himself. "That's exactly the performance I'd expect out of a UA teacher. Tell me, hero. You worried for your students?"

Mr. Aizawa tries to restrain him once more just for the scarf to go right through him.The fire that he shot earlier wasn't his Quirk?

"I wonder if you can save them in the end. See you soon."

"What was that? Did he just melt?" Mineta asks as they all run toward Mr. Aizawa before stopping when they see him running in a different direction.

"Everyone get inside. I'll be back," he tells them.


Twice groans. "Come on, Dabi! You got your ass handed to you! By a magic scarf!"

"How weak. That happened fast, huh?"

"Huh? Don't say that. Better to frame this as the pro being too strong. It's important to mind your self-esteem, even on a perilous mission," he says, using a different tone of voice.

"Whatever, Twice. Just make another one of me. We need to keep those pros occupied."

"Another small fry, comin' right up. Leave it to me."


Just a little bit further,Midoriya thinks.

Kota gasps. "Hey, look!"

"Mr. Aizawa!" Midoriya shouts in relief.

Mr. Aizawa stops running. "Midoriya—"

"You're here. Thank goodness. I need to catch you up on what I've learned about the villains, but we don't have much time."


"Plus, I need to find Mandalay," Midoriya continues. "There's something I have to tell her."

"Hold on!"

"Please take care of Kota while I'm gone!"

This kid is running on pure adrenaline.

"I'll be back soon!" Midoriya says before running off.

"Wait, Midoriya!" Mr. Aizawa shouts, making him stop in his tracks. He lets out a sigh before saying, "Those injuries...You went too far again, didn't you? Have you forgotten about Hosu?"

"Uh...No. I haven't," Midoriya says as he recalls the police officers words on those who are unauthorized to use their Quirks.

"Go. But tell Mandalay something for me, too."


"No fair. Back off. Let me equip my item," Magne whines as Tiger continues to pummel them.

Damn it. How is he predicting my Cat Combat?Tiger asks himself in frustration.

"You're not...a real hero! You brought this on yourself, girl!" Spinner shouts as he continues to attack Mandalay.

"Jeez, you're persistent," she says as she avoids his attacks.

"As are you. But it's time to knock you off your false throne," he responds, but before he can make another attack with his weapon, Midoriya comes flying through and uses his legs to break the weapon into pieces.

"Mandalay! Kota! He's safe!" He tells her.

"You found him?"

"And I've got a message from Mr. Aizawa. We need you to use Telepath! Tell everyone in Class A and Class B that Eraser Head has granted them permission to engage in combat with the villains."

Everyone in Class A and Class B! In the name of the pro hero, Eraserhead, you are granted permission to engage in combat. I repeat. Use your training. You may fight these villains.Mandalay relays to message to everyone before thinking to herself,I hope you know what you're doing, Eraser.


Future heroes. Do not let this night be the end of your journey!Mr. Aizawa thinks to himself.I forgot to tell Midoriya to come back right away. This is bad. The only reason he's still going with those injuries is because of the endorphins pumping through his body. It's temporary. Once he's accomplished his goals and calms down a little, he won't be able to move at all.

"Mister. Is he gonna be okay?" Kota asks him. "I...I sort of punched him before. And still, he got beat to a pulp just so he could protect me. I never apologized. Or even thanked him. Please tell me... He's not gonna get hurt more, right?"

"Don't worry. He sustained those injuries because he has no intention of dying. Though, as his teacher, when this is over, I'll have to scold him for acting without my permission."

Kota gasps. "Really?"

"Anyway. You'll get your chance to talk to him again. And when you do, put more emphasis on the 'thank you' part."


"Get back to camp right now! Those injuries aren't normal," Mandalay demands.

"I'm sorry. I can't! You need to send one more thing. The villains. I know one reason they're here," he tells her. "They're after Kacchan and Akari-chan! Please, you have to let the others know!"

"Kacchan? Akari-Chan? Who are they?" She asks as she turns around to see him trying to run back into the woods. "No! Wait! Stop!"

That rumble in the ground earlier. Only two people in our group fight with that kind of power. And sounds like one of them talked. Could it possibly have been Muscular? Don't tell me that little kid is more powerful than him. In that case...This child must be put down!Magne thinks.

"Don't, Big Sis Mag," Spinner says as he stops them by throwing a knife in front of them.

Magne yelps. "What the hell was that for, Spinner? He was on the priority kill list!"

"Shigaraki's the one who wants him dead."

"Uh, yeah, and he's the reason we're here," Magne retorts.

"But that boy is someone Stain wished to save. Which means he was deemed worthy of being called a true hero. If Stain spared him, then—"

"About time I got a solid hit in," Mandalay says as she and Tiger used their arguing as a good time to knock them down.Can't stop the boy. But I can relay his message.

Listen, we've discovered two of the villains' targets. It's students named Kacchan and Akari-Chan.


"Bakugo and Akari?" Kirishima says aloud.

"What do they want with them?" Iida asks.

Kacchan and Akari-Chan, you two should try to avoid combat. And to stick to a group.

"Aw, damn it!" Kirishima mutters in frustration, his face contorted in anger.

I hope you can hear me!


"I could focus if you got out of my damn head! I can take care of myself!" Bakugo says as he runs toward the crazed villain.

"Don't rush into this fight carelessly!" I scold him as I raise a hand to stop these jagged metal-looking strips from hitting him by making them move around him.

"Have to keep going...Have to work...Do my job..." the villain growls as he uses his jagged pieces of metal to lift himself up in the air.

"Weren't you listening to Mandalay? They're here because they're after us," I yell at him.

"Telling us not to engage and then changing their minds. I don't know how, but I get the feeling this is Deku's fault," he says before moving to make an attack. "Well, I don't care what anyone says!" His attacks are futile, though, as the villain uses his Quirk once more, and I have to block them from hitting him again.

"Damn it. He's good at moving through this terrain with his Quirk," I complain as I watch him move swiftly using his Quirk to soften and harden his extensions of himself.

"This freak looks like a scrawny little sidekick to me! C'mon, ya bastard!"

"Regardless, this clearly isn't his first rodeo," I argue with him.

"Show me...Show me your exquisite flesh!" He says making me finally see that these extensions of himself are actually his teeth.

I look over at Bakugo to see him readying up his Quirk. "We can't start fires around here because the flames will spread! Everyone could die if we aren't careful. Do you understand me?" I yell at him.

"Yeah, I get it! I'm not stupid!"

Even if we try to retreat, there's poison gas everywhere. They're obviously trying to drive us into a corner. We don't really have many options going for us right now,I think to myself as I glimpse over at Bakugo again.I can understand why they would be after me, but why him?


"Did you hear what she said? We've got permission to punch people!" Tetsutetsu says.

"Wait, Tetsutetsu! Do you understand how this gas works?" Kendo asks him as she tries to run after him.

"Yeah, it's dangerous. Gimme some credit, Kendo."

"Listen! Mandalay didn't say anything about the gas in her message. That means it must not have spread to wherever she's broadcasting from. But that doesn't make any sense. This gas is moving really slowly. Normally it would spread out more, right? This is staying in one place. Not acting naturally. And look. It's definitely denser here than it was in the area we just ran away from."

"Okay. So what?" He asks.

"I think it's swirling around one source. Somewhere near here. Like a typhoon. If that's true, there should be someone who's producing the gas at the center of the storm. A villain who's controlling it."

"I get it now! Oh, man, Kendo. You're so amazing!"

"I figured you'd miss the signs," she mutters. "That's why I came with you. Okay. The closer we get to the center of the swirl, the thicker the poison will be. That's a problem. There's a limit to how much gas these things can filter. And the denser the gas, the shorter the functioning time. That means..."

"Ah! We run head-first into the center of the typhoon and punch whoever's there!" Tetsutetsu says as he begins to run into the denser area of the gas.

Kendo groans. "Well, technically, yeah."He's a little one-note, but he's not wrong.

"Shiozaki and our other classmates suffered because of this villain's stupid power. Stuff like that really pisses me off. Let's teach this bad guy a lesson, Kendo!"

"Heh!" Kendo says while smiling through her mask.I can't say I don't like this side of you.


"Three—no. Two people are headed straight for me. I guess a few of them avoided my gas and realized I'm here. I should have expected that from a prestigious school. But then...No matter how wonderful their Quirks may be..."

"I found you!" Tetsutetsu shouts flying through the typhoon.

"...they're still only human," the villain shouts as he shoots a bullet from his gun right at Tetsutetsu.


That sounded like a gun shot. Kacchan, Akari-Chan you better be okay!


"Ah. I saw you on TV during the sports festival. You can make your skin hard. That means you're bulletproof," the villain says to Tetsutetsu as the mask on his face breaks from the impact of the bullet. "Eh. That doesn't really matter. Because now, it's just a matter of how long you can hold your breath in this toxic miasma."

Seriously? He pulled a gun? And he took out my mask with one shot. What's this shorty's deal? And why is he wearing a school uniform He's probably my age.

"What, do you think you're The Terminator? Even if you can steel yourself, charging straight in is a fool's move. Shouldn't you be smarter if you go to UA? Don't be so rash. Use your head," he says before co*cking the gun and shooting another shot. Tetsutetsu grunts as he blocks the bullet from hitting Kendo. "Or you're not worth killing."

"Testsutetsu!" Kendo lets out.

"It's no good. Retreat!" He tells her through his covered face.

The villain laughs. "Two against one, and you were banking on a surprise attack. What a simple plan. I expected better. I'm producing and controlling this gas, yes. But that's not all. The gas is showing me your movements with its fluctuations. In other words, you can't hide from me. You arrogant UA students. Why didn't you figure that out, huh? You're shattering the image I had of your school. What a shame."

Tetsutetsu growls as he makes another run for it.

"Wait, no!" Kendo shouts.

The villain takes another shot at him. "Moron. What's this? You seem softer than you were earlier. Let me guess, maybe metal fatigue? Or is it because you can't breathe anymore? How many more shots can you take? Brace yourself for another," he says shooting him once more. "Don't they usually do endurance tests for people like you who have simple, one-note Quirks? And yet, you still rush in like you're indestructible." He takes another shot. "Hey. You guys wanna grow up to be heroes, right? Something about that is so strange to me. For people to fawn over someone like you, a one-trick pony, just because of where you went to school! That's what's wrong with this world!" He fires multiple shots before kicking Tetsutetsu in the stomach.

Tetsutetsu grunts as he mutters to himself, "Oh, crap. I can't breathe. And Kendo—strength's... going. Vision's... distorted. Everything is fading."

"Stop!" Kendo screams.

"I told you, I can tell exactly how you're moving thanks to the flow of the gas," the villain says co*ckily.

"I don't give a damn if you know where I am," she shouts as she activates her Quirk and hits him directly in the head.

"I can't believe you think you'll win with that pitiful Quirk."

"Whether it's pitiful or not completely depends on how I use it! I can still stop you!" She shouts as she begins using her massive hands to move the gas sporadically around.

"Just how much power do those stupid hands have?"

"You're pathetic. Carrying a gun around in that dumb uniform is basically saying you know you can't win a fight on your own merits," she tells him.

"You little..." the villain says as he tries to shoot but is having trouble aiming.

"This is for those at UA who have a one-track mind."

The villain gasps.The gas got thinner, so I didn't realize!The villain thinks to himself when he realized that Tetsutetsu is behind him and redirects his gun onto him.

"Because when everyone else is ready to give up..." Kendo begins as Tetsutetsu lands a punch on the villain's face. "..they take another step and go beyond! The poison. It's disappearing."

Tetsutetsu finally takes much needed gasps of air. "If a gas user is wearing his own mask, there's only one thing to do! Break it. You're gonna pay for ruining our camp. And for shooting me. Stupid kid!"


Kacchan and Akari-chan went second in the test of courage. If they didn't go back to camp yet, then they might still be around here,Midoriya thinks to himself. He notices something coming at him but it's too late to react as he is hit by a dark mass. Midoriya yells out in pain before realizing that he was picked up by a bleeding Shoji. "Shoji. What happened?"

"With those injuries...You should be laid up in bed recovering. But you wanna save your friends. No matter what the cost," he says.

"You're injured, too," Midoriya notes.

"Yes. We were ambushed by villains, and I covered us. But the attack triggered Tokoyami's Quirk, even though he was desperately trying to hold it back."

Midoriya remembers what Tokoyami said about his Quirk being more aggressive and harder to control in darkness. "No... Don't tell me!"

"Yeah. If we wanna get through here, we'll have to face Dark Shadow first," Shoji responds, proving Midoriya's fear to be true.

Dark Shadow's growls can be heard nearby "Stay away from me! You'll die!" Tokoyami shouts out.

"Tokoyami, no!"

Chapter 45: Roaring Upheaval

Chapter Text

Kacchan and Akari-Chan went second in the test of courage. If they didn't go back to camp yet, then they might still be around here. "Shoji. What happened—?"

"With those injuries...You should be laid up in bed recovering. But you wanna save your friends. No matter what the cost."

"That thing just now...Wait. Don't tell me..."

"Yeah. If we wanna get through here, we'll have to face Dark Shadow first."

"Stay away from me! You'll die!"

"Tokoyami, no!" Midoriya shouts. "But... How did he get this way?" He asks Shoji.

"Keep it down. After Mandalay told us what was happening and that we shouldn't engage, we were both on high alert. Still, one of the villains got the drop on us. I hid in the bushes and tried to cover Tokoyami, even though one of my arms was cut off."


"It looks bad. But it's not like it's lost forever. My Dupli-Arms are capable of making duplicates upon duplicates. One of those was cut off. Thing is, he couldn't stand seeing me injured like that. The Quirk he'd been suppressing began to rage and take over."

Dark Shadow roars threateningly as he searches for movement.

"The darker it is, the less control Tokoyami has. I had no idea his Quirk could explode like this," Midoriya says.

"It's probably fueled by his righteous indignation and regret. He's tried to hold it back, but they made it wilder. It started lunging at any sound or movement, a beast lashing out with indiscriminate attacks," Shoji responds as he throws a pebble to test Dark Shadow.

"Forget about me. Go! Find our classmates. Help them instead," Tokoyami tells them before yelling at Dark Shadow, "Stop this. Calm down, Dark Shadow!"

"His Quirk has a weakness to light. If we can lead them to a fire or back to camp, we can contain it. Midoriya. I know these are strange circ*mstances, but I can't just leave a suffering friend behind. You forced your broken body to get you here because you were worried about Bakugo and Takahashi. If you still wanna save them, I'll distract Dark Shadow for you. And you can run."

"Hold on," Midoriya says. "The fire and camp are both pretty far away. You'll be in danger if he—"

"I know that. But to save people, you have to take risks. That's what make a hero, a hero. Will you stay with me and help Tokoyami? Or will you rush to Bakugo's and Takahashi's side? You have to make a choice. Right now," Shoji says, cutting him off.

"I already have."


"Flesh. Pieces of meat! Flesh!" The villain shouts as makes more attacks against us.

"Teeth attacks? Seriously? It's time to blast this freak with everything I've got!" Bakugo shouts.

"You can't!" I tell him as I struggle to block the attacks.

"If the flames get to close to the trees, just cover direct them!" He yells at me.

"Easier said than done! A big explosion will impair my vision. Not to mention flames are unpredictable! I may not see them in time! And how are you gonna get close to him anyway?"

Bakugo growls knowing that I'm right. Suddenly, we hear loud destruction coming our way.

"There. I see movement! They're fighting!" I hear Izukun's voice yell out.

"Bakugo! Give us some light!" Shoji shouts urgently.

"More flesh!" The villain yells, making another attack, but Dark Shadow comes flying out of nowhere and attempts to go after the attack.

We gasp to see that Dark Shadow has the villain pinned, but Tokoyami barely holding anything together.

"Kacchan! Akari-Chan!" Izukun shouts as rides on Shoji's back.

"We need some light now. He's out of control!" Shoji shouts.

"He's attacking blindly," I say aloud. "Bakugo, use your Quirk! Just enough to weaken him!"

"Wait," Bakugo says as he seems to be watching the villain.

"Flesh. Slabs of meat. No good. Can't allow it. I'm the one who gets to slice them open. Don't steal from me!" The villain says as he attacks Dark Shadow.

"You don't matter. Insignificant bug!" Dark Shadow says.

"Now, finish him," Bakugo says as he looks impressed by the scene in front of us as Dark Shadow throws the villain to tree to tree, finally subduing him.

"Not enough! It's not enough!" Dark Shadow yells as he tries to go for another attack on one of us. Bakugo pushes me behind him and uses his Quirk to produce light. Dark Shadow dissipates and Tokoyami is left kneeling on the ground panting.

"And once again, I'm a terrible matchup for you, birdboy," Bakugo says to him.

"Thanks. You saved me," Tokoyami responds.

"We could barely defend against that guy, but you beat him instantly," I tell him in shock.

"My friend. Are you okay? You did what we needed you to," Shoji asks him.

"Shoji. I apologize. You, too, Midoriya. I'm still far too immature. Anger consumed me. And I let my Quirk take over. The influence of the darkness, combined with my fury, spurred Dark Shadow into a frenzy. got so strong, I couldn't contain it. And I ended up hurting Shoji."

"We'll deal with that later. That's what you'd say if our roles were reversed," Shoji tells him kindly.

"Okay," Izukun says changing the subject, "I don't know if you heard Mandalay, but I found out the villains are after Kacchan and Akari-Chan."

"Bakugo and Takahashi? Are they trying to kill them?" Tokoyami asks with concern. "Why?"

"I'm not sure. But I think we should get to camp. It's the safest place now, so long as Vlad King and Mr. Aizawa have regrouped there," Izukun answers.

"I understand. So our mission is to get Bakugo and Takahashi back to safety by serving as their protectors," Tokoyami says.

"It's possible the puss*cats are still fighting in the clearing. Going that way would draw the attention of the villains. Plus, it's longer. We should cut straight across," Izukun continues.

"We don't know how many enemies there are. We might come across some by chance," Tokoyami adds.

"We can use Shoji's search ability. And Akari-chan's mind reading power. And, if Tokoyami's okay with it, we can always use Dark Shadow now that we can actually control him. Honestly, with a group like this, we could probably even go up against All Might," Izukun says.

"I'd be fine by myself!" Bakugo shouts.

"We'll surround you as we walk," Tokoyami tells us.

"I don't need any of your protection, dammit!" Bakugo yells in irritation.

"Let's go," Shoji says, and we begin to make the trek.

"Don't ignore me!" Bakugo yells once more.

"Bakugo, just go with it, it's better if we're in a group!" I demand of him.

He shoots me a glare and says, "Don't tell me what to do!" Though he seems to have accepted his fate as he follows along.


*five minutes earlier*

"Ochaco, is your arm okay?" Asui asks her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just a scratch," Uraraka responds as she stares at the villain in front of them.

"Mm... Hm. Shallow. Not much blood," Toga mutters to herself.

"What kind of person slashes people out of nowhere? Just who do you think you are?" Asui questions her.

"I'm Toga. Jeez, you two are super cute. Uraraka and Asui," Toga answers as she points her knife from one to next.

"How does she know who we are?" Uraraka asks aloud.

"Maybe from the sports fest?" Asui says quietly. "We know nothing about her, so we're at a disadvantage. Stay on guard."

"There's not enough blood. Normally I'd suck it directly from the cut to make it flow, but there's no time. Don't worry, girls. This machine will start pumping it out as soon as I stick it in you. I'll get my fill and move on. Who's first?" Toga asks as she advances toward them with machine that's strapped on her back—a single needle pops out of the mechanism when she pushes the button.

The girls gasps, and Asui jumps into action by wrapping her tongue around Uraraka's waist and lifting her up in the air and away from any attack. "Ochaco! You have to get back to camp! We got permission to use Quirks to protect ourselves, not to counterattack. I'm sure that's what Mr. Aizawa meant!"

"Tsu, come on!" Uraraka shouts after being placed away at a safe distance.

"I'll be right behind you," she says but is soon sliced by Toga in her tongue.

"Tsu?" Toga says aloud and then laughs. "Tsu!"


"What a cute nickname. I think I'll call you that, too!"

"No, you won't! Don't even think about it! Only my friends get to call me that!" Asui shouts before Toga uses her contraption to pin Asui to a tree by her hair.

"Yay! That means I must be your friend, too!" Toga exclaims as she runs up to her.

"I'm coming!" Uraraka says.

"Aw, you're bleeding, Tsu. You couldn't be more adorable. I just love blood. We're gonna be such good friends," Toga says, leaning closer to Asui's face.

"Get away from her!" Uraraka demands but is met with a knife. She manages to dodge it, though a few strains of her hair don't as they begin flying through the air. When your opponent has a knife, pivot on one foot to disappear from their line of sight. Grab the wrist and the base of the neck! Pull with all your might, and slam them! It's one of the close combat techniques I learned from my internship! Thanks, Gunhead Martial Arts! She thinks to herself as she accomplishes the move.

"Ochaco, that was amazing," Asui says, still pinned on the tree.

"Tsu! Can you use your tongue to restrain her hands? Or is it hurt?" Uraraka asks.

"It'll be fine in a second," Asui answers.

"Ochaco. You're delightful, too," Toga says lowly. "You've got the same smell as me. You've got a crush on someone, right? So do I. And I bet you also wanna be exactly like that special person, huh?"

This is it! My shot. I'll win and be just like Deku! Uraraka thinks.

"I can tell. Two lovesick girls."

What is with her?

"At first you try to model yourself after the person you want. You start dressing like them. Thing is, that's not enough. You have to go further. Then, you realize you actually want to become that person. And once you get to that point, there's no going back. That's how love works right? What kind of charmer's caught your eye, huh? I'm fond of people who've been slashed up and reek of fresh blood. That's why I always end up cutting them. Hey, Ochaco, isn't this fun? Just two girls hanging out, talking about our crushes!" Toga giggles manically as she stabs the needle of the machine in Uraraka's thigh.

"Ochaco!" Asui shouts.

"Suck, suck. Suck, suck. Suck, suck. Suck, suck. Suck, suck..."

"Uraraka!" Shoji shouts in surprise as the group runs up to the scene.

"Quickly, guys! Help her!" Asui yells at them, but just as soon as the words leave her lips, Toga jumps out of the area and runs off.

"Stop!" Uraraka lets out.

"There's too many people here now, and I don't feel like being killed tonight. Toodles," she says as she runs into the woods.

"Get her!" Uraraka shouts as she stands up.

"It's too dangerous. We have no idea what kind of Quirk she has," Asui tells her.

"Who was that girl just now?" Midoriya asks.

"One of the villains. She was crazy," Asui answers.

"Uraraka. You're hurt!" Midoriya says as he examines her.

"It's not bad. I can still walk okay. You're the one who looks terrible!" She says.

"We can't stand here and talk. Let's move," Shoji orders.

"I'm just glad you didn't get injured too bad. Now come on. Join our group. We're protecting Kacchan and Akari-chan and making our way back to camp. We could use your help," Midoriya says to them.

"If you're protecting Bakugo and Akari, then, shouldn't they be standing here with you guys?" Asui asks.

"Huh? What are you talking about? They're right over here, behind u—" Midoriya turns his head around to see both of them missing and the kid Takahashi was lifting up on the ground a little ways behind them. We're in crisis mode. And we thought we were doing well, that we'd covered our bases. But...

"Nice trick, eh?" The villain, Mr. Compress, says as he stands high up on a tree branch. "I took the kids you're talking about with my magic. Talent like theirs would be squandered were they cast as a hero. We'll provide them with a grander stage where they can truly shine," he says as he tosses a couple of marbles up in the air and catches them repeatedly.

"Give them back!" Midoriya demands.

"'Give them back'? What an odd thing to say. Bakugo and Takahashi doesn't belong to anyone. They're their own person. Don't be so arrogant."

"We'll stop you!" Midoriya shouts.

"Right now!" Asui adds as she shoots her tongue out in an attempt to catch him, but he is too fast and jumps out of the tree.

"Why the aggression? We merely wish to show them that there are options besides the fanatical world of heroism they're drowning in. It's important to choose a path that aligns with your core values, after all," he says as he lands in another tree.

"It's not just Bakugo and Takahashi. Tokoyami's gone!" Shoji comments.

"If you're monologuing because you think you've beaten us, you're mistaken," Midoriya says in anger.

"A bad habit of mine. I was once an entertainer, you know. Taking Tokoyami was a bit of improv on my part," he says as reveals he has three marbles this whole time. "Moonfish. Our dear 'blade tooth.' He may not look it, but he's a dastardly death row devil who's last appeal was denied. When I saw the avian take him down so easily and violently, I decided he should join our troupe."

"You bastard! You can't take them!" Midoriya shouts out in even more anger.

"Midoriya. Calm down," Shoji tells him.

Uraraka and Asui look at each other momentarily before deciding together to attack the villain once more, but to no avail—Mr. Compress gracefully flies out of reach from combat.

"Apologies. But slight-of-hand and escapology are my specialties, not combat. I'm not foolish enough to fight hero candidates from UA," he tells them before pressing down on his ear. "Vanguard Action Squad. I've acquired our targets. Our little show has officially come to a close. Meet me at the retrieval point in the next five minutes for the final bow."

"They're going to take them," Uraraka says. "Our friends."

"They can't!" Midoriya says with emotion.

"You're right. We'll stop them," Shoji speaks before they all begin to run—Uraraka dragging the unconscious kid behind them.


"Hey, Dabi! Did you hear the radio? I'm so pumped up! Our boy Compress totally got the job done," Twice says excitedly before switching his voice. "The man certainly took his time. I was starting to get bored."

"Don't be a pain. He did a good job. Now we just have to wait for everyone to regroup here," Dabi tells him.

"You're the pain. Forgive me," Twice says, alternating voices.

"This place was supposed to be hard to find because of the wall of flames and poisonous gas. But looks like the gas is gone. Things never go according to plan, do they?"

"For real. This is the plan," Twice says. They continue to walking when something catches Dabi's eye. A person? He begins to walk over to the bush when Twice exclaims, "Hey, Dabi! Speakin' of which, totally not important but, shouldn't you be calling that Nomu back? You said he would only react to your voice, correct? That sounded vital."

"That's right. You're the one who reminded me to let him loose on the students earlier," Dabi says as leave the bush alone and continues back on the previous path.

"No problem. Bow before me!"

"Shigaraki did design the monster specifically for me. He's probably killed someone by now," Dabi muses.


"This is bad! This is really bad! What the crap is this thing doing here?" Awase shouts as he runs with Yaoyorozu in his arms with a huge green monster behind. "Yaoyorozu, are you alive? If you are, please wake up now—it's gonna catch us!"

"I'm sorry... Awase. I'm alive, but..." She mutters out weakly. What happened to me? When I came to, I was on the ground. It's so fuzzy.

"What the hell? What are those? Oh, no. Oh God, I'm so sorry!" He shouts as he makes an attempt to shield her from the monster's chainsaw limbs. He awaited death, but it never came—when he looks back up, he sees the monster stopped what he was doing, pulled his extra appendages back into his body and begins to walk away like nothing ever happened. "It's just...gonna leave us here?"

Does this mean the villains have finished their mission? Don't tell me they have Bakugo and Akari, Yaoyorozu thinks to herself.

"Huh?" Awase lets out as he sees Yaoyorozu creating something.

Come on, think. What would the worst-case scenario be, Momo? And what's the smartest thing you can do right now? "Awase. Use your Quirk to attach this to that monster."

"What is it? A button?" He asks.

"Just hurry up and do it. Before he's gone!"

"I don't know what's goin' on, but okay! No way he's gettin' that thing off," he says.

"Thank you so much. Good job."

Awase sighs. "That was scary. Okay, let's run."



"Damn it, Spinner, this is your fault!" Magne complains.

"Shut up! You have only yourself to blame. This is the consequence of your villainy," Tiger says as he has Magne confined.

"Understand, villain? This is how it ends for you," Mandalay adds as she holds Spinner down.

"You haven't won a thing. This isn't defeat. Stain endures! Do you hear me? His will is alive and well right here. I embody it! I will purge you degenerate heroes and that kid with glasses to avenge his name!" Spinner shouts.

"Will you be quiet already? What's your Quirk, anyway? All we saw was that giant sword," she says.

"Get off!" He shouts.

"Yes," a voice appears out of nowhere making Mandalay and Tiger gasp. "Let's move the two of you...some place more fitting," Kurogiri says as he comes into existence.


"Damn it, this guy's quick," Shoji says.

"If only Iida were here!" Uraraka whines.

These ingenues aren't as big a deal as I expected, Mr. Compress thinks.

"C'mon. We can't give up. Not now. We have to catch him...and get our friends back!" Midoriya says.

"But he's pulling farther ahead with every second," Shoji tells him.

"Uraraka. You have to make us float," Midoriya says.

"Huh?" She questions.

"And then, Asui. You launch us as far as you can using your tongue!" He continues.


"Shoji, hold me and use your Quirk to correct my trajectory through the air. Measure the distance with your eyes, Uraraka. And then, when the timing looks right, release us!"

"I see. Human bullets," Shoji says.

"Wait, Deku. You're still going to fight with those injuries?" Uraraka asks him. "With that much pain, you—"

"Trust me, I don't feel any pain right now. I can do this. Hurry!" He commands.

"Wait, Deku. Here!" She says as rips up her button up shirt and uses tree branches to splint his arms. "Okay. Go ahead, Tsu," she says, giving her the go ahead to wrap her tongue around him and Shoji.

"Make sure you've got a good grip on them," Asui says before flinging them in the air and straight toward Mr. Compress.


"Huh? Lame. I'm the only one here?" Toga whines.

"Hey, crazy. Did you get the blood? How many different kinds?" Dabi asks as he walks up to the meet up location.

"One person's!" She answers.

"Just one?! Hey, what gives? Weren't you supposed to get at least three?" Twice scolds.

"That's just the way it went down. I thought those brats were gonna kill me," she counters.

"Whatever. You're looking a little too happy right now. Strange. Shouldn't you be full of shame?"

Toga giggles. "Yeah, but I made some great new friends. And I found a cute boy I'm interested in!"

"Is it me? No thanks, babe. I love you, too!"

"Both of you. Shut it. You're too loud," Dabi tells them.

Mr. Compress yells as he hits the ground hard with Midoriya and Shoji landing on top of him.

"Whoa, whoa, what's this? Oh, hey, wait, I know these kids. Who are they?" Twice and his duo personality says.

Chapter 46: What a Twist!

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (103)

One minute I was with everyone in the woods and the next, I wasn't. I look around my surroundings to see nothing; there is just a light blue haze around me. If this isn't eerie and confusing enough, for the first time since my Quirk emerged, my head is silent—no thoughts of those around me are intruding mine. I can slightly hear noises outside of my blue, hazy prison, but only of the villain speaking, though I can't completely understand what he is saying.Have I been captured? What is this Quirk?Fear swarms over me as I realize the gravity of the situation and that there is nothing I can do—at least not when I'm encapsulated in wherever this is. I can tell this isn't any sort of mind Quirk like Dreamer's, especially since my mind reading portion of my Quirk isn't working, which means this is some sort of physical Quirk that has me in a barrier.But how do I get out? I can't believe I let myself get captured without even knowing. God, I have a Quirk in which no one should be able to sneak up on me! I'm so used to ignoring the thoughts that flood my mind that I allowed this to happen! Idiot!My stomach drops as I think more about what I remember before arriving here.Was I the only one captured? Did he get Bakugo as well? I couldn't forgive myself if I put anyone else in danger because of my stupidity!


"Come on! You heard what she said, didn't you? I can't let them get my friends. You gotta let me go find them, please!" Kirishima shouts.

"Not a chance," Vlad says.

"But why not?" He asks angrily.

"Come on! Cool it, Kirishima," Ashido tells him.

"Excuse me! We don't know how many villains there are. Shouldn't we have as many fighters as possible?" Iida questions.

"You can't seriously wanna face the bad guys!" Mineta exclaims.

"I agree with Iida, everyone we know are possibly fighting for their lives out there," Todoroki says.

"They get it. Even Mr. Aizawa said to fight," Kirishima says.

"Only for self-defense. He meant the students in the woods," Vlad clarifies.

Kirishima growls in frustration. Then suddenly, a door can be heard clicking open.

"Was that the door?" Sato asks.

"I guess Mr. Aizawa is back already," Ojiro states.

"Finally. He'll understand," Kirishima says as he begins to walk toward the classroom door, but Vlad raises his arm to stop him.

"No, wait. Move!" Vlad shouts before pushing Kirishima and Ashido away from the door. Blue fire erupts through the door, and with its momentum, throws the desks and everything else in the room sporadically in the air.

"Everyone. Get back!" Iida demands. Everyone huddles in the farthest corner of the room until the fire ceases.

Mineta gasps. "No way! That's the guy who got creamed earlier!"

"You're too slow!" Vlad says as he blocks an attack from Dabi.

"Blood Control. It's so strong!" Kirishima says in awe as he watches Vlad use his Quirk to pin Dabi to the wall.

"Just as I'd expect from our teacher!" Monoma adds.

"You dare walk into my classroom without so much as a plan? You underestimate us," Vlad tells him.

"Are you sure about that?"


"You're acting exactly like I expected. You've already been defeated, regardless of what happens to me. The two most trusted pillars of the superhuman society are linked together. UA, the pinnacle of hero education, and All Might, the Symbol of Peace. But embarrassing incidents have damaged the world's trust in you both. Sloppy management keeps allowing villains to slip in and attack. People are so shaken that they've almost lost all faith in you. Imagine how they'll react when they find out you let some students get kidnapped," Dabi mocks.

"You shut up! That's not gonna happen," Kirishima yells.

"Not our classmates!" Iida says.

"Not while we're here!" Kaminari begins to activate his Quirk.

"Don't be naive. It only took a handful of us to separate you from the pros and start picking you off," Dabi voices.

"That's enough!" Vlad shouts angrily as he goes for a punch, but Dabi laughs at him.

"It's no use, Vlad," Mr. Aizawa tells him as he swoops in the room, kicking Dabi in the process.

—"Mr. Aizawa!" Sato and Ashido exclaim.

—"Yay!" Mineta cheers.

"This guy's just trying to provoke you. He won't talk," he continues as he proceeds to stomp what was once a person, but now a puddle of mud.

"Uh, Mr. Aizawa, I think you got him," Kaminari says with concern in his voice.

"Look at him. Another fake. I fought one before," he says aloud.

"He wasn't real?" Ashido asks in confusion.

"It must be a villain's Quirk," Iida assumes.

"Eraser. What's it like out there?" Vlad asks him.

"Hard to say. I left to direct our defense, but I ended up taking care of Kota. Look after him while I go back to the front line. I'm counting on you to keep defending this place," Mr. Aizawa says as he tries to begin to leave.

"Is that wise? We hardly know anything about them," Vlad states.

"You'll be just fine by yourself. The other copy of him I fought earlier used the same attack. I think their strategy is to send their strongest fighters here to keep our attention since we're the pros. That's how they're trying to disguise the fact that there are so few of them out there," he explains.

"If there aren't many, then we should be fighting, too!" Kirishima argues.

"Yes! You need strength in numbers!" Iida adds.

"No! If they're not here for us, then they're after the students. We know about Bakugo and Takahashi, but they might be targeting others as well. We're still sorely lacking in information. The only way we win this is by making sure you students are protected," he says in a stern voice before leaving the room.


"Give our friends back to us!" Midoriya demands.

"Wait, I know these kids! Who are they?" Twice says, seeming to have a conversation by himself.

"Out of the way, Compress," Dabi says as he activates his fire.

"Got it," he answers, and begins to use his Quirk as well to escape before Dabi forces his blue flames to attack Midoriya and Shoji.

"That's cold!" Twice says.

Midoriya yells in pain as the flames sear his skin.

"My arms are burning!" Shoji shouts.

"Hi, Izuku! My name's Toga!" Toga says as she runs straight at him while trying to use to weapon to stab him and draw up his blood, but he dodges. "I've been thinking since I saw you...that you'd be so much cuter if you just bled a little more! I can help!" She manages to jump on top of him and pulls out a large knife that she readies herself to stab him with.

"Midoriya!" Shoji shouts as he kicks her off of him.

"So, that's how it is. You want to come between us? To be honest, you're not really my type. But I'll cut you anyway," she says threateningly.

"She's crazy," Shoji mutters.

Mr. Compress reappears. "Ugh. I can't believe you wrecked my exit. Unrehearsed amateurs."

"You got Bakugo and Takahashi?" Dabi asks him.

"Of course," he says as he reaches into his pocket. "Huh?"

"Midoriya. We're done! He gave away his best trick. I'm not sure what your Quirk is, but it had to do with those little marbles, right? The ones you'd stashed in your pocket. So I'm guessing these are Tokoyami, Takahashi, and Bakugo," Shoji says as he reveals that he has the marbles.

"You rescued them!" Midoriya exclaims.

"Ha, ha, ha! Well, color me impressed. Just as I'd expect from someone with so many hands. How splendid," Mr. Compress says in amusem*nt.

"Moron," Dabi says as he lifts his hand to use his Quirk, but is stopped by Mr. Compress.

"No, wait."

As Shoji and Midoriya run toward the woods to escape with the marbles, Midoriya gasps and says aloud, "A Nomu!"

"Quick, this way!" Shoji says as they make an abrupt turn, but are stopped by a dark mass making them both gasp in shock.

"Not this guy. He was at the USJ," Shoji mutters.

"The warp villain," Midoriya adds.

"It's been five minutes since the signal. Let's go, Dabi," the warp villain demands.

"Sorry, Izuku. But I'll see you later, 'kay?" Toga says as she enters the portal with Twice following behind.

"Hold on. We're not leavin' without the kids," Dabi says.

Mr. Compress stops before entering the portal to tell him, "Don't worry. They were so proud of themselves for rooting through my pockets that I thought I'd let them gloat. But allow me to explain a basic tenant of magic. If I'm flaunting something shiny, it's because there's something else I don't want you to see," He says as he removes his mask to show that the three marbles of the students were actually in his mouth, making Shoji and Midoriya gasp in fear.

"He's got them!" Midoriya says.

With a snap of a finger, the marbles Shoji held are revealed to be simple tree branches that must have broke during their original fight with him.

"During your attacks, I prepared dummies and slipped them into my right pocket," he says.

"Damn it!" Midoriya shouts as he runs toward him.His Quirk lets himcompress and hold things!

"A little bit of misdirection. Forgive me. I do so adore a twist ending," he says as he leans back into the portal.

"You can't do this!" Midoriya shouts once more.

"One last bow. And then the curtain fal—" he begins to say when he cut short by a bright, beaming light hitting him directly.

"Aoyama?" Midoriya questions aloud.

Mr. Compress starts to cough from the attack that seems to have took his breath away, making the marbles in his mouth fly out. Shoji flies forward to try and grab them, but is unable to catch one of them due to Dabi stepping in to grab the last marble.

"Well isn't that a tragedy. Confirm it now. Release them," Dabi orders Mr. Compress.

"That laser ruined my finale," Mr. Compress complains, but follows orders as he snaps before going completely into the portal.

I'm free, I think to myself as I am released from my prison. I swiftly land on my feet and look for Bakugo, only to find him standing directly in front of Dabi.

"Checkmate. Heh," Dabi says smugly as he grabs him by the back of his neck.

"Katsuki!" I shout as I run head on for him.

"Kacchan, no!" I hear Izukun shout from behind me, but with me being closer, I know only I had a chance to rescue him.

"I'm coming!" I scream, tears flooding my eyes, as I reach my hand out to him.

"Stay back, Akari!" He shouts, lifting his hand out as well, not to grab mine, but to push me away from him, afraid that, I, too, would be captured. We stare eye to eye for a moment longer before he disappears into the portal. Izukun runs past me in an attempt to grab him, but he was much too late as he falls a few feet from where he once stood. I fall to my knees, unable to bear the weight of the shearing pain I feel inside—unable to stop the tears that stream out of me without any effort on my part. I feel like all the oxygen was ripped right out of me—stolen straight from my lungs, and I am left with this suffocating feeling. I hear Izukun screams of agony, and as much as I wanted to join him, I couldn't find my voice, as if that too was stolen when he was taken.We were aiming to be heroes, but we failedand the villains won.If only I were more cautious...this is all my fault...

Aoyama, Shoji, and Tokoyami run to our aid, and even Ochaco and Tsu manage to reach where we were to help as well, but everything else occurring around me is a blur. I don't even know how we make back to camp. Mr. Vlad King was able to call emergency services. Not too long after the villains left, ambulances and firefighters arrived. Of the 41 students, 15 were unconscious and in serious condition due to the gas. Eleven others were injured. Fourteen were unharmed, physically. And... one of us was missing. One of the six pro heroes was in serious condition because of a blow to the head. One was missing, but it was apparent that she'd lost a lot of blood. Meanwhile, on the villains' side, three were caught and arrested. The other attackers managed to disappear without a trace thanks to the warp villain. As I watch Izukun be transferred into an ambulance, I remember the harrowing words Tomura Shigaraki said to him. 'You should try to be careful, friend. 'Cuz the next time we meet, I'll likely have to kill you.' The summer training camp we'd all been looking forward to couldn't have been more of a disaster.


*the next day*

"When are you going to open the gates?"

"We hear your silence! When can we expect an official statement from UA's administration?"

"Has anyone been in contact with the families of the children you've allowed to be endangered?" Multiple reporters shout outside the gates of UA high.

"That training camp was meant to prepare students to handle villain attacks. The irony is shameful. We knew the League would resurface. But we lacked a fundamental understanding of their plans. They aim to destroy hero society. And they've already started their war," Nezu says solemnly.

"Even if we had understood, could we really have avoided this attack?" Midnight asks. "They're moving pieces we didn't even know they possessed. Besides, All Might put an end to most organized crime. We're all rusty."

"We've definitely gotten complacent during peaceful times without realizing it. I guess deep down all of us thought that we'd be riding the sweet life for good," Present Mic says.

"I will never forgive myself for such cowardly ignorance. While our students were fighting desperately for their lives, I was just having a relaxing soak in the bath," All Might says with a vast amount of guilt weighing on him.

"We shouldn't've had the sports festival right after the USJ attack. We wanted to show we were still strong. To have a student kidnapped is our greatest failure as teachers. They've taken Bakugo and society's faith in heroes away from us," Snape says.

"I agree. Every news outlet is currently condemning UA High. If Bakugo was one of the main targets, it's likely because the villains noticed his violent tendencies during the sports festival broadcast. If he ends up joining the side of the villains...that will be the end of UA as a school," Nezu says lifting up a news clipping of Bakugo at the sports festival in which he was restrained.

"Since we're on the topic of trust, there's something I think has to be voiced now. At this point, we can't deny it anymore, can we? There's a traitor at this school. Only the teachers and the puss*cats knew where the training camp would be. Don't you think that's a little suspicious? I guess a kid could've used their phone to message a villain, but—" Present Mic begins as his anger lifts him up from his chair.

"Stop this, Mic," Midnight demands.

"What's the problem? We have to find who the leak is!" he argues.

"Could be you for all we know. You got any proof that you're 100 percent innocent? Can we know that everyone in this room is an ally?" Snipe questions him, making Present Mic growl in irritation. "If we start doubtin' each other, we'll destroy ourselves from the inside. Accusing a traitor isn't somethin' we should take lightly."

"At the very least, I trust everyone sitting at this table. Though, there's also no way for me to prove to all of you that I am innocent. For the moment, what we must do as a school is concentrate on guaranteeing the safety of our student body. This is a good time to implement something I've wanted to put in place for a while. You see, I..."

—A phone call is here! A phone call i—!

All Might's phone begins ringing, interrupting Nezu, and All Might starts searching for it. "Excuse me, everyone, I have to take this."

"We're in a meeting. At least set it to vibrate," Present Mic scolds.

All Might walks out of the meeting room, and after shutting the door behind him, he sighs.What Symbol of Peace can't evenkeep his studentssafe from harm?What hero can't?he thinks to himself before answering the phone. "Sorry. What is it, Tsukauchi?"

"We've finally finished taking comprehensive statements from Aizawa and Vlad King. And I think we've found something. It's possible we have a lead on where the League of Villains is hiding," the detective answers.

All Might gasps. "Really? Are you serious?"

"Yep. About two weeks ago, I sent an officer around to gather information. A bystander pointed out that he'd seen a man with a patchwork face entering a building that was supposed to be vacant. The man looked to be in his 20s, but we didn't find any plausible matches when we checked criminal records. We spoke with the owner of the building, though, and found that there's a sort of hidden bar there. My man thought this was unrelated to our kidnapping case, and didn't investigate further. But remember the description of that villain from the attack? He had a patchwork face. Given the profile of this crime, we'll move as soon as we get the green light. This is top secret. I'm only telling you because it's you. We plan to ask for cooperation from many pro heroes for this rescue and inevitable cleanup mission. All Might. We need your power. All Might, are you still there?"

"Tsukauchi. You're a wonderful friend. And I know just what I'll say when I find them. 'I am here to make you pay for what you've done.'"


"It would appear that the principal offenders behind the UA High training camp attack called themselves the League of Villains' Vanguard Action Squad. The League was previously involved in the USJ attack and the Hosu Incident—"

"The youngest victim in the training camp attack is reportedly the son of pro heroes Water Hose, who were killed by Muscular in a tragic—"

"It's perfectly obvious to me that there's some sort of problem with UA's current management. If I had a child who wanted to become a hero, there's no way I'd enroll them in a school that'll—"

Shigaraki cackles. "I'm so grateful to the media for all the free publicity lately. Right? Isn't it nice? Katsuki Bakugo," he says as he looks over at the confined student, who scowls in return.


After the incident, paramedics brought Izukun to a hospital near the training camp, where he slipped in and out of consciousness for two days. He suffered from seizures, and when he woke, he was delirious with fever. At some point, Recovery Girl came to heal him as best she could. The cops showed up, too, for questioning. Though, everything is a blur now. His mom came by earlier with some food and a note to call her when he awoke—she told me that she wanted him to get as much rest as he could, so not to wake him prematurely. I have stayed with him majority of his time here—I've already lost one of my closest friends, I couldn't possibly imagine being away from another.

"What about Kota? I hope he's okay," I hear him mutter to myself.

"Izukun?" I let out as I stand from my comfortable position on the couch.

"Akari-Chan? What are you doing here?" He asks me.

I smile lightly as we seem to have the same conversation every time he wakes up—he just can't seem to remember that I told him I was staying with him here. "I've stayed with you while you've been hospitalized. I couldn't bear to go home knowing you were here, and it relieves your mom's mind knowing somewhere is here with you while she's out."

Before he can answer, there is a light knock on the door. The door slides open to reveal Kaminari's face. His face lights up when he sees Izukun up. "Hey! Midoriya, good, you're finally awake! Did you see the news? Reporters are all over the school right now." He walks in along with the rest of the class.

"It's worse than last time," Sato adds.

"I brought a present. I mean, it's from all of us. It's a melon," Mineta says excitedly as he lifts it above his head.

"I caused you trouble, Midoriya," Tokoyami says, looking down.

"No, please. I did this to myself. Did everyone from Class A come to visit?" He asks weakly.

"No," Iida answers lightly. "Jiro and Hagakure are still out. They were knocked unconscious from that villain's poisonous gas. And Yaoyorozu took a pretty bad hit to the head. She's hospitalized here. Though I just found out she finally woke up yesterday. So it's just us, though obviously we wish the whole class could be here."

"Only 15 of us for now, and of course Akari as well, but she's been staying here with you already," Ochaco says.

"Because Bakugo is gone," Todoroki says bluntly. The even mention of his name drives a knife through my heart, and I turn away before anyone can see my face contorting in pain.

"He knows, Todoroki," Mina scolds, seeming shocked that he even mentioned him.

"All Might told me there'd always be people beyond our reach. That we can't protect even though we want to. Which is why we have to save the people we can reach. We...were so close to being able to save him," Izukun says as he glimpses over at me. "I needed to save him. Had to. That's the entire reason I have my Quirk. It's exactly like Mr. Aizawa said to me. "My body...wouldn't move. I couldn't save someone who was right in front of me. And since I failed...He's gone." Tears begin to stream down his face, and I can't hold myself together any longer and begin to cry with him.

"No, Izukun, I failed. I was closest—close enough to touch him, but I wasn't quick enough to grab him. Don't put this on you," I tell him as I gentely place my hand on his chest—being weary of all his wounds that are currently wrapped in gauze.

"All right, then let's go get him," Kirishima tells us, making a few of us gasp. "I was here yesterday, too. And so was Todoroki."


"Uh! Why are you at the hospital?" Kirishima asks Todoroki.

"I could ask you that," Todoroki responds.

"Well, I couldn't just sit at home. So I figured I would come here," he answers.

"Me, too. I felt the same," Todoroki tells him.


"We were on our way to visit you, when we saw All Might and some police officer talking to Yaoyorozu."


"With the assistance of Awase from Class B, I attached a tracking device to one of the villains. This is the creation that will receive that signal. I hope it helps your search," Yaoyorozu says, handing him a remote.

"Previously, Aizawa said you lacked the self-confidence and judgment needed to make quick decisions. Well, look how much you've grown! You have our thanks, Yaoyorozu," All Might compliments.

"With a classmate still in danger, it's frustrating that I can't help you more than this. I hate it," she says.

"That painful feeling is proof that you are worthy of being a hero. Please don't worry. You can leave the rest to us!"


"This means you're going to have Yaoyorozu make another receiver for you, doesn't it?" Iida interrogates.

"You should listen to what All Might said! We have to leave this to the professionals! It's not the right time for us to get involved. Idiots," Iida shouts.

"Maybe, but all I that at camp, I couldn't do anything. I heard my friends were targeted, and I just stood by. Helpless. So, if I stand by and do nothing now, how'm I s'posed to call myself a hero or a man?" Kirishima argues back. I sit there in shock as I have never seen him this worked up before.

"Kirishima, calm down! We're in a hospital. There's a better time and place for this, dude," Kaminari tells him as he puts his finger to his mouth to make him lower his tone.

"Yeah, and what Iida said is true," Tsu says, agreeing.

"All of you. Just listen to me for a minute. I know what you're saying is right. But still! C'mon, Midoriya. Akari. He's still within your reach! We can save Bakugo!"

Chapter 47: From Iida to Midoriya

Chapter Text

"C'mon, Midoriya. Akari. He's still within your reach! We can save Bakugo!"

"So, let me get this straight. You're going to get Momo to make you another receiver, track a bad guy, and then try to save Bakugo all by yourselves?" Mina asks him.

"Yeah," Kirishima confirms.

"The villains who attacked the camp planned to kill some of us. But they took Bakugo alive. What we don't know is how long they'll let him live. That's why we're going after him," Todoroki explains.

Iida inhales viciously before yelling, "Have the two of you lost your minds?"

I stand up at him and yell back, "I have! Since he was taken from me right there in front of me, I have lost my mind!"

"Hey. Calm down. I get how frustrated Kirishima and Todoroki are. And how Takahashi feels since she couldn't grab Bakugo. I'm upset, too. But...we can't let our emotions get the best of us. Right?" Shoji says calmly, diffusing the fight among us.

"Um. We should just leave this to All Might. Mr. Aizawa only gave us permission to fight and use Quirks at the training camp," Aoyama lets out nervously.

"Aoyama is correct. Though, I'm part of the reason we failed. So, I can't talk," Tokoyami says.

"You guys!" Kirishima yells out in annoyance.

"Listen. We're all shocked that Bakugo was taken from us. But we have to be rational. It doesn't matter how noble your intentions. If you go out there trying to find the bad guys, knowing you're breaking the rules, then you're acting like villains, not heroes," Tsu says, her words resonating with everyone in the room and leaving us in silence. Knocking on the door breaks the silence and makes Aoyama jump from surprise.

"Sorry for interrupting you guys. But I need a moment alone with Midoriya," his doctor says.

"Sure. Let's bolt," Sero says to everyone. "I wanna see how Jiro and Hagakure are doin'."

"Good idea," Ojiro says.

"Yeah, okay. Feel better, Deku," Ochaco tells him before walking out of the room without everyone else.

"Thank you for visiting me," Izukun says with a smile.

Kirishima walks over to where I stand next to Izukun and says to us quietly, "We talked to Yaoyorozu yesterday. If we're doing this, it's tonight. Look, I know you've got some pretty hardcore injuries. So, I don't know if you can go. But I wanted to invite you, and of course you as well, Akari, since you two probably feel the worst. We'll meet in front of the hospital after dark."

He leaves the room with the rest of my class, and I turn to face the doctor. "Is it okay if I stay?" I ask.

"As long as it's okay with Midoriya," the doctor answers as he looks over at him.

Izukun nods his in acceptance. "Yes, it's fine with me."

He nods before starting his assessment as well as unwrapping his bandages. "Recovery Girl performed some pretty strong healing on your arms while you were unconscious, so you should be able to move them around fairly well. But they were seriously messed up. You've done absurd damage to your body in the last few months. And, frankly, this is a whole new league of trauma," the doctor tells him.

"You mean... I was hurt a lot worse this time?" He asks as he looks down at the scars and burns on his arms.

"I took a close look at your charts. Your past injuries were bad. Splintered bones and ripped muscles that were painful, sure, but could eventually be repaired. This time, the damage was devastating. Usually, a person's body has limiters that keep it from using more than 80 percent of its power at any given point. But in a crisis situation, it's possible for those limiters to fall away, allowing someone to use 100 percent. We call it 'hysterical strength.' The reason we have those limiters in the first place is because our bodies can't handle that type of strain. You had this 'hysterical strength.' And because of that, your power ended up overcharged for an extended period. It's bad for your bones and muscles to get battered, of course, but it's worse for your ligaments. Ligaments protect the joints, and yours have seriously degraded. In other words, if you sustain this type of injury, even just two or three more times, I don't think you're going to be able to move your arms anymore. For now, focus on rehabilitation. Use them a lot, even if it hurts, and we'll leave the rest to UA. I'll discharge you today, so you can go home and take it easy. Take this seriously," the doctor says.

"Right. Thanks for your help, Doctor. I'm sorry for any trouble I caused," Izukun responds, his head hanging low.

"Recovery Girl is fed up with you. But, hey. I get the impression that's nothin' new. Also, don't forget you did save someone," the doctor reassures him as he hands him a note that looks to be from Kota. "Healing begins in the mind. Try not to worry. Stay positive."

The doctor leaves and Izukun continues to stare at the note. "Why don't you go read it alone," I say with a smile.

He nods. "I'll go to the roof for a little bit."

"Sounds like a good idea—being outdoors would be nice for you," I tell him, and with that reassurance, he makes his departure from his room. I decide to take a walk out to the courtyard to get some fresh air myself and think on what Kirishima said. I know where Tsu is coming from about acting as heroes, but what kind of hero would let an opportunity to save someone go? Maybe this is personal, and maybe Iamnot thinking clearly, but I don't care. I have spent all this time mad at him and being so deep in my own feelings that now I am drowning in my guilt. I knew deep down that he felt horrible, but kept him away without giving him any explanations. I had just finally told him some of what happened, and then he gets taken away...even worse, he made sure to push me away from being grabbed so I wouldn't have to go through that again. My heart aches in pain knowing that his fate is unknown as long as he's gone, and that's why I have to go—I have to find him. There's no other option.

By the time I get back to Izukun's hospital room, the sun is starting to set. He had already made and is snacking on the food that his mom brought him when his phone starts to ring.

"Hi, Mom...Yeah, I was discharged, but there's something I have to do, so I won't be home until tomorrow or so...Yeah. I can move now, at least, and Akari-Chan is still here with me to help. My body feels kind of run down and sluggish, though, even with all the healing they performed on me...I heard it's because UA wants a close eye on the students. Well, that, and they want to keep the media out as long as they can."

Despite my better judgement, I try to listen to what his mom is saying on the other side of the phone. "Izuku. Do you really have to go back to UA?"


"There's a call for you, Endeavor, sir," the woman says to him after entering his huge office.

"Who is it?" He asks.

"A Mr. Tsukauchi from the police department."

He picks up to phone. "I'm listening."

"We would like to request your assistance, sir," Tsukauchi tells him.


"I've received an emergency summons, and must leave this place in your hands. Be strong as heavyweight denim without me, smart as tailor-made suits. Keep the fabric of society safe," Best Jeanist orders his sidekicks.

—"You got it, Best Jeanist!"

Many other heroes are called to carry out the task of rescuing U.A. student, Katsuki Bakugo, such as No. 5 Hero - Edgeshot, No. 10 Hero - Gang Orca, Gran Torino, Tiger from the Wild, Wild puss*cats, Kamui Woods, and Mt. Lady.


*earlier that day*

"You want me to make a new receiver?" Yaoyorozu asks.

"Yes. Please!" Kirishima begs.

"You must know what we're planning," Todoroki says.

Yaoyorozu looks away and answers, "I do. Let me think about it."


"I wonder what Yaoyorozu decided," Kirishima thinks aloud.

"No matter how much we wanna go after him, it's her choice," Todoroki says.

"She's here!" Kirishima whispers for only him to hear.

They both gasp when they see Izukun and me following Momo. We had ran into her on our way down, and we knew we were all going to the same place without even saying one word to each other.

"Midoriya. Takahashi," Todoroki lets out.

"So, how 'bout it? You decide?" Kirishima asks her.

She sighs. "I think that—"

"Hold on!" Iida's voice booms at us, making all of gasp in surprise.

"Iida..." Kirishima says lowly.

"Why are you here?" Izukun asks him.

"You. Why did it have to be you three of all people?" He says angrily as he glares at Izukun, Todoroki, and me. "The ones who stopped me when I acted recklessly. Who received amnesty with me after Hosu. Why are you trying to make the same stupid mistakes I made? Didn't you learn?"

"What are you talking about?" Kirishima asks him as he walks up to Iida. I grab his arm to pull him back, and I shake my head to tell him not to push that topic right now.

"We are still just students. And UA's in a bad position as it is. Anything we do will reflect on our school! Don't you get that?" He scolds us.

"Iida. We have to. I know you don't like us breaking rules, but—" Izukun begins as he walks closer to Iida, but is interrupted by Iida punching him in the face. I gasp in shock as I try to run to his aid, but it is Kirishima this time that pulls me back.

"I'm frustrated, too! And concerned. Obviously! I'm the class rep, dammit. I'm worried about all my classmates. Not just Bakugo. When I saw your injuries, all I could think of was my brother in the hospital. What if your bodies end up irreparable, just like his, because I didn't step in. Have you not stopped to think about where I'm coming from?" Iida lets out all his emotions as he holds Izukun by his shoulders. "Or are you saying that you don't care how I feel?"

"Of course I do," Izukun tells him without lifting up his head.

"Iida. You've got it wrong. We don't expect to face them head-on and win. We'll get him back without fighting," Todoroki explains.

"Yeah, we'll be stealthy. I'm talkin' covert ops here. We can rescue him without breaking the rules," Kirishima adds.

"I trust in Todoroki's judgment, but...still. Things could always go wrong. So I'll join you as backup. I'll stand behind my classmates," Momo says.

"You can't be serious!" Iida says in shock.

"You're the best," Kirishima tells her.

"We're dead serious," I say to Iida. "I know I can't go another day without knowing if he's still alive or not."

"I know I'm hurt. But if I can still move at all, then I can't just sit still. I have to reach out and do something. 'Cause all I can think about is saving him," Izukun adds.

There are stories about every hero. How they became great. Most have one thing in common. Their bodies moved before they had a chance to think. Almost on their own.

"We'll never agree. So I'm going to come with you," Iida says and we gasp from his decision.


"We've gathered some of our finest heroes here today. Now. Let's talk strategy," Tsukauchi speaks in a large boardroom full of people working on the case.


"I'll ask you one more time, Katsuki Bakugo. Aspiring hero. Will you join the League of Villains?" Shigaraki asks him.

"Go throw yourself into traffic," Bakugo responds with a snarl.


We had proceeded to leave the hospital grounds when I hear Iida say, "Midoriya." We stop to hear what he is fixing to say next. "I shouldn't have hit you back there. I'm sorry. Forgive me," he finishes as he bows toward him.

"Hey, it's fine, you don't need to apologize," Izukun tells him.

"I have some concerns, Iida. What exactly is your justification for changing your mind and joining us?" Momo asks him.

"To be clear, I'm coming because I don't condone your behavior. It's a simple as that. If there's even a hint that physical combat might break out, I'll make you retreat immediately. So in other words...I'm your watchman!" He explains as he points directly at Izukun.

"Exactly what we needed," Todoroki says.

"The same goes for me. Rescuing Bakugo is a job for the pros. Objectively speaking, there's no reason for any of us to go after him. However, I understand how each of you feels, so I'm compromising. Don't forget that," Momo reveals as she pulls out her tracking remote.

"Right," Todoroki answers.

"Understood," Kirishima adds.

A rescue without us fighting...It's not plausible. The others are so driven by frustration that they're blinded. But...once they see the situation first-hand and realize how difficult it will be, they should understand their plan is completely unrealistic,I hear Momo think to herself. Though she might be right, I don't think I'll be able to hold back when I catch him in my sights again—call it unheroic, I don't care anymore, he will be coming home tonight. There are no other options.

Following Momo' s directions, we end up getting on a train to reach our destination. "The coordinates indicate Camino Ward, Yokohama City in Kanagawa Prefecture. Our travel time will be about two hours from here. We should arrive around ten o'clock tonight," she tells us after we have made ourselves comfortable on the train, and she is able to look more closely on her tracker.

"So, um. Did you tell the rest of the class about this? Do they know what we're doing tonight?" Izukun asks.

"Yes. And they tried their best to talk us out of it," Todoroki answers.

"Yeah, even Uraraka ganged up on us and tried to get us to change our minds," Kirishima adds as he leans over me to join the conversation on the other side of the aisle. He continues saying that she wants us to think what Kastuki would want, and that us getting involved would make everything worse. I think about that night when he stared directly at me before pushing me away from him. To be honest, I don't care what he wants in this case. If the roles were reversed, I know he wouldn't stop to save me, no matter the risks. "Anyway..." he says, taking a bite of a rice ball he manage to buy at the station before we got on the train.

"Just to make sure. You know we're going against everyone's wishes, and being completely selfish by doing this. We can call this off if we want to," Todoroki says aloud.

"Does it look like I wanna turn back? Bakugo wouldn't think twice about going after the villains if he were here," Kirishima tells him.

"I agree. Despite how he wouldn't want us to risk our lives, I know him that he wouldn't bat an eye if it were one of us in his position. That's why I'm here. No matter where we left things, I can't bare the thought of something happening to him because I stayed behind," I say.

"What about you, Midoriya?" Todoroki asks before nodding at our decision to stay.

"He's my friend. I refuse to turn back," he responds.

Meddling where you don't technically have to is the essence of being a hero.

"I see. All right, then."

I sit back in my seat after we end our conversation when I hear a certain red head's thoughts entering my mind. "I'm fine, Kirishima," I mutter with my eyes closed.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I forgot you can hear thoughts," he says with an awkward chuckle. "I just didn't know what you meant by where you left things. I know you two have been bickering, but he wouldn't say why."

"We made a promise as kids," I confide in to him, "I promised I wouldn't dive deep into his mind as long as he never brought up my parents. During the sports festival, I accidentally found out something deep in his mind because my Quirk still goes haywire, and he got angry and brought up my parents up. It hurt me to hear him say things that I would expect other people to say to me that I couldn't bare to be around him. We had just made up when the villains attacked, and I just feel guilty for not forgiving him sooner." I, of course, leave out the rest, but it still sums it up enough.

He nods. "I understand now. I can't even begin to imagine how that must have felt to hear him say that to you, but I know personally that he never meant it; he just lets his anger get the best of him and makes him act like an idiot. But we'll get him back, okay?"

I nod back and lay my head on his shoulder. "Okay."

Two hours go by, and we are on the streets of Camino Ward. "So this is Camino Ward," Izukun lets out as he looks around.

"It's so crowded," Todoroki acknowledges.

"Those Villains are hiding somewhere in this city. Just tell me where to go!" Kirishima says enthusiastically as he begins to storm off without us.

"Wait a second!" She shouts at him. "From now on, we going to need to be extremely careful. These criminals already know what we look like, remember? We have to consider that we could be attacked at any moment."

"Yeah, you're right! Stealth mode," Izukun says as he raises his arms up in an x-form across his face. I can help but let out a small chuckle at him.

"You're standing out even more, Midoriya," Todoroki informs him.

"We won't be able to scout effectively if we're recognizable," Iida says.

"'Kay, so what should we do?" Kirishima asks.

"I have an idea. Though it is a bit old school," Momo says as she points over to a sign that says "Dirt-Cheap Donk Oote".

"A thrift store," I mutter before we all go in for disguises.

"Yo, fool. What chu lookin' at?" Izukun shouts as he comes out the dressing room looking like a gang member—he even placed some fake facial hair on his chin to complete his disguise.

"This is me, incognito," Todoroki says as he walks out in regular clothing and a black emo-styled wig on.

"Now we'll blend in perfectly," Momo says, in a new pink dress, her hair pulled up in curls, and sunglasses.

"I feel so ridiculous," Iida says with a fake mustache, his hair slicked back, glass off, spenders over a white dress shirt, and a red bow tie.

"I dunno, I kinda dig it," Kirishima says as he checks himself in the mirror. He's dress in a dark red, casual suit, his hair hanging naturally down without his usual style, and headgear that imitate metal-like horns.

I glimpse in the mirror to view myself in disguise. I have my hair down with a black beret, dark tinted circular glasses, and black jumpsuit. Kind of plain, but I'm trying tonotbe noticed in a crowd since I'm probably more recognizable in general because of my parents.

"Watch it, you punks. Get lost," Izukun shouts as he pretends to be a gang member.

"That's all wrong—you gotta stick your chin out more," Kirishima tells him.

"You talkin' ta me?" Izukun says, trying it again.

"That's it!" Kirishima exclaims.

"We're just a few scoundrels cruising for hot girls," Iida says, making his attempt.

"Close enough!" Kirishima tells him with a thumbs up.

"Great disguises. We'd stand out in this district dressed like kids," Momo says.

"Yaoyorozu? Couldn't you have used your Quirk for this to save money?" Todoroki asks, not seeming the least bit enthused.

"Well, technically, but that's against the rules. If I started making everything, think of the impact on the economy. We must ensure the flow of commerce! That's right! It's our civic duty. As citizens!" She exclaims, trying to prove her reasoning.

"Sure," Todoroki says sarcastically, not believing her.

So the rich girl just wants to go shopping, huh?Kirishima thinks to himself. I giggle from this, and he looks over at me, realizing that I heard him, and joins in laughing with me.

We stop messing around and get back on track with our mission, when Momo says, "Everyone. Our destination is this way."

"Whoa, it's UA High!" A stranger says, making all of us freeze.

"Huh?!" Izukun lets out in his gangster voice. We look around to see that many people are watching a large screen that is broadcasting the news.

"Let's return to a short clip from the UA High School press conference that just wrapped up," The broadcaster says.

"Mr. Aizawa," Izukun whispers as we filter through the crowd to get a better view.

"And Vlad King and the principal!" Momo adds.

"We are here to apologize. A recent incident allowed harm to come to 27 first year heroes. And we staff were ill prepared. We take responsibility for any trauma caused by our negligence. It's our duty to train heroes, but also to protect heroes in training," Mr. Aizawa states as they all bow.

"This is crazy. He hates being on TV," Kirishima mutters.

"I'll take the first question," one reporter says. "Since the beginning of the year, UA students have had four encounters with villains. This time, there were students who were gravely injured. How did you explain this to their families? And what are some of the specific steps you're taking to ensure their safety in the future?"

The media should know what UA's basic position is since they didn't cancel the sports festival. They just want him to look bad, Izukun thinks before balling up his fists. "They're treating them like...villains."

"We will increase patrols around the school grounds, and review security measures within the school. The safety of UA's students is our main priority, make no mistake about it," Principal Nezu responds.

"Ugh. What are these dudes thinkin'?" A stranger asks.

"They're gonna get those kids killed," another agrees.

"They should be ashamed."

"Increased patrols? Gimme a break."

"What about the rest of us?"

The mood is changing. You could feel it in the air. People are turning against heroes. And if we didn't do something, it was just going to get worse...


"Isn't that strange? The heroes are becoming the bad guys. Seems like they're not dealing with this very well at all. So much criticism. But everyone makes a mistake or two, right? It's not like they're supposed to be perfect. Modern-day heroes sure have it rough. Don't you think, Bakugo?" Shigaraki mocks.

"Once a hero receives payment to protect people, they aren't a real hero anymore. That's what Stain's actions taught us," Spinner says.

"A hero in this current system only cares about money and glory. And since society buys in to those idiotic rules, anyone deemed a loser is shoved aside. So, we want to pose some questions. What is a hero? What is justice? Is this society truly fair? Soon, everyone will be asking. That's when we'll know we've won. And you like winning. Don't you?" Shigaraki asks Bakugo, who growls in return. "Dabi. Let him go."

"You know he'll just fight," Dabi argues.

"It's fine. We're recruiting him, so we should treat him as an equal. Besides, he's smart enough to know he can't take us all, right? After all, UA students are so clever."

"Hey, Twice. You do it," Dabi says.

"Sure thing! No way."

"Do it," Dabi orders.

"Oh, man," he says as he follows orders.

"I do apologize for such forceful methods. But please understand that we aren't some kind of unruly mob committing crimes without a third act in mind. We didn't kidnap you by accident," Mr. Compress says.

"Even though our backgrounds are different, everyone here has suffered. Because of people. Rules. And heroes who try to hold us back. I'm sure you're the same," Shigaraki says.

Twice grunts as Bakugo pushes through him to land an exploding punch on Shigaraki.

"Shigaraki!" Twice exclaims.

"I'm done listening to your endless talking. Can you not get to the point, or do you just like your own voice? Basically, what you're saying is you wanna cause some trouble and you want me to join you. Well, screw you," he says to him. His mind flashes back to when he was kid watching heroes on TV.


"Did you see what he just did? Man, it doesn't get any cooler than All Might! That's why he's the greatest. No matter how much trouble he's in, he's always the winner," young Bakugo exclaims.


"I like to win. I wanna win just like All Might. No matter what you have to offer me, that will never change, do you understand?" He shouts.

Shigaraki stares down at the hand that was once on his face lie on the ground. His expression reads insanity as he mutters, "Father."

Chapter 48: All For One

Chapter Text

"You spoke about keeping the students safe, Eraser Head. But according to our information, you encouraged them to fight during the attack on the training camp, putting them in grave danger. What was your reasoning for this?" Another reporter asks.

"I concluded that because we didn't know the full situation. Allowing them to use their Quirks would help avoid the worst possible outcome," he answers.

"And what would that outcome be? Do you think 26 victims and one kidnapped child is a win for UA High?"

"I assure you that things could have gone much more poorly. I feared every student would be tortured and killed in the end," he retorts.

"Most of the victims were harmed by the gas attack. We've determined it to be the result of a poisonous Quirk used by one of the villains. It's thanks to the quick actions of Ms. Kendo and Mr. Tetsutetsu that injuries were kept to a bare minimum. Additionally, we're providing mental health counseling to every student, though at the moment, we do not see any signs of serious psychological trauma," Nezu adds.

"So you've found a bright spot in this tragedy?" The reporter mocks.

"We're relieved that an entire class of burgeoning heroes still has a future," Nezu tells him.

"Can you say the same thing for the abducted Katsuki Bakugo? He enrolled at your school with excellent marks, and went on to win the sports festival. Before that, he survived the attack of a powerful sludge villain who eventually had to be taken down by All Might. The boy is obviously strong and heroic. On the other hand, the violence he displayed in the finals and his attitude at the awards ceremony both showed that he cannot control his temper. What if this is the real reason the villains kidnapped him? What if they're brainwashing Bakugo right now, pulling him toward the path of evil? How can you sit there and tell us he still has a future?" The reporter asks.

This reporter knows exactly what he's doing. He's trying to antagonize us so we say something damning. You can't fall for it, Eraser. He probably knows how much you hate the media. Don't let him trick you,Vlad King thinks to himself.

Eraser stands up to bow before saying, "As Katsuki Bakugo's teacher, I take full responsibility for not taming his violent behavior. However, his actions at the sports festival were born of his deep-seated convictions. He's trying harder than anyone in his pursuit to become the top hero. If the villains think they have a chance with him, then they are grossly mistaken. I can guarantee you that much."

"That doesn't amount to real evidence, though. I didn't ask you how you feel, I asked you if you had concrete information," the reporter says, antagonizing him further.

"We're doing our best with the intel we currently have available. I have no doubt the police will break this case very soon. We won't rest until our missing student is returned to UA."

"Hah! Did ya hear the teachers? They get me more than I thought. I'll never join your league of bastards!" Bakugo says as the TV continues to play.They went through the trouble of mounting a huge attack, all just to bring me and Akari back here, which luckily they failed in capturing her. The idiots even told me what they wanted. For me to join their pathetic group. Which means I know they won't kill me. What a bunch of amateurs. Now's my chance. I gotta take a couple of 'em down quick, and get the hell outta here. "We may not be at camp, but I'm still allowed to fight!"

"He must've figured out he's important to us. What a clever boy," Magne says.

"No. He's a fool," Dabi argues.

"Let me stab him," Toga exclaims.

"A clever performer would've acted like we were winning him over. Now that he's broken character, he's finished," Mr. Compress says.

"I only do whatever I want to, and I won't even pretend otherwise. And I'm tired of being surrounded by a bunch of lame-ass wannabes," Bakugo answers.

"Father," Shigaraki mutters.

"No, Tomura Shigaraki. Be calm," Kurogiri shouts.

Shigaraki raises his arm up, but to simply stop his gang from attacking. "Don't lay a finger on him. Any of you," he pauses to pick his hand prop off the floor, "This 'hero' still a valuable piece. I wish you would've listened to what I had to say. I thought you and I could come to an understanding."

Best Jeanist's words flood into Bakugo's mind.Heroes and villains are cut from the same cloth. "What, you think we're the same? Not a chance," he answers.

"Then I have no choice. The heroes said they'd continue their investigation of our group, so we don't have time to stand here and talk. Master. Lend me your power," Shigaraki says, glimpsing over at a monitor.

On the other side of the monitor sits a smug, deformed man. "That is a wise decision, Tomura Shigaraki."


Coming to a stop at the corner of a building, Momo whispers, "Okay, this is the spot the tracker is broadcasting from."

"So that's their hideout? Not a bad one, I guess," Kirishima mutters.

"Maybe it is and maybe it isn't. According to the tracking history, the villain hasn't left this location for the past day. But that's all we know. One villain is hiding here, but that could be it. They might have Bakugo somewhere else. We're going into this operation completely blind for the most part. Please try to proceed logically," Momo warns.

"I don't like this. None of us are good at sneaking around. We need Hagakure or Jiro here. If I think things are gonna be the least bit dangerous, we're done. I won't hesitate to call the police, either. To make sure my friends are safe," Iida says.

"Speak for yourself. I think you have forgotten about my abilities, Iida," I tell him.

"I apologize, it's just that—"

"My mind reading and telekinesis makes me the perfect stealth asset!" I continue on.

"Thank you, Iida. So, what can we do with what's in front of us? Let me see here," Izukun says, making us stop, before mumbling, "The prerequisite is that we don't use our Quirks to fight the villains, and on top of that, we need to figure out..."

"It's been a while since I've seen him this weird," Kirishima says.

"Yeah, this is truly peak Midoriya," Momo agrees.

That's right. Once you set your heart on something, there's no swaying you. You won't stop. It's what I respect about you as a friend. And a rival. But there must be boundaries. And someone has to make sure you don't cross them. This time, I'll protect you,Iida thinks.


"Why should I clean up UA's mess? I'm a very busy man, as you know," Endeavor says pridefully.

"Get off your high horse. You are a UA alum," Best Jeanist scolds.

"We can't call any heroes away from the school. There is a bigger picture, Endeavor," Mr. Tsukauchi explains.

"Tch," Endeavor mutters out.

"It's possible this incident is the beginning of the end for Hero society. We'll stop at nothing to resolve this successfully," Mr. Tsukauchi tells everyone.

"During the internships, I invited Bakugo to my agency to try and reform him. I've met very few as stubborn as he is. I imagine he's fighting back. We need to hurry," Best Jeanist says.

"Not even you were able to change his behavior," Gang Orca says with surprise.

"Yes. He was inflexible, pride sewn into his very core," he admits.

"My comrade, Ragdoll, was also taken. This is my chance to get her back," Tiger adds.

"Thanks to the tracking devices set by one of the students, we now believe there are two separate hideout locations. We know from our investigations where the kidnapped victim is located. We'll send the bulk of our forces there. Retrieving Bakugo is our priority. At the same time, we'll gain control of the other hideout. This will cut off their paths of retreat. We'll arrest them all at once," Mr. Tsukauchi explains to everyone.

"Toshinori. If they're recruiting old men like me, then..." Gran Torino begins.

"What are you suggesting? You're still Gran Torino. And with such staggering stakes at hand, we can be sure that he is involved," All Might says to him.

"All For One," Gran Torino mutters the dreaded name.

"We have the element of surprise! These villains will not succeed! At the press conference earlier, we had Principal Nezu act clueless to deceive the villains. He feigned ignorance on camera, as if we didn't have leads. After hearing his words, the villains won't expect us to rush in on the very same day. We'll retaliate! It's time for our counterattack! Remind the world what you can do, Heroes!" Mr. Tsukauchi rallies as the heroes begin their mission.


*a few minutes earlier*

"We've gotten pretty close, but I haven't seen anything move inside," Momo says as we keep watch at a near vending machine.

"And not a single light is on. It doesn't look like anyone's home," Kirishima adds.

"They're hiding this lair in plain sight. It looks like any other abandoned warehouse," Todoroki notes.

"The weeds under the front door are thick and undisturbed. There must be another way to get in. Maybe someone's Quirk is hiding it. We can't just enter carelessly. It could be a trap. If we could just see inside somehow..." Izukun mutters when a drunk man runs into us.

"I'm zoning in to the building, but I'm not hearing anything from inside," I tell them.

"Hey. You lookin' for a real man, darlin'?" He says as he puts his hand on my arm, completely jolting me away from my task.

"I'm good," I tell him, trying to hide my nervousness as their thoughts are less than pure.

"Ditch these losers and come drink with us," he continues, not taking a hint.

"Come on, don't go pickin' fights," his, also drunk, friend says, hitting him in the back of his head.

"Hey! You talkin' ta us?" Izukun says, trying to intimidate them.

"Let's get out of here," Todoroki says as he walks away, and we all follow quickly. "It's not crowded, but there are people around."

"We can't draw attention to ourselves. So what's our next move?" Momo asks.

"Let's go around the back. It might be the best chance we have to get some solid intel on this place," Izukun says and we all follow him.

"This is so narrow. I might get stuck," Momo mutters out as we slide between the small gap between the buildings.

"Just keep moving. We have to figure out what's happening inside. No one will see us from back here," he tells her before gasping. "There! We should be able to get a look through that window." He points up at a window that looks to be a level above us.

"We'll be blind in the darkness," Todoroki tells him.

"One second, I'll make a night vision scope," Momo says.

"Wait. No need. I actually brought one along with me for this." Kirishima pulls out one from his bag.

"Whoa, really?" Izukun asks, shocked.

"When I thought about what we'd have to do, I figured we might need it," Kirishima explains.

"Sure, but aren't those models super expensive? I did some research on them when I was thinking about my costume, but, they cost, like, 50,000, or something, right?"

"Whatever, man. Just drop it," he tells him.

"Right. Kirishima, give them to Takahashi so she can serve as our scout. Back her up, Midoriya," Todoroki says.

After grabbing the scope from Kirishima, I float myself and Izukun up to window and set us down on the ledge.

"Tell us what you see inside. Quickly. And be quiet!" Iida says.

"Got it. The place is pretty trashed. Still doesn't look like...Uh..." I gasp as pull myself back from the window.

"Hey, you okay? What's wrong? You weren't spotted, were you?" Todoroki asks me.

"The back left. The corner, Izukun. Look!" I say as I hand him the scope with my trembling hand.

He takes them and looks in the direction with a slight yelp. "No way. Are those all...Nomu?"


"Master. Lend me your power," Shigaraki says.

"A master? I thought you were the boss around here. But you're a sidekick," Bakugo mocks.

"Kurogiri. Compress. It's time to put him back to sleep," Shigaraki orders.

Mr. Compress sighs. "I can't believe he's such a bad audience member. It's almost impressive."

"If you want me to listen, then get on your knees and beg!" Bakugo shouts.I wanna blow them away with maximum firepower, but that warp guy is way too fast. Think. I need to make an opening somehow and get to the backdoor!Bakugo thinks when there is knocking at the back door.

"Hello? I got a pizza delivery here," a voice says from the other side. Everyone is quiet with confusion and even shifting slightly from the disturbance before All Might breaks through the brick wall located right behind the villains.

"Smash!" He shouts, making his appearance known.

"What the—?" Spinner exclaims.

"Kurogiri! Gate!" Shigaraki shouts.

"Pre-emptive Binding...Lacquered Chain Prison!" Kamui Woods shouts as his binds all the villains with his branches through the large hole that All Might made.

"Heh. That's it?" Dabi mutters before attempting to use his flames.

Gran Torino comes flying at him and kicking him unconscious. "Don't do anything foolish. It's in your best interest to cooperate with us."

"Just what I'd expect from a competent new hero. And a veteran pro who moves faster than the eye can see! You can't run anymore, League of Villains. Understand? Because we are here now!" All Might shouts.

"Right after the press conference? They had this ruse planned the whole time!" Mr. Compress exclaims.

"Tree man! You're hugging me too tight! Harder! Twice shouts.

"One tends to neglect defense when they're on the offense. But we didn't come alone. Take a look," Edgeshot says as uses his Quirk to slide through the cracks of the door to open it from the inside—revealing the large amount of heavily armored police that joined them. "You're surrounded by the police. Not to mention powerful heroes like Endeavor."

"Tsukauchi! Why does Edgeshot get to rush into the fight while I'm stuck here with you?" Endeavor asks in annoyance as he stands outside the building.

"Because if someone slips out, we'll need you to capture them immediately," he explains.


"Ah, you must've been scared. But you stayed strong. I'm sorry. You're safe now, young man," All Might says to Bakugo back in the building.

"What?! I wasn't scared! Not even close!" He argues.

"Heh!" All Might says as he gives him a thumbs up.

"After I went through all the trouble of preparing this, the final boss goes and shows up on my doorstep. Everyone's been restrained. There's no easy way to escape. It can't be helped. So, they've got backup, huh? Well, we do, too," Shigaraki mutters before letting out a scream. "Kurogiri! Warp over as many as you can!"

"The Nomu, right?" All Might asks.


I hear a thud and look through the gap we entered from.

"Hey!" Kirishima lets out from below.

Izukun gasps. "Is that...?"

Mt. Lady lifts her leg up above the building with a flat bed truck on her foot like a shoe before smashing down onto the building. We all hold on for dear life as I also use my Quirk to try to keep everyone from flying by the impact and from any harm.


"What are you waiting for, dammit?" Shigaraki asks impatiently.

"I'm sorry, Tomura Shigaraki. The Nomus were supposed to be in a fixed location but...they're gone!" Kurogiri answers.


"It seems you have a lot to learn, Shigaraki. You're still green," All Might says and he growls in return. "Your little League underestimated all of us. The soul of this young man. The police's diligent investigations. And...our righteous fury!"

"We have control. The Nomu are neutralized," Best Jeanist informs through the radio as he uses his Quirk to restrain all of the Nomus.

"Enough is enough. Your game has come to an end, Tomura Shigaraki!"

Spinner yelps. "All Might, please! You're the only hero Stain respected! You are worthy!"

"You think it's over? Don't be stupid. I've only just begun to play. Justice. Peace. You created a garbage society by lifting up such ridiculous ideals. That's why I targeted you, All Might. It's why I started gathering people to my cause. You think this is the end? Then you've lost. Kurogiri!"

Edgeshot uses his Quirk on Kurogiri and Magne yelps. What just happened? I couldn't see anything. Did they kill him?"

"I played around with his insides and made him fall unconscious. Ninpo: Thousand Sheet Pierce! He was such a nuisance. He had to sleep," Edgeshot says as he goes from a rope like appearance to his normal self.

"Weren't you listening earlier? You'll all be better off if you take us seriously. Kenji Hikiishi. Atsuhiro Sako. Shuichi Iguchi. Himiko Toga. Jin Bubaigawara. Though they had little time and information, the police worked through the night to discover your true identities. Do you understand? There's nowhere left for any of you to run. So, Shigaraki. One question. Where is your boss hiding?" Gran Torino asks.

*Shigaraki's memory*

"No one's come to save you, have they? You've had a hard life, Tenko Shimura. 'He'll be fine. Eventually, the heroes will help.' I'm sure that's what everyone thought as they looked away and ignored you. The world shouldn't be so unforgiving. You didn't do anything wrong. Don't worry. I am here for you," All For One says as he lends a hand to the child Shigaraki.


"No. This is not over. Just you wait. The game is still mine," Shigaraki mutters.

"You'll tell us where he is right now," All Might demands.

"Go away. Disappear!"

All Might growls. "Shigaraki!"

"This is your fault. I hate you!"

Suddenly, gray portals appear randomly in the room and Nomu's heads begin to emerge. "Nomu! How'd they get here?" Kamui Woods asks. "What is this?"

"Dammit, Edgeshot. Stop Kurogiri!" Gran Torino demands.

"He's still out. This isn't his doing," he answers.

"They keep on coming!" Gran Torino shouts in confusion.

"Don't release them under any circ*mstances, got it?" All Might tell Kamui Woods.


"The crap?" Bakugo lets out as gray smoke appears beneath him—practically consuming him.

"Bakugo!" All Might shouts as he reaches for him with no luck; he ends up hugging himself and the gray smoke fades away. "No!" He shouts angrily.

"Endeavor! Help us!" Kamui Woods yells as he turns around. "No!" Down below doesn't look well at all as more Nomu are appearing from the portals and surrounding the police. The heavily armored police begin shooting the Nomu in an attempt to fight back.

"Tsukauchi. Evacuate the area!" Endeavor shouts as he fights a Nomu.

"They're from the other hideout. That location should be locked down," he replies, fearing the worst. He begins speaking through his walkie talkie. "Come in, Jeanist. What the hell is going on over there? Jeanist?!"

"Toshinori. What now?" Gran Torino asks as he breaks from fighting.

"They shouldn't have been able to warp Nomu here. And this backup came too fast!" All Might says.I fear thathehas made a move.

"Master," Shigaraki utters in a whisper.


"What? Did the building just come down?" Iida mutters as he holds his head.

Kirishima gestures for me to raise us up to window and gasps. "Gang Orca and Mt. Lady? Whoa, even Best Jeanist is here."

"And Tiger, too," I add. I zone in with my Quirk to get a better idea of what's going on inside.

"Ugh. Are these gross dudes really alive? I thought we'd be in for a fight, but this was super easy. Maybe we should've left this to the police and gone with All Might," Mt. Lady complains.

"Difficulty and importance are two very different things, rookie. Riot squad, get the transports ready. There could be more of them. Be on your guard," Best Jeanist orders.

"Yes, sir!"

"C'mon, Ragdoll. Wake up for me," Tiger begs as he holds her in his arms.

"Is that your teammate?" Gang Orca asks. "She's breathing. That's good."

"Yes, but...look at her. What have they done to you, my friend?"

I come back to my classmates and tell them that the heroes have things under control and that they have found Ragdoll as well.

"Everything's fine. The heroes were on top of this way before we were," Iida says in response with relief.

"This is great!" Kirishima says in agreement.

"Now then, let's get back home. At least we won't have to explain ourselves," Iida exclaims.

"It sounded like All Might is somewhere else. Does that mean he's rescued Kacchan?" Izukun asks aloud.

"From what I gathered, All Might and the others are at another location where they believe Katsuki is being held, so I really hope that they have succeeded there as well," I tell him.

"If All Might's on the scene, there's no reason for us to worry. Let's go. Quick," Momo replies as she begins to walk out of the tight area.

"Right," Iida agrees.

We all begin to follow when I stop dead in my tracks, making Izukun, who is behind me, stop as well. There's another mind not accounted for in that building that streams into mine. Thoughts from someone deadly...someone I hoped was not actually at play here despite his mention on I-Island. My stomach drops and feels as though someone is wringing it out like a wet washcloth. The air I breathe suddenly feels like toxins as it burns my lungs with each inhale. PTSD flashbacks emerge as the voice of these thoughts brings back long suppressed memories.

"I'm sorry, Tiger. But Ragdoll's Quirk was so useful. I just had to take it. How could I not?"

"Are you with the League?" Gang Orca asks the abyss.

"Somebody get us a light," Tiger orders.

"Since my body was mostly destroyed, I haven't been able to stock up on Quirks."

"Stop there! Don't move!" Gang Orca demands.

Best Jeanist steps into action to restrain the man who refuses to obey.

"Hey! You can't attack like that! What if he's just a bystander!" Mt. Lady scolds.

"Think about the situation. A moment of hesitation could decide the fight. We can't let these villains try anything!" Best Jeanist says, but his thoughts suddenly flood with concern, and then an explosion occurs, knocking out all electricity in the area and leaving us in the pitch blackness of the night.

"Tomura has finally started thinking rationally and making decisions by himself. I do wish that you hadn't gotten in his way."

We stare in anguish as the villain who had emerged has obliterated practically the entire block—small fires are flickering as the only light besides the moon and the deafening silence consumes the atmosphere.

There was no time to stop him. No time to even move. It happened in an instant. A microsecond. This man has made us feel death. We can see it in front of us clearly,Izukun thinks as we stare in horror of the bodies that lay within the surrounding in pools of red.Tomura. He meant Shigaraki! What is this? It's not true, is it, All Might? Don't tell me that this...this is...All For One.

"Now then. Shall we begin?" All For One asks threateningly.

Chapter 49: Symbol Of Peace

Chapter Text

Nomu continue to appear out of thin air from inside and outside of the building—their growls fill the air. Toga begins to gag as gray smoke comes out of her mouth before the same phenomenon occurs among all the villains. Kamui Woods gasps in horror at the scene.

"Stop them! Before they all disappear!" Gran Torino demands.

"Damn it! You won't escape, Shigaraki! Take me with you!" All Might shouts as he runs after him and sticks his hand in the smoke, but is too late.

"No. No! I'm so sorry!" Kamui Woods pleads, fearing it was his fault.

"This wasn't your fault," Edgeshot reassures. "None of us were able to do anything. Kurogiri's Quirk opens up warp gates that allow anyone to pass through. But this was targeting specific people." He continues to attack the Nomu as he speaks.

"All Might!" Gran Torino shouts to warn him of the group of Nomu whom soon jump onto him.

"Oklahoma Smash!" All Might shouts as he slings each Nomu into different directions.

"Hope that wasn't a load-bearing wall," a police officer comments as he watches them come crashing out of the building.

"Focus on the enemies out here! On your left!" Another orders before many begin shooting at them.

"They're monsters!"

"More of them?" Endeavor questions as he helps the officers attack the Nomu. "I thought we were supposed to have a handle on these!"

"Jeanist isn't answering me anymore. It's possible they failed at the Nomu factory," Tsukauchi explains.

"This is putting a lot of stress on my power," Endeavor admits.

"Endeavor!" All Might shouts out from the building before coughing from the smoke that is accumulating. "Are you keeping up?"

"Does it look like I'm having any trouble? Worry about your own responsibilities, you fool. If you're gonna go after them, now's the time," Endeavor tells him as he continues on fighting.

"Right. I'll leave you to it," All Might answers, getting his confirmation to move.


All For One claps continuously as he floats his way past all of the fallen heroes until reaching a particular one. "I see why you're the number four hero, Best Jeanist. That blast should have annihilated the lot of you. But you were able to manipulate everyone's clothing and pull them out of the way just in time. Quick thinking. Consider me impressed."

"It's him," he mutters to himself in fear.


"We believe there must be an architect behind the League of Villains. It's likely that his strength is comparable to All Might's. He will be crafty and cautious. If he doesn't feel like his safety is guaranteed, he will not reveal himself. So you must capture Shigaraki and the others quickly. Then move on to their leader," a special agent explains.


"It wasn't supposed to go like this. But that doesn't matter. A true hero doesn't believe in excuses," he tells himself as he attempts to raise himself up with his Quirk and attack All For One, but fails. All For One is too fast and takes an almost fatal shot to the abdomen. He falls back down as he slowly moves into unconsciousness.

"Now, I see. Your strength comes from practice and practical experience, not raw power. I don't need your Quirk. It wouldn't pair well with Tomura's disposition," he says.

The fear that has washed over me is more than it ever has before—even when I was kidnapped by him. At least then, he had is little minions do it while he stayed behind a monitor screen, but now? He stands only meters away from us. My classmates' thoughts flood my mind, telling me that I'm not alone in this feeling.

Who is this guy? What just happened?Todoroki thinks to himself

He took out three pros in an instant!Kirishima thinks.

We have to run. I know that, but...Momo thinks.

I'm so scared, that my legs...Iida thinks.

My body... won't move! What... in the world...was that?Izukun thinks.

A sudden splashing sound is can be heard, and I continue to listen in when I hear a familiar voice.

Katsuki coughs before muttering, "Damn it. The hell?"


Bakugo!Izukun, Kirishima, and Todoroki think simultaneously.

"My apologies, Bakugo," All For One says.

Katsuki pants before uttering "Huh?" God, if he only knew who stands before him...

More splashing can be heard, when I gather that the League of Villains have also been teleported here.

Spinner gags while Toga shouts, "That was so gross."

"This black stuff reeks! I love it," Twice says.

"Master," Shigaraki lets out.

"So. You've failed once more, Tomura. But you must not be discouraged. You'll try again. That's why I brought your associates back with you. Even this child, because you judged that he was an important piece on your game board. Start over as many times as it takes. I am here to provide you with help. All of this is for you."

I can't freak out now. I have to remember why I'm here. Because my body couldn't move back then, and I let the villains take him. Being scared is no excuse. He's right there in front of me!Izukun thinks, and I lay a hand on his shoulder. He looks over at me, and I point to my head to let him know that I'm listening, so he can speak freely to me in that way. He nods, understanding, and continues,Their leader doesn't seem to have noticed we're around. Otherwise, he wouldn't talk so freely in front of us. There are six or seven meters separating me from Kacchan. With Full Cowl, I can get there in less than a second. But could I get away? Where would we run to next? Plus, I'd be putting you and the others in danger. That won't work. We need a plan. I need to find a way to reach out to him. If I can't do that, then this was all for nothing.

I shake my head and reach out to him. Iida must have noticed what is happening, and reaches over me to grab a hold of Izukun's jacket.

I will...Iida begins to think.

I have to...Momo begins as well.

...protect you!Iida finishes.

...focus!Momo thinks.

I have to think!Iida adds.

We have to get away. But how?They both think, seeming to be on the same waveform.

"Ah. There you are," All For One says as another person's mind comes into the area.

"I'll have you return my student, All For One!" All Might shouts as he wastes no time in going after All For One—a booming noise erupts from the attack.

"Have you come to kill me a second time, All Might?"

I hear Katsuki and the villains grunt and scream in surprise as a violent wind comes from the two. Luckily the wall that partially still stands up blocks most of it from affecting us, though my hair tangles viciously from it.

"No. There's too many of them!" Izukun lets out now that it is loud enough to speak semi-freely.

"It took you long enough to find us. It's only five kilometers from the bar to here, and yet it was at least 30 seconds after I sent the Nomus that you arrived. You've gotten weaker, All Might," All For One says co*ckily.

"You're one to talk, it's kind of difficult to ignore that fancy life-support mask you've got on. Aren't you overexerting yourself?" All Might asks.

He held All Might back with his bare hands! This guy must be the boss villain!Katsuki thinks, and I beg him to not do anything stupid in my own mind.

"I won't repeat the mistake I made five years ago. You hear me? I will take Young Bakugo back. And I will make certain you're locked up for the rest of your sad life. Right along with your despicable League of Villains."

"Sounds like you've got your work cut out for you. This will be hard for us both," All For One answers as he counter attacks All Might. He blows him back into multiple buildings. "Hm. Air Cannon plus Spring-like Limbs. Kinetic Booster times four. Strength Enhancer times three. What a delightful combination. Maybe a few more enhancers next time."

Katsuki gasps as the smoke clears, and he notices just how far he was pushed back. "All Might!"

"Don't you worry. It'll take more than that to kill him. Get off the battlefield, Tomura. And take that child with you. Kurogiri. Warp them away," All For One orders as he uses a Quirk that turns his fingers into sharp black vines with red glowing lines and uses them to pierce into Kurogiri.

"Be careful! One of the heroes messed with him and he's unconscious. I'm not sure what's going on, but if you can teleport, why don't you get us out of here?" Magne asks him.

"My warp power is still new, Magne. There is much I need to learn about it. Its distance is limited, and while he can teleport to specific coordinates, I only transport people to and from my own location. Or, with focus, to or from someone I am very familiar with. That is all. It's easier to have Kurogiri do it. Forcible Quirk Activation. Leave this place," he explains as he makes Kurogiri's Quirk activate without him being conscious.

"What about you?" Shigaraki asks as All Might returns to the battle with a yell.

"You're not thinking, Tomura. There remains much room for you to grow," All For One says as he floats up in the air to meet All Might.

"You're mine!" All Might shouts.


"Let's go, Shigaraki. While our masked lead is keeping All Might entertained. Claim your prize," Mr. Compress says, and the whole group looks over at Katsuki.

"Huh. This is gonna be fun," he lets out as he gets into position.

"Young Bakugo, don't!" All Might says as he tries to go after him, but All For One keeps him busy.

All Might! All For One is in the way, so he can't get to Kacchan! If something doesn't change, the League will escape with my friend. Again. They've got him surrounded, so he can't escape by himself!Izukun thinks.

These guys know I'm screwed. It's six against one, and they're willing to drag me out of here by force this time. I can't let that magician lay a finger on me,Katsuki thinks, confirming Izukun's thoughts. We have to do something!

"I'm coming for you," All Might shouts, but is pulled back again by All For One.

"I don't think so. Because I am here," All For One mocks before throwing him away from battle again.

All Might and Kacchan are both completely stuck. What now?Izukun thinks.It's no use. As heroes-in-training, we're not allowed to fight.He looks over at me to make sure I'm listening.But maybe...if there's an instant...we might have a chance to swoop in and grab Kacchan. And if we can save him, All Might can use the full extent of his power. But how? Nothing seems like it'll work. Come on. Think. Somehow, we can help him out of this!Izukun gasps.Yes.

"Iida. Listen!" He says.

"You can't fight. I won't let you," Iida tells him.

"No, I think there's another way!" He explains.

"A way that won't involve any combat," I add.

"That'll let us escape. With him. Come on, we can still get Kacchan back!"

"Tell us your plan," Todoroki demands.

"The thing is, it's all going to depend on him...If I did the plan myself, I don't think it would work. So, Kirishima. You're the key to this being a success!"

Kirishima gasps and look over at him in confusion. I give him a small smile and nod to confirm this.

"We need details Midoriya. C'mon," Todoroki insists.

"Right. Here's what I'm thinking."

"Are you holding back against me? Trying to keep the boy from being blown away? You've put yourself in quite the predicament. So how will the 'hero' prevail?" All For One questions as Izukun goes over the plan with the others. As I was zoned in his mind with direct eye contact, I already know the plan and am ready to enact it.

Young Bakugo!All Might thinks.

It'll be hard for All Might to kick his ass as long as I'm here. Damn it!Katsuki thinks.Give us just a little more time,I think to myself when I hear Todoroki gasp.

"Are you out of your mind?" Iida asks.

"Kacchan will have realized the situation that All Might's in," Izukun says.

"That I can confirm. He knows clearly on the predicament he's in," I respond to the others.

"He's staying on the defensive with his enemies, keeping his distance. That's good for us. We have to move when he's got some space between him and the villains."

"Iida..." Momo lets out trying to gauge his thoughts on the situation.

"It is a gamble. But all things considered, there's not much risk to us. And more importantly, it could change the tide of this fight," with a slight pause, Iida looks up in determination, "I'm in."

"This is what we do. First, we'll propel ourselves using my Quirk, combined with Iida's Recipro. Then, using Kirishima's hardening...we'll break through the wall. The second we've cleared it, Todoroki will make a huge slab of ice for us as high as he possibly can. The villains haven't noticed us yet. Up until now, they've been able to outmaneuver us. But we're finally in the position to get the jump on them. And we'll cross the battlefield at a height that they'll never hope to reach with the help of Akari-chan's telekinesis. Right now, the guy in charge of the villains is holding All Might back. But that means the reverse is true, too. The last part's up to you, Kirishima. It's no good if I do it. Or Akari-Chan, of Todoroki, or Iida, or Yaoyorozu. Ever since school started, you've built a solid relationship with Kacchan as equals! If his friend calls to him...he'll listen." Iida, Izukun, and Kirishima wrap their arms into each other and set the plan in motion. Todoroki, Momo, and I stay on the ground to play our parts.

"Come on!" Kirishima yells at Katsuki as he throws his hand out.Come on, Kastuki,I think to myself. Without a moment longer, Katsuki uses his explosions to propel himself in the air until he can grab onto Kirishima's hand.

"You idiots!" I hear him shout, but his thoughts were more sincere—happy to see familiar faces.

"What?" Spinner lets out in shock.

"Bakugo. On my mark, you give us a giant—!" Iida begins off.

"Don't tell me what to do, damn you!" Katsuki interrupts.

"It's not the time to fight, you guys!" Kirishima scolds.

"Just as we thought. All eyes on them. This is our chance," Todoroki mutters.

"Let's go!" Momo says and we run away from the area.


"Why do you keep showing up everywhere?" Shigaraki complains.

"Seriously? You kids," All Might lets out, though not in disappointment.

"Don't let them get away! Who can do distance?" Mr. Compress asks.

"Kurogiri and Dabi. But, they're down!" Spinner answers.

"You two, come here!" Magne says as they activate their Quirk.

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (104)

Magne's Quirk: Magnetism. Its wielder can apply a magnetic force to anyone within a 4 . 5 meter radius! And focus on a whole body or just a part. Men become south poles and women become north poles. Magnetism doesn't work on Magne, though.

"Ready!" Magne shouts.

"Repulsion Breakup," Mr. Compress says as he repulses off Spinner. "Night Flight Cannon!"

"Titan Cliff!" Mt. Lady shouts as she shows up on scene and uses her Quirk to stop the villains from reaching the kids, but in return, she gets smacked right on her nose.

"Whoa, Mt. Lady!" Midoriya says in surprise to her appearance.

"The rescue's priority. Go home, you dumb kids," she answers as she lets her body fall to the ground.

"We can still catch them! C'mon, you two—" Magne says but soon, the villains are knocked out unconscious within seconds.

Midoriya gasps. "Gran Torino!"

"You're too slow," All Might jokes with him.

"You're just too fast, hot shot. So, you saw the kid, right? He's turning out to be more and more like you every day. Not a compliment," Gran Torino says.

"Tch. After his experience in Hosu... I didn't think he'd come to the battlefield. Damn teenagers!"

"Shimura's friend, huh?" All For One says.

"It's shameful that I needed their help. But now, I don't have to pull any punches against you. You're finished," All Might says with a cough.

"Two left over here. I'll handle them," Gran Torino states.

"Tomura, I do not wanna die in this place," Toga whines.

"They got us. Turned the tables of this fight with a single move. Forcible Quick Activation. Magnetism!" All For One uses his Quirk onto Magne.

"You are dust!" Shigaraki threatens.

"Huh? Huh? Huh? Hey! Watch out, you guys! You'r coming at me too fast!" Toga shouts, not realizing that All For One is using Magne's Quirk to attract the men towards her, who is right in front of the portal.

"Wait. Don't. Master!" Shigaraki begs.

"Not so fast," Gran Torino says, but All For One stops him before throwing Magne toward the portal as well.

"Your body is too damaged! No, I...won't go!" Shigaraki says before being pushed into the portal.

"Tomura. You must continue to fight," All For One says, though mostly to himself. "'Warping'. Plus 'Shock Inversion'!" All Might goes to punch All For One, but he managed to use the Quirks to teleport Gran Torino in front of him, making him take the impact of the punch instead.

"I'm sorry!" All Might grunts as he tries to stop his complete force.

"I only came to save Tomura. But if you say you're going to fight, then I'll face you as you wish. In the past, your fist crushed one after another of my comrades. Many were forced into the shadows, underground. While you were extolled as the Symbol of Peace. What a grand view you must have had from atop our sacrifices. A hero standing on the mountain of our defeats."

"Detroit... Smash!"

"He stopped the attack himself," he says to himself before speaking to All Might, "You still won't fight me with your full power, huh? Because doing so would endanger all those people you've sworn to protect."

"You shut up. Always toying with people, probing their weaknesses. You steal. Break them. Manipulate and discard them. You scoff at innocent people who are just trying to lead happy lives! It cannot continue," All Might shouts as he goes after him again, grabbing him by the wrist.

"It's over," All For One says.

"I won't let it!" He lands on top of him and shoves him into ground, leaving an indention.

Gran Torino groans and looks up at All Might with a gasp as he notices the steam coming off him. "Toshinori. You've reached your limit."

"What's wrong? You seem to be worked up about something, All Might. I've heard that same exact line before, you know," All For One mocks as he lets out an evil cackle. "From the person who had One for All before you. Nana Shimura."

Chapter 50: End of the Beginning, End of the Beginning

Chapter Text

I must remember where I started.


"I wanna make a world where everyone smiles and lives together happily. For that to happen, people need a symbol," Toshinori Yagi says.

"A symbol?" Nana Shimura questions.

"A Symbol of Peace. The reason crime is on the rise everywhere is because citizens have no one to believe in. They need to rely on someone. That's why I wanna be the pillar that gives people hope," he explains.

"Huh. So that's what drives you to become a hero even though you're Quirkless," Nana states.

"Yes," he answers, making her chuckle.

"Toshinori Yagi. S'that right? Those are some pretty funny ideas ya got. You're kinda crazy."



The roads of the city are full of scared citizens and sirens blaring as I despite try to get Izukun on the phone. "Izukun! Are you four safe?" I ask after the phone is ringing for almost too long.

"Yeah. How about you guys? No one saw you?" He responds.

"I don't think so. We're on the street, blending in with the crowd now. Some pros are here helping people evacuate," I tell him as we continue to walk with the crowd.

"Good. We're stopped in front of the station. Luckily, we missed that last shockwave. Our rescue totally worked," Izukun says.

"A rescue?! That's not what happened back there. You idiots just happened to be my best escape route," I hear Katsuki shout in the background.

"You're welcome!" I hear Kirishima says to him, and I let myself giggle in response.

"Okay, we'll meet you guys there!" I say to him before we hang up. "Okay, guys, they are at the station. Let's head there quickly!"

—"Right!" Todoroki and Momo answer before we rush to our destination.


"You have so much in common with Nana Shimura, the utter waste of a human who passed One For All on to you," All For One says to All Might.


"Be proud, Toshinori. You went down a long, hard road to obtain this power. Of course it's gonna take a lot of work to master it."


"My master was a true hero. Keep her name out of your filthy mouth," All Might demands.

"A woman with no skill, and grand ideas she couldn't live up to. How embarrassing for me, the creator of One For All, to see her inherit the power. And the way she died was so pathetic. Shall I tell you all about it?"

"Enough!" All Might shouts as he goes for the attack, though he ends up flying high up in the sky and almost hits a helicopter from All For One's counterattack; Gran Torino comes to his rescue and stops him from colliding with it. "Gran Torino!"

All For One coughs. "You're in the way."

"It's the same as the last time. Toshinori. Calm down! Six years ago, you got distracted, and that's how he escaped. And put a hole in your stomach. That's always been your weakness. Don't let him get under your skin!" Gran Torino tells him.

"Yes, sir," he answers.

"His Quirks and fighting style are completely different than they were. You won't be able to stop him head on. Use your wits! Can you still fight? It's do-or-die. You must go past your limit!"

"I will."


"The scene below's straight out of a nightmare. Half of Camino Ward was demolished in a single, horrifying instant. All Might is currently fighting the villain who appears to have caused the blast. I can't believe it. How is one person so powerful? He's destroyed the city and is more than holding his own against the Symbol of Peace," the reporter says.

Our plan has been thwarted! It's up to you now, All Might!Nezu thinks to himself.

*throughout Japan*

"You see this? Jeez."

"Oh, crap, that looks terrible!"

"All Might looks kind of beat up."

"Whoa. I've never seen him like this!"

"Where's Camino Ward again?"

"Daddy may not have work tomorrow, hon."


"Why aren't the other heroes helping?"

"Man, these villain attacks are getting insane."

"That, or the heroes are just slackin' off."

"They're gettin' soft! I mean, I hate to say it, but it's true."

"It looks bad, sure, but All Might's the best. He'll win in the end, right?"

All Might coughs when All For One says, "I find myself conflicted. Tomura has been the one to chip away at society's trust in heroes, so is it fair that I should land the final blow? You know, All Might, as much as you hate me, I think I probably loathe you more. I killed your master, sure. But you took away so much from me, everything I tried to build. That's why I want you to suffer until your last breath, and die broken and disgraced, for all the world to see."

"Big one's coming! Dodge and counter!" Gran Torino says.

"Not everyone's so fast," All For One mocks.

"Watch out!" Gran Torino says as he turns back to help a citizen in the rubble.

"I will obliterate everything you've protected." All For One launches another explosion, causing it nearly impossible to do anything. "First to go will be your self-respect, and ridiculous public image. Show the world how pitiful you really are, 'Symbol of Peace'." The smoke clears and the once muscular All Might is back to his original smaller frame. The crowd begins to murmur as they watch the screens from city's streets.

"He looks like a skeleton."

"Uh. What's wrong?"

"Is-Is everyone else seeing this? It looks like All Might's been shrunk somehow!"

I stop in my tracks to see this shocking change in All Might's appearance.What is going on? What happened to All Might? This doesn't look good!

"Hollow cheeks and sunken eyes. To think that you're their greatest hero. Now the adoring public knows your true form. Try not to be ashamed. Your move," All For One says co*ckily.

"Even as my body rots and grows frail. Even as you expose my weakened state. In my heart, I remain the Symbol of Peace. And there's nothing you can do to take that from me."

"Is that so? Ah, well. I'd forgotten how stubborn you are. I guess I'll just give up. Oh! But there is one thing you might be interested to know. Tomura Shigaraki? My apprentice? He's Nana Shimura's grandson," All For One says, making All Might waver. "I kept wondering what would annihilate your golden heart. And so I found Tomura. Groomed him to hate you, and watched you smile so proudly as you beat your master's descendant."

"That's a lie," All Might musters out.

"Oh, come now. You know it's the truth. That is clearly something I would do. Huh! Well, well. That's strange, All Might. Where is your smile now?" All For One cackles.

"You bastard."

All For One laughs in response. "How very entertaining. I think I've taken a piece of you after all."

"He's my master's grandchild...My god, what would she say if she knew how we turned out?" All Might screams out in emotional pain.

"Don't lose," the citizen lets out as she tries to pull herself more out of the rubble. "Keep going, All Might! We need you!"

I try to move closer to the station, knowing that the others must be seeing this too when the crowd begins to let out their concerns.

"He's frozen!"

"This is bad."

"No way. What next?"

"Is he gonna lose?"

"He's always be able to win before, so he can do it again, right?"

"Yeah, even if he looks totally different, he's still the same All Might."

"Come on, All Might, you can do it!"

The crowd begins to shout out words of encouragement as they intensely watch him on the screen.

"Beat this sucker!"

"Show 'im what you can do!"

"Win this!" I hear Izukun shout, letting know I'm getting closer.

"Beat him!" I hear Katsuki shout.

—"Come on, All Might!"

"Fear not, miss," All Might tells the citizen. "I'm not done yet. You were right. A hero has so much to protect in this world. Which is why I will defeat you!"

How many times is he gonna have to counter such a large-scale attack? He shoulda been outta power a long time ago. Muscles are only forming on his right arm. This distorted form can't be good,Gran Torino thinks.

"There it is. That's the last of your strength, isn't it, All Might? A wounded hero is a most frightening animal. Do you know that even now I sometimes dream of you charging at me with your entrails strewn across the ground," All For One says as he prepares another attack. "You have, what, two or three punches left?"

Before All For One can advance his attack, a whirlwind of fire appears, and Endeavor lands heavily on the ground. "Are you serious? What the hell's going on with that weak little body?"

Edgeshot follows behind him. "Looks like we made it in time. Tsukauchi must've expected this. He feared for his friend's life."

"Hm. Those Nomu weren't particularly strong, but I'm still impressed you handled them so quickly. As expected from the man who clawed his way to the number-two spot," All For One notes.

Dammit, All Might. I did everything I could to get ahead of you. But the harder I worked, the more obvious it became just how much of a widening gap separated the two of us. The stronger you got, the angrier I became,Endeavor thinks to himself before shouting as All Might, "Stand up and show them why you're better!"

"If the only reason you're here is to cheer him on, I'd prefer you to remain silent," All For One says.

"Think again, madman. We're here to assist," Edgeshot shouts.

"That's our job as heroes! You did your best, Mt. Lady," Kamui Woods says as he comes in to save the injured from the scene.

"All of you came," All Might says in relief.

"Of course we did. We can't do much, but if we can just help a little...then we have fulfilled our duty," Tiger says.

"Thank you."

"You have to stop him, All Might. This personification of evil. Pros and citizens everywhere are praying for your victory. No matter what you look like, you're still everyone's number-one hero!"


"Toshinori Yagi?" Gran Torino questions.

"He's an interesting guy. A little crazy. For instance, he thinks that crime hasn't gone down because the citizens don't have anyone to rely on. That the world needs some kind of 'pillar of support'. And he says that's what he's going to become one day."


Toshinori. You are a pillar. One that must not be broken. You are the number-one hero. You can hear them, can't you? Even after everything he's done so far. The entire world continues to cheer you on. Their united voices cry out for your victory! That includes your students, whose admiration knows no bounds. Who aspire with their whole hearts to be like you,Gran Torino thinks.

—"All Might!" We, as a crowd, cheer on as I feel tears flood my eyes.

"Hmph. How pointless," All For One says as he creates another explosion, making the other heroes get pushed back. "Let's stop dwelling on heroism and start focusing on reality. Springlike Limbs. Kinetic Booster times four. Strength Enhancer times three. Multiplier. Hypertrophy. Rivets. Air Walk. Spearlike Bones. The shockwaves until now were simply to wear you out. I knew it would take much more than that to kill you. In order to put you down for good, I'll punch you with the ultimate combination of Quirks I have stored up within me right now. This will end you. I wasn't certain until we exchanged blows tonight, All Might. But now I am. One For All no longer dwells within you. What you're attacking me with is just a lingering ghost. The embers that remain from what you've already passed on. And that fire gets weaker every time you use it. Even now, it's a feeble spark about to put itself out. Izuku Midoriya!" All For One says while his multiples Quirk has created a disgustingly large arm gets ready to make an attack on All Might. "He's the child you passed One For All on to, isn't he? I bet he came here without your asking. You have no control over him, do you? It sounds as though you'll die full of regrets, All Might. As a hero and as a teacher! Impact Recoil!"

"You're right. As his teacher, I should have reprimanded him for coming here. I failed. Which is why I have to make it up to him," All Might says as another explosion occurs from the impact.

"I see. The weak embers inside you are resisting. Trying to rekindle some of your former strength. A desperate attempt to rage against the inevitable, and fulfill your duty. But it's not enough."

"I'll beat you, not because I'm a symbol, but because I will do as my master did for me. Until I finish training Young Midoriya...until he's ready..."

"It's embarrassing how much you're resisting."

"...I won't..."

"Perhaps I was wrong."

"I refuse to die!" All Might transfers his strength from his right arm to his left and lands a punch on All For One's face, breaking his mask even more.

"Clever trick. That's so unlike you. Still weak, though."

"That's because I didn't put my back into it that time!" All Might musters up more strength than imaginable and attacks All For One once more—the air surrounding him creates massive gusts of wind that even the helicopter filming the scene starts losing control, and we watching the fight are now blind. We couldn't hear anything that the heroes or All For One are saying, but from the looks of it, this fight is an emotional once as well. The thousands of people that stand around me are dead silent as we wait for the helicopter to regulate itself, and even then, the smoke keeps the scene hidden. After a few seconds, the smoke begins to clear, and we see All Might standing over All For One. He weakly raises his left hand up, his hand in a fist, to show victory.

"All Might wins!" The reporter shouts and crowd begins cheering loudly. "The villain's not moving! He's knocked out! All Might stands victorious! He's saved us yet again!" All Might transforms back to his muscular form while still keeping his fist in the air.

"He shouldn't push himself," Edgeshot says.

"Let him be. He's still working. This is his last job," Gran Torino tells him.A final act as the Symbol of Justice and Peace, and the number-one hero.

—"All Might! All Might! All Might! All Might! All Might! All Might! All Might!" The crowd chants. A little bit later, more heroes come to the scene to help rescue and a reporter shows up to discuss the state of the fight.

"The heroes began rescue operations during All Might's fight, but the scope of the damage is staggering. Authorities are estimating a large number of casualties. The villain who caused this is—Oh! There! He's being led into the maiden right now! Meanwhile, All Might and other heroes remain on high alert!"

"Now. Now. It's your turn," All Might says to the camera as he points directly at it. It feels like there is a deeper meaning by this, but I don't know if it is toward us as heroes in training or something else. The crowd cheers on and a single voice of thought enters my mind.

All Might's message was only a few words long. As far as most people were concerned, it was meant for other criminals. A warning that the Symbol of Peace endured. But, to me, it meant the opposite. He'd used up everything. And now it was left to me.

Izukun?I think to myself recognizing the voice behind the thought, but not the meaning. "Come on! This way!" I shout to Momo and Todoroki as I push through the crowd. I soon find the guys, and though I feel like I should be comforting the sobbing Izukun, I can't stop myself from running directly toward the hot-headed blonde. "Katsuki!" I say as I wrap my arms around his shoulders and dig my hands in his hair tightly, tears streaming down my face. The force of me running into him swing us around, making us unsteady at first.

"Akari?" He lets out in surprise of my arrival, and with some hesitancy, he wraps his arms around my waist with his fingers curling tightly into the fabric of my shirt and lowers his head down to snuggle into my neck.


"Metropolitan Police Department"

"The Nomu we captured are just as unresponsive as the last ones. They're basically mindless animals. We haven't gotten any new info from them. The warehouse they were kept in was completely destroyed. We'll continue our investigation, of course, but we don't know how much data we can collect."

"And we haven't gotten any worthwhile information from the bar at all?" The police chief asks.

"We're still looking into that, sir.

The police chief groans in response.

"We apprehended all the Nomu, sure, but we let most of the perpetrators, including Shigaraki, slip through our fingers. Honestly, even though we captured their boss, I'd have to say this whole thing was a draw," another member in the conference room says.

"Don't be stupid. Our country just lost the Symbol of Peace. All Might's weakened body has been exposed to the world. Everyone knows the indestructible hero can be defeated now. The citizens and the villains," the police chief counters.

"It's what we get for relying too much on one pro hero," another member mutters.

"People now know they can raise hell with just a handful of thugs. Hate to think what that might inspire. Our initial profile of Tomura Shigaraki described him as childish and prone to tantrums, but that's obviously changed. His plans are growing more strategic. He now appears to be focused on how he can mold our society. His thought process has evolved. Matured. And since All Might's out of the picture, we've lost our biggest deterrent to criminal activity. Each time the League fails, they come back stronger. And now, Shigaraki can greatly expand his sphere of influence," the police chief states.

"Are you suggesting that all of this was part of the League's plan?"

"That does sound like quite a leap."

"We don't know," he answers. "There's only one thing I can say for certain. We must capture the League of Villains, no matter what. As the police, we have to be more proactive in apprehending villains. We are not just backup. It's time we implement changes."


After the fight, the six of us take Katsuki to meet the police. The whole way here, he was silent while he held my hand, because I simply could not let him out of my reach again, and he didn't put up a fight. Before he goes inside with the police, I tug on his arm, not letting him go just yet. He turns around and looks at me questionably.

"Call me when you get home, okay?" I tell him.

He simply nods before following the two police officers inside. And then, after our worlds had been turned upside down, we finally went home.

It takes a long time getting back home, but when you finally get there, you are reunited with your grandparents and brother—embracing them tightly. "I'm so happy to be back home!"

"We're so happy to see you safe!" My grandmother exclaims. After conversing with my family for a little bit, I take a shower and flop down in my bed from complete exhaustion.


My phone ringing wakes me from my slumber, and I jerk myself up realizing that the sun is setting at this point. I hurriedly grab my phone and answer it, seeing who it is immediately. "Hey, are you okay? Are you home?"

"Yeah, I'm fine and at home," Katsuki answers.

"Good," I say, pausing slightly, "Is it okay if I come over for a little bit?"

"Uh, sure," he answers hesitantly.

"Okay, I'll be over in a minute," I tell him before hanging up. As he doesn't live that far away, I tell my grandparents where I'm going and then make the walk over to his house. I get there, but before I can knock on the door, it opens revealing Katsuki on the other side. "Oh, hi," I say in surprise as well as feeling a little awkward now that I stand face to face from him.

"I was watching from the window. I figured you'd be here around this time," he explains as gestures me into his house.

I nod from his explanation and walk in. "Thanks."

"My dad is cooking dinner and my mom is wrapping up some work stuff," he tells me as I follow him to his room. I recognize the familiar "Do Not Enter" sign on his door and he allows me in with him. This isn't particularly abnormal—I have been in his room several times before growing up, but right now, I can't help but feel self-conscious with every movement I make.

"So, how are you feeling?" I ask him. "A lot has happened in just the past week."

"I'm fine," he answers plainly, but looks as though he has something else to say.

"I want to apologize for hugging you like that when I found you guys. I know you don't really do physical contact, but I couldn't help myself when I saw you were safe finally," I say, thinking he was acting awkwardly because of that.

"There's no need to apologize for that, Akari," he says, making me feel weak from him saying my name. He isn't being his normal hot-tempered self, so I know something is up.

"Then what's wrong? You're being awfully quiet. Did something happen while you were kidnapped?" I ask.

"Despite what has happened to All Might by that villain and why Deku reacted the way he did? Despite that the League of Villains thought they could turn me into one of them? Akari, these things don't have any comparison to the fact that I made sure you were safe, and yet, you put yourself in harm's way anyway to come rescue me," he scolds, some of his normal anger coming through.

"Did you really expect me to sit and do nothing? I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, hell, I couldn't even breathe knowing you weren't safe! I couldn't bare another moment without knowing if you were even still alive or not!" I yell back with more emotion than I meant to as I feel my heart ache and tears forming.

"You really think I'd let a bunch of nobodies take me out?"

"They're more than a bunch of nobodies now, Katsuki. They have had the assistance of All For One this whole time! If he's involved in anything, it's dangerous," I say to him as I look away.

"Did you know him before last night?" He asks.

I nod. "He's the one who orchestrated my kidnapping and ordered for my parents to be killed right there in front of me."

His eyes dart all around my face—his expression unreadable. Without saying a word, he wraps his arm over my shoulders and guides me to sit beside him on his bed. He then pulls me closer to him until my face is laying on his chest and wraps his arms around me while brushing through my unruly hair that I never brushed through from my shower. "I know there's nothing I can say or do to change what happened, but I want you to know that I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe, even if it's at the expense of my own safety, got it? Which means no trying to save me or else it was all in vain," he whispers in my ear as he rests his head on mine.

Tears creep out and down my face as I manage to let out, "I can't make any promises."


"Thank you, All Might. You've saved thousands of people's lives over these many years, though it cost you your body and strength. As a citizen, a hero, and the principal, I cannot express how grateful we all are to you. However, given everything that's happened, there are many who do not believe you should continue as a teacher at UA. Some are pointing out that our troubles began when you started working here. They're worried the children will continue to be caught in the crossfire, and that you can't protect them anymore. It is a delicate situation. Nevertheless, I believe I know what we need to do to ease the concerns the public has expressed. We must strengthen the faith people have in the heroes we have left. It's true, the threat we face is still troubling. But we will protect and train with more focus and diligence than ever before. That is why we're going to implement a plan I've had in mind for a while. I'm counting on you to convince the students' families," Nezu tells All Might with Eraserhead and Vlad King by his side. Nezu pushes a document toward him in which the title reads: "Notice of the Introduction of the U.A. All-Dorm System".


Mitsuki Bakugo slaps the head of Bakugo's head and exclaims, "You kiddin'? Hell yeah, get this kid in a dorm room!"

"You hag! Hit me again and I'll kill you!" Bakugo shouts.

"Oh, hush!" She says as she slaps him on the shoulder hard. "If you hadn't been so damn weak, you never would've gotten caught and caused all that trouble."

"C'mon, you two. Please. No fighting. We don't wanna frighten your teachers, do we?" Masaru Bakugo says, more calm than his wife and son.

"Shut it, you clown!" Bakugo shouts. "Mind your own business!

"Yeah, you're the one who needs to butt out! Oh, don't you even think about using your Quirk, Katsuki," his mom scolds.

Jeez, some family dynamic,All Might thinks to himself.

"So you're saying you give us your consent?" Mr. Aizawa confirms.

"Hm?" His mom hums as she takes Bakugo out of a chokehold and slaps him in the head once more. "Oh, the dorm? Actually, we're grateful. Katsuki's fearless and good at everything he tries, especially since he's got that stupid-awesome Quirk. People were always fawning over him whether he deserved it or not. It's probably why he ended up like this. That's why I liked what you said. At the press conference. See, that's when I understood that the school was watching him closely. I was worried about the kid, obviously, and didn't know what would happen. But he's back now, safe and sound, so it worked out. I'm sure UA will face harsh criticism from some people. We still trust you, though, so we'll leave him to you. Right?" She looks over to her husband.

"Mh-hm!" He agrees.

They both bow their heads while she forces Bakugo to do the same by pushing his head down with her hand. "He's a hot-tempered brat, and we know he's a pain, but please train him hard and make him a good hero."

The two teachers make their leave, and Mr. Aizawa looks down at his tablet. "Okay, let's see. Midoriya's and Takahashi's house is close by, isn't it?"

Before All Might could respond, he hears his name be called from behind him by Bakugo. "Huh?"

"I gotta know. What exactly is Deku to you?" Bakugo asks him.

"He's my student. Just like you. A fledgling hero with bright prospects," All Might lies.

"Dammit, Katsuki! The police said not to go wandering off by yourself!" His mom scolds from inside the house.

Without arguing, he turns around and says quietly, "Yeah, sure. If you don't wanna tell me, that's fine. Oh, and thank you."

"Katsuki!" His mom shouts.

"I heard you!" He shouts back.

The teachers take their leave from Bakugo's when Mr. Aizawa asks, "You're sure you'll be all right by yourself?"

"Yeah. We need to sit down with everyone in Class A by day's end, right? So we'll divide and conquer. I'll take this place and you can move on to the next person we have to convince," All Might says as he makes his way to Midoriya's and Mr. Aizawa to Takahashi's.


It is the day after I went over to Katsuki's house as I await for the school to make their home visit. Thinking back to last night, I can't help but think of the change I felt between us—it was a solemn moment, sure, but with our defenses down, we opened ourselves to each other in a way we haven't before. I feel a faint blush spread across my cheeks as I remember how he embraced me for such a long time before his mom shouted out that dinner was ready.

She was genuinely surprised by my appearance as I haven't been around in a long time but welcomed me without hesitation. Being back there and having dinner with his family was faintly familiar but now with a new sense of awkwardness that I wasn't anticipating or understood. Knocking at the door stops me from enveloping myself in my thoughts and back to reality.

"Oh, hello there! Please, please come in!" My grandmother says as she opens the door wider. Mr. Aizawa walks in alone dressed up and his hair up in a half updo. He makes direct eye contact with me and gives me a nod.

"Please, sir, come sit!" My grandfather tells him as he gestures him down on the couch.

"Let me go grab some tea!" My grandmother exclaims without giving anyone any time to refuse. She comes back with the tea tray and sets it down on the coffee table.

Mr. Aizawa politely grabs him a cup of tea before speaking, "You probably already know why I'm here. You received a notice that UA is moving our students to dormitories?"

"Yes," my grandfather answers. "I understand many people have began doubting UA's ability to protect its students, and me and my wife have discussed the pros and cons of Akari living at the school."

"I understand that this is a difficult decision to make as her guardians, but I can assure you that we are doing everything we can to ensure hers and others safety. She is an amazing student with a powerful Quirk that she is learning to handle quite well. I would love to continue to be her teacher and help her advance further into her potential," Mr. Aizawa tells him. It is weird to hear him speak so highly of me judging that he is usually so brash in the classroom, but I guess he has known of me since I was little and has seen where I have came from longer than the other students.

"Well, that is lovely to hear!" My grandmother states.

"I know we may seem like people who would be skeptical of heroes given our past, but we don't blame current heroes for those problems. We understand the dangers of being a hero, and as much as we don't want anything to happen to Akari, we don't feel it to be fair to stand in her way to become something great. Not like she isn't great now, of course," my grandfather says as he grabs my hands and smiles at me.

I smile back, relieved that they are allowing me to continue my studies at UA. Even though I had been apprehensive to attend my parents Alma mater at first, I have grown to love it as it has sparked my long forgotten dream of being a hero back into my soul.

"I am happy to hear that," Mr. Aizawa responds before going over the details that will entail of me transferring into my dorm. And with that, he soon leaves, and I prepare for the move hoping the best will come out of it.

Chapter 51: Moving Into Dorms

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (105)

On the edge of UA's campus, about a five-minute walk from the main school, they built a student dorm. Heights Alliance, constructed in just three days. This is my—no—our new home. It is a little nerve racking to be leaving my grandparents' home and to basically live with my classmates, but also reassuring that we are all together near so many pro heroes with so many things going on now. I just hope that I can control my Quirk knowing how many minds are within my vicinity...


The new dorm system we put into place isn't just to ensure the safety of our students. It's also how we're addressing one of the threats we've yet to take care of. The leak. A feeling of unease has settled upon our school. To help alleviate that, we'll be holding a private, behind-the-scenes investigation. It pains me to suspect not just the teachers, but the students as well. Unfortunately, right now, I have no other choice. We've lost the Symbol of Peace. And I have no doubt that this will have big ramifications on us as time passes. What UA needs right now is positive energy and revitalization. We must remind the children that there's a bright future ahead of them despite what they've endured," Nezu says.


"Given everything that has happened, I'm glad we were able to bring Class A back together," Mr. Aizawa says as he meets us at our new dorm.

"So, we all got the go ahead to move on-campus," Sero says happily.

Hagakure sighs. "It took a lot of convincing for my parents."

"I was pretty concerned about mine," Kyoka says as she twirls her earjack.

"It makes sense. You got the worst of the gas attack," Ojiro says.

"We're glad to see the teachers got to come back, too. I was afraid you wouldn't be allowed," Tsu admits. "The people at the press conference seemed pretty upset with you guys."

"Yeah," Ochaco agrees.

"I was surprised, as well. But circ*mstances have changed," he says out loud, but I hear him think to himself,I suspect it was easier for administration to let the teachers return instead of revamping the entire faculty. "Now, then. I'll explain how your dorm assignments will work shortly. First, however...We haven't forgotten about the provisional hero licenses you were supposed to get during the training camp."

"Oh, yeah! That's what we were there for," Sato exclaims.

"So much has happened, it totally slipped my mind," Mina adds.

"This is important. Listen well. Kirishima. Yaoyorozu. Todoroki. Midoriya. Iida. Takahashi. You six are the ones who broke the rules and went to rescue Bakugo that night," Mr. Aizawa says lowly, making my stomach drop.

"Ribbit," Tsu mutters out nervously.

He sighs. "Based on your reactions, I assume the rest of you were at least aware of their plan. I'm going to set aside a number of issues and just say this. If it weren't for All Might's retirement from the Hero scene, I would expel everyone here except Bakugo, Jiro, and Hagakure. The six of you who went, of course, but also the remaining 12 who didn't stop them. You betrayed our trust. Even if it was to keep your friends from getting into trouble. In order to regain our confidence, you'll need to obey every rule to the letter, and live as model students. That's all. Now. Look alive. Enjoy your new home," he finishes before turning around and walking to our new place.

—"Uh. We're supposed to be excited after that speech?" Sero and Kaminari ask.

I look down, no longer feeling excitement either after that. He gave us leniency from us breaking the rules, but it still didn't change the fact that he was disappointed in us, and that we may have caused our classmates further issues in the future if we even make a singular mistake.

"Tch," I hear Katsuki let out before grabbing Kaminari. "Come here."

"Uh—Huh? Wait. For what?" Kaminari asks nervously as Katsuki pulls him back to the entrance and behind the privacy bushes. Next thing we see is a big bright light accompanied by an explosion noise and Kaminari yelling.

Kaminari pops out of the bushes, obviously overcharged, and blurts out, "Yay, yay, yay, yay, yay." He's got that goofy look on his face that makes everyone laugh immediately.

"Dude. What'd Bakugo do to you?" Sero asks him in amusem*nt.

"Kirishima!" Katsuki says as he walks over to him and hands him a bunch of cash.

"Whoa, did you shake him down for cash?!" Kirishima shouts out in surprise.

"No! This is my money, you idiot. To replace what you spent," Katsuki explains in his normal annoyed tone.

"Uh. How'd you know I bought night vision goggles?" Kirishima asks him in surprise. I look away quickly knowing it was me who told him everything that happened that night before we rescued him.

"Don't say I never gave you anything. Now I'm not in your debt," he says quietly as he walks away. "Kaminari, show 'em your dumb side," he shouts, in which he does just that.

"Oh, man. What a moron. You're so hopeless," Kyoka says through laughter. Everyone else begins to laugh as well as Kaminari starts doing silly things.

"It isn't funny, guys!" Sero says, though doesn't sound very convincing.

"Thanks, man," I hear Kirishima say as he watches Katsuki walk away. "Sorry, everyone! I know this won't make up for it, but let's all go out to eat tonight on me!" He shouts to all of us and everyone cheers before we all walk into the dormitory.

"Each student dormitory holds one class. Girls are on the right and boys are on the left. The entire first floor is a common area. That's where you'll find your kitchen, baths, and laundry rooms," Mr. Aizawa explains.

Hagakure squeals in excitement as Sero says, "There's even a courtyard!"

"So spacious and new!" Mina exclaims

"I'm living in a mansion," Ocacho says overwhelmed before falling to the ground.

"Uraraka!" Iida exclaims.

"Doth mine ears deceive me? Our baths...are located in the common space?" Mineta mutters. "Is this heaven?"

"They're separated by gender, and you'll behave yourself," Mr. Aizawa scolds.

"Yes, sir."

"Living quarters start on the next floor," Mr. Aizawa continues to explain. "A four boys and four girls on each level. Everyone gets their own room. You should be comfortable. You've got your own AC, toilets, fridges, and closets." We begin to tour one of the rooms.

"We have balconies?! Wow!" Izukun says in amazement.

"This room is about the same size as my closet at home, but I'll manage," Momo says as she looks around.

"It's the size of my house!" Ochaco shouts as she passes out again.

"Uraraka!" Iida shouts once more.

"These are your dorm assignments," Mr. Aizawa says, holding up a paper showing us where our rooms are. "The belongings you sent ahead have already been placed in your new rooms, so spend the day unpacking and getting settled. I'll tell you more about your next few lessons tomorrow. For now, get to work."

—"Yes, Mr. Aizawa!"

Looking at the room assignments, I see that I'm on the 4th floor with Uraraka and Ashido. I go up with them to our floor and see that my belongings are already in the room assigned to me, waiting to be unpacked. "Well, let's get started," I say aloud to myself before opening the first box.


The sun has set when many of the boys all meet down in the common room. Kirishima plops down on the couch and says, "Ah, I'm so beat."

"You and me both. You done unpacking?" Sero asks.

"I think so."

"Feels good, right?" Midoriya asks.

"I know we could've died, but it's kind of exciting to be living here," Kaminari says.

"Mm-hm!" Midoriya agrees.

"A unified class. It's the perfect way to increase our cooperation and discipline. How smart!" Iida exclaims.

"So you never relax, do you?" Kirishima points out.

"Hiya, boys. All done with your rooms?" Mina asks flirtatiously as Kyoka, Ochaco, Momo, Hagakure, and I walk behind her.

"Yup, we're just unwinding now," Kirishima answers

"Well, the girls and I have been talking and..."

"We have a great idea!" Hagakure interrupts excitedly.

"Let's go around and see who has the coolest room!" Mina exclaims.

"I'd just like to add that I didn't agree with this!" I say, poking out behind them. This idea, however, has seem to peak everyone's interest as everyone begins to run to the elevators to look at the occupied rooms. When we get off on the second floor, they bolt to the first room: Izukun's.

Izukun screams. "No, wait, you can't go in there! Please, it's not fit for—" He tries to stop them from opening his door, but it fails. The girls squeal when they see all the All Might merch in his room.

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (106)

"It's All Might everywhere! You're such a fanboy!" Ochaco says as she looks around him.

"Well, I admire him...This is embarrassing," Izukun mutters.

"You have your room set up almost like your room at home!" I say as I look around, not as surprised as the other girls as I already knew what to expect.

The other boys stand at the door huddled when I overhear Kaminari asks them nervously, "Does this mean...they're judging our rooms, too?"

"Probably, could end up a good time," Sero says.

"No way," Tokoyami says as he blocks his door from anyone viewing his room next. Mina and Hagakure push against him to try to get him out of the way and eventually succeed. The open the door and run in before he could pick himself off the floor.

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (107)

—"So dark and scary!" They exclaim as I can help but look around as well. The room is darkly lit with purple lights. There are skulls and alternative posters on the wall.

"You fiends," Tokoyami says lowly in embarrassment.

"Oh, man, I had a keychain like this when I was in middle school," Kirishima says as he examines a keychain of a sword with a skull on it.

"So this is how boys like to decorate," Mina muses.

"Please leave," Tokoyami begs.

"A sword?! So cool!" Izukun exclaims.

"Get out!" Tokoyami yells threateningly. We quickly run out and to the next room.

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"Aren't you dazzled?" Aoyama asks, excited to show off his room. He has a disco ball handing, theater lights, many mirrors in golden frames—anything that sparkled is in here. It is practically blinding, especially after being in Tokoyami's room.

—"Shiny..." my classmates say aloud.

"Non, non. It's not shiny, it'"

"Exactly what I pictured," Hagakure says as we leave his room.

"Honestly, I expected more," Mina admits.

"This is turning out to be really fun! The last person on this floor is..." Ochaco pauses to turn around to see Mineta peaking out of his room panting.

"Hey. Come on in, girls. I've got so much to show you," he says.

"So, the third floor?" Ochaco asks before we all leave immediately.

"Where are you going? Come back!" He says, but we all ignore him as we take the elevator to the third floor to see Ojiro's room next.

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"Ooh... It's so bare in here!" Ochaco says.

"Did you move anything in at all?" Hagakure asks. I look around to see that his room basically looks like one of the empty room in the dorm.

"Please tell me you just haven't unpacked yet," Mina begs.

Ojiro's tail drops and with an embarrassed look, and says, "Um, if we're done here, then let's go."

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"Whoa! It looks like a library in here!" Ochaco says as she enters Iida's room. His room is full of bookshelves crammed pack with books, but not much else.

"That's the class rep for you," Mina says.

"You'll find nothing odd in here," Iida exclaims proudly.

Ochaco tries to hold in her laughter as she says, "You have so many glasses." I look over to see wall shelves with only eyeglasses on them.

"Of course I do! I expect them all to be destroyed during training!" He retorts.

Next Room: Kaminari.

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—"Really?" The girls moan out.

"This is the store in the mall I'd avoid," Kyoka mutters. I have to agree that this room is a lot. There is different types of animal print and other miscellaneous furniture and items that really don't go with each other in the slightest. His room is nauseating by all the different styles put in one room.

"What? It's perfect!" Kaminari argues.

Next Room: Koda

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—"He has a rabbit! It's so cute!" Mina and Ochaco squeal as they go pet it. Koda's room is not as plain as Ojiro's but is still pretty minimalistic with animal themed decor.

"Hey, no fair, we don't get pets. You're trying to buy the judges' love!" Kaminari complains. After we tour, Koda's room, we all meet in the hallway near the elevators. "Man, this sucks. I feel so judged right now."

"Hey, what a coincidence. I don't feel great. At all," Ojiro agrees.

"Same here," Tokoyami mutters.

"Et moi," Aoyama says.

"That's because the boys are the only ones who are getting picked on," Mineta says as he stomps over to them. We girls have just made it to the elevators ourselves. "They said it was a contest to see who has the coolest dorm room. Well, what about them?! We have to see the girls' rooms to tell which one's best. Their interior designs skills should be held at the same standard as ours. Maybe even higher. Show us those dorms!"

The is a small silence before Mina says, "I'm into it!"

"Huh?" Kyoka lets out, not at all showing the same enthusiasm, and I have to say, neither am I. But the surprisingly convincing argument from Mineta hit home with everyone else, and stoked their competitive spirit. Even the most completely uninterested got involved. And so we have our very first Class 1-A Best Room Contest.

The girls' dorms? I suppose. If we must!I hear Izukun think as he gulps, making me roll my eyes.Boys...

"Okay, so, like, what're the rules? Are we figuring out who has the best taste in the class, or just the overall coolest?" Mina asks as we all meet down in the common room to determine how we will conduct the contest.

"We're doing this?" Kyoka asks in disbelief.

"This doesn't have to be a contest," Ojiro says.

After discussing a little more on the topic, we all go up the elevator to the fourth floor. "Let's see, who else is on the fourth floor? It's Bakugo, Kirishima, and Shoji, isn't it?" Ochaco asks.

"Sounds right," I answer.

"Where is Bakugo?" Iida questions.

"Uh, he thought this was lame, so he went back to his room to sleep. I could use some Zs, too," Kirishima responds, seeming pretty tired.

"Then we'll do your room next," Hagakure says as she and Mina run to his room.

"You can sleep all you want after," Mina adds.

"Not that I care. But you might not get what I'm goin' for. A den of manliness!" Kirishima says as he opens the door to reveal a very boyish room with a punching bag and miscellaneous martial arts posters on the walls. He also still had a couple boxes on the floor from not completely finishing unpacking.

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"If I found out my boyfriend had a room that looked like this, I'd dump him," Hagakure mutters to Mina.

"So bold! Makes me wanna work out!" Ochaco exclaims to him.

"You get it!"

"Next up, Shoji," Mina says as we leave Kirishima's room.

"You're not gonna find anything interesting here," he says as he reveals that he doesn't even have the original furniture in the room. He has a little desk that you have to sit on the floor to use and bedding to sleep on the floor with.

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"Uh...More like nothing at all, dude," Mina retorts.

"So, you're a minimalist, huh?" Todoroki asks him

"I've just never understood why someone would wanna fill their room with junk," he explains.

We leave and head to the elevator where Hagakure pushes the button to go up. "All done! Let's head up to the fifth floor."

"We'll start with Sero," Mina states.

"Are we seriously doing everyone?" Sero asks, though he already knew the answer. He opens his room to show a very cozy room—gives "namaste" vibes.

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—"Wow!" We girls exclaim.

"Exotic!" Mina adds.

"It's lovely!" Ochaco says.

"Sero, I didn't peg you for someone who'd like this stuff," Kyoka says to him in surprise.

"He, he, he. Yup, that's me, always the wild card," Sero responds.

"Let's keep moving!" Hagkure orders in excitement.

"Next is Todoroki's room, right?" Momo asks.The most capable student in our class, she thinks.

The most handsome boy in school, Mina thinks.

A chance to glance into his quiet private life. How exciting!Hagakure thinks. Yep, I think it's safe to say that this is the room all the other girls were anticipating to see.

"Let's get this over with. It's late," Todoroki says in a bored tone before opening the door.

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Sero and Mina yell out in surprise before both saying, "So Japanese!"

"It was even built differently!" Kaminari exclaims.

"We've got these kinds of floor mats at my home. They're much more comfortable than hardwood," Todoroki says calmly.

"This isn't your house!" Kaminari shouts.

"How did you remodel this entire room in just one day?" Mineta asks.

"With hard work," Todoroki answers simply, and we all look at him in shock.

"You are a beast," Kaminari mutters out.

"He'll make such a good pro," Hagakure says dreamily.

"Pretty boys have tricks up their sleeves," Sato complains.

"Okay, next! The last of the guys is..." Mina begins.

Sato gulps before finishing, "Me..."

We enter his bedroom in which it looks like a pretty standard room besides the cooking supplies on a table. "Anyway, it's a pretty boring room," he says awkwardly.

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"All of them are after Todoroki's," Kirishima says plainly.

"Something smells good, though. What is it?" Ojiro asks.

"Oh, crap, I forgot about that! I finished unpacking really early, so I started to bake a chiffon cake," Sato exclaims as he runs to the little oven. "I thought we could all eat it together. It hasn't been iced yet, but, want some?"

—"Yeah!" We girls exclaim as we hurry to get a slice of cake.

—"The strong guy's an expert baker?!" Kaminari and Mineta shout aloud.

"It's delicious! So fluffy," Ochaco says happily.

"I could eat it every day," Hagakure exclaims.

"Forget Sero, this is unexpected," Mina says.

"Mm-mm!" Kyoka mutters out.

"I think it's great that you have such a fun hobby, Sato. Would you like to bake something to go with my tea one day?" Momo asks.

"Uh. I seriously did not expect this reaction," Sato says while blushing profusely from the attention he is getting. "Mostly I bake as part of the training for my sugar Quirk. Store-bought sweets can get pricey."

"That's it for the boys," Hagakure says after our little treat. "Now, it's our turn, ladies."

"Aw, man, that's so many rooms. Shouldn't we turn in?" Kyoka asks.

"Come on, Jiro, live a little," Mina says.

Kyoka hesitantly walk to her dorm room door and opens it slowly, "It's kind of embarrassing." We peer in her room to see the space filled with multiple instruments, her ceiling covered in red and black tiles while her flooring is white and black tiles. It is a punk musicians dream room.

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"Whoa, you've got so many instruments!" Kaminari exclaims.

"It's because Jiro's totally punk rock," Hagakure squeals.

"Can you play all these?" Ochaco asks.

"Yeah. At least a little," Kyoka mutters.

"Your room's girlier than this," Kaminari says to Aoyama.

"Because I've got style," he responds, striking a pose.

"We're done here," Kyoka says as she uses her earphone jacks to plug into their ears and pushing them out of her room.

We're all out in the hall when Hagakure exclaims, "Next is me! Welcome in, guys!" She hops over to her room and lets us in. "What do ya think?"

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"A-Ah..." Ojiro begins but is unable to muster out anything else to say.

"Now this is girly. So pink..." Kaminari comments.

I nod in agreement. Everything in like furniture and decor is pink with stuffed animals everywhere. It is what I expected her room to look like, but the amount of pink is still shocking to the eye.

Mineta wanders into her room and walk over to her dresser muttering something.

"Get away from there, Mineta, you perv!" Hagakure shouts.

"We can do mine next!" Mina says happily as we reach our floor and to her room. "Ta-dah! Isn't it super cute?"

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—"Whoa..." everyone mutters. Her room has a theme of hot pink and black, but when it comes to pattern, well...not so much as her curtain is zebra print, her comforter is polka dotted, and other miscellaneous furniture has stripes.

"Akari's room next!" Mina squeals in excitement.

"Ready to see the mysterious room of Akari," Kirishima teases me as he gives me a wink.

"It's not that crazy, guys," I respond shyly as I, unwillingly, open the door.

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"Wow, very calming in here," Ochaco says.

I nod anxiously. "Yeah, my room is typically my safe space from reading minds, so I try to keep a calm aesthetic to stay in."

Next room: Uraraka

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"Yeah, it's not very interesting, I know," Uraraka says as she lets us in her room. She has a few personal items in her room along with a small TV, but pretty much the rest is what the school supplied for each room.

—"Wow..." everyone mutters.

"Is this okay? It feels dirty seeing so many girls' rooms up close. This is their private space," Ojiro asks Tokoyami.

"Forbidden gardens," is all he says.

"Next is Asui," Izukun says.

"Wait, where is Tsu? Haven't seen her." Sero asks.

"Oh, she wasn't feeling too good, so she's in her room," Ochaco answers.

"Well, we shouldn't bother her. She can show us later when she's feeling better," Kaminari replies, and we move on to the next room.

"Then the last one up is Yaoyorozu," Sero says.

"The thing is..." Momo pauses as she stops from opening the door all the way, "I... maybe miscalculated a few things. My room's a little bit more cramped than I intended, and maybe not as creative as some of yours."

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"That bed is huge! You can't even walk in here!" Kaminari shouts in shouts. She has a few other furniture pieces like a desk and bookshelves, but her bed is massive—it has to be at least a queen size if not a king!

"It's my furniture from home, so I thought it'd fit. I had no idea how small these dorm rooms would end up being," Momo explain shyly.

—"I forget how rich she is," Ochaco and Izukun mutter quietly.

"All right, everybody. Has everyone got their votes in? Remember, you can't pick yourself, guys. And now, without further ado, here are the results of the first Best Room competition, minus Bakugo and Tsu. Drumroll, please!" Mina says after we all gather back down in the common room area. All of our votes are in written on crumbled pieces of paper that we placed in a container that Mina found. Mina begins going through all the votes before saying, "With a total of five votes, the overwhelming winner of this totally awesome contest is...Rikido Sato!"

"Uh?" Sato lets out in confusion.

"By the way, all the girls voted for you. Because...that cake was delicious. I want some more," Mina says as she drools slightly.

"That's why?!" Sato exclaims.

—"You villain! Aspiring heroes shouldn't resort to bribery!" Kaminari and Mineta begin shouting at him.

"It wasn't on purpose! But what the heck!" Sato says in defense.

"Is it over? Can I sleep now?" I hear Todoroki ask Izukun and Iida.

"Yes, and since you had cake, don't forget to brush your teeth!" Iida tells him.

"Thanks for sticking it out," Izukun says as Todoroki begins to walk away.

"Hey! Todoroki, wait a minute," Ochaco blurts out. "Deku and Iida, you, too. Yaoyorozu, Kirishima, Akari, you have a sec? It's really important." With slight hesitation, we all follow her outside to the front lawn.

"So, uh. Where are we going?" Kirishima asks her.

"Right here," she answers as we all notice Tsu standing alone. "Tsu said she had something she wanted to tell everyone." We all give her our full attention—all wondering what is going on.

"You guys know I'm pretty straightforward, and always speak what's on my mind. But sometimes...I don't know. I'm at a loss. Remember what I said back at the hospital? When you were talking about the rescue..." Reverting back to that time I remember clearly.Going after Bakugo would break the rules. That means you'd be acting like villains, not heroes.

"Yeah. Every word," Izukun responds solemnly.

"My heart was hurting. And the things I said must've upset you," Tsu says.

"It's okay, Tsu," Ochaco comforts her as she walks to her side and places her hand on her shoulder.

"Despite my warning, you still went and saved Bakugo. I didn't know that until this morning. I thought I'd stopped you. But it turns out I was worthless. A complete failure. And suddenly I had no idea what to say. I didn't think I deserved to joke around and have fun with everyone like usual. made sad to be without you. That's why I wanted to talk to you. Even if I'm still not sure how I'm supposed to be feeling. I wanted you to know so we can hang out and talk and have a good time again," Tsu says through her tears.

"It's not just you who thinks that. Everyone... felt pretty bad and...wanted things back the way they used to be before. That's why we did the room contest. To bring us closer together and make us feel like a class again. It's all we could come up with, so please don't think we were trying to trick you or anything. Look, what I'm saying is, let's all work hard at our training and be good friends again, okay?" Ochaco says cheerfully.

"Tsu! I'm sorry! Thanks for telling us how you feel!" Kirishima shouts out as he runs up to her with tears in his eyes, too.

"It's okay," Momo adds with watery eyes.

"I apologize," Iida tells her.

"You shouldn't feel bad," Todoroki says.

"Asu—Tsu!" Izukun musters out.

"Listen. I won't make you sad again!" Kirishima tells her.

"Me either," Momo adds.

"We promise!" Iida says.

I smile in her direction and nod.

Everyone wants things to go back to normal. We need our lives to feel stable even though so much has changed and will keep changing. It's our duty to make each other better, stronger, so we can become heroes together.

Chapter 52: Create Those Ultimate Moves

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (124)

The ringing of my alarm wakes me up from my slumber. Getting out of my bed, I yawn loudly and look around my room. I am momentarily confused on where I was but soon remember that I am in my dorm room. I go to the girl's bathroom to relieve myself and brush my teeth. Mina and Ochaco soon walk in to the bathroom all groggy as they begin to get ready as well.

After being attacked by the League of Villains twice in one school year, UA brought its students to live on campus in order to keep us safe. Our dorm, Heights Alliance, is a five-minute walk from the main school building. Things were a little strange at first, but once we finally settled into our new home, we returned to normal coursework and our goal of becoming heroes. What hasn't returned to normal, though, is my relationship with Katsuki. After that night, things have been slightly awkward, and it doesn't help that he seems to keeping his distance. I want to say something to him, but what I'm not sure. Between me telling him some of my past with All For One and that embrace...maybe I should just wait until he comes to me when he is ready to.

After we all finish eating breakfast with each other, we, as a class, walk to school. The bell rings and Mr. Aizawa walks to his podium. "I believe I mentioned this already, but your main focus this summer is obtaining provisional hero licenses," he says.

—"Yes, sir!" We answer.

"Do not take this lightly. A hero license means that you're responsible for human lives. You can imagine that the exam to receive one is very difficult. Only 50 percent of students pass the tests required for these permits each year."

"It's that hard to get a provisional license?" Mineta asks in surprise.

Mr. Aizawa doesn't directly answer him but says, "In order to prepare, today you'll concentrate on creating something new. Two ultimate moves." As he finishes, Pro Heroes, Cementoss, Midnight, and Ectoplasm, open the door and walk into the classroom.

—"Ultimate moves?" Kaminari and Kirishima question.

—"An exam is a normal school thing. But this is total hero work!" Sero and Mina join in with the two others excitedly.

"When we say 'ultimate', we mean a move that will ensure you win against your opponent," Ectoplasm explains.

"An action so unique to your identity that no other person can hope to copy it. Simply put, you must learn to lean into your strengths," Cementoss explains.

"Your moves represent who you are. These days, most pro heroes have an ultimate move. Those who don't are fools," Midnight says.

"This may sound abstract, but we'll explain more as the day goes on. For now, change into your costumes and meet in Gym Gamma," Mr. Aizawa orders and we all comply quickly.

We all group up at the entrance with all four teachers in front of us. "Gym Gamma, also known at the Academy as the 'Training Dining Land', or TDL," Mr. Aizawa says.

"This facility was my idea," Cementoss says as he begins to manipulate the concrete floor with his Quirk. "We can prepare unique terrains and obstacles for each student here. Here you will learn to serve up justice, hence the name."

"That's pretty cool," Kaminari says quietly.

Iida raises his hand and says, "Please allow me a question. What is the advantage of having ultimate moves for our provisional exam? May we know your reasoning?"

"That's two questions. Calm down," Mr. Aizawa answers plainly. "The job of a hero is to save people from all sorts of dangers. Crime, accidents, and natural or man-made disasters. Of course, the licensing exam analyzes how well you're able to deal with such things. It won't just be fighting. Your ability to gather information and make quick decisions will be judged. In addition to how well you communicate, cooperate, and lead others. Every year a new test is used to evaluate these qualities."

"One thing is especially important," Midnight begins, "If you want to be a pro hero, you must be able to prevail in battle. If you're prepared, you won't have to worry. And those of you with an ultimate move will have stronger results."

"Your circ*mstances should not dictate the results of your future battles. Learn to be consistent and you will be a great asset on the front lines," Cementoss adds.

"Your ultimate move doesn't necessarily have to be an attack. Take Iida's Reciproburst, for example. This sort of temporary boost in speed is valuable enough that it falls into the category of excellence we're looking for," Ectoplasm explains.

Iida gasps. "You mean I've been doing an ultimate move all along?"

"So, it's basically our secret weapon. Something that gives us the edge so we can win no matter who or what we're facing," Sato summarizes.

"There's a smart boy. For example, how Kamui Woods is able to use his Lacquered Chain Prison to capture opponents in an instant. That's exactly what we want to see," Midnight says.

"The training camp was interrupted," Mr. Aizawa says, bringing our attention back to him. "But the practice you did get in to develop your Quirks was part of the process needed to create these defining abilities. Now that you're caught up—you'll be working hard to develop powerful moves of your own for the next ten days or so. This is how you will spend the remainder of your summer vacation. Prepare for intensive training. In addition, you should think about how you can improve your costumes, especially now that you have a better understanding of your Quirks. I expect each of you to go Plus Ultra. Do you have it in you?"

—"Yes, sir!" We answers.

"I am so charged up for this," Kaminari adds.

Everyone spreads out across the gym with a clone of Ectoplasm to assist them. I stare at everyone already working on ideas on new moves.What's my move? I think to myself.

"Why are you staring off into space?" Ectoplasm asks.


"Everyone's workin' hard, huh?" All Might says as he leans on the doorway.

"All Might," Eraser Head says with a hint of surprise in his voice.

"Yeah, I am here," All Might says before transforming into his muscular form. "Because I have the day off and I don't have anything else to do. Ha!"

"Will you please focus on recuperating and lesson planning?" Eraser Head scolds.

"Hey, why the cold reception?" He asks as he walks toward the other teachers and transforming back to his normal form. "They're workin' their big moves now, right? There's no way I could miss being here for this. I'm still a UA teacher, you know." He looks over at Midoriya and thinks,Young Midoriya. Looks like you're having trouble.

"Now you explode!" Bakugo shouts as he eliminates his Ectoplasm clone with a strong blast. " It's been a while since I was able to really let loose. Ectoplasm! I killed 'em! Gimme another one."

"That boy is incredible," All Might remarks.

"Yes. And he'll get even stronger in the future," Eraser Head agrees.


"Ooh. Look at that! Bakugo's going hardcore," Ochaco exclaims.

"I bet he's got a ton of ideas for his special moves already," Sato moans.

"He's been planning this stuff since the entrance exam!" Hagakure says.

"Whoops!" Ochaco lets out as she almost falls from where she is floating in the air.

"Focus!" Ectoplasm scolds.

"Yes, sir!" She says.

"Just in case anyone was wondering, I've been working on Grape Rush since I was a kid," Mineta exclaims.

"I mean, we've all thought about it before, right? I used to imagine wielding a lightning sword! I'm getting hyped up just thinking about doing something that cool in real life!" Kaminari shouts excitedly.

I look away from my classmates. Unlike them, I stopped thinking about such things at a young age, so I never thought of cool moves I could do as a hero. I don't have enough control of my mind reading, not like I could do anything offensive with it anyway, so my telekinesis is what I have to lean on—it is what I'm stronger with anyway. Even then though, I can pick up heavy things and throw them, sure, but to make a signature and powerful move with it? I don't even know where to begin.

"Yo, Young Kirishima," I hear a familiar voice say.

"Hey, All Might," Kirishima answers.

"I've got some wisdom to lay down on ya. So, instead of going for small tricks with your Hardening, try being a bulldozer."

"Yes, sir!"

"Young Takahashi. Listen up. I have a few things that might help you." I turn to All Might walking up to me in his true form. It's still an adjustment to see him like this, but it doesn't change the admiration I have for him.

"Yes, All Might?" I ask, standing up straighter.

"You're good at picking up heavy things but have you thought of using that as a protective shield?" He asks me.

"What do you mean?" I question him.

"Try picking up a few medium sized rocks and circulate them around you. If you can keep them circling you quickly, it can help defend from attacks as well as being able to throw objects at a greater velocity," he explains.

I nod and telekinetically pick up a few rocks and spin them around me. It is difficult at first as I'm used to picking up and throwing objects quickly, so continuing to hold these rocks makes me have to concentrate more, but soon it's a mundane task to keep the rocks circulating around me. The air around me moves viciously from the speed I am moving the rocks that my hair whips around wildly.

"Great job, keep working on it," All Might praises.

"Yes, sir," I answer with a smile. Ectoplasm tries to make an attack on me while I move boulders around me but can't get close. I manage to pick one of my rocks and throw it him. The speed of the rock is ridiculously fast—faster than what I could have ever done just by simply picking it up before. The rock hits the clone of Ectoplasm and he dissipates. "I did it!" I exclaim while jumping up down in excitement.


"Regarding your costume improvements. Once you've figured out if anything needs to change, head to the development studio here. Get the experts to help you out and give suggestions. They'll know what to do," Mr. Aizawa tells us after finishing this training session. I decide to go with Iida and Ochaco as they are heading to the development studio.

"Ah, I see. You're focusing on making your own body float," Iida says to Ochaco.

"Mm-hm. If I increase my mobility, I can use the martial arts I learned from my internship even more. What are you doing?" Ochaco asks him.

"It's quite simple. I want to reduce Recipro's drawbacks. I plan on asking the development studio to improve my radiator," he answers.

"That's a good idea, I just want to add a harness to mine so that I can carry close combat weapons on me. I've been practicing on close combat outside of our ultimate moves training," I say to him.

"Oh! Hey there, Deku! I was just wondering where you were!" She says, making us look out in front of us before she runs toward him.

"Don't run in the halls!" Iida shouts.

"You here for costume improvements, too?" Ochaco asks, ignoring Iida.

"Oh, Uraraka—" he says before an explosion occurs in front of him—the doors from the design room were blown off and hits him. We all gasp in shock.

"Izukun! Are you okay?" I ask out as I run toward him.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, owie, owie, ow," I hear a girl whine making me stop in surprise.

Power Loader coughs. "Ya know, you shouldn't try to mix everything you can find in the lab together like that."

The girl chuckles. "Failure is the mother of invention, Mr. Power Loader. Thomas Edison said something like that once," she pauses to cough. "Even if something I make doesn't work like I've envisioned it, that doesn't mean it's a waste of time."

"You almost blew up the entire design studio! Will you please open your ears and listen to me for once? Hatsume!" Power Loader scolds.

"Hey. When did you get here?" Hatsume says as the black smoke clears, revealing that she landed on top of Izukun—her breasts pressed up against his chest.

Boobs!I hear Ochaco think to herself with a tinge of jealousy.

Hatsume seems completely oblivious of how her black tank top looks for Izukun at that particular angle before standing up. "Oh, sorry about the sudden explosion. It's been a while, huh? Class A, right? Uh...Yeah, I forgot all your names already."

"Uh, Izuku Midoriya. H—" Izukun mutters, still embarrassed from the awkward moment he was in.

"I'm Tenya Iida! The man you tricked into being a walking advertisem*nt during the sports festival," Iida yells in irritation.

"Never heard a' you. Well, I'm busy developing new babies, so, bye!" She says as she walks off.

"Wait a second, please! I wanted to ask Mr. Power Loader about improving some elements of my costume," Izukun gets out quickly.

"Wha... Wha... What? You can count me in!" Hatsume exclaims.

"Hatsume! It's fine for you to be in and out of the studio all day since you're in the dorms. But if you stop following my instructions and keep running wild in're banned," he tells her.

"Um. Hello," Izukun says uncomfortably to him.

"I heard from Eraser Head. You're here to upgrade those costumes for your new moves, yes? Come in," he says.

We walk into the classroom and Izukun gasps. "Ooh! This looks like a top-secret lab!"

"Now. Hand over your instructions, please. They should've been with the case your costume was delivered in. I have a license to make costumes, so I'm allowed to do some mild tinkering with those that were made out-of-house. For small changes and repairs, I can simply report what I altered to the design company. They'll do the paperwork for me. But, for major changes, we'll have to fill out an application and ask the design professionals to make the adjustments for us. After that's completed, the government will make sure the new costume meets certain standards. When approved, it'll be sent back here. And we work with the best design agencies available. So there's usually just a three-day turnaround," Mr. Power Loader explains.

"Uh, well. I was wondering if there was a way I could reduce the strain on the ligaments in my arms. Is that hard? Or possible?" Izukun asks.

"Hmm, let's see, Midoriya. You mainly fight with your fists and your fingers. In that case, I should be able to do something for you pretty fast," he answers.

"Deku, that's awesome!" Ochaco exclaims.

"Yeah!" He responds before Hatsume wraps her arms around him—pressing her body against him while touching him in various places.

"Yes, yes, I see the problem," she says as Izukun is completely shocked to say or do anything.

"H-Hatsume. What are you doing to him?" Ochaco asks her as she stares awkwardly.

"I'm feeling out his muscles. Oh, my, your body's much more muscle-y than it looks," she says, making him shriek out. "Don't you worry. I've got just what you need." She place a full on white robotic suit with a pack on the back onto him. "My very special baby. The power suit!"

"Okay," Izukun musters out.

"This high-tech darling can read muscle contractions and support your movements. Meet my baby number 49!"

"Um. But I really just need support for my arms," he tells her.

"Program Start!" She says, completely ignoring him.

"Holy whoa. This thing is amazing! Wait. No. I take it back. My spine! It's twisting me in half!" Izukun screams out as the suit moves unnaturally. "Oh, god, I'm gonna die!"

"Are you okay?" Ochaco asks with concern.

"Stop it now, Hatsume!" I shout.

"End program. Looks like I made a mistake or two in the limit calculations. That's my bad," Hatsume says.

"Oh, my gosh, are you hurt?" Ochaco questions as she runs to Izukun.

"I came in asking for some kind of arm brace, and instead my body almost got pretzeled," he lets out in slight pain.

"Now that I think about it, I could use this suit as a capture item," Hatsume mutters to herself as she takes the suit back to the table she was working at.

She's absolutely crazy, I think to myself.

"Sir. I was wondering if you could improve the cooling devices in my legs," Iida whispers to Mr. Power Loader, but Hatusme overhears and interjects.

"If that's what you're in the market for. Try this baby on!" She places large red mechanical pieces on his forearms.


"It's an electric booster for radiators that can coolify anything that gives off heat! Sweet baby number 36."

"Hatsume, there's nothing wrong with my boosters. And why my arms?"

"Booster. Go," she says, and Iida flies up to the ceiling from the intensity of the boosters.

"Hey!" He shouts.

—"Iida!" We all shout out.

"My Quirk is in my legs, you madwoman!" He moans out after we got him off the ceiling and back to the ground on his hands and knees.

"Yeah, I know. But you don't understand. Come on, it's so brilliant. If you're wanting to cool down your legs, then why don't you just run with your arms instead!" She explains.

"Stop messing around!" Mr. Power Loader shouts.

"What in the world are you talking about?!" Iida yells at her.

"Violent!" Hatsume says to the both them as if she hadn't been causing issues this whole time.

"Sorry, guys. I'm trying to get her to look past her own devices," Mr. Power Loader says after she walks away.

"I'm not sure that'll ever happen," Iida says.

"Same," Ochaco agrees.

"But y'know. If you all are aspiring to be heroes, then you should treasure your relationship with her. You'll need her once you've been made pros. Look in the corner. That pile of junk? Those are all the support items Hatsume's made since starting school here. She's always inventing, even when school's not in session. I've seen many support course students in my career, but I tell you, this girl is something special," he tells us.

"She made all of this in such a short time? That's nuts," Izukun says with surprise.

"'Common sense is a collection of prejudices acquired by age 18.' That's something Einstein said. That girl is unafraid of failure. Constantly thinking of new ideas and trying them out. Innovators are people who don't feel chained down by existing concepts."

"Wait! I think I get it. It's so simple," Izukun exclaims out of nowhere. "I understand! Iida! Please, there's so much I want you to teach me!"

"Uh, wait, what are you talking about? You want my help with your training? We haven't made any progress on our costumes yet," Iida says confused as he backs away from Izukun's advances.

"Oh! That's right!"

"Whoa! Your face totally lit up just now!" Ochaco notes.

"I was just realizing something. Oh, I never asked, are you changing part of your costume?" He asks her.

"A little. I don't wanna feel sick anymore," she answers.

"Oh, you don't say. In that case, you've gotta try this out!" Hatsume says as she reveals a barrel-looking device.

"Why do I feel like it's about to explode?" She squeals.

"Just handle this baby with care, or..." Hatsume says as black smoke begins spewing out from its cracks.

"What is that? Smoke?" Ochaco asks nervously.

—"You'll kill us!" Izukun and Iida shout just before it explodes.

Hatsume laughs. "Work in progress."

*Four days later*

As the days passed, our training to create our ultimate moves continued. We all back to the gym when I feel someone tug on my jacket. I turn to see Katsuki's hand gripping it as he looks away. "Come train with me."

"O-okay," I stutter in surprise and follow him to the area that he has been practicing at.

"So, what have you come up with?" He asks me in a slightly bored tone.

I smile slightly. "Would you like me to show you?"

He nods. "Yeah."

I raise multiple boulders and swirl them fast around me to the point my hair flies wildly. "Telekinetic Tornado!" I shout out the move's name as I pick a boulder to toss.

Katsuki uses his Quirk quickly to blow the boulder up in a million little pieces. "Is that all you got?" He shouts.

I stomp the ground and telekinetically break the ground from in front of me all the way to where is he standing. "Earth Break!" I shout back as he loses balance before flying up with his Quirk. With him in the air, I use my telekinesis to pull him closer to me and move my Telekinetic Tornado around him instead.

"The hell?!" He shouts as he tries to blow up the boulders, but they are moving too fast for him to get them all.

I move the boulders closer and closer to him before he is encapsulated by them. "Debris Prison!" I wait for just a moment for Katsuki to break out with his Quirk—which doesn't take long for an explosion to break the boulders pinning him. "So what do you think?" I ask him as he steps away from the debris.

"I wasn't expecting that," he admits. "I see you are leaning more into your telekinesis as usual though."

I look away. "Well, yeah. I'm just using my strengths like they told us to. Besides, there's really not any ultimate moves I could do with my mind reading. That is mostly for recon purposes anyway."

"I guess that's true," he mutters. "Bring a smaller boulder over here. I want to show off something I have been working on."

"Okay," I answer as I telekinetically place one up for him.

"Not from my entire hand. But a blast from a single, concentrated point. AP shot!" Katsuki shouts as he aims his blasts as a smaller diameter and pierces the tombstone-like boulder in front of him. A small circle was missing from his successful blast. "Ha, ha! I did it!" He says excitedly.

"That was great!" I tell him, impressed by this concentrated blast when the boulder begins to crack and the top half falls over the cliff we are on.

"Hey! Watch out!" Katsuki shouts. I peer over the edge to see the large rock falling right into All Might's direction. I put my hand out in front of me to use to my telekinesis to stop it when Izukun comes out of nowhere with such speed and uses his Quirk to kick the rock—shattering it into a multiple little pieces. Katsuki and I stare in absolute shock at what just happened in front of us.When did he become so fast? And when has he ever used his legs?

Chapter 53: Do-or-Die Survival Training

Chapter Text

Light of His Life - ghostwriter606 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (125)

To prepare for the upcoming provisional hero licensing exam, the first years of U.A.'s hero course continued their intensive training.

"Most years, the provisional licensing exam includes a section on disaster rescue. So, today we will split the class into two teams and have a training based on something similar to what will be on the exam," Mr. Aizawa says as he pulls up the two teams for us to see.

A Team: B Team:
Tsuyu Asui Yuga Aoyama
Tenya Iida Mina Ashido
Ochaco Uraraka Mashirao Ojiro
Denki Kaminari Koji Koda
Eijiro Kirishima Rikido Sato
Fumikage Tokoyami Mezo Shoji
Shoto Todoroki Kyoka Jiro
Katsuki Bakugo Hanta Sero
Akari Takahashi Toru Hagakure
Izuku Midoriya Minoru Mineta
Momo Yaoyorozu

"I'm on Team A?" Iida mutters to himself.

"Iida, Tsu, we're on the same team, huh?" Ochaco whispers to them.

"Yeah, Ribbit, Ribbit," Tsu whispers back happily.

"Let's do this," Kaminari says to Kirishima while fist bumping him.

"Leave it to me!" Kirishima answers, returning the fist bump.

"Teamwork is important in rescue training. I look forward to working with you, Todoroki, Tokoyami," Momo says to them.

—"Yeah," they respond.

"I'm on the same team as that damn nerd, huh?" Katsuki mutters to himself angrily.

"Now, we will begin the rescue training. Everyone change into your costumes immediately and go to Ground Beta," Mr. Aizawa says, interrupting all the chatter. We make our exit to put on our costumes and quickly hurry to the training location. As I am on Team A, we are up first, and as nervous as I am being it this group pairing, I'm ready to get it over with. I can't help but feel that they put Katsuki, Izukun, and I in the same groups just to test us further on how far they can make us push each our limits.

Iida breaks my thoughts as he stands in front of the entrance and speaks to us all, "I, class representative Tenya Iida, have been designated as the leader of Team A. Everyone, let us complete this rescue training so we do not bring shame to UA. In order to do that, your drive and hard work will be necessary, but regarding..."

Kaminari mutters quietly beside me, making me lose my concentration on Iida's words, "He's still...he always talks for so long..."

I stifle a laugh at the comment.

"Come on, let's just start the training already!" Kirishima says aloud to him.

Momo walks up beside Iida. "Everyone, I understand your eagerness, but let us consider the situation one more time before we begin."

"Yes, I agree," Iida says.

Momo taps the device we were giving at the beginning of the training mission and a blueprint of the mall's design appears in a cyan light. "Two hours ago, a fire broke out on the bottom floor of a large underground shopping mall. Currently, the fire has been put out, and the people inside have been evacuated. However, we received word that somewhere in this underground mall, there is still one person who needs to be rescued," she explains the scenario provided to us.

"Our mission is to rescue that person as quickly as possible. The person who needs to be rescued is a training dummy," Iida adds.

Momo nods and continues, "The power is out underground due to the fire, but luckily, the emergency power is still working."

"Then we should be able to search even without light," Ochaco states, looking at the blueprint closely.

"Searching for the person in there will be a race against time. I propose we slit up for the search," Tokoyami chimes in.

"Wait a minute," Izukun says while looking down at his phone, "I'm not getting a signal here."

Everyone pulls out their phones as well. "You're right," Kaminari says.

"I'm not getting a signal, either," Kirishima adds.

"So the fire probably made the relay base station go down in this scenario," Izukun concludes.

"How are we going to stay connected with each other if we split up?" I question.

"If that is the case, then we should decide where to meet up after if we do split up," Todoroki answers.

Tsu walks over to Momo to look at the blueprint. "This mall goes down six floors. What if we go down from the central stairwell and search floor B1 first, then meet back up at the central stairwell ten minutes later to move down another floor together and search there?"

"I agree with Tsu!" Ochaco exclaims.

"I do, too!" Izukun says just before Katsuki storms off from beside him. "Wait, Kacchan! Where are you going?"

"Isn't obvious? I'm going to look for the damn citizen who didn't escape in time," he answers in his usual annoyed tone.

"Wait a minute, Bakugo!" Katsuki looks over to Iida when he continues, "Don't go off on your own and interfere with our teamwork. We should do as Asui suggests and—"

"Call me 'Tsu'," Tsu interrupts.

Iida hesitates but soon resumes scolding Katsuki, "We should do as T-Tsu suggests and—"

"You guys are the ones saying the search is a race against time. I'll find that damn citizen in no time and show you the difference between us," Katsuki says coldly.

"Kacchan!" Izukun exclaims.

"Wait up, Bakugo," Kirishima says, following behind. "It's dangerous to go by yourself. I'll go with you."

"Then, I guess I'll go, too," Kaminari says, following Kirishima's lead.

I sigh defeatedly and begin walking behind all three of the boys.

"Kirishima, Kaminari...and you too Akari-Chan?" Izukun mutters out in surprise.

"We'll meet you by the central stairwell in ten minutes!" Kirishima responds.

"We'll try to bring Bakugo with us, too!" Kaminari adds.

"I'll try to keep them out of trouble, Izukun. It'll be okay," I tell him with a small smile.

"R-right, okay. Be careful," Izukun answers.

We all four go down the stairwell together and look around at our surroundings. "It's pretty spacious in here," Kaminari remarks.

"Yeah," Kirishima agrees.

"It's also brighter than I expected," I add. "We shouldn't have any problem searching like this."

"But where should we start looking?" Kaminari asks.

"Just follow me and don't get in my way," Katsuki shouts, obviously annoyed with the company he has obtained. We travel further down into the mall in silence as Katsuki walks quite a few paces in front of us.

"Bakugo, stop going off on your own," Kaminari complains as we struggle to keep up.

"I never told you to follow me!" He retorts.

I roll my eyes and use my telekinesis on myself to float toward Katsuki, grabbing his arm. "Stop being so difficult!" I shout. He tries to pull away and say something when suddenly the ground begins to shake. I wrap my arm more around his to steady myself. "What's happening?!"

"It's shaking, it's shaking!" Kaminari gasps out in fear.

"Let go of me, damn it!" He says to me but doesn't pull away as he steadies his balance as well.

"The floor!" Kirishima shouts as it begins to crack in half in front of us. Everything happened so suddenly as the floor caved in and we fall to the next lower level with rubble falling down on us. I manage to pull everyone near me with my Quirk while Katsuki uses his to break the large debris up and I try to keep all the rubble from crushing us—leaving us confined closely in small area within the debris. I groan as I struggle to keep it in place, but feel liquid rush from my nose.Am I...bleeding? I have never bled from using my Quirk before...Kirishima takes notice of this, and when it seems as though the worst is over, he using his hardening Quirk to break us out. "Man, that was terrible! Are you okay, Akari?" He asks me as he helps pull me out of the small cavity I had made for us.

I cough as I wipe the blood off my face. "Yeah, I-I'm okay," I answer.

He nods before going back to pull out Kaminari. "Hey, you still alive, Kaminari?"

"Somehow..." Kaminari says as he surfaces from the rubble.

"But man, Bakugo and Akari were amazing, as usual. If he hadn't blasted the debris coming down from the ceiling into little pieces and Akari stopping it all from crushing down on us, we would've been hurt bad," Kirishima states.

"What're you saying? You're the one who protected me from the pieces that flew out of the explosion that Akari missed with your Hardening. I mean, I'm the only one who hasn't done anything. I'm just extra baggage," Kaminari says guiltily.

"That's not true," Kirishima tells him.

"Yeah, all of our Quirks have pros and cons—that's why it's best for us to work together and play on our strengths so we are stronger as a whole," I add.

"What, are you stupid?" Katsuki shouts, inserting himself into the conversation and staring at Kaminari.

"Bakugo! Hey, you don't have to say it to my face. I already know that!" Kaminari pouts.

"No, stupid!"

"You said it again!"

"Listen!" Katsuki shouts. "Your Quirk is the one we need most for getting out of here! You don't even know that, Dunce Face?"


"Just save your Quirk..." Katsuki says as he turns away from us.

"Hey, what should we do now?" Kirishima asks, changing the subject to the most important question.

"What should we do? Get out of here, duh," Kaminari answers. "We can't be looking around for someone to rescue right now. I mean,we'rethe ones who need rescuing right now."

"The teachers know what's going on down here, right? So, if we wait here, won't they come save us...?" Kirishima asks unsure.

"Yeah, if we move without thinking, we might make more things collapse..." Kaminari says before Katsuki begins walking away. "Hey, where are you going?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm going to look for the damn citizen who didn't escape in time," he answers.

"Hey, wait up! This is just training...The person who needs rescuing's just a training dummy!" Kaminari argues. "With everything else going on, we don't need—"

"All Might would go," Katsuki interrupts.


"I'm saying that whether it's training or whatever, All Might would go save them. If the number one hero can do it, then I better be able to do it, too. I'll clear this damn little training in a second," he says as he begins walking away.

"Hey, wait! You're getting too worked up!" Kaminari exclaims.

I begin following behind him. "Sorry, Kaminari...whether this is just training or not, we are aiming to be heroes. We can't just wait to be saved when we're supposed to be doing the saving. Besides, I don't think it's safe to stay here—the building has already proved how weakened it is. It's better to try to get out of here as soon as possible than to wait for the teachers to realize that it the building is too unstable and save us."

"You've got a point, Akari. I'll go with you and Bakugo," Kirishima says as he begins to walk with me.

"You too, Kirishima?" Kaminari asks astonished.

"I mean, they're right. Even Bakugo. Once we get our provisional licenses, we can do real hero work. When that happens, we might be in a situation like this one day. Would a hero leave someone who needs rescuing and run away? No, he wouldn't! Crimson Riot would never do that! That's why I won't run!" Kirishima answers excitedly.

"Kirishima, you're getting too worked up, too!"

Katsuki smirks seeing that Kirishima and me backing him up. "Don't get in my way, Weird Hair! You either, Akari!" He says in good nature.

"I won't!" Let's go!" Kirishima says.

"Yeah, let's do this!" I say enthusiastically, despite how tired I still feel.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, you're really going?" Kaminari whines as we begin to walk away. "Wait for me! I'll go too! I don't want to be left alone!" He runs behind us to catch up. We continue to go further down the mall until we are met with a shutter that blocks us from going any farther.

"Let me handle this," Kirishima says as he uses his Quirk to slice through the metal shutter—creating a circle for us to walk through. "This is floor B6, the bottom of the mall, huh?"

"Looks like it," I answer as I walk up beside him.

"Aw man, it's a mess. How are we supposed to find someone in this?" Kaminari asks.

"If it were a real person, then I would be able to locate them using their thoughts, but a training dummy is as good as someone unconscious," I mutter.

"Kirishima, where's the place with the least damage?" Katsuki asks.

"What're you asking out of the blue for...?" He questions but answers anyway while pointing to the left of us, "Probably that place furthest back over there? That's the only place where the walls haven't collapsed."

"All right, let's go!" Katsuki says and begins walking.

"Go...?" Kirishima repeats in confusion.

"Where?" Kaminari asks.

"Idiot, the sturdiest place is where the emergency power is, of course!" he explains as we follow behind him. Sure enough, we find a locked door to a room. Katuski kicks the door in, making it come of the hinges. "I knew it. Everything's broken from the debris," he mutters. "Hey, idiot! It's your turn."

"Huh? For what?" Kaminari questions.

"Come on! Just send your damn electricity into these spare batteries!" Katsuki shouts after opening one of the breakers.

"R-right..." Kaminari stutters.I see! Bakugo wants to fix the emergency power to make it easier for everyone else to escape, he thinks to himself.

"Stop dragging your feet, damn it! I'll kill you," Katsuki threatens.

"Yeah, I'm glad you figured out what he's wanting to do, but please hurry so he doesn't blow a gasket," I tell him, revealing I heard his thoughts.

"Okay, okay!" He says as he quickly pulls some wires out to easily charge them up. If that's the case, then I'll give it my all to make up for not doing anything before! Take this! All-Out Shock 2 Million V0–"

"Stop!" I shout, throwing my boot at him to stop him. "The batteries will break if you put in that much!"

"Okay, okay! I'll do it properly!" He exclaims as he rubs his head where my boot made contact. I put my boot back on as he tries again—more carefully this time, even when we feel slight shaking from the mall's structure, until finally the lights come back on.

"All right! Emergency power's back!" Kirishima exclaims.

"Now, we just have to find that damn citizen!" Katsuki says.

"Yeah, but that shaking earlier..." Kirishima adds.

"There's no time! Hurry up!" Katsuki says.

"W-wait for—yay..." Kaminari stutters out from being overcharged.

I roll my eyes at him before says, "Yes, let's go before it gets any worse." We begin searching around when I find the training dummy under some rubble. "Katsuki!" I shout, making him look in my direction which causes my stomach to quiver, but I ignore the sensation. "I found it! The training dummy that needs rescuing!" I point up to it in the mountainous rubble.

"Oh, good job!" Kaminari exclaims.

"Yeah, right on!" Kirishima adds.

"Heh," Katsuki says as he walks up to me. "Damn citizen making us do all this extra work! I'll beat you up later."

"The training dummy?!" I question in confusion.

"But how will we get him out?" Kirishima asks as he and Kaminari come to examine the training dummy sandwiched amongst the debris.

"If we pull him out and make this collapse, then we'll be crushed under the debris, too," Kaminari says.

"What should we do, Bakugo?" Kirishima asks.

"Blow it up!" He answers.

"Huh? Didn't you hear what I just said? I thought I explained it pretty clearly! Look! It's unstable! It could collapse any second now!" Kaminari shouts.

"That's why we have to save him before it collapses!" Katsuki retorts.

"But you know..."

"Kaminari, if it wasn't a dummy over there but a real human being calling 'Help me' out to you, what would you do?" Kirishima interjects. "Would you give up, saying it's impossible?"

"W-well...but that's not true right's a training exercise..." he says, looking down. "I don't think we should have to do it if it's almost impossible..."

"We should do whatever we can to save those in need. If we don't try to in training, how do you expect to save a real person?" I ask, but don't give him time to answer. "If we work together, we can get the training dummy out with ease. I can lift some of the debris to make it easier for Kirishima to pull it out while you and Katsuki destroy any rubble that I can't stop. I have already pushed my Quirk hard earlier so I'm not going to be able to be as quick to stop falling debris as I normally am, so I will need you two to be vigilant of any movement, okay?" I say, waiting to hear Katsuki argue as he wasn't the one making the plan.

"Sounds like a plan," Kirishima says.

"Y-yeah, I can do that," Kaminari stutters.

Katsuki groans. "Whatever, let's hurry up and start, damn extras!" We get into position to rescue the training dummy. "Ready, extras?"

—"Yeah!" Kaminari and I answer without smarting off over his insult.

"All right, make sure you don't hit me!" Kirishima says as he gets ready to sprint up this mountainous pile.

"On my count! One...two...three!" I shout and I begin telekinetically lifting the heavy rubble while bringing my hands up. I have gotten better with my telekinesis that I don't usually need to move my physical body in a way to 'help' lift things up, but when things are really heavy or when I'm getting fatigued, it seems to help me use my Quirk better—like imagining me physically doing the work helps me to do it mentally.

"Die! Armor-Piercing Shot!" Katsuki shouts as some rubble begins to fall in the area Kirishima is.

"Go, Kirishima!" Kaminari yells as he uses his Quirk to break falling rubble, too.

"Got him!" Kirishima shouts after reaching the location of the training dummy.

I notice more debris falling just above him, but I couldn't muster the strength to stop it as I am already lifting the heavier rubble from crushing him. "Watch out!"

Kirishima looks up in surprise, but it's quickly just little pebbles as Katsuki blow them up with his new ultimate move. Kirishima rushes back down the ground in front of him, holding the training dummy when Katsuki shouts, "Get down!"

"Huh?" He lets out as he turns around to see a large concrete shard of debris falling toward him.

I let out a unintentional yell as I move my left hand out in front of me to stop the rubble from on him, allowing Katsuki to blow it up in a large explosion and relieving me of holding excessive weight. I carefully lay the rubble that once had the training dummy trapped back down, hoping that it won't cause it to collapse. Suddenly, the sound of rushing water echoes around us, and I turn around to it water spouting from the walls and flooding the floor.

"What should we do? What should we do?" Kaminari squeals in fear. "It's because of what you did in a place like this!"

"Shut up!" Katsuki shouts.

"Stop whining! We need to get to the surface—" I turn to face the stairs to see a large, thunderous wave of water coming in our direction.

"Hey, wait, at this rate, we'll drown to death!" Kaminari says as the water reaches our hips. "What should we do, Bakugo?!"

I look at Katsuki expectantly, but it seems that even he is at a loss. Our only way out is flooded by the rapid waves of water, and if he were to blast through the ceiling, we have no way of knowing if every more debris would fall down on us—pushing us down in the water. The water has begun to rise to waist level now.

"I-I can't anymore..." Kaminari says, paddling himself to stay in one place.

Suddenly, an explosion happens above us—a little bit in front of us so no rubble came falling down on our heads. "Wh-what was that?!" Kirishima asks with the arms of the training dummy wrapped around his shoulders. Before any of us could mutter a word, a glacier of ice form with many sharp points of ice coming outward while Todoroki stands at the very top and Dark Shadow flying around beside him.

"This way!" Todoroki shouts. "Climb up!"

—"Todoroki!" We all exclaim.

"Who asked foryourhelp?!" Katsuki shouts.

"What are you saying in a situation like this?" Kaminari berates him. "Let's take his help! Let's sponge off him as much as we can!"

Katsuki turns away to not face us when Todoroki shouts, "Come on, hurry up!"

"Bakugo, let's go!" Kirishima urges.

"I will levitate you up there if you keep resisting," I threaten him.

"And how do you expect to do that when you've overused your Quirk," he remarks, taking note of my bleeding nose.

I quickly wipe away the blood and say, "Like this." I lift both of us out of the water and up to the floor above us.

"Stop this!" Katsuki shouts as he move erratically, making to difficult to keep my grasp on him but not impossible. The other two climb the glacier and Todoroki pulls them up to our level. The sit on the ground for a moment and pant.

"We're saved..." Kaminari lets out. "Thanks, Todoroki, Tokoyami."

"I'm glad you're safe," Tokoyami says.

Katsuki huffs and look away.

"There's no time to relax," Todoroki says. "The water underground isn't slowing down. I'll freeze it to hold it back. In the meantime, you guys get out of here.

"Todoroki, I'll stay with you—" Kirishima tells him but Todoroki interrupts.

"With your Quirks, you won't be able to deal with this situation, and if you're too close, you'll just get caught up in the ice. If you don't want to be a burden, then hurry up and go," he says bluntly.

"It's as Todoroki says. It's a race against time. Let's leave this place," Tokoyami says.

"R-right," Kirishima responds and walks behind him with the training dummy still wrapped around him.

"Acting all cool. We'll wait for you at the top!" Kaminari say to Todoroki as he follows suit.

"Yeah." Todoroki turns back to the problem at hand.In this sprawling space, how much can I freeze..?He thinks to himself.I'll make sure I stall at least long enough for those guys to get out of here.He begins to work on freezing the water."It looks like I was able to stop the water from rising somehow...More importantly, why are you two still here, Bakugo? Takahashi?"

"I don't want to owe you anything," Katsuki answers.

"And I won't leave without him. Besides, I think my Quirk could come in handy," I respond as well.

"I don't care about that. Get out of here," Todoroki tells us.

"It's too late. There's no use running now," Katsuki says. "You have only froze the top layer of water, but it's getting pressure put on it from the water streaming in below. Once it's too much on the ice, the pressurized water's come out from the cracks in the walls and fly out like water jets with debris inside. Worst-case scenario, the whole underground mall will collapse."

"Of course, I also predicted that that would happen," Todoroki tells him.

"Shut up!"

"But you stayed behind. You've already thought of a way to get out, right?"

"Listen carefully, Icy Hot. I'm gonna make a hole in the ice with an explosion and make a geyser. Water will gush out, and you will make a place for us to stand on with ice as we rise up from it. I'll keep blasting upward to make holes in the ceilings, and we can get to the top all at once."

"I understand your plan. But can you aim your blast accurately enough to make a hole that'll make a water spout?" Todoroki asks.

"I can do it!" Katsuki shouts.

"Come on, Katsuki, even for you that success rate for that is pretty low! I could help you as well by using my Quirk to push the stubborn debris out of the way when you explode it, but even the—"

"No, Akari!" He barks. "I can and I will do it! I don't want you to over do it anymore and become a liability!"

"I'm stronger than you make me out to be!" I shout angrily. "I still have plenty of fight left in me!"

Before he argue back, and familiar voice shouts out our names. "Kacchan! Akari-chan! Todoroki!"

"Midoriya!" Todoroki says in shock.

"What are you doing here, you damn nerd?!" Katsuki shouts, still fuming from our argument.

"I'll open the hole in the ice," Izukun says, seeming to already know what we were planning.

"You little—" Katsuki begins but Izukun ignores him and continues speaking.

"Todoroki, please get ready to make the ice."

"Got it," he answers.

"Kacchan, you get ready to blast the ceiling."

"Don't tell me what to do!"

"Akari-Chan, you watch out for any potential debris that may hit any of us."

"Will do," I answer. I can tell Katsuki wants to fight back about his, but the water breaking through the walls leaves us with no other choice but to begin our escape attempt.

"There's no time. Here I go!" Izukun says as he charges his Quirk, green lights flowing around him before he jumps down to bottom floor and kicks a hole in the ice. The geyser arises and Todoroki makes the ice cap for us to stand on. I use my Quirk to lift Izukun out of the flying water and on the ice cap with us.

"Die!" Katsuki shouts as he blows up the ceiling to the next level.

"The next one's coming!" Todoroki states.

Katsuki shouts as he blow up the next level but fails.Damn it!He thinks to himself with anxiousness, but Izukun comes in with the save as he kicks a hole in the ceiling. I continue ensuring no debris falls on any of us when I see Izukun falling away from the ice cap.

"Izukun!" I shout as I telekinetically pull him back to us. Katsuki cranks up his explosions to ensure he breaks through the levels this time as Izukun gets back on his feet. Soon, we break through as many levels as the geyser could take us when we all fall down from its momentum on the last level. I manage to use my Quirk on myself without getting hurt, and Todoroki used his ice to protect himself. "You good?" I ask him.

"Yes," he answers as he looks around before shouting, "Midoriya!" I turn to the direction he's running to and see Izukun lying on the ground a few feet from us. I run quickly behind him, but he still manages to get to him first. "Midoriya...wake up, Midoriya!"

He seems to wincing hard before finally sitting up. "Todoroki...Akari-chan..."

"Are you hurt?" I ask him.

He stands up and answers, "I'm feeling bruised from getting bumped around, but I can move."

"Good," I say with a relieved smile.

"What floor is this?" Todoroki questions as he examines the destroyed floor.

"We fell after destroying the ceiling three times, so we're probably on floor B3," Izukun answers while staring up at the large hole in the ceiling above us.

"I see. We made it pretty far," Todoroki acknowledges. "We should be able to get to the surface before the after rises to this point, then."

"It's thanks to you, Todoroki. And Kacchan—" Izukun says.

"Katsuki!" I shout as I realize I haven't heard him get up at all.

"Where's Kacchan?" Izukun exclaims, and we begin looking around frantically for him. We find him unconscious with his leg pinned under some debris—blood staining his costume.

"Katsuki!" I scream as I sprint towards him with the boys following right behind me. I get down on my knees and hover my body over him—scanning for any other injuries besides his right leg. "Katsuki! Wake up, Katsuki!" I beg.

His eyes open wide before abruptly rising up in a sitting position, which makes his body make contact with mine. He wraps his left arm around my waist so I don't fall. "Stop yelling in my ear!" he shouts.

"Katsuki!" I say quietly, unfazed by his yelling demand with happy tears flooding my eyes.

"Kacchan!" Izukun says happily as well.

"Bakugo, grab onto me and Midoriya. Takahashi will raise the rubble up and then we're getting out of here," Todoroki says as lowers his hand to help, but he slaps it away.

"An injury like this is nothing," Katsuki argues.

"Don't push yourself," he tells him.

"I don't need your help," Katsuki mutters, looking away from him.

I place my hand under the face and force him to look at me. "Katsuki, there's no time to deal with your stubbornness. C'mon, just let us help," I demand sternly.

He jerks his head away from me. "No way."

"Kacchan!" Izukun says in a begging tone.

Katsuki pulls his leg out, and I inconspicuously help lift the debris up to help him. He staggers up to his feet and says, "I'm gonna force myself to do it even if it kills me! A guy who needs help for something like this, will never become the number one hero—" he tries to take a step but limps hard.

"You're unsteady on your feet," Todoroki tells him bluntly.

"My feet just won't do what I'm telling them to do!" Katsuki says as he continues to walk.

"Enough!" I shout as I lift him up.

"Put me down!" He shouts as he jerks around in the air, but I simply force his limbs tight to his body.

"You already know what I'm capable of so quit fighting it! You will accept my help and that's final!" I shout back.

"No!" He continues to fight back.

"I want to save you! You're the one who got us to restore the emergency power to make it easier for everyone else to get out! Let me do this for you!"

"No! It was just to find that damn citizen faster!" He argues.

"Then why did you stay until the end? When the citizen was already rescued? You wanted to save Todoroki, didn't you?"

"I don't want to owe him anything!"

"You have went out of your way to save all of us," I say, gesturing to Todoroki and Izukun. "Let me do this, even if it's just for now."

He looks away from me before saying, "Let me use you to walk on my own. You have pushed your Quirk far enough. I still have one good leg to walk on.

I sigh. "Fine." I place him on the ground knowing this is the best compromise that I will get from him. He wraps his arm around my shoulder while I hold his wrist with my right hand and wrap my left arm around his waist. The closeness makes my body feel hot, but ignore this as we take one step at a time.

"We're almost there, you two. You can do it," Todoroki says to us as he and Izukun walks in front of us. I know Izukun wanted to help Katsuki walk since he's stronger than me, but I think we both knew that we had to choose our battles when it comes to what he would allow us to do for him.

"There they are!" I hear a female voice shout. I look up a floor higher to see Ochaco.

"Hey!" Kirishima shouts as he and Tsu run up beside her.

"Hey!" Izukun answers happily.

I levitate all of us up to that level once we get closer, and Ochaco took over using her Quirk to floated us out of the destroyed mall and out to where everyone else is. Katsuki gets treatment from Recovery Girl when Kirishima surprises me by wrapping his arm around his shoulder. "You did amazing down there! Are you okay, though? You really pushed yourself saving us from getting crushed."

I nod. "I'm a bit tired, but I'll be okay. I just lifted heavier weight than I ever had before."

I hear Katsuki groan and turn my attention back to him. He angrily averts his eyes away from me and the aid bots take him and Iida, who had also got injured during the training, away.

"What's his problem?" Kirishima asks me.

"I think he's mad about having to accept help," I tell him, but I'm not too sure. Thinking back to the training, I recall how he seemed to be concerned about my wellbeing as he told me multiple times not to use my Quirk instead of the normal "you're too weak" spiel. I originally took it that way, but now I can see how concerned he actually was for me. It's a strange concept, but then again, he does care for everyone's wellbeing in his own way; he just won't admit it.

"Well, I think Mr. Aizawa is letting us leave after that unexpected event, so let's get you back to the dorms," Kirishima says with a smile.

"Yeah, I think we could all use some rest," I answer, returning the smile. After that, everyone in team A walked back together.

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.