Daffodils Full Story:- UPDATED | Ye Hai Mohabbatein (2024)

"Ms. Ish*ta Iyer. You're the next. Be ready and good luck" told the young secretary of Raman Bhalla, in a classic white shirt and a navy blue pencil skirt. Her name badge reads Ms. Mihika Patel.

"Who conducts a high profile interview for a house help? Chuck it. I need a job at any cost. A place to live most importantly" wondered Ish*ta.

"Excuse me sir, may I come in?" Asked Ish*ta politely

"Yes!" , told Raman authoritatively without lifting his eyes for once.

"You may take the seat Ms. "

"Ish*ta Iyer, sir"

Ish*ta Iyer.

The name caused his heart to skip a beat.

The beautiful eyes. The innocent smile. The girl whom he had always dreamt of having a life together. The girl whom he loved but never had the courage to speak. The girl who is sadly unawarej of his existence even.

Amongst billions of name in the world, why did this lady had to have this name.

He looked up once. But couldn't look down afterwards. There she is clad in a blue shirt and a pair of gray trousers. The very same Ish*ta Iyer whom he had admired in her college days.

The very same Ish*ta Iyer who had occupied his mind all along.

But he wanted to act professional. He wanted to know why her, the heiress of Iyer group of Industries, which is as vast as 10 times his own enterprise, need to work under him. That too as a house help. And for a wage, that can hardly buy a clothe she wears a day.

"So Ms. Iyer, are you sure you can do this?"

"Yes Mr. Bhalla. I would love to do this job. I need this job very badly. I need to take care of my ailing mother. I need money for her treatment. I am ready to do anything " she told grieving as to convince him

"OK Ms. Iyer. You have to be around and in my home for 24 hours a day. But I can spare you a couple of hours on weekends, when I am home, for you to visit your family "

"No sir. That's not required." She cut him short

Raman was rather shocked than surprised. This lady in front of him is truly an enigma.

"Okay. But I won't tolerate any igAnanyance towards my daughter. You will be expelled without a prior notice if you feign any igAnanyance towards her. Towards Ruhi Bhalla." Ordered Raman rather arrogantly.

"Do I have to babysit?" Asked Ish*ta unbelievingly

"Won't your wife be around?"

"No personal questions Ms. Iyer. Better don't poke your nose into our business. Be professional. That's all I expect from you". Thundered Raman frightening Ish*ta very terribly

But she needed this job very badly. She needed it, not wanted. A baby will be fun to be around, told the emotional side. And a mess too, argued the logical side.

"Sorry Sir. I won't I promise. And as of Ruhi, i will do take good care of her. Please trust me with this job Sir"

"Hmmm. Good. And congrats, you are appointed and wait in the garage behind the building. I will be there in fifteen minutes. We have to head home. "

"Thank you, sir. I can go alone and I can manage. You need not worry about it" said Ish*ta making sure to sound polite because she herself wanted him to drop her home.

"I am not asking you Ms. It is an order. You are bound to obey the same" he smirked

"Sir, a humble request. You can call me Ish*ta"

"Hmm. Well. Take the leave as of now"

Ish*ta and Raman climbed into his black Austin Martin and head back home. The car came to halt in front of one of the most high society apartments. The valet came forwarded and offered to park the car.

Raman rang the bell whose door had a name board "Reddy's"

A lady in mid twenties opened the door with a baby in tow. She reached out to hug Raman and kissed softly on his cheeks. Raman crinkled his nose. Seems that he doesn't like her.

Seeing him so, Ish*ta wanted to giggle. But alas, this arrogant man can even kill her for the crime.

She shifted her gaze to the baby. Adorable she is. She is not more than six months old.

Raman took her into his arms and headed to the opposite apartment.

So this must be Ruhi. Pretty she is and cute, unlike her arrogant dad. Thought Ish*ta smilingly.

"Am I a clown?" Asked Raman irately

"Huh? Sir?" Ish*ta couldn't infer what he meant

"Why are you smiling onto my face?"

"The baby is cute. I think I love her" she tried shifting his attention

"Hmmm. Well. Love at first sight Ms. Ev , am sorry, Ish*ta" he told winking at her. (Just like me, you were my love at first sight. )

Seeing Raman wink at her playfully, Ish*ta's jaw almost dropped to the floor. She couldn't believe what she saw. Can this man ever be not so serious? But that wink had proved otherwise. Not as tough as I thought. She pondered.

After showing of the grand 3BHK apartment and the working area, Raman head back to work. Ish*ta put Ruhi to her afternoon nap and started unpacking and settling in her new room. Nothing was as of her choice in the room. The room was painted gray and black. The room didn't feel to be her room but instead a cave for her.

Even though magnificently is the room set, that lacked a personal touch in it. Ish*ta sighed and almost fell asleep.

She woke up startled and strode to the work area.

There were a couple of packets of bread, a fruit jam, chocolate spread and few sauces on the breakfast counter.

She had to prepare dinner for them and the greatest of the problems is that she didn't know cooking. Actually, she didn't even know chopping.

She took out the latest model of smartphone from her handbag and headed back to the kitchen. Nothing to worry when the internet is at your service. She chuckled at her own thoughts.

She googled recipes for many dishes and at last ended with an American chop suey. Won't he be pleased with Chinese? Well let us see.

She started her work and had a hard time cutting and chopping vegetables cutting her fingers a couple of time. When she was in between the mess, Ruhi woke up and started crying. She reached out for her and fed her the bottled milk she had earlier prepared. After placing her in the crib with lots of toys, she resumed her work.

Ruhi started throwing tantrums and she took her in her arms and continued cooking.

She kept Ruhi away when she had to fry the noodles and had burned her hands herself. But she was determined to complete the task that she didn't bother.

When she had completed cooking and was serving it in the bowl, the door clicked open and He stood there astonished.

He had opened his mouth and was taken completely aback. The kitchen was a complete mess. Ruhi had sauce all over her. Ish*ta had grease and sauces all over her apron and face.

"What the hell?" Shouted Raman in his loudest voice

"I was just trying to cook" she told apologetically

"So you don't know cooking. Then why did you apply for the job at first place" he thundered

Seeing her pout and at the verge of crying, he stopped himself from being rude more. Her pout. He couldn't stop gazing her lips. How badly he wanted it under his.

Smack that. Stop acting like a pervert Raman. He told himself

"Okay, go freshen yourself. I will clean Ruhi" he offered her help

"No sir, I can manage. Actually she is easier to manage than her dad." She told naughtily and ran into her room

He stood there rooted. This girl is driving me nuts

He went inside his room, freshened up and completed the pending works for the next day.

After almost an hour later, he stepped out of his room, hearing the chirps of his princess. Oh ya! Well he now had to specify which princess of his.

Ruhi is usually a grumpy child. Like father like daughter. He chuckled. But today something was amiss, the shrieks and whimpers. Yes it is. And is surprisingly replaced by the giggles and squeals.

His daughter is loving the lady. Same way he did.

The trance was broken by the shriek of Ruhi who had failingly tried to reach out for her Dad's warmth.

Raman smiled at his daughter's antics and took her into his arms, who snuggled closer to his chest.

"Sir, the dinner is set" called out Ish*ta

"Hmm. Serve" ordered Raman, the serenity being replaced by seriousness on his face

"Grumpy. Can't he just smile and ask me politely " muttered her under her breath.

The dish was placed on the dining table, which looked edible and pleasing, keeping apart the thought that it was prepared by a fresher, ignoring the certain burnt and certain uncooked parts of the food.

Raman excitedly reached out for the dish and had a beaming smile on his face. "Wow! Chinese? How did you know it is my favourite" and he tasted a mouthful of food. He poured the whole bowl onto his plate and started relieving his hunger. He ate everything in a haste and contentedly. She watched on with her mouth wide open.

"What kind of man is he? I have been starving and he started eating the whole food" she looked at him dejectedly

He was about to eat the last spoon of food, when he saw her sad and decided to give her that spoonful of food. He forwarded his hand and she looked bewildered.

"Have this"

"Sir, how can"

She was cut shout by his tone, "it is an order"

She slowly opened her mouth to be fed by the opinionated man in front of her. She tasted the food and almost spat it out

"Yuck! That's disgusting. How did you manage to eat that?" She asked him, embarrassed of herself and growing a new kind of respect towards her this new master.

"Well I used to prepare even distasteful food. It's good for a first timer" he told smiling

A million dollars worth smile she could die anyday for. A strange kind of affection is what she felt for him.

"I will try something else for you now" she requested

"Well! I have had enough but I can help you for the dinner. Come I will prepare something for you. You look famished" he tended to help her

Before she could protest he started keeping the utensils on the burner and pour some vinegar and an egg into the utensil.

She went into Ruhi's room to put her to sleep. After a gruesome effort, she slept on her crib. She went back to help the arrogant man in the house.

A couple of minutes later, she was served with bread, butter and poached eggs.

"I hope this is enough for you. And ya eat less. Else I will have to change the door of the house" he winked and strode back to his room smirking.

"Good night, clean the kitchen and take care of Ruhi"

That was a sleepless night for both.

He was walking back and forth in his balcony.

He remembered how he had hired the top 10 detectives of Wales and had given them a time of 48 hours to present all the minute details of the enigmatic woman in his home. Ish*ta Iyer.

She stood in front of the mirror and analysed herself. Am I really plump? No. He is blind. I am fit. Amn't I?

A strange feeling caught hold of them. There was something magnetic between them. For Raman it was love and for Ish*ta. It is lust she concluded. Who won't desire for a man with chiseled jaw, kissable lips, adorable dimples, green eyes and wonderful hair and body. And in between the thoughts she drifted to sleep.

She has become more beautiful. This lady. Her big doe brown eyes. Her lips when she pouts. Long hair. Who keeps long hair these days? She must have kept it to drive me crazy. He remembered how he taunted her on her weight because if he start her appraisal, he wouldn't have controlled himself and his hormones would have taken over. It was not a mere lust he had for her. She is a desirable woman. But he wanted her to accept him wholeheartedly. He wanted her to love him the way he does.

Smiling, at these thoughts and the frown on his forehead disappearing, he fell asleep. For a new morning, a new day and hoping their equations would change for better.

She woke up at around 3 in the morning. Too early for a person like her, listening to the cries of the baby. She watched onto the baby and wondered how could she help the kid. She tried hushing her, singing her lullaby and what not. Finally, she concluded that the baby must be hungry and she fed her with the feeding bottle. When she seemed to be satisfied, Ish*ta drifted back to sleep, content for the first time in life after being disturbed in the sleep.

The sleep was again short lived. She was again woken up by the constant cries. She reached out for Ruhi and tried consoling her. This time she directly took the bottle and tried feeding her. But the baby rejected the milk and started shrieking. She held her in arms, swayed her and tried whatever is possible for her to make Ruhi quiet. When she didn't budge any further, Ish*ta gently placed Ruhi onto crib and strode towards her father's room.

Raman was having a peaceful sleep after many months. He dreamt of Ish*ta. She playing with her hair. She is brushing her hairs onto his face.

"Stop being naughty. You're naughtier than our daughter. I love you iSH"

Thud! The files on the side table had fell down

Raman woke up and what he saw in front of his eyes were mesmerising. Ish*ta leaning onto him. Her hair all over his face. A dream come true moment. Reality hit him, no smacked him onto his face.

"What the hell are you doing on my bed?" He growled

"To strangle you to death" she replied uninterestingly

"What?" Before he could scold her more, she intervened

"Ruhi is crying and she is not stopping. I have tried everything and been unsuccessful. Will you please?"

Before she could actually complete, he had moved out of his room. He had ran into her room. She saw his retreating figure and wondered how much this man loved his daughter.

She stood in the living room giving the father-daughter duo their much needed time.

Her trance was broken by the sound of the closing door.

He was out, weary and stressed out. It seemed that it was the father who had gone through all the pains his daughter had to bear.

"Ish*ta" he yelled. She was completely taken aback and petrified to see him fuming in anger.

"How on earth can you be so irresponsible? You messed up with my food, I forgive. But D.O.N.T M.E.S.S W.I.T.H M.Y D.A.U.G.H.T.E.R " he shouted

"I. I. I didn't do anything wrong" before she could he continue he barked

"Have you pat her back after feeding her? HAVE YOU?"

She looked down guiltily and nodded a no. She didn't know that one has to do something like that. She was unaware of this manoeuvre.

He became gentle seeing her on the verge of a breakdown and politely explained basics in handling a baby.

She was astonished by his patience in matters of his child. He was a wonderful man.

Guiltiness overflooded and she started to become restless. For protecting herself she couldn't put the life of the child into danger. The child who belonged to that man who had managed to occupy her mind within a day. A man whose charisma had a deep impact in her. A man whom she had immense respect. And most importantly a man who proves to be a very good father. She need to leave this job. She needs to leave this place. She can't betray this man. She can't betray that child whom she started considering hers.

"Sir, I would like to resign" she spoke after silence for a couple of minutes.

The glass castle he had built again seemed to crumble in front of his eyes, again. This time he has to stop. He cMihikaot let her leave him, again. He cMihikaot let himself become lonely, again. He cMihikaot see her walk away, again.

" Have you forgotten about the bond Ms. Iyer? The very same agreement you have signed yesterday at Ms. Patel's office? You cMihikaot leave the house until I tell, and will have to work here for at least six months. If you insist, you can. And you can be penalised for the crime and will have to pay me a pretty good penalty of 1 million Pounds. That costs a good fortune. Ain't it? " he spoke to her the arrogance yet again replacing the gentleness

" I. It's good if you will manage someone better for yourself and Ruhi. I. I don't deserve the place. I failed very badly. I can't put her life on stake. For god sake, please am begging" Ish*ta broke down and sit on the floor sobbing

Her tears are the last thing Raman could ever see. The facade of an opinionated man had fell down the moment he saw her cry. The same gentleness which adored moments back had come forth again. He knelt on the ground, bent towards her and made her face him.

"You haven't failed Ish*ta. You are trying and I am sure, you will turn out to be the perfect mother for her. I trust you." He whispered against her

The word "MOTHER" had evoked some sort of strange feelings inside her. She needed to try. She couldn't fail her daughter. She couldn't fail the Father of her daughter.

"Mother?" She asked him astonished

"I meant you are nMihikaying her, so you must be having similar responsibility. Aren't you okay with that? " he asked her calmly

She nodded a yes

"Come. Let us prepare the breakfast. I can help you with that. No actually I can teach you a couple of dishes. " he offered her the smirk replacing the smile on his face

When she struggled to get up, he offered her his hands as a gentleman. That's when he had seen that. She had cuts and burns in her hands. His heart flinched with pain when he saw her hurt. All because of him. A lone tear escaped it's way down to his cheeks.

"Have you gotten something into your eyes?" She asked him worried

"No. It's fine." He retorted

"What are all these?" He asked her pointing towards her hands

She chuckled and told him that it is the result of previous evening cooking escapade

He had applied ointments on her wounds and has strictly advised her rest.

After the breakfast, when be was about to leave for the office,

" I think you have understood how to feed her, burp her and other necessities. Haven't you? And well! I will be back for lunch and don't you dare to attempt anything. If you need any help, call out for Vandita "

"Vandita?" She asked puzzled

" the lady who stays next door. "He pointed to the opposite flat

"No, I will manage." She quickly retorted when she remembered the last day's events.

How dare the lady peck him. She was fuming under her own thoughts that she didn't even recognise when actually Raman had left her bidding adieu.

Though Ruhi was giving her a tough time, she was becoming less crankier. The baby started recognising her and shooting slight smile at times. Ish*ta looked onto the baby reading similarities with her dad. Ruhi had dimples just like her dad. She was grumpy at times and when she smiles, Ish*ta tends to forget everything else on earth and heaven. Just like her dad. Ish*ta chided herself for bringing in the man in her each thought.

Ruhi has blue eyes but he has green. Maybe her Mom had blue. Her Mom. Where is she? There are no snapshot of hers in the home. No reminiscences of the lady who had given them or most importantly him the most beautiful gift. Then she thought about the words he had spoken in the morning. He dearly loves the lady. Where did she disappear into? Her castle of thoughts were broken by the clicking sound of door.

There stood her boss in his Black Armani vest with white formal shirt. He looked visibly tired. Loosening his tie, he asked for water and when she started moving towards the cooler, he had stopped her from doing and he himself had filled the glass with cool water and gulped down.

" I have taken an off from office and I will be around for a week until you settle in" he told her and went into his room.

The day had passed without much of unusual happenings. They had lunch together and he had retired for a nap, so did his daughter. She read some magazines on the drawer and strangely everything was related to business. Though uninterestingly, as she had nothing else to do , she flipped through the pages. Later evening, they had a take out supper. He had gone into his room to drown into his pool of work and she put Ruhi to sleep. She bathed herself and donned the baby pink loose T and sky blue shorts. The minor burns and cuts didn't bother her much, but it started doing when she tried combing her hair. She winced in pain and started to try again.

When she had yet again failed, stopped trying and retired to bed tired and only after having a glance at the angel in her room.

The next day morning was peaceful and a usual good morning. He had dropped in in his beige T and

Sunset yellow tracks. She gad watched him open mouthed for a brief time and snapped out when Ruhi's rattle fell down. They had together prepared breakfast, Raman had leisure time pleasures with his daughter and she had offered to clean the house.

Ruhi puked on her clothes when she had taken Ruhi to the washroom for changing the diapers. After cleaning up the baby, she placed her on her crib and moved to washroom to clean up herself.

She had worn the same orange casual top and white full skirt which she adorned yesterday. By the time she had moved back into the room, Ruhi was in a deep slumber.

Having nothing to do besides, she moved into the living room to catch up with some television opera.

He had been working in his laptop and she had sit on the same sofa at the farthest end from him. She had been cuddling herself and shivering as if it was very cold inside. He had seen that while stealing glances of hers in between. At last he decided to ask her.

"Should I turn on the heater? Or are you sick?" It is not damn cold here. Is it?" He asked masking the worry in his voice

"No. I'm fine" she blankly replied

When he shot a fierce glance over her, she straightened herself and told about the incident that had taken place and she didn't have anything except these two pairs of casuals and the reason behind the shivering that the clothes were still damp.

"Hmm. Change into some formals. Come let us go shopping " he informed her

"But I don't have money to buy new pairs and I am fine with these. Thanks" she declined politely

"I haven't told that the shopping is for you. The groceries are to exhaust. Ruhi is being hungry frequently and her baby food are needed to be replaced. I need to buy clothes for myself too" and he went on giving his shopping list and she had looked on shocked first, angry next and the sad at her own destiny. Who would have predicted that Ish*ta Iyer will have to face a day where she didn't have a clothe to don and most importantly, share a home with someone who is least bothered about her feelings. Amidst the lost feelings, he tapped onto her shoulders and asked her to change into something for herself and Ruhi.

She had gotten ready herself into the clothes she had put for the interview and readied Ruhi into a floral red frock and matching shoes. She covered her in the blanket and handed her over to Raman who was ready by then in his T and jean. She had asked him to hold Ruhi while she will be back after combing her hair.

She had taken unusually long , he decided to look for her. He went to her room and saw her struggling in tying her hair in a pony. She winced in between.

He moved forth, stood near her, took the comb and brushed her hair. Letting it loose, he told her huskily "Open hair looks better ". That voice had caused shiver to pass through her spine and before she could collect back into herself, he had dragged her out.

The drive to the mall was rather silent. After some stolen glances and some open thoughts, they soon reached the Empire Mall. Dropping her and Ruhi towards the entrance and asking her to go to the babyshop, he had driven past into the parking lot.

They had bought a dozen of clothes already for Ruhi and strode towards the supermarket. After they had bought almost everything they needed to, they had queued near the cash section for billing procedure.

Raman's phone had beeped and he excused himself to attend the call. He was back in a jiffy and rushed out immediately asking the grocer to deliver their purchases to his address. He took Ish*ta and Ruhi and rushed to the car, climbed in and zoomed into their apartment. Ish*ta had sensed that he is upset and decided not to interrogate him any further. He dropped them home and silently moved out of the home and stopped at the doorway saying her that he will be back in an hour or two and to take care.

The detectives were already ready with their files having names like Ish*ta Iyer, Viswanathan Iyer and Madhvi Iyer in his cabin. Apologising for being late and forgetting about the appointment , he quickly asked them to enter into the business.

They had had a history of Viswanathan Iyer and his establishments. How he had married Madhvi , an incredibly beautiful lady and Ish*ta born in the third year of marriage. After some years when Ish*ta was of 3 years of age, Madhvi had mysteriously gone missing. No data after her missing was received. The Whitefort hospital had registered and issued a death certificate in her name, a road traffic accident being the cause of her death. The most mysterious thing of all is that there were no postmortem functions or funerals held in her name.

"Come to the point Mr. Watson. I need details regarding Ish*ta Iyer. Have you bloody heard that? Do anyone of you have to say something about her?" He roared

"Well of Ish*ta. She was born on" started another detective Mr. Chadwick

"What the bloody hell had happened in the last five years. To be precise when she was doing her Bachelor's in the London school of Commerce and later ? Why had she left England?" He asked them rather impatient

"Well Mr. Bhalla, she was to be engaged to the son of Mr and Mrs. Raghav. Mr. Abhimanyu Raghav. But sadly no information regarding him was retrieved. The engagement seemed to have happened in a private affair and the Raghavs had lovingly gifted their precious ancestral solitaire to Ms. Iyer , their wedding being due in a month before she had left her home. And coming back to Ish*ta, she didn't seem to have any problems with her father or anyone in the house to leave and run away. Mr. Iyer is a man of power. He himself revolves around a world of puzzles and he is been constantly trying to find Ms. Iyer. There must be something surely with Mr. Iyer that had forced her for this step. The reckless man he is. "

Stopped him. After meeting each of them and studying the files they had brought in, finding nothing newer, he left the place dejectedly. Abhimanyu Raghav. He had registered the name in the brain and decided to solve this jigsaw himself.

Ish*ta was walking past and forth the living area, anticipating his arrival. It had already 15 minutes past 9. Exactly 4 hours and 45 minutes ahead if the time he had told he will be back in an hour or two.

Worriedly she decided to ring him and took out her phone, sadly realising that she didn't have his cell number. She walked to the coffee table and took the telephone directory and started frantically searching for his number. That was exactly when he had stepped in, with a dozen of shopping bags and hardly trying to balance himself. She ran to him and grabbed some bags and helped him settle in. He asked her to follow him and she obediently went in.

He stepped into her room and placed the bags on her bed. She looked at him anxiously.

"These are all your gifts. A token of appreciation from the company's part. Don't think I am being too generous, company provides gifts and allowances so as to flatter the employees" he told and left without giving her a chance to speak.

The bags had all kind of clothes available in the market. Casuals, Hammer pants,Cargo, Capri, Palazzo trousers, Sweatpants , Yoga pants ,Harem

,Flared pants, Loose Ts, fitting Ts, shirts, skirts, tops, and when she was to reach for the last bag, that was when he had barged into the room and took the bag for himself. It's for me. He told and moved out.

She had clearly seen it was a ladies' wear and a blue coloured dress , the material something near to satin. She chose to ignore and was overwhelmed by the generosity of the man. She cleaned up the room, arranged everything in the closet and decided to do something to kill time. She was bored and even sleep had managed to run far away from her.

She went to the drawer and reached out for a book. Business Tycoons of London. Interesting. She started reading and her eyes started brimming with tears. Viswanathan.

The name flooded her insides with memories. The man who was responsible for all the wraths. The man who is responsible for her mother's disappearance. And the man who is.

No she couldn't further think about him. Snippets of information she had collected, he was responsible for all the misfortunes happening in her life.

The cries, the sobs, the grief had sung a lullaby for her and soon she succumbed to sleep. Definitely not a peaceful slumber.

The week had passed without happenings of much events. Raman had to go back to work. She rather sadly had to come back to reality and even he didn't have it within him to leave her here and it was that he needed her, not for Ruhi alone, but also himself. But she was on the other hand excited for having to wait him to come back from office. There is something, some emotion associated with waiting also.

He would prepare breakfast, she would manage to cook something for herself in lunch and he has in the office canteen and they together prepare the supper.

The month was quite uneventful except that they had drawn more closer and he used to smile and laugh more. They had been good friends on one side, and their emotions burning on the other side. Raman had sensed the sexual tensions arising between them and had tried really hard to keep himself and his manhood in control. He cMihikaot wrong her. He cMihikaot wrong the trust she has and he cMihikaot wrong their relationship, at this level at least, where it will be impossible for him to go back to his older self. And he couldn't wrong Ruhi either. She needed a mother. A mother that was Ish*ta to her.

After a couple of weeks, one fine day, he had informed her that he had meeting with his subordinates and some foreign client may also take part. He had enthusiastically informed her of his plan to expand his business in Wales and also interest towards shifting himself to London, if this meeting was successful, so that they will have a few number of companies set up in England. Ish*ta was still stuck up with the word LONDON and she couldn't hear what he told him later. Informing her that he will be late tonight, he will most probably dine out and asked her to have food and go to bed. Kissing his daughter in arms, who was smiling at him showing her tiny teeth, Raman kissed on her dimples and waved her goodbye. He turned back and returned to her, placed a quick peck on her forehead and went forth.

"Come tonight for dinner. I have to tell you something " she told him

Raman was busy whole day except at times when be will excuse himself and called home to keep a check on his angel scratch that his angels. Ish*ta was busy the first half of the day, cleaning the room, helping Ruhi as she had started taking baby steps with support. When Ruhi was busy playing with her softies, Ish*ta grabbed the remote control to surf the chMihikaels. That was when the door bell rang. It was not Raman she knew. He had a spare key. Who must be here? He doesn't have much of visitors, then who now?

Confusedly, she had opened the door and saw Ms. Reddy in her best. Ish*ta smiled at her and she looked up at her in uncertainty. She moved inside the home and went to Ruhi. She took her in her arms and hugged her dearly. "Forgot your Mom." She asked her feebly.

So was Vandita Reddy the lady who was Raman's past? What if she takes him away from me? Ruhi? All these horrible thoughts dampened her mood very badly.

"So Ms. Iyer, what's cooking up between you and Mr. Bhalla?" She asked her rudely

"Nothing. I am just a house help"

"Do you think I am dumb enough to believe this Story? Where on hell does a house owner do so much for a mere maid? And look at your cell phone, your dress sense, and in everything, you don't look like to be someone who is a servant. Let alone the talks. Or are you a servant who satisfies his every needs?" She asked stressing the word EVERY. Ish*ta had a filthy feeling. Her self respect was being shredded into pieces. This very lady's audaciously insulting her. With her disgusting remarks. How had someone like Mr. Bhalla fell for this lady. How had Ruhi had such a mean mother? And she started tearing up.

"Well. I am just a neighbour and I am telling you this Mr. Bhalla is someone who fears commitments. He had had many past relationships. I have seen many ladies, probably page3 models, going in and out of the home. Maybe that's is the reason Ruhi's mom doesn't stay with them anymore. Shagun used to beg Mr. Bhalla to marry her for the baby's sake. But he never budged. He is not a loyal man and he is a mere philanderer. " Vandita spat venom and left the house.

Ish*ta sat dejected on thinking what Vandita had spoken. No he is not a man of flings. He is a man of principle. He could never do that. She somehow consoled herself.

Shagun. Why didn't he marry her? She remembered the day when he had spoke in his sleep. I love you Da. Does that mean he still loves her? Why shouldn't he? They've a daughter born out of their love.

Ish*ta was in lost thoughts the whole day. After putting Ruhi to sleep, she waited for the man to return.

Raman had come back and saw her sitting on the chair and sleeping, her head on table. He came to her, gently stroked her hair and patted her to wake up. She woke up startled and rubbed her eyes. That was when she remembered, she hadn't prepared anything for supper.

She mouthed a sorry and he understood her plight. He took out the cereals from the shelf and served themselves with milk.

"What was that you needed to tell me?" He asked her

No, she can't tell him about her growing feelings towards him. She needed time to sort out everything. And Vandita's rantings came into her mind and she started sobbing.

"Heyy Ish*ta what happened?" He asked her worried.

He remembered himself telling her about moving to London. Maybe she is not ready to face her family. He concluded.

"Is that because I told we have to leave Wales and move to England?" He asked her

She nodded a yes, because she had to keep him in dark from the thoughts running in her mind.

He stood up, came forward and gently kissed her on her forehead assuring her that he won't do something that upsets her. She hugged his waist and started wailing badly keeping her face on his stomach. After a couple of minutes, when she had calmed herself, she let herself free and ran to her room. She had a school of thoughts and at last she decided to trust him. This man with whom she had lived past 2 months. And she didn't want to trust a total stranger.

The next morning, when they were preparing the breakfast, she had asked about Vandita addressing herself as Ruhi's mother. He told her that he loathes the lady and he she throws herself onto him and pesters him to marry her. She calls herself as Ruhi's mom to gain his support and because she had looked after her a month before you had come. He clarified all her doubts.

She finally decided to ask him. "Shagun?"

"What the heck! Shut your bloody mouth and mind your own business. Ruhi's parents are only me. Have you heard that? Only me. " he angrily threw the plate into the sink and took his bags and belingings and moved out to his office. His solace.

Days had passed after that particular event. Raman had gone back to the shell. He never spoke unless it was obligatory. His silenced stung her heart rather terribly. No conversation was made beyond Ruhi. She didn't know why she missed him so much. She didn't know why this hurts her so much. She didn't know why he affects her so much. She needed to know and stop the games played by her emotions.

It was one fine evening he had come home holding his back. He was flinching in severe pain. Keeping aside all the happenings around, she sped to him and helped him settle on the couch. On insistence, he had allowed her to apply balm and have a good massage. Seeing him semi naked in front of her, she couldn't muster up the courage to look onto him. She applied the balm looking everywhere but him. When she asked him gently if he was feeling better, he had narrated that it was a remnant of a road crash that had happened to him 4-5 months ago. She just hmm ed and continued applying the balm. After a couple of minutes, she saw him in a deep slumber. This arrogant man frowns in his sleep too. Grumpy. She chuckled and gently caressed his hair and saw the frowns disappearing and a faint smile replacing.

She stood in the cold shower really wondering what had happened to her senses. This kind of feeling was new to her.

This was something she had feared would happen and had held herself back.

But this man in front of her, had caused the havoc of the promise she had made to herself.

Though he feigned igAnanyance to her presence and acted being arrogant to her, shattering her soul. All she end up doing is wishing for his well being. And all she know is that she loves this man. She loves this man who is the father of daughter, not because he is, but because reasons unknown to her. She had not loved him for Ruhi. She had loved him for herself.

I love you, Raman. She shouted in the shower and jumped like a teen who was smitten in love.

She walked out of the washroom and head to the kitchen, to start her preparations for supper. Ruhi was nowhere to be seen and she guessed that Raman must be taking care of her. When she had gone to the drawing room to catch a glimpse of the people whom she loved the most, she was shocked to see him alone, sipping his bitter black coffee.

"Vandita had come and took Ruhi with her. She is alone as her sister had gone for a meeting, she requested to have Ruhi for tonight" he told not lifting his gaze from his iPhone.

The smile she had adorned had vanished and some kind of strange feeling started brewing up. Was she being possessive? Before she could think more, he cut in between

"We are dining out today. And wear this" he handed her over a parcel.

She didn't find it appropriate to ask him anything, owing to his impulsive nature, she couldn't take chances. She wanted him. No. She needed him.

Ish*ta came out wearing the red knee length dress which hugged her curves perfectly. She had held her hair in a loose bun and had put on black stilettos, black dangling earrings and a little make up, light lipgloss. Raman was awestruck with what he saw in front of him and came forward, opened her hair and whispered, "perfect"

He had driven past the city and had reached a countryside. The car stopped and there stood a 2 storey building. Seems like a farmhouse. Before she stepped out of the car, he opened the door and put forth his hand seeking hers as a perfect gentleman.

He took her in and it was all dark. He took her to a room and when the light was on, she saw a beautiful room, painted white and had green curtains. Perfect. The way she needed and the way she desired.

"Your room will be soon renovated and it will be according to your taste. Like this" he spoke

"But why sir?" She couldn't stop herself from asking

"Keep it as a birthday gift Ish*ta"

Before she could respond, he pulled her away to the dining area, well decorated and had a blueberry cheesecake on the table.

"Happy Birthday Ish*ta" he muttered huskily into her ears.

She was almost in tears and enquired him about how he knew.

"Well I know everything regarding my employees. Everything " he told confidently stressing EVERYTHING.

That had visibly created a ruckus to her senses and she stared becoming uneasy.

"What do you know about me?" She asked him, afraid whether the cat had already be let out of the bag.

"Easy Ish*ta. I won't bring in anything unless you would like to share it with me"

She left him there and ran out of the dining area, the house and the gate. Raman instantly followed her and found her seated in a bench, a few metres far from the house. He joined her and sat with her.

"Viswanathan Iyer" she spoke

"Your father?" He asked

"No, he is not" she roared

After calming a bit, she started telling him the darkest secrets of her life.

" He lied to me. He probably killed my mother. He is the reason why I had grown up deprived of love of a mother. I hate him. He is not my father, he is my mother's murderer" she told him sobbing and whimpering.

"How did you know?" He asked her

I have heard him speak to the lawyer that he had forced her to sign an agreement, making him my sole custodian and after that she had removed her from our lives" after which she completely broke down and crashed onto his arms.

In the chilly night, he could sense warmth creeping upon them. He hugged her tighter and she rested her head onto his chest. She had stopped crying but was still in thoughts. She snuggled closer and closer. They had sit on that very same bench for hours.

When she saw him adjusting himself without disturbing her, she knew that the back ache was bothering him.

"Let's go home" she whispered

They both didn't bother to break the hug and he took her to their house, side hugging her.

She started having hiccups and he made her drink some water. To lighten up the mood and situation he said, "the cake is teasing my senses and the birthday girl is busy ignoring us" she chuckled at his antics and came forth to cut the cake.

After having the cake and finally parting for sleep, he called her. She turned and raised her brows asking him about the matter.

He came forward and pecked her cheeks. And then quickly pecked her lips. "Peach. I like it" he told her winking, licking his lips.

"Then have more" she said shyly yet boldly

That was one signal he wanted from her. He pecked her lips, which soon changed to gentle kiss and then into a fiery passionate kiss, fighting for dominance. The oxygen tension had broken their encounter and both started panting badly.

He looked up her, who avoided his eyes and already blushing scarlet red. He came further closer and spoke, "this blush suits you more"

And he ran to his room for having a much needed cold shower.

That was yet another sleep deprived night for both of them, not because of the tensions arose between them, but because of the love that had risen.

Ish*ta wanted to have breath of fresh air. She jetted towards the balcony attached to her room. She had leaned towards the railings, enjoying the breeze. When she had once turned to left, she saw him intently gazing at her from his balcony.

"Hi" he mouthed

She smiled and looked beneath , as she couldn't keep a straight gaze

Not sleeping he asked her in actions

Not sleepy, she replied the same way

He asked her out for a walk and she obliged.

The walk was rather silent and peaceful for someone who watched it from outside, but their inner minds were burning with desires and their hearts thumping hard. Raman feared whether she could hear that and Ish*ta was scared thinking about the condition of her chest wall.

After an hour or so, they moved back to home. Raman hugged her instinctively and swayed. He lingered wet open kisses on her neck. He nuzzled her neck and jaw and her senses were set on fire. Unable to bear these sweet tortures, she moaned.

"Ram.. Raman"

That was something beautiful he had ever heard in his life. His name on her lips sounded perfect. He wanted more of it.

He moved further closer and even air can't escape between them. She brought her hands towards his face and that was when he noticed the solitaire she had worn on her ring finger.

He stopped and moved away from her. Ish*ta was left confused. She asked him the reason why he had stopped and he asked her worried

"You never told you're engaged" he told her trying hard to suppress his disappointment

She was left confused and she couldn't speak a word. He didn't wait for her to speak even. He left the hallway and retired to his room.

Ish*ta stood there puzzling and she decided to tell him that, she loves him. Only him.

She planned to make his day special and mentally planned for things to do, when they get back home. Get back to their home and their Ruhi.

The drive back to home was silent. Though Ish*ta had tried initiating a conversation, he chose to ignore the same and up the volume of music box.

After dropping her home and kissing Ruhi goodbye, he left for office.

She decorated his room beautifully and started cooking his favourite Chinese cuisine.

That was when the doorbell rang. It was the interior designer and architect who had come for planning the renovation for her room. After seeing and taking some measurements and photographs , they left.

She tried calling Raman to tell him something but he didn't bother to pick. She tried again and it was in vain.

The door bell rung again and she opened the door to see that gorgeous lady in front of her. The face of his company. The top model of the fashion world. The true inspirational fashionista who had acquired heights within 4-5 months in the industry.

"Ms. Drishti Arora?" She asked her

"For the world and Shagun Arora for my closer ones" she told her smirkingly and entered the home

Ish*ta was dumbstruck. The fear she ever had in her minds is moving in front of her. She gasped. She felt dizzy. She started having black outs and the final image she saw was that of Raman and Ruhi, in his arms.


Raman was busy in a meeting which was highly confidential and this one meeting which is potent to change their worlds upside down. Especially Ish*ta's.

His mood was falling constantly and his mind continuously murmured that Ish*ta needed him. Ending the meeting with the two gentlemen and a lady abruptly and apologising for the inconvenience, promising to catch them later in a conference call, he left the conference room.

He entered his cabin, put on the blinders for the glass walls and sat on his chair. That was when the phone rang.

"Hello, Sir" addressed Mihika, a bit gloomily unlike her usual self

"Yes, Ms. Patel. Anything urgent?" He asked her

"Yes, Sir. Ms. Arora had called and informed that she is unwell" told Ms. Patel. She was aware of her boss' keen interest in Ms. Iyer, which she had rightly guessed in the first day of Iyer' , at the office.

"Who Drishti?"

"No. Ms. Iyer, Sir"

He didn't bother to place the receiver on the phone but flew out of the office, got in the car and zoomed off to his home. No, their home.

Raman didn't bother to follow any traffic rules today. He had only one thing in his mind. Ish*ta. How will be she? He cursed himself for not picking the phone up when he was busy in the meeting. He regretted that he didn't rushed back to home when he had a feel that something ill is gonna happen. Though he expected something bad would happen, it is something worse or the worst that is awaiting him in their house.

Ms. Shagun urf Drishti Arora

"Will she be alright Doctor?" Asked a worried Raman who was seeing off the doctor

"This is the nth time you're asking me Mr. Bhalla. She is alright and it is just that she is a bit weak. Maybe she is stressed about something or you know the efforts a mother takes. Your baby is still young and postpartum women tends to have weaknesses. And it's good to know that you are caring about your wife. Help her with the household things. I have given instructions to Ms. Arora about the medications and other suggestions. Good luck gentleman" Doctor left saying

He wanted to correct that she was not yet Mrs. Bhalla, she was not Ruhi's mother but he couldn't. The part of his heart had already registered her names in these places and he didn't or precisely couldn't change the mere word.

He became remorseful when he remembered how gloomy she was these days, she didn't bother to have proper food or sleep even because he had shouted her on that day. For asking about Shagun.

Crap. She is here. She is back. He had visioned uncertainty before himself and his future, their future. How will he bring the pieces together and build back the perfect family. Ish*ta, Ruhi and him. How will he convince Shagun that he doesn't love her? How will he let her know that all the luxuries she still enjoy at his cost is for Ruhi? How will he make her understand that his one mistake or rather it was her one mistake, which didn't deserve such a punishment that he will have to lead a loveless marriage? Now when the feelings are mutual, his fears had reached a new height. When Ish*ta loves him the way he always wanted her to, he is in the verge of losing her. She will have a heartbreak for no reason of hers. His heart will also be broken. He has Ruhi for solace, whom does she have? He cMihikaot separate a mother and a daughter. He can't be so cruel. He can't separate Ish*ta and Ruhi.

He completely ignored Shagun at home. His every thought lingered about her. The lady who had taught him to love. The lady who is the reason for the smile as well as his tears. A lady about only whom he bothered anymore. He approached her with a steaming hot sweet corn soup. She was resting, sitting with her head on headrest. She was looking at nowhere and was in a very deep thought. The plans she had made for him had gone into the drains. She had no idea whether she will have to replan this anyday in future, because the possibilities of her in this house is also as unclear as this.

"Where is Ruhi?" She asked him when she saw him enter the room

"With Shagun. She will put her to sleep. You take rest"


" I have arranged for a new househelp and you need not do any works from tomorrow. All you need is a good rest"

"Hmm. Ruhi?" She asked him concerned about her daughter

He raised his brows asking her what she meant

"Will she be able to look after Ruhi? I. I can't live without her, Raman. "she started sobbing

"It's okay Ish*ta. She is "

"Her mother. I know. But Raman, who am I then?" She asked her sobs getting louder

Raman started sweating. He never saw this conversation heading that way. He didn't mean to say that. But he understood, she is broken completely. She is as shattered as him, no she was more hurt than him.

He cuddled her and she hugged him back. She held him tighter and started crying loudly, "I need her Raman. I need you. I need both of you. I need three of us Raman"

He couldn't hold back his tears anymore. Tears started paving its way from his eyes. They didn't speak anything anymore. They just sobbed, cries and cried.

She clung on to him as he was her only place of comfort, if she let him lose, she won't be able to live. And she held him as if he was her life supporting system. She breathed him as if he was her oxygen.

In midst both had fallen asleep, cuddling each other. His hands on her waist, her head on his chest and her hands wound around him.

She woke up in the middle of the night feeling heavenly. She snuggled even closer as if he will disappear into thin air if she doesn't cling onto him. Suddenly she became conscious of the situation. She had come back to reality. Her life is not a fairytale. Her story doesn't or wouldn't have a happy ending. But for her it had already come to an end. The moment when Drishti Arora had appeared in front of her. Her love had no future. Neither with Raman nor with Ruhi. She wasn't sure of his feelings towards her. She felt suffocated with the thoughts and more because his hold on her memorises her that he can never be hers. No. He shouldn't control her mind. Her body. Her heart. Her soul. But he is.

She removed herself from him, carefully and softly, as if he is some delicate flower, if handled harshly will be distorted. She went into the washroom, on the shower and stood beneath. The endless tears flowing from her eyes mixed with the water. Her feelings and happiness were drained into the drain. She watched the water flow helplessly, so does her love. Her knees started giving up and she fell on the floor. She kneeled and cried harder and harder. The dripping sound of water was acting as a background score for her sorrow. She didn't know when tiredness took over and she slept sitting on the tub.

It was some minutes later, Raman had recognised that she is not beside him. She is not here. Fear crept over him and he started panicking. What if she had run away from him like she had from her father? What if he cMihikaot find her any further?

He was moving out of the room when he saw lights on in the bathroom. He knocked the door. Once. Twice. Thrice. No reply.

He banged the door. Once. Twice. Thrice. No reply.

He cried out loud and banged again. Ish*ta. Once. Twice.

That was when she had jerked off in sleep and came back to senses. She got up steadily and moved to open the door.

Raman never in his worst dream had expected her to be like this. Her eyes puffy red. Her face pale. She was tired physically and drained mentally. She was drenched head to toe and he couldn't see her like this anymore. He hugged her and started crying terribly. Someone who knew Raman Bhalla well wouldn't believe what had happened. The boy who had left a village in awe, when he had acted strong on his parents' demise, who comforted those who came to comfort him, is here, crying in a woman's warmth.

Not a single drop of tear had escaped from Ish*ta's eyes. She had tried hard to control her emotions. She can't let this man to break her heart. All men close to her chose to break her heart. First, her father. Now, this man. First heartbreak was not because she had chose to, but this is. This is what she had already foreseen, but still had a hope on her destiny. She believed her stars that it would help her someday. Alas. She had been god's favourite toy. First deprived of a mother, then a father whom she considered her world is the reason that she didn't have a mother and this man and their daughter, knowing that he was never hers and neither will be, she chose to love them all. And god had chosen to break her little heart.

But his emotional outburst had lighten a ray of hope inside her. What if the feelings are mutual? What if he really loves her? What if he gives her a chance? All she needed is to ask him. In between all these, she trusted him. She trusted him over everything on earth. She was confident that he would never reject anything she would ask. Even if it was he himself and their little Ruhi daughter.

Soon Raman was aware of their positions. He slowly moved away from her, and slowly moved out of the room. He wished that she would call him once. Stop him once. But, she didn't. On the other hand, she wished that he would stop once. Turned back once. So that she could crush herself onto him.

Raman was standing in the balcony and having a puff of smoke. Ish*ta came forth with his daily morning black coffee, as she didn't see him in the kitchen until now in the morning.

She stood aside, handing him over the cup of coffee and spoke,

"Do you smoke often?"

"Not very often"

"When do you?"


"It's okay if you don't wish to speak out. Take care that you don't do it in Ruhi's presence"

Having Raman feigning igAnanyance of her presence and she thought he is avoiding her, she didn't find it appropriate to stand there anymore and left the balcony, his room, wishing that it was as easy as this to leave his life too.

Raman couldn't stop admiring her. This woman who needed to be upset of all that happening in their lives is still bothered about him and their daughter. He discarded the butt of cigarette and moved out.

"Ms. Patel, cancel all my appointments for the day and if the couple visits, move them to Celtic Manor Resort. And inform me. All other things can wait" he spoke on the phone

"Yes Mr. Bhalla. And how is Ms. Iyer?" She enquired

"Better" he replied and hung the phone

A new temporary maid arrangement was done. She had come and had already started her job.

Ish*ta was resting in her room when Shagun had dropped in. She gestured her to sit besides her.

"How are you been doing?"


"I am really thankful that you've looked after my baby so well. I had to shift my base to Paris and was keeping completely busy that I couldn't even visit once. Thank you so very much that you had taken care of her well in these three months. "

"It was my duty Ma'am"

Their conversation was broken by the wailing of Ruhi. Shagun denied her offer of getting Ruhi and told that she herself would bring her.

Shagun tried everything in her hands to make Ruhi stop crying. The sad thing was that she had started recognising people and their touches. She remembered how hard it was for her to put Ruhi to sleep and herself didn't have much time to look upon Ish*ta , but more of Raman.

She brought Ruhi to Ish*ta's room and Ruhi tried reaching to her. Ish*ta held her in reflex. Ruhi started feeling her eyes, her nose, her lips as if to make sure that she is here. She is really present. When she was sure of it, she stopped crying and started nibbling Ish*ta's cheeks. Soon her whimpers were replaced by giggles and the child was at peace.

Shagun had tears in her eyes seeing that she had lost her child for her career. She doesn't want this career anymore. She needs a commitment now. She needs to talk to Raman. About their marriage.

Ish*ta was busy playing with Ruhi when she had remembered that she had a paediatric appointment today as a part of regular check up. She took her in arms and moved towards his room. His door was ajar. She peeked through it.

Shagun was trying on the blue coloured satin dress which she had saw in the first days of hers. Which he had bought and chose to keep it to himself. And it was for her.

He was not paying any attention towards her. He was lost in deep thoughts. But for a third person it seems that he was admiring the lady in front of him. Suddenly, she extended her arms and engulfed him in her embraces and pecked on his lips.

Ish*ta couldn't stand there anymore and she moved out. Vandita's words started ringing in her ears. What if he really is a? No. He isn't. He can't be. Even after the betrayal she had had, she chose to trust him. This man who is playing with her emotions. Somewhere deep inside she had belief that love never betrays. But what her eyes had caught a couple of seconds back was not dream either. It was reality. The reality which had foreseen but trusted that it won't come. At least not in this manner.

Ish*ta decided to go to the doctor herself. She didn't have the courage to go to his room any further. She didn't have the strength to see their intimacies. She couldn't engulf the abhorrent truth that it was someone else standing in her position or was it she who had been standing in Shagun's position.

"Going out somewhere?" Asked Shagun who was busy cooking in the kitchen

"Well Ya" spoke Ish*ta who had Ruhi in her arms

"What did you try preparing yesterday?"


"Yucks! Raman hates that. I am gonna prepare Italian. His favourite. Would you like to have some?"

"No. Thanks. I will have the soup the maid had prepared for me"

"Good then sweetheart. Get well soon" shot back Shagun spreading her beautiful smile.

Raman had come from his room ready as if to go somewhere.

"Are you going out?" Asked Raman to Ish*ta

"Hmm. Ruhi has an appointment with the Paediatrician" she spoke looking elsewhere

"Where are you going Raman?" Asked Shagun

"I have an important meeting. I will be late. " he informed

"Well. Then we can take Ruhi to doc first. I will come in a jiffy. Wait a sec. I am getting ready" ,she turned the burner off and ran to her room. She called out in between,

"No need to bother Ish*ta. We will take her. You take rest"

Ish*ta stood there for few seconds and glared at him albeit. Raman didn't have the courage to look up. After today's meeting, all the uncertainties will be clear. He needed time till then to clear the air. He needed time to have her back, again.

Footsteps of Shagun had broken their trances. Ish*ta was to move back when she saw that his collar was not properly set and a button was missing .

She moved towards him, but before she could reach him, Shagun had already reached him and offered him help. Seeing Shagun close to him again, after the morning incident, she couldn't hold on it anymore. She felt her own mouth tasting acid. She gently placed Ruhi in her pram and walked back to her room.

It was one of the mornings, after Raman had stopped speaking to her, he was busy playing with Ruhi and being the notorious her, she had plucked a button from his shirt. He was already getting late and didn't have any shirt pressed. She moved forward with the tailoring kit and sewed his button. That was the first time they were being so close. She inched closer and rested her head on his chest. His body stiffened at her touch. Her warm breath on his chest had caused goosebumps for him and his warmth embracing her neck and hairs were driving her crazy. Gently cutting the thread with her pearl like teeth.

She set his shirt neatly and bid him to office.

The roll of events played in both their minds. Raman couldn't hold on anymore. He jerked off her hands and moved into his room and changed his shirt and came.

Ish*ta was standing on the balcony to get a glimpse of the perfect family. Seeing the three in a frame and herself out if it had hurt her innerself terribly. But what had happened to be a medicine to her wounds was his shirt. She had smiled involuntarily. By the time they had already left in his car.

Shagun is way more beautiful than she had ever thought of. Ish*ta felt herself very small in front of her. The blue eyes, which she had rightly guessed, is of Shagun's. No wonder Ruhi is so beautiful, a handsome dad and a gorgeous Mom she has. She tried consoling her mind telling that this was never her world. He was never hers. Time and agIn reminding herself of the reality. As she couldn't divert her minds from the thoughts, she caught hold of the remote control and switched on the TV. Raman usually watches NEWS. And she badly hated that. She had always adored him watching news. She had never seen a single headline if news when he is with her because she will be busy watching his expression, joy, exasperation, sorrow, relief and what all.

Today's headlines had caused her to glare into the TV. The news was of a press conference held by the business magnate Mr. Viswanathan Iyer.

Held for his daughter, Ish*ta Iyer.

"Ish*ta went missing exactly 5 months and 12 days ago. She had always had a dream of going for her last spinster vacation to anywhere in the world. We have thought that she had gone for that holiday. But no. Not a single penny of money was withdrawn from her account. Mr. Iyer is still oblivious of the fact that why she had The chances of kidnap are ruled out because nobody had called for a ransom.

Over to you Mr. Iyer. You speak to your daughter"

Stopped the Lawyer.

"You know right how much I love you. I trust you that you will come to me one day. I am being restless about that one day. Now I fear that may the one day not be my funeral. I need to see you. I know you are in Wales. My people had spotted you in a mall a couples of months back. I didn't take you away because I wanted you to come back, wholeheartedly. I am sure that I haven't committed any mistakes Princess. If anywhere you felt I didn't give you enough love, forgive this oldman. You know right, if we don't get enough love, love back more and the reciprocation will be greater. I am sorry. I am afraid that death would take away me without seeing you for one last time. Please Berry, Oldie Vishu misses you"

The man who was tagged a ruthless, cold hearted, pitiless man is crying in front of the world. For his Berry. It seemed that the whole world is crashing down for Ish*ta.

Had she committed a mistake in judging her dad? Had she really committed a grave sin assuming out a whole story out of pieces of information?

All she is not confused is about the love her father had given her. He probably loved her more than any father in the world. Even more than Raman loved Ruhi. If she is deprived of a mother because her Dad, she shouldn't sulk because she was never deprived of a mother's love. Her dad had given her all. All he had. His life, his property, his soul, his mind, his love,love&love. He never bothered to marry again because he couldn't share his time with her with someone else. He loved her so much.

"I need to go back to him. I love you Vishu and your Berry is sorry" she determined.

The doorbell had rung and the workers for renovating her room had arrived.

She called Raman and asked him to stop this

"Ruhi will be allergic. Please. I don't need this"

"This is a gift Ish*ta. You're bound to keep this. And about the paint, I have arranged the best and fine quality. It won't stink and affect children. Trust me" he hung

Her things were moved to the adjacent guest room and after some works done, they have sealed the room and left.

Raman had arrived after his meeting exhausted and the maid was leaving the house when he entered. Ish*ta had dozed off on the couch probably after the emotional outbursts she had and had seen. He gently picked her up in his arms and moved to his room. He placed her softly on the bed and gazed intently at her. Though she was awake, she couldn't snatch his chance of having peace and loving her.

As he flipped the locks of hair falling on her face, blocking his view, she opened her eyes. She locked her eyes with him. They had a long eyelock which displayed slideshows of emotions. Content to happy to confusion to uncertainty to worry to sorrow to care to love to accusations to anger to every single emotion in the world.

"I am going back." She broke the silence

"Hmm. I got to know but"

"Now I can arrange for the millions of pounds you need" she smiled as tears trickled down

"Will you please stay here for a week?" He pleaded

"Please don't make it hard for me"

"3 days. Don't I deserve?" He asked her

Her heart had winced with pain. She can't leave him broken. Not 3 days but she is ready to sacrifice a lifetime for him.


"heyy Raman. Ruhi's room is locked. Where do I keep the stuffs?" Asked Shagun who had come back after her shopping parade.

"In the other room" he told her coldly

"Hey Ish*ta. Aren't you keeping well? What happened?" Asked Shagun faking concern

"Nothing much. It is just that I am leaving the job and we were having a conversation regarding that" she told sadly

"Good" Shagun flashed a smile

Ish*ta and Ruhi were asked to occupy the guest room and Shagun willingly dropped into Raman's bedroom. Ish*ta chose to ignore and cherish the last days with Ruhi.

It was past midnight when Ish*ta had felt thirsty and saw Raman struggling sleeping on the couch. She tapped him and he got up with a jerk. She asked him why he was sleeping here and he just smiled at her.

When she was about to move, he asked, "shall we have a walk?"

"We as in?"

"Ruhi, you and I"

"Hmm. I will come now, have a Vishuet for yourself. It is chilling outside "

"Yup. Five minutes. "

"Don't you think it is very cold here?" He asked her

"Yes. It was you who needed the walk"

"Well. We had already started this but you can do something with the cold"


"Come closer. Let me engulf your warmth"

"Raman" she blushed profusely

"I can't control myself when you shy away, when you pout, when you smile"

"Stop it Raman, please" she begged shyly

He embraced her in a side hug and she moved closer. Ruhi was safe in her Parents' warmth.

The insecurity crept inside Ish*ta's mind. This warmth will be lost forever. She wanted to enjoy it for the moment but she was afraid whether she will be able to part if she stayed any longer. She moved far away from him and sat on the bench.


"Please Mr. Bhalla"

"Mr. Bhalla? What is wrong with you?"

"I. I don't know."

"Do you trust me?"


"Will you trust me with the darkest secrets of my life?"


"I was badly upset that evening regarding some personal issues, and I had gone for a drive to the farmhouse we visited that day. I wanted to have a couple of shots and I wanted to forget all my pains. I was having puffs after puffs, when I had seen a car approaching mine. I have quickly turned my car and had crashed into a tree. And the other car, it had hit into another heavy vehicle. And the man who was driving it had died on the spot"

"Is this the accident which had given you the backache?"

"Yes. The man who had died that day was Aditya Khanna and the lady with him in the passenger seat was Shagun Khanna nee Arora. Shagun and Aditya had drunk alot and where completely not in their senses. But all she did after coming into senses was blaming me. Blaming me for killing her husband and for killing her baby's dad. I had a look at the baby, sympathising that, I fell in love with her."


"Ananya Aditya Khanna until I saw her, Ruhi Raman Bhalla after I had"

"I offered to adopt her. I know that I was not at fault. But still, I had already had an invisible bond with her. I loved her the same way I had loved someone years ago. I couldn't leave her there to suffer. I wanted her with. I needed her with me. I know she could nurse my broken heart, she can decorate my gloomy lonely life. She could be the reason for me to live. I was a father at that moment when I saw her.

Shagun is an ambitious woman. She needed to fulfil her dreams. Her aspirations. Aditya was never supportive of her dreams of persuading career in fashion. After a fortweek, when she seemed to have relaxed and accepted the calamity, I approached her. I would fulfil her dreams but she had to give me our daughter. She was reluctant at first, but agreed stating that if I get married to someone someday, she will take her back. And also, when she tends to have a permanent income, she will take her away. She had just given me her to take care of her until she settles in life.

After seeing our bonding, her mind had changed. She wanted me to be the father of her child, legally. She wanted me to marry her" he stopped crying

"I can't let her go away from me. I can't afford losing you. I have failed in life big time."

She couldn't believe the man sitting her side. Is he really a human? The name Angel matched him more. Her arrogant angel. She smiled through her tears. She was proud. She was proud that she loved this gem of a person. She was proud even if their ways don't meet, she will have to cherish the fact that she had loved this awesome man. She had enough to live with his memories. She had enough to move on in life. She had enough to live. She was grateful that she had been with him, where these months had given her inspiration to face everything in life.

"I am proud of you and you are too good.she will never loose you" she told and held him closer.

Other than them, there were a pair of eyes who had watched all the scenes unfold. A lone tear escaped from her eyes.

Ruhi was sleeping peacefully in her crib. Raman was insisted to sleep on bed. He couldn't deny his Ish*ta, knowing how stubborn she can be. He had lied on his stomach and she was massaging his back. Unlike last time, where she was not sure of her feelings, today it was rather more passionate. Soon her hands were replaced by her mouth and when he couldn't take it more, he turned around and pinned her onto the bed.

"My turn sweetheart " he whispered huskily

She blushed profusely and shied away

"Look into my eyes. See the effect you have on me" he said hoarsely

Trailing her stomach, bosom and neck with kisses, he reached the crook of her neck. She hugged him in reflex. Her hands were doing magic on hi back and he was busy kissing her. His kisses now trailed from her neck to jaw, cheeks, chin, eyes and forehead. He completely ignored her luscious lips.

When he was about to get up, she stopped him and pouted.

"Don't do that. I can't control"

"Then don't " and this time she initiated the kiss

Moments later when they broke apart, she was flushed.

He glared at her sexily and she felt nervous. She bit her lips when he spoke again

"Aren't you satisfied with what you got? Stop tempting me" and again captured her lips in a soul searing kiss

After the kiss, he moved away. She was doubtful that she had committed any mistakes or maybe he is not satisfied with her kiss.


"I can't take it any longer Ish*ta. I can't mark you mine today. Not until I am sure of our future. Please" spoke Raman as a perfect gentleman

"That doesn't mean that you will not sleep cuddling me"

She told spreading her hands wide

And he grinned ear to ear.

"I have an invitation for a ball" he told Ish*ta excitedly

"Enjoy the evening" replied Ish*ta

"It's a couple thing. How will I dance in the ball? All alone or should I see some hot happening chicks?" He asked her naughtily winking

Her expression changed from calm to shooting daggers through eyes

"Your name should be Ish*ta Green nor Ish*ta Iyer. See you're green with jealousy. Why shouldn't you be? You're plump as plum" he joked earning a smack from her and she playfully slapped his arms

"WoW! When is the event Raman? What shall I wear?" Asked Shagun moving out of his room

"I. How can I take you?"

"Oh come on Raman. We are getting married. Won't you take a chance to introduce your fiance to the corporate world?"

"Well we will have a lifetime for that. Tonight I am taking Ish*ta with me" he spoke the ultimatum

"Why will you take a bloody cheap low class maid with you? She is a mere nMihikay. Or is this bitch satisfying you in some other way? Why the bloody effing are you so obsessed with her? This cheapster had lured you for money. Hadn't she?" Smirked Shagun.

"Shut your filthy mouth up Shagun. I know how to shut your mouth up" thundered Raman

"Which way? The way you shut this wh**e's?" Roared back Shagun

Raman had lifted his arms to hit her hard on her face. But he stopped midway.

"I can't hurt you because you had given me Ruhi. But that doesn't give you the license to speak nonsense. The person about whom you had spoke so lowly is the one your daughter loves more than you god dammit." He shouted angrily

He started throwing things to get rid of his anger

Shagun moved back to the guest bedroom.

Ish*ta gently placed her hands on his shoulders and he softened upon the touch

"I am sorry" he mouthed

"Had it been you who had told these I would've been hurt. If you had hurt her, I would've been. But neither happened, I am alright. I don't give ears to what others say. For me you three are my world. My Dad, My Ruhi and You"

"It could've been better if you had told My Raman" he told her dreamily complaining

"Get ready for the evening. And I am not going to office today. I can't trust her with you. I can't take chances"

"But I have nothing to wear"

"We will see and I need to tell you one more thing"


"Mr. Iyer is invited"


"And you could manage right?"

"I don't know how will I apologise to him. Do I really need to come with you?"

"One day or the other you will have to see him. Face him today, when I am with you. Confront him"

"I trust him Raman. I don't want to know the truth anymore. It doesn't bother me"

Raman was still astonished and didn't know what had caused her to change her mind.

"This dress was for Shagun right?"

"This was always yours. I didn't have the courage to give you then"

Ish*ta had come ready in that blue gown and she looked breathtakingly marvellous. The dress had matched her complexion perfectly. Her hair was let free with curls at the end. She had a silver clutch in her hands and had worn a pair of silver stilettos.

Raman was busy gazing at her who himself was dressed to kill. Dressed in a black tux with a blue bow complimenting her dress, he was not less than any handsome man on earth. He moved towards her, tucked her hairs behind ears which curtained her beautiful face. He lifted her chin with his index finger and made her face him.

He took out a box from his pocket and opened it. It had a beautiful antique diamond earrings crafted in platinum.

He himself made her wear that and together left for the party.

The party was a great event, the press and paparazzi were ready to capture the delegates and the celebrities of corporate world. Ish*ta felt odd because this was the first party she is attending not because of her name, but accompanying someone. After Raman had dismissed the media, he stepped inside. It was difficult to identify others because of the masks. That was a boon for Ish*ta. Her eyes kept on searching for Vishu. Raman was busy with his colleagues. That was when a man had approached Ish*ta

"Would you like to have a dance with me Ms. ?"

"Ehmm. Actually I am with someone "

"I'm not asking you out for a date Jellybean . It's a ball and what else we do other than dancing"

"Oh my! Mihir. You? I haven't recognise you. How come you here?"

"Mr. Iyer health is been keeping bad and I had come representing your company."

"How is Dad? I'm sorry , I have hurt him bad"

"Please don't keep him waiting for long. He really loves you."

"Hey Gentleman. She is with me." Spoke Raman

Mihir stood there puzzled.

He shook hands with Raman and spoke

"You didn't say Mr. Raghav is accompanying you for the party. Have you been living with him?"

Raman's grip on Mihir's hand had tightened and Mihir looked onto his face

"Mr. Raman Bhalla, the name is"

"Sorry, Mihir Pathak"

"Nice meeting you gentleman. Please excuse us"

Ish*ta and Raman had moved towards the drink section.

"Do you need a shot?"

"No. I had stopped drinking and smoking that night. When I met Ruhi. Had smoked only once after that."


"Are you going to have?"

"I wanted to. But not anymore"

"Heyy. What happened?"

"Please take me away from here Raman. Please" cried Ish*ta

They were out of the venue and were sitting on the bench.


"He is not keeping well. And"

"You're the reason"

"I'm sorry"

"Tell him"

"Were I wrong?"

"With the pieces of information you had, you aren't. But for the whole truth, you're "


"Will you trust me with the darkest secrets of your life?"


"Will you stop loving Mr. Iyer after what I say?"

"No. I can't hate him. I can never hate him. Whatever crime he had committed, he never wronged me"

"What if I say the biggest lie, the biggest crime he had committed, is you?"

"Please Raman. Don't beat around the bush"

"I don't know Ish*ta how to tell you this. But trust me, trust Vishu, he is an awesome man. He loves you. He loved your Mother too much. He loved her even after knowing she had cheated him. Even after knowing that she had an illegitimate child, out of their wedlock. He loved her trusting that she will someday love him back. But she plMihikaed to leave him and elope with her boyfriend, demanding a divorce and a huge alimony. He had agreed upon divorce under one condition that the baby will be with him. And Ish*ta, that illegitimate child is you. He just wanted a part of your mother to live his life. He loved your Mom so much. He didn't want you to grow up hating her. What your mother couldn't think about you, he had."


"Speak something"


"I'm sorry"

"What I have been thinking mine was never mine"

"No Ish*ta. Don't doubt Mr. Iyer. He was always yours"

"No. No. No. No" she screamed on top of her voice

"It was all a bloody sympathy. He had bought me with his money."

"So did I buy Ruhi. I don't love her. Do I?"

"No Raman. You're too good. You do love her. I have seen"

"So do Mr. Iyer. You had only seen my love, but you've felt his love."

"I. I am sinner. I just don't know. I don't want to live anymore. Please, I" her words were replaced by her sobs

"Ish*ta. See here. Look at me. He loves you and so does you. Love is not born out of blood Darling."


After some more sobs and cries, Ish*ta dozed off and Raman carried her and drove back home.

"Are we home?"


"Raman. Tomorrow "


"I am joining Vishu"


"Tonight, can I have Ruhi with me?"



"I can manage on the couch"

"Won't you fulfil my this last wish?"

"Shhh. You're not going anywhere. You will soon join me"

"Let us don't plant and water false hopes"

"Keep all these thoughts aside. Let's enjoy the moment now. Let's see how my princess is doing"

The apartment was completely dark. There weren't any traces of lights. Raman switched on the lights and found no one in the living area. Panic struck him, so did Ish*ta. They frantically search for Ruhi and Shagun in the whole house and couldn't trace them

"Raman, they're not here"

Raman wished that the earth split up and bury him deeper. What he had always feared had happened. They're gone. She is gone. That too without telling him a goodbye. Without kissing him a goodbye

Raman fell on ground and started assimilating what are happening around. That was when his phone rang

"Shagun calling"

Showed the screen



"I am sorry"

"Where the bloody hell are you?"

"I'm going back to Paris"

"I need you and Ruhi, here, right now"


"Else I will screw you, your career and everything. Get that clear and make your pea sized brain understand that not to be oversmart. I need Ruhi here right now. Else I will file a suit against you. I Ma her legal custodian until she is five"

"Raman, please see the papers on the coffee table"

Raman picked up the paper and he felt shiver run through his spine seeing the court stamp on the envelope. The envelope had the legal papers transferring all her rights and custodies to Mr. Raman Bhalla and Ms. Ish*ta Iyer. And that, Ms. Shagun Arora or anyone from the Khannas or Aroras would come seeking her custody. Raman felt himself standing on nails. How can he think so lowly about a mother? How can he doubt her intensions and her love?


"She is at the Reddy's"

"I am"

"Thank you. I have seen you three making a perfect family. I am just an odd one out. I had only needed a father for her. I can't deprive her the love of a father. When she is getting a mother as a bonus, I am happy. Just take care of her and please, don't hate me. All I have done was just to draw you both closer together. Good luck. And always tell her that am a special aunt of hers. Can't you do this Raman?"


"Sorry for being rude to Ish*ta, it was just see how strong her love is for you and most importantly for my Ruhi"

Shagun hung up the phone stating that it was time for the flight

Ish*ta stood there confused not understanding what is actually happening around.

"She is with Vandita and Shagun had left"

They both had changed their clothes into casuals and were sitting on the bench.

"Shagun is an awesome mom unlike my"

"But ultimately what their daughters have got is best right?"


"Hey. Did I ever tell you that I trust you?"


"Did I ever tell you that I love you?"

Ish*ta nervously started biting her lips and nodded her head with tears brimming

"You always cry. And I hate that"

"Did I ever tell you that I need you?"

"You did. You did a million times that night and you crushed yourself onto me so hard that my god, I thought my ribs would fracture. You're so fat"

"I am not fat, I am fit"

"Fit my foot"



"I love you too"

"Why do we always open up our hearts on these benches?"

"I don't know"

"These are an inevitable part of our story. I am gonna own all these in Wales and London. As a token of my love"

"Say something that you can do. Don't boast around"

"I will always love you and that doesn't make you fat any lesser"


And she smacked him, hit him on his chest and their fights were soon passionate encounters and their sweet nothings hummed in the air.

Suddenly Ish*ta's grip on his shirt tightened. He embraced her more to himself and she started resisting. He looked into her eyes as if questioning her. All he could see was fear, worry and uncertainty. But Raman was confident. He knew that he will somehow win her. He can't let her go from himself as earlier. He couldn't afford to hurt her or Ruhi.

"Shhh. Stay calm. Everything is gonna be alright."

"But. But I feel. I feel that. This is. Our last. Last night together" she hiccuped

"Heyy. Don't you trust me? Or don't you trust our love?"


"Do you really have to leave tomorrow?"



"A few moments ago, when you couldn't find Ruhi, the hell broke loose for you. I still don't understand how Vishu survived. Raman, I love you. I love him too. I am sorry, I love him a little more now. I am so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you"

Raman's hold on her loosened

"I will always remain a stranger I know"

She cupped his face and pecked on his nose, keeping their foreheads adherent she spoke,

"Only because of him I have gotten you. I love you both equally but a part of my love to you is for him also. So his balance is heavier. But I love you and Ruhi more than you can imagine. More than I can"




"Ram" her words trailed off as Raman gently nibbled her full lips and their smooch were lit by the moonlight.

They had yet again slept cuddling each other and she held him so tight as if she will lose him forever if let loose.

Their beauty sleep was interrupted by the ringing sound of bell. Ish*ta got up from the bed slowly and strode towards the main door. Ruhi was wailing in Vandita's arms and she immediately reached out for her.

"Hey Princess "

"So, Ms. Iyer don't you think it's time for you to go back to Mr. Iyer. I never thought that you eloped with Raman. Poor you fianc."


"Don't worry I will look after Ruhi and Raman"


"Okay I have to leave now. Guests for lunch"


Ish*ta had bathed herself and Ruhi and had gotten ready. Raman was reading newspaper when the doorbell rang. He opened the door and was shocked to see Mihir, Viswanathan and many other from the personnel department.

"Berry" called out Viswanathan

Ish*ta came out of the room with Ruhi in tow.

She didn't know how to react. She didn't expect him to be here. But he is.


And what followed was a heart wrenching reunion of a father and his dear daughter. Their complaints , their sorrows, their life without each other, how much they missed each other and everything had brought tears in every pairs of eyes present including Ruhi's who was crying because her Dad and Mom was.

"Dad this is Ruhi. Ruhi this is grandpa and this is"

"I" Viswanathan was about to say the he knows him but decided against it seeing Raman gesturing not to

"This is Raman" she warmly introduced them to her Dad

"Okay gentleman. Shall we take the leave? Can I take my daughter?"

"Yes, of course Sir" he told his words trailing midway

Though she had expected the worse and but this was worst. Bidding them farewell was not easy. Raman stood there helpless as she started moving out. Ruhi had started crying and she stopped for a moment, ran back to him and engulfed both of them into her warmth.

"Be a good girl. Mom will be back"

"Ma. Ma. Mamma" spoke Ruhi

Tears after tears were making ways through her eyes

She wanted to run away now, else she couldn't

"Take care Raman"

"You too"


"Vandu will help me"

"Stay away from her" spoke Ish*ta possessively

"Your dress is already green. You are getting too. She has got engaged and her fianc is there for lunch today"

"Even then stay away. Don't let her peck you"

"Come back soon"

"I wish"

And she stepped outside. A moment she was back in home to her room and was back with the red dress and blue dress he had gifted her

"I want to treasure these"

And in a moment she was out of the house. And then out of the city and out of the country.

Ruhi had accompanied her dad to office who was busy with some works which were to be completed immediately. It was quite late when Raman was back home. Gently placing sleeping Ruhi on his bed, he had gone to the washroom.

The moment Ish*ta had left, he too left for office. He didn't want to spoil his mood thinking about it. This was one day bound to happen. And he was relieved that it hadn't happened quickly but he was prepared. But now when he is back home, he can't resist himself from thinking about her. The cool water flowing through his manly body reminisced the open mouth kissed that lingered over it. Unable to take it anymore, he completed his shower quickly and moved back to his room.

He was standing on the balcony enjoying the drizzle with a cup of coffee,

"A cup of coffee with two teaspoons of cream and two teaspoons of sugar" as she says

"It's too sweet " he chuckled and mumbled to himself

His chain of thoughts were disrupted by Ruhi's cries

He had tried everything in his hands to stop her, but she didn't budge. She was reaching out for his hair and first time in life he regretted not growing his hair.

Ish*ta had pampered her so much and let her play with her hair to sleep, Ruhi had formed a habit out of it. Even he is used to her long tresses which caressed his face when they sleep.

His phone rang and he lifted the call. The number was a private one.


"Missed me?"



"I am at peace"

"You'll soon rest in peace. Is my daughter bothering you?"

"No. She likes my company. She is happy that you're not around disturbing"

"It's just you and her right?"


"She can't sleep without playing with my hair"

"So overconfident. Don't other girls have long hair?"

"I am gonna come over there to kill you"





"I miss you"

"Come on skype"

"Oh my princess, I am here" acknowledged Ish*ta seeing her whimpering child

Ruhi looked into her direction and squealed with joy.

"Ma. Ma"


Ruhi tried reaching out for her. She giggled showing her erupted teeth. She clapped her hands in utter joy.

"Missed my hair?" Asked Ish*ta flaunting her long tresses

"Don't frighten my child. You look like a witch"

"Oh come on. Someone likes my open tresses"



"Well someone is missing your hair badly here"

"Who?" Asked Ish*ta naughtily

"Of course, Ruhi"

"And her Dad too"



"I miss your eyes, your gaze, your fragrance, your crinkling nose, your lips and the"

"Stop it. You're becoming shameless in front of your daughter"

"Am I? You're the reason"

"Ruhi, take care of your Dad. Mamma is feeling tired. Sleep baby ummmuaah"

Ruhi smiled as if agreeing to her

"Was that only for her?"



" ok bye. Take care"


The screen blacked out. He felt a sudden emptiness engulfing him. He watched Ruhi who was content now and kissed her.

After Ruhi was put to sleep, his phone had beeped. Her sweet voice. He felt a thousand times better.


"Ruhi asleep?"


"So you needed something "

"What? I don't "

"Don't you?"

And their conversation had continued till it was dawn and when he could no longer her sound, he realised she was fast asleep. Without wasting a moment, he had started his plans for the day.


"The Raghavs are here for lunch today"


"Aren't you happy with the marriage?"


"Please Ish*ta. I really wish that you marry Abhimanyu. You'll love him, such a nice guy he is"


"Won't you marry him Berry? Won't you fulfil my last wish. Or should I speak the Raghavs?"

"I need time Dad. Let them come over for lunch as plMihikaed" she told as lump formed in her throat

Mrs and Mr. Raghav had arrived at around 1030. After around a fifteen minutes, came over Raman Bhalla with Ruhi Bhalla in tow.

"Hey Gentleman"

"Hi Sir"

"You need to ask me something?"

"Can you spare me a couple of minutes. Can I meet her once?"

"Of course gentleman"

Mrs. Raghav had insisted to look upon Ruhi until he spoke with her

Ish*ta was sitting with her chin on knee, confused what to do ahead in life. She can't hurt Raman, her Dad or herself. She was bewildered. That was when she heard a voice

"Thinking about me?"


"Heyy. Aren't you happy seeing me?"



"Just go away. Why am I hallucinating so much?@

"You're not. I am here for real"


"Well. Gonna marry the Raghav? Have seen them downstairs"

"I don't know"

"Are you happy?"

"I am not"

"Will you be if you marry him?"


"What if I say yes?"


"Remove that ring"

She obeyed as a mMihikaered child. He kneeled on one knee and spoke

"Will you share a lifetime with me? Will you be my life partner, my soulmate, my bestfriend, my foe, my love and mother of my Ruhi?"

She stood there numb when he slipped the ring into her finger.

"You didn't reply sweetheart"

"What did you do now?"

"Didn't you understand?"


"Whom do you want to marry me as, Raman Bhalla or Abhimanyu Raghav?"

"Are you kidding with me?"

"Didn't you understand even now?"


"I am the arranged"


"I am the Raghavs' foster. So whom do you want, Raman or Abhimanyu?"

"How? Like? No"


"I can't believe it"

"Truth is open"


"Shhh. You didn't reply. Will you marry me?"



"Because I want you to marry me"

He took her in his arms and swirled around

Ish*ta had known during lunch that her Dad did know that she was with Raman. And the people Raman was attending when she was not well were the three in front of her. She smiled at her destiny and turned crimson. The discussion that followed was of their wedding which was scheduled a week later

"It's too long" sighed Raman crinkling his nose

The others laughed over his plight.

It was then decided the venue and other things, and along with that, it was decided that Ruhi would be living with her mom and her Dad was strictly asked to not to meet or bother her Mom. Raman was utterly disappointed. "I would've eloped and registered out marriage." He muttered under breath

Soon everyone dispersed and the Raghavs departed to their home. Raman kissed Ruhi and handed her over to Ish*ta and didn't bother to mind her existence even.

"Dah! This man and his attitude"

It was past midnight when she heard a knock on her french window. She was really scared and slowly tiptoed towards the balcony


"Fatty! Open the door"


"Please open the door"

They were sitting on the swing in her balcony and enjoying the snowfall.

"How did you get in? What if someone saw you?"

"I have bribed the security"

"Bribed or threatened"

"Leave it"

"Hmm. Your parents?"

"Well. I have been adopted by them, when I was 8 years old"


"They have kept my name Abhimanyu but I wanted to be established on my own so"


"They love me dearly. You too"

And then he spoke a lot of about his parents and he left when it was about to be 5

This routine had continued for the remaining days. During the daytime, they will be together for shopping and wedding plans and at night, together at their full glory. It was a night before their marriage. Their last night as a bachelor and bachelorette.

He had come over with a bouquet of daffodils.

"What is so special today?"

"Last day I am gonna tell my fatty GF Ms. Ish*ta Iyer, I love you"

"Won't you tell me after tonight?"


She was hurt and disappointed beyond her level.

"From tomorrow I would only be loving my wife. Mrs. Ish*ta Bhalla"

She blushed at the thought of calling Mrs. Bhalla

He handed her over the bouquet of flowers and spoke

"I love you"

"I love you"


"Daffodils are my favourite"

"You're mine"


At a party, where Raghavs and Iyer were present

A young girl comes in with a bouquet of daffodils

A boy mesmerised by her beauty, asks her

"Don't you think rose is better?"

"Daffodils are my favourite "

"You're mine"



Ish*ta blushed and returned.

"Why didn't you continue the family business of Raghav?"

"I had to start a business and earn money and fame to win you. I solely needed to set myself. I wanted to make myself"

" I am not here for your money" she spoke offended with his words

"Neither I am"


"I had never agreed upon marriage because of you. Mom and Dad had plMihikaed a surprise for me without disclosing the name of the person I got engaged to "

"Why didn't you come for the engagement?"

"Remember the accident. And I was afraid whether she will accept my child"

"It was all destiny and bound to happen. If it was arranged, I don't think I would've accepted Ruhi and you"

"It's all about destiny. I have always felt that you are my destination but the difference is that, only at this destination I can start my journey of life"

Their eyes locked in symphony

Their fingers locked in unison

Their lips locked in melody

Their hearts locked in excitement

Their souls locked in peace

Their dreams locked in beauty

Their destiny locked in love


Ish*ta was distressed and hurt by something. It was an hour Raman had started asking her the matter

"I didn't want it to happen. I an sorry. Will you forgive me?"

"Will you speak out for god sake?"

"We've decided"

That was when Ruhi had come to them running

"Mom, Dad. Brad is so small. He is so cute. I love him Mom. I need someone like him. He is so cute like a hamster. Shagun auntie told that he would soon grow up and play with me" spoke Ruhi who was excited about meeting her favourite Shagun auntie's little son.

"We will." Told Raman winking at Ish*ta

Ruhi was more than happy and went to share her excitement to others.

"We only wanted Ruhi. We don't want another child right? What if we, we are biased Raman?"

"No Ish*ta. We won't be. We love her and another child won't anywhere lessen the love. Instead we will love her more. We're so close today is because of her and she is our symbol of love, the new child will be our symbol of togetherness"


"Shall I start my work. I am ready to take the effort " he spoke naughtily winking at her

Ish*ta started looking elsewhere blushing

"Three years to marriage and you are still shy"

"You need not take the effort"

"Why?" He asked rather shocked

"Because he is already in here" she spoke pointing her finger to her tummy

Raman was on cloud nine. He took Ish*ta in his arms. He danced and suddenly stopped

"I am sorry. You should rest now"

"Are you happy?"

"Do you dance when you're sad?"


"I love you." He spoke kissing her tummy

"See I am turning so fat. And I am ugly" spoke Ish*ta the thousandth time gazing herself in the mirror

"You're looking wonderful sweetheart" spoke Raman to comfort Ish*ta who is struggling with her mood swings and hormones

"Will you stop loving me if I will be sooo fat?" She asked him in a childish mMihikaer

He chuckled at his wife's tantrum and told

"You were always fat" and earned a playful slap from his sweetheart

He hugged her and then backed off, kneeling, he whispered

"Champ come out soon. I can't hug your Mom closely because of you" he threatened his child.

"Ruhi, what do you want to call your brother?"

"Hmmm. Dad lemme think. I will name her after my favourite character "

Ish*ta stood there shocked preparing her son to be named Tom, Jerry, Silvester, Pikachu or anything

"Aditya" called out Ruhi

Tears struck Ish*ta, Raman and Shagun's eyes.

Ish*ta asked Raman later,

"Are you happy with the name?"

"The man who had given me Ruhi. His name is the best for my son"

It was not a happily ever after that followed. They fought, they argued, they angered but they didn't stop loving each other

Edited by Yellowfrog - 8 years ago

Daffodils Full Story:- UPDATED | Ye Hai Mohabbatein (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.