Thirty-Six Questions - Chapter 5 - Anonymous (2024)

Chapter Text

As the timer started, Chris and Matt settled into their positions, initially following along with the experiment's instructions in silence. Their eyes locked, and they both tried to focus on the task at hand.

Matt felt a little tense and uncomfortable, shifting slightly in his seat as he struggled to maintain his focus, feeling the weight of the silence between them.

But then, he noticed a playful glint in Chris' eyes and Matt's initial tension began to ease, replaced by a sense of familiarity and competition. He responded with a knowingly narrowed gaze, silently accepting the challenge. The atmosphere shifted as they both leaned into the unspoken contest, turning the moment into a playful and intense staring match, each determined not to be the first to blink.

They stared each other down, their eyes locked in a silent, unyielding challenge. Chris' gaze was steady, filled with a mix of determination and playful defiance, while Matt's eyes narrowed with equal resolve. Neither of them spoke, their expressions mirroring the intensity of their silent duel.

But as the seconds stretched, their unwavering gazes began to falter and Chris' eyes started to water slightly. Matt felt the strain as well, his eyes burning and his focus wavering. The intensity of the moment was giving way to the physical challenge of maintaining the stare. Both of them shifted slightly, their determination battling against the natural urge to blink. The playful competition was pushing their limits, and the struggle was evident in their faces as they fought to keep their eyes locked.

Chris felt a burning determination to win, but he could feel his resolve weakening as his eyes began to sting and water. Desperation crept in, and he knew he was seconds away from losing. And in a last-ditch effort, he resorted with a mischievous grin. He suddenly clapped his hands loudly just by Matt's line of sight and shouted, "Boo!"

The unexpected noise and motion made Matt jump slightly, his eyes blinking reflexively.

"Ha! Gotcha!" Chris exclaimed triumphantly, unable to contain his laughter.

Matt blinked rapidly, realizing what had happened. "You cheated!" he protested.

Chris remained defiant, crossing his arms. "I didn't cheat," he insisted.

"You forced me to blink," Matt argued, still in disbelief.

"As long as I didn't touch you, it doesn't count," Chris retorted confidently. "Therefore, I'm not a cheater." His grin widened as he defended his victory, clearly enjoying the playful dispute.

Matt opened his mouth to retort but stopped himself, realizing there was no point in continuing the dispute. Instead, he remembered the original purpose of their staring countdown and why they had embarked on this exercise in the first place.

He decided to let it go, glancing at the phone. "How far has the timer gone?"

Chris checked the screen. "Thirty seconds," he replied.

Matt shook his head in slight disbelief. "Only thirty?" he echoed, eyebrows raised.

Chris shrugged nonchalantly as they eased back into staring at each other.

After a while, Chris started to giggle to himself, unable to contain his amusem*nt. Matt glanced at him curiously, breaking the silence. "What's so funny?" he asked, a faint smile tugging at his lips.

Chris grinned mischievously and leaned in slightly closer. "Nothing," he replied playfully. "Just wondering how long you could ever resist blinking when you're staring into these baby blues." He fluttered his eyelashes teasingly, his tone flirtatious.

Matt's cheeks flushed slightly, caught off guard by Chris' teasing. "Dude, stop," he protested lightly, trying to brush off the comment. "You're making me uncomfortable."

Chris stared at him, his grin widening as he leaned in closer. "You sure uncomfortable is the right word for it? Or would you say that you might be feeling... flustered."

Matt sighed, trying to maintain his composure. "Chris, come on," he protested half-heartedly. "We're supposed to be focusing here."

Chris grinned mischievously, not backing down. "Oh, I'm definitely focused," he quipped, his voice low and teasing. "Just not on the quiz."

"Seriously, stop," Matt warned, "I'm not joking. Keep it up, and I'll scrap this whole thing up."

Chris raised his hands in mock surrender, still grinning. "Okay, I'll stop," he relented, though his eyes twinkled mischievously as they resumed their stare-down.

A comfortable silence settled between them once again. Chris' grin slowly faltered as he gazed into Matt's eyes, feeling a genuine admiration for their deep blue color. "You know, Matt," he began softly, "your eyes... they're really nice."

Matt rolled his eyes playfully, a hint of amusem*nt in his voice. "Dude, we both have blue eyes. Mine are the same as yours."

Chris shook his head, a gentle smile playing on his lips. "It's not the same," he insisted softly, his tone sincere. "Yours have this... I don't know, this depth to them." He met Matt's gaze again, his eyes reflecting a warmth and appreciation that went beyond their friendly teasing.

Chris hesitated for a moment, then began to speak softly, his tone reflective. "I've always kind of hated my own eyes. People always say blue-eyed people have this... intense stare, you know? Like they can see right through you."

Matt listened intently, sensing the vulnerability in Chris' voice.

"But," Chris continued, his gaze drifting to Matt's eyes, "when I look at you, I can't help but think that blue eyes suit you really well. They complement your features perfectly."

Matt blinked in surprise, speechless and caught off guard by Chris' heartfelt confession. He hadn't realized Chris harbored such thoughts about his own eyes, let alone that he admired Matt's. There was a sense of appreciation in Matt's heart, grateful for Chris' sincerity, yet he felt awkward and unsure how to respond. His mind raced, trying to find the right words, but he was stuck in a dilemma of mixed emotions.

Instead, he found himself observing Chris' features quietly, noticing the way his eyes crinkled slightly when he smiled, the earnestness in his expression, and the warmth in his voice. Internally, Matt began to question why Chris would ever feel that way about him when he himself found Chris equally attractive.

His gaze drifted quietly to Chris' lips. Watching the way Chris spoke, the movement of his mouth and the sincerity in his words echoing in his mind. Matt's thoughts swirled with a mixture of emotions, his heart beating a little faster as he tried to make sense of his own feelings.

"Matt," Chris called softly, pulling him out of his reverie.

Matt blinked, refocusing his gaze on Chris, who was looking at him with a frozen expression. Suddenly aware of where his thoughts had wandered, Matt's heart skipped a beat. He could feel the heat rising in his cheeks as he realized he had been staring at Chris' lips.

"Uh, sorry," Matt stammered awkwardly, trying to regain his composure. "I, uh, I was just... lost in thought."

"Lost in thought, huh?" Chris said, his voice laced with suspicion. He leaned in slightly, his eyes searching Matt's face.

"Yeah, something like that," he replied, hoping to brush off his momentary lapse. Chris' penetrating gaze made it clear he wasn't entirely convinced, and Matt's mind raced, trying to find a way to shift the focus. He couldn't ignore the flutter of nerves in his stomach, worried that Chris might have noticed the intensity of his stare and what it might signify.

Chris' eyes narrowed slightly, a hint of suspicion lingering in his gaze. "Something like what?" he pressed.

Matt blinked, momentarily caught off guard. "Huh?" he replied, trying to buy himself a moment to think.

Chris didn't let up, his curiosity evident. "What's got you so lost in thought?" he asked, his tone gentle yet insistent.

"Oh... I don't know," Matt said, feeling his face flush again. He shifted uncomfortably, hoping Chris would drop the subject, but the weight of his unspoken thoughts hung heavily in the air between them.

Chris' gaze intensified, his eyes locked onto Matt with unwavering curiosity and something deeper that Matt couldn't quite place. The intensity of Chris' stare made it impossible for Matt to hide his thoughts any longer.

Finally, Matt exhaled, deciding to speak his mind. "I just... I can't understand why you would feel that way about yourself," he admitted, his voice soft but earnest. "To me, you're amazing, Chris. I've always looked up to you, from your style to this confident persona you pursue on yourself. You've always seemed so sure of yourself, and I've always admired that about you."

Matt's confession hung in the air, a raw and honest truth that he had kept hidden for far too long.

Chris' intense gaze softened as he absorbed Matt's words. "That's insane, Matt, I've always thought you were striking," he said earnestly. Chris' eyes shone with sincerity, his words bridging the gap between them and revealing a mutual admiration that had long been unspoken.

Warmth spread through Matt. "Dude, the questions are over," he said with a small, teasing smile. "Why are we still being so open?"

Chris grinned sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "I don't know," he admitted, his eyes twinkling with a mixture of amusem*nt and sincerity. "Guess we're still stuck in the habit."

Matt found himself smiling too, but then he suddenly became aware of how close they were. At some point, without either of them noticing, they had leaned in closer to each other.

Matt could now see the tiny specks in Chris' eyes, the flecks of color that made them so unique. He could even see his own reflection in his eyes, despite the dim lighting of the room. Matt could tell Chris noticed the sudden closeness as well, but he didn't move away. Instead, he gazed into Matt's eyes with a searching intensity, as if trying to decipher the thoughts and emotions swirling behind them.

His eyes then drifted down to Matt's lips, lingering there for a moment. The shift in Chris' focus made Matt's heart race, a rush of adrenaline and anticipation coursing through him. The air between them felt charged with unspoken possibilities, leaving Matt acutely aware of every breath and heartbeat.

Matt struggled to find his voice, his mind racing as he tried to process the moment. Finally, he managed to speak, his voice barely above a whisper. "Chris," he said, the name hanging in the air between them. "Are you... lost in thought too?"

Chris nodded softly. "A little," he murmured, his voice just as quiet as Matt's.

Matt swallowed, his heart pounding. "What are you thinking about?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly.

Chris' eyes flicked back up to meet Matt's, the intensity of his gaze unwavering. For a moment, neither of them spoke, the question lingering in the charged silence.

Chris had a serious expression, his voice soft. "I'm thinking about how far you are from me," he said, the sincerity in his tone unmistakable.

Matt's heart jumped inside his chest, but he tried to conceal his reaction with a strained grin. "I wouldn't exactly call this distant," he replied, attempting to keep his voice steady despite the flutter of emotions swirling within him. "I'd say this is pretty close."

Chris softly shook his head, his voice carrying a hint of longing. "Not close enough," he murmured, his eyes locked onto Matt's with a mixture of intensity and vulnerability.

Matt remained unresponsive, unsure of how to reply to Chris' statement. Sensing Matt's hesitation, Chris decided to take the initiative. He leaned in closer, narrowing the distance between them, his gaze fixed on Matt's eyes as if silently urging him to reciprocate the desire for closeness.

Matt's breath hitched involuntarily, caught off guard. Despite the rush of emotions and uncertainty swirling within him, he didn't pull away. Instead, he held his ground, meeting Chris' gaze, unsure of where their closeness would lead but unwilling to retreat.

Chris hesitated, his mouth opening and closing as if struggling to find the right words. "Matt...," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

His eyes darted between Matt's eyes and lips, a silent plea and question lingering in their depths, conveying emotions too complex for words to fully express. The intensity of Chris' gaze held Matt captive, both of them suspended in a moment.

Matt felt completely frozen in place, torn between fear and an overwhelming desire for Chris to lean closer. His eyes couldn't help but drift down to Chris' lips, drawn to their proximity and the unspoken invitation they seemed to hold.

His eyelids began to close slowly, a reflexive response to the growing intimacy between them. He couldn't discern who was initiating the movement anymore, but in that charged atmosphere, he found himself surrendering to it without hesitation.

But the sudden sound of the timer going off made both Matt and Chris jump in surprise. Their eyes flew open wide, staring at each other in shock for a moment before instinctively pulling away, breaking the charged atmosphere that had enveloped them. They blinked rapidly, trying to regain their composure as the momentary spell between them dissipated with the abrupt interruption.

Chris reached over to his phone, quickly turning off the timer with a tap of his finger. The sudden silence that followed was thick with awkwardness as Matt and Chris sat there, neither knowing quite what to say or do next.

Matt's mind raced in the heavy silence, slowly piecing together the gravity of what had almost transpired between them. He felt a mix of confusion and realization swirling within him. The closeness, the intensity of their shared momentโ€”it had all been leading somewhere he hadn't quite expected.

As they sat in the aftermath of the tense moment, Matt didn't immediately realize he was on edge until Chris gently took his trembling hands in his own. "Matt, try to relax," Chris said cautiously.

As Chris gently held Matt's trembling hands, his voice calm and soothing, Matt shook his head slightly. "No, I can't. Iโ€”," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.

He glanced down at their clasped hands. His heart beat faster as he processed the nearness of their connection and the depth of emotions that had surfaced. He couldn't shake the feeling that they had teetered on the edge of something profound, something that could change everything between them.


"No, Chris, that wasn't supposed to happen," he began, his words coming out in a rush. "The experiment wasn't supposed to actually work. We were just supposed to answer some questions, not... not have it turn into this." Matt's hands gestured helplessly between them, before pulling them away.

Suddenly, Matt got up abruptly, a whirlwind of emotions and confusion swirling inside him. He turned towards the door, intent on leaving the room to gather his thoughts, but Chris moved swiftly. With urgency in his steps, he hurried to intercept Matt, blocking his path just as Matt reached for the door handle.

"Chris!" he exclaimed, his eyes wide, trying to push past him towards the door.

Chris stood firm in Matt's path, concern etched on his brow. "Where are you going?" he asked urgently, his voice tinged with apprehension, determined to prevent Matt from leaving.

Matt paused, his hand on the doorknob, and turned to face Chris. "Anywhere but here," he replied tersely, his voice strained as he attempted to navigate around Chris.

"But this is your room!" Chris pointed out, gesturing towards the space around them.

"I just need space to think," Matt insisted, his shoulders tense.

Chris stepped closer, his expression softening. "No, stay! Let's talk about this," he urged, his voice gentle yet firm, hoping to prevent Matt from leaving and resolving the tension between them.

Matt felt a wave of uncertainty wash over him, realizing he couldn't bear to be that vulnerable and open anymore. He tried to ignore Chris, his gaze fixed ahead as he continued to struggle, attempting to maneuver past Chris' blocking presence.

As Matt continued to struggle, Chris grew increasingly frustrated. He reached out, gripping Matt's shoulders firmly to stop him in his tracks. "Matt, stop," he urged, his voice tinged with urgency. "Listen to me!"

Frustrated and overwhelmed, Matt finally blurted out, "It's the experiment, Chris! It's messing with us, making us feel things we shouldn't."

Chris blinked back in slight shock, his voice tinged with confusion, "What?"

Matt took a step back, his expression pained yet resolute. "We need to distance ourselves from each other until this wears off," he insisted, with a tinge of urgency and reluctance in his voice.

Chris responded with a hint of irritation and disbelief, his voice edged with frustration. "You think this is all coming from a stupid experiment?"

Matt responded firmly, trying to justify his perspective. "It's gotta be, all these emotions started happening right after we took that quiz!"

Chris shook his head slightly, unable to accept that their complex feelings could be attributed to something as trivial as an online quiz. He chuckled in disbelief. "Matt, are you hearing yourself right now?"

Matt's anger flared at Chris' dismissive response. "Are you seriously laughing right now?" he snapped back, his voice tinged with frustration and hurt. He tried to shove Chris away, but Chris gripped onto him tighter, his hands firm on Matt's shoulders.

"Matt!" Chris called out frustratedly.

"Get off me!" Matt retorted sharply, his tone filled with anger and a hint of desperation.

But Chris held onto him, unwilling to let go despite the turmoil between them, while Matt pushed against Chris, his need for space and understanding palpable in every gesture.

During their struggle, Chris attempted to explain, his voice strained with effort. "It isn't the quiz, Matt!" He insisted, trying to make himself heard over Matt's resistance.

But Matt refused to listen, pushing harder against Chris' grip, his frustration mounting. "Yes, it is, Chris!" Matt countered firmly.

The tension between them escalated until Chris finally blurted out, "no, it's not! It isn't the quiz making me feel this way, I've always felt this way!" His admission hung heavy in the air, breaking through the chaotic moment with a raw honesty that left them both reeling.

Matt stopped abruptly, his movements freezing as he stared at Chris in silent disbelief. His mind raced to process Chris' unexpected confession, grappling with the weight of those words and the implications they carried.

The room fell into a heavy silence, filled only with the sound of their breathing and the echoes of their earlier struggle. Matt's eyes searched Chris' face, searching for any sign that this was a joke or a misunderstanding, but finding none. He struggled to find his voice, caught between wanting to demand an explanation and fearing what the answer might be.

When Chris felt assured that Matt wouldn't flee again, he released his grip with a sigh. He winced inwardly, feeling exposed, yet he endeavored to regain his composure. Straightening his posture, Chris attempted to mask his vulnerability behind a calm facade, though his eyes betrayed a lingering sense of apprehension.

He took a deep breath, steeling himself to continue. "I don't remember exactly when it happened," he began, his voice steady but tinged with vulnerability. "But the moment I realized was when you started dating Nicole." He paused, searching Matt's eyes for any sign of understanding. "It was the jealousy, Matt. Seeing you with her, it made me realize how much I wanted to be the one by your side. It wasn't just some experiment messing with my head. These feelings have been there all along."

Matt remained unresponsive, his eyes wide and unreadable. Chris, sensing he needed to say more, took another deep breath and continued.

"I thought about finding someone else, you know? Maybe if I did, I could get over these feelings. But just thinking about that... it pained me."

He looked down, his eyes clouded with emotion. "I didn't think I was ever going to find somebody like you, Matt. No one ever compared to you. No matter how hard I tried, no one made me feel the way you do." He glanced back up at Matt, his eyes pleading for understanding. "I didn't know what to do, so I just kept it to myself, hoping it would somehow go away, but it never did."

Chris tried to conclude again, his voice defiant and earnest. "So don't tell me it's the experiment when it's notโ€”!" But before he could finish, Matt surged forward, closing the distance between them in an instant. The intensity of Matt's sudden movement left Chris momentarily speechless, his eyes widening in surprise.

It took a moment for Chris to register what was happening. The shock of Matt's sudden proximity turned into an even deeper surprise as he felt Matt's lips press against his. Chris' mind raced, but as the reality of the kiss settled in, he began to relax.

He closed his eyes, easing into the moment and reciprocating with a tenderness that mirrored the intensity of his earlier confession. His hands, which had been hanging limply at his sides, moved up to gently cup Matt's face, deepening the kiss as all the pent-up emotions of longing and fear melted away in that singular, shared connection.

Matt's lips moved urgently, his hands gripping onto Chris' shirt with a desperate need that ignited an intense desire inside Chris. Feeling the heat of the moment, Chris stepped forward, his hands firmly grasping Matt's waist as he guided them both backward.

The world seemed to blur around them until Matt's back hit the door with gentle thud. Chris pressed closer, pinning Matt against the door, his kiss deepening with an intensity that spoke volumes of the feelings he had kept hidden for so long.

Matt's hand moved up to cup Chris' neck, the touch sending shivers down Chris' spine. His other hand slid into Chris' hair, fingers tangling and gripping tightly. The sensation elicited a low growl of approval from Chris, a sound that reverberated through Matt and spurred him on.

Their kiss grew more fervent, fast-paced and almost frantic, their teeth clashing occasionally but neither seeming to care. The intensity of their emotions poured into every movement, their shared desperation and longing finally finding an outlet in each other.

Eventually, Matt ran out of breath and pulled away, gasping for air. Chris followed, leaning in to rest his forehead against Matt's. They stood there, foreheads touching, both panting heavily as they stared at each other with an intensity that spoke of the raw, unfiltered emotions coursing through them. The room filled with the sound of their breathing.

Matt, breathless and still reeling from the intensity of their kiss, managed to speak. "All this time and you didn't tell me?" His voice was tinged with a mixture of disbelief and curiosity.

Chris shook his head, his eyes reflecting the depth of his emotions. "I didn't tell you because I was terrified of how you might respond," he confessed, his voice trembling slightly. "I couldn't bring myself to risk losing you."

Matt's expression softened, a gentle smile spreading across his lips. "I'm not going anywhere," he said, his tone filled with warmth and reassurance.

He reached up, brushing a stray lock of hair from Chris' forehead, his touch tender. Chris responded physically to Matt's touch, his whole body relaxing under the tender gesture. He looked into Matt's eyes with uncertainty. "You're really okay with all of this?" His voice carried a hint of concern, his vulnerability laid bare in the question.

Matt hesitated for only a second, but he eventually sighed softly, meeting Chris' gaze with a gentle smile. "We can face the reality of it tomorrow," he murmured. "Right now, I just want to live in this moment with you."

Chris looked at him hopeful, "and you're really sure about this?"

Matt felt a slight irritation rising within him. "Chris, if you keep questioning me, I'm seriously going to start panicking again," he warned.

Chris chuckled softly, realizing Matt's seriousness. "Alright, I get it," he said, his tone lighter now, no longer pressing the issue. He reached out to gently squeeze Matt's hand.

Chris' smile faltered slightly as his gaze fell to Matt's lips again, a craving stirring within him. He bit his lip, hesitating for a moment. After one more look into Matt's eyes, seeing a flicker of encouragement, Chris couldn't resist any longer. He leaned in and pressed his lips against Matt's once more.

Thirty-Six Questions - Chapter 5 - Anonymous (2024)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.