The St. Louis Argus from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)

THE ST. LOUIS ARGUS FRIDAY, NOV. 1, 1929 Mrs. Hattie Stevenson was instantly killed in an automobile accident, five miles west of this city, Friday. Andrew Johnson received a dislocated collar bone, Charles Jones, driver of the car, suffered internal injuries.

Leonard Cooper escaped with a shock. Mrs. Stevenson leaves a husband, daughter, nephew and a host of friends. R. Thomas.

Mrs. Gertrude Brooks of Lebanon, Mr. Quentin Henderson, Harold Barnum of Monmouth, were the guests of Mrs. Ruth Randall and daughters Sunday. ALTON, ILL.

The Emily Vernon Missionary Society of Campbell Chapel met at the home of Mrs. Eliza Williams, Friday afternoon on Gross Street. A pound party was given for the pastor of Campbell Chapel. Mr. Herbert Williams died at his home on Belle Street Thursday evening, at the age of 18 years.

His funeral was conducted from the Southern Mission Baptist Church on Highland Avenue Sunday afternoon. He leaves to mourn their loss a mother, grandmother. Interment was in Oakwood Cemetery. Mrs. Zelma Thomas of St.

Louis, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Kaiser and her sister. Mrs. Pearl Smith. The Industrial Club of the Union Baptist Church will give a social at the home of Mr.

Mack Emery Saturday evening, November 2nd. Mrs. Pearl Craig of Chicago, and Dr. A. Staley of Pontiac, were married here last Thursday.

Mrs. Staley was formerly of this city. There was a large attendance at the breakfast given by the Council of Clubs at the Union Baptist Church, Saturday, October 19th. Call at Cross Grocery Store for the Argus. Blanche Cross, reporter.

CARBONDALE, ILL. The funeral of Mrs. Hallie Offert was held at New Bethel A. M. E.

Church Sunday, October 13, 1929. Rev. G. W. Walker of St.

Louis, preached at Hopewell Baptist Church Friday night. Mr. K. F. North of Oregon was the week guest of Mr.

and Mrs. John Grear. Rev. George Halliburton of St. Louis.

visited the eity Sunday. Mrs. Jessie Collier was called to St. Louis on account of the death in her family. Mrs.

Minnie Green and family of Carmi, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Woods Sunday. Miss Reta Long spent the week-end in Colp. 111.

Miss Mary Atkins of Hennings, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Fisher and friends. Rev. Ernest Nailing of Alton, was the week-end guest of Mr.

and Mrs. MeKinley Coleman. Miss Adele Thomas, a teacher in the public schools of Cairo, was a visitor here Sunday. Mrs. MeKinley Coleman.

Mrs. AIfonso Woods and Mrs. Theauruther Canty motored to Herrin Saturday on a teacher in the public schools of Vanbusiness. Miss Monyette Mosely, dalia, visited parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Stacy Mosely, over the week-end. The music lovers of Carbondale received a splendid treat Friday night when Miss Alice Harris appeared in EL recital at the Bethel A. M. E. Church.

Miss Verbena Deinlap of Cairo, was her accompanist at the piano. Mr. John Thomas, 2 teacher in the Cairo public schools, visited his parents lover the week-end. The Rev. William Crowder ended his year's work at the Miles Chapel C.

M. E. Church Sunday. The services were well all day and the pastor at his best. Mr.

and Mrs. Alonzo Crim, announces the birth of their daughter who has been named Florence Claire. The Egyptian Ramblers played in Murphysbors Friday night. Mr. John DeBow spent the week-end in East St.

Louis and Pauline and Harry Lewis have gone to St. Louls to make their home with their mother. They have formerly made their home with Mr. and Mrs. Abe Sheffle.

Mrs. Frank Bowens pleasantly entertained a group of young people Wednesday night in honor of her daughter, Mildred. It was her birthday. Those who attended the WIlberforce-Tuskegee game in Chicago, were: Mrs. Pearl Boyd Williams, Mr.

Elijah Burgess, Mrs. Floyd Moreland, Mr. and Mrs. John Quincy Clark, Mr. Taz Green, Misses Ecna Simpson, A- manda Murdock, Ikand, Arminta MeCraken and Lucille Walker.

All enJoyed the trip. The Rock Hill BapList welcomes everyone to its services. Come out and attend the B. P. U.

The Church has a memberof 500 or more. The bullding is new modern brick structure with a large seating capacity and is in a good location. The Church is in great need of a pastor. All of the members are urged attend all business, meetings. Misses Helen Scott and Clara Young of Cairo, were visitors in the city Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Edwards, opened the gates of the midfall social season with a dinner party at the home Wednesday. The diverxions of the evening were many. Those who attended were: Mr.

and Mrs. Willia Bowens, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hayes, Mr. and Mira.

Charles Benton, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence White, Mr. and Mrs. John Quines Clark.

Mrs. Will Irvin, Mra. Winnie M. Green, Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Jackson, Dr. Leon T. Wallace, Misses Helen Woods, Lola Autry, Ar. manda Murdock and Matye Copeland. An enjoyable time was had by all.

Mra. Sallie Cross has been indisposed for the past week. The Plus Ultra and Young Men's Bible Class of Bethel A. M. E.

Church, went on nutting trip Saturday. Those who (tended: Mister Mongette Mosely, Adele Thomas, Lorraine Montjoy, Euesther Holford. Alean Howard, Luella MeCall, Freda Mosely, Wilburn Montjoy, Messra, Selma Snow, Paul Woods, Major Bell, Melvin Itandal. Charles Ward, James Waters, and Miss Jeanette Parks, chaperone. We lave news of the marriage of Mra.

Katie McCraken Murray to Mr. Clarence Vaughn on October 8th. ARKANSAS NEWS BRINKLEY, ARK. Stannie Botan of Memphis was here visiting Mr. Henry Bogan, her father, and Mrs.

Moree Jones, her sister, last week. Misses Joyce Brinker, Katherine Cummings and Ginever Roberta all left for Shorter College, Little Rock last week. Rev. J. A.

Roberta accompanied his daughter to Little Rock. Miss Hamilton visited the Fox School to instruct and oversee a chicken canning demonstration. Miss Irene Taylor accompanied her. Walter Baker who died last week In Lee County was once a citizen of Brinkley, Him mother, sinter and other relatives came over from Forrest City to be present at him Interment. Itev.

P. IL. Lewis and the good people of the New Bethel Church raised $32.00 In their rally last Sunday. Rev. and J.

L. Foster, Itev, and D. H. Howell and pastor Bratcher nice dinner with Mr. and Mra.

Tom Bibba last Sunday, The Mt. Olive Chicken Dinner last Friday night WAR an enjoyable affair and a BUCCANE, Mr. Lula Brooks and Are. J. Brooke, his mothher, mother to Clarendon last Monday on business of importance.

Mrs. Mary James in yet Improving. Rev. J. M.

Washington reported very good services at the St. John McCrory Church last Sunday. Rev. Ittedace of the New Sit. Canaan Church reported good meeting.

Wm. Davis was with him people at Augusta last Sunday, Reva. Brewer, Withers and Odum all were in their respective felds and report good services. Brown Chapel C. M.

10. and NE. Paul A. M. Churches please let me have your reporta, MORRILLTON, ARK.

Sunday WAR a high day at 8t. Paul M. Church. Sunday school bee at 9:30 The banner was res tained in Class No. Sire.

Itosle Cury teacher. At 11:00 o'elock, iter. It. Johnson preached to the delight of all present. At 8:00 p.

a union prOs was rendered from Trinity C. M. and NI. Paul A. M.

E. Churches. Rev. P. Jameson represented Union Baptist Church, Rev.

D. Lewis, Trinity M. and Rev. N. Howen, Paul M.

Church. The M. Bowen and Mra. C. Lone were mistresses of ceremonies.

Iter, Hail preached at Wesley Chapel M. 1. Church last Sunday at 11:00 14. PAGE THIRTEEN OF TOWN NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11 at their post of duty. The wife of Charley Fowikes, Mrs.

Janie Fowlks, died October 23rd in Scott county. Her funeral was conducted by Rev. C. H. Green from the A.M.

E. Church. Interment at Oak Grove Cemetery, Mr. J. Woods of Muncie, Indiana, was present.

Little Flora May is confined with typhoid fever. Mr. John Blunstill confined at home of Mrs. Dollie Knowling Cypress Street. Call at 316 Locust Street and see the new fall styles.

The Mr. L. Branion, is in. The little infant of Mr. and Mrs.

Wm. Brooch was buried Saturday, The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Love are visiting in Ky. Join Royal Charity for protection.

Rev. Korheim was quietly married to Mrs. Brown a few days ago. Rev. C.

T. Thrasher was sent to Catron. Mrs. O. E.

Calhoun, reporter. NEW MADRID, MO. Bee Bee Chapel C. M. Church had a high day Sunday.

Sunday school was opened on time with the in the chair. The lesson was very good. Everyone is taking An active dart in the school. The Senior Class with Prof. R.

T. Jones as assisting teacher, has improved greatly. At 11:00 a. m. the pastor, Rev.

North, preached. At 3:00 p. 11:. another good sermon was preached, by Rev. North.

At 7:30 p. m. the choir was at its best opening with scripture reading. A duet sung by Prof. R.

T. Jones and Mrs. Memphis Wesley was enjoyed. Miss Floyd Shoffner, as pianist, is doing great work. The Rally by the three clubs closed with the True Blues in the lead.

The Live Wires were next. The total amount raised this year was 042.08. Rev. North leaves for Gary, to attend the Annual Conference of the Southeast Missouri and Illinois District. He has done a great work at Bee Bee this year.

Those on the sick list are not doing so well. Mrs. M. McCoy went to St. Louis Wednesday be under her doctor.

Mrs. Celeste McCoy came home to accompany her mother-in-law to St. Louis. Memphis Wesley, reporter. ORAN, MO.

Sunday school was well conducted. No. 1 taught by Mr. E. L.

HuClass. The ghes. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.

The lesson was very good. Byrd left for Cape Girardeau, to attend school. Miss Savanah School. Byrd Was A popular pupil of the Oran The visitors of Mrs. Cora Hughes and family were Mrs.

Katie Murphy, and E. White, Reader Seals and Annie daughter, Miss Sadie L. Wright, Mary Mae Harris. McKITTRICK, MO. Miss Georgia Vanes spent the weekwith her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. end James Vanes at Williamsburg, Mo. and Mrs. Fred Warner and Mr. Mr.

of Boonville were the weekNichols of Mr and Mrs. Charles end guests Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ProcWarner. of New Florence were in the comtor munity Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy and family moved to St. Louis, Kemp Sunday. They were accompanied by Mr.

and Mrs. D. L. Warner, Messra. Elton Beldsoe of MontThe City and Earl Green of New gomery Florence, were in the community Sunday.

Mrs. Earthly Mure was A caller at the home of Mary left SunMrs. Yancy, for New Florence for an indefinite Sunday. Miss Ada Gillett day Miss Pearl Kemp is visiting stay. relatives.

W. C. Robinson, reporter. HANNIBAL, MO. Women's Day was observed at Eighth and Center Street Baptist Church on last the speaker for the occasion.

Sunday. Mrs. Childs Curtis of St. Louis was She Indeed brought a wonderful meseage to a packed audience of both woand men. Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas men Mr. and Mrs. Parker of St. Louis were Hannibal visitors on last Sunday.

Mrs. McPike Thomas Street. Rev. Bradis sister of Mrs. Norman on Hope pastor of the Christian Church London, spent the Susie past Lane week in in Johnson of Sedalia, is here visitVandalia.

Mrs. ing her sister Mrs. Dixon of Spruce Street. Mr. and Mrs.

William Webster together with Mrs. Frank Saturday Pormotored to Fulton on last ter from there they visited in Jefferson The members and friends of city. Seott Chapel had two very successful Badie. Ray were the dinner nights of their fall festival. Rev.

and of Mrs. Siddies last Sunday Mrs. guests evening. away at Mrs. St.

Elizabeths Hospital Alama Campbell passed Thursday afternoon. Woon last will be observed at Seott Sunday, November 3rd. Mrs. man's Day Conyers of Curryville, the noted Chapel on evangelist will be the speaker at of man the day. Revival meeting starts Redd'8 Church here on Tuesday Rev.

night, October 29th. Rev. Little of Louisiana is conducting it. Rev. and the Mre.

Peck are now in the city as of Allen Chapel. We wish them pleasdistinguished pastor and his wife ant and prosperious pastorate here. POPLAR BLUFF, MO. Mt. Calvary C.

M. E. Sunday vices were a success. both spiritually and financial 3. We raised fifty dollars, At 11:00 o'clock the pastor, Rev.

o'clock the J. F. Rev. Duke, Young preached. of Central Maptist Church At 3:00 preached a splendid sermon.

night The Cent- sertral vices Rev. sang. Duke preached his Choir At the closing for the conference year. He in sermon leaving Monday, Oct. 28th with a round report convenes in Gary, Ind.

Sunday school for the annual conference which at their usual hour. 9:45 A. m. with Pleasant Hill Baptist Church ed at good attendance. Rev, C.

a R. wonder- ful sermon at 11:00 to very rington, the pastor, preached appreciative audience. Mra. visiting Loving of Independence, Is Mrs. Moore, She also worshipped with Allen UM in our morning services.

We are always glad to welcome visitors. Rev. W. D. Crawford brought to us a did Hermon at our evening services.

Loyee Freeman, president of the B. P. U. opened the Union at 6:00 o'elock with nice attendance. When looking for a good time fu for a good to olace, come for a good cause, don't stet to the little red brick on Garfield North St.

6th Mrs. Ruth Young, 314 street in still unable to be out. the Mira. Addie Bullner haw' been on Mick list, but now able to Goodson resume of North 5th Street was called to her work. Mrs.

Lena arkara. on important and business. wife Prof. L. H.

motored to Cape Girardeau, Fri- the day morning Teachers where they Association attended of District guest of MrA. 1 H. Mille, Hr. PaNt Missouri. Mra.

D. Loving WAN the nt 6:00 o'elock dinner, Monday, Gatlina Grocery har the same service old mien and hung out "For in." quality, Carrie quantity, come MinS Jones of St. Louis, and Mra, Lacy the Lockhart of Little Rock. Ark, were house guests of Mr. and c.

R. Carrington. ILLINOIS NEWS MILLER CITY, ILL. Mrs. Emmerson Campbell and ren left for Arkansas Sunday relatives.

where she will visit friends and Mr. and Mra. W. Matthewa have returned to their home in Indianapolis, student of Sumner High School of Indiana, Mise Velma L. Railey, Cairo, Illinois, spent the Mr.

week end Mra. with 1. her unele and aunt, and Daminick. Rev. W.

Woods res turned to his home Sunday from bondale, where he has been attending the Zion District Association. Mr. A. Holden has returned to his home from Dumas, Ark. VILLA RIDGE.

ILL. Ine came of Sumner High Rehnol end in Catro attending the home A. Hopkins spent the naninat Vashon High of At. Louis. The more was A tie.

PILGRIM GREEN MISSIONARY BAPTIST East St. Louis, Ill. Sunday school opened at 9:30 a. m. with a large attendance.

At 11:30 the pastor, Rev. Sam Martin, preached a wonderful sermon from 1st King 18:8, subject, "Do What I Told You." At 8:30 D. m. we had a large attendance. The subject was from Proverbs 27:8, "Stay in Your Place." S.

M. Martin, pastor. Tim Shaw, clerk. ANTIOCH BAPTIST Rev. J.

Gaines, LOVEJOY, ILL. LoveJoy, 111. The Hill Top Race of the Sunday School is now on. Come over and help us. Sunday school opened at the usual nour.

The lesson for the day was The Christian Review of Recreation. Rev. Wilkins of St. Louis brought out some interesting points. 11:00 o'clock service, they were attended nicely and Rev.

Wilkins delivera wonderful sermon. Night services began at 8:00 with a packed house. All expected to hear a sermon the Rev. R. L.

Mitchell who failed make his appearance. We cannot account for his absence. Georgia E. Craig, reporter. pastor.

The Sunday school of Quinn Chapel opened at 9:30 a. m. Services started at 11:00 o'clock. Night services began at 7:30 p. m.

The reception given in honor of the pastor and his bride, Rev. and Mrs. Reddick, was an enjoyable affair. Little Mary Fletcher of Washington Street has returned home from St. Marys Hospital greatly improved.

Rev. Earnest Dixon is seriousiy ill. Mr. Johnnie Keglar is ill. Mr.

Johnnie Heard is Ill. Call 506 Jefferson for the Argus, Russell DeBow. CHICAGO, ILL. Major General J. A.

Shackleford, St. Louis, has appointed Major Charles E. Watkins, colonel of the First Regiment of Illinols to succeed Colonel Co.n. The local election was held afternoon by Balleys Hall, 3638 Sunday South State Street. At this election Captain Barnett was elected Major to succeed Major Watkins, who was proColonel.

M. T. Bailey, who moted to served for four years as regiment Quarter Master, has been inrecommended for the Major-General's Staff. The stallation of officers will take place during the Masonic Hall, 3638 the carnival in December which will be held at Street. More than 1000 South State attended the funeral of Mrs.

persons Burbridge Saturday afternoon at Cosmopolitan Church 53 South Nellie the Avenue of which Rev. John is Wabash the pastor. Mrs. Burbridge had made many thousands Church and in the fraterof friends by her great work orders. She was a great worker in the nal for the United Knights and Daughters held many high ofof Five.

hundred members of the Africa and had ces. Council of the A. U. Herbert of turned out to their Officers K. tribute to their fallen sister and and D.

last fraternal and church worker. great Harvey delivered the funeral oration and burial was in Lincoln CemeRev. John Herbert Council held tery. meeting on Tuesday evening, a great 29th and many of the National October and state Eliza Jackson, State Grand Queen Grand officers were present. Mrs.

told of her trip to Saginaw of in Michigan and of the Illinois, and other points outlook for future development. EAST MOLINE, ILL. Services were good at all of the churches. Mt. Zion Baptist preach- Church had five additions.

sermon Rev. at Mt. Zion SunBryant ed a Prowler, the wife of spiritual the Cay pastor night, of Mrs. the Mt. Zion Baptist has moved of his field.

We Church, report that little Pauline era glad to who was struck by an mobile Patterson improving. Mrs. Allen is Dougias and Mr. Tom Parker are Johnson on the sick list. Mr.

Roscoe who has been very ill is been improving. Mr. Henry Canton, 111.. has returned Southern who has working in Y. M.

C. A. which has opened since 1921 has been home. The not the Deer Company who has been reopened W. M.

Harris of St. by secretary. The Y. M. has selected Mr.

Louis, will be open for clubs and Mo. is C. athletic A. meetings. Mr.

J. Robinson Invited the publie to co-operate with business on 13th Street. him in his Golnes new Chapel will have their ennual Bertha banquet In Washington the is near on the sick future. Mra. list.

EAST ST. LOUIS, ILL. and Mrs. Leer of the T. A.

attended the state Mrs. Fenony meeting at Woodeiver on Friday. They Dunbar P. meeting. Mrs.

Nanter Fox of Phillip, is report visiting Violet Thimble Club met with Mrs. her sister. Mrs. Mary Cheers. Thursday.

The 1a The dies Calvin working on A quilt which they Cotton on are off soon. Among the plan to attended the Connell of raffle Breakfast given at Alton, 111., ladies who Cluba Mesdames Colby, Allen, Jackson, were Logan, Bland, and officers Green, Lucas, and Moore, They say that Wallace affair was splendid. Woman's the Day was celebrated at Wesley Board of Mt. TaberZion Church is having a three nacle Sunday. The Usher Baptist bazaar beginning on October 28th.

nights Willette Gladden, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gladden of Bond Avenue, has been quite sick, W. out seems to be improving. Mr.

accident M. few eer undertaker had an friends are days ago and his many The glad Silver know Moon Girls are planning to that he is Improving. Halloween Party J. to be given October Sunday 31st at Mra. Shiloh A.

M. E. Church Blands, school at opened at the usual hour, 9:45 Morning a. 111 with a good attendance. also good serat 11:00 m.

were vices visitors present. Rev. F. with many Stratton and a host of church his on members PigB. He preached a soul stirattended gott ring Avenue.

sermon. The Trustee Helpers Market Street with Mr. Board met on George Roberta. The Steand Mrs. Board met at the home.

of Mr. wardens E. M. Johnson, 1827 Market. and Mrs.

first rally of the season will The Shiloh A. M. E. Church, begin at 10th with Mrm. Zelon MorNovember of Lawrenceville, tilinoia evangelist.

rim Carey Whittlocke In up again Mr. few weeks of Illness, Mrs. after Huddle In still alek. Mrs. Hall 19 Improvine, Mr.

James Joannah Lean and at work again. The Berry Worry up Club in planning for a Don't Party Wednesday night, Oct. Call at 1811 Tudor for the Halloween 30th. J. Thompson, reporter, Argus, EDWARDSVILLE.

ILL. at Wesley Chapel Sunday School in increasing. Morning services Attendance good, Three were added wang. to We the were Church. the musical treat, Itev.

1. M. Alisa Lillian Smith enjoyed Washington preached morning and E. League met at D. 6:30.

night. Charles The Brandon in leader. Board Monday night. Teachers meeting Tuesday night at the home of Mary Clay. Love Feast night.

and Choir prayer rehearsal Friday night. Rev. meeting Wednesday Washington was called to the country home to attend Miller Robinson in funeral Sunday able 1001. again. Mira.

Trene Man. to out of Nt. Louis. visited her parents and friends. Stra.

Effie to Smith. the Cradle Itoll was able attend services. Sunday school attendance at MI. Joy Baptist Church wits good. Rev.

I. A. Patrick filled the pulpit Hare In the morning. In the afternoon an Itally was held. Itev.

Salem Mes Bride, moderator of a the New Association, preached wonderful Tampley, pastor of the mon. True Light Baptist Church and bout one hundred of hie loyal members, motored up to assist with the rally, The boys quartet of True Light thrilled the congregation with spiritual The usher board quartet did their share. The music of the Menior Choir good. The rally was success from every angle, Nervices were from until 6:00 Mra. Jason returned from A vialt in Chicago.

Das a. m. and at Plumerville at 3:00 p. m. for Rev.

C. L. Lewis. Rev. W.

G. Hollens left October 26th for North Little Rock to preach for Rev. Bryant at the First Baptist Church on Sunday, October Rev. Hall, Rev. F.

S. Shaw, Rev. C. L. Lewis and Rev.

J. R. Jamerson were at St. Paul A. M.

E. Church last Sunday evening and witnessed the program and made contributions. The Annual Conference of the Twelfth Episcopal District of the African Methodist Church will open November 8th at 10:00 a. at Bethel A. M.

E. Church, Bishop William T. Vernon, A. D. I.

L. presiding. Mrs. Hattie Thornton left October 28th for Kansas City, on a two weeks vacation to visit Rev. R.

Gilbert and friends. The school bus is now carrying students above the 8th grade from Blackwell to Menifee High School free of all charges. The punlie school of the city is making progress with Prof. Sullivan as principal assisted by Mrs. Clark, Mr.

Carter and Miss Bell. FORREST CITY, ARK. Reverend W. P. Davis and P.

A. Go.dsberry and Mrs. Mattie Shepherd have returned home from Felton where they have been attending the Forrest City District Clean-Sweep Rally of the C. M. E.

Church. The district convention of the Baptist closed Saturday, October 26th. L. S. Bryant left the city Thursday, Oct.

24th for Chicago. She was accompanleu to Mempals by Mrs. Thelma Burke. The marriage of Mr. Morris Hughes and Miss Tolise Ankrum has been re(cently announced.

Mrs. Rosie Fields was in the city Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J.

W. Hunter, Misses Tobitha Lancaster, A. I. Pendleton and Percy Malone motored to Memphis Sunday, October 27th. Miss Edna Purifoy was in the city Thursday.

Mrs. Lucinda Pneifer is ill. A dance was given at the Christ Church Industrial School, Monday, October 28th under the auspices of the Merry Maker Club of Forrest City. Mrs. Mariah Lowery left the city Sunday, October 27th to live with her son, Dempsy in Brinkley.

Mr. Dewitt Hale and Miss Irene E. Guntrop were quietly married Wednesday evening, October 23rd. They will De at home after November 2nd at 409 W. Davis St.

CLARENDON, ARK. Mrs. James Boales of Hot Springs is here visiting her sister. Mrs. Lillie White.

Mrs. E. C. Whitley spent three days last week in Helena attending the Women's Home and Foreign Mission Branch meeting of the East Arkansas Conference. Rev.

Hines of Helena preaches at Berry's Chapel M. B. Church Sunday morning and night The Uplift Club met Sunday afternoon with the St. Andrew A. M.

E. Church. The subject discussed, "Dangers of Selfishn s8 in the Home and Community." Much interest Was manifested. Rev. Hines was a pleasant visitor.

Mr. Ed. Bryant returned having had relatives in Mississippi. Mrs. Brytwo weeks a stay with friends and ant is expected in from Hot Springs Tuesday.

Th' 46th anniversary of Fountain Baptist Church will gin Wednesday night. October 30th with the laying of the corner stone by the Masonie fraternity of Marvell. Rev. and Mrs. Straughter spent a few hours in Brinkley Sunday.

PINE BLUFF, ARK. By W. B. Cloman The Ross Undertaking Company, Mrs. V.

V. Ross, Mr. Jas. Ross, general manager and embalmer, has removed their place of business to 500 North Cedar Street. Rev.

Sick preached at St. John A. M. E. Church last Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock.

Mr. Geo. La. Johnson, noted concert song instructor and musical director, addressed the Sunday school last Sunday morning at St. John.

Mr. J. H. Allen, supervisor of American Woodmen for Arkansas and Texas visited here last Saturday and Sunday for the purpose of overlooking the year's work of Camp No. 3.

Mr. A. Arrant who had been clerk of Camp No. 3 the past two years resigned and Mr. R.

L. Nelson was appointed by Mr. Allen to succeed him. W. B.

Cloman is the commander and A. L. Lockhart is the banker. We are delighted to see Mrs. Georgia McCoy up gain after two weeks illness.

Mrs. Young and Mrs. Diggs are among our sick this week. The Mock Convention which was held at the First Baptist Church last week and which closed the session last Sunday evening wan satisfying success. The First Baptist Congregation is Che most progressive.

of our churches of the city. When they take notion to do big things there Is no way to keep them from putting over their program. The time hats come when laymen of the African Methodist Episcopal Church should rise up and take the "Bull by the and force the selfish ministry to put over their organized unfon gram of Methodism in this country. There is no reason In the world why they should remain much longer two or three separate of Methodism except they contribute the stay of the day when It will come to the Ignorance of their ministerial leadership. The bishops should get up off of the wheel and let the race move on with more speed and strength in its onward march.

What a wonderful power the race could wield if the A. M. A. M. E.

Zion and the C. M. E. ChurcheN were one body. Shorter, Haggard, and Walters would no longer stand as separate educational shacks and makeshifts, put united Methodism would able to produce a school of which the the entire race would be proud and God glorified.

Why not call to see Mr. M. L. Johnson, watchmaker and jeweler, when you have that kind of work to be done? He Is a wonderful man and will treat you right at young 309 State Street. Cotton Blossom which has been traveling Quartette during the summer in the musical great North- recital west will appear in a John A.

M. E. Church, Novat St. ember 6th at 8:00 o'clock. The Quartette, John comes A.

M. under E. the Sunday auspices school of the of which Prof. 0. la.

Douglass is supt. Mrs. Walker boasts of beable to furnish better meals (home ing cooked) than can be gotten at any er eating place in, the elty. She gives mote for the money. We are of the opinion that she knows what she in about.

Try her once and be convinced for yourselves. Pine Bluff talking the man without doubt. We on wandering about the elty last were Monday and found that Mine what Concha Mai Johnson had opened up known as the Marietta Leona Beauty in the Marietta Hotel. with her la her sister, Miss Shoppe Ruby Leona Johnson. These Alias Concha yOuRE ladies are of Little Itock.

Johnson Wan at one time connected with the Princess Beauty Shoppe of Nashville, Tenn. These splendid young women solleit the patronage of the good people of Pine Mr. Florence Mixon, the mother of Mrs. Anna Webb, WAR operated on at the Link Hospital last week. Itev.

J. P. Clark, the eminent pastor of At. Paul Baptist Church, with his equally eminent congregation outidine church a Sunday building school bes annex to the main cause of a lack of sufficient room and desire to hold the Sunday school sion in an apartment separate from the (house of holy worship. The annex, when completed, will cont ly $1,000.00.

The Marietta Hotel turned over new leaf in short history last Monday night when the younger set was permitted to eut the fantastic caper. It without Ing that Mr. and Mrs. Parker, tors of the hotel know how to rain all groups of their many patrons. The management safe and Prof.

J. G. Ish, the owner of the hotel little. Indisposed AL this writing. PADUCAM, KY.

Mrs. Marshall la a patient in the fiverside Hospital. Katie Edwards, 118 Burnett Street is ill. Mr. Hunbard Buford, 1119 North 9th Street at home with broken foot.

Mre. Mary 19. McCullough and daughter, Miss Willie B. SteCullough of 1013 North 10th Street is lo, visiting relatives Rev. T.

W. Parrish ville, closed revival verts and four additions, lat Eight Street Tabernacle and Harris Streets. The Icondueted October 27th on Rev. C. W.

Toliver, pastor. Cobb' was one of the Mrs. Hattie Hynes, 1320 departed this life October p. m. Mrs.

Demple Madison Street, is ill. at Pueband friends. of Clarkswith 10 conOctober 24th Baptist 8th baptising was Eight Mr. John candidates. Clay Street, 29th at 7:00 Collins, 1223 SPEAKERS AND ARTISTS TO VISIT HOWARD UNIV.

WASHINGTON, Oct. Many prominent speakers and artists will appear at Howard University during the school vear it was reveal by the program of the committee 011 lectures and recitals just made public here. The series of events, includes: Marion Anderson, contralto, December 12; Henry Goddard Leach, lecturer, January 16: Louis Jones, violinist, February 13; Vachel Linsay, author and poet March 11: David Earl Moyer, concert pianist, of Oberlin, March 27; Women's Glee Club, April 10; Men's Glee Club April 29. All events will be held in the Rankin Memorial Chapel. CADET PARHAM CHEERS FOR ARMY SQUAD WIN Associated Negro Press HARVARD STADIUM, October 24 -Cadet Parham, West Point's lone colored boy whom Congressman Oscar DePriest of Illinois appointed to represent district, came, saw and left Boston last Saturday in a blaze of color and glory during the annual visit of the cadets to stage a football game against Harvard.

This dark-skinned youth's appearance in the cadet ranks caused onlookers to marvel at the detrainment. magnificent parade on the Huls Street reviewed on Boston Common. also, the spectacular outburst at the huge Harvard Stadium where precise and fantastic military evolutions by these cadet on the gridiron before the game. All racial extractions of future gen- How To Lose Two Dozen Pounds of Fat At "he Same Time Gain in Phosical Vigor and Youthfulness and Swiftly ISS a Clear Skin and Vivacious Eyes That Sparkle With Glorious Health Ifere's the recipe that banishes fat and brings into blosson all the natural attractiveness that every woman possesses. Every morning take one half tea: spoonful of Kruschen Salts in glass of hot water before breakfast.

Be sure and do this every morning for "It's the little daily dose that takes off the miss a morning. The Kruschen habit means every particle of poisonous waste matter and harmful acids and gases expelled from system. At the same time the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are tuned up and the pure, fresh blood containing Nature's six life giving salts are carried. to every organ, gland, nerve and fibre of the body, and th's is followed by that Kruschen feeling' of energetic health and activity that reflected in oright, eyes, clear skin, cheerful vivaeity and charming figure. if you want to lose fat with speed get an 8be bottle of Kruschen, Salta from tany live druggist anywhere, in America with the distinet.

understanding you must be satisfied with results or money back. colonels, majors, and captains marched in line and enjoyed this annual frolic, Chinese, Japanese, Indians, and Filipinos completed the picture at this football within the environs of historic and dead old Harvard dressed in their gray and wellfitting cape coats with uniforms and plenty of brass buttons underneath which clarified somewhat America's long and studied acts of injustice with Cadet. Parham a part of the show. A few days each year cadets are allowed a furlough from exacting study of rigid curriculum and military discipline. Walter Winchell says that in some swell Broadway joints eggs cost $2.50 an order.

That's even better than the the old shell game. FUNERAL DIRECTOR ELMER E. PETTIS Helping the bereaved family in its saddest hour, our untiring effort to please and our reasonable prices hare placed the Pettis Funeral Home first in the minds of the people. Call Pettis Funeral Home, Lindell 7422. Elmer E.

Pettis, president. Gus Scott, Funeral Director has Installed a New White Funeral Car, which enables him to give his clients better service. He also has a Chicago Gray Funeral Car and a new supply of steel Caskets in stock GUS SCOTT Director and Embalmer Notary Public JEfferson 0730. 8015 Lawton A. F.

(Buddie) WALTON Undertaking Company and Mutual Aid Burial Association. 2701 Stoddard St. Office Phone, Jeff. 5872 MANUEL UNDERTAKING CO. 4059 FINNEY AVE.

THE SPIRIT OF FAIRNESS -In the praetice of our profession we- are guided by a desire to serve in the spirit of fairness- -to perform a service of dignity with courtesy and to arrange a fee considerately snodest. PHONE FRanklin 3169 Faultless Service When death causes a heartbreaking suxiety as to wbat one must do, it is then one needs the kindness and consideration that will eliminate unnecessary responsibility. OUR RECORD for thirty-four sears of ansolicited approval, is your guarantee of complete satisfaction. A. RUSSELL UNDERTAKING CO.

Inc 2732 PINE BLVD. Telephone JEFFERSON 1426 J. H. HARRISON UNDERTAKINGCO Buccessora to HARRISON McKOIN Funeral Directors Phone Jefferson 0332 2906 Lawton Ave St. Louis, Mo.

COMPETENT ANd RELIABLE SERVICES -Adv. Uncle Sam and Reputable Publications Support Better Business Bureaus Last October a group of representative publishers from all over the country met with the Federal Trade Commission in New York City. The purpose of the meeting was to formulate plans to further exclude from the columns of reputable newspapers, untruthful advertis. ing of a type that was unfair to the public. As result of this conference, it was agreed that the National Better Business Bureau (with which all local Bureaus are aftiliated) is the most competent agency of assistance in preventing fraud in advertising and selling, and the Better Business Bureaus be designated as agencies to develop information for the guidance of publishers.

Following this meeting, the Federal Trade Commission and Better Business Bureaus throughout the country have been supplying information to publications to enable them to further strengthen the censorship which they have rigidly held in the past in determining The appearance of the class of advertising which should gO into their publications. this advertisem*nt columns 18 The Federal Trade Commission, in its initial actions in centering its in indication that nttack 011 cure-alls for incurable diseases, anti-fat remedies, An this newspaper sub- shot hair restorers, obscene advertisem*nts based on scribes to the prin- lotions and creams that promise impossible improvement in personal Better appearance, puzzle scheme advertisem*nts that offer automobiles oF ciples of Business Bureau of other valuable inducements as various schools that hold out 8t. Louis, and is in false and fraudulent promises as to the course and uport agreement with the completion, lottery schemes disguised in countless ways, rimonial Bureau on a advertisem*nts and others. nite policy of cofor the Publishers in the St. Louis area have alrendy barred practically all operation protection of read- such advertisem*nts from their publications, confidence In advertising.

Che BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU of SAINT LOUIS, (Affiliated With the Advertising Club of St. Louis) 413-417 Commercial Bldg. St. Louis, Missouri This organization is organized without profit to promote fair dealing and integrity in the written and spoken word. It 1 voluntarily supported by Nt.

Louis Institutions who subscribe to It. principles. We have nothing to sell and charge for our services..

The St. Louis Argus from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.