The News Journal from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)

JO EVERY EVENING-WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. SATURDAY AUGUSf 20, 1021. 1 1 I-, ru i in if ihir vt.T-t-i -n- a.ii iji -irV-ii m.i.i i r-iiufti-ruiiu-hViitir rl r- Jr jiJ tw-nfi -inrti "MftiWilw my ii in- -i 1 sw 1 JT.ifc The More Facts You Tell, More Su You'll Sell. Make Your Ad Complete. the rely EMPLOYMEffT BUSINESS SERVICE AUT0M0DILE0 P0C0M0XK SKIPPER SHIFTED.

STOCK PRICESflOl Stock Quotations LAIRD IP ANY Members of N. V. Stock Eichsngo Intzttfctnt Securities du Pont Building Wllmlngtorit Delawar TO MOT DILL TO PASS MOUSE TODftY Will Have Dig Majority Despite Solid Vote of Minority in Opposition. By Associated Press to Every Rvenlng Hoped CapUln of Alleged Rom Ran er May Mane "Hlf Her Vp.w By Associated Press to Every Evening. Philadelphia.

Aug. SO. -Captain "Joe" Jtoy, oklppef of the wchooner Pocomoke, who was arrested a few days ago In Atlantic City, charged with smuggling liquor. brought to Camden last night and lodged In the Camden county Jail. It in expected the captain will bo questioned by Customs ofncials in an effort to get him to on thi men higher up in the rum running gams.

PHILA. PRODUCE MARKET. By Associated Presa to Every Evening. Philadelphia. August 20.

Wheat, lower; No. 2 red 1.25 1.30 do. garlicky. 1.151.20. Corn, lower; No.

2 for export, 65H 66; do. No. 3. No. 2 yellow for Im-al use.

757S. Oat, lower; No. 2 white, AT, No. 3 white. 4lH44-i.

Butter, lower; nearby prints fancy, 53fa55; western creamery, extra ,63 B5. Eggs, lower; nearby firsts. 40V4; firsts J9H; western extra firsts, 36 37; do. firsts. 34Hg35; fancy, sel ected, packed.

5253. Cheese, weak, dull New York whole milk, fancy fiats, fresh, common to good. 1920; fresh. 22(323; single daisies, fresh, 2KS22. Live rwjultry -xiulet; fowls not log-horns.

26Ji. 32; white leghorns, 22ffi24; spring chickens, not leghorns, 2t(a34; do. leghorns. 2026; ducks, white, Pekln, 2123; mixed colors, 186C20; old roosters, 16 US. Dressed poultry, steadt fowls fresh killed, choice to fancy, 3fiK39; do, small sizes, 2535; broiling chickens, nearby, 3338; do, western, 33(p 36; old roosters, 2326; durks.

nearby, 28: Ixng Island. 27. Potatoes, steady; white potatoes, southern, per barrel, No. 1. 4.505.60; do, nearby, per basket, 30C(6l).

Flour, lower; soft winter straight, western, 6.10(86.35; do, nearby, B.75 6.15; hard winter straight, 7.00a7.25; dv short patent. 7.50(8.00; spring, first clear. 6.607.00; do, patent, 8.00 g8.25; short patent, fancy spring and city mills patent, family brandy 9.75gl0.50. Hay, steady; quiet; timothy, old, No. 2, 23.0024.00; No.

3. do 20.00' 21.00; sample, 18.0019.00; io grade 13.0015.00; clover mixed hay, light mixed 21.5022.00; No. 1 mixed 20.00 (21.00. Tallow, higher; prime city do, special loose, prime country, edible, in tierces, 7t. 1 Bran, dull; soft 'inter bmn in 1001b sacks 25.0026.00; spring.

24.00 (25.00. 1 1 ii. Liberty Bond Quotations." JSy Associated ITess to Every Evening, New York, Aug. 20 Liberty bonds closed: 34's. S8.60: first 4's, 87.78 bid; second 4's, S7.64 bid; first 4V4's, 87.85!; second 4Vi's, 87.68; third 91.92; fourth 44's, 87.92; Victory 3's, Victory, 4Vs 98.74.

Bank Clearings. Br.k clearings for the week ending todAy to $2,580,352.86, comimred with $3,585,613.23 for the period of last year. To Investigate Negro's Death. Coroner Bullock will hold an inquest tonight in the case of James A. Booker, alleged to have been shot by Ethel Gibbs during a quarrel at Second and Lafayette streets on Thursday night.

WEDDINGS. Mfx Margaret Walker and Unwind B. Dsvis were married In Elkton Baptist Church on Wednesday. Rev. William Ii.

Moon, pastor of the "church performed CTemonv; JEW YORK STOCKS. Report Dally by lilr. Ce. S. carlty Brokers.

4a Buw Prevtwus PnmnAnV Cloee. Last I0 saw Allied Cheat. 4k Dye 3 A IIU Chalmers Am. Can 24 Am. Car rdy Anv Hide 4k.

Leather 10( Am. Hkl 4t 1 Esther. Pfd. Am. loternUooal 2 Am.

Linseed Am. Locomotive M'l Am. Smelt. Raf. 3' Am.

Steel Fdys 2-t, Am. Sumatra Tob. 43 Am. Tel. Tel.

An. Woolen Anacomta Copper Top. A All. )nlf A W. 1.

Baldwin Loco. ttalttmore A Ohio Hetb. Sel. CTs B. Brooklyn Kap.

Tran. Rut te Cop 4t California Pet- Canadian Pacific Central Leather Co. Cer.o de Pa-ro Cop. Chandler Motor Chi. tlreat West Mil.

A St- Paul Chi A Northwestern Chi I. APac-. Chile Copper Chino Copper Coco Columbia tJraph- Columbia timsAKIec. Own Products Kef. Cowlen tucible Steel Cula Cane Smtar Cuba Cane Smrar pf.

Curn-AuT. smtar Ilenvet A Kin Orande thnver A hte Cirande pf. Kndtcott-Jobnann Erte Kamous Playera-Lasky Flsa Kubber tieneral Asphalt lieneral KlfCtrtc iiftx-ral Motors tieneial Motors (eneral Motors 7i. reat Northern pfd Cirrat Northern Certa. for Ore Properties Hup Moior Car Inspiration Copper Inter.

Harvester Inter. Mer. Marine 1 m.r Aler. MarhM tf- 1UA4 105x 7i tV7 344 3t 1J 72U 374 4 -HI, 32' 114 25 Jn I 2I 3i 2-. 20 13 5H 134' 5J 43; Uli 3l 1134 4J A3 II I NH.

234 314 't 214 84 53 124 14 13 53l 43 1114 2S' Hl'i 10 3t t04 Inter. Nickel 12li I mer. Paper 43 KeUy Sprinitfteld Tire 37 Kennecott Copper 1, Keystone Tire A li lavekawenna Saeel 5S lehivb alley Ml Mexican IVt. hi vale Steel Mo. Kans A.

Mo. Paciflc 1 N.V. tVntral 70li 2H 4:14 354 82 23l 19 7ty; 16 75 24 l' 351 404 N. II. Northern PaciitC 5'i Pare Oil 25 OkU.

pfd. A ref IS Pacific Oil 35H Pan Am. Pet 414 Pan. Am Pet. Penna.

R. a I 3K Pere Marquette 19'" Philadelphia Philiips Jet. 17U Pierre-Arrow 134 Pierce Oil Pittsburg Coal Pressed Steel Car Pullman Co. 1H Punt a Alegre Sugar 2b4' Readirut o'H Republic Iron A Steel 46? Royal Dutch. Y.

Sbs. 47 St- Louis-San Pran 23 St. Ixniii Southwestern 374 19 14 124 A44 674 454 474 23 Saxon Motors M. Shell Transit A 34, Sinclair titi 17'-, Stoss-Sheffield teel Southern Pacific 77H Southern Railway 20 Stromhent Carburetor 27li tudebafcer t1. 6SH Term, op.

A Texas Co. v- 33 Texas A Pacific 23H Tobacco Products 5o ranscontinental Oil ru 174 774 6 4 33J, f-64 "484 4S 46V 74 I'nion Oil 17 1 I'nion Pacific ISO1-! Vnited Alloy Steel Vnited Retail (Stores 4Sti U. S. Food Products U.S. InH.

Aleohot 46 V. S. Rubber 461s U.S. Steel 74 V. S.

Steel, pfd. 1094: Western Maryland 33 WhiteMotors Willys-Overland Worthington Pump r- V'-' EW YORK CURB MARKET. Reported Daily by Lair A Co. Security Brokers, i Post BaDdiBg-. Previous Industrials.

Br-Am. Tob. c. Cont. Motors Durant Motors Glen AW.

Coal No- Am. P. A T. Perfec. Tire Republic Tire Sweets Co.

Am Uni- Prof. Shar Standard Oils-' S. O. New Yk Independent Oils. AUied OU Cities Service Cit.

Serv. B- ctfs. Cit. Serv. pf.

Elk Basin Pet Maracaibo Oil Ch List J14 24; 31 31 24c 134 314 24 15-16 26c 44 113 114 54 194 iu to mm LEVELS Decline of One to Four Points Extends to Many on Spe-; ciatty List. 4 By AhhkUM Press to Error Kvtnlng-. Tork, Au. 29. More tow ree-erds wvre established In the fouw of tUy'a dutl stock market.

Features Fierce-Arrow, common and preferred. Chandler, Westrnghouse, fritted States Kuhber ami American linseed estrem lo-e of 1 to 4 point. Stadehuker. Willys-Overland preferred. Pressed Kteel Car.

AmcrU-an Car. rUtTwray Steel Sprm. Crucible Steet. RepuNU? Irvn. Mexican Petro-tettm and the cheaper oits and the sAiprin also declined.

M. Louis and South western preferred and Cniragn. St. Paul. Minneapolis- and tmahai were weakest of the rail, ilrrnm Flayers, preferred, at a 4 point toss, represented the reactionary specialties.

The closing wajt heavy. Sale approximated ew Yera BaaW lleariac. fty Associated Frvss Everr Evening. New York. Auc.

Jo. The actual condition of ctearing house bank and trust eompacies for the week show that they hold reserve In cess of requirements. This is an increase of IUT1.T20 from last week. 1 1 FINANCIAL NOTES. The- petition for closing the New York Stuck Exchange on the preceding Labor Day ha It is generally believed the governors will irnt the extra holiday and that the Pnuadeiphia and other Mor atul commodity markets will b-ocrve the triple holiday.

The recent bullish demonstration in LiN-rty Loan issues is explained by bond tWaler as due to the favorable iwtrrp relation of the Fordiwy bill at toia-hing lax exemption. It is pointed out the law 'practk-ally increases the amount that may be exempt, Judire Gary annou wed that the Steel Corporation would reduce the wastes of unskilled labor from 37 rents to 3orents an hour er.vtiee AutOf' 2. The reasons riven were the excessive costs of proiiuction and the slack demand lor ti products. Business condition reflect more rlear-1t than a tntnth aso the improvement then under way. thoush it was then, as bow.

mew hat obscured by the usual midsummer dullness The increased avail-aoility of credit and the rrtarved declines which have place in money rates in the last nx months are amonit the surest evidences that the betternwnt is founded on improved fundamental conditions." says the National Hank of Commerce in New York. Thomas De Witt Cuyler. chairman of the Association of Railway says: "My belief is that the railroads have turned the corner. It is hoped that thev will ia the aoirrefrate make net earn-inrs of at teas for 1921. which would be something less than a 3 per cent return, hut would cover the asurefrate of their fixed charces.

It will, however, require further drastic reductions in operation expenses to enable the railroads to earn a ft per rent return and also to permit any genetal reduction in rates." DIVIDENDS DECLARED. American Power and IJht Company, tjuarteriy of 1 per cent on common, payable September I. Mackay Companies. li per cent on common and I per cent on preferred, payable tctober I. Mahoninz Investment Company, quarterly of S1.5 a shnre.

payable sjeptember 1. Montreal Cotton. quarterly of IH per rent on common and per cent on preferred, payable feptember 15. New Orleans. Texas and Mexico Railroad "Company.

IW i'r cent." payable September 1. also semi-annual interest, of 5 per cent on income bonds payable October t. Procter dc tiambk- Company, quarterly of per cent on preferred, payable September IS. St Maurice Paper Company, quarterly of i per cent, payable Aaeust 31. United States knveione Company, semiannual of 4 per cent on new common, payable September I.

Vnited States Industrial Alcohol quarterly of 1 per cent on common, payable September 15. Wet iVnn Railways Company, quarterly of per payable September 15. CHICAGO I.IYE STOCK MARKET By Associated Press to Every Evening. Chicago us- 20. Cattle Receipts.

compared with a wceK aso: Beef steers, uneven; strictly choice and prime grades, steady to 10 cents higher: others. 20 rents to $1 lower; spots, off more; medium and eood grades suffered most; fat she stock, irenerally steady: in-between rra-ies weaK veal calves. 25a50 hber; stjctters and feeders, strong to 25 cents if her. Hoes larzely. 2o to a- 1 v.

-v-nctjriv's average renw Top nackine grades oft most; holdover, moderate: mostly held off mar-et: top. IO is- bulk light and light butchers. Jj.joa 10.10: bulk packing sows, 7.90a.S.23; psgs. 25 cents lower. receipts.

2.000r compared with a week kil'ina; classes practically steady; feeding lambs, 25 to 50 cents hiher. SEW CHARTERS. Dover. Aue. 19.

Charters were filed ere. yesterday, as Rlnriews Piston Replacement Corpora-tfrm. Wilmimrton. capital. $3.000.000 Paorot-Scope Comoration.

Wilmington i orwi rwin Citizens Auto Oas and Oil Service Wilmington. 0O0JJ0O: Asia Fire Insurance Shanghai, China. $1,000,000: Biflex Products Oo Chicago, ill-. aosMJo; rru? Products. New York City Asia Life Insurance Shanghai.

China, $500,000: Pitt Tractor Co. Wilmington. Del- $400,000: American Prodoein and Developing" Corporation Wilmington. DeL. 300.000: Swasey Jiirscn Oil WiimiMton.

DeL. 830O.0O0; Mervta James A Sew York City William Shinn A Wil-mirurton. DeL. C. A D.

Manu; fartnrinx Washington, D. C. $50,000 town Neckwear Philadelphia Pa Homestead Finance Corpora non- Homestead. E. Stump.

Inc. WiUninfton. asicians' Protective Union. No. 311 Amencaa Federation bf Musiciaris.

Wil-, ml rut ton. no capital; Blue Ridxe' Circulation Dover. $15,000. Increase in capital of Harrington Manu-1 facturing A Sales Chicago. 111., from Dover.

Aue. re filed here, yesterday, as follows: Birch Island Coal Wilmington. DeL. capital. $3,000,000: Belle Isle Lum her Wilmington.

Sl.000.000 Blue Orass Oil and Gas Wilmington DeJU A1CO.0OO; Knox- Ditesaenberg Motors Corporation. ilrairuton. JiOO -000 Floral Labratories. Dover, Del $320,000: Ututod Apartment Hotel Corporation. Wilmington.

Wan! mare Wilmington. $250,000 Columbia Royalty Corporation Wilmington. Copeland Mill Inc Philadrtphia. Morton CreenviSie Wiimington. Home Construction Co, Wilmington.

Syncro Carburetor Co ST rliiilne Kerrlce 0ffere4 IS DoLU HOrlPITAIy mads up. West MsvsntH a4 JlJ WaloilC Pliooo tm-J, NUIiONB VOHHkTliHRk Moaciev meots taken, at time rusrsut'iad. Mr. NotUs Oar man. 1240 HJot treet, Phons 77M J.

TV lKlrVltTTE Rmiuftyrft scfiaiiRe. 'I ypewrltwr sold, rented, pal rod. Delaware d.strlbutor of F. A cheek writer. 2 Wsst oerenth treet.

1'hons tfl4 or 7773. L'PIIOLHTERINO Of every description, made to order; reupbolatorias; a spur laity. Reliable Uphol.terlns slO Wai-nut atreet. f'boue 7649W. Klectrlesl Work sn4 ftappll IsA ELECTRICAL WIRIGaW rspaTrini.

Also a complete line of nstores. Otfm evenins. T. i. Deraood J.

W. Cor, Fourth and bcott atruet. fbonsa 7aa; urs ua M. AIOTOH On new Z0-hor-power. 220 W-cy a-ph.

A. f5, p. s'piirfel caire W. E. motor at rint price.

In'piire rltaodard Granite Co IMaware avenue. GHtlMHMA.N KLEtrri RIC CO At northwest c-roer Fourth aii'i Oramre. Phot Rb'SM. Pre-lnvenury El trie hate; astonishing rertuciion. LET YOUR HOME whll price are down.

furnish aa un-clerwrlter certificate frs, Tnerefore. you are gettin the liMt. sod tfer, I no- dantcer of 11 re or further trouble. We alwi carry a line of flsture. v-ry rea-wmaiils.

Central Electric Co. 4 French treet Opeo Phone I90. SET OF ELECTRIC F1XT URK4 rt ft-room hue, wirvl conpkt, t'i Wirins prices iin proport-ioa. Moore irnie sirnet WOOD I LBO.N Electrical engineer snd contractor; old wirinu changcx! to cum-ply with underwriter' rules; anything elnctrlcal repaired. 250O Vao Ruren street.

Phone 2901 BolIdinirt (Vnfraetinr 19 C. C. CLANCY Second and Adam C. CLANCY Second streets. All kind or loourur.

beating and pouting. We tiavsi made a 26 per cent reduction. Equipped to do work In and out ol city. Phone 6171 W. CARPENTER AND BUILDER Jobbing and alteration work, screen, screen R.

F. Donovan. 1815 Hcott tree.v Phone 4.V.2 kl. n. t'lERCE Carpenter obblmr.

rs- motieiing, miat weauwr tr.pping Phort 90 JOHN ENGLISH 211 Rodney street. Phone 1959 J. Contra-tor and builder; yttihing a specialty; all meiafl weather "trip. PIJIHTERINO AH kinds; lxw Bro. 1802 hhalicros avenue; estimates fur-p I shed.

Phone 6707 M. WILMINOTON ROOFING AND CO. spogtlni? and heater work; tin, tar and slac; rooflrur; jooWjig; promptly attended u. Residence. 20O2 Van Ruren street; 44 East Twenty-fourth atreet.

Phfne 2 15J. Heatlnr and Ilnmblnr 20 tJF.ORGE C. DA JR. Plumbing and heating: have your work done now; prices Market street. Ptione 3444 W.

HEATER 8- We sell the famous Empire heaters. We alo convert hot air Heaters into pipeless heaters. Have your beater cleaned and repaired and avoid the usual fall rusd. Headquarter for heater repair and smoke pipes, elbows, rtc. H.

G- Williams, Third and Tatnall -greets. Phone yi Hli ner jr, Dress ma kin 22 COATS All kinds relined; also dressmaking. C. iiisa's, Rodney atre. Moving, Tracking-, ffnrc 23 C.

iU THORNTON Anything, anywhere, any Mm). Our truck will naul it, 122 West Fifth atrset. Phone 7997 W. CALL 2S48 HACLLJO AND STORAGE. HANNAGAN'3 TRANSFER.

FOR HAULING And mo rue aw ej. J. lyons. 1129 West Heventh street. HAULING Edward W.

arter, light or heavy moving and hauling. 1221 Lancaster avenue. Phone 3OS aI or 6557 W. HAULING Trucks and trailers: movtas o( ail kinds. Heavy hauling a specialty.

sicV'UniucK cievcnva aaa L. Ulos met. rauDe smjox w. MCCARTNEY'S TRANSFER Ma ring ana naming, roooe tuua. FURNITURE MOVING And stora-a, service, iotsi and long distance.

Mund; Kt 1 3.1 1 win ftrM.1. Phiifu, TO, MOVING Jamea R. Mutter, movins and hauling. Long distance moving a spo- ciaity. arge moving vans, foooa ai9a MOVING Hauling, anywOefc; oothizu too small; rau-s reasonautis.

Phone boao M. J. J. Ketnng, 72-i Vandever avenue. STORAGE Clean, light storage rooms iur iuouvuib ai uuiroi ctorags Warehouse.

706 Orange street. Phone 7a. MOVING AND HAULING Of ail kinds. Will go anywhere, anytime. A.

Leagar 917 Vandever avenue. Phone 4407 J. STORAGE One dollar a montn and up. Clean. Ught stora rooms for furniture: local and long distance We pack, crate and snip goods to ail part of me wortu: reasonable rates.

McManon Bros. Storage warehouse, Toird and Orange streets. Paoue STOICAGE SPACE For rent, rail read siding wharf on Christiana creek; carload consignments rtived; rates reasonable. P. O.

Box 957. Papering Painting 24 AUTISTIC PAPEKHA-NUING and decorating. French street. Telephone lyoO. Isidor Strauss-; bElDEL Paper hanging.

Best workmanship. ait paper for sale. 420 East Fourth Fuoae e4o5 W. A. M.

DURBLAN Contractor and paint-. er. Now is the time to nave work don at moderate prices. Estimates car-rfuilj uruistied. lul Kutn stcoet.

M. AKsilT Paper hanging done trooi $5 room and up; estimates turnished. 60 1 tour tt street. Phone 2554 W. PAINTING Interior ind exterior painting done.

Turner A Feaster' Reliable work. Phones oo56. 3279. 900 Monro street. APERH AN IN And wall decorations of quality.

Fine work a specalty. RosiD 421 Shipley street. Pnoue 3943. PAPERING AND DECORATING All work guaranteed, estimates furnished on requtt. J-ph Uankui.

221 West Sev-enta street. Phone 73t2 W. WALx- PAPER Of quality. Window shades. Call ills W.

WUliam R. ouu ley sll Shipley street. WALL PAPER Now is the time to have worn uoue at moderate price. Estimates vueerlully luruisaed. J.

Uoik-tt. 415 lataail striiet. Pnoue S267. 26 CALL 5696 and will see you at once about your PRINTING Chaa. 11.

rayjrbju-r 1 lEas tEJgj tht reel. Kepalrlnjr FURNITURE -Making old furniture look equal to new. Kepairiag, upboUtering and camng. phone 0I90 W. 9lo Frcuco street.

ROOFS AND HEATERS repaired. Goss-neil, SOS West Eighu-enth struct. Phones 137-319o. Innovating and Jyen? 29 CLEANING. DYEING And reptiring; DYEING And iU' c.u lor ana aenver.

AdolpA silver, Tentn and Lombard sttvi-l. Phone 7572 W. Wanted Business Service Si WANTED 1.000 carpet to clean. Household good stored. Georgo F.

Lang Co. lgW5 Orange treU Phoue li7. A etomobHes For Sale II 101s model. i 7-passenger touring car; Commercial Truck Company elerirle truck, two-ton rapikelly. complete with battery charging atiparatus, Adclr replkss to Kvery Kvenlng 'fflee, AUTOMOniLEH Hulck.

1917, ft-ryii rider touring. WK Clwivrolet, Il, t'liirinir, tilUU; two Chevrolet. 11S, lourtnv cam, iW each; Chevrolet, ltM7, Hian'lsrd, IWtll, 8-ryllndor touring, Oidmiiobiln, 117, M-cyllnder, Chandler. IfllO, a-cyllriflgr, $7JW; mia For touring. Wllriiliitn Automobile Co 221 Went Tenth wlfeet.

A trrOMOMILEM Two. Demonstration I'hone 154 It. A UTOMOBILKH For al. engines tor boat; part for all make of car: nc-ond-hand car wanted. Adam struct Oarag.

Q4 Adam treet, DODOK SKDAN, KKO ROADSTER 1020 modeln; all new cord tires, Iiarritin for quirk le. WILMINOTON NAHM MOTORS fJO, Eleventh and Went Htreet. I'liono 7445. FRANKLIN 8KIJAN II9 Model 15. At condition.

Address Every Evening Ofrlee. FORD COUPE- 1920. demountable rlm. et of uliock abnorix-r. i'k itfiseoupe.

simple Oara. -UM Oramcu teet. Phone 0310 or Hm. FORD Runabout, motor in ood condition; lots of power and fiwo. 'ny(ler' fJarse, Hoeond anl Jefferon.

FORD JPARTM HIlKtitly uwid, at half pllce; cha'tsl. crank cae, motor, ioi IlKht and other psrt. Hnyder' Harare, Necond and treel. 1IAVNE.H For ale. S-pawner.

okI rubber, (food paint; flrat-clas cortdiikm; cheat). 35 Oranso ut reet or Call fi731 R. REO Bu for ale. run ViStX) mile; Rood a new; cost XI. WM; sell for $1,700.

TV Hf Wilson, re "'e. STEARNS-KNHJHT mechani-cnl condition perfect; $2W. Mr, Moore. Central Jiaraae, JTJl uTkd CAR- Dort To'irinst. llnlck Touring.

TmiririK-Kis-M-l TourinK, jlrisi-oe Riad1er. iLsoN-hPRI NGER MOTOR CAR -OMPANY. KK) West EIwenthStreeL PIERCE rrh only 7.700 miles; Wentlnnhnusn air sjirinsrs. extra tire, In excellent condition throuSh-out. Price $1,750.

F. Diver. 809 Franklin. 121 II UPMtiRILE Tourlns? car, used nnlv short time for run l.7tV) mile; l'M7 Empire tourinn ear. $12A; tirvm nearly new.

1917 Chandler sedan 5O0; harjrain. 1WI7 Chalmers tourinit, condition 1I5 Hnp-mobile rofflsfer, $175 1917 faton toiirimr JZ2-5; a iroofl buy. H. d. Niese, I'nion Park North Union street.

Phone t87. USED CARS nf uwd car on our oorn tbfc proiOrW hIiib lti tifl rt I 4 Kama tl mtl V( HFr? 1 1 1 A I7 TV II' tv III' ry- Come in while tho selection is lest. 101!) Oldsmobile roadster $o7r 1920 Dodste Mcdan. 5 passenger. 1920 Ford Coutie 550 1020 Overland Model 4 I 4 50 lifJOflMland Sedan, 5 f75 IDloDodKe Coupe SJ5 191 Chevrolet Tourinst 5 passenger 375 1919 Ford 5 525 1918 Franklin Tourin.

6 02S iuih Chalmers Tourlns; 5 passenger 375 1918 Mitchell TourinK. 5 passenger 425 191 ft Ford Delivery 200 1917 Dodge Roadster 475 These car can all be bousrht on our eay payment credit plan, which i strictly conUdential. Some cars can be purchased with as In tie as $100 down and one year to pay the balance. Open evenings till 9 o'clock. KEIL MOTOR CO.

Eleventh and Tatnall Phone 64oo. PIERCE ARROW TR UCK Real bargain. Faulkner Furniture Store, New Castle avenue and A street. Motorcycleii and Bicycle 17 XT A evel.R I of new and rebuilt Harley-Davidsoo motorcycles and sidecars. Ninth and French street MOTORCYCLE Harley-Davidson.

late model, side car with shield and top; extra tires time payment. Keil Motor Co Eleventh and Tatnall streets. READING STANDARD MOTORCYCLE Schebler service station. Also Good- year tires. Wilmington Cycle Co.

1908 Market street. Auto Accessories 14 50c TO RECHARGE YOUR BATTERY Two years guaranteed. "Pioneer" storage battery, $20 up. You can't beat this. Battery Specialty 1301-04 French street.

Phone 830.S W. Service Stations, Repairing- 15 AUTO TOM AND CURTAINS F. Steam, rear of 1403 Rodney St. Phone AUTO PAINTING New Tops and Curtains. 111-17 Orange street.

Frank Hanaway. Phone 573. CYLINDER GK1NDLNG Let us re store your motor's pep; have yourl cylinders regrouno. tittea wim new pistons- and rings ail work guaranteed. Call or phone for prices.

Lid MoJorSalesjClJMarktsTOt DELAWARE GARAOK Ninth and Union streets. Repairs and storage. TOM" MARTIN GAiiAG 401 Har. rison street. Phone 622.

Specialty machine shop and general repairs on all cars and trucks. Wanted Automobiles 17 I WANT THE BEST AUTOMOBILE I. can get for $500 or less spot cash: urgent Apply 1ft, Every Evening Office. BUSIrTERViASE Business Services Offered IS AWNINGS Window shades, best of material and workmanship. Preston A Pruitt.

291 a Madison street. Phone BUCHEE Glass gilding of all kinds at via mpiey street, ftione ioaa vv. FISHING YACHT EMMA Will leave Third street wharf every Saturday at 2 p. arrive at ft p. in.

bunday. tuo onlv ooat of its kind; private parties arranged through week. Call Captain L. C. Davis for information.

Bell phone iilb.iV- GRADY'S Dilllard supplies; tables bought, sold and repaired. Estimates furnished. S. W. Corner Eighth and Orange streets.

"HMH'Y be cha7tefor fls iing anytime and anywhere; inquire iKiat. Grange stre't wuarf, or intinir 415 Mdpley street. IIART1NG SIGN CO. Sign and shots' cards. Pboqe 2Uia-v.

pT A ND pLA vTf. ED Repaired and relnnlt: esUmites free. When rtxiuestnl. will tic done by A. C.

uutz, tlewehr Piae'j titeinway representatives. 2ie West Ninth street. Phone 7040. NEW MODEL SHAVING PARLOR Now open under same management. lon Polcino.

and the same barbers, at 19 Shipley street, where we will give you the same courteous attention as before 1 Mel- WBt4 Kewialo tt CLKRK9 Over 17. for p'Mfal Mail r. vice, MIMf trvmlh. FsaoiMiatiOM iesi. lumber Kterierim umpm ner y.

Fr frs riUilrs, write i Iotmsed itormrr rlvll servine eTtsrolwr), fatuitm'ftm VMt Wailrrt'n. If. fMIILD frA pft M449 4ephti EXPKRIE.VCKD MILLINER TANTJ5D AT fiSCK. APTLY ELSIE KEMEY CUAtE, KING STREET. EARN $2,1 WEEKLY fpaes tirr.

wrliing for newapaper. nuiuioM rt 'jr unneceMtrr, letil lri, Vt fyii eat. 2IH Tlre Rkdr Ut lmi Mo gALKHLADIE Have ft4o w-m oeveral ejlt profs'Ksi for rlvbt AjKpty Mr. P.pyia. fg4 Hnt tevT)t)l WOMAN VI hH.

to do wastjrs st home for family of is. Fhfnm ks'A free p. m. WIHTK V'fffK- 2.VJI WJIlsrd rt WOMAN Middle -seed, white, for orx- and geoersl housework; sn.ail family; e-ererrr r4iired. Apply ewwstng.

9 Ut ft o'clock. l40t Krdrt't WOMAN For refined p' Wti'n; an --leiit opjrturiMy f'jir wt it Jng to im taujcht snd ese present as proprwtlon. fh'sn I fvr prlrat In'ervV-w large twmwfitViii, YOUNG WOMA Reliable, for pojw-mtirm; give, axe and exprrw-nc, $10 y-r Addr 5. Every Everog Office. Jfelp anted Wale ('LURKS Over 17 for Postal Mafl rr-vk, $130 month.

Exatilnatlm bTt ember. Experk'oce unrionrssarp F'-r fre, partkrolirs. write (toTTwr civil aervim eramioer.j Equitable WahlwrUf. I. C.

FIRE5IKN, BRAKEMEN Be5nne, tlVh later $2 monthly; rail-ay. It i. Kverv Evnins 3V, MAN- To our prM-jr. to rtaff im.rm In thfs cifv: mt komr bow r'jn truck; ae, 25 to giv ph a n-imlier. Address 14, Every EveTt-tg tflire.

MEN WANTED THE MARINE VS TVER JTTT wants to get in touch vita hmi wh.t are anxious to brjme DECK; OFHCKR ia the MERCHANT MARINE SERVICE COAST GUARD V. i. NAVY. Tr) these men we rae offr a enmptea course in oaviratl m. -rjtp.

whi-h will enable tbe to the re--tnrrd examinations fee tb Our HOME HTUDY" PLAN is the txst IdkHbe wo If. prepa ration will talre tynr to js months fi-sies after be rir is tub frm $175 to $jr vef month aid all xpen. THIH t-CHOOL HA NEVER YET FAILED TO SKCUf.E A RA1-U ATE A POSITION. THE MARINE t'MVERITY Na-jfical mcSoJ, i mit. Paul.

Mlait. AN'rTwiFE MHdl-ae4. foe farm maa must know how to miis. P. O.

bo 25. Milllmrtofi, Md. SALESMAN With car, good propo tion. t'all after SAO fcatnrday es-tjing. Market street.

SALESMEN Of ability sertring chaas to improve eonnwtfrwl will apprwriats intvi-w by phoning K572. SALESMAN NatiooaJry Knows factnrer of gasoline aiwf pumps and tanks deres nalernaa for local vernvrrv. Complete line naGonaily advertln: big demand; lead rimlsbed. Tanir Works. I'n4-4s4 Martmdg bitut New Yirtt 'ity.

UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Want men. Railway mail ctrrir rxami nation your city v-pt-mbeT 17: p-na intensive traiatnx course only rasa enroll tnday or writ for frwe rarUratars; wofKierf ui opportunity. to otart. Patterson Civil eerac rchoo Box RfWhester, N. Y.

WANTED Name ammuou WflmjMrt boy, men. over 17. wiuiua to tieeoms S. government railway JiaiJ clerks; tlii to $195 month: steady: taid vraii; iraveting cnmaLantry. Answer ly, 4.

Every Evenins; Office. SaJesnea and Arret AGENTS WANTED Every family need one; get an aitency and supply tne pnwtttn of your town: sood money proposi 100, for ood worker. See F. C. care of J.

A. x-hucsardt. iiuttmi-woods. New Casue. betwwja and p.

rn. AGENT; "Thome Rasp the lieat emergency repair kit ever produced. Nii quwlcjy to evry mut owner, garaice and deakr. Entire- new no competition l' prr cent profit; goud man can mue eai. to per day.

a-drens Thorns Rasp Patch t. Tawwity-third and Camoria ytryt. Phuadw pta. AGENT!" To handle KJeso. frwt household tMcesjty.

utJfgbf houaewireo. instaatiy. repeat rapidiy big prust-Wnte for term and free aaajpuf. Bjd. lu Product Inc, Ijy AtlaaM: Brooklyn.

N. Y. AGENTS WANTED $9 to fly wilinu new fibre broom, every wnna will buy: sample by parcel post. ic Wynne Broom Eimira. V.

Y. SALESMAN With car. to call on driers with low-priced 6.0Oo-md? tji; ilno wee if with extra commission. The C. L.

Smith South Bend, radian. SitaatloB Wanted Female 3t DRESSMAKER Wants sewing by thai day. Call 538 bwtweta a. ra. and p.

m. WHITE WOMAN Want worn cieaaiag offices. Address 6, Every Evenixj: OfSce. WiDJW With child, six year old. wishes position as housekeeper in maii adult famiiy.

in or out of city. Addrts 13, Every fcvenin Office, Situations M'aated CHAUFJ EUR Experienced would job operating car or truck. pmg eaioe in repair; 15 years cxfH'ri-rv. Verv befct reference. WUliam W.

Mahaa. No. 1 West Eleveatb street. FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 3 AN UNUSUAL OPPORT UNITY For a man with small capital to hand's a specialty drink for soda fountains in Wilmington and vicinity agency. Must be familiar witn drug trada.

Dr. R. Neil. 22OO Fairmount avenue, Philadelphia. FOR SALE Store, ice cream, candy, groceries; good location: bargain; house reasonable.

400 West Sixtli street. Pbvee 35H5 W. GARAGE Business, centrally located, business smhJ. Owner tnut sell on account of iieaith. Address 14, Kvery Evening Orhce.

Waidiington, 1. C. court departmental practice. N. Y.

17 Moat-poniery reet Jenw-y City. N. 3, MEAT MARKET For MdeToBe of the best locations on farmeri' market completely equipped. Address 17. Every Evening Olhire.

Money to Loan 40 MONEY TO UAN-On in sums to kuit. Will not kt-ep you wainng if you have good security. Apply Halter E. Market. Wanted to Borrow 41 WAXTE'D--i tier cent mortgage money.

Aptdy at 9ii 'i3 nij)i plon AND OFFERS. THE FIRST WORD OF KACH AD TELLS U1LAT tHU AD IS ABOUT. Washington, August 20. The Republican Ifcx revision bill was to come to a vote lata loday In the House with Its passage by an overwhelming majority generally tJ mocratio lenders predicted a prac tlcally solid vote against the measure by their 4d of th0 Hou.r. but they apparently had little hope that thoy could draw enough strength from the majority side to make the contest close.

Tho bill will he sent Monday to the Senate, where it will 1m referred to the finance committee fir-consideration during the forthcoming recess of Congress. The committee will take It up In about ten dnys and will consider it in detail after further public; hearings ire held. Chitrman Penrose thinks thete may. last -for a week or ten days. Meeting three hours before tho hour fotf.

the hillotlng to begin, tir? Housj'went ahead today with amend-nwiits by the ways and means comniltteo. PRINCE ALEXANDER IIETTEIL May re Able to Take Oath an Jugoslavia King by August 0. By Associated Truss to Kvery Evening. I'aris. Aug.

20. Prince Regent Alexander of Jugn-Hlavla who has been ill at Neuilly following an attack y( appendicitis, ia considered out of immediate danger, it may be som time before he is able to leave. Alexander was proclaimed king nt Belgrade on August 17 artor tho death of his father, the late King Peter. The constitutional limit for taking the oath expires on August 2fl, and it. 1 the ceremony will take tlnce at Neuilly, No Britons To Aid Spsfn.

By Associated 1'ress lo Every Kv-nnirg. Ixiudon, Aug. 20. Hnllstment. of r.rltish citizens f(r service in Morocco by the Spanish consulate here has been it was declared by a number of newspapers here tod.iy, and men who lrtve volunteered to enter the foreign legion In tht? fljihtinj; against the Moors will bo discharged.

Oil Fire Raying Near Tomplco. By Associated Preiw to Kvery Kvenlng Mexico Citv. Aug. 2C Klre broke ot yesterday on lot 224 in the Amat- lan field, near Tamplco and last night the names were raging fiercely, it Is said in a dispatch from Tamplco. It was declared the o'i field workers face a serious problem in extinguinhing the fire.

Owens, Anderson and Rumford Members New York Stock Exchange Bonds Stocks du Pont Building Telephones 7080-83 I 1 lt. Jin Bl 91 13 00 S3 LliJBJIJiJ lllMl- Oil Si OUR NEW BUILDING ajjj rv ,1 IKS Jl BLI IIU 141 rVOmlngton Telephone 4242 New York Telephone Canal 3S58 Sen RD. LACKEY fi CO. Mnmhera New Yort SKick Kxchango I'hlla. ptock Kxchange 923 Market Street (Lackey Building) SECURITIES Orders for Ihe purchase and safe of STOCKS nd IIOND8 for cash or carried on favorable terms.

SAVINGS "THE FIRST HUNDRED'' It's a common saying that the first hundred dollars is the hardest to After that the going is comparatively easy because saving has become something of a habit and also because that hundred dollars seems to possess the power of attracting other dollars. 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON ALL DEPOSITS WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY S. E. Cor. Ninth i Market Marshall P.

Tindall "Real Estate Management Insurance Appraisals Mortgages 614 Tatnall Street Several desirable houses for sale at very low prices. EVERY EVENING CLASSIFIED (Indexed for Quick Reference.) LINE RATES PER Count six words to the line. Count initials and numbers ar words. No ad taken for less than 30c. No prepaid ad taken for less than 25c.

Charge. Prepaid Day 14cents 12 cents fi Consecutive .12 cents JQ cents i Conscut.ivo Days 0 cents Scents LONG TERM ADVERTISING. Special rtes for business advertising uivtn upon request. REPUBLICATION FOR ERRORS. Republication will bo made for errors not the rauit or tne advertiser, aavertis.

er will report tho error within U4 hours after first publications of advertisem*nt. MISCLASSIFICATIONS NOT PERMITTED. TELEPHONED ADS. Classifled advertiwnents that are telephoned to Every Evening will Im accepted at the charge rates shown above. But the prepaid cost amount Mill bo accepted as full payment if offered at the husinesn office witnin six days afu-r any such ad in first printed- in tho paper.

Otherwise the cost at the charge rates quoted above will be collected. Telephone Your Want Ads. PHONE TWO-TWO-H I'NDRKD Ask for a Want Ad Taker. NOTICES 8. M.

ION Has moved his office to 512 West Eleventh street." ANNOUNCEMENTS Personal 9 TYFEWIUTI.NO Addressing. mtmeo- fraphlng, addresseouraphins. print-n. muitiKraphiiiK. K.

A. llornor Oo. Ninth anil Shipley streets. Phone 5234 W. J.

READER. JR. Plumber, has 7e-inoved his shop from iioti Madison treat to 220 street. Lost and Fonnd 10 AIRKD LX Fen ale, lost Ju'y 16. Reward if returned to Deuvaro Ave, LOST An Elk's unset tooth, valued as a keepsake; helontiRd to a deceased Eik.

Return, to Every Eveuinj Oltice. fil EVER RIM AND GLASS OK WATCH Ist. Finder please call phone HS7 ,1 AUTOMOBILES Aiitoinohlles For trnle 11 AUTOMOBILES 1917 BCICK. 6-CYLINDER. TOURING, 450.


See Ratledtre, 1017-19 Orange St. Open evenings, 7 to U. 64 34 34 66c 66c 1W Managing Estates is a business in itself wholly different from manufacturing or merchandising. If you would have your estate handled efficiently and economically for the benefit of your dependents, you entrust it to those who specialize in this business. DELAWARE TRUST COMPANY has had long experience in the management of estates.

Property entrusted to its care, as executor or trustee under will, produces maximum income consistent with safety. Talk it over with our Officers. Merritt Oil Simms Pet. t. Slrelley Oil Bos 1.

Mont. El Salvador Ton Belmont Tod Mining PHILADELPHIA QUOTATIONS. By Associated Press to Every Evening. Philadelphia. A ug.2U.

Stocks closed irreg ular. American Railways pfd. Baldwin Locomotive 72 Cambria Steel General Asphalt General Asphalt, pfd. Lake superior Corporation, pfd. Lake Superior Corporation Lehigh Navigation Lehigh Yalley Pennsylvania Railroad Penna.

Steel Penna. Steel, pfd Philadelphia Electric Philadelphia Company Philadelphia Company, pfd. Philadelphia Rapid Transit Philadelphia Traction Reading Reading. 1st pfd. Reading.

2d pfd Reading, general 4's Storage Battery Union Traction United Gas Improvement Co. U. S. Steel S. Steel, pfd.

Warwick Steel York Rys York Rys. pfd Ex-Div. -POWDER QUOTATIONS. 63 61 37i 2ti 29 31 16i 67 1034 30 33 73J, 28 Reported Dally at oon by Laird Co- da Pont Bonding. Bid.

Asked du Pont Debenture 674 69 duPont Warrants 24 3 duPont Common, new 110 116 duPont Chemical, pfd S'A 9 Hercules, com. 135 145 Hercules, pfd. 66 113 118 Atlas, pfd 66 6K Atlas. Fraction 6J4 Ex-Div.

Were Here Stodrlns; Y. 8. Drought. By Associated Press to Every Evening. New York.

Aug. 20. J. E. Davidson and H.

Bitch, labor members of the British "parliament who have, been studying; labor conditions and prohibition In the United State were passengers on the 6teamahlp Celtic, aall-ln today for Liverpool, Delaware Trust Company WILMINCTON M1DDLET0WN DOVER SEAFORD LAUREL MILLSB0R0 CEORCETOWN LEWES MILTON FREDERICA 1 1 TTTie Bank of CouHepy Wilmington. Amerital Warehouse Corporation. New York Citv Walsh Bros. Printing Co. Wilmington.

25.0OO. Clinton-Loup Coal Wilmington Increase of capital of Home Building and Loan Association. TCimington. Del from l.OOO to $3000.000 Change of name of Meteor Motor Car evaporation to Invincible Motor Cor-porauoa, WUmingion. DoL.

The News Journal from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)
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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.