Tax Planner Spreadsheets (2024)

Last Updated: May 7, 2024

Don't be fooled by the lack of complexity of this web page. Thesoftware available on this web site is amongst the most sophisticated and user friendlyfor planning your taxes. We put our energies into the spreadsheets that you areabout to download, instead of glitzy web pages that are more functional than the productsthey tout.

These spreadsheets are applicable to residents of the United States whofile personal income taxes. The spreadsheets assume that you are afull-time resident of the state that you work in (tax rates and schedules are tuned forthis situation only). If you are a resident of one state and work in another, orhave multiple sources of income attributable to multiple states, then you should consult atax advisor to see if these spreadsheets apply to your situation. Most individualswill be able to use these spreadsheets for planning their personal income taxes. Atthe very least, the Federal Only spreadsheet will apply to residents of theUnited States who earn income in the United States.

The tax planner spreadsheets allow you to perform on-the-fly tax planningwith minimal effort. Most people will be able to model their federal and statetaxes in a matter of minutes. This is no hoax and no joke: you will be able to planfor your taxes in less time and at significantly less cost than you have ever been able toin the past. These spreadsheets are real products that are currently supportedon Windows and are being provided freely to anyone who wants them, no obligation!

The tax planner spreadsheets require that you have Microsoft Excel version 5.0 or higher. Excel version 5.0 is often called "Excel 95". Users who have newer versions of Excel (such as Excel in the Microsoft Office 2000 / XP / 2003 / 2007 / 2008 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / "365" suites) willhave no trouble using these spreadsheets.

IMPORTANT: After loading the spreadsheet into Excel, make sure to read all the instructions at the top of the sheet. If you are attempting to edit a cell and being asked for a password, you are doing it wrong (computational cells are locked against edit with formulas purposely hidden). A quick read of the instructions will make it clear what cells you can and cannot edit. You do not need the password, the sheets are fully functional as-is.

Versions and Latest News

  • Tax Year 2024

    • Version 1.02, 5/7/2024, Fix to the capital gains tax calculation for situations where the amount of capital gains grossly exceeds that of W-2 income.

    • Version 1.01, 12/21/2023, Minor bug fix to the California SDI overpayment calculation.

    • Version 1.0, 11/29/2023, includes spreadsheets for California and Federal Only. The tax rates in this version may change during the course of the 2024 calendar year.

    Tax Year 2023

    • Version 1.01, 11/29/2023, Minor bug fixes. Updated the California spreadsheet with new CA FTB published rates and exemptions for 2023.

    • Version 1.0, 12/15/2022, includes spreadsheets for California and Federal Only. The tax rates in this version may change during the course of the 2023 calendar year.

  • Tax Year 2022

    • Version 1.01, 12/11/2022, Fixed the double counting of self employment tax in an edge case where the combination of W-2 and Schedule C income streams qualify for the Medicare 0.9% surtax. Reverted the federal Child Tax Credit to the pre American Rescue Plan value. Also updated the California spreadsheet with new CA FTB published rates and exemptions for 2022.

    • Version 1.0, 11/27/2021, includes spreadsheets for California and Federal Only. The tax rates in this version may change during the course of the 2022 calendar year.

  • Tax Year 2021

    • Version 1.02, 11/22/2021, includes updates to the federal child tax credit. Also updated the California spreadsheet with new CA FTB published rates and exemptions for 2021.

    • Version 1.01, 12/22/2020, includes updates to various tax rates from the $900B COVID-19 stimulus relief bill passed late this month.

    • Version 1.0, 12/8/2020, includes spreadsheets for California and Federal Only. The tax rates in this version may change during the course of the 2021 calendar year.

  • Tax Year 2020

    • Version 1.03, 12/8/2020. Fixed the cell notes in the federal and California spreadsheets supporting the 2020 Federal CARES Act to more correctly identify the proper placement of above the line tax deductions of cash-based charitable contributions for non-itemized filers. Also updated the California spreadsheet with new CA FTB published rates and exemptions for 2020.

    • Version 1.02, 3/28/2020, Changes implemented to the federal and California spreadsheets supporting the 2020 Federal CARES Act, specifically the treatment of charitable contributions with respect to AGI, and above-the-line limits as tax credits for non-itemized filers. Also updated a cell note stating that state sales taxes can be included in the amount specified for income taxes in the federal (cell F22) and California spreadsheets (cell F24).

    • Version 1.01, 1/8/2020, added the capability to enter the IRS Section 199A qualified business income deduction and some internal changes to support multi-year tax analysis to the federal and California spreadsheets.

    • Version 1.0, 12/26/2019, includes spreadsheets for California and Federal Only. The tax rates in this version may change during the course of the 2020 calendar year.

  • Tax Year 2019

    • Version 1.07, 1/8/2020, added the capability to enter the IRS Section 199A qualified business income deduction and some internal changes to support multi-year tax analysis to the federal and California spreadsheets.

    • Version 1.06, 12/26/2019, Updated both the federal and California spreadsheets to reflect the change in medical deduction threshold being reset to 7.5%, per HR bill 1865, Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020.

    • Version 1.05, 12/13/2019, Updated both the federal and California spreadsheets to add a federal marginal capital gains tax rate output in the summary table. Also updated the California spreadsheet with new CA FTB published rates and exemptions for 2019.

    • Version 1.04, 8/17/2019, Fixed a bug in the NIIT (Medicare 3.8%) tax calculation for high income earners who have capital losses in excess of gains (cell B43). Fixed a bug in the federal AMT calculation for high capital gains earners who are subject to NIIT (NIIT was being double counted in the bottom line overall tax calculation). Fixed a bug where earners who exceed the ACA surtax cliff but have deductions that exceed their earned income would cause a divide by zero error in the NIIT calculation.

    • Version 1.03, 4/9/2019, Fixed a bug in the NIIT (Medicare 3.8%) tax calculation for high income earners who are subject to the SALT limitation.

    • Version 1.02, 3/22/2019, Fixed a bug in all spreadsheets where prior year state taxes paid in the current year are subject to the SALT limitation.

    • Version 1.01, 1/18/2019, Fixed a bug in the Federal Only spreadsheet for Head of Household capital gains tax calculations affecting some high income earners. Other filers (single, married joint, married separate) are unaffected/unchanged. The California spreadsheet is also unaffected/unchanged.

    • Version 1.0, 12/21/2018, includes spreadsheets for California and Federal Only. The tax rates in this version may change during the course of the 2019 calendar year. Latest Calfornia SDI/VPDI rate updated. Federal capital gains tax calculation for some high income earners updated.

  • Tax Year 2018

    • Version 1.09, 1/8/2020, added the capability to enter the IRS Section 199A qualified business income deduction and some internal changes to support multi-year tax analysis to the federal and California spreadsheets.

    • Version 1.08, 4/9/2019, Fixed a bug in the NIIT (Medicare 3.8%) tax calculation for high income earners who are subject to the SALT limitation.

    • Version 1.07, 11/16/2018, for the California spreadsheet only, modified the computation of federal net income to account for SDI/VPDI. SDI/VPDI is already accounted for in the tax summary section for total federal/CA and CA taxes so subtracting SDI/VPDI in the federal net income calculation will make those numbers consistent. Also updated the California spreadsheet with new CA FTB published rates and exemptions for 2018.

    • Version 1.06, 10/16/2018, modified the FICA self-employment income maximum taxable amount to 128400, adjusted downward by $300 late last year.

    • Version 1.05, 8/20/2018, for the California spreadsheet only, fixed a bug in the federal capital gains tax calculation when those gains are below the high income threshold.

    • Version 1.04, 5/27/2018, fixed an edge case in all spreadsheets in the federal capital gains tax calculation when those gains on their own exceed the high income 20% threshold.

    • Version 1.03, 4/6/2018, updated the quick instructions in all spreadsheets to clarify that W-2 income cells are gross income. In all spreadsheets, added an IRS Cafeteria Plan tax exempt cell in the Federal Income Adjustments section and modified the FICA and Medicare tax computations to use this amount as a deduction against earned income. Likewise in the California spreadsheet, modified the SDI/VPDI tax computation to use the IRS Cafeteria Plan amount as a deduction against earned income.

    • Version 1.02, 2/25/2018, locked the miscellaneous 2% deduction cell in both the Federal and California spreadsheets to the value 0.00 since those deductions are eliminated starting this year with the new tax law. Also modified the value in cell B78 in the "2018-Joint" tab of the California spreadsheets to default to NO, matching the default setting in the Federal worksheets (this value can be changed by the user).

    • Version 1.01, 1/31/2018, fixed a bug in the federal tax sheet in calculating LTCGs. Also fixed two bugs in the federal AMT taxable income computation in all sheets when the standard deduction is used in favor of itemized deductions.

    • Version 1.0, 1/1/2018, the 0.81 beta version below is renamed as 1.0, no changes or bugs discovered since its release (the download links/content have not changed)

    • Version 0.81 (Beta), 12/24/2017, fixed an edge case calculating LTCGs where taxable income with/without LTCG income straddles the 0% and 15% brackets.

    • 12/23/2017, published a version of the spreadsheets which calculates 2018 taxes under the old tax law so that you can determine whether the new law is providing you with a tax cut or hike, and if so, how much. This special version is not going to be maintained for obvious reasons, and is downloadable only as a ZIP file (see the MacOS Download section below). The ZIP file will extract and operate correctly on both Windows and MacOS platforms.

    • Version 0.8 (Beta), 12/22/2017, fixed the long standing problem with low income LTCG tax calculations in all spreadsheets. For example, married filing joint filers with taxable income below $77,200 will pay 0% on their long-term capital gains. Due to the significant differences in the new tax code this year, it is not possible to back port these specific fixes made to prior calendar years.

    • Version 0.7 (Beta), 12/21/2017, fixed the AMT taxable income calculation to account for all types of Schedule A deductions or the standard deduction; added nontaxable state income to the NIIT calculation; eliminated the Pease limitation calculation from Schedule A deductions

    • Version 0.5 (Beta), 12/20/2017, initial test release with the new H.R. 1: Tax Cuts and Jobs Act legislation changes in place. It is expected that this first release contains bugs and will be updated once more reliable and detailed information about the new tax law is made available. Therefore it is recommended that you use this version only for testing purposes.

  • Tax Year 2017

    • Version 1.1, 12/21/2017, added nontaxable state income to the NIIT calculation

    • Version 1.09, 12/17/2017, fixed an edge case where MAGI for NIIT purposes failed to include prior year state tax refunds and "Other Income"

    • Version 1.08, 10/26/2017, updated California spreadsheet with new CA FTB published rates and exemptions for 2017

    • Version 1.07, 9/8/2017, fixed an edge case where the Medicare NII 3.8% surtax was being included twice in normal income tax calculations

    • Version 1.06, 8/16/2017

      • modified the cell notes and labels of cells B28 and B34 in all spreadsheets to reflect proper accounting of taxable social security income. No actual changes in the formulas were made, only better documentation of how to handle social security income that is taxable either/both at the federal and state level.

      • Enhanced the Medicare surtax calculations into two parts: the 0.9% which is normally withheld on earned income and the 3.8% which is computed based on MAPI or NII (and not withheld).

      • AMT high income thresholds updated using the 2017 published numbers

    • Version 1.05, 3/26/2017, fixed the medical deduction threshold rate for seniors in all spreadsheets

    • Version 1.04, 2/13/2017, fixed a marginal tax calculation error in the federal tax sheet

    • Version 1.03, 2/12/2017, simplified the Medicare surtax calculation for high income earners in all spreadsheets

    • Version 1.02, 1/16/2017, fixed the computation for the limitation of itemized deductions in the California spreadsheet that can affect extremely high income earners

    • Version 1.01, 12/18/2016, fixed the federal NIIT state tax deduction calculation which could have under reported income tax owed for some high ordinary income earners

    • Version 1.0, 11/25/2016, includes spreadsheets for California and Federal Only. The tax rates in this version will very likely change during the course of the 2017 calendar year. New for this year in all spreadsheets are average and marginal tax rate calculations: these new calculations are based on the original work of Dr. Dave Smith (CPA) of Missouri Southern State University. You can find the new calculations in the Tax Due Summary section of the spreadsheet.

  • Tax Year 2016

  • Tax Year 2015

    • Version 1.01, 12/5/2015, updated California spreadsheet with new CA FTB published rates and exemptions for 2015

    • Version 1.0, 12/20/2014, includes spreadsheets for California and Federal Only. The tax rates in this version will very likely change during the course of the 2015 calendar year.

  • Tax Year 2014

    • Version 1.04, 12/20/2014, updated California spreadsheet with new CA FTB published rates and exemptions for 2014

    • Version 1.03, 9/17/2014, updated all spreadsheets with a correction to the 39.6% tax bracket computation for single filers

    • Version 1.02, 2/23/2014, updated all spreadsheets with various corrections to tax rates, a correction to federal AMT capital gains dual-tax basis, a data check on the federal and California AMT carry-forward amounts, and added the state tax reduction computation for federal net investment income tax calculations

    • Version 1.01, 1/2/2014, updated all spreadsheets to handle the 7.5% medical AGI threshold for seniors (over 65); California state income tax rates updated with the latest 2014 published figures (but likely to change again once all rates are finalized later in the year).

    • Version 1.0, 12/1/2013, includes spreadsheets for California and Federal Only. The tax rates in this version will very likely change during the course of the 2014 calendar year.

  • Tax Year 2013

    • Version 1.06, 12/1/2013, updated California spreadsheet with new CA FTB published rates and exemptions for 2013

    • Version 1.05, 11/7/2013, updated all spreadsheets to fix an error in net investment income surtax calculation, now includes all investment income sources, not just long-term ones

    • Version 1.04, 9/15/2013, updated all spreadsheets to fix an error in the federal child tax credit exemption and minor errors in various cell labels and quick instructions

    • Version 1.03, 5/1/2013, updated all spreadsheets to fix minor errors in the federal AMT income exemption rate, SE tax computation for Schedule C income, and Medicare surtax computations for Schedule C income

    • Version 1.02, 1/11/2013, updated all spreadsheets to fix an error in calculating tax on qualified dividends, errors in Pease and PEP limitation calculations, and newly published federal numbers for standard deductions, personal exemptions, and AMT

    • Version 1.01, 1/4/2013, updated all spreadsheets to account for the passing of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012; added Medicare surtax over/underpaid calculations for amounts withheld based on filing status

    • Version 1.0, 12/21/2012, includes spreadsheets for California and Federal Only. The tax rates in this version will very likely change during the course of the 2013 calendar year if Congress again adjusts the AMT exemption amounts and FICA rates, and states finalize their rates.

  • Tax Year 2012

    • Version 1.05, 1/12/2013, updated all spreadsheets to account for the passing of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012

    • Version 1.04, 12/21/2012, uses current tax law (aka the "fiscal cliff") for all computations in all spreadsheets. If the law changes, an updated version will be published.

    • Version 1.03, 4/22/2012, separates the number of dependents from the number of child dependents so that the latter can be overridden by the user to handle special-case child tax credit situations

    • Version 1.02, 4/8/2012, fixed an error in the computation of FICA over-withheld from multiple earners

    • Version 1.01, 2/15/2012, updated the FICA and SE-FICA rates to be 4.2% for the entire year after Congress approved a year-long reduction

    • Version 1.0, 1/18/2012, includes spreadsheets for California and Federal Only. The tax rates in this version will very likely change during the course of the 2012 calendar year if Congress again adjusts the AMT exemption amounts and FICA rates, and states finalize their rates. In this version, the federal AMT rates have been carried over from 2011 as we believe this will be a close approximation to what Congress will eventually do to patch the AMT for 2012 (should a patch not be forthcoming, the current version of this spreadsheet will grossly underestimate AMT for many taxpayers). Also, this version contains embedded logic to properly account for the January/February FICA payroll tax reduction plus the recapture tax (if any) associated with that reduction. Again, in the likely event that Congress acts to extend the FICA payroll tax reduction into further months of the year, a new version of this spreadsheet will be made available to account for the change. In order to properly account for the FICA payroll tax reduction and if applicable, the recapture tax, it is necessary for users to associate the portions of their W-2 income in the proper months that it was earned. At this time, the IRS has not yet officially published all of the 2012 tax figures that this spreadsheet requires to provide the most accurate calculations and thus we expect a future version of this spreadsheet to contain updates once those figures are known (in such cases, the 2011 figures have been carried over in this version which should provide a close approximation).

  • Tax Year 2011

    • Version 1.03 10/26/2011, updated California and Federal Only spreadsheets to enable Excel's cell commenting feature

    • Version 1.02, 9/24/2011, updated California and Federal Only spreadsheets with a correction to the FICA withholding and overpayment calculations

    • Version 1.01, 9/14/2011, updated California spreadsheet with new CA FTB published rates and exemptions for 2011

    • Version 1.0, 1/13/2011, includes spreadsheets for California and Federal Only. The tax rates in this version will very likely change during the course of the 2011 calendar year if states adjust their rates. The "last minute" federal tax legislation (extending 2010 tax rates/brackets into 2011) has been incorporated into this release. This version includes a fix for situations where all income is subject to capital gains rates.

  • Tax Year 2010

    • Version 1.04, 10/30/2010, updated California spreadsheet with new CA FTB published rates and exemptions for 2010

    • Version 1.03, 5/24/2010, updated all spreadsheets to implement the repeal of Pease and PEP 2010 limitations (personal exemptions and standard/itemized deductions not subject to high income phase-out). It is likely that these limitations will be reinstated for 2011

    • Version 1.02, 4/4/2010, updated the California spreadsheet to alter tax rates and exemptions using newly published 2010 figures. It is likely that these figures will be further updated later in the year once the state publishes its final rates based on inflationary and other data

    • Version 1.01, 2/6/2010, updated all spreadsheets to accommodate federal AMT tax credits

    • Version 1.0, 12/28/2009, includes spreadsheets for California and Federal Only. The tax rates in this version will very likely change during the course of the 2010 calendar year if Congress again adjusts the AMT exemption amounts and states finalize their rates. In this version, the federal AMT rates have been carried over from 2009 as we believe this will be a close approximation to what Congress will eventually do to patch the AMT for 2010.

  • Tax Year 2009

    • Version 1.05, 10/15/2009, updated California spreadsheet with new CA FTB published rates and exemptions for 2009

    • Version 1.04, 10/2/2009, updated California spreadsheet with all CA FTB published rates and exemptions for 2009

    • Version 1.03, 5/8/2009, updated all spreadsheets to account for the change in 2009 federal AMT exemption limits passed in the Stimulus bill

    • Version 1.02, 3/20/2009, updated California spreadsheet to correct the maximum income limit subject to SDI/VPDI taxes

    • Version 1.01, 2/22/2009, updated all spreadsheets to add user editable fields for specifying tax credits and parameters to request that tax due calculations round to the nearest dollar. Note: changes to the California state personal income tax rates and exemptions have not yet been made pursuant to the recently adopted budget. These California rate/exemption changes will be implemented later this year once the actual surplus rate is known (either 0.125% or 0.25%), the exemption amounts are finalized, and the withholding bracket data is published.

    • Version 1.0, 1/2/2009, includes spreadsheets for California and Federal Only. The tax rates in this version may change during the course of the 2009 calendar year if Congress again adjusts the AMT exemption amounts, and states finalize their rates. It is also impossible at this time to predict what the new Obama Administration and Congress will do to the tax code, though no wide sweeping changes are expected to take effect in 2009.

  • Tax Year 2008

    • Version 1.04, 1/2/2009, updated all spreadsheets to fix a federal income tax calculation that occurred when taxable income did not exceed the 15% bracket and long-term capital gains pushed that taxable income from the 10% bracket to the 15% bracket

    • Version 1.03, 10/5/2008, updated all spreadsheets to account for the AMT exemption increases included in section 102 of theH.R. 1424 Emergency Economic Stabilization Act bill passed into law. Also updated the California spreadsheet to account for the portions of the 2008 state tax ratesmade public.

    • Version 1.02, 5/10/2008, updated all spreadsheets to account for the low income capital gains tax rate changing this year from 5% to 0%

    • Version 1.01, 3/7/2008, updated all spreadsheets to account for the itemized deduction and personal exemption phase-out limitation percentage from 2/3 to 1/3 based on the 2008 tax law change. For high income taxpayers in the AMT, the likely effect of this phase-out of the phase-out is nil because the tax burden will simply shift from normal income tax to AMT.

    • Version 1.0, 12/31/2007,includes spreadsheets for California, Ohio, and Federal Only. The tax rates in this version may change during the course of the 2008 calendar year if Congress again adjusts the AMT exemption amounts, and states finalize their rates. Federal AMT exemption amounts in this version are using the "patched" 2007 figures approved by Congress for that year only under the assumption that in 2008 another patch will be approved and the rates comparable to those in effect for 2007.

  • Tax Year 2007

    • Version 1.05, 12/20/2007, updated all spreadsheets to account for the one year AMT patch legislation that increased the amount of the AMT exemption

    • Version 1.04, 9/3/2007, updated the California spreadsheet only to account for the portions of the 2007 state tax ratesmade public. In December further updates will likely be required to account for the complete set of state tax rates (this is normal for California). In this version, any state tax figures not yet updated reflect those from the 2006 tax year.

    • Version 1.03, 3/19/2007, updated the California spreadsheet only to correct the federal AMT adjustment in cell J53 if cell F73 is changed by the user to specify that CA VDPI is being paid instead of the default CA SDI; corrected an error in CA SDI/VPDI cell J40 if cell B76 indicates that more than one wage earner is earning W-2 income.

    • Version 1.02, 2/6/2007, corrected the federal itemized deduction phaseout limitation (now 2/3 of the computed amount). Also added to the California spreadsheet a user capability to treat CA VPDI as non-deductable for federal purposes if not paid into a mandatory pool.

    • Version 1.01, 12/19/2006, cash and noncash deductions are subject to a maximum of federal 50% AGI (adjusted gross income). This is the minimal threshold that applies. Other limits listed in IRS Publication 526 may need to be considered by the user when inputting charitable donation data.

    • Version 1.0, 12/9/2006, includes spreadsheets for California, Ohio, and Federal Only. The tax rates in this version may change during the course of the 2007 calendar year if Congress adjusts the AMT exemption amounts which have reverted to their year 2000 levels, and states finalize their rates.

  • Tax Year 2006

    • Version 1.04, 12/19/2006, cash and noncash deductions are subject to a maximum of federal 50% AGI (adjusted gross income). This is the minimal threshold that applies. Other limits listed in IRS Publication 526 may need to be considered by the user when inputting charitable donation data.

    • Version 1.03, 12/9/2006,updated California tax rates, added California 10.3% income tax bracket, updated instruction #9 (no user manual), updated federal child tax credit phase out limit

    • Version 1.02, 11/25/2006,fix to schedule A itemized deduction limitation (now 2/3 of the computed amount)

    • Version 1.01, 6/7/2006,updates for revised federal AMT rates for theTIPRA 2005 bill, signed into law

    • Version 1.0, 1/1/2006, includes spreadsheets for California, Ohio and Federal Only

  • Tax Year 2005

    • Version 1.03, 12/24/2005, final California tax rates installed

    • Version 1.02, 12/5/2005,minor bug fix to cells N33 and N35 in the California spreadsheets, no tax calculations affected

    • Version 1.01, 2/20/2005,includes support for separating qualified dividends from long-term capital gains

    • Version 1.0, 1/7/2005,includes spreadsheets for California, Ohio, and Federal Only

  • Tax Year 2004

    • Version 1.04, 12/16/2004, final California tax rates installed

    • Version 1.03, 7/24/2004,minor edits to the California "single" sheet removing a user-defined formula from cell F60 that should have been zeroed out prior to release.

    • Version 1.02, 5/18/2004,bug fix for Federal Only spreadsheet dealing with capital losses greater than $3000; bug fix for AMT calculations in all spreadsheets to include personal property taxes

    • Version 1.01, 1/11/2004,includes spreadsheet for Ohio

    • Version 1.0, 1/1/2004, includes spreadsheets for California and Federal Only

  • Tax Year 2003

    • Version 1.03, 12/27/2003, final California tax rates installed

    • Version 1.02, 6/8/2003, changes to account for newly instituted lower federal tax rates

    • Version 1.01, 1/4/2003,change to self-employed health insurance deduction rate

    • Version 1.0, 12/29/2002,includes spreadsheets for California, Ohio, and Federal Only

  • Tax Year 2002

    • Version 1.02, 12/29/2002,final California and Ohio tax rates installed, correction to joint sheet schedule A high limit income

    • Version 1.01, 4/12/2002, fixes for all spreadsheets: edge condition case for federal AMT calculations

    • Version 1.0, 12/27/2001, includes spreadsheets for California, Ohio, and Federal Only

  • Tax Year 2001

    • Version 1.07, 12/27/2001, Ohio spreadsheet personal exemption amount updated

    • Version 1.06, 12/25/2001, low income capital gains 60 month tax rate changed from 10% to 8% in all spreadsheets

    • Version 1.05, 12/22/2001, final California tax rates installed, child tax credit amounted updated in all spreadsheets

    • Version 1.04, 6/24/2001, new lower federal tax rates installed in all spreadsheets, non-editable cells now not selectable

    • Version 1.03, 3/7/2001, MacOS information added below

    • Version 1.03, 2/24/2001, Georgia spreadsheet added; denoting one or two wage earners in joint filing status for the purpose of computing excess FICA payments

    • Version 1.02, 1/22/2001, Minnesota spreadsheet added

    • Version 1.01, 12/27/2000, California and Federal Only cell note enhancements (no formulas changed), Ohio spreadsheet added

    • Version 1.0, 12/18/2000, includes spreadsheets for California and Federal Only

  • Tax Year 2000

    • Version 1.11, 3/7/2001, MacOS information added below

    • Version 1.11, 2/24/2001, Georgia spreadsheet enhancements for high-income federal Schedule A filers, and elderly/blind Georgia standard deduction

    • Version 1.1, 12/27/2000, Ohio spreadsheet has final tax rates

    • Version 1.09, 12/18/2000, California spreadsheet has final tax rates

    • Version 1.08, 8/3/2000, includes a spreadsheet for the state of Louisiana

    • Version 1.07, 6/2/2000, includes a spreadsheet for the state of Georgia

    • Version 1.06, 4/14/2000, California spreadsheet enhancements for the SDI calculation. The state changed the formula effective 4/1/2000.

    • Version 1.05, 3/23/2000, includes a spreadsheet for the state of Michigan

    • Version 1.04, 1/14/2000, California spreadsheet enhancements for state tax deductions

    • Version 1.03, 1/12/2000, includes a spreadsheet for the state of Colorado

    • Version 1.02, 1/11/2000, more robust Schedule A and federal AMT tax calculations for high incomes

    • Version 1.01, 1/5/2000, includes a spreadsheet for the state of Connecticut

    • Version 1.0, 12/31/1999, includes a much improved federal AMT calculation, California AMT calculation, AMT carryforward tax credit, and exemption credits for senior citizens and the blind

  • Tax Year 1999

  • Version 2.03, 1/5/2000, includes a spreadsheet for the state of Connecticut

  • Version 2.02, 12/21/1999, California, Colorado, and Ohio spreadsheets updated for final 1999 state tax rates; all spreadsheets updated to use final federal child tax credit formula

  • Version 2.01, 12/3/1999, includes a spreadsheet for the state of Georgia

  • Version 2.0, 6/25/1999, includes the child tax credit calculation in all spreadsheets

  • Tax Years 1997-1998

    • Version 1.0


  • Available in Federal Only version, or Federal + State versions.

    • The currently implemented states for 2024 include: California only

    • The currently implemented states for 2023 include: California only

    • The currently implemented states for 2022 include: California only

    • The currently implemented states for 2021 include: California only

    • The currently implemented states for 2020 include: California only

    • The currently implemented states for 2019 include: California only

    • The currently implemented states for 2018 include: California only

    • The currently implemented states for 2017 include: California only

    • The currently implemented states for 2016 include: California only

    • The currently implemented states for 2015 include: California only

    • The currently implemented states for 2014 include: California only

    • The currently implemented states for 2013 include: California only

    • The currently implemented states for 2012 include: California only

    • The currently implemented states for 2011 include: California only

    • The currently implemented states for 2010 include: California only

    • The currently implemented states for 2009 include: California only

    • The currently implemented states for 2008 include: California and Ohio

    • The currently implemented states for 2007 include: California and Ohio

    • The currently implemented states for 2006 include: California and Ohio

    • The currently implemented states for 2005 include: California and Ohio

    • The currently implemented states for 2004 include: California and Ohio

    • The currently implemented states for 2003 include: California and Ohio

    • The currently implemented states for 2002 include: California and Ohio

    • The currently implemented states for 2001 include: California, Georgia, Minnesota, and Ohio

    • The currently implemented states for 2000 include: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Louisiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin

    • The currently implemented states for 1999 include: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Ohio, and Wisconsin

    • The currently implemented states for 1997 and 1998 include: Alabama, California, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, New York, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia, and Wisconsin

    Please note: At this time we are not able to accommodate any requests for implementing additional states. If your state is not implemented above, you can still use the Federal Only version to compute federal taxes.

  • Versions are updated regularly as new tax laws become effective both at the state and federal level.

  • Recalculates your tax situation automatically every time you make a change to a spreadsheet. This allows for easy "what if" scenarios to compare different tax situations.

  • Provides you with accurate tax calculations so that you are neither over nor under withheld. You will be able to compute exactly what your withholding should be so that you do not give the government an interest free loan, nor owe the government a large tax bill (possibly complicated by penalties and interest) at the end of the tax year. For persons who pay estimated taxes, you will never make a payment that is too large or too small. No more guesswork at computing your taxes!

  • Eliminates the need for most people to consult with an expensive tax advisor. The spreadsheets can eliminate or greatly reduce the amount of money you spend paying a tax advisor to compute your taxes for you.

  • Handles any filing status (single, married joint, married separate, and head-of-household). Handles deductions for senior citizens and the blind.

  • Handles any number of dependents.

  • Calculates the child tax credit for any income level and filing status.

  • Has built-in knowledge of all federal and state tax rates and income brackets. For states that have city or local taxes, the spreadsheet performs both automatic calculation of these taxes while also allowing you to manually enter the taxes owed should you wish.

  • Automatically determines whether a standard deduction or itemized deduction is best.

  • Handles situations where your income changes. You can choose to specify your income month-to-month, or yearly. For individuals who are subject to receiving bonuses or other variable income streams, the spreadsheet makes accounting for your ever-changing income painless.

  • Handles multiple income streams. Calculates any overpayments of FICA or state taxes when multiple income streams are present.

  • Handles self-employment income and expenses (Schedule C). You can enter your income and expenses month-to-month, or yearly as you wish. The spreadsheet totally automates the complex nature of self-employement taxes and deductions thereof.

  • Handles all forms of dividend and interest income, including short-term capital gains (assets held less than 12 months) or long-term capital gains (assets held greater than 12 months). For high-income individuals, long-term capital gains are taxed at the proper lower rate.

  • Handles income sources that are federally and/or state tax-free.

  • Performs automatic calculation of taxes against the federal AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax). If AMT tax is owed, it will be automatically displayed in the spreadsheet. Allows for stipulation of AMT carryforward from previous years.

  • For high-income individuals, automatically calculates any Schedule A limitations and limitations in personal exemptions (temporarily set to 0% in 2010 and 2011).

  • Provides tax summary information, including all payroll taxes owed.

  • Provides instant net income calculations (by taking your gross income and subtracting all forms of taxes owed).

  • Handles taxes withheld from your paycheck as well as taxes paid on an estimated monthly or quarterly basis.

  • Requires no special knowledge of the tax code, and requires no expertise in using spreadsheets.

  • Includes informative cell notes, to aid in understanding what each cell in the spreadsheet is for.

  • Clearly deliniates between cells that you enter data into, and cells used solely for tax calculation purposes.

  • Is carefully constructed so that you will not accidentally modify a tax calculation (off-limits, calculation cells are write-protected).

  • Installation is painless: for Windows, download the self-extracting SETUP.EXE file for the tax year of interest to you, double click on it, extract the appropriate spreadsheet file(s), and open it in Excel. For MacOS, download the TAXPLAN.ZIP file, unzip it to extract the desired spreadsheet file(s), and open it in Excel. This zip file will also work on Windows for users who do not wish to download and run an executable from the web.

  • Does not make use of any macros, so there are no security or virus issues to worry about.

  • No run-time licenses or royalties.

Windows Requirements

  • Microsoft Excel version 5.0 (Excel 95) or higher. The spreadsheets are stored in the combined Excel 5.0 / 97 / 2000 / XP / 2003 format which makes them larger than they need to be, but allows one to resave them in any applicable format that one chooses.NOTE: OpenOffice and Google Spreadsheets have many bugs which prohibit use of these spreadsheets with those non-Microsoft products. OpenOffice and Google Spreadsheets are therefore not supported.
  • Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT (3.51 or higher), Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
  • 16MB minimum memory
  • 1024x768 screen resolution (or better) is highly recommended
  • The Federal + California spreadsheet requires circular references in the formulas in order to compute federal and state AMT. You must enable this Excel feature to use this spreadsheet. To do so, open the spreadsheet and enable circular references as follows: File Options Formulas Enable iterative calculation (check box); or on older versions of Excel it will be here: Tools Options Calculation (tab) Iteration (check box).

Windows Download

These tax planner spreadsheets are being made available free of charge. There areno usage limitations or time bombs in the spreadsheets. Please use them as you wish withour compliments.

We welcome your feedback! Please let us know what your experience has been inusing these spreadsheets. We pride ourselves on being extremely responsive to yourconcerns and suggestions! Click hereto initiate email to us.

IMPORTANT: Some browsers require that youpress and hold the SHIFT key while clicking on an item below to effect a download. If you get confused, choose the "Save File" option that your browser presents asa choice upon clicking an item below.

You have two choices for download, both will result in exactly the same Excel XLS files being extracted. You can either download a single SETUP.EXE file that you will then invoke on your computer to perform an install, or you can download a TAXPLAN.ZIP file toextract the XLS files directly. The SETUP.EXE installation is a step-by-step process that will prompt you for which spreadsheets youwish to install and has an option to save a backup of files previously installed. Some anti-virus programs incorrectly flag this SETUP.EXE as suspect or contaminated, in which case you can download using the zip file method in the MacOS Download section below (ZIP files will extract properly on the Windows platform).

  • SETUP.EXE for tax year 2024 (319KB, last updated 5/7/2024)
  • SETUP.EXE for tax year 2023 (319KB, last updated 11/29/2023)
  • SETUP.EXE for tax year 2022 (319KB, last updated 12/11/2022)
  • SETUP.EXE for tax year 2021 (466KB, last updated 11/22/2021)
  • SETUP.EXE for tax year 2020 (464KB, last updated 12/8/2020)
  • SETUP.EXE for tax year 2019 (462KB, last updated 1/8/2020)
  • SETUP.EXE for tax year 2018 (461KB, last updated 1/8/2020)
  • SETUP.EXE for tax year 2017 (452KB, last updated 12/21/2017)
  • SETUP.EXE for tax year 2016 (433KB, last updated 12/18/2016)
  • SETUP.EXE for tax year 2015 (433KB, last updated 12/5/2015)
  • SETUP.EXE for tax year 2014 (433KB, last updated 12/20/2014)
  • SETUP.EXE for tax year 2013 (432KB, last updated 12/1/2013)
  • SETUP.EXE for tax year 2012 (420KB, last updated 1/12/2013)
  • SETUP.EXE for tax year 2011 (413KB, last updated 10/26/2011)
  • SETUP.EXE for tax year 2010 (407KB, last updated 10/30/2010)
  • SETUP.EXE for tax year 2009 (403KB, last updated 10/15/2009)
  • SETUP.EXE for tax year 2008 (556KB, last updated 1/2/2009)
  • SETUP.EXE for tax year 2007 (556KB, last updated 12/20/2007)
  • SETUP.EXE for tax year 2006 (555KB, last updated 12/9/2006)
  • SETUP.EXE for tax year 2005 (547KB, last updated 12/24/2005)
  • SETUP.EXE for tax year 2004 (543KB, last updated 12/16/2004)
  • SETUP.EXE for tax year 2003 (544KB, last updated 12/27/2003)
  • SETUP.EXE for tax year 2002 (505KB, last updated 12/29/2002)
  • SETUP.EXE for tax year 2001 (826KB, last updated 12/27/2001)
  • SETUP.EXE for tax year 2000 (1.4MB, last updated 2/24/2001)
  • SETUP.EXE for tax year 1999 (1.1MB, last updated 1/5/2000)
  • SETUP.EXE for tax years 1997 and 1998 (2.3MB, last updated 3/24/1999)

Once you have successfully downloaded the appropriate SETUP.EXE file onto yourcomputer, use Windows Explorer to locate the file and double click it. Theinstallation of the spreadsheets will thus commence. Once the installation hassucceeded, you will be able to open the extracted spreadsheet files using Microsoft Excel.

MacOS Requirements

These tax planner spreadsheets were developed on a Windows compatible systemand have not been tested on Macintosh systems and therefore are not officiallysupported for MacOS. However, users have reported that the spreadsheetsfunction without error on Macintosh systems using Excel 5.0 for Macintosh orlater. Microsoft states that there should be no problem in using these taxplanner spreadsheets on MacOS systems. You are therefore encouraged to tryusing these spreadsheets on MacOS using Excel 5.0 or later at your own risk.

The Federal + California spreadsheet requires circular references in the formulas in order to compute federal and state AMT. You must enable this Excel feature to use this spreadsheet. To do so, open the spreadsheet and enable circular references as follows (depending on your version of Excel):

Excel Preferences Calculation Enable iterative calculation (check box)
Excel Preferences Calculation Limit iteration (check box)
File Options Formulas Enable iterative calculation (check box)
Tools Options Calculation (tab) Iteration (check box)

MacOS Download

This method also works for Windows. You will download a single TAXPLAN.ZIP file that you will need to unzip on your computer to extract the desired spreadsheets. In order to unzip, simply double click on the downloaded zip file to extract the desired spreadsheet file(s).

  • TAXPLAN.ZIP for tax year 2024 (213KB, last updated 5/7/2024)

  • TAXPLAN.ZIP for tax year 2023 (213KB, last updated 11/29/2023)

  • TAXPLAN.ZIP for tax year 2022 (213KB, last updated 12/11/2022)

  • TAXPLAN.ZIP for tax year 2021 (360KB, last updated 11/22/2021)

  • TAXPLAN.ZIP for tax year 2020 (359KB, last updated 12/8/2020)

  • TAXPLAN.ZIP for tax year 2019 (357KB, last updated 1/8/2020)

  • TAXPLAN.ZIP for tax year 2018 (356KB, last updated 1/8/2020)

  • TAXPLAN-OLDLAW.ZIP for tax year 2018 (350KB, last updated 11/16/2018).This is a special version which calculates taxes under the old law.

  • TAXPLAN.ZIP for tax year 2017 (347KB, last updated 12/21/2017)

  • TAXPLAN.ZIP for tax year 2016 (330KB, last updated 12/18/2016)

  • TAXPLAN.ZIP for tax year 2015 (329KB, last updated 12/5/2015)

  • TAXPLAN.ZIP for tax year 2014 (329KB, last updated 12/20/2014)

  • TAXPLAN.ZIP for tax year 2013 (327KB, last updated 12/1/2013)

  • TAXPLAN.ZIP for tax year 2012 (315KB, last updated 1/12/2013)

  • TAXPLAN.ZIP for tax year 2011 (308KB, last updated 10/26/2011)

  • TAXPLAN.ZIP for tax year 2010 (301KB, last updated 10/30/2010)

  • TAXPLAN.ZIP for tax year 2009 (297KB, last updated 10/15/2009)

  • TAXPLAN.ZIP for tax year 2008 (452KB, last updated 1/2/2009)

  • TAXPLAN.ZIP for tax year 2007 (452KB, last updated 12/20/2007)

  • TAXPLAN.ZIP for tax year 2006 (450KB, last updated 12/9/2006)

  • TAXPLAN.ZIP for tax year 2005 (442KB, last updated 12/24/2005)

  • TAXPLAN.ZIP for tax year 2004 (439KB, last updated 12/16/2004)

  • TAXPLAN.ZIP for tax year 2003 (439KB, last updated 12/27/2003)
  • TAXPLAN.ZIP for tax year 2002 (399KB, last updated 12/29/2002)
  • TAXPLAN.ZIP for tax year 2001 (723KB, last updated 12/27/2001)
  • TAXPLAN.ZIP for tax year 2000 (1.3MB, last updated 3/7/2001)
  • TAXPLAN.ZIP for tax year 1999 (1.0MB, last updated 7/4/2016)
  • TAXPLAN.ZIP for tax year 1997-1998 (2.2MB, last updated 7/4/2016)

For More Information

If you have any questions, problems, concerns, or suggestions about these tax plannerspreadsheet products, please contact us as follows:

Geoff Mendal Consulting
1374 Robnick Court
Campbell, CA 95008-5833

Unfortunately, at this time, we are not able to accommodate any requests for implementing spreadsheets for additional states. If your state is not yet implemented, it is very unlikely that we will be able to implement your request in a timely manner. The same is true for feature requests: if you find that you need additional functionality not currently supported in the existing spreadsheet, the chances are that we will not be able to accommodate that for you.

The spreadsheets are offered with no support or warranty. While we try to be responsive and fix bugs, there is no guarantee that we will be able to do so.

Tax Planner Spreadsheets (2024)
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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

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