Sunrise and Sunset Times Calculator – Timehubzone (2024)

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Astronomical Calculator – Sunrise and Sunset Times

To find out the times of sunrise and sunset and the Sun's azimuth, altitude, distance from the meridian, length of the day, and direction, use the astronomical calculator below. It is easy to get correct information about Lahore's Solar Noon time thanks to Daylight Saving Time and time zone changes.

Depending on how long the day is and how close a place is to the Sun, sunset and sunrise times vary. In addition to the current date and time, Astronomical Calculator provides information about sunrise and sunset timings in the country. Hours are also included in this information.

Use of a Calculator

Please enter the location's latitude and longitude and the time zone in which it is located. Based on your latitude and longitude, this sunrise-sunset calculator will calculate the timings of sunrise, sunset, transit (zenith), dawn, and dusk.

Astronomical Calculator to calculate Sunrise and Sunset Times and sun azimuth, distance, altitude, meridian crossing, day length, direction, Astronomical, Civil and Nautical twilight. Find Solar Noon information at accurately for Lahore or any location with automatic Daylight saving time / Summer Time and time zones adjustment in sun times

The time for sunset and sunrise changes based on the length of the day and how close the region is to the Sun. Astronomical Calculator tells you about the current date and day in the country along with times for sunrise and sunset. It also tells about the duration of that day, in hours.

Entering the longitude and latitude of a location

Use positive or negative decimal digits to indicate degrees and minutes. It is possible to find and enter a latitude's position using north-south or positive-negative north indicators. A negative value is either hostile north or positive south, depending on which direction you look. Both positive and negative east can be used to locate and input longitude coordinates.

  • What is the sun,s direction?
  • At what altitude is the Sun?
  • What is the distance of sun from the region?
  • At what time and angle was sunrise today?
  • At what time and angle will sunset be today?
  • What is the transit time today and at what degree?


What do you call sunrise to sunset?

(Noun). The period of light between sunrise and sunset is day or daylight.

Are sunset and sunrise the same thing?

No, both are the opposite. The moment when the disc of the Sun because of Earth’s rotation reaches above the East horizon, it is called sunrise. On the other hand, the moment when the disc of the sun fully vanishes below the West horizon, it is called sunset.

What is sunrise time called?

The moment when each morning the upper rim of the sun shows up on the horizon is called Sunrise aka sunup. The term sunrise can also be applied on the whole process of the solar disk passing through the horizon bringing atmospheric alterations.

Why is sunset redder than sunrise?

As of sunset, the light is supposed to travel further through the atmosphere. When the sunlight reaches over a large distance, blue light with a shorter wavelength is spread further. This is how we observe wavelength yellow and red lights. This phenomenon is a result of Rayleigh Scattering.

How long before sunrise is dawn?

According to the Talmud reading, dawn occurs 72 minutes prior to sunrise.

Which country has last sunrise in the world?

Samoa. Once it was regarded as the last place to observe sun set but now it has become the first place on Earth to see the sunrise, which makes its neighbor American Samoa the last.

  • The direction of the Sun
  • Altitude of the Sun
  • Distance of the sun from a region
  • Today’s time and angle of sunrise
  • Today’s time and angle of l sunset
  • Today’s transit time degree

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Sunrise and Sunset Times Calculator – Timehubzone (2024)


How to solve for sunset and sunrise? ›

  1. Sunrise and sunset times can be accurately calculated at any given coordinates using mathematical equations and astronomical data . ...
  2. To calculate sunrise and sunset times , one can use the following equation :
  3. Sunrise = 12 - ( 1/15 ) * acos[-tan(latitude ) * tan(declination ) ]
Aug 9, 2021

What is the algorithm to calculate sunrise and sunset times? ›

Sunrise/Sunset Calculations

Then the UTC time of sunrise (or sunset) in minutes is: sunrise = 720 – 4*(longitude + ha) – eqtime where longitude and hour angle are in degrees and the equation of time is in minutes.

How accurate are sunrise and sunset predictions? ›

NOTE: For latitudes greater than 72 degrees N and S, calculations are accurate to within 10 minutes. For latitudes less than +/- 72° accuracy is approximately one minute. See Solar Calculation Details for further explanation.

How are sunrise and sunset determined? ›

As sunrise and sunset are calculated from the leading and trailing edges of the Sun, respectively, and not the center, the duration of a daytime is slightly longer than nighttime (by about 10 minutes, as seen from temperate latitudes).

How many hours are in a day from sunrise to sunset? ›

When you take into account those few extra minutes and consider the technical definitions, the sunrise and sunset will be skewed on the day of the equinox. A few days later, our days continue to get shorter heading into winter. The sunrise and sunset times meet up and are exactly 12 hours apart.

What is the pattern of sunrise and sunset? ›

Actually, the Sun only rises due east and sets due west on 2 days of the year -- the spring and fall equinoxes! On other days, the Sun rises either north or south of "due east" and sets north or south of "due west." Each day the rising and setting points change slightly.

How do you calculate time taken by an algorithm? ›

Big O Notation
  1. Big Oh (O) – used to calculate the maximum time taken by an algorithm to execute completely.
  2. Big Theta (Θ) – used to calculate the average time taken by an algorithm to execute completely.
  3. Big Omega (Ω) – used to calculate the minimum time taken by an algorithm to execute completely.
Mar 28, 2022

Can people tell the difference between sunrise and sunset? ›

Most people can usually tell quite quickly whether the colors of the sky signify morning or evening based on where the sun is or whether it's appearing or disappearing.

How many minutes before sunrise is it pretty? ›

For sunrise you can often see the color starting to emerge well before the colors peak, perhaps as much as hour before the official sunrise time. The peak color usually occurs perhaps 15-20 minutes before sunrise so that leaves you some time to get to your shooting location or decide if you want to go back to sleep.

How do you tell if it's going to be a good sunrise? ›

A cloudless gap at the horizon will generally produce a better sunrise or sunset, as this allows better passage of light since there are no (or few) low clouds. Thin, broken clouds produce a wider array of textures and colours as the light passes through, especially when there is a variety of cloud formations.

How long before sunrise is it light? ›

Civil Twilight: Begins approximately 30 to 40 minutes before sunrise. This is when the sky starts to lighten up, and the highest clouds catch the first pink, orange, and red hues. It's also when features on the ground start to become visible.

What is the interval between sunrise and sunset measurement? ›

The time interval between two successive sunrises or sunsets is called a solar day, which is also the time the Earth takes to rotate about its axis so that the Sun appears in the same position in the sky. An average solar day is divided into twenty four equal intervals, and each of it is called an hour.

How do you know where the sun will rise and set? ›

Whichever pole, north or south, is pointed towards the sun will give the answer to which side of east and west that the sun will rise and set that day – anywhere in the world.

What is the formula for calculating the position of the sun? ›

S = ST - LONG + 1.0027379 * (LST + ZONE - C). Given the local sidereal time, the right ascension and declination of the sun, and the local latitude, then the local azimuth and elevation of the sun can be determined from spherical trigonometry.

How to calculate the equation of time? ›

The mean solar time has been 1 Page 2 2 M. Müller fixed in such a way that it does not deviate too much from the apparent solar time. The deviations between apparent solar time and mean solar time are described by the equation of time equation of time = (apparent solar time) − (mean solar time).

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

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Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.