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Standaard voor Publicatie

Dynamische Parkeerdata

Standard for Publishing Dynamic Parking Data

2014-02-09 Document version 1.0

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Standaard voor Publicatie Dynamische Parkeerdata Standard for Publishing Dynamic Parking Data

2014-02-09, version 1.0 1


Title: Standard for Publishing Dynamic Parking Data Customer: Author(s): Werkgroep SPDP Version: 1.0 Date: 2014-02-09 File: Standard for the Publication of Dynamic Parking Data v1.0.docx Project: Standaard voor Publicatie Dynamische Parkeerdata Project number:

Document versions:

Version Date Author Comment

0.1 2013-11-19 Erwin Gribnau Initial version

0.2 2013-11-20 Erwin Gribnau Detailed HTTP usage

0.3 2013-11-25 Leontien Balkenende Added data model and message contents

0.4 2013-11-25 Erwin Gribnau Changes to data model

0.5 2013-11-28 Erwin Gribnau New document structure

0.6 2013-12-04 Leontien Balkenende

0.7 2013-12-12 Kees Koster Added generic project information & document structure

0.8 2013-12-20 Henk den Breejen Changes to data model, overall-view, and description.

0.9 2014-01-03 Kees Koster Addition of descriptions and review

1.0 2014-02-09 Kees Koster Preparation of the initial release version after processing of review comments

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1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 4

1.1 Context .............................................................................................4 1.2 Purpose of this report .........................................................................4 1.3 Structure of this report ........................................................................4 1.4 Reading guide ...................................................................................5 1.5 Acknowledgements ............................................................................5

2. OVERALL VIEW ....................................................................... 6

2.1 Option 1: Using a web server and a web-app .......................................6 2.2 Option 2: Using an app directly ...........................................................7 2.3 Option 3: Using an Open Data Server and an app ................................8

3. SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................ 9

4. BASIC TECHNOLOGY CHOICES ............................................. 10

4.1 Transfer protocol .............................................................................. 10 4.2 Data format ..................................................................................... 10 4.3 Roles .............................................................................................. 10 4.4 Authentication .................................................................................. 10 4.5 Identification .................................................................................... 10 4.6 Versioning ....................................................................................... 10

5. DOMAIN MODEL ..................................................................... 11

5.1 Complex data types ......................................................................... 11 5.2 Static data ....................................................................................... 12 5.2.1 ParkingFacilityInformation ................................................................ 13 5.2.2 EntranceOrExit ................................................................................ 13 5.2.3 Operator .......................................................................................... 13 5.2.4 Contact person ................................................................................ 14 5.2.5 Specifications .................................................................................. 14 5.2.6 OpeningTimes ................................................................................. 14 5.2.7 EntryTime ........................................................................................ 15 5.2.8 Tariff ............................................................................................... 15 5.2.9 IntervalRate ..................................................................................... 15 5.2.10 FacilityPaymentMethod .................................................................... 16 5.2.11 Address ........................................................................................... 16 5.2.12 Location .......................................................................................... 17 5.3 Dynamic data ................................................................................... 17 5.3.1 ActualStatus .................................................................................... 17 5.4 Index data ....................................................................................... 18 5.4.1 ParkingIndexEntry ............................................................................ 18

6. MAPPING DATA TO JSON ...................................................... 19

7. PUSH PROTOCOL ................................................................... 20

7.1 Pushing static data ........................................................................... 20 7.1.1 Client request .................................................................................. 20

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7.1.2 Server response .............................................................................. 22 7.2 Pushing dynamic data ...................................................................... 22 7.2.2 Server response .............................................................................. 22

8. PULL PROTOCOL ................................................................... 24

8.1 Pulling a list of known parking facilities ............................................. 24 8.1.1 Client request .................................................................................. 24 8.1.2 Server response .............................................................................. 24 8.2 Pulling the static data of a parking facility .......................................... 25 8.2.1 Client request .................................................................................. 25 8.2.2 Server response .............................................................................. 25 8.3 Pulling the dynamic data of a parking facility ..................................... 25 8.3.1 Client request .................................................................................. 25 8.3.2 Server response .............................................................................. 25

9. LICENSING .............................................................................. 27

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1.1 Context

This document has been prepared by the “Werkgroep Standaard Publicatie Dynamische Parkeerdata”. This specification defines a standard for the publication of dynamic parking data in enclosed parking sites. The standard has been created for the Dutch market by parking technology providers and parking management companies. The working group was initiated by the Netherlands’ Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment. The working group consisted of representatives of the following organizations:

P1 (

Q-Park (


Technolution (

Schmit (

Vialis (

Imtech (


Netherlands’ Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment (

1.2 Purpose of this report

The purpose of the publication of dynamic parking data is to provide information about available parking spaces in enclosed parking facilities (controlled by barriers). For an accurate overview, some (semi-)static data about the facilities must also be provided. The main purpose of the publication is to provide dynamic data on the actual availability of parking spaces for visitors. Visitors are people accessing the parking facility who are not subscription holders. A public parking facility is to be defined as parking spaces, to be accessed by visitors, passing the entry of the facility, at one common set of restrictions/rates and capacity control. Two separated sections with different restrictions and/or rates and capacity control are to be specified as two parking facilities. For example a facility with a lower deck with height limitations and an upper deck without height limitation should be specified as two facilities. This technical specification specifies components required for the exchange and use of data in the field of parking. The components include the following: • Domain model: Data structure and relationships; • Data content (or data dictionary) • Communications specification (or communication protocol) • Licensing for the use of the dynamic parking data

1.3 Structure of this report

This document describes two protocols in one: 1. A protocol to get parking data from parking management systems (PMS’s) to

central parking data servers (CPDS’s), called the ‘push protocol’; 2. A protocol to get parking data from CPDS’s to website and app deve lopers,

called the ‘pull protocol’. The standard uses a domain model, which has been based on two sources:

PRIS domain model

Draft DATEX II standard for parking information

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1.4 Reading guide

Examples of messages are formatted in a fixed width font, e.g. PUT /parkingdata/v1/dynamic/<UUID>/ HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/json

Content-Length: ...




Within these blocks text marked with < and > and triple dots (…) are entries meant to be replaced by the producing software.

1.5 Acknowledgements

The standard was prepared with the valuable input of all members of the working group. The contribution of Leontien Balkenende of Technolution in preparing the UML diagrams of the chosen domain model is gratefully acknowledged.

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There are several options to use the static and dynamic parking data. In the sections below we visualize possible options of usage. It is important to note that parking data providers will likely offer fewer outputs than these three usage options. Specifically option 2 is a less likely option to be offered. Parking facilities provide dynamic data to Central Parking Data Servers (CPDS). Then the data is available for publishing in several ways. To give a clear view we visualize the complete information chain.

2.1 Option 1: Using a web server and a web-app

One possibility is to build a web-app and use a web server to bring the content to a web-app. The web server is responsible for receiving the data from the CPDS.

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2.2 Option 2: Using an app directly

Another possibility is to build an app that uses the data directly from the CPDS.

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2.3 Option 3: Using an Open Data Server and an app

In the third example there is an extra Open Data Server which is used by apps to retrieve data. The Open Data Server is responsible for receiving the data from the CPDS.

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Abbreviation Meaning

CPDS Central Parking Data Server

HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol

JSON JavaScript Object Notation

NPR “Nationaal Parkeer Register”

PMS Parking Management System

PRIS Parking Route Information System

SPDP “Standaard voor Publicatie Dynamische Parkeerdata”

SSL Secure Sockets Layer

UML Unified Modeling Language

URL Uniform Resource Locator

UUID Universally Unique Identifier

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4.1 Transfer protocol

All data will be transferred using an HTTP connection. To query (‘pull’) data, clients execute an HTTP GET request. To push data, clients execute an HTTP PUT request.

4.2 Data format

The content type for all transferred data is ‘application/json’.

4.3 Roles

In the push protocol the PMS is an HTTP client, CPDS is an HTTP server. In the pull protocol the website or app is an HTTP client, CPDS is an HTTP server.

4.4 Authentication

To authenticate clients to servers (can be used for both push and pull), the connection can be secured using SSL. The client is identified and authenticated using HTTP basic authentication. HTTP basic authentication uses a combination of username and password, which, in this case, is sent through an encrypted connection. It is advisable that the CPDS system enforces the use of strong passwords.

4.5 Identification

Names of parking facilities are not globally unique. Still, pieces of data need to be matched to other data using a form of unique identification. A central parking data server needs to match incoming dynamic data with the already known static data. This protocol chooses to use a UUID1 to identify parking facilities. In absence of a central registration party, the source, a PMS, chooses a random UUID for a parking facility once and uses this UUID in all communications thereafter. Using a UUID the chances of two parking facilities having the same UUID are negligible. If a central registration party is present, this party can provide a UUID for a parking facility or simply validate that there are no UUID clashes.2 All popular programming languages support choosing a random UUID.

4.6 Versioning

The URL’s for all HTTP requests contain a version number to identify the version of the protocol used. This document describes version 1. URL’s contain ‘v1’ in their paths.


2 UUID must be delivered by the parking operator. In NPR it is delivered by the Cities.

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This chapter describes the domain model for transferring static and dynamic parking facility data. UML diagrams are used to show the structure and details of the model. Optional attributes and relations are marked with [0..1]. Attributes and relations that can have more than one value are marked with [0..*] or [0..n].

5.1 Complex data types

This chapter using some specific complex data types. They are explained in the following table: Data type Description

DateTime A type containing a date and a time on that date.

Weekday A day of the week. Names in the enumeration have been chosen in accordance with the standard the HTTP standard (see IETF RFC 0822, Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages, paragraph 5.1).

Time A type containing the hour, minutes and seconds (on any day).

TimeType Type for indication of time granularity containing a string. Possible values are {“Seconds”, “Minutes”, “Hours”, “Days”, “Weeks”}.

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5.2 Static data

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5.2.1 ParkingFacilityInformation

Field Description

description Description of the parking facility

identifier UUID of the parking facility

name Name of the parking facility

entrances List of entrances and/or exits of the parking facility

operator Responsible operator of the parking facility

paymentMethods List of accepted payment methods

openingTimes List of availability hours to enter by car

tariff List of tarification for visitors

specifications Specifications and limitations of the parking facility

contact List of contact persons for the parking facility

locationForDisplay Location of the parking facility for displaying on maps (preferred in WGS84)

Field Field type Minimum

occurrences Maximum occurrences

description xs:string 0 1

identifier xs:string 1 1

name xs:string 1 1

entrances EntranceOrExit 0 unbounded

operator Operator 0 1

paymentMethods FacilityPaymentMethod 0 unbounded

openingTimes OpeningTime 0 unbounded

tariff Tariff 0 unbounded

specifications Specifications 0 1

contact ContactPerson 0 unbounded

locationForDisplay Location 0 1

5.2.2 EntranceOrExit

Field Description

alias Name of the entrance and/or exit

isVehicleEntrance Indicates whether it is possible for vehicles to entry the parking facility

isVehicleExit Indicates whether it is possible for vehicles to exit the parking facility

isPedestrianEntrance Indicates whether it is possible for pedestrians to entry the parking facility

isPedestrianExit Indicates whether it is possible for pedestrians to exit the parking facility

address Address of the entrance and/or exit

location Location of the entrance or exit

Field Field type Minimum

occurrences Maximum occurrences

alias xs:string 0 1

isVehicleEntrance xs:boolean 1 1

isVehicleExit xs:boolean 1 1

isPedestrianEntrance xs:boolean 1 1

isPedestrianExit xs:boolean 1 1

address Address 1 1

location Location 0 1

5.2.3 Operator

Field Description

name Name the operator of the parking facility

administrativeAddress List of administrative addresses of the operator of the parking facility

postalAddress Postal address of the operator of the parking facility

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emailAddress E-mail address of the operator of the parking facility

url Website address of the operator of the parking facility

Field Field type Minimum

occurrences Maximum occurrences

name xs:string 1 1

administrativeAddress Address 0 unbounded

postalAddress Address 0 1

url xs:string 0 1

5.2.4 Contact person

Field Description

emailAddress E-mail address of the contact person

faxNumber Fax number of the contact person

firstName First name of the contact person

name Name of the contact person

phoneNumber Telephone number of the contact person

position Function of the contact person

public Indicates whether the contact details of the contact person can be made public or not

Field Field type Minimum

occurrences Maximum occurrences

emailAddress xs:string 0 1

faxNumber xs:string 0 1

firstName xs:string 0 1

name xs:string 1 1

phoneNumber xs:string 0 1

position xs:string 0 1

public xs:boolean 0 1

5.2.5 Specifications

Field Description

capacity Total number of available parking spaces in the parking facility

chargingPointCapacity Total number of available parking spaces with a charging point in the parking facility

disabledAccess Possible access for disabled people (wheelchair)

minimumHeightInMeters Lowest height in the facility in meters

Field Field type Minimum

occurrences Maximum occurrences

capacity xs:integer 0 1

chargingPointCapacity xs:integer 0 1

disabledAccess xs:boolean 0 1

minimumHeightInMeters xs:float 0 1

5.2.6 OpeningTimes

Field Description

endOfPeriod End date and time of the opening times period

exitPossibleAllDay Indicates whether it is possible to exit parking facility all day. Implicitly, when exit is not possible all day, exit is possible in the same times as entry (as specified in the list of entry times.

openAllYear Indicates whether the parking facility is open all year

periodName Name of opening times period

startOfPeriod Start date and time of the opening times period

entryTimes List of entry times

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Field Field type Minimum

occurrences Maximum occurrences

endOfPeriod xs:dateTime 0 1

exitPossibleAllDay xs:boolean 0 1

openAllYear xs:boolean 0 1

periodName xs:string 0 1

startOfPeriod xs:dateTime 0 1

entryTimes EntryTime 0 unbounded

5.2.7 EntryTime

Field Description

enterFrom Start time (of day) for possible entry

enterUntil End time (of day) for possible entry

weekday List of weekdays for which this entry period is valid

Field Field type Minimum

occurrences Maximum occurrences

enterFrom xs:time 0 1

enterUntil xs:time 0 1

weekDay xs:string 1 1

5.2.8 Tariff

Field Description

endOfPeriod End date and time of the tariff period

maximumDayCharge Maximum rate for a day

periodName Name of tariff period

startOfperiod Start date and time of the tariff period

tariffDescription Description of the tariff period

validityDays List of weekdays for which this tariff period is valid

validityFromTime Start time (of day) of tariff

validityUntilTime End time (of day) of tariff

intervalRate Rate of the tariff period

Field Field type Minimum

occurrences Maximum occurrences

endOfPeriod xs:dateTime 0 1

maximumDayCharge xs:float 0 1

periodName xs:string 0 1

startOfPeriod xs:dateTime 0 1

tariffDescription xs:string 0 1

validityDays xs:string 1 7

validityFromTime xs:time 0 1

validityUntilTime xs:time 0 1

IntervalRate IntervalRate 1 unbounded

5.2.9 IntervalRate

Field Description

charge Rate in euros

chargePeriod Length of period for the given charge

durationFrom Interval start indicator

durationTo Interval end indicator (99999 means unlimited)

durationType Time specification for this interval, of type TimeType (i.e. seconds, minutes, hours, days or weeks)

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Field Field type Minimum

occurrences Maximum occurrences

charge xs:float 1 1

chargePeriod xs:integer 1 1

durationFrom xs:integer 1 1

durationTo xs:integer 1 1

durationType xs:string 0 1

5.2.10 FacilityPaymentMethod

Field Description

atExit Indicates whether this payment method is available at the exits

atPaystation Indicates whether this payment method is available at the pay stations

method Description of the tariff method The following standard payment methods should at the minimum be recognized:







"Visa" It is allowed to give other payment method names, however these might not be recognized by users of the data.

Field Field type Minimum

occurrences Maximum occurrences

atExit xs:boolean 1 1

atPaystation xs:boolean 1 1

method xs:string 1 1

5.2.11 Address

Field Description

city City of address

country Country of address

emailAddress Email address of address

houseNumber House number of address / for postal address also allowed: P.O.Box number

phoneNumber Telephone number of address

province Province of address

streetName Street name of address / for postal address also allowed: P.O.Box

zipcode Zip code of address

Field Field type Minimum

occurrences Maximum occurrences

city xs:string 1 1

country xs:string 0 1

emailAddress xs:string 0 unbounded

houseNumber xs:string 0 1

phoneNumber xs:string 0 unbounded

province xs:string 0 1

streetName xs:string 1 1

zipcode xs:string 0 1

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5.2.12 Location

Field Description

coordinatesType Type of coordinate system, preferably WGS84

latitude Latitude of coordinate in decimal degrees

longitude Longitude of coordinate in decimal degrees

Field Field type Minimum

occurrences Maximum occurrences

coordinatesType xs:string 1 1

latitude xs:float 1 1

longitude xs:float 1 1

5.3 Dynamic data

5.3.1 ActualStatus

Field Description

chargePointVacantSpaces Number of vacant parking spaces with a charge point

full Indicates whether the facility currently has vacant spaces for visitors

lastUpdated Timestamp of last update

open Indicates whether the facility is currently open for visitors

parkingCapacity Number of parking spaces for area, facility of assigned parking. This capacity may be dynamic, e.g. when a dynamic allocation is made for subscription holders. This number therefore signifies the total number of parking spaces (occupied and non-occupied) for visitors.

statusDescription Explanation for the current actual status

vacantSpaces Number of vacant spaces for area, facility or assigned parking

Field Field type Minimum

occurrences Maximum occurrences

chargePointVacantSpaces xs:integer 0 1

full xs:boolean 1 1

lastUpdated xs:dateTime 1 1

open xs:boolean 1 1

parkingCapacity xs:integer 0 1

statusDescription xs:string 0 1

vacantSpaces xs:integer 0 1

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5.4 Index data

5.4.1 ParkingIndexEntry

Field Description

dynamicDataUrl URL that must be used to retrieve the dynamic data of the parking facility

identifier UUID of the parking facility

limitedAccess Indicates whether authentication is necessary to request data for this parking facility

name Name of the parking facility

staticDataUrl URL that must be used to retrieve the static data of the parking facility

locationForDisplay Location of the parking facility for displaying on maps (preferred in WGS84)

Field Field type Minimum

occurrences Maximum occurrences

dynamicDataUrl xs:string 1 1

identifier xs:string 1 1

limitedAccess xs:boolean 1 1

name xs:string 1 1

staticDataUrl xs:string 1 1

locationForDisplay Location 0 1

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JSON is a simple data serialization format, having only a few basic types. This chapter contains the mapping of the types in the data model to JSON. Type Mapping to JSON Restrictions

float number

integer number Only integers used

boolean boolean literal ‘true’ or ‘false’

WeekDay string Restricted to the values in the enumeration according to IETF RFC 0822, Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages, paragraph 5.1

DateTime number As seconds since Unix epoch3

string string

Time object containing numbers for hours, minutes and seconds time: { h: 13, m: 12, s: 23 }

All values are integer only. h [0-23] m [0-59] s [0-59]

3 See This format is supported in all major

programming languages, see for examples.

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A PMS pushes parking facility data to a CPDS by issuing a HTTP PUT request. Two request types are needed:

1. one to push static data from the PMS to the CPDS; 2. one to push dynamic data from the PMS to the CPDS.

Typically, CPDS systems will want to authenticate incoming requests. Authentication is done using the mechanism mentioned in paragraph 4.4.

7.1 Pushing static data

7.1.1 Client request Message content

Field Type

parkingFacility ParkingFacilityInformation JSON example PUT /parkingdata/v1/static/<UUID>/ HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/json

Content-Length: ...


parkingFacility: {

"description": "Delft, Phoenixgarage",

"identifier": "DELFT_01",

"name": "Phoenixgarage",

"entrances": {

"alias": "Phoenix",

"isPedestrianEntrance": "1",

"isPedestrianExit": "1",

"isVehicleEntrance": "1",

"isVehicleExit": "1",

"address": {

"city": "Delft",

"country": "Nederland",

"streetName": "Phoenixstraat"


"location": {

"coordinatesType": "WGS84",

"latitude": "52.010781",

"longitude": "43.54725"



"operator": {

"operatorName": "GemeenteDelft",

"url": "",

"postalAddress": {

"city": "Delft",

"country": "Nederland",

"emailAddress": "[emailprotected]",

"houseNumber": "16",

"phoneNumber": "015 260 22 22 ",

"province": "ZH",

"streetName": "Phoenixstraat",

"zipcode": "2611 AL"


"administrativeAddress": {

"city": "Delft",

"streetName": "Phoenixstraat"



"paymentMethods": [


"atExit": "true",

"atPaystation": "true",

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"method": "Visa"



"atExit": "false",

"atPaystation": "true",

"method": "Coins"



"openingTimes": {

"endOfPeriod": "2014-12-31T00:00:00.000",

"exitPossibleAllDay": "1",

"openAllYear": "1",

"periodName": "Hele jaar",

"startOfPeriod": "2014-01-01T00:00:00.000",

"entryTimes": [


"enterFrom": "00:00:00.000",

"enterUntil": "23:59:59.000",

"weekDay": "1"



"enterFrom": "00:00:00.000",

"enterUntil": "23:59:59.000",

"weekDay": "2"



"enterFrom": "00:00:00.000",

"enterUntil": "23:59:59.000",

"weekDay": "3"



"enterFrom": "00:00:00.000",

"enterUntil": "23:59:59.000",

"weekDay": "4"



"enterFrom": "00:00:00.000",

"enterUntil": "23:59:59.000",

"weekDay": "5"



"enterFrom": "00:00:00.000",

"enterUntil": "23:59:59.000",

"weekDay": "6"



"enterFrom": "00:00:00.000",

"enterUntil": "23:59:59.000",

"weekDay": "7"




"tariff": {

"endOfPeriod": "2014-12-31T00:00:00.000",

"maximumDayCharge": "24",

"periodName": "…",

"startOfPeriod": "2014-01-01T00:00:00.000",

"tariffDescription": "…",

"validityDays": [







"validityFromTime": "00:00:00.000",

"validityUntilTime": "23:59:59.000",

"IntervalRate": {

"charge": "0.2",

"chargePeriod": "10",

"durationFrom": "0",

"durationTo": "180",

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"durationType": "Minutes"



"specifications": {

"capacity": "202",

"chargingPointCapacity": "4",

"disabledAccess": "true",

"minimumHeightInMeters": "1.8"


"contact": {

"emailAddress": "…",

"faxNumber": "…",

"firstName": "…",

"name": "…",

"phoneNumber": "…",

"position": "…",

"public": "true"


"locationForDisplay": {

"coordinatesType": "WGS84",

"latitude": "52.010781",

"longitude": "43.54725"




7.1.2 Server response

The server can respond with one of the following HTTP Responses:

Status-Code 200 (‘Ok’) if the data was accepted by the server;

Status-Code 400 (‘Bad request’) if the server finds the request incorrect;

Status-Code 401 (‘Unauthorized’) if the client is not authorized to push this data.

7.2 Pushing dynamic data Message content

Field Type

status ActualStatus JSON example PUT /parkingdata/v1/dynamic/<UUID>/ HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/json

Content-Length: ...




lastUpdated: 1386166308,

open: true,

full: false,

statusDescription: "...",

parkingCapacity: 250,

vacantSpaces: 123,

chargePointVacantSpaces: 0



7.2.2 Server response

The server can respond with one of the following HTTP Responses:

Status-Code 200 (‘Ok’) if the data was accepted by the server;

Status-Code 400 (‘Bad request’) if the server finds the request incorrect.

Status-Code 401 (‘Unauthorized’) if the client is not authorized to push this data;

Standaard voor Publicatie Dynamische ... - Rotterdam Open …· The Open Data Server is responsible for receiving - [PDF Document] (24)

Standaard voor Publicatie Dynamische Parkeerdata Standard for Publishing Dynamic Parking Data

2014-02-09, version 1.0 23

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Standaard voor Publicatie Dynamische Parkeerdata Standard for Publishing Dynamic Parking Data

2014-02-09, version 1.0 24


A website or app pulls static parking facility data from the CPDS by issuing a HTTP GET request. Three request types are needed:

1. one to get a list of known parking facilities and the location (URL’s) of the associated static and dynamic data;

2. one to get the static data of a parking facility; 3. one to get the dynamic data of a parking facility.

8.1 Pulling a list of known parking facilities

The purpose of this message is to allow website and app developers to get a list of all known facilities, filter it using a geographical filter, and then only pull the data of the facilities of interest. The response also contains URL’s where the static and dynamic data can be obtained. This allows for separation of indexing servers and data servers and for separation of static data servers and dynamic data servers. The response also contains an field (‘limitedAccess’) to indicate whether accessing the static and dynamic data of that facility requires authentication.

8.1.1 Client request GET /parkingdata/v1/ HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/json

8.1.2 Server response

The server can respond with one of the following HTTP Responses:

Status-Code 200 (‘Ok’) if the request was accepted by the server and ;

Status-Code 400 (‘Bad request’) if the server finds the request incorrect;

Status-Code 401 (‘Unauthorized’) if the client is not authorized to get this data. Message content

Field Type

parkingFacilities ParkingIndexEntry JSON example of response HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json

Content-Length: ...


parkingFacilities: [


name: "...",

identifier: "...",

limitedAccess: true

locationForDisplay: {


coordinatesType: "WGS84"

latitude: 52.326701

longitude: 4.98765


staticDataUrl: "http://...",

dynamicDataUrl: "http://..."



name: "...",

identifier: "...",

limitedAccess: true

locationForDisplay: {

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Standaard voor Publicatie Dynamische Parkeerdata Standard for Publishing Dynamic Parking Data

2014-02-09, version 1.0 25


coordinatesType: "WGS84"

latitude: 52.026701

longitude: 5.18765


staticDataUrl: "https://...",

dynamicDataUrl: "https://..."




8.2 Pulling the static data of a parking facility

This request can be subject to authentication. Authentication is done using the mechanism mentioned in paragraph 4.4.

8.2.1 Client request GET <URL OBTAINED FROM LIST> HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/json

8.2.2 Server response

The server can respond with one of the following HTTP Responses:

Status-Code 200 (‘Ok’) if the request was accepted by the server and ;

Status-Code 400 (‘Bad request’) if the server finds the request incorrect.

Status-Code 401 (‘Unauthorized’) if the client is not authorized to get this data;

Status-Code 404 (‘Not found') if the server has no static data for this parking facility; Message content of response

Field Type

parkingFacility ParkingFacilityInformation JSON example

See example for pushing static data.

8.3 Pulling the dynamic data of a parking facility

This request can be subject to authentication. Authentication is done using the mechanism mentioned in paragraph 4.4.

8.3.1 Client request GET <URL OBTAINED FROM LIST> HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/json

8.3.2 Server response

The server can respond with one of the following HTTP Responses:

Status-Code 200 (‘Ok’) if the request was accepted by the server and ;

Status-Code 400 (‘Bad request’) if the server finds the request incorrect.

Status-Code 401 (‘Unauthorized’) if the client is not authorized to get this data;

Status-Code 404 (‘Not found') if the server has no static data for this parking facility;

Standaard voor Publicatie Dynamische ... - Rotterdam Open …· The Open Data Server is responsible for receiving - [PDF Document] (27)

Standaard voor Publicatie Dynamische Parkeerdata Standard for Publishing Dynamic Parking Data

2014-02-09, version 1.0 26 Message content of response

Field Type

status ActualStatus JSON example

See example for pushing dynamic data.

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Standaard voor Publicatie Dynamische Parkeerdata Standard for Publishing Dynamic Parking Data

2014-02-09, version 1.0 27


Data providers may elect to provide the dynamic parking data under license. Therefore, authentication is an integral part of the transport protocol. This standard does not prescribe which license model is the most appropriate for a data provider, nor does it set requirements for the registration procedures employed.

Standaard voor Publicatie Dynamische ... - Rotterdam Open … · The Open Data Server is responsible for receiving - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.