General Information Sheet (GIS) - Securities and Exchange Commission Appointment System (2025)

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  • General Information Sheet (GIS)
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SEC collects from incorporators, stockholders, directors, trustees, officers, beneficial owners, external auditor, notary public, personal information such as but not limited to full name, signature, nationality, sex, address, accreditation number, roll of attorney number and taxpayer information number.


SEC collects, uses and/or processes personal information based on submitted and filed GIS forms and related paper documents.


SEC is mandated by the Corporation Code and the Securities Regulation Code to regulate the corporate sector and the securities markets. The collected personal information will be utilized for regulatory purposes pursuant to our statutory functions to ensure full and timely disclosure of material information, protect the investors, and minimize if not eliminate fraudulent or manipulative devices and practices that create distortion in a free market. Further, the SEC, as supervising authority, is mandated to assist the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC) in effectively implementing the provisions of the Anti-Money Laundering Act, and to obtain, keep and make accessible information necessary to detect and prevent money laundering and terrorist financing in the country.

SEC is also mandated by Executive Order No. 2 (2016) or the Freedom of Information (FOI) regulation, to provide every Filipino access to information, official records, public records and to documents and papers pertaining to official acts, transactions or decisions, as well as to government research data used as basis for policy development. Thus, SEC treats the GIS as public record which is available to the public.

SEC shares with and makes available the GIS to interested parties in order to fulfill the aforementioned functions and mandate, for purposes such as:

a.complying with court orders, subpoenas and/or other legal obligations;
b.complying with requests from law enforcement agencies in the conduct of their investigations;
c.complying with requests from regulatory and administrative agencies in the conduct of their investigations, due diligence and policy and research studies;
d.sharing of information with domestic and international organizations and other researchers for their research initiatives;
e.complying with requests from investing public, prospective business partners and clients in the conduct of due diligence of companies and their stockholders and officers including their personal and financial information to enable them to form an informed investment and business decision;
f.determining the compliance of companies and their stockholders with foreign ownership limitations in cases where the entities are engaged in fully or partially nationalized activities;
g.monitoring the effect of the securities issue on ownership, on the mix of ownership, especially foreign and local ownership;
h.monitoring the companies’ implementation of good corporate governance practice of having board diversity in terms of gender, age, ethnicity, culture, skills, competence and knowledge;
i.complying with the requests from claimants against companies and their stockholders and officers in the enforcement of their legal claims through the addresses provided in the GIS;
j.complying with the Bureau of Internal Revenue requirement to reflect the valid Taxpayer Information Number of the companies and their stockholders and officers, and discourage and prevent the use of fake and multiple TINs in corporate and business transactions.
k.complying with legal mandate to provide true, correct, timely and complete information such that the filing is under oath.


Personal and other information collected through the GIS are stored in a secure data facilities. The SEC has adequate security safeguards to protect information from loss, unauthorized access, use or disclosure.


Under the Data Privacy Act of 2012, data subject refers to an individual whose personal information is collected and processed. SEC is duly bound to observe and respect your privacy rights, including your right to information, right to access, right to correct, right to remove, right to damages and right to data portability.


By indicating in the GIS the personal information of the incorporators, stockholders, directors, trustees, officers, beneficial owners, external auditor, notary public and their agents, you attest that the aforementioned persons authorize the SEC to: (1) Collect, process and store their personal information through the GIS forms and related documents, for the period allowed under the applicable laws and regulations; (2) Share with and make available the GIS to interested parties in order to pursue lawful purposes and legitimate interests, and comply with legal mandate.

You also attest that the company and the aforementioned persons authorized you to file the GIS with SEC, and the information provided herein are true, accurate, timely and complete.

You further attest that they are aware of their rights under the Data Privacy Act, including the right to be informed, to access, to object, to erasure or blocking, to damages, to file a complaint, to rectify and to data portability, and understand that there are procedures, conditions and exceptions to be complied with in order to exercise or invoke such rights.


For more information, suggestion and feedback on this Privacy Notice, you may send your email to our Data Protection Officer at


1. What personal information do we collect from the applicant/representative of the applicant?

We collect the following personal information:

Full name
Mobile Phone Number
Email Address

2. How do we collect the personal information?

We collect, use and process the personal information provided through electronic or automated means to proceed in this registration system.

3. Why do we need to collect the personal information?

The collected personal information will be utilized in the processing of the above mentioned applications for registration.

4. How do we keep your personal information secure?

Only authorized SEC personnel are granted access to the personal information collected through the registration system. The collected personal information via the internet or other electronic methods are stored in a secured database. We use reasonable security safeguards to protect the information gathered from any loss, unauthorized access, use or disclosure.

5. What are the rights of the data subjects?

Under the Data Privacy Act of 2012, data subject refers to an individual whose personal information is collected and processed. We are duly bound to observe and respect your privacy rights, including your right to information, right to access, right to correct, right to remove, right to damages and right to data portability.

General Information Sheet (GIS) - Securities and Exchange Commission Appointment System (2025)


How to get general information sheet from SEC? ›

The public may request for SEC documents through a user-friendly, web-based interface that includes online payment and courier delivery of the requested documents/s nationwide. The public may call Hotline Number 737-8888 for requests, mode of payment and courier delivery of the requested documents/s nationwide.

Where can I download the SEC GIS form? ›

1. Go to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) website and locate the GIS form. 2. Download the form by clicking the “Download” button.

What is a GIS in SEC? ›

A General Information Sheet (GIS) is a document that is required by the Revised Corporation Code (RCC, Republic Act No. 11232) to be submitted by corporations to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

When to submit GIS to SEC? ›

Stock corporations, nonstock corporations, and foreign corporations shall file their GIS with the Commission within 30 calendar days from the date of the annual stockholders' meeting, date of actual annual members' meeting, and the anniversary date of the issuance of their SEC licenses, respectively.

What is a general information sheet? ›

The GIS is a form that contains key information about a corporation, such as corporate structure, shareholdings, and directorship. The SEC uses the GIS to ensure that corporations are transparent with their current operational status and comply with regulatory requirements.

Can you download SEC filings? ›

All companies, foreign and domestic, are required to file registration statements, periodic reports, and other forms electronically through EDGAR. Anyone can access and download this information for free.

What are the two types of GIS information? ›

The two major types of GIS file formats are raster and vector. Raster formats are grids of cells or pixels. Raster formats are useful for storing GIS data that vary, such as elevation or satellite imagery. Vector formats are polygons that use points (called nodes) and lines.

What is GIS and how does it work? ›

A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer system that analyzes and displays geographically referenced information. It uses data that is attached to a unique location. Most of the information we have about our world contains a location reference: Where are USGS streamgages located?

Does the FBI use GIS? ›

Geographic information mapping technology is evolving and provides the FBI with better methods of analysis by identifying trends and patterns and managing and organizing the data.

Who is required to file GIS? ›

Pursuant toSection 177 of the Revised Corporation Code of the Philippines, every corporation, whether local or foreign, that is doing business in the Philippines, is obliged to submit and file for a General Information Sheet.

Who must file with the SEC? ›

The Securities Act of 1933 mandates that all companies seeking to raise capital for new publicly offered products in the U.S. must file a prospectus with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

What is the SEC update for 2024? ›

The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced that, starting on May 22, 2024, the fee rates applicable to most securities transactions will be set at $27.80 per million dollars.

How do I file a FOIA request with the SEC? ›

Sending Your FOIA Request

Use our online form, fax (202-772-9337), or mail (100 F Street NE, Mail Stop 2736, Washington, DC 20549). Be sure to state your name, address, and telephone number on your request. You need not say why you want the records. Please limit a request to one subject.

How to find financial statements on SEC? ›

Financial information can be found on the company's web page in Investor Relations where Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and other company reports are often kept. The SEC has financial filings electronically available beginning in 1993/1994 free on their website. See EDGAR: Company Filings.

Are SEC records public? ›

The Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) maintains public and non-public records.

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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.