Final Score (2018) | Rotten Tomatoes (2025)

71% Tomatometer 35 Reviews 37% Popcornmeter 250+ Ratings

A former soldier wages a one-man war against deadly terrorists who hold his niece hostage at a soccer game.

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Final Score

Final Score

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Who cares about MacGuffins? Dave Bautista brings enough brawn and heart to this old-school action romp, making Final Score the perfect complement to a bucket of popcorn.

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Critics Reviews

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Final Score (2018) | Rotten Tomatoes (1) Frank Scheck The Hollywood Reporter Bautista has the low-key charisma, natural appeal and formidable physicality necessary for an action star, and he makes Final Score worth watching (at home while eating pizza and drinking beer, preferably) despite its endlessly derivative elements. Sep 12, 2018 Full Review Final Score (2018) | Rotten Tomatoes (2) Kevin Crust Los Angeles Times Working from a script by Jonathan Frank, David T. Lynch and Keith Lynch, Mann proves equally efficient at action and drama. Sep 11, 2018 Full Review Final Score (2018) | Rotten Tomatoes (3) Pat Brown Slant Magazine To observe that Final Score is yet another Die Hard knockoff may be tiresome, but it's not as if the film gives one much of a choice, as it offers up a ceaseless barrage of scenes lifted from the John McTiernan classic. Rated: 1.5/4 Sep 10, 2018 Full Review Final Score (2018) | Rotten Tomatoes (4) Danny Brogan Common Sense Media Cliched, bad dialogue, enough plot holes that it barely holds together, and yet, thanks largely to the screen presence of Bautista, there's no denying the entertainment value of this action-packed thriller. Rated: 3/5 May 18, 2021 Full Review Final Score (2018) | Rotten Tomatoes (5) Tom Beasley Flickering Myth Final Score has a joyous sense of humour, helped by its punchy script and Bautista's willingness to laugh at his own brawny persona. Rated: 3/5 Aug 14, 2020 Full Review Final Score (2018) | Rotten Tomatoes (6) Emilie Black Cinema Crazed Final Score is a fun action romp set in modern times with modern worries but created and shot like an 80s/90s action film. It's one of those things that feel right in terms of throwback with its nostalgia in the right place ... Rated: 4/5 Apr 11, 2020 Full Review Read all reviews

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Rosana B Depois de "Armadilha" qualquer sequestro/terrorismo em larga escala, estádios e show, parece nos simplórios, mas aqui temos um belo exemplar, com ótimas cenas de lutas, envolvendo dessecações, cozinha com gordura quente, e afins, e aquela dupla improvável, o fortão esperto, e o funcionaria engraçadinho desajeitado, amamos, garante aquela dose minima de humor sacarótico… Boas cenas de ação, uma trama pouco convincente, mas secundaria, pitada de humor, adorável.... Rated 3.5/5 Stars • Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 12/28/24 Full Review Jay W Yeah, it's "Die Hard" in a soccer stadium. It is almost comical how many plot points this movie "borrows" from the 1988 classic, all it's missing is having it take place during Christmas. But, in all honesty, it isn't a bad thing to be like "Die Hard".Dave Bautista plays our John McClain for the film, and he does a good job. Bautista is a wrestler who has actually put in the work to become a believable actor. There are emotional beats in this film that he delivers very well. And the movie understands that in order for the story to work, our protagonist has to be vulnerable. And they do a good job of making Bautista feel like he is on the backfoot for the majority of the film.If only the film could have rip offed the same sort of tight story telling. Great action choreography and top notch directing of "Die Hard". Rated 2.5/5 Stars • Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars 11/20/24 Full Review Anthony & Stephen B Thanks to a game cast and all-star direction, Final Score is a far better time than it has any right to be. It's unapologetically loud, lowbrow, crass, and routine, but what it isn't is self-conscious, which makes the familiar proceedings nothing short of endearing. Rated 4/5 Stars • Rated 4 out of 5 stars 12/28/23 Full Review Ka M A really well made (for it's budget) piece of Hollywood brought to East London and a movie that probably pleased the West Ham owners better than the ‘Green Street' one did. Looks more expensive than it's 20million budget and the cast throws themselves into every scene. The story has as many holes as any single hero Hollywood movie, so it's best enjoyed with all sense of realism switched off.Gains points for the starring role of the now defunct Boleyn Stadium that was at Upton Park. Worth a watch if a bout of escapism is required. Rated 4.5/5 Stars • Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars 08/07/23 Full Review Dorian S It's crap, but enjoyable crap. Rated 2.5/5 Stars • Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars 07/17/23 Full Review Pikachu p Der amerikanische Soldat Michael Knox (Dave Bautista) besucht die Tochter seines verstorbenen Kameraden in London und geht mit ihr zu dem Fußballspiel West Ham United gegen Dynamo aus Russland. Arkady Belav (Ray Stevenson) hält das ganze Stadion als Geisel, um seinen für totgeglaubten Bruder Dimitri Belav (Pierce Brosnan) zu bekommen, um die Revolution für die Freiheit von Sakovya wieder zu starten. Michael versucht dies zu verhindern und seine Nichte zu retten.Final Score ist ein typischer Actionfilm der sich nichts neues traut und seine Idee von der Kulisse eines Fußballstadions nicht zu nutzen weiß. Dave Baustista ist als Hauptcharakter gut ausgewählt worden und passt gut als Held in einen Actionfilm rein. Pierce Brosnan hat nichts zu tun, bis auf eine Motivationsrede, die zwar ganz interessant ist, aber die Motivation irgendwie nicht richtig erfasst. Wenn man ihn ansieht, guckt er nur in die Luft und redet nicht viel, obwohl man denkt, dass er mehr zu tun hat durch die Filmposter. Der Bösewicht, gespielt von Ray Stevenson ist der Klischee-Bösewicht und verhält sich wie die anderen Bösewicht unlogisch. So erschießen Sie unschuldige Leute, aber die Nichte von Michael nehme sie nur als Geisel und tun ihr eigentlich nichts an. Generell wird die Kulisse gar nicht genutzt und wenn richtig unlogisch. So gibt es eine Verfolgungsjagd mit Motorrädern innerhalb der Stadiondächer, wo auch Kampfszenen stattfinden. Die Kampfszenen sind sehr stark geschnitten und am Anfang mit wackliger Kameraführung kaum anzuschauen. Die Computereffekte sind sehr schlecht gemacht, man sieht, dass einige Szenen nicht im Fußballstadion gedreht wurden, sondern vor Greenscreen. Anfangs war der Film noch unterhaltsam und die beste Kampfszene war in der Küche, wo Michael leiden musste, um jemanden zu töten. Am Ende ist Final Score ein Film mit einer Kulisse, die auch auf einem Hochhaus oder anderen Kulisse stattfinden hätte können. Der Film hat viele Logiklöcher, die im Actionfilm zwar oft zu finden sind und nicht immer stören, aber in diesem schon, da man das Potenzial nicht erreichen kann. Am Ende denkt man, dass der Film wenigstens Konsequenzen hat, aber dies ist aber nicht der Fall.6/10 Rated 2.5/5 Stars • Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars 06/14/23 Full Review Read all reviews

Final Score

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Scott Mann Director Martyn Ford Vlad Gordon Alexander Emil Alexandra Dinu Tatiana Peter Pedrero Anton Nick Rowntree Pavel
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Final Score

Final Score (2018) View more photos

Synopsis A former soldier wages a one-man war against deadly terrorists who hold his niece hostage at a soccer game.

Scott Mann

Dave Bautista, Wayne Marc Godfrey, Marc Goldberg, James Harris

Jonathan Frank, David T. Lynch, Keith Lynch

Saban Films

Production Co
thefyzz, Signature Films, Ingenious Media, Highland Film Group, Saban Films

R (Strong Violence|Language Throughout)

Action, Mystery & Thriller

Original Language
British English

Release Date (Theaters)
Sep 14, 2018, Limited

Release Date (Streaming)
Sep 14, 2018

1h 45m
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Final Score (2018) | Rotten Tomatoes (2025)
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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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