Faculty Scholarship and Creative Expressions | St. Edwards University in Austin, TX | A Catholic University (2024)

School of Arts and Humanities

Richard J. Bautch
• A response and further reflections on covenant in the Persian period. The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures, 18(6).
• The Torah and the testimony in Isaiah and the Book of Jubilees. Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Denver: November.
• Isaiah 10 as an intertext that informs a unified reading of Zechariah 11 (Zech 11:1-3 and 11:4-17). Einladung Sozietät Lecture Series at the Universität Leipzig. Germany: June.

Emily Bernate, The redistribution of modals and lexical verbs in United States Spanish. 9th Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas. Eau Claire, WI: October.

Mark J. Cherry
• Physician-assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia: How not to die as a Christian. Christian Bioethics, 24(1).
• Kidney for sale by owner: Endorsing a secular heresy. The International Journal of Applied Philosophy, 31(2).
• Bioethics after the death of God. The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, 43(6).
• Are marriage and family life merely contractual agreements among consenting parties? Shifting moral foundations and social transformations. International Journal of Chinese & Comparative Philosophy of Medicine 16(2).
• Moral consideration in assisted reproduction. Reconceiving Hope Conference. Austin: April.
• Christian bioethics is not secular bioethics. 18th Annual International Symposium on Science, Theology, and Arts. Romania: May.
• Physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia: Christian bioethics and secular bioethics. Salzburgiense Concilium Omnibus Philosophis Analyticis [Conference]. Germany: May.
• Bioethics in a culture that is deaf and blind to God’s existence. American Society for Bioethics and Humanities Conference. Pittsburgh, PA: October.
• Guns: Political ideology in the quest for perfect safety. American Society for Bioethics and Humanities Conference. Pittsburgh, PA: October.
• What happens if the brain goes elsewhere: Philosophical reflections on head transplantation. Whole Body Transplants / Head Transplants Conference. Winston-Salem, NC: November.

Kelley Coblentz Bautch
• The visionary’s view: Otherworldly motifs and their use/reuse in texts of Qumran and Nag Hammadi. The Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hammadi Codices. Berlin: July.
• Parables of Enoch. Southwest Commission on Religious Studies. Irving, TX: March.

Stephen Dilley, Science education and critical thinking. Future of Education JIS Symposium. Pasadena, CA: August.

William Earnest, Playing with the truth: Teaching courses in deceptive communication. National Communication Association Conference. Salt Lake City, UT: November.

Kimberly Garza, Gentrification in East Austin: Charting a visual imprint. SEEN Journal, 18.

Teresita Garza
• When they go low, we go high: First Lady Michelle Obama’s feminist rhetoric of inclusion. Women and Language, 40(1).
• When hashtags don't play: #MeToo, media ecology, and feminist activism. National Communication Association Conference. Salt Lake City, UT: November.
• Senses of time, space, and place in social media resistance. 19th Annual Media Ecology Convention. Orono, Maine: June.

Stephen A. King
• Silence and memory: A rhetorical history of civil rights tourism in Mississippi. National Communication Association Conference. Salt Lake City, UT: November. (This essay received an award for its inclusion on the Top Papers Panel for the African American Communication and Culture Division.)
• ‘I call him father of us all’: The rhetoric of transcendence at the B. B. King Museum and Delta Interpretive Center. Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 15(2).
• Marking the past: Civil rights tourism and the Mississippi Freedom Trail. Southern Communication Journal, 83(2).

Drew Loewe, Course design—Writing and Rhetoric 3326: Legal Writing. Composition Studies, 46(1).

Stephanie Martinez, Ripping off the Band-Aid: Cancer at midlife. National Communication Association Conference. Salt Lake City, UT: November.

Jack Musselman, International dialogues: US and Russia. 9th National 21st Century Anglistica Conference. Russia: January.

Todd Onderdonk, The great Nick: Fitzgerald as recovering romantic in The Great Gatsby. The F. Scott Fitzgerald Review, (16).

Lori Peterson, And then there were two, 2.0. National Communication Association Conference. Salt Lake City, UT: November.

Nancy Reiter-Salisbury, Personal learning networks: Leveraging digital connections. Texas Digital Learning Conference. Austin, TX: October.

Steven Rodenborn, Encountering the threatened humanum in a culture of indifference. National Convention of the Catholic Theological Society of America. Indianapolis, Indiana: June.

Tammie Rubin, This is everything: OR, Why I call art-making practice. John L. Warfield Center for African American Studies’ Diaspora Talk Series. Austin, TX: November.

Gary Slater
• From strangers to neighbors: Toward an ethics of sanctuary cities,” Journal of Moral Theology, 7(2).
• Peter Ochs, Robert C. Neville, and the repair/compare continuum: A link between scriptural reasoning and comparative theology. AAR/SBL Annual Meeting. Denver: November.
Catholic social teaching and migration: Developing an ethics of sanctuary cities. AAR/SBL Annual Meeting. Denver: November.
• Ethics without bodies: The implications of mind uploading for human moral evolution. Annual Meeting of the Institute for American Religious and Philosophical Thought. Berlin: June.
From Sacer to Sanctus: Against prioritizing among refugees. Globalizing Minority Rights Project. Tromsø, Norway: June.
• An ethics of sanctuary cities: Two neglected resources. SWCRS Annual Meeting. Irving, TX: March.

Teri Varner, Can we do a better job of teaching listening? A quantitative and qualitative look at metacognitive listening strategies at play in the classroom. National Communication Association Conference. Salt Lake City, UT: November.

Jennifer E. Veninga, “From Danish cartoons to Norway’s Anders Breivik: Secularism and perceptions of Muslims in Scandinavian social imaginaries. Journal of Religion and Society, 20(17).

Peter A. Wake, Taking the ladder down: Hegel on comedy and religious experience. 25th Biennial Conference of the Hegel Society of America. Boston: October.

School of Behavioral and Social Sciences

W. Carsten Andresen, “Gay panic as a theory of self-defense in 44 murder cases. LGBTQ Legal Issues in Changing Times: What Every Texas Practitioner Needs to Know. Austin: State Bar of Texas.

Peter Beck, Measuring the effectiveness of landowner incentives at ecosystem service provision across forest fragments in Costa Rica. 4th North American Congress for Conservation Biology. Toronto, Canada: July.

Jessica Boyette-Davis
• A report on the qualities, skills, and characteristics desired by top neuroscience graduate programs. Journal of Undergraduate Education, 17(1).
• An updated understanding of the mechanisms involved in chemotherapy-induced neuropathy. Pain Management, 8(5).
• A recreational dose of methylphenidate, but not methamphetamine, decreases anxiety-like behavior in female rats. Neuroscience Letters, 682.
• An investigation of the effects of testosterone and behavioral expressions of pain on sex/gender differences in pain perception. Psychological Reports, 1.
• The effects of ketamine on sexual behavior, anxiety, and locomotion in female rats. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 165.
• The effects of internal and external causation and gender on views of hypocrisy. JSOURCE, Spring.
• The role of religion in punitive behavior. McNair Scholars Program Research Journal, 10.
• Graduate school prioritization of application components: The most highly valued characteristics desired by top neuroscience programs. Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, CA: November.
• Pain perception in non-suicidal self-injury. Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, CA: November.

Kathleen A. Brown
Who pays the butcher’s bill for military malpractice: Clint Eastwood’s war films, anti-war westerns. Southwest Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Conference. Albuquerque, NM: February.

Amy Concilio
• Mycorestoration of a ligustrum-invaded urban park in Austin, TX. Texas Society of Ecological Restoration Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX: November.
• Exploring effects of an urban prairie restoration project on public engagement. Texas Society of Ecological Restoration Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX: November.
• Changes in plant and animal diversity and movement in response to shaded fuel break fire mitigation. Texas Society of Ecological Restoration Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX: November.
• Response of insect diversity to prairie restoration at Commons Ford Metropark in Austin, TX. Texas Society of Ecological Restoration Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX: November.
• Fitness response of Asclepias Asperula, antelope horns milkweed, with the inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Texas Society of Ecological Restoration Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX: November.

Michael J. Disch, Students’ use of and perspectives on digital technology in higher education. Southwestern Psychological Association. Houston, TX: April.

Katherine L. Goldey
• An investigation of the effects of testosterone and behavioral expressions of pain on sex/gender differences in pain perception. Psychological Reports, 1.
• Recognizing Ryan: The effects of name gender on social perceptions. Southwestern Psychological Association. Houston, TX: April.
• Singlehood and relationship experiences: Jealousy and sexual desire across stages of relationships. Southwestern Psychological Association. Houston, TX: April.
• Imagination is the name of the game: Competitive mental imagery changes mood but not testosterone levels in women. Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Atlanta, GA: February.
• Age before beauty? Female preferences for male age, attractiveness, and masculinity. Southwestern Psychological Association. Houston, TX: April.

Kelly E. Green, Evaluating biofeedback training in conjunction with a cognitive-behavioral intervention for adults with impulse control deficits: A pilot study. Practice Innovations, 3(2).

Selin. E. Guner, “Polarity, polarization, and democracy: Results from the linear democracy data. International Journal of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(2).

Laurie Cook Heffron
• Salía de uno y me metí en otro: Exploring the migration-violence nexus among Central American. Violence Against Women, 25(6).
• “At least they’re workin’ on my case?” Victim notification in sexual assault “cold” cases. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
• Latina immigrant women & children’s well-being and access to services after detention. Latino Public Policy, 6.
• Latina women experiences in immigration detention centers in Texas. American Psychological Association 45 Research Conference. Austin, TX: July.

Jooyoun Lee
• Yasukuni and Hiroshima in clash? War and peace museums in contemporary Japan. Pacific Focus, 33(1).
• Korean popular culture and historical sensibilities in East Asia. Arts & International Affairs, 3(1).
• The Korean wave in America: Assessing the status of K-pop and K-drama between global and local. Situations: Cultural Studies in the Asian Context, 11(2).
• L.H.M. Ling, political healing, and gender studies. International Studies Association Meeting. San Francisco, CA, April.
• Assessing the 2015 diplomatic negotiations of comfort women between Japan and South Korea. Southwest Conference on Asian Studies. Waco, TX: October.

Rachael Neal, The advantages of anti-racism: Being fully human. Southern Sociological Society. New Orleans: April.

Delia K. Paskos, It takes a village: An integrated and collaborative effort between administration and faculty to educate students on sexual violence prevention. Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (NASPA) Annual Convention. Philadelphia, PA: March.

Michelle Y. Richter, Financial crime victims: How little we know. Texas Victim Services Research Symposium. San Marcos, TX: October.

Alan Swinkels
• An effective project for teaching repeated-measures designs. Teaching of Psychology, 45(3).
• Instructor's resource manual to accompany Psychology: An Exploration (4th ed., Ciccarelli & White). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education.
• Instructor's resource manual to accompany Introducing Psychology (7th ed., Wade, Tavris, Sommers, & Shin). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education.
• Instructor's resource manual to accompany Psychology (11th ed., Morris & Maisto). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education.
• Test bank to accompany Psychology (1st ed., Hudson & Whisenhunt). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education.
• Text enhancements to accompany Psychology ( 2nd ed., Marin & Hock). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education.
• Text enhancements to accompany Introducing Psychology (4th AP ed., Ciccarelli). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education.
• Revel test items to accompany Positive Psychology (7th ed., Abascal et al.). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education.
• Revel test items to accompany Developmental Psychology (3rd ed., Arnett). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education.
• Revel test items to accompany Developmental Psychology (1st ed., Berk). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education.
• Test bank to accompany Developmental Psychology (1st ed., Berk). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education.
• Test bank to accompany Developmental Psychology (11th ed., Boyd & Bee). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education.
• Test bank to accompany Development Across the Lifespan (9th ed., Feldman). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education.
• Instructors resource manual to accompany Development Across the Lifespan (9th ed., Feldman). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education.
• Test bank to accompany Lifespan Development (4th ed., Feldman). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education.
• Instructors resource manual to accompany Lifespan Development (4th ed., Feldman). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education.
• Revel assessments to accompany Infant, Child, and Adolescent Development (9th ed., Berk). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education.
• Where are we? Comparing psychology departments nationwide. Association for Psychological Science. San Francisco, CA: May.

David Thomason, The normative value of myth in liberal democratic thought. Southwestern Political Science Association Meeting. Orlando, FL: October.

Christie Wilson, She persisted in her sentiments: Huguenot women in the era of the revocation in France. Southern Historical Association 84th Annual Meeting. Birmingham, Alabama: November.

School of Human Development and Education:

Melissa Alvarado, Boundaries: Helping your clients draw the line. Texas Counseling Association Professional Growth Conference. Dallas, TX: November.

Steven Fletcher, Elements of making: A framework to support making in the science classroom. The Science Teacher, 85(2).

David R. Hollier, Are we Finished yet? Teacher preparation and the rise of 'glocalization.’ Journal of Education, 198(2).

Benjamin A. Jimenez, Expanding on phenomenological research findings on adult learners’ experiences with the portfolio process. Adult Education Research Conference. Victoria, Canada: June.

Elisabeth Johnson
• Making critical digital literacy curriculum. Literacy Research Association Symposium. Indian Wells, CA: November.
• SIG: Reflexive collaborations: Critical (digital) literacies across space-times. International Literacy Association Conference. Austin, TX: October.
• Going public: Exploring the possibilities for publishing student interest-driven writing beyond the classroom. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 41(1).

Tom Sechrest, Why leadership matters. Austin Young Chamber LEAD SUMMIT. Austin, TX: February.

School of Natural Sciences

Raychelle Burks
• printed colorimetric arrays for the identification and quantification of acids and bases.” Analytical Chemistry, 90(16).
• An improved comparison of chemometric analyses for the identification of acids and bases with colorimetric sensor arrays. International Journal of Chemistry, 10(2).
• DIVAS: Outreach to the natural sciences through image processing. ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. Baltimore: February.

Christopher Burnett, Oligonucleotides and methods for the preparation of RNA libraries. U.S. Patent 9,970,048.

Lisa Goering, Utp14 interaction with the small subunit processome. RNA, 24.

Charles Hauser, Bioinformatics core competencies for undergraduate life sciences education. PLOSOne.

Michael Kart, An inclusive research-education community (iREC): A model for student engagement in science. PNAS, 114(51).

Richard Kopec, Implementing and assessing STEM residential learning communities as a retention & academic success strategy. 2nd Annual UTRGV Stem Education Conference. McAllen, TX: February.

Bilal Shebaro, Using active learning strategies in teaching introductory database courses. Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 33(4).

Matthew Steffenson, Interacting effects of leg autotomy and exposure to predator cues on survival in a wolf spider (Pardosa valens). Journal of Insect Behavior, 31.

Santiago Toledo, The first structural model for the resting state of the active site of nickel acireductone dioxygenase (Ni-ARD).” Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 89.

The Munday School of Business

David Altounian
• Effective resource deployment in digital marketing education. Marketing Education Review, 26(1).
• Articulating problems and markets: A translation analysis of entrepreneurs' emergent value propositions. Written Communication, 35(4).

Debra Zahay Blatz
• Managerial perspectives on crowdsourcing in the new product development process. Industrial Marketing Management, 71.
• Effective resource deployment in digital marketing education. Marketing Education Review, 26(1).
• The efficacy of crowdsourcing for early-stage new product development: An abstract. Academy of Marketing Science. New Orleans, LA: May.

Mary Dunn, Using social network analysis in the classroom: An experiential activity and tool to enhance a sense of community. Teaching and Management Review.

Monica Hernandez, Modeling satisfaction and repurchase intentions of mobile smart wristbands: The role of social mindfulness and perceived value. Young Consumers, 19(3).

Juli James, Effective resource deployment in digital marketing education. Marketing Education Review, 26(1).

Katherine Lopez, The importance of virtue ethics and role salience in the accounting profession. Southern Journal of Business Ethics, 10.

John M. Mueller, Guiding entrepreneurs through the quagmire of business entities – Three hypothetical scenarios for discussion. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy, 1(3).

Lorelei Ortiz and Catherine MacDermott, Integrative liberal learning: A case for internships and other high impact practices as an essential component in students’ professional preparation.” Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 18(6).

Yong Shin Park
• Integrated multimodal transportation model for a switchgrass-based bioethanol supply chain: Case study in North Dakota. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2628.
• Benchmarking environmental efficiency of ports using data mining and RDEA: The case of a US container ports. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 22(2).
• Environmental efficiency assessment of US transport sector: A slack-based data envelopment analysis approach. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 61(A).

Wesley Pollitte
• Virtual dressing room media, buying intention and mediation. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 12(1).
• Effective resource deployment in digital marketing education. Marketing Education Review, 26(1).

Louise Single, The relationship of advocacy and mentorship with female accountants' career success. Advances in Accounting, 42.

Amr Swid
• Managing university/students’ conflict by implementing mandatory arbitration as a condition of enrollment: Preserving institutional cost and reputation. International Journal of Business Research, 18(3).
• Mobile learning application to facilitate ubiquitous collaborative learning: An organizational behavior course. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 18(4).
• Narcissistic leaders: A review of astonishing success and remarkable failure. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 15(3).
• A course mobile app: Design and implementation of a prototype. International Conference on Frontiers of Educational Technologies. Moscow: June.
• Satisfied employees and company brand image: A social media approach. Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior Conference. New York, NY: June.
• Resolving campus conflict through mediation: The road map to student satisfaction. Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior Conference. New York, NY: June.

Kathleen Wilburn and Ralph Wilburn, New partnering opportunities for the nonprofit sector. Journal of Vincentian Social Action, 3(2).

Faculty Scholarship and Creative Expressions | St. Edwards University in Austin, TX | A Catholic University (2024)
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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.