CITY OF NORTH POLE Regular Meeting
September 8, 2020 North Pole Council Chambers
125 Snowman Lane, North Pole, Alaska
Tuesday, September 8. 2020 Committee of the Whole: 6:30 PM
Regular City Council Meeting: 7:00 PM
MAYOR CITY CLERK Michael Welch 488-8584
COUNCIL MEMBERS Perry Walley – Mayor Pro Tem
347-0135 Santa Claus – Deputy Mayor Pro Tem 388-3836 Aino Welch – Alt. Deputy Mayor Pro Tem 488-5834 DeJohn Cromer 347-2808 David Skipps 750-5106 Thomas McGhee 455-0010
1. Call to Order/Roll Call
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag
3. Invocation
4. Approval of the Agenda
5. Approval of the Minutes
a. August 17, 2020
6. Communications from the Mayor a. Swear In New City Clerk- HR Manager Aaron M. Rhoades
7. Council Member Questions of the Mayor
8. Communications from Department Heads, Borough Representative and the City Clerk
9. Ongoing Projects Report
a. Interior Gas Utility Project Update Dan Britton and Mike Miller
10. Citizens Comments (Limited to five (5) minutes per Citizen)
a. Toni Brewer 546 Ouida Way (Barbara Parker Owner of 4 Plex) water bill appeal.
11. Old Business: None
12. New Business: a. Request from North Pole Police Department for a Wage Determination for New Hire. b. Request to Purchase 1 City of North Pole Police Department Dodge Durango. c. Request from The North Pole Fire Department to accept EMW-2019-FG-07992
Assistance to Firefighter Grant. d. Request to Accept a $10,000 Fairbanks North Star Borough Public Purpose Grant e. Ordinance 20 – 20 An Ordinance of the City of North Pole, Alaska to Approve a
modifications to US Army Corps of Engineers’ Cooperative Agreement W911KB-19-2-5200 to increase funding to pay an Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities permit and to increase funding to PDC Engineers for additional work in support of obtaining environmental covenants in Moose Creek.
f. Ordinance 20 – 21 An Ordinance of the City of North Pole, Alaska to Amend the 2020 Water Utility Operating Budget, Professional Services to Finance Site Characterization Work at The 8th Avenue Pump House and Other Tasks
13. Council Comments
14. Adjournment
Detailed information and copies of agenda documents may be obtained at the Office of the City Clerk, 125 Snowman Lane or on the City website . Notice of Council Action is available at City Hall and on the City website following the meeting.
How to Offer Public Testimony at Council Meetings
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and local/state regulations requiring residents to stay at home, practice social distancing, and limit gatherings, the City of North Pole has created a process for citizens to stay connected with the Council regarding agenda items. Written testimony is encouraged. You may submit your comments by calling the Clerk’s Office at 488-8583 or by sending an email to [emailprotected] prior to 1:00 p.m. the day of the meeting. Please indicate which agenda item you are providing written testimony for. Examples: Ordinance or Resolution number, agenda item#, or description of subject. To sign-up for telephonic testimony call the Clerk’s Office at 488-8583 or email [emailprotected] prior to 1:00 p.m. the day of the meeting. Please indicate that you wished to be called, for what item you will provide testimony on, and what number you can be reached at. Council Meetings are aired live via audio streaming from the City’s website at Inquiries concerning ADA compliance or accommodations should be directed to the City Clerk.
Mayor Pro - tern Walley called the regular City Council meeting of Monday, Aug 17, 2020 to order at 7:02 p.m. with the following Council Members in attendance:
Council Members Present: Mayor Pro-tern Wally Santa Claus
Also Present:
Thomas McGhee David Skipps Aino Welch DeJohn Cromer
Mayor Welch
Steve Dutra, Police Chief Geoff Coon, Fire Chief William Butler, Director of City Services Tricia Fogarty, Chief Financial Officer Aaron M. Rhoades, City Clerk/HR Manager
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Mayor Pro-tern Walley asked everyone to join him in the Pledge of Allegiance.
INVOCATION The Invocation was given by Mayor Pro-tern Walley.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mr. McGhee moved to approve the agenda of August 17, 2020.
Seconded by Mrs. Welch.
Discussion Mr. McGhee moved to consent the following items:
Old Business:
City of North Pole Regular Meeting Minutes
August 17, 2020
a. Ordinance 20 - 18 An Ordinance of the City of North Pole, Alaska to Amend 2020 Operating Budget and Other Funds
New Business:
a. Recommendation for acquiring office space for the City Services that include the Building, Public Works and Utility Departments administrative functions .
Seconded by Mrs. Welch
Discussion None
On the amendment.
PASSED YES: 6 - Mr. McGhee, Mr. Skipps, Mr. Claus, Mrs. Welch, Mr. Cromer, Mr. Walley NO:O ABSTAIN: Mayor Pro-tern Walley declared the MOTION CARRIED
On the Agenda as amended.
Discussion None
PASSED YES: 6 - Mr. McGhee, Mr. Skipps, Mr. Claus, Mrs. Welch, Mr. Cromer, Mr. Walley NO:O ABSTAIN: Mayor Pro- tern Walley declared the MOTION CARRIED
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. McGhee moved to approve the Minutes of August 3, 2020.
Seconded by Mrs. Welch
Discussion None
City of North Pole Regular Meeting Minutes
August 17, 2020
YES: 6 - Mr. McGhee, Mr. Skipps, Mr. Claus, Mrs. Welch, Mr. Cromer, Mr. Walley NO:O ABSTAIN: Mayor Walley Pro-tern declared the MOTION CARRIED
a. 2 Changes to MOU with the FNSB for CARES Act from "Memorandum of Agreement" to "Memorandum of Understanding" and change dates from "Aug 19 to Aug 23rd".
b. Welcome to New Clerk Aaron M. Rhoades
COUNCIL MEMBER QUESTIONS OF THE MAYOR • Counci lman Claus asked about will an applicant be eligible for $15,000 from the
Borough and $15,000 from the City. What does this mean? o Mayor Pro-tern yes that means $30,000 total. $15, 000 from each.
Fire Department, Deputy Chief Heineken
• We have a Lieutenant in the final hiring stage for a position with
Fairbanks Fire Department. I would urge the council to take immediate
action on the pay scale to help with recruiting.
• We received notification that the Fire Department has been awarded
$45,1 71.43 to replace our attack fire house. Most of our fire house was
purchased in the 1980s and was in desperate need of replacement. There is a
5% match ($2,259.00). These grants are extremely competitive and we feel
lucky to receive one. This grant will need to come before council for
approval at next meeting.
• We have gone on 84 7 emergency calls this year.
• Alaska has had 4,309 Covid-19 cases with 1,250 total recovered and 28 deaths.
• The FNSB area has had 495 cases total. These numbers are sent out daily from Alaska Department of Health and Social Services.
• Please continue to work on those three ICS classes.
• We are expecting the new command truck in a couple of weeks. It has arrived
in Washington. It will still need to be outfitted with siren, lights, Ipad mount,
City of North Pole Regular Meeting Minutes
August 17, 2020
Radio, etc. The cost of outfitting will come out of the fleet fund as it is still
part of the vehicle.
• We were featured on Channel 11 on August 14th. Please check it out if you get a chance.
• We have members completing an online EMT class.
• Fall FF-1 academy starts Sept 15th.
• EMT- I class starts Sept 28th. Space is still available.
Maintenance Report:
• Captain's Hamlin and McGilvary have been working on electrical problems
with Platform 2 1 and Engine 21.
• Medic 21 will need to go to the alignment shop for a vibration.
Building Department, Bill Butler
Building Department
• Permits issued since last Council meeting: • Veterinary Clinic expansion • 4-Plex on Cross Way • Tri-Plex on Santa Claus Lane • Single fami ly home
Public Works
• City Hall sign being rebuilt. • Landscaping remains major activity for Public Works
Utility Department
• Utility Department is engaged in routine summer maintenance-lift station cleaning, exercising valves.
• Utility Department staff are routinely supporting Moose Creek project activities.
North Pole Expansion Project
City of North Pole Regular Meeting Minutes
August 17, 2020
• Of the 480 possible connections in Zones 3 & 4, 436 (91 %) have applied for service.
• Contractors averaging a total of 25 new service line installation per week.
• 313 (72%) of new account applicants' services have been installed in Zones 3 & 4.
Moose Creek Water System Expansion Project.
• Areas with deep excavations are still a problem when in PF AS contaminated area related to contaminated ground water.
• Areas of concern are locations where auger drilling and jack and boring mains under DOT roads and AK Railroad.
• Still waiting on a determination by EPA & DEC to approve alternative means to dispose of de-watering water.
• Pump house pumps, piping and electrical equipment still being installed.
• Installation of water mains in the Northern section of Moose Creek is 95% completed and Southern section water main installation is 45% completed.
• Piping modifications started in water treatment plant to support larger pumps and an additional water filter.
• Department of Natural Resources issued a public notice of City's request to increase the maximum draw rated from City wells.
• Engineers have assessed increased draw and it should not affect wells of property owners adjacent to City wells.
• Environmental covenant response rate is low and that is concerning-approximately 10%. Discussing with USAF mechanisms to increase response rate-will take extra
funding and will contract much of this work with PDC Engineers.
City Services Office Space
• Results of proposals to be presented to Council and recommendation on next step.
Police Department, Chief Dutra • Police Appreciation Day and Gene's Chrysler Governor Attended
• Wage Analysis from 2020 AML Survey Wages
Finance, Tricia Fogarty • Sent information off to Clear Gov.
• Need signed for payroll for tomorrow afternoon.
Borough Representative • Criteria for getting for properties with Code violations. Grandfathering properties that
were not committed on purpose.
City of North Pole Regular Meeting Minutes
August 17, 2020
• Reallocated $1 ,000,000 to University for their COVID -19 Response
• Capital Improvement $11.3 o The Nenana o Carlson Center
• Renegotiated Price for Property for New Transit Facility.
City Clerk • Primary Elections Tuesday August 22, 2020
• Election fil ings for this election o Aino Welch o DeJ ohn Cromer
• Updated Website • Created Election Section on the Website
ONGOING PROJECTS • Councilman Claus provided and update on the losses incurred by FMH provided in
relation to CARES Act Funding.
CITIZEN'S COMMENTS- (Limited to Five (5) minutes per Citizen)
Meeting Suspended for 5 minutes at 8:43pm
Meeting resumed at 8:48PM
b. Ordinance 20 - 19 An Ordinance to Appropriate Cares Act Funds for City of North Pole, Healthcare, Businesses/Non-Profits and Individuals/Families
Mr. McGhee moved to Adopt Ordinance 20-19
Seconded by Mrs. Welch.
City of North Pole Regular Meeting Minutes
August 17, 2020
Mr. McGhee moved to Amend Ordinance 20-19 in 1 place. • Line 29 from $15,000 to $10,000
Seconded by Mr. Skipps
Discussion • Discussion was held regarding the request to approve Amendments.
YES: 6 - Mr. McGhee, Mr. Skipps, Mr. Walley, Mr. Claus, Mrs. Welch, Mr. Cromer, NO:O ABSTAIN: Mayor Pro-tern Walley declared the MOTION CARRIED
Mr. McGhee moved to Advance Ordinance 20-19.
Seconded by Mr. Skipps
• Discussion was held regarding the request to approve.
YES: 6 - Mr. McGhee, Mr. Skipps, Mr. Walley, Mrs. Welch, Mr. Claus, Mr. Cromer NO: 0 -ABSTAIN: Mayor Pro-Tern Walley declared the MOTION CARRIED
City of North Pole Regular Meeting Minutes
August 17, 2020
Mr. McGhee moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:01 p.m.
Seconded by Mr. Cromer.
The regular meeting of August 17, 2020 adjourned at 8:01 p.m.
Aaron M. Rhoades, City Clerk
City of North Pole Regular Meeting Minutes
Perry Walley, Mayor Pro-tern
8 August 17, 2020
Councilman Santa Claus
City of North Pole
Linda Anderson, Government Affairs
Foundation Health Partners
Request for further information
DATE 8/17 /20
The information provided below is in response to your request to CEO Shelley Ebenal for financial
detail specific to revenue losses from surgeries and the closure of all non-emergent and elective
procedures by Alaska Mandate #5.
Surgery services include Anesthesiology, Recovery, and Surgery. FMH Emergency and TVC First Care
services are combined and reported here as Emergency services.
Values represented above are net revenues .
Mar- Jun
Thank you for this question . Please let me know if there is any additional information we can provide.
I, Aaron M. Rhoades, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the
Constitution and the laws of the United States, the laws of the State of Alaska, the
Charter and the ordinances of the City of North Pole, and that I will faithfully and
honestly perform the duties as City Clerk and Human Resources Manager SO HELP
Sworn on this 8th day of September, 2020, at North Pole City Hall.
Aaron M. Rhoades, City Clerk – Human Resources Manager ATTEST: ______________________________________ Mayor Michael Welch, North Pole City Mayor
Interior Energy Project
“…to bring low-cost energy to as many residents and businesses of Interior Alaska as possible, as quickly as possible…”
Stabilize the Economy
Help Improve Air Quality
5.25 MM Gallon Storage Tank
Current Inventory as of
Gallons of LNG
North Pole Storage Site
• Cornerstone Contracting Inc. continues work onsite. Mechanical and electrical work is the primary focus at this time.
• Revised scheduled completion November 30, 2020, as a result of Covid-19 related delays
not yet known.
Based on the review of:
•Future Heating Oil Costs
•Projected Demand
•Security of Supply and impacts on effective capacity
It was recommended that the IGU Board continue to pause action on Resolution 2020-04 related to the LNG Facility Expansion Investment Decision, and that IGU management continue to advance alternative supply options and monitor changes in the Oil market and demand projections.
It was further recommended that IGU proceed immediately with an approximately $10 Million dollar Bond Issuance to cover investments related to new customer service lines and meters in North Pole and Fairbanks and related small main line extensions.
Marketing & Service Activities
Current & Upcoming Marketing Activities:
◦ Video Tour with Mayor Ward◦ Social Media◦ FNSB Targeted Airshed Grants◦ C-PACE◦ Conversion Group◦ Video Tank Tour
2019 Service Line Installs:◦ Commercial 20◦ Residential 30◦ Total 50
2020 Service Line Applications:◦ Commercial 71◦ Residential 169◦ Total 240
2020 Service Lines Installs Completed:◦ Total 65
Photo courtesy of Amanda Bohman, Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
Finalizing $10MM Bond Offering
Received BBB- Fitch Rating
Bond Issuance Scheduled for 9/24/2020
-Complete North Pole Storage Site construction
-Complete Service & Meter Installs for the 2020 construction season
-Finalize Gas Supply contracts
-Monitor markets & economy for Liquefaction Expansion timing
Next Steps…
CALL the Alaska Digline at 811 at least 72 hours
before you dig and you can get your
underground utility lines located and marked for FREE.
North Pole Police Department
August 31, 2020
To : Honorable Mayor Welch
North Pole City Council
Re : Wage Determination for New Hire
Chief Steve Dutra 125 Snowman Ln.
North Pole, AK 99705 907-488-6902
Honorable Mayor Welch and Council members:
The North Pole Police Department would like you to consider our New Hire wage at $25 .67 Range 6 as a
Our applicant has the following qualifications:
Basic Police Academy {4 of 39 class standing) - February 2019
Army Reserve Staff Sgt. Since December 2005
Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Officer- CMV Certified -Approx. 2 years
Associates Degree in Criminal Justice
Thank you for your time.
Chief Steve Dutra
August 12, 2020 To: Honorable Mayor Welch North Pole City Council Re: Authorization to order new vehicle I am requesting that the North Pole City Council authorize the police department to order (1) one new patrol car in the amount of $31,397.00. This price includes ballistic door panels and 2 spotlights. We have compared the pricing using the State of Alaska CA1991-2016 Bid versus direct purchases through Dana Safety. We solicited 3 different quotes and believe purchasing through Dana Safety is the most cost-effective way of purchasing vehicles. Since the cost is below the RFP threshold off $50,000 quotes may be used so it meets the North Pole bidding requirements listed in NPMC Section 4.16.040. Dana Safety will then add all the equipment we need once this is done it will be shipped from California to North Pole, this option is still cheaper than using the state of Alaska bidding process (see attached pricing sheet). We have enough money in our fleet vehicle fund to purchase this vehicle. Thank you for your time. Chief Steve Dutra
North Pole Police Department Chief Steve Dutra 125 Snowman Ln.
North Pole, AK 99705 907-488-6902
Vehicle purchased through the State of Alaska Bid / Installation by AutoTrim Design Vehicle purchase & outfitting by Dana Safety Vehicle purchase & outfitting by Dana Safety
2020 Vehicle Cost - Ford Explorer 2020 - Ford Explorer 2020 - Dodge Durango V6Ballistic Door dual spot lights dual spot lightsSpot light (drivers door) Engine Block Heater Engine Block HeaterEngine Block Heater heated mirrors heated mirrors
ballistic door (driver side only) ballistic door (driver side only)Total: 39,245.00$ Total: $38,500.00 Total: $31,397.00
Additional Equipment: Quanity: Additional Equipment: Quantity: Additional Equipment: Quantity:
Micropulse Ultra Red/White #REF! 73.04$ SOI nERGY 400 Series Remote Siren w/ Knob Control 1 SOI nERGY 400 Series Remote Siren w/ Knob Control 1Micropulse Ultra Blue/White #REF! 73.04$ SMC PB450L With SOUNDOFF SIGNAL MPOWER 1 SMC PB450L With SOUNDOFF SIGNAL MPOWER 1Double LED light head Red/Blue #REF! 150.00$ SOI SERIES 100N SPEAKER INCLUDES BAIL BRKT 1 SOI SERIES 100N SPEAKER INCLUDES BAIL BRKT 1Tail Light Flasher #REF! 35.20$ SOI NFORCE 8 MODULE INTERIOR WINDSHIELD 1 SOI NFORCE 8 MODULE INTERIOR WINDSHIELD 1Headlight Flasher #REF! 33.00$ SOI NFORCE INTERIOR REAR DECK LIGHTBAR 1 SOI NFORCE INTERIOR REAR DECK LIGHTBAR 1Dynamax Speaker #REF! 134.20$ SOI INTERSECTOR 18-LED UNDER MIRROR LIGHT R/B/W 1 SOI INTERSECTOR 18-LED UNDER MIRROR LIGHT R/B/W 1Smart Siren 3000B #REF! 747.56$ SOI 2020 PIUT UNDER MIRROR MNT BRACKET, DRIVER 2 SOI 2020 PIUT UNDER MIRROR MNT BRACKET, DRIVER 2Push Bumper #REF! 176.90$ SOI 2020 PIUT UNDER MIRROR MNT BRAKET, PASSENGER 1 SOI 2020 PIUT UNDER MIRROR MNT BRAKET, PASSENGER 1Top Channel #REF! 11.60$ SOI nFORCE Dual Deck/Grille Mount Light, SAE Class 1, 1 SOI nFORCE Dual Deck/Grille Mount Light, SAE Class 1, 1Corner LED Red/Blue #REF! 47.96$ SOI MPOWER FASCIA 4"12-LED STUD MNT RED/BLUE 2 SOI MPOWER FASCIA 4"12-LED STUD MNT RED/BLUE 2Micropulse Ultra Red/Blue #REF! 64.24$ SOI MPOWER FASCIA 4"12-LED STUD MNT RED/WHITE 4 SOI MPOWER FASCIA 4"12-LED STUD MNT RED/WHITE 4Spectra Lux Low Profile #REF! 563.20$ SOI MPOWER FASCIA 4"12-LED STUD MNT BLUE/WHITE 2 SOI MPOWER FASCIA 4"12-LED STUD MNT BLUE/WHITE 2Rear Deck Light #REF! 682.00$ WEC NANO PIONEER 6-LED, BLACK HOUSING W/BAIL BKT 2 WEC NANO PIONEER 6-LED, BLACK HOUSING W/BAIL BKT 2Block Heater #REF! 90.00$ CODE3 24" UTILITY BAR 2 CODE3 24" UTILITY BAR 2Recessed Panel Coated Polycarbonate (rear cargo partition) #REF! 584.00$ HAV 22" Angled Low Profile Console 1 HAV 22" Angled Low Profile Console 1Rear Prisoner Seat #REF! 915.30$ HAV 1-PIECE EQ BRKT FOR XTL REMOTE HEADS & APX75 1 HAV 1-PIECE EQ BRKT FOR XTL REMOTE HEADS & APX75 1TROY Center Console #REF! 354.00$ Faceplate for SOI BP control head #PSRN4CRTL4 1 Faceplate for SOI BP control head #PSRN4CRTL4 1Dual cupholder #REF! 48.00$ HAV SIDE MOUNTED FLIP UP ARM REST 1 HAV SIDE MOUNTED FLIP UP ARM REST 1Magnetic Mic Clips #REF! 22.00$ HAV Self-Adjusting Double Cup Holder 1 HAV Self-Adjusting Double Cup Holder 1Soundoff mirror lights 2 298.00$ HAV Heavy Duty Vehicle Mount 1 HAV Heavy Duty Vehicle Mount 1Gun Rack For Police Vehicles By Setina 1 335.74$ HAV 8.5" TELESCOPING POLE, HDM 1 HAV 8.5" TELESCOPING POLE, HDM 1HAV SIDE MOUNTED FLIP UP ARM REST 1 177.34$ HAV HD STABILITY SIDE SUPPORT ARM 1 HAV HD STABILITY SIDE SUPPORT ARM 1HAV Heavy Duty Vehicle Mount 1 130.98$ HAV 11' SLIDE, TILT, & SWIVEL LOCKING SWING ARM 1 HAV 11' SLIDE, TILT, & SWIVEL LOCKING SWING ARM 1HAV 8.5" TELESCOPING POLE, HDM 1 171.96$ #10VS RP TALL MAN PARTITION 2020 FORD PIUT - INCLUDES 2-PIECE LOWER PANELS 1 #10VS RP TALL MAN PARTITION 2020 FORD PIUT - INCLU 1HAV HD STABILITY SIDE SUPPORT ARM 1 70.30$ SMC Full Replacement Transport Seat TPO Plastic 1 SMC Full Replacement Transport Seat TPO Plastic 1HAV 11' SLIDE, TILT, & SWIVEL LOCKING SWING ARM 1 340.55$ PG REAR DOOR HANDLE COVER PLATE 1 PG REAR DOOR HANDLE COVER PLATE 1
Miscellaneous 500.00$ DUAL T RAIL MOUNT 2 LARGE HANDCUFF KEY OVERRIDE 1 DUAL T RAIL MOUNT 2 LARGE HANDCUFF KEY OVERRIDE 1Total cost of equipment: 6,830.11$ LUND Electronic Equipment Tray - Interior Dimension 16 1 LUND Electronic Equipment Tray - Interior Dimension 16 1
Install Kit Misc Installation supplies 1 Install Kit Misc Installation supplies 1
Additional installation of department supplied equipment: Additional installation of department supplied equipment: Additional installation of department supplied equipment:Stalker Radar 1 Stalker Radar 1 Stalker Radar 1Radio 1 Radio 1 Radio 1Shark Fin Antenna 1 Shark Fin Antenna 1 Shark Fin Antenna 1Video System 1 Video System 1 Video System 1Installation: 12,500.00$ Equipment cost and Installation: $11,150.00 Equipment cost and Installation: $11,150.00
Graphics done by AutoTrim Design: 575.00$ Graphics done by AutoTrim Design: $575.00 Graphics done by AutoTrim Design: $575.0065,980.22$ 50,225.00$ 43,122.00$
Memo To: North Pole City Council
From: Chief Coon
Date: 9/8/20
Re: Request to accept EMW-2019-FG-07992
The North Pole Fire Department requests the North Pole City Council to accept EMW-2019-FG-07992 Assistance to Firefighter Grant in the amount of $45, 171.43 for the purpose of purchasing and replacing Attack Fire Hose.
The North Pole Fire Department was recently notified that we have been awarded a 2019 Assistance to Firefighter Grant (EMW-2019-FG-07992). In the amount of $45,171.43 with $2,258.57 being the 5% city of North Pole match.
This grant is to replace old fire hose most of which was purchased in the 1980s. This grant will replace all of our attack hose which is 1. 75-inch, 2.5-inch and 3-inch in diameter. This represents approximately 10,750 feet of fire hose.
$45,171.43 federal funds
$2,258.57 North Pole Fire Department GL code 01-54-9-905 Equipment outlay
Geoff Coon Fire Chief [emailprotected] 488-8868
• Page 1
Sponsored by: Michael W. Welch Introduced & Advanced: September 8, 2020
13 WHEREAS, changes to the public service practices and policies is a continually changing 14 requirement; and, 15 16 WHEREAS, the City of North Pole budget should be amended to conform to the requirements 17 of the City; and, 18 19 WHEREAS, adjustment in the budget are necessary to remain compliant with Council approved 20 authorizations and budget management rules, and 21 22 WHEREAS, fiscal notes are the method prescribed by the code to amend a budget; and, 23 24 WHEREAS, in Ordinance 19-01 the Council approved accepting funding of the Moose Creek 25 Water System Expansion Project, Cooperative Agreement W911KB-19-2-5200 to conduct the 26 initial design study for the extension; and, 27 28 WHEREAS, in Ordinance 19-08 the Council approved an amendment to Cooperative 29 Agreement W911KB-19-2-5200 that provided the balance of funding to complete the 30 engineering and design of the water system extension; and. 31 32 WHEREAS, the City and US Army Corps of Engineers negotiated a mutually agreeable 33 amended Cooperative Agreement W911KB-19-2-5200 for $1,638,350.00 for the City to manage 34 obtaining environmental covenants within the community of Moose Creek. Environmental 35 covenants are required as part of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, 36 and Liability Act (CERCLA) which is providing the legal basis for the Moose Creek Water 37 System Expansion Project; and, 38 39 WHEREAS, the funding contained in this amendment will increase funding to pay an Alaska 40 Department of Transportation and Public Facilities permit totaling $25,940 and to increase 41 funding by $13,680 to PDC Engineers for additional work in support of obtaining environmental 42 covenants in Moose Creek. 43 44
Sponsored by: Michael W. Welch Introduced & Advanced: September 8, 2020
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of North Pole that it 1 approves the amended Cooperative Agreement W911KB-19-2-5200 for $39,620 with the US 2 Army Corps of Engineers to pay an Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities 3 permit and to better facilitate acquisition of environmental covenants within the community of 4 Moose Creek in support of the water system expansion Project. 5 6 Section 1. This ordinance is of a general nature and shall not be codified. 7 8 Section 2. Effective date. 9 This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage. 10 11 Introduced and Advanced by a duly constituted quorum of the North Pole City Council this 8th 12 day of September 2020. 13 14 _____________________________ 15 Michael W. Welch, Mayor 16 ATTEST: 17 18 19 ________________________________ 20 Aaron Rhoades, North Pole City Clerk 21 22
City of North Pole, Alaska
Fiscal Note Year:
Accompanying Ordinance/Resolution: Originator / sponsor: Date: Does the Ordinance or Resolution have a fiscal impact? yes no
FUND Account Description Account # Debit Credit Summary: (Brief description of proposed alterations as defined by accompanying ordinance or resolution. Where did the money come from and how will it be used). Prepared By:________________________________Date:__________________ Finance Approval: ___________________________Date:__________________ NOTE- Fiscal notes attached to an ordinance are considered amendments to the budget and do not require an additional approval for insertion into the budget document.
City of North Pole – Moose Creek Water Expansion
Amendment 1
The City of North Pole (Client) requested services to send updated covenant packages to residents in Moose Creek who received incorrect covenant packages, such as no well when there is in fact a well. This effort will include finalizing coordination with the City, US Airforce, and Subconsultant to provide updated packages to residents. PDC will participate in weekly meetings, produce the packages, and distribute them via U.S. Mail. There will be additional calls and questions from residents associated with these packages, as well as additional coordination. This Statement of services details the additional scope to be provided by PDC Engineers (ENGINEER) to be added to the Original scope dated January 27, 2020.
ENGINEER REQUIREMENTS Upon this Agreement becoming effective, the ENGINEER shall perform the following tasks: Additional Services
1. Update mail merge to include new cover letters and revisions to the packages. We estimate up to 50 packets may be provided.
2. Participate in weekly meetings to coordinate with project team. This is estimated at 15 meetings.
3. Once necessary updates are made to the cover letter and spreadsheet, PDC will produce the packages and distribute. Note that these will be printed by an outside consultant (expense) but packaged and mailed by PDC.
4. Respond to additional calls associated with these package updates.
1. All criteria and full information as to OWNER’s requirements for the Project.
Engineering and Survey Assumptions: 1. No additional assumptions from Original contract.
\\pdc.local\dfs\Projects\2018\18379FB-MooseCrk_WtrXpn\0PM\2_Fees-Contract-SOW\Fees\Covenants\20y07m14d_Moose Creek Statement of
Services - Covenants- Amendment.docx
The schedule for the project is as follows: 1. Notice to Proceed: August 1, 2020 2. Fully Executed Covenant Package July 1, 2021
The Consultant will perform the above services on a lump sum basis for $13,680.
1. PDC Fee Spreadsheet
Moose Creek Water Expansion- Covenants PDC Engineers
Reimb. Markup Total
14.1 Additional Services 12,725$ -$ 12,725$
Reimbursable 955$ -$ 48$ 955$
Phase Total 13,680$ -$ 48$ 13,680$
PDC Summary Sheet
This document is proprietary and confidential. No part of this document may be disclosed in any manner
to a third party without the prior written consent of PDC Engineers. Page 1 of 3
Moose Creek Water Expansion- Covenants PDC Engineers
Principal Civil Engineer
Senior Civil Engineer
Lead Civil Engineer
Project Civil Engineer
Staff Civil Engineer Civil EIT
Senior Engineering Technician
Billing Rate ($/hr) $250.00 $180.00 $170.00 $150.00 $135.00 $105.00 $125.00
14.1 Additional Services Hourly
Subtotal Subtotal Cost
Update to mail merger 50 50 6,250$
Participate in Weekly meetings 2 15 17 2,075$
Package and Postage mark 10 10 20 2,300$
Respond to calls related to the updates 20 20 2,100$
Hourly Subtotal 2 0 0 0 0 45 60 107
Cost 500$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 4,725$ 7,500$ 12,725$
Page 2 of 3
Moose Creek Water Expansion- Covenants PDC Engineers
14.1 Additional Services Total
Item unit unit cost # subtotal # subtotal Printing Packets- Dateline ea $12 50 600$ -$ 600$
Copies/Prints/Scans (11x17) ea 0.20$ -$ -$ -$
Copies/Prints/Scans (Full Size Drawing) ea 1.00$ -$ -$ -$
Teleconference Costing hr/line 3.00$ -$ -$ -$
Mileage trip 26.40$ -$ -$ -$
Separate Phone Line mo 30.00$ -$ -$ -$
Survey GPS Rental day 309.00$ -$ -$ -$
certified mailings ea 7.10$ 50 355$ -$ 355$
Recording Fees ea 125.00$ 0 -$ -$ -$
Hotel day -$ -$ -$ -$
Per Diem man day 125.00$ -$ -$ -$
Subtotal 955$ -$ 955$
Civil Environmental
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P.O. BOX 6898 JBER, AK 99506-0898
August 27, 2020 Contracting / Grants Division FOR: COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT RECIPIENT W911KB-19-2-5200 ALASKA DISTRICT. SUBJECT: Request for proposal under Cooperative Agreement W911KB-19-2-5200, POA-M.A. City of North Pole. 125 Snowman Lane North Pole, AK. 99705 Please reference base Cooperative Agreement no. W911KB-19-2-5200.This is to modify an existing cooperative agreement with the City of North Pole Alaska for unforeseen design issues as shown in the revised SOW which is attached. All terms and conditions of the original agreement apply to this Agreement Order unless the Agreement Order Scope of Work specifically states otherwise. Please submit a proposal for the attached Statement of Work; Moose Creek water supply and distribution line design, Moose Creek Alaska dated 10 January 2019, modified 25 August 2020. The following information is provided in order for you to prepare your proposal: a. Statement of Work (SOW): This task order is for Moose Creek water supply and
distribution line design, Moose Creek Alaska dated 10 January 2019, modified 25 August 2020.
b. Basis of Award: Sole source, Project understanding and Fair and Reasonable Price. c. Performance period: 30 January 2021. d. Contractor Manpower Reporting Required: No e. Proposal due date: NLT 20 September, 2:00PM Alaska Time g. Email your proposal to: Olen Northern at [emailprotected] AND
[emailprotected]. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Northern at 907-753-2525 or Ms Lee at (907) 753-2681.
h. There will be substantial government involvement in the performance of this requirement.
SUBJECT: Cooperative Agreement W911KB-19-2-5200, POA-M.A. Acknowledgement that this document was received is requested. Sincerely, Olen R. Northern Grants Officer
Attached: Statement of Work Moose Creek water supply and distribution line design, Moose Creek Alaska dated 10 January 2019, modified 25 August 2020.
Bid Schedule
Item Estimated Unit No. Description Quantity Unit Price Amount 0001. Project Management Support 1 Job $________ $________ 0002. Planning Support 1 Job $________ $________ 0003. Engineering and Design 1 Job $________ $________
Tasks Total: $________
MOOSE CREEK, ALASKA 10 January 2019
Total Project Cost Ceiling $4,500,692
Modified 16 January 2020
Modified 25 August 2020
1.0 SUBJECT This Cooperative Agreement is to provide details of work to be performed by the City of North Pole, Alaska (Cooperator) in support of Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) through a cooperative agreement administered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District (USACE-AK). Activities include the design of a water supply line from North Pole Water Distribution System (WDS) and a local distribution, pump house, and storage system for Moose Creek, Alaska in support of the Eielson Air Force Base (EAFB) Environmental Restoration Program. In accordance with FAR 7.503(e), projects provided for execution under this cooperative agreement (CA) by USACE do not include any functions to be performed that are inherently governmental. This determination is made with the assessment that places emphasis on the degree to which conditions and facts restrict the discretionary authority, decision-making responsibility, or accountability of Government officials using cooperator services or work products.
2.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this agreement is to establish the relationships, responsibilities, and activities to design a water supply line from North Pole WDS and a local distribution, pump house, and storage system for Moose Creek, Alaska. The design of the water supply and distribution system is necessary to meet the Remedial Action Objective (RAO) for Moose Creek under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Process. 3.0 AUTHORITY (Additional authorities may be added) Cooperative Agreements are entered into with USACE under the following authorities: • 2 CFR 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit
Requirements for Federal Awards, which includes Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Guidance and Cost Principles (formerly OMB Circular A-110)Title 10 U.S.C. 2701d Environmental Restoration Program;
• Title 32 – National Defense, Chapter 1 - Office of the Secretary of Defense, o Part 21 - DOD Grants and Agreements (32CFR21.100-680); o Part 22 - DOD Grants and Agreements - Award and Administrations
(32CFR22.100-825); o Part 32 - DOD Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements with
Institutions of Higher Education Hospitals, and Other Non-Profit Organizations (32CFR32.1-73);
• 10 USC 2701 4.0 BACKGROUND
4.1 Project Location
The community of Moose Creek is located adjacent to the northern edge of EAFB, east of Fairbanks, Alaska (Figure 1). The Community of Moose Creek lies approximately 120 miles south of the Arctic Circle, 21 miles southeast of Fairbanks, and 7 miles southeast of the city of North Pole. Approximately 750 people live in the Community of Moose Creek, and land use includes both residential and commercial activities. Nearby EAFB is an active military installation that has been used for military operations since its establishment in 1944. The community of Moose Creek was originally settled as a result of the growth of EAFB and the nearby community of North Pole, and remains a primarily residential community. Drinking water in the community has historically been supplied by shallow wells located on the individual properties. Future land use is expected to be primarily residential in nature.
4.2 Project Description
The RAO for Moose Creek is to protect human health by preventing human ingestion of perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) or perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) contaminated groundwater that exceeds the 2016 lifetime health advisory (LHA) value of 0.07 µg/L and
ADEC groundwater clean-up levels of 0.40 µg/L. In support of this objective, this project, in coordination with multiple stakeholders, shall prepare a complete design of a water supply line from North Pole WDS and local distribution, pumphouse, and storage within Moose Creek. The potable water shall be supplied by the Municipality of North Pole Water Treatment Plant located in North Pole. The design shall include a new water main that will carry water to the Community of Moose Creek as per Figure 2 or an alternative route based upon the Cooperator’s engineering recommendation. The North Pole water supply is located approximately 5 miles downgradient of Moose Creek. An additional greensand filter will be provided, and higher capacity pressure pumps may be required, in the North Pole WTP to increase the capacity for the additional demands in Moose Creek. The capacity of the wells and well pump will also be reviewed.
The design shall include a local distribution system, storage tank, and a circulation/heating pumping station (Figure 3). The new storage tank will allow the servicing of local demands and provide emergency storage if the tie to the existing North Pole WTP is temporarily unavailable. The local distribution system will need to be pressurized and circulated with heat input to prevent freezing during winter. Local connections will be made to properties in the Community of Moose Creek. Prior to the Alaska District Army Corps of Engineers entering into this cooperative agreement the City of North Pole already had an arrangement with PDC Engineers to execute this agreement. The Alaska District Army Corps of Engineers neither endorses or opposes the City of North Poles' use of PDC and did not participate in the selection of PDC for this project. The Corps of Engineers, Alaska District, believe that since PDC was the designing firm of record for the project to which Moose Creek will tie into, the benefit of a more seamless transition is anticipated along with project familiarization. Therefore, the City of North Pole's use of PDC on this project complies with applicable procurement rules.
The Cooperator shall designate a Project Manager who shall be the primary technical and managerial interface between the Cooperator, the USACE and AFCEC. The name of this person, and alternate, who shall act for the Cooperator when the Project Manager is absent, shall be designated in writing. The Project Manager or alternate will have full authority to act for the Cooperator on all agreement matters relating to daily operations. The Project Manager or alternate must be available during normal duty hours and to meet with government personnel within 24 hours of the request to discuss problems. Task 1.1 Schedule The Cooperator shall develop and maintain a project schedule that fully supports the technical approach and outlines the due dates for all major deliverables and milestones and integrates the Government's associated management, review, and oversight activities. The schedule shall be consistent with all orders, agreements, and regulations applicable to the work described in this SOW. The schedule shall be submitted within thirty (30) days of cooperative agreement award and updated as needed throughout the period of performance. Task 1.2 Meeting Attendance Progress Meetings Progress meetings shall be held weekly at a minimum. In addition to task performance and
progress, Progress Meetings shall include a review of technical and/or programmatic issues, accomplishments, and forecasts. The Cooperator shall prepare an agenda and any relevant presentation materials and submit to the Government at least one (1) working day in advance of the scheduled meeting. The cooperator shall prepare and provide meeting minutes, including a list of all attendees, from progress meetings and submit to the Government within five (5) working days after the meeting. Task 1.3 Monthly Status Report The Cooperator shall provide a monthly status report that includes the following information:
• A description of milestones and deliverables • Funds expended during the reporting period and cumulative to date • Summary of work accomplished during the reporting period and percent complete • Any issues or problems encountered along with their ultimate resolution • Schedule of activities planned and estimated time to complete activities
This report shall be submitted along with the Cooperator’s invoice and is due no later than the 10th day of each month. A monthly status report shall be submitted every month whether an invoice is submitted or not. TASK 2 PLANNING SUPPORT The overall objective of this task is to assist EAFB and AFCEC personnel and ensure project requests meet validated requirements; are in compliance with all applicable standards; are programmed at the lowest life cycle cost; achieve optimum resource efficiency and minimize damage to the natural and human environments. Work is expected to be performed in support of the following project; design a water supply line from North Pole WDS and a local distribution system, pumphouse, and storage for Moose Creek, Alaska. The Cooperator shall organize, participate, and facilitate planning charrettes with stakeholders. Deliverables from the planning charrettes will include updated routing for water supply line from North Pole water distribution system, and Moose Creek distribution system, pumphouse, and storage, Project Definition Index Rating (PDRI), and Planning Charrette Minutes. The Cooperator shall organize, participate, and facilitate public meetings and provide subsequent meeting minutes as necessary. The Cooperator shall organize, participate, and facilitate review meetings with stakeholders to discuss comments generated at each submittal phase. Meeting minutes shall be provided. TASK 3 ENGINEERING AND DESIGN The overall objective of this task is to complete a full design of a water supply line from North Pole WDS and local distribution, pumphouse, and storage within Moose Creek, identification of required easements and assist the Cooperator in the acquisition of the
needed easements, identification and acquisition of permits, coordination and acquisition of environmental covenants, identification of a suitable site for the pump house and storage tank and assist the Cooperator in acquisition of the site. The design shall include a new water main that will carry water to the Community of Moose Creek as depicted in the conceptual site plan. An additional greensand filter will be included, and higher capacity pressure pumps may be required, in the North Pole WTP to increase the capacity for the additional demands in Moose Creek. The system shall be designed in accordance with UFC 3-230-01 and all other applicable laws, criteria, and regulations. A civil engineer shall be responsible for the civil design. Work shall consist of the complete site design including but not limited to the following: earthwork, grading, drainage, minimal landscaping, utilities, and coordination with other disciplines. The engineer of record shall be licensed in the State of Alaska as a Civil Engineer. Design shall take into consideration topography and natural characteristics of the area, including climatic conditions, prevailing winds, areas of snow accumulations, ect. Design shall provide a functional system requiring only routine maintenance through its design life. Materials and installation specifications shall contain appropriate requirements per UFC 3-230-01 and those that have been established by the industry in its technical publications, such as ASTM, AWWA, WEF, and APWA standards. Requirements shall be set forth in the specifications for the pipe and methods of bedding and backfilling so as not to damage the pipe or its joints, impede cleaning operations and future tapping, nor create excessive side fill pressure or deformation of the pipe, nor seriously impair flow capacity. All bends, tees, wyres, plugs and other fittings will be constrained with thrust bolts, constrained joint piping or other approved means to prevent damage from pipe movement. The Cooperator shall obtain all permits, to include a DOT utility permit, and approvals for the required construction and operation of the system. The Cooperator shall prepare environmental covenants and updated environmental covenant packages. Environmental covenants to be prepared shall be individualized packets for each property owner in Moose Creek. The Cooperator shall send the packets by US Mail to all identified property owners within the community of Moose Creek. At a minimum, the packets shall include:
1) North Pole Cover Letter 2) water transition agreement 3) well decommissioning agreement 4) environmental covenants package prepared by AFLOA.
The Cooperator shall coordinate the signed packets with ADEC for signature and record the covenants with the Recorder’s office, Department of Natural Resources, and provide copies of fully executed documents to the property owner and Government. For those properties not responding to the initial mailing within 30 days, the Cooperator shall send a second packet via certified mail. If the packet gets returned, additional research and consultation is required. If the certified mail appears to have been delivered, but the property owner fails to respond within 30 days, a second mailing by certified mailing or other delivery service that requires documentation of delivery shall be sent. If after the
second mailing there is no response from the property owner, the Cooperator shall provide a summary report as part of the project monthly report detailing their efforts. For those properties with fully executed and recorded environmental covenants, the Cooperator shall pay the agreed upon compensation as cited in the environmental covenant to the property owner within 30 days of (1) that property’s connection to the water system, (2) well decommissioning, and (3) removal of the installed treatment system. For property owners that agree to connection to the water system only (i.e., no environmental covenant) they shall not be eligible for any compensation payment. Property owner receipt of fully executed environmental covenant hardcopy and/or CD deliverables shall be documented via certified mail, signed receipt or a similar signed receipt of delivery from a commercial delivery service. All documentation of delivery will be saved in the project file that shall exist for each property owner. The Cooperator shall follow all applicable Air Force, UFC, ADEC, state and federal criteria, regulations and requirements. Of particular note are:
Reference No. Title Date ANSI/AWWA C150/A21.50-14 Thickness Design of Ductile-Iron Pipe 01 Sep 2014 ANSI/AWWA C600-17 Installation of Ductile-Iron Mains and Their
Appurtenances 01 Jul 2017
ANSI/AWWA C906-15 Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Pipe and Fittings 01 Sep 2015 UFC 3-130-05 Utilities: Arctic and Subarctic Construction 16 Jan 2004 UFC 3-230-01 Water Storage, Distribution, and Transmission with
Change 2 1 July 2014
UFC 3-230-03A Water Supply 16 Jan 2004 UFC 3-230-13A Water Supply Pumping Stations 16 Jan 2004
All reports and data generated under this cooperative agreement are the property of the government and distribution by the Cooperator to any source, unless previously authorized by the Air Force Technical POC, is prohibited. The Cooperator shall not make available to the news media or publicly disclose any data generated or reviewed under this cooperative agreement. When approached by the news media, the Cooperator shall refer them to the AF Technical POC for response.
Additional government furnished material includes: 1) Historical aerial imagery, if needed; 2) Current installation GIS data, if needed 3) Available environmental reports upon request 4) Community contact information 8.0 REPORTS AND DELIVERABLES
The Cooperator will provide a technical memorandum with concept (15% design) level plan. During the development of the concept memo and plan this contract will be amended so Cooperator will provide design drawings, geotechnical results and specification calculations used during the design process in bid-ready documents. Subsequently, the Cooperator will provide construction documents including drawings, specifications, cost estimates, and design reports for construction of a water supply line from North Pole Water Distribution System and a local distribution system, pumphouse, and storage for Moose Creek, Alaska.
Deliverable Submission
Instructions/Details Deliverable Due Date
Concept Design Documents: 15% design technical memo with concept plan
E-mail/CD 5 hardcopies
two months from date of award
Project Schedule E-mail within thirty (30) days of cooperative agreement award
Meeting minutes E-mail within five (5) working days after the meeting
35% Design: Drawings, List of ROW and Easements required, Permitting Plan, Geotechnical Recommendations
E-mail/ 2 CDs 2 hardcopies
10 June 2019
Response to USACE, AF, EPA, ADEC, and other Stakeholder Comments
Email or ProjNet 30 days
65% Design: Drawings, Technical Specifications, Cost Estimate, Easement Documents
E-mail/2 CDs 2 hardcopies
19 August 2019
Response to USACE, AF, EPA, ADEC, and other Stakeholder Comments
TBD 30 days
95% Design: Drawings, Technical and Division 1 Specifications, Cost Estimate, ADEC Authorization to Construct Application
E-mail/2 CDs 2 hardcopies
18 October 2019
Response to USACE, AF, EPA, ADEC, and other Stakeholder Comments
TBD 30 days
100% Design: Drawings, Technical and Division 1 Specifications, ADEC Authorization to Construct
E-mail/CD 2 hardcopies
1 December 2019
Draft Environmental Covenant Package
E-mail/CD 31 March 2020
Response to Comments E-mail/CD Within 14 days of receipt of comments
Final Environmental Covenant Package
E-mail/CD 31 April 2020
Fully executed Environmental Covenant Package
1 hardcopy delivered to each property owner E-Mail/CD to both property owner and Government 1 hardcopy delivered to the Government
1 July 2021
Property Owner Delivery Documentation
E-mail/CD Within 30 days of final delivery
9.0 POINTS OF CONTACT 9.1 The AF Technical Point of Contact for this project is: Dawn Rodriguez AFCEC/CZOP 10471 20th Street, Ste 345 JBER AK 99506 Phone: 907-552-8757 Email: [emailprotected]
9.2 The USACE POC for Project Management is Teresa Lee. Cooperative Agreement questions should be addressed to the Grants Officer, Olen Northern. Correspondence should be addressed as follows: Teresa Lee U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Environmental and Special Projects Branch ATTN: CEPOA-PM-ESP P.O. Box 6898 JBER, AK 99506-0898 Phone: 907-753-2681 Email: [emailprotected] Olen Northern U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Contracting Division ATTN: CEPOA-CT P.O. Box 6898 JBER, AK 99506-0898 Phone: (907) 753-2525 Email: [emailprotected] 10.0 PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The period of performance shall extend through 15 July 2021. The parties understand that should litigation be required to obtain easements, the period of performance may need to be extended. 11.0 ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS
i. Nondiscrimination By signing this agreement or accepting funds under this agreement, the recipient assures that it will comply with applicable provisions of the following, national policies prohibiting discrimination. In addition the recipient assures that it will flow down these requirements to sub-recipients: a. On the basis of race, color, or national origin, in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d, et seq.), as implemented by DOD regulations at 32 CFR part 195. b. On the basis of sex or blindness, in Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. 1681, et seq.), as implemented by DOD regulations at 32 CFR part 196. c. On the basis of age, in the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C. 6101, et seq.), as implemented by Department of Health and Human Services regulations at 45 CFR part 90. d. On the basis of handicap, in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794), as implemented by Department of Justice regulations at 28 CFR part 41 and DOD regulations at 32 CFR part 56.
ii. Debarment and Suspension The recipient agrees to comply with the requirements regarding debarment and suspension in Subpart C of the OMB guidance in 2 CFR part 180, as implemented by the Department of Defense in 2 CFR part 1125. The recipient also agrees to communicate the requirement to comply with Subpart C to persons at the next lower tier with whom the recipient enters into transactions that are “covered transactions” under Subpart B of 2 CFR part 180 and the DOD implementation in 2 CFR part 1125.
iii. Environmental Standards By signing this agreement or accepting funds under this agreement, the recipient assures that it will: a. Comply with applicable provisions of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401, et. seq.) and Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1251, et. seq.), as implemented by Executive Order 11738 [3 CFR, 1971- 1975 Comp., p. 799] and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules at Subpart J of 40 CFR part 32
iv. Drug-Free Workplace The recipient agrees to comply with the requirements regarding drug-free workplace requirements in Subpart B (or Subpart C, if the recipient is an individual) of 32 CFR part 26,
which implements sec. 5151-5160 of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (Pub. L. 100-690, Title V, Subtitle D; 41 U.S.C. 701, et seq.).
v. Officials Not to Benefit No member of or delegate to Congress, or resident commissioner, shall be admitted to any share or part of this agreement, or to any benefit arising from it, in accordance with 41 U.S.C. 22.
1. Additional Administrative Requirements
i. 2 CFR 200.330 Sub-awards Unless sections of this part specifically exclude sub-recipients from coverage, the provisions of this part shall be applied to sub-recipients performing work under awards if such sub-recipients are institutions of higher education, hospitals or other non-profit organizations.
ii. 2 CFR 200.305 Payments (a) For states, payments are governed by Treasury-State CMIA agreements and default procedures codified at 31 CFR Part 205 “Rules and Procedures for Efficient Federal-State Funds Transfers” and TFM 4A-2000 Overall Disbursing Rules for All Federal Agencies. (b) For non-Federal entities other than states, payments methods must minimize the time elapsing between the transfer of funds from the United States Treasury or the pass-through entity and the disbursement by the non-Federal entity whether the payment is made by electronic funds transfer, or issuance or redemption of checks, warrants, or payment by other means. See also § 200.302 Financial management paragraph (f). Except as noted elsewhere in this part, Federal agencies must require recipients to use only OMB-approved standard government-wide information collection requests to request payment.
(1) The non-Federal entity must be paid in advance, provided it maintains or demonstrates the willingness to maintain both written procedures that minimize the time elapsing between the transfer of funds and disbursement by the non-Federal entity, and financial management systems that meet the standards for fund control and accountability as established in this part. Advance payments to a non-Federal entity must be limited to the minimum amounts needed and be timed to be in accordance with the actual, immediate cash requirements of the non-Federal entity in carrying out the purpose of the approved program or project. The timing and amount of advance payments must be as close as is administratively feasible to the actual disbursements by the non-Federal entity for direct program or project costs and the proportionate share of any allowable indirect costs. The non-Federal entity must make timely payment to contractors in accordance with the contract provisions.
(i) The Federal awarding entity shall pay the Cooperator in a timely fashion to ensure payment of contractors in accordance with federal requirements.
(ii) The Cooperator cannot accepts any payment method other than advance payment methods as described in paragraph (b)(1) above.
(2) Whenever possible, advance payments must be consolidated to cover anticipated cash needs for all Federal awards made by the Federal awarding agency to the recipient.
(i) Advance payment mechanisms include, but are not limited to, Treasury check and electronic funds transfer and should comply with applicable guidance in 31 CFR part 208. (ii) Non-Federal entities must be authorized to submit requests for advance payments and reimbursements at least monthly when electronic fund transfers are not used, and as often as they like when electronic transfers are used, in accordance with the provisions of the Electronic Fund Transfer Act (15 U.S.C. 1601).
(3) Reimbursement is the preferred method when the requirements in paragraph (b) cannot be met, when the Federal awarding agency sets a specific condition per § 200.207 Specific conditions, or when the non-Federal entity requests payment by reimbursement. This method may be used on any Federal award for construction, or if the major portion of the construction project is accomplished through private market financing or Federal loans, and the Federal award constitutes a minor portion of the project. When the reimbursement method is used, the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity must make payment within 30 calendar days after receipt of the billing, unless the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity reasonably believes the request to be improper. (4) If the non-Federal entity cannot meet the criteria for advance payments and the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity has determined that reimbursement is not feasible because the non-Federal entity lacks sufficient working capital, the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity may provide cash on a working capital advance basis. Under this procedure, the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity must advance cash payments to the non-Federal entity to cover its estimated disbursement needs for an initial period generally geared to the non-Federal entity's disbursing cycle. Thereafter, the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity must reimburse the non-Federal entity for its actual cash disbursements. Use of the working capital advance method of payment requires that the pass-through entity provide timely advance payments to any sub-recipients in order to meet the sub-recipient's actual cash disbursements. The working capital advance method of payment must not be used by the pass-through entity if the reason for using this method is the unwillingness or inability of the pass-through entity to provide timely advance payments to the sub-recipient to meet the sub-recipient's actual cash disbursements. (5) Use of resources before requesting cash advance payments. To the extent available, the non-Federal entity must disburse funds available from program income (including repayments to a revolving fund), rebates, refunds, contract settlements,
audit recoveries, and interest earned on such funds before requesting additional cash payments. (6) Unless otherwise required by Federal statutes, payments for allowable costs by non-Federal entities must not be withheld at any time during the period of performance unless the conditions of §§ 200.207 Specific conditions, Subpart D—Post Federal Award Requirements of this part, 200.338 Remedies for Noncompliance, or the following apply:
(i) The non-Federal entity has failed to comply with the project objectives, Federal statutes, regulations, or the terms and conditions of the Federal award. (ii) The non-Federal entity is delinquent in a debt to the United States as defined in OMB Guidance A-129, “Policies for Federal Credit Programs and Non-Tax Receivables.” Under such conditions, the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity may, upon reasonable notice, inform the non-Federal entity that payments must not be made for obligations incurred after a specified date until the conditions are corrected or the indebtedness to the Federal government is liquidated. (iii) A payment withheld for failure to comply with Federal award conditions, but without suspension of the Federal award, must be released to the non-Federal entity upon subsequent compliance. When a Federal award is suspended, payment adjustments will be made in accordance with § 200.342 Effects of suspension and termination. (iv) A payment must not be made to a non-Federal entity for amounts that are withheld by the non-Federal entity from payment to contractors to assure satisfactory completion of work. A payment must be made when the non-Federal entity actually disburses the withheld funds to the contractors or to escrow accounts established to assure satisfactory completion of work.
(7) Standards governing the use of banks and other institutions as depositories of advance payments under Federal awards are as follows.
(i) The Federal awarding agency and pass-through entity must not require separate depository accounts for funds provided to a non-Federal entity or establish any eligibility requirements for depositories for funds provided to the non-Federal entity. However, the non-Federal entity must be able to account for the receipt, obligation and expenditure of funds.
(ii) Advance payments of Federal funds must be deposited and maintained in insured accounts whenever possible.
(8) The non-Federal entity must maintain advance payments of Federal awards in interest-bearing accounts, unless the following apply.
(i) The non-Federal entity receives less than $120,000 in Federal awards per year.
(ii) The best reasonably available interest-bearing account would not be expected to earn interest in excess of $500 per year on Federal cash balances. (iii) The depository would require an average or minimum balance so high that it would not be feasible within the expected Federal and non-Federal cash resources. (iv) A foreign government or banking system prohibits or precludes interest bearing accounts.(9) Interest earned on Federal advance payments deposited in interest-bearing accounts must be remitted annually to the Department of Health and Human Services, Payment Management System, Rockville, MD 20852. Interest amounts up to $500 per year may be retained by the non-Federal entity for administrative expense.
(9) Except as noted elsewhere in this part, only the following forms shall be authorized for the recipients in requesting advances and reimbursements. DOD Components shall not require more than an original and two copies of these forms.
(i) SF–270, Request for Advance or Reimbursement. Each DOD Component shall adopt the SF–270 as a standard form for all non-construction programs when electronic funds transfer or predetermined advance methods are not used. DOD Components, however, have the option of using this form for construction programs in lieu of the SF–271,4 “Outlay Report and Request for Reimbursement for Construction Programs.” (ii) Payment Request. Payment Requests shall be submitted to the address below:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Alaska District Attn: CEPOA-PM-ESP (Lee) P.O. Box 6898 Elmendorf AFB AK 99506-0898 Physical Address: 2204 Third Street Elmendorf AFB, AK 99506)
(iii) Payment will be made via check and/or EFT from the following office:
U.S. Army Engineer District, Alaska C/O USACE Finance Center 5720 Integrity Drive Millington, TN 38054-5005
iii. 2 CFR 200.403 Allowable costs
(a) General. For each kind of recipient or sub-recipient of a cost-type assistance award, or each contractor receiving a. cost-type contract under an assistance award, there is a set of Federal principles for determining allowable costs. Allowability of costs shall be determined in accordance with the cost principles applicable to the entity incurring the costs.
(b) Higher educational institutions. The allowability of costs incurred by institutions of higher education that may be recipients, sub-recipients, or contractors is determined in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR 220, “Cost Principles for Educational Institutions,” (c) State, Local and Indian Tribal Governments. The allowability of costs incurred by State, Local and Indian Tribal Governments that may be recipients, sub-recipients, or contractors is determined in accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR 225, “Cost Principles for State, Local and Indian Tribal Governments,” ( (f) The Federal entity shall promptly evaluate all submitted costs and notify the Cooperator in a timely fashion of any disputed costs.
iv. 2 CFR 200.308 Revision of budget and program plans
(a) The approved budget for the Federal award summarizes the financial aspects of the project or program as approved during the Federal award process. It may include either the Federal and non-Federal share (see §200.43 Federal share) or only the Federal share, depending upon Federal awarding agency requirements. It must be related to performance for program evaluation purposes whenever appropriate.
(b) Recipients are required to report deviations from budget or project scope or objective, and request prior approvals from Federal awarding agencies for budget and program plan revisions, in accordance with this section.
(c)(1) For non-construction Federal awards, recipients must request prior approvals from Federal awarding agencies for one or more of the following program or budget-related reasons:
(i) Change in the scope or the objective of the project or program (even if there is no associated budget revision requiring prior written approval).
(ii) Change in a key person specified in the application or the Federal award.
(iii) The disengagement from the project for more than three months, or a 25 percent reduction in time devoted to the project, by the approved project director or principal investigator.
(v) The transfer of funds budgeted for participant support costs as defined in §200.75 Participant support costs to other categories of expense.
(vi) Unless described in the application and funded in the approved Federal awards, the sub-awarding, transferring or contracting out of any work under a Federal award, including fixed amount sub-awards as described in §200.332 Fixed amount sub-awards. This provision does not apply to the acquisition of supplies, material, equipment or general support services.
(vii) Changes in the approved cost-sharing or matching provided by the non-Federal entity.
(viii) The need arises for additional Federal funds to complete the project.
(2) No other prior approval requirements for specific items may be imposed unless an exception has been approved by OMB. See also §§200.102 Exceptions and 200.407 Prior written approval (prior approval).
(d) Except for requirements listed in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the Federal awarding agency is authorized, at its option, to waive prior written approvals required by paragraph (c) this section. Such waivers may include authorizing recipients to do any one or more of the following:
(1) Incur project costs 90 calendar days before the Federal awarding agency makes the Federal award. Expenses more than 90 calendar days pre-award require prior approval of the Federal awarding agency. All costs incurred before the Federal awarding agency makes the Federal award are at the recipient's risk (i.e., the Federal awarding agency is under no obligation to reimburse such costs if for any reason the recipient does not receive a Federal award or if the Federal award is less than anticipated and inadequate to cover such costs). See also §200.458 Pre-award costs.
(2) Initiate a one-time extension of the period of performance by up to 12 months unless one or more of the conditions outlined in paragraphs (d)(2)(i) through (iii) of this section apply. For one-time extensions, the recipient must notify the Federal awarding agency in writing with the supporting reasons and revised period of performance at least 10 calendar days before the end of the period of performance specified in the Federal award. This one-time extension may not be exercised merely for the purpose of using unobligated balances. Extensions require explicit prior Federal awarding agency approval when:
(i) The terms and conditions of the Federal award prohibit the extension.
(ii) The extension requires additional Federal funds.
(iii) The extension involves any change in the approved objectives or scope of the project.
(3) Carry forward unobligated balances to subsequent periods of performance.
(e) The Federal awarding agency may, at its option, restrict the transfer of funds among direct cost categories or programs, functions and activities for Federal awards in which the Federal share of the project exceeds the Simplified Acquisition Threshold and the cumulative amount of such transfers exceeds or is expected to exceed 10 percent of the total budget as last approved by the Federal awarding agency. The Federal awarding agency cannot permit a transfer that would cause any Federal appropriation to be used for purposes other than those consistent with the appropriation.
(f) All other changes to non-construction budgets, except for the changes described in paragraph (c) of this section, do not require prior approval (see also §200.407 Prior written approval (prior approval)).
(g) For construction Federal awards, the recipient must request prior written approval promptly from the Federal awarding agency for budget revisions whenever paragraph (g)(1), (2), or (3) of this section applies.
(1) The revision results from changes in the scope or the objective of the project or program.
(2) The need arises for additional Federal funds to complete the project.
(3) A revision is desired which involves specific costs for which prior written approval requirements may be imposed consistent with applicable OMB cost principles listed in Subpart E—Cost Principles of this part.
(4) No other prior approval requirements for budget revisions may be imposed unless an exception has been approved by OMB.
(5) When a Federal awarding agency makes a Federal award that provides support for construction and non-construction work, the Federal awarding agency may require the recipient to obtain prior approval from the Federal awarding agency before making any fund or budget transfers between the two types of work supported.
(h) When requesting approval for budget revisions, the recipient must use the same format for budget information that was used in the application, unless the Federal awarding agency indicates a letter of request suffices.
(i) Within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the request for budget revisions, the Federal awarding agency must review the request and notify the recipient whether the budget revisions have been approved. If the revision is still under consideration at the end of 30 calendar days, the Federal awarding agency must inform the recipient in writing of the date when the recipient may expect the decision.
v. 2 CFR 200.310 through 2 CFR 200.316 property. 2 CFR 200.310 through 2 CFR 200.316 set forth uniform standards governing management and disposition of property furnished by the Federal Government and property whose cost was charged to a project supported by a Federal award. DOD Components shall require recipients to observe these standards under awards and shall not impose additional requirements, unless specifically required by Federal statute. The recipient may use its own property management standards and procedures provided it observes the provisions of 2 CFR 200.310 through 2 CFR 200.316
vi. 2 CFR 200.310 & 2 CFR 200.447 Insurance coverage. The non-Federal entity must, at a minimum, provide the equivalent insurance coverage for real property and equipment acquired or improved with Federal funds as provided to property owned by the non-Federal entity. Federally-owned property need not be insured unless required by the terms and conditions of the Federal award.
vii. 2 CFR 200.311 Real property. (a) Title. Subject to the obligations and conditions set forth in this section, title to real property acquired or improved under a Federal award will vest upon acquisition in the non-Federal entity. (b) Use. Except as otherwise provided by Federal statutes or by the Federal awarding agency, real property will be used for the originally authorized purpose as long as needed for that purpose, during which time the non-Federal entity must not dispose of or encumber its title or other interests. (c) Disposition. When real property is no longer needed for the originally authorized purpose, the non-Federal entity must obtain disposition instructions from the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity. The instructions must provide for one of the following alternatives:
(1) Retain title after compensating the Federal awarding agency. The amount paid to the Federal awarding agency will be computed by applying the Federal awarding agency's percentage of participation in the cost of the original purchase (and costs of any improvements) to the fair market value of the property. However, in those situations where non-Federal entity is disposing of real property acquired or improved with a Federal award and acquiring replacement real property under the same Federal award, the net proceeds from the disposition may be used as an offset to the cost of the replacement property. (2) Sell the property and compensate the Federal awarding agency. The amount due to the Federal awarding agency will be calculated by applying the Federal awarding agency's percentage of participation in the cost of the original purchase (and cost of any improvements) to the proceeds of the sale after deduction of any actual and reasonable selling and fixing-up expenses. If the Federal award has not been closed out, the net proceeds from sale may be offset against the original cost of the property. When non-Federal entity is directed to sell property, sales procedures must be followed that provide for competition to the extent practicable and result in the highest possible return. (3) Transfer title to the Federal awarding agency or to a third party designated/approved by the Federal awarding agency. The non-Federal entity is entitled to be paid an amount calculated by applying the non-Federal entity's percentage of participation in the purchase of the real property (and cost of any improvements) to the current fair market value of the property.
viii. 2 CFR 200.312 Federally-owned and exempt property. (a) Title to federally-owned property remains vested in the Federal government. The non-Federal entity must submit annually an inventory listing of federally-owned property in its custody to the Federal awarding agency. Upon completion of the Federal award or when the property is no longer needed, the non-Federal entity must report the property to the Federal awarding agency for further Federal agency utilization.
(b) If the Federal awarding agency has no further need for the property, it must declare the property excess and report it for disposal to the appropriate Federal disposal authority, unless the Federal awarding agency has statutory authority to dispose of the property by alternative methods (e.g., the authority provided by the Federal Technology Transfer Act (15 U.S.C. 3710 (i)) to donate research equipment to educational and non-profit organizations in accordance with Executive Order 12999, “Educational Technology: Ensuring Opportunity for All Children in the Next Century.”). The Federal awarding agency must issue appropriate instructions to the non-Federal entity. (c) Exempt federally-owned property means property acquired under a Federal award the title based upon the explicit terms and conditions of the Federal award that indicate the Federal awarding agency has chosen to vest in the non-Federal entity without further obligation to the Federal government or under conditions the Federal agency considers appropriate. The Federal awarding agency may exercise this option when statutory authority exists. Absent statutory authority and specific terms and conditions of the Federal award, title to exempt federally-owned property acquired under the Federal award remains with the Federal government.
ix. 2 CFR 200.313 Equipment. See also § 200.439 Equipment and other capital expenditures. (a) Title. Subject to the obligations and conditions set forth in this section, title to equipment acquired under a Federal award will vest upon acquisition in the non-Federal entity. Unless a statute specifically authorizes the Federal agency to vest title in the non-Federal entity without further obligation to the Federal government, and the Federal agency elects to do so, the title must be a conditional title. Title must vest in the non-Federal entity subject to the following conditions:
(1) Use the equipment for the authorized purposes of the project until funding for the project ceases, or until the property is no longer needed for the purposes of the project. (2) Not encumber the property without approval of the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity. (3) Use and dispose of the property in accordance with paragraphs (b), (c) and (e) of this section.
(b) A state must use, manage and dispose of equipment acquired under a Federal award by the state in accordance with state laws and procedures. Other non-Federal entities must follow paragraphs (c) through (e) of this section. (c) Use. (1) Equipment must be used by the non-Federal entity in the program or project for which it was acquired as long as needed, whether or not the project or program continues to be supported by the Federal award, and the non-Federal entity must not encumber the property without prior approval of the Federal awarding agency. When no longer needed for the original program or project, the equipment may be used in other activities supported by the Federal awarding agency, in the following order of priority:
(i) Activities under a Federal award from the Federal awarding agency which funded the original program or project, then
(ii) Activities under Federal awards from other Federal awarding agencies. This includes consolidated equipment for information technology systems.
(2) During the time that equipment is used on the project or program for which it was acquired, the non-Federal entity must also make equipment available for use on other projects or programs currently or previously supported by the Federal government, provided that such use will not interfere with the work on the projects or program for which it was originally acquired. First preference for other use must be given to other programs or projects supported by Federal awarding agency that financed the equipment and second preference must be given to programs or projects under Federal awards from other Federal awarding agencies. Use for non-federally-funded programs or projects is also permissible. User fees should be considered if appropriate. (3) Notwithstanding the encouragement in § 200.307 Program income to earn program income, the non-Federal entity must not use equipment acquired with the Federal award to provide services for a fee that is less than private companies charge for equivalent services unless specifically authorized by Federal statute for as long as the Federal government retains an interest in the equipment. (4) When acquiring replacement equipment, the non-Federal entity may use the equipment to be replaced as a trade-in or sell the property and use the proceeds to offset the cost of the replacement property.
(d) Management requirements. Procedures for managing equipment (including replacement equipment), whether acquired in whole or in part under a Federal award, until disposition takes place will, as a minimum, meet the following requirements:
(1) Property records must be maintained that include a description of the property, a serial number or other identification number, the source of funding for the property (including the FAIN), who holds title, the acquisition date, and cost of the property, percentage of Federal participation in the project costs for the Federal award under which the property was acquired, the location, use and condition of the property, and any ultimate disposition data including the date of disposal and sale price of the property. (2) A physical inventory of the property must be taken and the results reconciled with the property records at least once every two years. (3) A control system must be developed to ensure adequate safeguards to prevent loss, damage, or theft of the property. Any loss, damage, or theft must be investigated. (4) Adequate maintenance procedures must be developed to keep the property in good condition. (5) If the non-Federal entity is authorized or required to sell the property, proper sales procedures must be established to ensure the highest possible return.
(e) Disposition. When original or replacement equipment acquired under a Federal award is no longer needed for the original project or program or for other activities currently or previously supported by a Federal awarding agency, except as otherwise provided in
Federal statutes, regulations, or Federal awarding agency disposition instructions, the non-Federal entity must request disposition instructions from the Federal awarding agency if required by the terms and conditions of the Federal award. Disposition of the equipment will be made as follows, in accordance with Federal awarding agency disposition instructions:
(1) Items of equipment with a current per unit fair market value of $5,000 or less may be retained, sold or otherwise disposed of with no further obligation to the Federal awarding agency. (2) Except as provided in § 200.312 Federally-owned and exempt property, paragraph (b), or if the Federal awarding agency fails to provide requested disposition instructions within 120 days, items of equipment with a current per-unit fair-market value in excess of $5,000 may be retained by the non-Federal entity or sold. The Federal awarding agency is entitled to an amount calculated by multiplying the current market value or proceeds from sale by the Federal awarding agency's percentage of participation in the cost of the original purchase. If the equipment is sold, the Federal awarding agency may permit the non-Federal entity to deduct and retain from the Federal share $500 or ten percent of the proceeds, whichever is less, for its selling and handling expenses. (3) The non-Federal entity may transfer title to the property to the Federal Government or to an eligible third party provided that, in such cases, the non-Federal entity must be entitled to compensation for its attributable percentage of the current fair market value of the property. (4) In cases where a non-Federal entity fails to take appropriate disposition actions, the Federal awarding agency may direct the non-Federal entity to take disposition actions.
x. 2 CFR 200.314 Supplies. See also § 200.453 Materials and supplies costs, including costs of computing devices. (a) Title to supplies will vest in the non-Federal entity upon acquisition. If there is a residual inventory of unused supplies exceeding $5,000 in total aggregate value upon termination or completion of the project or program and the supplies are not needed for any other Federal award, the non-Federal entity must retain the supplies for use on other activities or sell them, but must, in either case, compensate the Federal government for its share. The amount of compensation must be computed in the same manner as for equipment. See § 200.313 Equipment, paragraph (e)(2) for the calculation methodology. (b) As long as the Federal government retains an interest in the supplies, the non-Federal entity must not use supplies acquired under a Federal award to provide services to other organizations for a fee that is less than private companies charge for equivalent services, unless specifically authorized by Federal statute.
xi. 2 CFR 200.315 Intangible property.
(a) Title to intangible property (see § 200.59 Intangible property) acquired under a Federal award vests upon acquisition in the non-Federal entity. The non-Federal entity must use that property for the originally-authorized purpose, and must not encumber the property without approval of the Federal awarding agency. When no longer needed for the originally authorized purpose, disposition of the intangible property must occur in accordance with the provisions in § 200.313 Equipment paragraph (e). (b) The non-Federal entity may copyright any work that is subject to copyright and was developed, or for which ownership was acquired, under a Federal award. The Federal awarding agency reserves a royalty-free, nonexclusive and irrevocable right to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use the work for Federal purposes, and to authorize others to do so. (c) The non-Federal entity is subject to applicable regulations governing patents and inventions, including government-wide regulations issued by the Department of Commerce at 37 CFR Part 401, “Rights to Inventions Made by Nonprofit Organizations and Small Business Firms Under Government Awards, Contracts and Cooperative Agreements.” (d) The Federal government has the right to:(1) Obtain, reproduce, publish, or otherwise use the data produced under a Federal award; and(2) Authorize others to receive, reproduce, publish, or otherwise use such data for Federal purposes. (e) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).(1) In addition, in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for research data relating to published research findings produced under a Federal award that were used by the Federal government in developing an agency action that has the force and effect of law, the Federal awarding agency must request, and the non-Federal entity must provide, within a reasonable time, the research data so that they can be made available to the public through the procedures established under the FOIA. If the Federal awarding agency obtains the research data solely in response to a FOIA request, the Federal awarding agency may charge the requester a reasonable fee equaling the full incremental cost of obtaining the research data. This fee should reflect costs incurred by the Federal agency and the non-Federal entity. This fee is in addition to any fees the Federal awarding agency may assess under the FOIA (5 U.S.C. 552(a)(4)(A)).(2) Published research findings means when:
(i) Research findings are published in a peer-reviewed scientific or technical journal; or (ii) A Federal agency publicly and officially cites the research findings in support of an agency action that has the force and effect of law. “Used by the Federal government in developing an agency action that has the force and effect of law” is defined as when an agency publicly and officially cites the research findings in support of an agency action that has the force and effect of law.
(3) Research data means the recorded factual material commonly accepted in the scientific community as necessary to validate research findings, but not any of the following: preliminary analyses, drafts of scientific papers, plans for future research, peer reviews, or communications with colleagues. This “recorded” material excludes physical objects (e.g., laboratory samples). Research data also do not include:
(i) Trade secrets, commercial information, materials necessary to be held confidential by a researcher until they are published, or similar information which is protected under law; and
(ii) Personnel and medical information and similar information the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, such as information that could be used to identify a particular person in a research study.
xii. 2 CFR 200.316 Property trust relationship. Real property, equipment, and intangible property, that are acquired or improved with a Federal award must be held in trust by the non-Federal entity as trustee for the beneficiaries of the project or program under which the property was acquired or improved. The Federal awarding agency may require the non-Federal entity to record liens or other appropriate notices of record to indicate that personal or real property has been acquired or improved with a Federal award and that use and disposition conditions apply to the property.
xiii. 2 CFR 200.317 through 2 CFR 200.326 Procurement standards. 2 CFR 200.317 through 2 CFR 200.326 set forth standards for use by recipients in establishing procedures for the procurement of supplies and other expendable property, equipment, real property and other services with Federal funds. These standards are furnished to ensure that such materials and services are obtained in an effective manner and in compliance with the provisions of applicable Federal statutes and executive orders. Recipient responsibilities. The standards contained in this section do not relieve the recipient of the contractual responsibilities arising under its contract(s). The recipient is the responsible authority, without recourse to the DOD Component that made the award, regarding the settlement and satisfaction of all contractual and administrative issues arising out of procurements entered into in support of an award or other agreement. This includes disputes, claims, protests of award, source evaluation or other matters of a contractual nature. Matters concerning violation of statute are to be referred to such Federal, State or local authority as may have proper jurisdiction. Codes of conduct. The recipient shall maintain written standards of conduct governing the performance of its employees engaged in the award and administration of contracts. No employee, officer, or agent shall participate in the selection, award, or administration of a contract supported by Federal funds if a real or apparent conflict of interest would be involved. Such a conflict would arise when the employee, officer, or agent, any member of his or her immediate family, his or her partner, or an organization which employs or is about to employ any of the parties indicated herein, has a financial or other interest in the firm selected for an award. The officers, employees, and agents of the recipient shall neither solicit nor accept gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value from contractors, or parties to sub-agreements. However, recipients may set standards for situations in which the financial interest is not substantial or the gift is an unsolicited item of nominal value. The standards of conduct shall provide for disciplinary actions to be applied for violations of such standards by officers, employees, or agents of the recipient.
xiv. 2 CFR 200.319 Competition. (a) All transactions must be conducted in a manner that provides competition to the maximum extent practicable. In order to ensure objective contractor performance and eliminate unfair competitive advantage, Master Cooperative Agreement recipients that develop or draft specifications, requirements, statements of work, and invitations for bids or requests for proposals must be excluded from competing for such requirements. Some of the situations considered to be restrictive of competition include but are not limited to:
(1) Placing unreasonable requirements on firms in order for them to qualify to do business; (2) Requiring unnecessary experience and excessive bonding; (3) Noncompetitive pricing practices between firms or between affiliated companies; (4) Noncompetitive contracts to consultants that are on retainer contracts; (5) Organizational conflicts of interest; (6) Specifying only a “brand name” product instead of allowing “an equal” product to be offered and describing the performance or other relevant requirements of the procurement; and (7) Any arbitrary action in the procurement process.
(b) The non-Federal entity must conduct procurements in a manner that prohibits the use of statutorily or administratively imposed state or local geographical preferences in the evaluation of bids or proposals, except in those cases where applicable Federal statutes expressly mandate or encourage geographic preference. Nothing in this section preempts state licensing laws. When contracting for architectural and engineering (A/E) services, geographic location may be a selection criterion provided its application leaves an appropriate number of qualified firms, given the nature and size of the project, to compete for the contract. (c) The non-Federal entity must have written procedures for procurement transactions. These procedures must ensure that all solicitations:
(1) Incorporate a clear and accurate description of the technical requirements for the material, product, or service to be procured. Such description must not, in competitive procurements, contain features which unduly restrict competition. The description may include a statement of the qualitative nature of the material, product or service to be procured and, when necessary, must set forth those minimum essential characteristics and standards to which it must conform if it is to satisfy its intended use. Detailed product specifications should be avoided if at all possible. When it is impractical or uneconomical to make a clear and accurate description of the technical requirements, a “brand name or equivalent” description may be used as a means to define the performance or other salient requirements of procurement. The specific features of the named brand which must be met by offers must be clearly stated; and (2) Identify all requirements which the offerors must fulfill and all other factors to be used in evaluating bids or proposals.
(d) The non-Federal entity must ensure that all prequalified lists of persons, firms, or products which are used in acquiring goods and services are current and include enough qualified sources to ensure maximum open and free competition. Also, the non-Federal entity must not preclude potential bidders from qualifying during the solicitation period.
xv. 2 CFR 200.320 Procurement procedures. The non-Federal entity must use one of the following methods of procurement. (a) Procurement by micro-purchases. Procurement by micro-purchase is the acquisition of supplies or services, the aggregate dollar amount of which does not exceed $3,000 (or $2,000 in the case of acquisitions for construction subject to the Davis-Bacon Act). To the extent practicable, the non-Federal entity must distribute micro-purchases equitably among qualified suppliers. Micro-purchases may be awarded without soliciting competitive quotations if the non-Federal entity considers the price to be reasonable. (b) Procurement by small purchase procedures. Small purchase procedures are those relatively simple and informal procurement methods for securing services, supplies, or other property that do not cost more than the Simplified Acquisition Threshold. If small purchase procedures are used, price or rate quotations must be obtained from an adequate number of qualified sources. (c) Procurement by sealed bids (formal advertising). Bids are publicly solicited and a firm fixed price contract (lump sum or unit price) is awarded to the responsible bidder whose bid, conforming with all the material terms and conditions of the invitation for bids, is the lowest in price. The sealed bid method is the preferred method for procuring construction, if the conditions in paragraph (c)(1) of this section apply.
(1) In order for sealed bidding to be feasible, the following conditions should be present:
(i) A complete, adequate, and realistic specification or purchase description is available; (ii) Two or more responsible bidders are willing and able to compete effectively for the business; and (iii) The procurement lends itself to a firm fixed price contract and the selection of the successful bidder can be made principally on the basis of price.
(2) If sealed bids are used, the following requirements apply: (i) The invitation for bids will be publicly advertised and bids must be solicited from an adequate number of known suppliers, providing them sufficient response time prior to the date set for opening the bids; (ii) The invitation for bids, which will include any specifications and pertinent attachments, must define the items or services in order for the bidder to properly respond; (iii) All bids will be publicly opened at the time and place prescribed in the invitation for bids; (iv) A firm fixed price contract award will be made in writing to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Where specified in bidding documents, factors
such as discounts, transportation cost, and life cycle costs must be considered in determining which bid is lowest. Payment discounts will only be used to determine the low bid when prior experience indicates that such discounts are usually taken advantage of; and (v) Any or all bids may be rejected if there is a sound documented reason.
(d) Procurement by competitive proposals. The technique of competitive proposals is normally conducted with more than one source submitting an offer, and either a fixed price or cost-reimbursement type contract is awarded. It is generally used when conditions are not appropriate for the use of sealed bids. If this method is used, the following requirements apply:
(1) Requests for proposals must be publicized and identify all evaluation factors and their relative importance. Any response to publicized requests for proposals must be considered to the maximum extent practical; (2) Proposals must be solicited from an adequate number of qualified sources; (3) The non-Federal entity must have a written method for conducting technical evaluations of the proposals received and for selecting recipients; (4) Contracts must be awarded to the responsible firm whose proposal is most advantageous to the program, with price and other factors considered; and (5) The non-Federal entity may use competitive proposal procedures for qualifications-based procurement of architectural/engineering (A/E) professional services whereby competitors' qualifications are evaluated and the most qualified competitor is selected, subject to negotiation of fair and reasonable compensation. The method, where price is not used as a selection factor, can only be used in procurement of A/E professional services. It cannot be used to purchase other types of services though A/E firms are a potential source to perform the proposed effort.
(e) [Reserved] (f) Procurement by noncompetitive proposals. Procurement by noncompetitive proposals is procurement through solicitation of a proposal from only one source and may be used only when one or more of the following circumstances apply:
(1) The item is available only from a single source; (2) The public exigency or emergency for the requirement will not permit a delay resulting from competitive solicitation; (3) The Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity expressly authorizes noncompetitive proposals in response to a written request from the non-Federal entity; or (4) After solicitation of a number of sources, competition is determined inadequate.
xvi. 2 CFR 200.323 Contract cost and price. (a) The non-Federal entity must perform a cost or price analysis in connection with every procurement action in excess of the Simplified Acquisition Threshold including contract
modifications. The method and degree of analysis is dependent on the facts surrounding the particular procurement situation, but as a starting point, the non-Federal entity must make independent estimates before receiving bids or proposals. (b) The non-Federal entity must negotiate profit as a separate element of the price for each contract in which there is no price competition and in all cases where cost analysis is performed. To establish a fair and reasonable profit, consideration must be given to the complexity of the work to be performed, the risk borne by the contractor, the contractor's investment, the amount of subcontracting, the quality of its record of past performance, and industry profit rates in the surrounding geographical area for similar work. (c) Costs or prices based on estimated costs for contracts under the Federal award are allowable only to the extent that costs incurred or cost estimates included in negotiated prices would be allowable for the non-Federal entity under Subpart E—Cost Principles of this part. The non-Federal entity may reference its own cost principles that comply with the Federal cost principles. (d) The cost plus a percentage of cost and percentage of construction cost methods of contracting must not be used.
xvii. 2 CFR 200.326 Contract provisions. The non-Federal entity's contracts must contain the applicable provisions described in Appendix II to 2 CFR Part 200—Contract Provisions for non-Federal Entity Contracts Under Federal Awards.
xviii. 32 CFR 32.49 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. Under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) (section 6002, Pub. L. 94–580, 42 U.S.C. 6962), any State agency or agency of a political subdivision of a State which is using appropriated Federal funds must comply with section 6002. Section 6002 requires that preference be given in procurement programs to the purchase of specific products containing recycled materials identified in guidelines developed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (40 CFR parts 247–254). Accordingly, State and local institutions of higher education, hospitals, and non-profit organizations that receive direct Federal awards or other Federal funds shall give preference in their procurement programs funded with Federal funds to the purchase of recycled products pursuant to the EPA guidelines.
xix. 2 CFR 200.333 through 2 CFR 200.337, Records Sections 32.51 through 32.52 set forth the procedures for monitoring and reporting on the recipient's financial and program performance and the necessary standard reporting forms. They also set forth record retention requirements.
xx. 2 CFR 200.328 Monitoring and reporting program performance. (a) Monitoring by the non-Federal entity. The non-Federal entity is responsible for oversight of the operations of the Federal award supported activities. The non-Federal entity must monitor its activities under Federal awards to assure compliance with applicable Federal requirements and performance expectations are being achieved. Monitoring by the non-Federal entity must cover each program, function or activity. See also § 200.331 Requirements for pass-through entities. (b) Non-construction performance reports. The Federal awarding agency must use standard, OMB-approved data elements for collection of performance information (including performance progress reports, Research Performance Progress Report, or such future collections as may be approved by OMB and listed on the OMB Web site).
(1) The non-Federal entity must submit performance reports at the interval required by the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity to best inform improvements in program outcomes and productivity. Intervals must be no less frequent than annually nor more frequent than quarterly except in unusual circumstances, for example where more frequent reporting is necessary for the effective monitoring of the Federal award or could significantly affect program outcomes. Annual reports must be due 90 calendar days after the reporting period; quarterly or semiannual reports must be due 30 calendar days after the reporting period. Alternatively, the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity may require annual reports before the anniversary dates of multiple year Federal awards. The final performance report will be due 90 calendar days after the period of performance end date. If a justified request is submitted by a non-Federal entity, the Federal agency may extend the due date for any performance report. (2) The non-Federal entity must submit performance reports using OMB-approved government-wide standard information collections when providing performance information. As appropriate in accordance with above mentioned information collections, these reports will contain, for each Federal award, brief information on the following unless other collections are approved by OMB:
(i) A comparison of actual accomplishments to the objectives of the Federal award established for the period. Where the accomplishments of the Federal award can be quantified, a computation of the cost (for example, related to units of accomplishment) may be required if that information will be useful. Where performance trend data and analysis would be informative to the Federal awarding agency program, the Federal awarding agency should include this as a performance reporting requirement. (ii) The reasons why established goals were not met, if appropriate. (iii) Additional pertinent information including, when appropriate, analysis and explanation of cost overruns or high unit costs.
(c) Construction performance reports. For the most part, onsite technical inspections and certified percentage of completion data are relied on heavily by Federal awarding agencies and pass-through entities to monitor progress under Federal awards and subawards for
construction. The Federal awarding agency may require additional performance reports only when considered necessary. (d) Significant developments. Events may occur between the scheduled performance reporting dates that have significant impact upon the supported activity. In such cases, the non-Federal entity must inform the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity as soon as the following types of conditions become known:
(1) Problems, delays, or adverse conditions which will materially impair the ability to meet the objective of the Federal award. This disclosure must include a statement of the action taken, or contemplated, and any assistance needed to resolve the situation. (2) Favorable developments which enable meeting time schedules and objectives sooner or at less cost than anticipated or producing more or different beneficial results than originally planned.
(e) The Federal awarding agency may make site visits as warranted by program needs. (f) The Federal awarding agency may waive any performance report required by this part if not needed.
xxi. 2 CFR 200.327 Financial reporting. Unless otherwise approved by OMB, the Federal awarding agency may solicit only the standard, OMB-approved government-wide data elements for collection of financial information (at time of publication the Federal Financial Report or such future collections as may be approved by OMB and listed on the OMB Web site). This information must be collected with the frequency required by the terms and conditions of the Federal award, but no less frequently than annually nor more frequently than quarterly except in unusual circumstances, for example where more frequent reporting is necessary for the effective monitoring of the Federal award or could significantly affect program outcomes, and preferably in coordination with performance reporting.
xxii. 2 CFR 200.333 Retention requirements for records. Financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and all other non-Federal entity records pertinent to a Federal award must be retained for a period of three years from the date of submission of the final expenditure report or, for Federal awards that are renewed quarterly or annually, from the date of the submission of the quarterly or annual financial report, respectively, as reported to the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity in the case of a sub-recipient. Federal awarding agencies and pass-through entities must not impose any other record retention requirements upon non-Federal entities. The only exceptions are the following:
(a) If any litigation, claim, or audit is started before the expiration of the 3-year period, the records must be retained until all litigation, claims, or audit findings involving the records have been resolved and final action taken.
(b) When the non-Federal entity is notified in writing by the Federal awarding agency, cognizant agency for audit, oversight agency for audit, cognizant agency for indirect costs, or pass-through entity to extend the retention period. (c) Records for real property and equipment acquired with Federal funds must be retained for 3 years after final disposition. (d) When records are transferred to or maintained by the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity, the 3-year retention requirement is not applicable to the non-Federal entity. (e) Records for program income transactions after the period of performance. In some cases recipients must report program income after the period of performance. Where there is such a requirement, the retention period for the records pertaining to the earning of the program income starts from the end of the non-Federal entity's fiscal year in which the program income is earned. (f) Indirect cost rate proposals and cost allocations plans. This paragraph applies to the following types of documents and their supporting records: indirect cost rate computations or proposals, cost allocation plans, and any similar accounting computations of the rate at which a particular group of costs is chargeable (such as computer usage chargeback rates or composite fringe benefit rates).
(1) If submitted for negotiation. If the proposal, plan, or other computation is required to be submitted to the Federal government (or to the pass-through entity) to form the basis for negotiation of the rate, then the 3-year retention period for its supporting records starts from the date of such submission. (2) If not submitted for negotiation. If the proposal, plan, or other computation is not required to be submitted to the Federal government (or to the pass-through entity) for negotiation purposes, then the 3-year retention period for the proposal, plan, or computation and its supporting records starts from the end of the fiscal year (or other accounting period) covered by the proposal, plan, or other computation.
xxiii. 2 CFR 200.334 Requests for Transfer of Records The Federal awarding agency must request transfer of certain records to its custody from the non-Federal entity when it determines that the records possess long-term retention value. However, in order to avoid duplicate recordkeeping, the Federal awarding agency may make arrangements for the non-Federal entity to retain any records that are continuously needed for joint use.
xxiv. 2 CFR 200.335 Methods for Collection, Transmission and Storage of Information In accordance with the May 2013 Executive Order on Making Open and Machine Readable the New Default for Government Information, the Federal awarding agency and the non-Federal entity should, whenever practicable, collect, transmit, and store Federal award-related information in open and machine readable formats rather than in closed formats or on paper. The Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity must always provide or accept
paper versions of Federal award-related information to and from the non-Federal entity upon request. If paper copies are submitted, the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity must not require more than an original and two copies. When original records are electronic and cannot be altered, there is no need to create and retain paper copies. When original records are paper, electronic versions may be substituted through the use of duplication or other forms of electronic media provided that they are subject to periodic quality control reviews, provide reasonable safeguards against alteration, and remain readable.
xxv. 2 CFR 200.336 Access to records. (a) Records of non-Federal entities. The Federal awarding agency, Inspectors General, the Comptroller General of the United States, and the pass-through entity, or any of their authorized representatives, must have the right of access to any documents, papers, or other records of the non-Federal entity which are pertinent to the Federal award, in order to make audits, examinations, excerpts, and transcripts. The right also includes timely and reasonable access to the non-Federal entity's personnel for the purpose of interview and discussion related to such documents. (b) Only under extraordinary and rare circumstances would such access include review of the true name of victims of a crime. Routine monitoring cannot be considered extraordinary and rare circumstances that would necessitate access to this information. When access to the true name of victims of a crime is necessary, appropriate steps to protect this sensitive information must be taken by both the non-Federal entity and the Federal awarding agency. Any such access, other than under a court order or subpoena pursuant to a bona fide confidential investigation, must be approved by the head of the Federal awarding agency or delegate. (c) Expiration of right of access. The rights of access in this section are not limited to the required retention period but last as long as the records are retained. Federal awarding agencies and pass-through entities must not impose any other access requirements upon non-Federal entities.
xxvi. 2 CFR 200.339 Termination. (a) The Federal award may be terminated in whole or in part as follows:
(1) By the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity, if a non-Federal entity fails to comply with the terms and conditions of a Federal award; (2) By the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity for cause; (3) By the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity with the consent of the non-Federal entity, in which case the two parties must agree upon the termination conditions, including the effective date and, in the case of partial termination, the portion to be terminated; or (4) By the non-Federal entity upon sending to the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity written notification setting forth the reasons for such termination, the effective date, and, in the case of partial termination, the portion to be terminated.
However, if the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity determines in the case of partial termination that the reduced or modified portion of the Federal award or subaward will not accomplish the purposes for which the Federal award was made, the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity may terminate the Federal award in its entirety.
(b) When a Federal award is terminated or partially terminated, both the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity and the non-Federal entity remain responsible for compliance with the requirements in §§ 200.343 Closeout and 200.344 Post-closeout adjustments and continuing responsibilities. (c) In the event of the termination of the Federal award by the Federal entity for any reason, the Federal entity shall pay all allowable costs as defined in this agreement incurred by the non-Federal entity prior to the termination of the agreement.
xxvii. 2 CFR 200.338 Remedies for noncompliance. If a non-Federal entity fails to comply with Federal statutes, regulations or the terms and conditions of a Federal award, the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity may impose additional conditions, as described in § 200.207 Specific conditions. If the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity determines that noncompliance cannot be remedied by imposing additional conditions, the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity may take one or more of the following actions, as appropriate in the circumstances:
(a) Temporarily withhold cash payments pending correction of the deficiency by the non-Federal entity or more severe enforcement action by the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity. (b) Disallow (that is, deny both use of funds and any applicable matching credit for) all or part of the cost of the activity or action not in compliance. (c) Wholly or partly suspend or terminate the Federal award. (d) Initiate suspension or debarment proceedings as authorized under 2 CFR part 180 and Federal awarding agency regulations (or in the case of a pass-through entity, recommend such a proceeding be initiated by a Federal awarding agency). (e) Withhold further Federal awards for the project or program. (f) Take other remedies that may be legally available.
xxviii. 2 CFR 200.341 Opportunities to object, hearings and appeals. Upon taking any remedy for non-compliance, the Federal awarding agency must provide the non-Federal entity an opportunity to object and provide information and documentation challenging the suspension or termination action, in accordance with written processes and procedures published by the Federal awarding agency. The Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity must comply with any requirements for hearings, appeals or other administrative proceedings which the non-Federal entity is entitled under any statute or regulation applicable to the action involved.
xxix. 2 CFR 200.343 Closeout. The Federal agency or pass-through entity will close-out the Federal award when it determines that all applicable administrative actions and all required work of the Federal award have been completed by the non-Federal entity. This section specifies the actions the non-Federal entity and Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity must take to complete this process at the end of the period of performance. (a) The non-Federal entity must submit, no later than 90 calendar days after the end date of the period of performance, all financial, performance, and other reports as required by or the terms and conditions of the Federal award. The Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity may approve extensions when requested by the non-Federal entity. (b) Unless the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity authorizes an extension, a non-Federal entity must liquidate all obligations incurred under the Federal award not later than 90 calendar days after the end date of the period of performance as specified in the terms and conditions of the Federal award. (c) The Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity must make prompt payments to the non-Federal entity for allowable reimbursable costs under the Federal award being closed out. (d) The non-Federal entity must promptly refund any balances of unobligated cash that the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity paid in advance or paid and that is not authorized to be retained by the non-Federal entity for use in other projects. See OMB Circular A-129 and see § 200.345 Collection of amounts due for requirements regarding unreturned amounts that become delinquent debts. (e) Consistent with the terms and conditions of the Federal award, the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity must make a settlement for any upward or downward adjustments to the Federal share of costs after closeout reports are received. (f) The non-Federal entity must account for any real and personal property acquired with Federal funds or received from the Federal government in accordance with §§ 200.310 Insurance coverage through 200.316 Property trust relationship and 200.329 Reporting on real property. (g) The Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity should complete all closeout actions for Federal awards no later than one year after receipt and acceptance of all required final reports.
xxx. 2 CFR 200.344 Post-closeout adjustments and continuing responsibilities. (a) The closeout of a Federal award does not affect any of the following.
(1) The right of the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity to disallow costs and recover funds on the basis of a later audit or other review. The Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity must make any cost disallowance determination and notify the non-Federal entity within the record retention period.
(2) The obligation of the non-Federal entity to return any funds due as a result of later refunds, corrections, or other transactions including final indirect cost rate adjustments. (3) Audit requirements in Subpart F—Audit Requirements of this part. (4) Property management and disposition requirements in Subpart D—Post Federal Award Requirements of this part, §§ 200.310 Insurance Coverage through 200.316 Property trust relationship. (5) Records retention as required in Subpart D—Post Federal Award Requirements of this part, §§ 200.333 Retention requirements for records through 200.337 Restrictions on public access to records.
(b) After closeout of the Federal award, a relationship created under the Federal award may be modified or ended in whole or in part with the consent of the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity and the non-Federal entity, provided the responsibilities of the non-Federal entity referred to in paragraph (a) of this section including those for property management as applicable, are considered and provisions made for continuing responsibilities of the non-Federal entity, as appropriate.
xxxi. 2 CFR 200.345 Collection of amounts due. (a) Any funds paid to the non-Federal entity in excess of the amount to which the non-Federal entity is finally determined to be entitled under the terms of the Federal award constitute a debt to the Federal government. If not paid within 90 calendar days after demand, the Federal awarding agency may reduce the debt by:
(1) Making an administrative offset against other requests for reimbursements; (2) Withholding advance payments otherwise due to the non-Federal entity; or (3) Other action permitted by Federal statute.
(b) Except where otherwise provided by statutes or regulations, the Federal awarding agency will charge interest on an overdue debt in accordance with the Federal Claims Collection Standards (31 CFR parts 900 through 999). The date from which interest is computed is not extended by litigation or the filing of any form of appeal.
2. Reporting
i. Quarterly and Annual Reporting Requirements Awardees must provide progress reports that validate progress on the required tasks to the USACE project manager on a quarterly basis at a minimum. Communications in person, by phone, and by email shall supplement the progress reporting requirements whenever key, complex, or high-profile activities are underway to ensure that USACE is never lacking pertinent project information. Progress reports and invoices must match, i.e. quarterly invoices should be delivered with
quarterly progress reports. Monthly invoices will require monthly progress reports. Final reports must be provided to USACE at the end of the Agreement Order or upon request. Quarterly reports should accompany invoices since they are reviewed prior to processing invoices. File nomenclature should follow the format: YYMMDD_AgreementOrder#_EntityAbbreviation.pdf Example: 180417_AO546_USACE.pdf
ii. OMB Guidance, Grants and Agreements, Guidelines to Agencies on Government-wide Debarment and Suspension 2 CFR 180 Subpart C .335-.350
2 CFR 180.335-.350 provides answers to questions an applicant may have regarding information an applicant must provide before entering into a covered transaction with a federal agency.
Sponsored by: Mayor Michael W. Welch Introduced and Advanced: September 8, 2020
7 WHEREAS, changes to the public services practices and policies is a continually changing 8 requirement; and, 9 10 WHEREAS, the City of North Pole budget should be amended to conform to the requirements 11 of the City; and, 12 13 WHEREAS, adjustment in the budget are necessary to remain compliant with council approved 14 authorizations and budget management rules, and 15 16 WHEREAS, fiscal notes are the method prescribed by the code to amend a budget; and, 17 18 WHEREAS, fiscal notes have been reviewed by the Accountant and Mayor for accuracy and 19 will be recorded as amendments to the budget upon approval, 20 21 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of North Pole that it 22 approves changes as listed in the fiscal notes attached to this ordinance for the purpose managing 23 the City budget. 24 25 Section 1. This ordinance is of a general nature and shall not be codified. 26 27 Section. Effective date. 28 This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage. 29 30 Introduced and advanced by a duly constituted quorum of the North Pole City Council this 8th 31 day of September, 2020. 32 33 34 _____________________________ 35
Michael W. Welch, Mayor 36 ATTEST: 37 38 39 ________________________________ 40 Aaron Rhodes, North Pole City Clerk 41 42 43 PASSED/FAILED
Yes: No: Absent:
City of North Pole, Alaska
Fiscal Note Year:
Accompanying Ordinance/Resolution:
Originator / sponsor:
Does the Ordinance or Resolution have a fiscal impact? yes no
FUND Account Description Account # Debit Credit
Summary: (Brief description of proposed alterations as defined by accompanying ordinance or resolution. Where did the money come from and how will it be used).
Prepared By:________________________________Date:__________________
Finance Approval: ___________________________Date:__________________
NOTE- Fiscal notes attached to an ordinance are considered amendments to the budget and do not require an additional approval for insertion into the budget document.
Memo To: City Council From: Bill Butler Date: August 31, 2020 Subject: Shannon & Wilson terms of service to perform site Phase 3 characterization work
related to the 8th Avenue Pump House heating fuel oil spill.
Approve Scope of service, additional site characterization, City of North Pole 8th Avenue fire well pump house, ADEC file number 100.38.224 for $14,313. Background On July 8, 2009, the recirculating fuel pump at the 8th Avenue fire-well pump house malfunctioned, causing an overflow of the day tank resulting in a discharge of heating fuel outside of the building through the tank’s vent. Based on delivery records, the Utility estimated 274 to 474 gallons of fuel were released. The Utility contracted with Shannon & Wilson to assist the Utility with its initial response. One of the first actions was removal of fuel-contaminated soil. Samples from the excavation indicated gasoline range organics (GRO), diesel range organics (DRO), and the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) were present at concentrations greater than ADEC soil cleanup levels for the migration-to- groundwater criteria. From 2009 to 2011, Utility staff used a recovery well installed within the excavation footprint to collect petroleum products. As of 2011, the Utility had recovered 130 gallons of fuel. Since 2011 there has been insufficient product to continue the collection effort. In 2018, Shannon & Wilson installed and sampled two soil borings and converted the borings as monitoring wells. Soil and groundwater sample results indicated petroleum constituents were present at concentrations exceeding ADEC clean up levels. Additionally, the soil samples indicated, “the hydrocarbon pattern is consistent with a weathered gasoline.” This was of surprise to the Utility because the spill was only heating fuel. The Phase 2 site characterization started in 2019 and was completed in early summer 2020 and contract expenses were invoiced in summer 2020. The work identified an approximately northern and western limit to the plume. The next stage of work expected by the ADEC Contaminated Sites is to
125 Snowman Lane North Pole, Alaska 99705 (907) 488-8593 (907) 488-3002 (fax) [emailprotected]
City of North Pole Director of City Services
determine if there is vapor intrusion into the three homes immediately north of the 8th Avenue Pump House. This work requires approval of the property owners and the installation of vapor sampling equipment in their homes. Shannon and Wilson’s attached professional services agreement details the work they will perform in early fall 2020. Shannon & Wilson is a respected environmental firm in Fairbanks. They assisted the Utility with its early response to the fuel spill and provided the Utility with its first effort at site characterization to satisfy ADEC requirements. The Utility 2019 budget includes the funding for this project in the Water Division professional services category.